Modern methods of organizing independent cognitive activity of students in terms of distance learning

Cognitive independence - the quality of a student’s personality which associated with preparation for a future profession. The effectiveness of self-education - the method of providing teaching materials, monitoring the work, contact with the teacher.

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Дата добавления 07.06.2022
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Modern methods of organizing independent cognitive activity of students in terms of distance learning

Yuliia Ivaneko

Yuliia Ivaneko Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant of the Department of General Psychology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv (Ukraine)


The aim of the article is to determine the optimal forms and methods of organizing independent cognitive activity of students in terms of distance learning.

A set of general scientific research methods was used to solve the tasks set in the work: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological psychological and pedagogical literature, synthesis, comparison, classification, systematization, scientific interpretation and modeling.

The results of the research. The article analyzes modern approaches to clarifying the concept of «independent cognitive activity»; psychological features and mechanisms of activation of independent cognitive activity of students are considered; the conditions of effective organization of independent cognitive activity of students are determined; the author's technology for development of cognitive independence, formation of positive motivation of training, skills of self-organization and self-regulation, development of reflective thinking by effective forms and methods of training is offered.

Conclusions. It is established that the organization of independent cognitive activity of students promotes the development of their self-organization and self-control, creative search, deepening of acquired knowledge and methods of their application, reflective thinking, cognitive activity, systematization, generalization and responsibility for the result. It is investigated that for formation of independent cognitive activity of students the most effective forms and methods of work are method of problem situations, method of reflection, method of discussion, method of case-study, method of heuristic conversation, method of brainstorming, goal setting technique, project method and online learning technologies.

Key words: cognitive independence, cognitive activity, independent work, activation of cognitive activity, distance learning, forms and methods of teaching, information and communication technology.

Сучасні методи організації самостійної пізнавальної діяльності студентів в умовах дистанційного навчання. Юлія Іванеко Кандидат психологічних наук, асистент кафедри загальної психології, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, м. Київ (Україна)


У статті наголошено на актуальності пошуку та впровадження сучасних форм і методів роботи в умовах дистанційного навчання та широкого використання інформаційних технологій у вищій школі.

Мета дослідження визначити оптимальні форми і методи організації самостійної пізнавальної діяльності студентів в умовах дистанційного навчання.

Для розв'язання поставлених у роботі завдань було використано комплекс таких загальнонаукових методів дослідження: теоретичний аналіз та узагальнення науково-методичної психолого-педагогічної літератури, синтез, порівняння, класифікація, систематизація, наукова інтерпретація, моделювання.

Результати дослідження. У статті проаналізовано сучасні підходи до з'ясування поняття «самостійна пізнавальна діяльність»; розглянуто психологічні особливості й механізми активізації самостійної пізнавальної діяльності студентів; визначено умови ефективної організації самостійної пізнавальної діяльності студентів; запропоновано авторську технологію для розвитку пізнавальної самостійності, формування позитивної мотивації навчання, навичок самоорганізації та саморегуляції, розвитку рефлексивного мислення ефективними формами і методами навчання.

Висновки. Установлено, що організація самостійної пізнавальної діяльності студентів сприяє розвитку їх самоорганізації та самоконтролю, творчого пошуку; поглибленню набутих знань і способів їх застосування, рефлексивного мислення, пізнавальної активності, систематизації, узагальнення результатів і відповідальності за їх кінцевий результат. Досліджено, що для формування самостійної пізнавальної діяльності студентів найефективнішими формами і методами роботи є: метод проблемних ситуацій, метод рефлексії, метод дискусії, метод case-study, метод евристичної бесіди, метод мозкового штурму, техніка цілепокладання, проектний метод і навчальні онлайн-технології.

Ключові слова: пізнавальна самостійність, пізнавальна діяльність, самостійна робота, активізація пізнавальної активності, дистанційне навчання, форми і методи навчання, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології.

Иванеко Юлия. Современные методы организации самостоятельной познавательной деятельности студентов в условиях дистанционного обучения

В статье отмечена актуальность поиска и внедрения современных форм и методов работы в условиях дистанционного обучения и широкого использования информационных технологий в высшей школе.

Цель исследования определить оптимальные формы и методы организации самостоятельной познавательной деятельности студентов в условиях дистанционного обучения.

Для реализации поставленных в работе задач был использован комплекс следующих общенаучных методов исследования: теоретический анализ и обобщение научно-методической психолого-педагогической литературы, синтез, сравнение, классификация, систематизация, научная интерпретация, моделирование.

Результаты исследования. В статье проанализированы современные подходы к выяснению понятия «самостоятельная познавательная деятельность»; рассмотрены психологические особенности и механизмы активизации самостоятельной познавательной деятельности студентов; определены условия эффективной организации самостоятельной познавательной деятельности студентов; предложена авторская технология для развития познавательной самостоятельности, формирования положительной мотивации учения, навыков самоорганизации и саморегуляции, развития рефлексивного мышления эффективными формами и методами обучения.

Выводы. Установлено, что организация самостоятельной познавательной деятельности студентов способствует развитию их самоорганизации и самоконтроля, творческого поиска; углублению приобретенных знаний и способов их применения, рефлексивного мышления, познавательной активности, систематизации, обобщения результатов и ответственности за их конечный результат. Доказано, что для формирования самостоятельной познавательной деятельности студентов наиболее эффективными формами и методами работы есть: метод проблемных ситуаций, метод рефлексии, метод дискуссии, метод casestudy, метод эвристической беседы, метод мозгового штурма, техника целеполагания, проектный метод и обучающие онлайн-технологии.

Ключевые слова: познавательная самостоятельность, познавательная деятельность, самостоятельная работа, активизация познавательной активности, дистанционное обучение, формы и методы обучения, информационно-коммуникационные технологии.


Modern higher education requires innovative approaches to the organization of independent cognitive activity of students. The problem of independence of thinking and human activity is directly related to changing the paradigm of modern education. The fact is that over the past decades in the education system a serious contradiction arose between the rapid growth rates of knowledge in the modern world and the limited capabilities of their assimilation during the training period. This contradiction makes it possible to move from the traditional model «education for all life» to a new model of «lifelong learning», that is education throughout life. Accordingly, higher educational establishments in the light of a new educational paradigm should primarily form the internal need for self-study and self-improvement, which is a requirement of time and a condition of realization of personal potential. The ability of a person to self-affirmation at a professional level entirely depends on its individual involvement in an independent process of obtaining new knowledge. The solution of this task is carried out through the search for content, forms, methods and training tools that provide expansion of development opportunities, self-development and self-realization of personality. One of the main types of educational activities, which can improve the quality of training specialists, is an independent educational and cognitive activity of students. Properly organized independent cognitive activity of students is a prerequisite for successful training.

The effectiveness of education and the quality of vocational training in high school depends, first of all, on the readiness of all participants in the educational process to adapt to new changes that constantly force them to look for more effective modern forms and methods of work. Over the past year, distance learning has become the most widespread in the context of the pandemic situation in the country. Moreover, in the conditions of prolonged forced social isolation, we have to look for new, more effective tools and approaches to achieve our own professional goals.

Modern society needs specialists who are able to quickly adapt to new conditions, quickly make non-standard decisions, think critically and reflexively evaluate the processes and results of training, act creatively, independently. Independent cognitive activity ensures the development of skills of selforganization and self-control of educational activities, creates methodological foundations for independent solution of professional problems, formation of educational and professional amateur activities.

Therefore, in modern education, the demand for the introduction of the latest technologies focused on independence in education is becoming increasingly relevant. This is due to the transition to distance learning and the wide use of information technologies that make it possible to implement the self-educational activities effectively.

The essence of independent cognitive activity, technology and methodology of its organization studied Yu.K. Babanskyi (Бабанский, 1981), V.K. Buriak (Буряк, 2005), I.A. Zymnia (Зимня, 2001), E. King (King, 1999), A. Tom (Tom, 1984) and other scientists. The psychological aspect of independent cognitive activity is highlighted in the works of P.Ya. Halperin (Гальперин, 1999), O.M. Leontiev (Леонтьев, 1985), N.A. Menchynska (Менчинская, 2004), H.S. Kostiuk (Костюк, 1989), M.I. Smirnova (Смирнова, 2005), J. Lanier (Lanier, 1986) etc. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the efficiency of independent cognitive activity of students in higher educational institutions are reflected in the research of V.A. Kozakov (Козаков, 1990), P.I. Pidkasistyi (Пидкасистый, 1979) etc. Formation of the skills of independent cognitive activity in students is partly highlighted in the works of V.I. Bondar (Бондар, 1996), O.G. Moroz (Мороз, 1972) and other scientists. Involvement of information technologies in the learning process is also considered in the works of E.A. Barakhsanova (Барахсанова, 2000), E.I. Mashbits (Машбиц, 1988) and others.

One of the promising research in this direction is the development and improvement of forms and methods of training, which will provide a student university skills and skills of purposeful, focused, intensive self-education work.

Therefore, given the relevance of these problems, the aim of this research is to determine the optimal forms and methods of organizing independent cognitive activity of students in terms of distance learning.

In order to achieve the aim stated in our research, we have to complete a set of the following objectives: find out the essence of the concept of «independent cognitive activity», to identify its main characteristics and mechanisms for its intensification in distance learning; analyze the psychological features of the organization of independent cognitive activity of students; to propose modern forms and methods of activation of cognitive activity of students in the conditions of distance learning; to offer modern forms and methods of activation of cognitive activity of students in the conditions of distance learning.

Methods of the research

To achieve the aim and solve these tasks, a system of general scientific methods and techniques of scientific knowledge was used: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological psychological and pedagogical literature, synthesis, comparison, classification, systematization, scientific interpretation and modeling.

Results and their discussion

Independent cognitive activity of students is a complicated phenomenon, which combines such important didactic categories as «cognitive independence», «independent work» and «cognitive activity».

Independent work, which is considered as an activity is a multifaceted, multifunctional phenomenon. It has not only educational, but also personal and public significance. In the modern didactics of higher education, the concept of a personal-activity approach consists in the fact that the main task of a teacher of a higher educational institution is not translation of ready-made knowledge, but organization of active independent work of students. The main organizational features of independent work are recognized: «availability of tasks for independent work; allocating special time for their implementation allocation; planning of methods, tools and forms of independent work; students' educational activities (collective or individual), their activity at the same time; self-control and current control; management of this work by the teacher; availability of expected results» (Заика, 2002).

Implementation of independent work at any stage of training requires a high level of self-awareness, reflexivity, selfdiscipline, responsibility. It shows such features as positive motivation, purposefulness, self-organization, independence, self-control and other personality and subjective qualities.

Consequently, in the definition of activity, independent work is an activity organized by the student in accordance with personal internal cognitive motives, at the most rational time for him, controlled by him in the process and by results based on indirect systematic management by the teacher (Демченко, 2006).

The organization of independent work raises a number of questions, including the question of forming the readiness of the student himself as a subject of this form of activity. From the point of view of N. Bukhlova, the student is ready for independent activity when he has acquired a certain amount of knowledge that forms the basis of self-educational cognitive activity; internal motives that motivate the individual to lifelong learning; developed skills of mastering knowledge and skills using a variety of sources; stable mental skills; selforganization of cognitive activity (Бухлова, 2003).

In high school, cognitive independence is defined as the quality of a student's personality and is associated with preparation for a future profession. Therefore, the whole system of organizing independent work in higher education should be aimed at the development of students' independence as a principle of life of the future specialist, the most important criterion for the development of his creative activity in cognition, work and communication.

Cognitive independence contains motivational and procedural components. In the procedural component, there are two aspects: semantic and operational. Semantic provides the formation of human scientific concepts, methods and techniques of learning new things. Operating contains tools of cognition -- intellectual skills. The combination of these aspects is a process of independent cognitive activity. Independent cognitive activity can arise as a result of internal motivation, motivation of students or stimulated by external requirements, conditions that can cause a positive or negative effect (Солдатенко, 2006).

Indicators of the presence of cognitive independence are:

the student's ability to acquire new knowledge independently from various sources of information and improve their skills and abilities;

the ability to use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities for further self-education;

the ability to apply them in practical activities to solve any life situations (Lanier, 1986).

These qualities of the student are due to the presence of a high level of cognitive need and interest in knowledge, the presence of motives for learning.

The independence is correlated with the self-realization of the individual, with its activity in relation to internal motivation, without external coercion, with relative independence. The highest level of development of independence is characterized by a productive creative nature of activity, not stereotyping of decisions, deeds and actions of the individual (Заика, 2002).

Interest in learning, initiative in educational work, cognitive independence, mental effort in solving the cognitive task have a positive effect on the activity of students in learning, creating favorable conditions for the development of their educational and cognitive activities.

The specificity of the student's educational activity is determined by the purpose, appropriate conditions and positive motivation, which have a professional orientation. A stable and strong scientific and cognitive motive contributes to the fact that the individual does not feel the need for external incentives, the level of its independence is quite high.

Therefore, cognitive activity is a conscious identification of the activity of the individual, aimed at cognition of the surrounding reality, which is carried out throughout the life, in all types of activities and social interactions, contains in its structure of motivational and volitional, procedural and operational, and productive components and is carried out through cognitive acts of understanding and reflection.

The structure of independent cognitive activity is valuable for clarifying the essence of the concept of «independent cognitive activity» of students, and it is proposed by O. Mukoviz, which is at the intersection of the concepts of «independence», «cognition», «activity», «cognitive activity», «cognitive independence», «independent work» and carries the essential characteristics of each of them. Thus, the scientist considers independent cognitive activity of students as a set of didactically envisaged efforts that enrich intellectual sensitivity and contribute to an in-depth self-search under the guidance of the teacher of the information (knowledge) that «works» on professional experience (skills and abilities) and further professional self-improvement.

O. Ovcharuk defines independent cognitive activity as purposeful, internally motivated, structured by the subject in the set of performed actions and adjusted by him according to the process and result of activity.

Taking into consideration our research interest and analysis of modern scientific research to define the concept of «independent cognitive activity», we believe that the key element is the ability of the subject to self-organization of independent work, determined by their own cognitive motives and self-management without outside guidance and assistance that is a reserve of activity for successful study in a higher educational institution.

Independent educational and cognitive activity involves the presence of:

the goal that stimulates for purposeful, meaningful educational and cognitive activity;

interests, motives and motivation for educational and cognitive and future professional activity;

activity in educational and cognitive activity, concentration on mastering the foundations of the future specialty;

social and psychological readiness for educational and cognitive activity.

Thus, the concept of «independent cognitive activity» includes not only external features, but also internal factors of student activity: not only the acquisition of knowledge, skills, abilities, but also their mandatory transformation and creative conscious use.

The value of independent cognitive activity consists in that it:

allows to acquire much more knowledge than in the period of classroom work;

provides a variety of forms of activity, information channels, which leads to a high level of learning material;

creates conditions for beliefs, motivates to self-education;

forms stable self-educational skills.

The effectiveness of self-education, more than other forms of education, depends on the methods of providing teaching materials, monitoring the work and contact with the teacher. Therefore, first of all, the development of this form of education was due to the introduction of the latest information technologies and means of communication.

The distance learning system is designed mainly to people sufficiently conscientious, which do not require constant control by the teacher. Therefore, the motivation of listeners, their ability to self-organization plays an important role in distance learning. Therefore, the most important components of distance learning are creating practical situations during the educational process, the opportunity for the student to manifest themselves, self-realization, the clarity of the organization of the educational process and an individual approach.

Unfortunately, this type of educational activity causes students to the difficulties and misunderstandings. The results of many studies show that only less than a third part of students are able to plan effectively and rationally, but the most important is to organize its independent work and to organize their own work. Therefore, indirect systematic guidance by the teacher is significant in this type of work (Maygeldiyeva et al., 2020).

Every teacher knows that learning is more successful if the student has a positive motivation, cognitive interest, the need for knowledge, responsibility and other motives. And it is the teacher who must constantly find appropriate ways of influence to maintain this motivation, purposefully work to create a situation where there is a need to find out and learn something new.

Didactic materials that are used during the educational process are of particular importance for the activation of independent cognitive activity of students. Such teaching materials should contain clearly defined tasks and examples of their implementation and provide clear criteria for measuring results (Бондар, 1996).

The content of tasks for self-study will provide a high level of motivation, if they are not only interesting for students, but also meet the level of training, focus on the needs and interests of students, and will be based on modern professionaloriented and practical-directed materials.

Independent work on junior and senior courses should differ in their content filling. In junior courses, it provides, mainly self-execution of tasks whose purpose is the accumulation and assimilation of basic skills. However, in the future, the independent work of students must acquire an increasingly creative, problem-searching character. At senior courses, it is necessary to direct students to the research approach to organizing its work and direct participation in the implementation of scientific research (Saparkyzya et al., 2016).

When organizing independent work you should also take into account the individual psychological characteristics of each student or group. It is advisable to offer tasks of different levels of complexity, different content, with the right to choose the desired option. This approach will encourage students even with a low level of knowledge to restructure their positions in the learning process and further self-improvement.

Monitoring the performance of students' independent work is an integral part of the educational process. The assessment should be open and understandable to students. To stimulate the self-control activities of students will use various types of verification tasks, tests, interrelation and the opportunity to correct and comprehend their own mistakes correctly (Бухлова, 2003).

There are some destructive factors in the organization of independent work, such as the authoritarian style of teaching and the teacher's reluctance to emphasize the importance of independent, sometimes not even successful enough. It is important to turn the verification of such work into a certain informative, not a controlling factor that shows the level of assimilation of the material passed and helps to self-regulate their educational activities (Демченко, 2006).

It is very important from the beginning to teach students the practical techniques of organizing their independent activities. Such techniques and skills include the ability to work with a synopsis, book, technical means, the ability to rationally and gradually plan their self-educational activities, to analyze tasks.

All modern educational technologies are aimed at teaching a student to work independently, since this quality makes it possible to adapt successfully to a changeable society. The main role in organizing independent work of students have exactly those information technologies that open access to non-traditional sources of information, give opportunities for acquiring and consolidating skills, allow you to realize new learning methods.

According to many scientists, the unpreparedness of some students to productive independent educational activity is due to the lack of tools for successful overcoming the difficulties in self-assimilation of theoretical knowledge, which requires constant mobilization of will and attention, maximum concentration of intellectual efforts. Therefore, the problem of mastering future specialists with rational methods of educational work, the formation of skills and abilities of independent cognitive activity in them becomes of paramount importance (Balabekova et al., 2013). It should be noted that the existing system of teaching, control and assessment of students' knowledge in the higher school of Ukraine does not meet modern requirements and does not allow to organize the educational process so that the subject tries to work systematically independently with maximum manifestation of their creative abilities.

In modern pedagogical practice, among the most effective methods of organizing independent work of students, contributing to the individualization and intensification of the educational process, should be noted: problem-solving methods; project learning method; methods of collective mental activity; method of application of the newest information and communication technologies in training (Демченко, 2006; Лвшчук, 2012).

Information technologies in education are not just a means of training, but also qualitatively new technologies in the preparation of competitive specialists. They allow you to expand significantly the creative potential of students, based on the framework of a traditional model of learning. The ability to learn independently acquired electronic training materials, educational databases, computer curricula, testing systems.

Thus, we propose to consider the key stages of our developed author's technology to intensify the cognitive activity of students in educational activities with the purposeful use of methods, techniques, tools.

The first stage is «Problem-target». Cognitive activity is a product of cognitive needs and interests of the individual. Only when there is a need that motivates a person to activity, the activity of the individual is stimulated. Satisfaction of some cognitive needs leads to the emergence of new ones, but the need for cognitive activity does not arise in itself. Therefore, it is necessary to create certain conditions for cognitive activity of students, which would encourage them to active cognitive activity.

At this stage, through specially prepared tasks, which gradually become more complicated, a problem situation is created, from which the student lacks the existing knowledge, and he is forced to form new knowledge actively with the help of the teacher and other students, based on personal or other people's experience, which leads to the stimulation of cognitive motivation and activation of thinking on their own search activities. Thus, the student gets new knowledge not in the ready formulations of the teacher, but as a result of own active cognitive activity (Abilkhamitkyzy, Aimukhambet & Sarekenova, 2014).

At this level, it is also important for a teacher to formulate clear target boundaries for the topics being studied. After all, the programs of courses are quite saturated, and auditor teaching is limited in time, so a clear awareness of the final result more effectively optimizes the educational and search activities of students. Among such methods there are: method of problem situations, discussion method, case study (method for analyzing specific situations).

Thus, the teacher raises a problem situation for students or offers to consider a professional case, involving participants in a discussion, in order to find ways to resolve the identified contradiction, while updating the previous experience of students. As a result, there is a process of problematization of students, the value of which is that there is an activation of personal motivation of students to eliminate these contradictions, as well as the actualization of personal meaning in solving similar problem situations in future professional activities.

After defining the educational goals and students' awareness of their own contradictions in solving the problem situation, we move on to the equally important second stage -- «Actualization of own resources and restrictions», the result of which is a designed plan (project) to find those knowledge, skills and abilities that are sent effective achievement of the goal in the previous stage.

The concept of actualization determines not only to intensify the acquired knowledge and experience, but also focusing attention, creation of positive motivation, awareness of personal significance for future activities (Смирнова, 2005).

It is possible to activate the collective and individual attention of students by such methods as the method of heuristic conversation, various kind of didactic materials (visual or logical schemes, plans-summaries, videos, etc.), performing independent tasks that involve activating students' attention (for example, some identical transformation, perform a task similar to the one considered by the teacher, etc.), comparing the result of its actions in accordance with the given sample (control), receptions of self-control at different stages of classes, reviewing works or answers, self-examination and cross-check.

To analyze the existing contradictions and find ways to effectively solve problem situations, we propose to use the following individual-group forms and methods of work:

Method of brainstorming (generation of ideas).

Work in mini groups (groups of interactions for resource exchange (knowledge, skills and experiences).

Method of reflection (self-analysis: «What resources do I lack to effectively solve the problem situation?»).

The method of goal setting (program of actions (tasks) to find and develop the necessary resources and eliminate their own limitations (lack of knowledge, time, experience, low motivation, laziness, etc.).

After students awareness their resources and limitations to achieve this goal, comes the third stage -- «Resource» which consists of two interdependent stages: scientific-cognitive (acquisition of theoretical knowledge) and practical-forming (formation of practical skills). At this stage, each of the students, in accordance with their program (project for the development of own resources) acquires those competencies that will be able to integrate in their professional activities.

Among the effective methods, in our opinion there are the following: method of discussion (debates, negotiations, conferences, round tables, briefings); method of critical thinking; role and business games; training technologies (socio-psychological training).

And the final fourth stage of the «Project», which is the most emotional and responsible for all participants in the process and is associated with the presentation of their own projects. Project technology involves solving a specific problem by a student or a group of students, which requires, on the one hand, the use of different methods, learning tools, and on the other -- the integration of knowledge, skills from different fields of knowledge. The main subjects of the project are students who independently master the theoretical material, collect examples, offer, prepare a report for the presentation of their project. The role of the teacher is, at first glance, secondary, which allows students to feel relatively independent, to some extent, unlimited while working on the task. However, the teacher is the leader, tutor and court of any project, he is the consultant who is responsible for the questions he provides to the project executors during their work, helps to collect reference books and determines the activities in the necessary direction.

The result of the project should be significant: in order to solve the theoretical problem, a specific solution (theoretical model, the results of the research) for a practical problem -- developed a program with selected tools for developing the necessary resources for professional tasks. Usually, the presentation of student projects takes place as a final attestation, as a result of which, each student receives points obtained during the secret ballot from other students, feedback (recommendation) from the teacher and self-assessment.


cognitive independence education student

Summarizing the various scientific points of view, it is worth noting the following features of independent cognitive activity:

An independent cognitive activity of the student is an organized activity that includes the following components: awareness of the purpose and the set educational task; clear and systemic planning of independent work; search for the necessary educational and scientific information; assimilation of own information and its logical processing; use of problem-search methods, methods of research work and the latest information and communication technologies for solving the tasks; development one's own position on the task; representation, substantiation and defence of the received decision; conducting self-examination and self-control.

Educational and cognitive activity is exploratory in nature, during its implementation several cognitive tasks are solved, its result is the solution of problem situations. The student's independent cognitive activity is such that it is self-regulating, self-governing, internally motivated and selective.

In order to intensify the cognitive activity of students by methods and forms of independent and collective work (method of problem situations, method of discussion, case-study, heuristic conversation, brainstorming, reflection, projects, goal setting, time-management, information and communication technologies), we have proposed author's technology, which allows through problematization of personal cognitive meaning, to find and realize their own resources and limitations for resolving contradictions that are relevant for future professional activities and to develop a project for independent solution of professional problems, the formation of educational and professional self-activities.

Prospects for further research we see in an empirical research of the effectiveness of the proposed forms and methods of work in the educational and cognitive activity of students.


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31. Saparkyzya, Z., Isatayevab, G., Kozhabekovab, Z., Zhakeshevab, A., Koptayevae, G., Agabekovaf, G., & et al. The Formation and Development of Cognitive Activity of Students in the Learning Process. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 2016, 11 (18), 12235-12244. Look Academic Publishers Tom, A. Teaching as a Moral Craft. New York: Longman.

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