Implementation of the local history approach in the training of the future teacher of geography

The problems of formation of national consciousness and patriotism in future citizens occupy a prominent place in the conditions of reforming modern pedagogical education, which presupposes local history studies (LHS) mastering and cultural training.

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Implementation of the local history approach in the training of the future teacher of geography

O.Ye. Antonova

R. P. Vlasenko

O. M. Boreiko

The problems of formation of national consciousness and patriotism in future citizens occupy a prominent place in the conditions of reforming modern pedagogical education, which presupposes local history studies (LHS) mastering and cultural training of future teachers, in particular teachers of geography. The importance of this issue has been discussed for quite some time. Thus, at the beginning of 2000 in such legal state documents as the Decree of the President of Ukraine (2001) "On measures to support the local history studies movement in Ukraine", the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers (№ 789; 10.06.2002) "On approval of the Local History Studies Development Program for 2010 it was stated that "local history remains an underdeveloped branch of science, as evidenced by the lack of general theoretical development and terminology in this area" [15].

The importance of local history knowledge of a geography teacher is recognized and maintained at the state level and is reflected in the legal program documents of his/her training. Thus, among the special competencies (SC) in the educational and professional training program for future teachers of geography is the one that is manifested as "the ability to implement local history approach during geography lessons, extracurricular and out-of-school activities"; moreover, among the program results "the ability to form environmental values and responsible attitude to nature takes a prominent place, as well as the designation of respect for cultural values and traditions of the local population during local history tours and tourist trips, in- and out of the classroom hours".

Such attention to LHS of geography teachers is due to changes in the methodological system of local history research at school, the constant expansion of the scope of local lore information, the popularization of tourism in education, etc. [14]. Therefore, the teacher has ceased to be the main source of information, and his/ her main burden falls on the organization of the educational process, the ability to interact with students, communicate and manage their cognitive activities during the lesson and outside the classroom becomes one of the most important professional qualities.

However, the problems of implementing the local history studies approach (LHSA) in the educational and extracurricular activities of students in the process of training of future teachers of geography arises, which also includes insufficient awareness of the local history related activities, and presence of gaps in knowledge of methods of processing collected empiric materials, etc. [5; 6].

Key words: geography teacher, local history approach, geographic local history approach, local history competence, excursion.


О. Є. Антонова, Р. П. Власенко, О. М. Борейко

В умовах реформування сучасної педагогічної освіти чільне місце посідають проблеми формування у майбутніх громадян національної свідомості й патріотизму, що передбачає краєзнавчу та культуротворчу підготовку майбутнього вчителя, зокрема вчителя географії. Про важливість реалізації цієї проблеми йдеться вже достатньо тривалий час. Так ще на початку двохтисячних у таких державних документах як Указ Президента України 2001 р. "Про заходи щодо підтримки краєзнавчого руху в Україні", Постанова Кабінету Міністрів (№ 789 від 10.06.2002 р.) "Про затвердження Програми розвитку краєзнавства на період до 2010 року" вказувалося, що "краєзнавство залишається недостатньо розвинутою галуззю науки, про що свідчить відсутність загальнотеоретичних розробок... і термінології в цій галузі" [15]. teacher geography local

Важливість краєзнавчих знань вчителя географії усвідомлюється і підтримується на державному рівні та відображається у програмних документах його підготовки. Так, серед спеціальних компетентностей в освітньо-професійній програмі підготовки майбутнього вчителя географії виокремлюється "здатність реалізовувати краєзнавчий підхід на уроках географії, у позакласній та позашкільній діяльності», а серед програмних результатів чільне місце посідає «здатність формувати в учнів екологічні цінності й відповідальне ставлення до природи, повагу культурних цінностей і традицій місцевого населення під час краєзнавчих екскурсій і туристичних походів в урочний та позаурочний час".

Така увага до краєзнавчої роботи вчителів географії зумовлена змінами, що відбуваються у методичній системі проведення краєзнавчих досліджень у школі, постійним розширенням сфери застосування краєзнавчої інформації, популярністю туристичних акцій в освіті тощо [14]. Зважаючи на те, що вчитель перестав бути основним джерелом інформації, а основне його навантаження припадає на організацію ним освітнього процесу, вміння забезпечувати взаємодію з учнями, спілкуватися і керувати їх пізнавальною діяльністю під час уроку та за межами класу, стає однією із важливіших професійних якостей педагога.

Однак у підготовці майбутніх учителів географії залишаються недостатньо розробленими проблеми реалізації краєзнавчого підходу у навчальній та позанавчальній діяльності учнів, недостатня обізнаність студентів з системою краєзнавчої роботи, прогалини у знаннях способів обробки зібраних польових матеріалів тощо [5; 6].

Ключові слова: вчитель географії, краєзнавство, географічне краєзнавство, краєзнавчий підхід, краєзнавча компетентність, екскурсія.

Introduction of the issue

Problems of LHSA (local history studies approach) activities within the school in its various aspects have always attracted the attention of both researchers and practicing teachers. Thus, S. Rusova, Y. Fedkovych, I. Franko proposed to combine knowledge about the regions of Ukraine with the peculiarities of life of the population of a corresponding region in the content of education. Theoretical issues of geographical local history were studied by V. Krul, H. Krul [9], M. M. Palamarchuk,O. M. Palamarchuk [12],P. H. Shyshchenko [16]. Also, scientific research and analysis of these issues was conducted by V. V. Benediuk,

A. Lysycharova, M. P. Krachylo [8],M. Yu. Kostrytsia, V. V. Obosnyi,N. H. Pbydailo [13]. The theory and practice of teaching children local history are presented in research of V. Kornieieva, T. Bondarenko,

P. Tronko and other. Methodological aspects of modern school local lore are widely covered in the works of M. Kostrytsia, P. Masliak, O. Nadtok, V. Obosnyi, I. Prus, K. Stroieva, V. Yatsenko and other.

The outline of unresolved issues brought up in the article. However, the problem of training future geography teachers to implement the local history studies approach in the educational process has not been properly reviewed and clarified.

Aim of research is to determine the essence of the local history studies approach (LHSA) in teaching geography at school and choosing effective ways to implement it on the example of training future teachers of geography at Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University.

Results and discussion. The concept of "local history studies” in the scientific and pedagogical literature is interpreted differently. Thus,

S. U. Honcharenko in "Ukrainian Pedagogical Dictionary" defines local history studies as an educational work, which consists of a comprehensive study of a part of the country (area, district, city, etc.), the main task of which is to identify the nature, population, economy, history and culture of the corresponding land, as well as its scientific, educational, pedagogical and practical purpose [3: 179].

According to S. Kolesnik, local history studies comprehensively investigares small areas using data from such sciences as geology, geography, history, ethnography. A "small area" means an administrative district, a small town, a rural settlement, but all the studied facts, phenomena and processes are traced in a particular region comprehensively, i.e. in all their causal interrelations. Therefore, local history, which studies the features of nature, population, economy, history and culture, science and religious beliefs, customs, rituals and environmental issues in the local area is an integrated (complex) science. N. Pobydailo notes that due to LHS, teaching geography is based on observations of "true reality" and not on "verbal schemes" [13].

Geographical local history studies, as a component of geographical science, is, from the point of view of B. Chernov and A. Syrotenko [15], a system of knowledge that reflects variousinterconnected elements of the reality of the native land (uniqueness of nature, settlement(s) of ethnic groups,

historical features of economic development and spiritual culture,

natural and historical-archaeological cultural monuments, protected areas). Therefore, we can assume that the object of geographical LHS in general is the natural, economic and cultural system of the native land, the study of which is carried out comprehensively using general and specific methods for each local history science [15].

Supporting the opinion of such researchers as O. V. Kornieieva and

N. Pobydailo, we believe that geographical local history studies involve two main objectives: the first one, which presupposes a comprehensive investigation of particular area and the accumulation of local lore material; the second that implies using gathered material and data in educational process, namely teaching geography [7]. Thus, geographical local history studies play a leading role in students' understanding of the relationship between nature, population and economy, knowledge of the native land, which is the key to proper understanding and further nature-friendly use of the environment that contribute to the overall development and upbringing of an individual. Moreover, even A. S. Makarenko [10] emphasized that the human personality and its components such as character traits, temperament, work capabilities and mental skills should be formed on the basis of local history material, which is inherent in the region in which the pupils live and contribute to his/her developments by identifying the most prominent achievements of local people.

Thus, all above-mentioned highlights the necessity to introduce local history studies approach into the process of teaching geography at school, as well as training future teachers of geography on the basis of its implementation.

In the pedagogical literature and school practice, the concept of "local history studies approach" is interpreted as one of the principles of teaching, which implies clarification, specification, disclosure and

confirmation of scientific concepts by the facts and phenomena of the surrounding reality. Thus, it involves the systematic establishment of links between the study of physical geography and the knowledge that students acquire as a result of direct exploration of the corresponding region. On the basis of real-life observation of objects and phenomena, their perception allows them to reveal regularities, make generalization, conclusions, and, as a result, acquire the necessary practical knowledge. The implementation of the principle of local history studies, according to V Makhanko, presupposes a comprehensive investigation of the territory of their region by the students, verification of various sources of information, direct observations under the guidance of a teacher for educational purposes [11].

Training of the future teacher of geography for the implementation of the local history studies approach significantly affects his/her formation and development as a person and as a professional. The content of local history education should focus on the structure and nature of professional activity [1], prepare future teachers to carry out LHS work (determine its goals and objectives, select the content of local history material, organize the educational process, evaluate students' educational achievements using innovative technologies, etc.) [2].

According to N. Pobydailo, while carrying out their work geography teachers mostly implement the local history studies approach through the most accessible and popular forms of investigating nature and economy - the excursions, which deepen students' knowledge, stimulate cognition, arouse interest in geographical awareness [13].

Geographical excursion is one of the forms of organization of the educational process in primary school, in which the learning process is conducted out-of- the-classroom, which allows the direct communication of students with objects and phenomena of the surrounding environment [13]. It also ensures the implementation of the principle of unity of theory and practice, emphasizes the connection of learning with real life and lets the teacher demonstrate those geographical objects and phenomena that can't be displayed or recreated by conventional means within the classroom [13]. Excursion grants the students a possibility to accumulate semantic ideas that serve as a basis for the further formation of physical and geographical concepts. The main method of work during excursions are group observations, which is combined with students' independent work.

During the excursion tour students learn the scientific foundations of geographical patterns, expand and amplify students' understanding of the relationships and interconnections between the individual components of the geographical environment. As noted by M. P. Krachylo, theoretical knowledge gained during hikes and excursions get practical application (conducting mineral exploration, soil research and meteorological and/or hydrological observations for industry, agriculture and transport, collecting medicinal and other valuable herbs, growing seedlings of fruit trees, taking care of crops and young animals, harvesting, assessing soil erosion and eradicating field pests, conducting various reclamation activities, etc.). By independently performing practical tasks students learn to systematize the material, take notes, make records, work with documents. Such exercises develop children's creative and critical thinking [8].

According to V. S. Grytska and V. K. Irymesku [4], geographical excursions, hikes and expeditions are of a great potential to instill in students the skills of the simplest scientific research and invoke their social activities and cooperation. First of all, researchers note that there are many concepts and patterns of geography at school that can be fully mastered only on the basis of studying local history material in the real-life situation (study of geological and soil section, valley structure, determining river water flow, etc.). In addition, students are convinced of the practical value of geographical knowledge and research of human economic activities (learn to navigate the terrain, measure distances and take a map of the area, determine the speed of the river, its water flow and energy capacity, collect samples of rocks and soils, distinguish between crops, tree species, identify minerals, work with cameras and video cameras, provide first aid to a victim friend, etc.).

The material collected during excursions and out-of-classroom activities can be further used by the geography teacher as an illustrative material during lessons to help students eliminate the abstractness of geographical concepts and avoid the probability of mechanical assimilation. Students are interested in the demonstration of computer-aided photographs and videos of local landscapes and explanations of their features, for it creates a significant emotional impact on them, develops aesthetic tastes, allows them to gain local history knowledge about nature, population and economy of corresponding village, city, district, region, etc. The use of computer-based aid increases the motivation of local history education, develops cognitive interest in the educational process and formation of awareness of the native land [4].

Thus, excursions over the local areas, including expeditions and hikes, are widely used in the professional training of future teachers of geography at Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University. Students majoring in Secondary Education (Geography) carefully prepare and conduct a series of excursions: a cognitive tour of

Chaudouar Park around local historical monuments, sights and places of interest, which is conducted in the form of entertaining quests, for example: finding different species of trees; visiting Zhytomyr Serhii Korolov Museum of Cosmonautics and the memorial house-museum in which the engineer was born; conducting walks through the streets of Zhytomyr with immersion in the history of their names (Berdychiv, Zamkova, Pushkin, Sviatoslav Richter, Dmitrov etc.) and the stories/urban legends behind some buildings, facilities.

The students were extremely interested in the Zhytomyr Regional Museum of Local History and Lore, where they investigated the history and ethnography of their native land, visited "History of the Ukrainian People's Republic” exhibition, where they witnessed the ethnographic collection of Vasyl Hryhorovych Kravchenko. They were amazed by the rich and unique art gallery, part of which belongs to the collection of the famous art patron Baron de Chaudouard, whose exhibits were preserved in excellent condition. Valentyna Zabrodska (researcher of the Zhytomyr Regional Museum of Local History and Lore) introduced the pages of the life and work of the famous artist Mykola Maksymenko to students. As a result, an agreement was signed with the Zhytomyr Regional Museum of Local History and Lore in order to jointly conduct a number of research projects.

Oleksandr Fedorov, a student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, majoring in 014.07 "Secondary Education (Geography) ", took part in a video contest for the Mykola Kostrytsia Zhytomyr Regional Local History Prize, presenting the project "Life and Creative Way of Oleksandr Kantserov" dedicated to the extraordinary personality of an artist, who possessed two Kuinji awards.

Scientific research of students revealed peculiar forms of local history, for their topics covered the geographical features of Zhytomyr region ("Mounds that appeared in the Ovruch district of Zhytomyr region during the Tatar- Mongol invasion", "Geological features and minerals of Luhyny district of Zhytomyr region", etc.), historical essays ("History of the Tereshchenko estate in the village of Turchynivka", research of the military-historical complex "Rock", "Monastery of the Barefoot Carmelites", "History of the disappeared village of Shumsk", etc.), development of folk-crafts (current state and prospects of boarding Polissia”), contribution of famous personalities to the development of the region ("Creative way of Baron de Shoduar", "Life and work of Mykola Maksymenko", "Life and activity of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vitaliy Stepanovych Shpakivsky", etc.).

Practical classes on topography and basics of geodesy, landscape science, geology with geomorphology were repeatedly held on the territory of the agrobiostation of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University. Students got acquainted with unique samples of the collection of minerals and rocks collected by faculty members on expeditions to different parts of the world.

Students also visited Zhytomyr Regional Center of Hydrometeorology "Zhytomyr Meteorological Station", where they learnt features and main functions of the facility as well as investigated corresponding devices that are installed on the meteorological research site. This tour was of particular importance, for the famous scientist Mikhail Petrovich Kudrytsky worked in Zhytomyr in the late nineteenth century, thus he created a local agrometeorological network in Polissia, which at that time was the largest in the Russian Empire, and it trained more than 150 meteorological observers.

Conclusions and research perspectives

The local history studies approach in the process of training of future teachers of geography allows students to form a specific type of competence - local history and lore awareness, which involves mastering research skills, developing the need and ability to investigate local history knowledge and methods of activity, forms a willingness to solve local problems, including use of local history and lore for self-education and professional activities.

During the professional training students must master practical skills of working with the main sources of local history and lore, learn to organize and conduct local tours, trips, hikes, carry out the simplest scientific research of a natural origin, which is an effective pedagogical and methodological tool for educating the younger generation. Only such a teacher of geography can be the organizer of effective teaching, scientific research work, and also can act as a mentor and consultant.

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  • Організаційні методичні аспекти застосування методу Case Studies. Можливість використання методу Case Studies при викладанні курсу "Політекономія". Розробка конспекту заняття з теми: "Підприємство і підприємництво" із застосуванням методу Case Studies.

    курсовая работа [48,1 K], добавлен 06.04.2011

  • School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.

    реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013

  • Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.

    презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012

  • The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.

    курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015

  • Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.

    презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013

  • Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.

    отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013

  • Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.

    курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 10.04.2012

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