Features of modern English reading of high school students by means of innovative technologies

The importance of English reading as one of the types of speech activity. Use of innovative technologies for English reading and learning a foreign language. The expediency of their use in the process of learning foreign languages in high school.

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Дата добавления 06.06.2022
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Features of modern English reading of high school students by means of innovative technologies

I.V. Vlasiuk

The article highlights the importance of English reading as a type of linguistic activity that has great cognitive value and actually implements communicative, educational, and developmental function for high school students, and at the same time, considers the specifics of usage of innovative technologies as modern tools for English reading and learning a foreign language in general, as well as the suitability of using innovative technologies in the process of learning foreign languages at schools for high school students. There are many new methods of teaching English, and a necessary condition for choosing a particular method of teaching that is suitable for both teacher and student - knowledge of innovative learning technologies. Innovative technologies have become an integral part of a holistic educational process and can increase its effectiveness, as they affect the student's consciousness, feelings and will, form a creative personality that is able to effectively apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practice in any sphere of public life. English reading is a type of linguistic activity that allows not to imitate, but to reproduce one of the forms of real communication in English. With the help of reading in a foreign language, students get acquainted with the world of their foreign peers, with songs, poetry and fairy tales, available samples of children's fiction of the country whose language is studied. Looking at the process of reading from a psychological point of view, we can say that the process of perception and understanding of the text is directly related to thinking and memory.

When a student perceives a text, he identifies the most important links in it and synthesizes them into a single whole. At the same time, memory helps logical and technical thinking. The main principles of integration of innovative technologies in the process of learning English are: movement from whole to separate, student-centred classes, purposefulness and relevance of classes, their focus on achieving social interaction facilitated by teacher's faith in their students' success, language integration and language acquisition using knowledge from other fields of science. As a result of the use of innovative technologies, an information-rich educational process is created.

Key words: English reading, innovative technologies, skills, interactivity, computer-based learning, multimedia textbooks, e-books, multimedia resources.


І.В. Власюк

У статті висвітлюються значення англомовного читання як одного із виду мовленнєвої діяльності, що має велике пізнавальне значення і фактично реалізовує комунікативну, освітню, виховну й розвивальну функцію для учнів старших класів, та особливості використання інноваційних технологій як сучасних засобів для англомовного читання та вивчення іноземної мови загалом, а також доцільність використання інноваційних технологій у процесі пізнання іноземних мов у школах для учнів старших класів. Існує чимало новітніх методів викладання англійської мови, а необхідною умовою вибору того чи іншого методу навчання, що підходить і вчителеві, і учням, є знання інноваційних технологій навчання. Інформаційні технології стали невіддільною частиною цілісного освітнього процесу, що дозволяють підвищити його ефективність, оскільки впливають на свідомість учня, на його почуття та волю, формують творчу особистість, що здатна доцільно й ефективно застосовувати набуті знання, уміння й навички у практичній діяльності в будь-якій сфері суспільного життя. Англомовне читання є видом мовленнєвої діяльності, який дозволяє не імітувати, а відтворювати одну з форм реального спілкування англійською мовою. За допомогою читання іноземною мовою учні знайомляться зі світом закордонних однолітків, із пісенним, віршовим і казковим фольклором, доступними зразками дитячої художньої літератури країни, мова якої вивчається. Дивлячись на процес читання з іншого боку, з психологічної точки зору, можна сказати, що процес сприймання й розуміння тексту безпосередньо пов'язаний із мисленням і пам'яттю. Коли учень сприймає текст, він виділяє в ньому найсуттєвіші ланки й синтезує їх в єдине ціле. При цьому пам'ять допомагає логічному і технічному мисленню. Основними принципами інтеграції інноваційних технологій у процес вивчення англійської мови є: рух від цілого до окремого, орієнтація занять на учня, цілеспрямованість і змістовність занять, їх спрямованість на досягнення соціальної взаємодії за наявності віри у вчителя в успіх своїх учнів, інтеграція мови та засвоєння її за допомогою знань з інших галузей наук. У результаті використання інноваційних технологій створюється інформаційно насичений навчальний процес.

Ключові слова: англомовне читання, інноваційні технології, навички, інтерактивність, комп'ютеризоване навчання, мультимедійні підручники, електронні книги, мультимедійні ресурси.

Introduction of the issue

innovative technology english speaking speech

At the present stage, the implementation of the language strategy in education is carried out through the comprehensive and consistent implementation of innovations, which are dictated by the new requirements for mastering a foreign language. Knowledge of a foreign language is the key to a successful career and professional growth, and therefore, it is important to acquaint students with the peculiarities of intercultural communication. There are now many new methods of teaching English. A necessary condition for choosing a method of teaching that is suitable for both teachers and students is knowledge of innovative learning technologies. The main task of a modern teacher is to choose the methods and forms of organizing the educational activities of students that best meet the level of development of each student.

The relevance of this study is that the process of integration of Ukraine into the international community, identified in this regard problems of cultural nature and those, connected to informational technologies, necessitate the study of a foreign language. The current conditions acquire a special meaning and set a number of tasks, among which the priority takes a type of learning, which provides, along with linguistic knowledge, a successful entry into a foreign culture.

Today in Ukraine a new education system is taking roots, accompanied by significant changes in pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process, related to adjustments in the content of learning technologies that must meet modern technical capabilities and promote the harmonious entry of high school students into the information society. Innovative technologies have become an integral part of a holistic educational process that can increase its efficiency. The object of research is the features of modern English reading of high school students in the process of application of innovative technologies. The subject of research is to improve the methodology of reading English in accordance with modern technical teaching aids.

Current state of the issue. The problem of teaching reading as one of the types of linguistic activity with the help of innovative technologies has been studied by such scientists as S.K. Folomkina, O. O. Chevichelova, S. Yu. Nikolaieva, L. A. Sazhko,

Z. I. Klichnikova, V. M. Plakhotnyk, T.M. Trofimishin and others. In the course of their research, the problems of integration of innovative technologies into the process of learning foreign languages, analysis of positive and negative aspects of new approaches in comparison with traditional ones were considered, and the principles on which the school reading system is built were highlighted, including the main principles that form the basis of development of reading skills by means of innovative technologies.

Before defining some features of modern English-language reading with the help of innovative technologies, we first need to find out the importance and place of reading, in general, in the study of a foreign language.

Thus, reading is one of the types of linguistic activity. It has great cognitive value and actually implements communicative, educational and developmental goals. Learning to read English has a positive effect on learning English, creates a basis for further study in the future, as well as gives impetus and opens opportunities for learning other foreign languages, the need for which, over time, becomes increasingly apparent [2].

Aim of research is to consider the features of English reading with the help of innovative technologies for high school students.

Results and discussion

Now information technologies are actively introduced into school practice, which effectively promote the assimilation of material, as they affect the student's consciousness, feelings and will, form a creative personality that is able to effectively and efficiently apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practice in any sphere of public life. To successfully complete the tasks facing a modern school, it is important to create a situation in which the teacher and the student become full subjects of the education system, and the basis of learning will be equal dialogue between those who teach and those who learn [1].

In this regard, improving the effectiveness of learning directly depends on the appropriate use of various, most relevant to the subject of teaching methods, as well as on the intensification of the entire educational process.

Starting from primary school, the informative value of learning to read in a foreign language is indisputable, which is expressed in the earlier development of the child in universal culture, which occurs through communication in a new language. With the help of reading in a foreign language, students get acquainted with the world of their foreign peers, with songs, poetry and fairy tales, available examples of children's fiction of the country whose language is studied. Reading develops the character, certain traits of it, which are especially important for students: attentiveness, diligence, curiosity, purposefulness, persistence, independence, perseverance, and so on.

English reading is a type of linguistic activity that allows not to imitate, but to reproduce one of the forms of real communication in English.

Therefore, the process of learning to read should be structured so that students perceive it as an activity that has practical significance.

Unfortunately, it is very often the case that secondary school students lack basic reading skills, and thus, understand only a fraction of the information that can be found in the text. However, without mastering the technique of reading in primary school, further study of English in secondary and high school is quite limited.

On the other hand, looking at the process of reading from a psychological point of view, we can say that the process of perception and understanding of the text is directly related to thinking and memory. When a student perceives a text, he identifies the most important links in it and synthesizes them into a single whole. At the same time, memory helps logical and technical thinking. An experienced reader, whom we aim to educate, perceives and comprehends information at the same time. These components of the reading process are inextricably linked, as the quality of perception depends on the nature and level of understanding of the text, its depth and accuracy [3].

Understanding as a process arises under the influence of certain factors. As a result, it can be represented by the sum of the ratio of these factors, some of which are objective and others - subjective. Objective factors determine the comprehension of the text. These include: information saturation, compositional and semantic structure of the text, linguistic realization of meaningful relations. Subjective factors determine the comprehension of the text, namely: the influence of words, unfamiliar to students, students' knowledge of grammatical phenomena, students' past experience, attention.

High school students, i.e. students graduating from school in the future, should read unadapted literature, newspapers and popular science articles, so the teacher's task is to prepare them for such reading with the goal of maximum understanding of what is read. To do this, teachers use different types of reading depending on the target setting: viewing, introductory, study and search.

Review reading in this classification is considered as a type of reading, the purpose of which is to find out what we are talking about. The student needs to get a general idea of the information provided in the text and decide how important or interesting it is. Introductory reading performs a broader cognitive task - to find out what exactly is reported; not only what issues are presented, but also how they are resolved. Learning reading is when the student has two tasks: to fully and accurately understand all the information and remember the information for further use. Search reading involves mastering the ability to find in the text those elements of information that are known in advance to be present in this text. It is about finding information relevant for the student at this time: the information he needs, rules, etc.

Among these four types of reading at school, it is enough to teach the first three types. Search reading should be the object of study at the university, as it focuses on reading literature on specific subject and professional literature [4].

In general, the process of English reading, no matter what kind, helps to achieve the main goal of learning English - mastering it and the ability to communicate in this language. Also, in accordance with this, the tendency to strengthen the communicative orientation of the learning process, to compare and make it similar to real communication in life becomes more and more significant. Communication in foreign languages is one of the main factors of foreign language preparation for future successful professional development.

Teaching English in secondary schools requires improvement, raising the level of the educational process, the introduction of foreign educational complexes in combination with the use of information technology both in class and at home.

New information technologies are an important factor in deepening students' cognitive activity, improving their creative abilities, interests, skills and other intellectual factors. Information technology in education and communication technology, which are inextricably linked to the use of computer-based learning. The key aspects in the application of information technology are the structure of educational computer programs, their content and organization of the Web-space. It is the Internet, a global multifunctional resource, as an educational technology that performs an interactive function, creating conditions for effective communication between student and teacher. There is even a separate field in linguistics - computer language didactics, which studies the theory and practice of using computer and network technologies in language teaching. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the present stage, an important tool for improving the study of a foreign language in secondary schools is the use of innovative learning technologies [5].

The newest teaching aids open access to non-traditional sources of information for high school students, increase the efficiency of independent work, provide completely new opportunities for creativity, finding and consolidating useful skills, allow for the implementation of fundamentally new forms and methods of teaching.

Use of modern teaching aids, namely software and multimedia textbooks, CDs, universal encyclopaedias, presentations, video, audio materials, Internet resources; and equipment: PC, audio, video equipment, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard - all this significantly improves the quality of presentation of lesson material and the effectiveness of its assimilation by students. Interaction of visual and audio effects under the control of interactive software; data that include various forms of natural human information (sound and video); simultaneous use of different forms of information presentation and its processing - effectively raises the interest of students, and results in their full immersion in language learning [6].

Educational information technology includes computer technology that combines traditional static visual information (text, graphics) and dynamic information (language, music, video, animation), providing the ability to simultaneously affect the visual and auditory senses of students. For example, the website

“https: //learnenglish.britishcouncil.org /” provides an opportunity not only to read, listen and view the necessary information, but also to choose the appropriate level of English language proficiency and the level of appropriate exercises for this level.

It can be noted that multimedia textbooks significantly expand the capabilities of teachers, contribute to the individualization of learning, activation of cognitive activity of students. They also allow you to maximize the reading process of students according to their individual characteristics.

High school students have more highly-developed mind: they have a conscious position and understanding of their plans for the future. Their main activity is learning, but the motives of learning change over time. Education, acquisition of knowledge for many high school students is primarily a means of preparation for future professional activities. But, unfortunately, not for everyone.

Also, it is important to note that the use of information technology for presentation of the new material to senior students is appropriate and even necessary, because modern youth live in the world of information, and for them it is relevant. Therefore, integrating their habit of "using gadgets” into the learning process should interest them. This move can affect the effectiveness of learning, because students will feel connected to the teacher as a like-minded person [7].

In everyday life, a large number of people, especially young people, prefer e-books because they are accessible and convenient. Teenagers who like to read books in most cases will choose the electronic version, because it is more familiar to them. Therefore, the use of multimedia textbooks for English reading in English lessons and when doing home reading is quite appropriate.

To effectively solve the existing system of didactic tasks, a computer is used as an aid. The use of computers in practical foreign language classes significantly increases the intensity of the learning process and absorption of material in comparison with traditional learning, as well as develops reading skills.

Innovative technologies as a means of teaching the new generation should be:

• created in compliance with the requirements of the programs of academic disciplines as a whole, or individual sections or topics of the course;

• aimed at solving the problems of organizing educational activities and

providing all its components;

• reproduced in accordance with the training material in compliance with the requirements of clarity, accessibility;

• interactive, due to the dynamic management of the presentation of educational material.

English reading and its generalization and repetition using multimedia textbooks which are regarded as innovative technologies can cover the material of several practical classes and be used not as a source of knowledge, but as a basic or additional illustration to revision or a means of reproduction and systematization of already acquired knowledge.

The benefit of using innovative learning technologies in practical foreign language classes for students is determined by the following criteria: they should increase productivity and efficiency of the educational process, ensure continuous improvement of students' learning activities, increase interest in learning a foreign language, provide control over the actions of all students [8].

The use of computers allows to solve the following educational tasks: understanding of language phenomena; formation of linguistic abilities through language and speech exercises; automation of speech and speech actions; creation of professional and everyday communication situations.

The introduction of educational information technology significantly improves the quality of teaching material and the effectiveness of its assimilation by students, enriches the content of the educational process, increases motivation to learn English, creates conditions for closer cooperation between teachers and students.

English-language reading can be done through information technology, as it interests and effectively influences high school students because it is part of their world in which they communicate. The use of multimedia textbooks, e-books and watching movies in the original language with Ukrainian subtitles - all this has a positive effect on the formation of English communicative competence, because it mobilizes all their senses for the purpose of understanding.

Among the features of modern English-language reading is the very idea of using innovative technologies for greater efficiency of perception of the material. Among other features is the involvement of students in learning personal innovative techniques, which clearly shows: "gadgets can be used for educational purposes, not just for entertainment." And in general, English-language reading, by means of innovative technologies, becomes easier, because most of the applications that are needed for reading (the text, dictionary, translator) are in one device. So, information technology makes reading ordinary texts a little more diverse and, based on that, more interesting.

The main principles of integration of innovative technologies in the process of learning English are the following: movement from whole to individual, student-centred lessons,

purposefulness and relevance of classes, their focus on achieving social interaction, supported by teachers' faith in the success of their students, integration of language and its acquisition with the help of knowledge from other branches of science.

But it is important to know that in the process of developing reading skills with full understanding of what is read, the principle of communicativeness should become the leading one, which provides such an organization of the educational process, which simulates the main features of real communication. Therefore, it is believed that the main component of a modern English lesson should be its communicativeness [9].

To achieve communicative competence - communicative skills formed on the basis of language knowledge, skills and abilities - a foreign language teacher uses the latest teaching methods that combine communicative and cognitive goals. The latest methods of teaching foreign languages, using innovative technologies based on a humanistic approach, aimed at interest, development and self-improvement of the individual, development of its reserve capabilities and creative potential, create conditions for effective improvement of the educational process in secondary schools.

Conclusions and research perspectives

Analysing the importance of English reading as a type of linguistic activity that has great cognitive value and actually implements the communicative, educational, and developmental function for high school students, using innovative technologies, we can highlight the following benefits of this method of teaching:

establishing a friendly atmosphere and relationships between the participants of communication (student and teacher);

students have the opportunity to be more independent and confident, due to the feeling of "being in their place", which is caused by the integration of their everyday gadgets in the learning process;

• the teacher encourages students to cooperate, encourages them, and, as a result, they are not afraid to make mistakes;

• students have the opportunity to overcome the fear of the language barrier, because what is read is always discussed;

• each student is interested and involved in the work;

• students can use their knowledge and experience gained earlier using innovative technologies.

The use of multimedia textbooks and e-books in secondary schools gives the lesson a specific novelty, which in its content and form of presentation has the opportunity to reproduce in a short time a significant amount of material, as well as present it in an unusual aspect, evoke new images, give details to vaguely formed ideas, deepen the acquired knowledge.

In general, the use of innovative technologies in the educational space allows to improve the lesson due to the features of this technology: image quality (bright, clear and colourful image on the screen); easy elimination of shortcomings and errors in slides; detailed explanation of the material or consideration of only the basic issues of the topic; adjusting the pace and volume of educational material; significant increase in the use of paraphernalia in the classroom; improving the productivity of the lessons.

This article gives grounds to the claim that the use of innovative technologies for teaching in the professional activity of a foreign language teacher allows to improve the content of teaching, methods and organizational forms of educational process, provide high scientific and methodological level of teaching, individual approach to teaching and increase efficiency of the new material presentation.

Thus, as a result of the use of innovative technologies, an

information-rich learning process is created and e-learning is successfully organized. Multimedia tools improve the program of teaching and learning foreign languages in general and English in particular in secondary schools, increases the level of knowledge of future graduates and motivation to learn and study foreign languages, allows the teacher to use a variety of authentic materials.

These factors, of course, affect the process of individualization of learning and ensure effective mastery of a foreign language, as reading itself is of great cognitive value and actually implements the communicative, educational and developmental function for high school students.

Informatization of society and educational institutions as training bases for future conscious citizens continues to develop progressively, so in the future it will be useful to consider and analyse the capabilities of innovative technologies in the process of learning foreign languages, given the future improvement of education.

References (translated & transliterated)

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    курсовая работа [94,1 K], добавлен 13.05.2017

  • Context approach in teaching English language in Senior grades. Definition, characteristics and components of metod. Strategies and principles of context approach. The practical implementation of Context approach in teaching writing in senior grades.

    дипломная работа [574,3 K], добавлен 06.06.2016

  • Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.

    презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012

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