Terminological analysis of the essence of «media education» concept

The interpretation of the essence of the concept of "media education" by foreign and domestic scholars. The need and prospects for its implementation in the educational process of higher education institutions, as they form the media competence.

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Дата добавления 08.06.2022
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Terminological analysis of the essence of «media education» concept

O.A. Dubaseniuk, H.V. Marchenko


The article considers different approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the concept of «media education» by foreign and domestic scholars. The method of content analysis was used in order to conduct research procedures and the definition in 25 sources from three scientific directions was analyzed: pedagogical, psychological and sociological (partly).

The author's formulation of the concept of «media education» is presented, which is understood as a process of personal development through and based on the media (television, radio, cinema, Internet, etc.), aimed at forming an information culture, critical thinking, preparing the younger generation for life in the information society and, as a result, achieving a certain level of media literacy.

The necessity and prospects of introduction of media education in the educational process of higher education institutions (HEIs) are revealed in the general context, as they form the media competence of future primary school teachers.

The aim, key tasks, principles of media education are defined. The didactic aspect of media education is described, as well as the main forms of its implementation, namely: integrated, formalized, extracurricular and out-of-school. The main directions of effective development of the media education system in Ukraine are stated.

Thus, media education is a leading direction of state development and an integral part of the educational process. The main task of media education is to prepare society for life in the information space, so the international organization UNESCO recommends media education for inclusion in the national curricula of all countries, in the system of additional, non-formal and «lifelong learning (lifelong continuos education)».

Mass-media, creating a special media space, influence the formation of social, moral, civic, aesthetic values and interests of an individual. Therefore, the mass-media is an important factor influencing the consciousness and worldview of the younger generation. Hence the need to educate a media-competent consumer: the development of cognitive interests, critical thinking, creative abilities of schoolchildren and students through the media and on the material of the media. We see prospects for further research in identifying and justifying the directions of development of media education for future primary school teachers in Ukrainian universities.

Key words: media education, media pedagogy, media literacy, media culture, media competence, media technologies, media text, mass-media, education and upbringing process, future primary school teacher.


Термінологічний аналіз сутності категорії «медіаосвіта»

О.А. Дубасенюк, Г.В. Марченко

У статті розглянуто різні підходи до інтерпретації сутності поняття «медіаосвіта» зарубіжними та вітчизняними вченими. У результаті дослідження було використано метод контент-аналізу та проаналізовано визначення у 25 джерелах з трьох наукових напрямів: педагогічного, психологічного та почасти соціологічного.

Подано авторське формулювання терміна «медіаосвіта», що розуміється як процес розвитку особистості за допомогою та на основі засобів масової інформації (телебачення, радіо, кіно, Інтернет тощо), спрямований на формування інформаційної культури, критичного мислення, підготовку підростаючого покоління до життя в інформаційному суспільстві і як результат - досягнення певного рівня медіаграмотності.

Розкрито у загальному контексті необхідність та перспективи впровадження медіаосвіти в освітньо-виховний процес закладів вищої освіти, оскільки вони формують медіакомпетентність майбутніх учителів початкової школи.

Визначено мету, ключові завдання, принципи медіаосвіти. Описано дидактичний аспект медіаосвіти, також основні форми її реалізації, а саме: інтегрована, формалізована, позакласна та позашкільна. Викладено основні напрями ефективного розвитку системи медіаосвіти в Україні.

Отже, медіаосвіта є провідним напрямком розвитку держави та невід'ємною частиною освітньо-виховного процесу. Основне завдання медіаосвіти - підготувати суспільство до життя в інформаційному просторі, тому міжнародна організація ЮНЕСКО рекомендує медіаосвіту для запровадження в національні навчальні плани всіх держав, у систему додаткової, неформальної та «пожиттєвої освіти».

Мас-медіа, створюючи особливий медіапростір, впливають на формування соціальних, моральних, громадянських, естетичних цінностей та інтересів особистості. Таким чином, мас-медіа - важливий фактор впливу на свідомість, світоглядні позиції підростаючого покоління. Звідси виникає необхідність виховання медіакомпетентного споживача: розвиток пізнавальних інтересів, критичного мислення, творчих здібностей школярів та студентів завдяки засобам медіа й на матеріалі медіа. Перспективи подальших досліджень вбачаємо у виявленні та обґрунтуванні напрямів розвитку медіаосвіти майбутніх учителів початкової школи в університетах України.

Ключові слова: медіаосвіта, медіапедагогіка, медіаграмотність, медіакультура, медіакомпетентність, медіатехнології, медіа текст, засоби масової інформації, осітньо - виховний процес, майбутній учитель початкової школи.

Main part

Introduction of the issue. The problems of education in Ukraine, related to the rapid development of information and communication technologies in the modern world, include the search for new innovative approaches to teaching and upbringing the younger generation. Thus, the development of information technology is a kind of prerequisite for creating a new methodology of learning and communication in general. In particular, an important place in the formation of modern society is played by media education, where the purpose of education is not only the transfer of knowledge and acquisition of certain competencies, but primarily the formation of creative foundations of interaction with the media and formation of value-based attitude to the mass-media.

The educational role of the media doesn't only imply the quick dissemination of information, but also allows the exchange of ideas at the international level, to establish values, as well as to form culture of the modern generation. An important role in the process of formation and development of media education is taken by the international organization UNESCO, which defines media education as teaching theory and practical skills to master modern media, which are considered part of a specific, autonomous field of knowledge in pedagogical theory and practice.

Numerous publications of foreign and domestic scientists, as well as application of innovative media technologies in the educational process, including creation of textbooks and manuals on media pedagogy, development of media education projects, etc. testify to the intensity of scientific research in the context of media education. Taking into acoount the global trends and rates of development of modern society, moreover considering the urgency of the outlined problem, there is a need to analyze the essence of the concept of media education and to highlight its major features.

Current state of the issue. The theory and practice of media education at the scientific level is the subject of research by many scholars. In particular, theoretical and methodological principles of media education were developed by K. Bezelget, D. Buckingham, D. Considine, L. Masterman, E. Hart, R. Hobbs and other researchers; psychological and pedagogical aspect of this problem is considered in the works of L. Blazhenov, O. Bondarenko, L. Zaznobina, O. Spichkin, O. Sharykov.

Outline of the unresolved issues brought up in the article. The analysis of the literature indicated the existence of issues associated with the definition of media education, outlining its purpose and objectives, as well as the characteristics of its overall structure and components.

Aim of the research is to review the psychological and pedagogical literature in order to clarify the essence of the «media education» concept. Thus, our scientific investigation implies the following objectives: to conduct the proper analysis of different approaches to interpretation of the concept of «media education» in the scientific literature; to determine the purpose, objectives and principles of media education.

Results and discussion. Analyzing the scientific and pedagogical literature on the outlined issues, it was found that there is no final certainty and unity in the interpretation of the term «media education». This definion was first used in 1973 at a joint meeting of the information sector of UNESCO and the International Council for Film Television and Audiovisual

Communication (ICFT). However, scholars believe that the first media education curriculum was developed by Canadian scientist M. McLuhan in 1959, and the widespread use of the corresponding subject in the educational process began in the 1960s. in Great Britain, Canada, Germany, USA, France. The main task of media education was to form an information culture of the young generation in order to prepare it for life in the information society [14: 3].

The international organization UNESCO considers media education as a separate direction in pedagogical theory and practice and not an aid in the teaching of other disciplines [13]. The UNESCO Recommendations highlight the main objectives of media education:

- provision of children and young people with knowledge of how to analyze, critically interpret and create media texts;

- identification of sources of media texts, their political, social, commercial, cultural interests;

- interpretation of media texts and values that disseminate media;

- selection of appropriate media to create and distribute their own media texts and promote the interest of the audience;

- provision of opportunities for free access of children and youth to the media both for perception and creation of media products [21].

The importance of the statement of UNESCO that media education is part of the fundamental rights of every citizen of any country in the world, which comes alongside with the freedom of expression and the right to obtaining information and is a tool to support democracy, can hardly be overestimate. In addition, media education is recommended for inclusion in the national curricula of all states as a core component of the system of additional, non-formal and «lifelong education» [21].

Therefore, it is advisable to consider different approaches to determining the essence of the concept of «media education», which implies using the method of content analysis. Thus, taking into consideration the context of the method selected, our main task is to critically analyze and generalize theoretical views on the concept of «media education» in the psychological and pedagogical literature to obtain a holistic view of the ambiguity of this category.

Four stages of the content analysis procedure can be formally singled out: At the first stage, the topic (definition of a certain pedagogical concept), task (prerequisite for a reasonable definition of a separate psychological and pedagogical concept enunciation), hypothesis (formation of the author's understanding of a pedagogical concept, which under study using this method) are formulated and selection is made (based on a number of processed definitions of various domestic and foreign authors).

The second stage involves determining the category and analysis unit (measurement), contextual and calculating units. A number of simple questions are used as a category of analysis, the answers to which were chosen from a selection sample of simple definitions. Words and phrases are used as units of analysis, and sentences are identified as contextual units. The calculating units are the frequency of repetitions of words and synonymous phrases. The method of content analysis is based on the principles of formalization and statistical significance.

The Third stage presupposes the table-building and statistical data obtained calculation and systematization.

At the fourth stage the calculation of data of the content analysis and construction of probable definition of the investigated pedagogical concept are conducted [7: 202].

Thus, we analyzed the definition of «media education» in 25 sources from three scientific areas: pedagogical, psychological and sociological (partly). The analysis covered monographs on media education, pedagogical dictionaries, textbooks and manuals on pedagogy, psychology and journalism, international and state documents on the introduction and development of media education, as well as the other relevant scientific publications.

Accordingly, 56 simpler elements concept and essential categorical signs, were identified in the process of were distinguished. The results analysis; then 9 stable values, which obtained are presented in Table 1. characterize essence of the studied

Table 1. «Media education» category in the system of psychological-pedagogical concepts


1. Category/definition of the term

Number of authors

Absolute value in%

Number of semantic units of analysis

Absolute value in%

2. Categorical features of the «media education» concept


Direction of pedagogy,

autonomous branch of

knowledge in pedagogical

theory and practice






Part of the educational process, scientific and educational

sphere of activity; the process of learning and self-learning of an individual






Interaction with media (mass - media, media environment)






Process of studying patterns of mass-communication






Critical understanding of

media, formation of critical thinking






A set of special knowledge, skills and methods of

preparation for the information perception






Development and formation of the personality






Psychological impact of mass - media






Interaction of the subjects of media educational activity






Has a social nature






Results in the development of information culture (media

culture) of an individual.






Organized process






Has a practical nature






Has a forming nature






Has a systemic nature






Has a focused (purposeful) nature






Has a creative nature





Let's describe the meaning of the «media education» category. As it is seen from Table 1, media education is considered primarily as a field of pedagogy (24%) - S. Honcharenko, S. Troian, A. Tkachuk, N. Chycheryna, A. Sharykov, M. Yarmachenko. At the same time, S. Troian and A. Tkachuk [15] note that media education is the specific branch of knowledge in pedagogical theory and practice; nevertheless, V. Vozchykov claims that reviewed concept is just a pedagogical movement advocating the study and practical development of the phenomena of mass-communication in the secondary school [3].

Considerable number of scholars (24%) distinguishes media education as a part of scientific-educational activity (B. Potiannyk). State documents also confirm and emphasize this fact, for example, in the Concept of Introduction of Media Education in Ukraine: «media education - part f the educational process aimed at forming a media culture in society, preparing individuals for safe and effective interaction with the modern media system» [11]. Some researchers equalize the concept of «media education» with the concept of «learning», giving it a didactic nature (A. Lytvyn, H. Onkovych, H. Selevko).

Most scholars describe this concept as direct interaction with the media (mass-media, media environment) (D. Buckingham, A. Lytvyn, J. Meirovich, I. Fatieieva, O. Fedorov), representing 24% of the sample selection. H. Onkovych also believes that «media education is a process of education and self-education (selflearning) of the individual through the media» [18]. Thus, another group of researchers (20%), combining both the didactic aspect and the trend of interaction between media education and the mass-media (MA), claims that this is a process of studying the laws of mass communication (S. Honcharenko, H. Selevko, A. Sharykov, M. Yarmachenko and other).

Researcher O. Fedorov, analyzing the mentioned concept, determines the purpose of media education as the development of critical thinking of an individual. Among foreign scholars, the outlined concept is also considered through the prism of a critical understanding of the (D. Buckingham, J. Herbner, C. von Failitzen).

Media education as a set of special knowledge, skills and methods of preparation for the perception of information (20%) is identified by N. Illiuk, A. Tkachuk, S. Troian, O. Fedorov, M. Yarmachenko. UNESCO also emphasizes that media education involves the development of practical skills for mastering modern mass - media [13].

As a process aimed at the development and formation of personality, the concept of «media education» is defined by O. Baryshpolets, I. Zhylavska, O. Fedorov, Yu. Usov and other researchers (16%). The psychological aspects of the impact of media education on the individual are described in the works of B. Potiatynnyk, H. Selevko (8%). In particular, B. Potiatynnyk notes that «media education is a scientific and educational field of activity that aims to help the individual to form a psychological protection against manipulation or exploitation by the media» [22].

I. Zhylavska reveals the concept of «media education» as the interaction of the subjects of media education, emphasizing the subject-to-subject nature of this interaction, while such researchers as I. Zadorozhna and

T. Kuznietsova [9] highlight the interaction of the «subject (author of the media text) and the object (mass audience)», which has a subject-to - object origin (8%).

Thus, the concept of «media education» is interpreted as a direction of pedagogical science; part of the educational process; interaction with mass media; a set of special knowledge, skills and methods of preparation for the perception of information; the process of studying the laws of mass communication; the process of forming critical thinking, critical understanding of the media; the process aimed at the development and formation of personality; interaction of subjects of media educational activity; psychological impact of the media.

Next, we analyze the second level of categorical features of the concept of «media education», which determine its specificity. According to Table 1, the majority of scholars (64%) emphasize that the concept of «media education» has a social nature, because the media is a component of the social sphere of society. In this context, O. Baryshpolets claims that «media education is one of the main societal elements of the information society» [1].

The result of media education is the development of information culture (media culture) of an individual in society (24%). B. Potiatynnyk noted that media education is a scientific and educational field of activity, which aims to help the individual to develop and instill information culture [20]. Among the significant categorical features, scientists also include: practical (20%), formative (20%), purposeful (l6%), systemic (16%), creative (12%) and organized (20%) nature of the media education process. Результатом медіаосвіти є розвиток інформаційної культури (медіакультури) особистості в суспільстві (24%).

Based on the generalization of key semantic units, we identify media education as a process of personal development through and based on the media itself (television, radio, cinema, Internet, etc.), aimed at forming information culture, critical thinking, preparing the younger generation for life in the information society and, as a result, achieving a certain level of media literacy.

According to I. Dychkivska, the main points of media education are the following: to prepare students for life in the information society, as well as to insure the formation of the ability to use information in any form, communication; to develop awareness of the consequences of the impact of media on the individual him/herself [6: 341]. B. Potiatynnyk believes that media education is aimed at mass mastery of basic journalistic skills and the latest technologies, as well as to protect individuals from an overly aggressive information environment [20: 8].

Media education provides a person with knowledge of how to: a) analyze, critically comprehend and create media texts; b) identify the sources of media texts, their political, social, commercial and/or cultural interests, as well as to work with their context; c) interpret media texts and values disseminated by the media; d) select appropriate media for the creation and dissemination of his/her own media texts and the formation of an interested audience; e) get the opportunity of free access to the media both for the perception of information and for its production [1: 157].

In the context of this issue, O. Baryshpolets described the basic principles of media education [1: 158], ie statements that are perceived in the field of media education as the main, important, essential:

- media education is a serious and important area related to most of the social structures of a democratic society;

- the media does not reflect reality, but represents it using a system of signs and symbols;

- media education is a continuous process that lasts throughout an individual's life, and students form the audience of the highest priority;

- the aim of media education is to form not only critical thinking, but also critical autonomy of the individual;

- media education is always a research-based process;

- it is always relevant and timely, because it embodies the concept of «here and now» in a broad ideological and historical context;

- the effectiveness of media education should be assessed by two criteria: the ability of students to apply their critical thinking in new situations and the number of commitments and motivations they express about the media;

- media education is designed to change the relationship between teacher and students, giving them opportunities for thinking and dialogue;

- it is mainly an active branch designed to make teachers more open and democratic; it is a multiplicity of new ways of activity and their application in new spheres;

- media education is aimed at joint, mostly group learning;

- it consists of «practical criticism» and «critical practice»;

- media education is in a state of continuous change;

- in it, as a special field of knowledge, is not simply passed on by teachers or «discovered» by students - in is dominated by critical research and dialogue, during which new knowledge is actively acquired by both teachers and students.

Didactic principles of media education are the following: sociocultural development of personality in the learning process; scientific, systematic and accessible learning; connection of theory with practice; clarity, audience activity; transition from learning to self-learning; connection of learning with the surrounding reality; positive emotional background; consideration of individual features and needs of schoolchildren [1: 157].

The main forms of media education [1: 159] in the modern practice of the educational process include:

1) integrated (used during classes in various disciplines; provides a mandatory combination of two components: the use of media, media texts as examples of media production and definition of media education, tasks and reflections on his/her achievement(s) (in the form of conclusions, results, summaries formulated by the teacher with children during the dialogue about their interaction with the media);

2) formalized (in the form of media education courses as a variable component of the list of subjects; child - oriented comprehensive classes aimed at understanding and comparing different media as a single branched and interconnected information system (press - book, newspaper, magazine; cinema, television, video game, internet, mobile communication, etc.);

3) extracurricular - electives (circles) in certain areas of improving the creative skills of children within certain media practices (school newspaper, radio, school television, photo studio, film studio, website(s), etc.);

4) out-of-school - visiting specialized institutions, creativity houses; participation in children's media competitions of different levels, etc.

The international organization UNESCO considers media education as a priority area of cultural and pedagogical development of the XXI century. Regarding the areas of effective development of the media education system in Ukraine, the specialists of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (NAPSU) singled out the following:

- creation of a system of school media education, which provides for the development of psychologically substantiated curricula for integrated education for junior classes of secondary schools;

- promoting the practice of integrating media education elements into curricula in various subjects, introducing a course in media culture, which takes into account specialized training;

- intensification of group work, including photo-, video-, animation studios, and other extracurricular forms of students' creativity in the field of media education;

- development of standards for professional training of media educators and media psychologists for the education system, specialized training courses for training and retraining of media education specialists on the basis of higher pedagogical and psychological education;

- intensification of cooperation between HEIs that train specialists for media production and art;

- conducting interdisciplinary research on the problems of media education, establishing an exchange of experience and staffing the teaching of special disciplines for media educators;

- organization with the participation of public associations and media producers of various forms of extracurricular education, including forms for preschool children, parental pedagogy, creative studios for children and youth, children's and youth festivals, competitions, projects of local and national level to promote media culture and support the system of media education;

- establishing a full-fledged public dialogue in order to optimize the media educational activities of the media themselves, increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of employees of youth newsrooms and editorial offices of various media, improve the quality of content for youth and children [11].

Thus, connected with all types of media (printed, graphics, audio-radio, screen-adopted, etc.) and various technologies, media education is designed to help future professionals understand how mass-communication is used in the current society, effectively master the potential of modern media in communicating with other individuals.

Results and research perspectives. One of the major problems of modern society is the rapid flow of information due to scientific and technological progress, globalization processes, which has become a prerequisite for the formation and establishment of such a field of knowledge as media education. Today, media education is the leading direction of effective development of the country and is an integral part of the educational process of EI and HEI. Its purpose is not just a provision and development of critical understanding, but also a critical autonomy of the individual, i.e. maintaining the ability of each person to independently perceive media texts.

We believe that media education should become one of the most promising vectors of the educational process in schools, HEIs, integrating with other subjects or acting as an independent component. This involves the formation of a single state-guided line in the context of the introduction of media education, so we see prospects for further research in identifying and justifying the development of media education for future primary school teachers in Ukrainian universities.

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