Structural peculiarities of the model of the system of continuous primary school teachers preparation to the work in the inclusive education environment
The problem of modeling the pedagogical systems and processes. On the basis of analysis of researches of the domestic and foreign scientists, the principles, approaches and requirements to modeling as well as stages of model development were defined.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.06.2022 |
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Structural peculiarities of the model of the system of continuous primary school teachers preparation to the work in the inclusive education environment
T.V. Djaman
The article is dedicated to the problem of modeling the pedagogical systems and processes, especially primary school teachers' preparation to work in inclusive education conditions. On the basis of analysis of modern scientific researches of the domestic and foreign scientists, the principles, approaches and requirements to modeling as well as stages of model development were defined. Structural-functional model is considered as system of interconnected elements, such as: goal, tasks, methodological approaches, principles of education, content, forms, methods and techniques, result, and components, criteria, indicators and stages of readiness of primary school teachers to the educational activity in the environment of inclusive education. Systemforming elements of the model were defined, namely stages of continuous teachers' preparation (bachelors ^ magisters ^ primary school teachers / listeners of postgraduate education courses) and the goal of education on each stage of it, for they have influence on all other components of the proposed model. The components are grouped into four blocks: target block (the goal and tasks of preparation system); theoretical and methodological block (general didactic and specific approaches, that define the essence of other elements and the principles of education), organizational and technological block (pedagogical conditions, stages of professional development and technological support on each stage of it). Characteristics of each stage contain forms, technologies and techniques of education. The selected stages of continuous preparation reflect psycho-pedagogical requirements for the gradual formation of competence and its component - inclusive competence. The last resultative block defines the main components of readiness (motivational and value component, cognitive activity component, personal reflective component, communicative component), evaluation criteria, preparation stages, and also expected result - positivee dynamic of teachers' readiness to the work in conditions of inclusive education, ready formation of inclusive competence, ability to self-education and self-realization. Realization of the model in practice will provide systematic process, as well as give an opportunity to predict its results with taking into account the social order of the society for primary school teachers' training to the work in inclusive education conditions
Key words: structural and functional model, modeling as a scientific method, continuous teachers preparation, inclusive education, modeling the pedagogical systems, system of interconnected elements, target block, theoretical and methodological block, organizational and technological block.
Т.В. Джаман
Статтю присвячено проблемі моделювання педагогічних систем і процесів, зокрема підготовки вчителів початкової школи до роботи в умовах інклюзивного навчання. На основі аналізу сучасних наукових досліджень вітчизняних і зарубіжних учених визначено принципи, підходи, вимоги до моделювання, етапи розроблення моделі.
Структурно-функціональна модель розглядається як система взаємопов'язаних елементів: мети, завдань, методологічних підходів, принципів навчання, змісту, форм, методів і прийомів, результату, а також компонентів, критеріїв, показників і рівнів готовності вчителів початкової школи до освітньої діяльності в інклюзивному освітньому середовищі. Системоутворювальними елементами моделі визначено етапи неперервної підготовки вчителів (бакалаврів ^ магістрів ^ вчителів початкової школи \ слухачів курсів післядипломної освіти) та мету навчання на кожному етапі, оскільки вони впливають на всі інші компоненти пропонованої моделі. Складники об'єднано у чотири блоки: цільовий (мета, завдання системи підготовки); теоретико-методологічний (загальнодидактичні й специфічні підходи, які визначають сутність інших елементів, принципи навчання); організаційно-технологічний блок (педагогічні умови, етапи професійного становлення та технологічне забезпечення на кожному з них). Характеристика кожного етапу містить форми, технології та прийоми навчання. Виокремлені етапи неперервної підготовки відображають психолого-педагогічні вимоги поетапного формування професійної компетентності та ії складника - інклюзивної. Останній оцінно-результативний блок визначає основні компоненти готовності (мотиваційно-ціннісний, когнітивно-діяльнісний, особистісно-рефлексивний, комунікативний), критерії оцінювання, рівні підготовки, а також очікуваний результат - позитивна динаміка готовності вчителів до роботи в умовах інклюзивного навчання, сформованість інклюзивної компетентності, здатність до саморозвитку й самореалізації. Реалізація моделі на практиці забезпечить системність процесу, дасть змогу спрогнозувати його результати з урахуванням соціального замовлення суспільства на підготовку вчителів початкової школи до роботи в умовах інклюзивного навчання.
Ключові слова: структурно-функціональна модель, моделювання як науковий метод, неперервна підготовка вчителів, інклюзивне навчання, моделювання педагогічних систем, система взаємопов'язаних елементів, цільовий блок, теоретико-методологічний блок, організаційно-технологічний блок.
Introduction of the issue
European integration, reformation of the system of education of Ukraine, including remodelling the educational space on the basis of a person-centered approach, humanitarization and humanization of educational process actualize the need to strengthen attention to development and education of childrens with special needs, ensuring the right of each person to have an education that is available to all. The problem is in society's order for specialist's training that will be available to ensure an educational process in the inclusive education environment and in the lack of theoretical and technological provision of this process.
Current state of the issue implies conducting the research in several directions, where the major one is modeling method and peculiarities of its use in pedagogical practice. Analysis proved that the use of this method is inherent in many modern scientific and pedagogical experimental researches (N. Boyarchuk, V. Grinyova, K. Gnezdilova, N. Gritsay, O. Dahin, V. Kaplinsky, O. Krasovska, J. Lodatko, R. Martynova, M. Oliyar, T. Osipova, V. Paderno, J. Peleh, V. Semychenko, G. Fedyuk, Z. Shevtsiv, O. Shkvyr and others). In the domestic and foreign pedagogy requirements were developed (A. Agatov, I. Zazyun), as well as approaches to model's classification particular to pedagogical ones (A. Bad'yu, L. Vishnilina, L. D'kavule, V. Krayevsky, V. Pikelna, W. Stoff); principles of pedagogical modeling (V. Debrentsev, S. Beshenkov, V. Bykov, D. Sharapova, M. Yakubovsky, V. Yasvin); structure and content of the model (K. Gnezdilova, S. Kasyarum, V. Miheev, A. Novikow, J. Pavlyuk, N. Stepanchenko, N. Talysina); functions and stages of the model building were defined (V. Bykov, O. Dahin, O. Dubasenyuk, O. Yezhova, V. Miheev, V. Polonsky and others). The reason that makes this theme so relevant is that the model of continuous primary school teachers training for work in the inclusive environment has never been the subject of special study.
Aim of the research is to build and describe the model of continuous primary school teachers training to the work in conditions of inclusive education and outline ways to implement it.
Outline of the unresolved issues brought up in the article
continuous primary school teacher
On the basis of studying the scientific- pedagogical literature on the problem of modeling of educational process it was defined an algorithm of model creation, that proceeds such elements as: 1) definition of conceptual bases of model creation; 2) goal formulation and outlining the main tasks of exploration; 3) separation of methodological approaches as well as general didactic and specific principles that specify them; 4) building the model of the system of continuous primary school teachers training to the work in conditions of inclusive education as a system of blocks (target block, theoretical methodological block, organizational technological block and evaluatively effective block), that make model's general structure; 5) establishing external and internal connections between elements of the model; 6) forecasting pedagogical conditions of effective continuous training of primary school teachers to the work in conditions of inclusive education; 7) design of stages, forms and methods, technological support of training for educational activity in the conditions of inclusive education; 8) efficiency evaluation of proposed model; 9) correction and improvement of the model on the basis of experimental verification.
The scientific guidelines for creating a structural and functioning model of our system is an interdependence of its components, that provides wholeness and functioning. We understand the model of the system of continuous primary school teachers training to the educational activity in the conditions of inclusive education as the general scheme of the process of the specified training that reflects its main components, the order and subordination of those components, compliance with the goal at all stages of implementation. We characterize the structure of the model. The "Target block” is directed on model actualization the basis of which is the Concept "New Ukrainian School", social order of society for the training of modern teachers that will be capable to resolve social and pedagogical, psychophysical and other problems in the process of inclusive education; European integration processes in the world, UN Convention on the rights of the Child and the UNESCO Salamanca Declaration, and others.
System-forming factors of the designated model were defined as the stages and the goal of continuous teacher's training to the work in an inclusive educational environment that is concretized on each structural stage (bachelor ^ master ^ teacher / student of postgraduate education courses). Let's look at this system as a part of the general system of professional-pedagogical training of primary school teachers.
Observation of educational activity of schools with inclusive form of education and the process of future primary school teachers training to the inclusive activity in higher education institutions, analysis of educational programs in the specialty "Primary school teacher", analysis of the industry standards, conversations of the author with a students and teachers, author's pedagogical experience on the teacher training courses have highlighted the need for change the continuous teachers training to the work in inclusive educational environment on all stages of its implementation. The content of curricula needs special changes at the expense of adding some special disciplines as "The basis of inclusive pedagogy", "Correctional activity of primary school teachers" and so on. Those results became an impetus for development of the system of continuous primary school teachers training to the inclusive activity.
The goal of creating the system of continuous primary school teachers training to the educational activity in the conditions of inclusive education is in forming and improving of primary school teachers' professional competence on all stages of Higher pedagogical education and their readiness to the educational activity in the field of inclusive education; activation of self-realization, self-development and self-improvement of personality. To achieve the goal you need to perform a number of tasks: to establish a positive motivation to educational activity in the inclusive education environment; to master additional knowledge about inclusion, peculiarities of age and personal development of children with disabilities; to form skills to select the best ways to organize inclusive education, to design the learning process; to form a primary school teacher's inclusive competence as a component of pedagog's professional competence; to create a correctional and developmental environment in institutions of higher education; to gain a knowledge of working in the inclusive education conditions by future teachers; to implement a professional self-education on joint education of children with normal and impaired development; to master the main principles and forms of socio- communicative experience in different fields of communication with the children with mental and physical disabilities, parents and social organizations
The theoretical and methodological block contains the initial methodological and didactical provisions, that allow to outline the essence of continuous primary school teachers training to the work in inclusive education conditions. Among methodological approaches are signed out the general didactic and specific approaches, that reflect the peculiarities of work in the inclusive environment. Fundamental, in our opinion, is a system approach, because it allows you to combine all the model's components into one. Competence approach is important on the current stage of education reforming, its realization has a profound effect on a goal and result of the educational process of training and retraining of primary school teachers. It is treated as the direction of the educational process on forming and developing the key competencies as well as the general subject and subject competencies, the result of competence approach is a teacher's general competence as an integrated characteristic.
Axiological approach belongs to group of general didactic methods, but for the teachers training to the work in conditions of inclusive education it is the one of the fundamental approaches, for it promotes the formation of competencies by means of value- semantic attitude of an educator towards personal qualities and his / her own professional activity [5]. The essence of personal orientated approaches is in taking into account the age, psychological and professional interests, abilities and needs of students in reliance on the principles of differentiation, in individualization of the study process, in personal development. Technological approach orients pedagogical process on technological organization, that relatively strictly regulates its main aspects and stages according to technological structure of educational process. Reflexive approach directs the educational process on creation of pedagogical situations that activate members of educational process reflection [2]. Profession orientated approach was separated among specific methodological approaches, it takes into account the explicit and implicit personalization of pedagogical discipline that provides stable motivation to work with children with disabilities.
Z. Shevtsiv thinks that this approach is in understanding the connections and dependencies between the future professional activity and theoretical cognition of the reality [7: 193].
In the context of our study the implementation of the environmental approach forsees the building of educational environment of pedagogical institution of higher education, that is directed on primary school teachers training to the work in conditions of inclusive education, that allows us to create conditions for forming all structural components of teachers' professional competence, their personal and professional development, social orientation of the individual in order to understand the personality of children with the special educational needs and socialize those in the society.
The essence of inclusive approach is defined as a direction of the educational process on gaining special knowledge, skills and experience of providing the educational services taking into account peculiarities of psychophysical development of all students; formation of main features of specialist's personality as well as positive motivation to self development and self realization. The analysis of the literature on a problem of the study and autor's observation of the educational process gave an opportunity to separate communicative actional approach among special approaches, essential characteristics of which allows us to effectively form the language personality of a primary school teacher.
The principles of activity, interconnection of learning, education, democratization, humanization, availability, emotionality, theory connection with a practice, strength of knowledge, clearness, continuity, scientificy, personal orientation, practical direction of an education, environmental compliance, problem solving, consciousness, systematicity, continuity and perceptiveness, consistency are standing out among general didactic approaches [3].
M. Fitsula's opinion on the feasibility of an application the ten main general didactic principles of education in the higher education institutions: the principle of scientificity, system and consistency, accessibility, education with life connection, consciousness and activity, clarity, strength of knowledge and skills acquisition, individual approach and emotionality seems reasonable to us [6].
The content of the organizational and technological block of the offered model is conditioned by the purpose, tasks, those approaches and principles of education that help implementation of defined tasks. It has three components: 1) organizational pedagogical conditions under which the process of primary school teachers training to the work in conditions of inclusive education will be successful; 2) stages or periods of professional development; 3) technological support of this process covering the implemented technologies, methods, methods and forms of education on a different stages of readiness to the teacher's work in the inclusive education environment.
On the basis of generalization of theoretical and practical experience, the conducted monitoring of the teacher's readiness to work in the inclusive education environment and taking into account the specificity of a problem under study such pedagogical conditions of the system continuous primary school teachers training to the educational activity in the conditions of inclusive education were separated:
1) stimulating the motivation to the teacher's professional growth, developing a positive attitude and ability to the work in inclusive education conditions, realizing the role of this aspect of professional activity;
2) deepening the knowledge about the development and study peculiarities of different categories of children with disabilities as well as specificity of professional activity of a teacher of higher education institution in conditions of inclusive education, introduction of special courses and special seminars on a different stages of professional development; 3) content orientation of professional discipline on forming the inclusive competence, integration of psycho-pedagogical disciplines and professional methodics, theoretical and practical components general pedagogical training in higher education institutions and postgraduate education institutions; 4) providing gradual forming of professional teacher's skills taking into account the specifics of each stage of professional growth; 5) creation of the special education environment that is directed on forming the inclusive component of professional competence, development, self development and self realization of teacher's personality; 6) actualization of interactive forms and methods of professional activity organization in the conditions of higher education institutions and postgraduate institutions, the use of problematic pedagogical situations in the educational process. After determining a number of conditions that provide efficiency of continuous training of the primary school teacher to the work in the inclusive education environment an expert survey method was used. It involved 20 teachers of independent external evaluation, and teachers of schools with inclusive education and 20 students of professional development courses from the different regions of Ukraine. Six conditions were separated on the basis of an expert survey that, according to experts, best reflect the needs of a society in the field of mastering inclusive education.
Organizational technological block also includes technological aspects of conditions implementation, that were defined during the expertise and that occur in three stages: adaptivprofessional, activity-procedural, reflexive and corrective. The first stage is characterized by the adaptation of students to the chosen profession as well as formation of a system of values of pedagogical activity; The motives due to which a person chose the profession of a teacher are important. The main form in institutions of a higher education is the lecture-practical form. The cognitive aspect of future teachers training involves lectures of various types. We think that on this stage it is advisable to conduct problem lectures, lectures-presentations of pedagogical experience in addition to the traditional informational lectures, on the 3-4th year of education conference lectures are used, lectures-discussions with video watching and with the use of other multimedia tools. In addition, in our opinion, briefing lectures are promising, because they stimulate the students to ask topical questions to the lecturer; binary lectures that reflect the essence of integrational approach in the education and give the opportunity to combine the material from pedagogical, psychological, psycholinguistic disciplines that were tested by the author in her professional activity. In practical seminars the work in small groups and pairs is highly effective. The individual form of work is also important. During the seminars the skill to work with a scientific, reference, educational and methodological literature. Colloquiums, according to the experts students, are also effective, they help to identify difficulties, typical mistakes in learning the material, it helps to make adjustments in the training of specialists. Individual work of students plays a big role in the first stages of specialist training. Such work helps to deepen the knowledge, form an ability to take responsibility, do a plan of actions, solve the problems independently, find constructive solutions, the interests to the cognitive activity grows and so on. It is believed that pedagogical practice is a leading form and means of forming the professional student's competence [4]. Personally orientated, interactive technologies of collective and cooperative learning, integrative, informational and communicative technologies, and technologies of situative modeling deserve attention among the technologies that are used on the first stage of our experimental training.
Second stage - "the activity- procedural stage” - covers a master's degree level in speciality "Primary school teacher" and foresees deepening the knowledge, development and improvement of professional skills, development of pedagogical experience in particular experience of the work in the environment of inclusive education. formation of professional- value orientations; increasing the interest to the pedagogical activity; the desire for professional improvement.
The main learning form remains lectron-practical, increases the role of problematic lectures, presentational lectures of pedagogical experience, lecture conference, binary lecture. The conducting of practical classes contributes to forming an inclusive component of professional competence at the expence of introduction of special courses and special seminars of relevant topics from the foundations of inclusive pedagogy; organization of pedagogical practice in the inclusive education environment; meetings with teachers-practitioners, organization and holding of master classes. Individual work of students-masters expands by participating in online conferences, webinars, writing articles, doing various forms of self evaluation and so on. The main technologies of the second stage are steel interactive technologies, technologies of situative modeling, elaboration of discussion questions and so on. Methods on this stage: discussions, research and pedagogical experiment in writing qualification work, building individual directions of development. Methodical aspect of forming the professional competence foresees students engagement with the scientific activity during the whole educational period.
Reflexive-corrective stage of the system of continuous primary school teachers training to the work in inclusive education conditions encompasses primary school practice orientated teachers and students of postgraduate education courses. Its goal is in improvement of teacher's professional competence, completion of training to the work in an educational environment; gaining the practical experience of pedagogical activity; self development and self realization of teacher's personality on the basis of motivational and value characteristics. On this stage occurs the reflexive analysis by the teachers of their abilities to professional development that gives grounds for correction of pedagogical growth. For achieving the goal of the third stage of continuous primary school teachers training to the work in conditions of inclusive education are used such forms as: taking a part in a conferences, protection of personal creative projects on a theme of peculiarities of teaching children with a special educational needs; preparation of own experience presentations, professional pedagogical self education, postgraduate education courses, trainings, master classes, competitions of pedagogical mastery, creationing of a web sites and so on. Technologies that are used on this stage are: interactive, information and communication technologies, integrative, dialogue technologies. We think that on the last stage of continuous training such methods as self-esteem of own pedagogical activity, reflexive method, studying and summarizing the pedagogical experience, building an individual development directions, individual work on improvement of pedagogical mastery, pedagogical experiment and so on are especially effective methods on this stage.
Esrimative-productive block, is a logical ending of the projected model that outlines the results that should be reached and the mechanisms of its reaching.
Conclusions and research perspectives
As a summary we want to note that our system of professional growth of the future teacher and his/her training to the work in inclusive education conditions, according to the expert's assessment, will not only ensure the holistic vision of this process but also promote the transition to a particular action plan for its design and implementing in practice. It foresees the active integration in the course of professional formation in order to correct. It is highly important, because the work in the environment of inclusive education changes the role of a primary school teacher, expands the functions of professional activity, and needs the development of the motivational and value sphere of the teacher.
Therefore, the model proposed by us gives an opportunity to prepare the modern teacher to the teaching in a primary school that not only have a professional knowledge but is also able to use the acquired in the higher school in practice, has a need and skill to acquire information that is important for professional activity as well as carry out pedagogical education.
We see the perspectives of the future studies in the experimental verification of the proposed system, making an adjustments in its content and in the development of technological tools for realization in the educational process.
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курсовая работа [60,1 K], добавлен 28.03.2012The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.
учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015