Actual problems of educational integration of students in the Slovak Republic
Integration processes in the Slovak Republic educational sphere in the last 10 years and the tendencies, discussion questions and practical tasks concerning the attraction of pupils with special educational needs to general mass educational institutions.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.06.2022 |
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Actual problems of educational integration of students in the Slovak Republic
Paed Dr. Vladimfr Klein, PhD., Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Faculty of Education, director of the Institut Juraja Palesha, Slovak republic.
PhDr. Viera Silonova, PhD., Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Faculty of Education, Institut Juraja Palesha, Head of Department of Special Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Mentally Handicapped, Slovak republic.
prof. Viktor Hladush, DrSc., Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Faculty of Education, Institut Juraja Palesha, professor of the Department of Special Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Mentally Handicapped, Slovak republic.
Klein V., Silonova V., Hladush V. Actual problems of inclusion, integration of social and health dis advantaged pupils in the Slovak Repablic.
The article deals with the actual problems of integration processes in the Slovak Republic educational sphere in the last 10 years and highlights the main tendencies, discussion questions and practical tasks concerning the attraction of pupils with special educational needs to general mass educational institutions. The focus is on the latest statistics from the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education that Slovakia belongs to the group of EU Member States with the highest percentage of students with special educational needs (more than 4%) who are educated in segregated educational institutions. The article analyzed the total number of students, in particular primary school pupils, special grades of primary schools, special primary schools, but above all pupils with special educational needs integrated into elementary schools. The article presents the number of gifted children . The article highlights some aspects and activities of diagnostic institutions (public and private) and the quality of the study level of children development, which directly affects the efficiency of the functioning of integrated educational institutions and special schools. The proposals on solving urgent problems of integration processes in the educational sphere are formulated in this scientific research
Keywords: Pupils with special educational needs. Socially disadvantaged children. Gifted children. Pedagogical diagnostics. Integration of the educational sphere.
Кляйн В., Шилонова В., Гладуш В. Актуальні проблеми освітньої інтеграції учнів у Словацькій Республіці. В статті розглянуто актуальні проблеми інтеграційних процесів в освітній сфері Словаччини за останні 10 років, висвітлено основні тенденції, дискусійні питання та практичні завдання щодо залучення дітей з особливими освітніми потребами до загально-масових закладів освіти. Акцентовано увагу на останніх статистичних даних Європейського агентства зі спеціальної та інклюзивної освіти про те, що Словаччина належить до групи країн-членів ЄС з найвищим відсотком учнів з особливими освітніми потребами (більше як 4%), які отримують освіту в сеґреґованих закладах освіти. В ході дослідження проаналізовано загальну чисельність учнів, зокрема, учнів початкових шкіл, спеціальних класів початкових шкіл, спеціальних початкових шкіл, але передусім - учнів з особливими освітніми потребами, інтегрованих до початкових шкіл. Наведено кількість обдарованих дітей. Також висвітлено окремі аспекти діяльності діагностичних установ (державних і приватних) та проблеми якості вивчення рівня розвитку дітей, що безпосередньо впливають на ефективність функціонування інтегрованих закладів освіти та спеціальних шкіл. Сформульовано пропозиції щодо вирішення нагальних проблем інтеграційних процесів в освітній сфері.
Автори пропонують такі заходи: провести скринінгову експертизу та подальше виявлення вже в дошкільному віці дітей, які перебувають у соціально і фізично несприятливому стані, цим самим запобігаючи несанкціонованому включенню дітей до системи спеціальної освіти; у межах скринінгової діагностики та системно використовувати Посібник для виявлення порушень і керівництво для стимулювання як частину скринінгу та стимулювання, які були створені в школі, відкритій для всіх; наполегливо піднімати рівень професійної підготовки педагогічних працівників у дитячих садках та початкових школах (спеціальний педагог школи, шкільний психолог тощо, як того вимагає школа); створити єдину консультативну систему - «систему єдиних дверей» шляхом об'єднання центрів освітніх консультацій та профілактики і центрів спеціального педагогічного консультування; законодавчо встановити, щоб центри освітнього консультування та профілактики при підозрі на психічну інвалідність (як діагноз згідно МКХ -10) рекомендували опікуну, щоб дитина (студент) завершила діагностичне медичне (психіатриче/неврологічне) обстеження через необхідність надання клінічного підтвердження інвалідності. Дитина (учень) матиме рекомендацію щодо виховання в закладі з психічною непрацездатністю - легка розумова відсталість до підтвердження цього діагнозу дитячим психіатром.
Ключові слова: учні з особливими освітніми потребами, діти соціально занедбані, обдаровані діти, педагогічна діагностика, інтеграція освітньої сфери.
Кляйн В., Шилонова В., Гладуш В. Актуальные проблемы образовательной интеграции учащихся в Словацкой Республике. В статье рассмотрены актуальные проблемы интеграционных процессов в сфере образования Словакии за последние 10 лет, освещены основные тенденции, дискуссионные вопросы и практические задания по привлечению детей с особыми образовательными потребностями в общеобразовательные массовые учебные заведения. Акцентировано внимание на последних статистических данных Европейского агентства по специальному и инклюзивному образованию о том, что Словакия входит в группу стран-членов ЕС с самым высоким процентом учащихся с особыми образовательными потребностями (более 4%), которые получают образование в сеґреґативньїх учебных заведениях. В ходе исследования проанализировано общую численность учеников, в частности, учеников начальных школ, специальных классов начальных школ, специальных начальных школ, но прежде всего - учащихся с особыми образовательными потребностями, интегрированных в начальные школы. Приведено количество одаренных детей. Также освещено отдельные аспекты деятельности диагностических учреждений (государственных и частных) и проблемы качества изучения уровня развития детей, непосредственно влияющие на эффективность функционирования интегрированных учебных заведений и специальных школ. Сформулировано предложения по решению насущных проблем интеграционных процессов в образовательной сфере.
Ключевые слова: ученики с особыми образовательными потребностями, дети социально запущенные, одаренные дети, педагогическая диагностика, интеграция образовательной сферы.
educational studentin slovak republic
The school system in Slovakia is currently addressing urgent integration and inclusion issues. Schools do not share the same pupils, their composition is varied by region, ethnicity, language, specific learning needs. It is the duty of the school to give it to everyone without a difference quality education and training, which is demanding in terms of school facilities, readiness teachers, applied education concepts and others. Until recently, we met mainly with the term integration, which represents the integration of pupils with different disadvantages into school. We perceive inclusive education more broadly than fulfilling the fundamental right of access for all pupils to education of the highest quality.
Inclusion allows pupils to be admitted to the teacher and admissions to each other so that they are it is possible to develop values of inclusion, to find possibilities of optimal education of pupils from social disadvantaged environment in the conditions of regular schools and school facilities. The Difference of Inclusion and Integration, Mentioned by Klein, Rusnakova and Silonova (2012, p. 47) in its publication, is that integration involves the physical integration of pupils into of ordinary schools, including inclusion of the fundamental right of access for all to education of the highest quality that includes both the value aspect and the approach in its content to groups and people with special educational needs respects the principles justice and equal opportunities [1].
Latest statistics from the European Agency for Special and Inclusive Education show that Slovakia belongs to a group of EU member states with the highest percentage of pupils with special educational needs (more than 4%) who are educated in segregated schools (school facilities) [2]. In order to obtain relevant information on the numbers of health and socially disadvantaged people pupils we have processed statistical yearbooks that are publicly accessible on the website Center for Scientific and Technical Information of the Slovak Republic located in Bratislava. We focused mainly on pupils with special educational needs. The subject of our interest was primary school pupils, special classes of elementary schools, special primary schools schools, integrated pupils with special educational needs at basic schools schools - we have followed the educational integration of pupils with mental disabilities and pupils intellectually gifted. We have seen developments in the numbers of all primary school pupils, special primary schools from 2006 to the school year 2018/2019 / we compared 10th school years / and especially the way they are educated, j. whether it is running in integrated or in segregated conditions. The results are presented in the following table.
Table no. 1 Number of pupils with special educational needs
School year |
2006/2007 |
2010/2011 |
2011/2012 |
2012/2013 |
count |
% |
count |
% |
count |
% |
count |
% |
All pupils in SR /PS a SPS/ |
482566 |
100 |
468629 |
100 |
463287 |
100 |
455885 |
100 |
Integrated pupils in SR /PS/5 |
13074 |
2,70 |
18776 |
4,00 |
20534 |
4,43 |
21754 |
4,77 |
Pupils SPS and special classes PS |
24532 |
5,08 |
28948 |
6,17 |
28810 |
6,21 |
28746 |
6,30 |
Pupils from a socially disadvantaged environment |
untrac |
ced |
untracked |
untracked |
52349 |
11,48 |
Pupils with Special Educational Needs /PS, SPS/ |
37606 |
7,79 |
47724 |
10,18 |
49344 |
10,65 |
102827 |
22,55 |
School year |
2017/2018 |
2018/2019 |
count |
% |
count |
% |
All pupils in SR /PS a SPS/ |
469150 |
100 |
473237 |
100 |
Integrated pupils in SR /PS/ |
28763 |
6,13 |
28515 |
6,02 |
Pupils SPS and special classes PS |
28568 |
6,09 |
26055 |
5,50 |
Pupils from a socially disadvantaged environment |
26306 |
5,60 |
28419 |
6,00 |
Pupils with Special Educational Needs /PS, SPS/ |
83637 |
17,82 |
82989 |
17,53 |
School year |
2013/2014 |
2014/2015 |
2015/2016 |
2016/2017 |
count |
% |
count |
% |
count |
% |
count |
% |
All pupils in SR /PS a SPS/ |
454510 |
100 |
454062 |
100 |
455558 |
100 |
465402 |
100 |
Integrated pupils in SR /PS/ |
23280 |
5,12 |
23054 |
5,07 |
26729 |
5,86 |
37259 |
8,00 |
Pupils SPS and special classes PS |
27133 |
5,96 |
28331 |
6,23 |
28140 |
6,17 |
27411 |
5,88 |
Pupils from a socially disadvantaged environment |
55383 |
12,18 |
20785 |
4,57 |
11532 |
2,53 |
22341 |
4,80 |
Pupils with Special Educational Needs /PS, SPS/ |
105796 |
23,27 |
72170 |
15,89 |
66401 |
14,57 |
87011 |
18,69 |
Statistical data is shockingly surprising to us because:
1. The number of all pupils in the Slovak Republic is stabilized and ranges from 482,566 in the school year 2006/2007 to 473237 in the school year 2018/2019.
2. The number of integrated pupils in elementary schools is very high - from 2.70% in school in 2006/2007 to 8,00% in the school year 2018/2019. We assume that this is the consequence of poorly defined conditions for the allocation of funds for so-integrated primary school pupils, and especially very poor diagnostics of school facilities educational counseling and prevention centers of pedagogical-psychological counseling and prevention and centers of special pedagogical counseling.
3. The situation in the area of education and training for disabled pupils is alarming /pupils with mental disabilities/. It is not possible - even real, to be in the Slovak Republic about 6 percent of pupils aged between 6 and 16 were mentally handicapped! This is in our opinion, the result of a poorly organized system of organization, management and funding schools and educational facilities in the Slovak Republic, badly set up school system educational counseling and prevention and poorly diagnosed medical or socially disadvantaged pupils.
4. The number of socially disadvantaged pupils varies from 4.80% in the school year 2016/2017 to 12.18% in the 2013/2014 school year, which we also consider an anomaly. The results of the OECD survey, which showed that the Slovak school system is giving, are confirmed the pupils have the slightest chances to overcome social inequalities and this situation is getting worse and worse the most unpopular among all 34 OECD countries. Unfavorable social background for pupils has the most striking negative impact on their educational outcomes. If the child is poor family, does not have the chance to get the necessary education (A similar situation is also in the field of education disadvantaged pupils).
5. The number of pupils with special educational needs is in the range of 7.79% in the school year 2006/2007 to 23.27% in the school year 2013/2014. At present, the number of pupils with special educational needs is 17.53% (This includes integrated primary school pupils, pupils of special primary school classes, pupils of special primary school, pupils with a social disadvantage). We are asking: „... it is at all possible and real that almost one-fifth of pupils be considered pupils with special educational needs?” We see it as total failure of the school system, especially in the area of health and socially disadvantaged education students. This is the consequence of, among other things, the poorly set up system of school facilities educational counseling and prevention and ill-defined health or social diagnostics disadvantaged pupils. In Table no. 2, we present an overview of the development of individual integration of pupils with special pupils educational needs at elementary schools in the Slovak Republic during 10 school years.
Table no. 2 Individual integration of pupils with special education and training needs in primary schools in the SR
School year |
2006/2007 |
2010/2011 |
2011/2012 |
2012/2013 |
2013/2014 |
Number of integrated pupils in primary school together |
13074 |
18775 |
20534 |
21754 |
23280 |
Of this: Integrated pupils with mental disabilities |
3738 |
3645 |
3743 |
3563 |
3523 |
% |
28,59 |
19,41 |
18,22 |
16,37 |
13,0 |
School year |
2014/2015 |
2015/2016 |
2016/2017 |
2017/2018 |
2018/2019 |
Number of integrated pupils in primary school together |
23054 |
28140 |
27411 |
28763 |
28515 |
Of this: Integrated pupils with mental disabilities |
3652 |
3882 |
3811 |
3670 |
3300 |
% |
15,84 |
13,79 |
13,90 |
12,75 |
11,57 |
The statistics in Table 2 show a very high number of pupils with mental disabilities / in relation to the integration of other disabilities of the disadvantaged pupils / who are integration into the primary school environment. In order to confirm or refute the information we have processed the disproportionately high numbers of mentally disabled pupils in schools statistical data on the numbers of pupils in special primary schools, in special classes Primary schools and individually integrated pupils with mental disabilities. We present the results in the following table.
Table no. 3 Pupils with mental disabilities (Pupils of special classes of elementary schools, pupils of special primary schools, individually integrated pupils with mental disabilities in elementary schools.)
School year |
2006/2007 |
2010/2011 |
2011/2012 |
2012/2013 |
2013/2014 |
Number of all pupils in SR |
482566 |
468629 |
463287 |
455885 |
454510 |
Number of pupils with mental disabilities |
Special primary schools, special classes of elementary schools |
24532 |
28948 |
28810 |
28746 |
27133 |
Individually integrated |
3738 |
3645 |
3743 |
3563 |
3523 |
28270 |
32593 |
32553 |
32309 |
30656 |
Percentage of pupils with mental disabilities |
5,85 |
6,95 |
7,02 |
7,08 |
6,74 |
School year |
2014/2015 |
2015/2016 |
2016/2017 |
2017/2018 |
2018/2019 |
Number of all pupils in SR |
454062 |
455558 |
465402 |
469150 |
473237 |
Number of pupils with mental disabilities |
Special primary schools, special classes of elementary schools |
28331 |
28140 |
27411 |
28568 |
26055 |
Individually integrated |
3652 |
3882 |
3811 |
3670 |
3300 |
31983 |
32022 |
31222 |
32238 |
29355 |
Percentage of pupils with mental disabilities |
7,04 |
7,02 |
6,70 |
6,87 |
6,20 |
The results of statistical data processing have clearly demonstrated that we are statistically involved to the most affected nations in Europe and around the world /which is certainly not true/! We did not find ourselves in professional literature with information about such a high proportion mentally disabled pupils /and we did not work with the statistics of children and pupils nursery schools and upper secondary schools 6 and data on the adult population that would be reported the percentage of the population with mental disabilities was significantly higher/. If we talk with the average of mentally handicapped individuals about 2-4% of the population (the prevalence includes all cases of people diagnosed with mental disability that exist at that time. This means that the term prevalence will mean not only new cases of MD but all of whom have been diagnosed. The incidence of mental disability in the general population can be estimated from one to three percent.
Graph no. 3 Pupils with mental disabilities
According to US statistics from 1986, 3% of people with intellectual disabilities lived in the US. In Czechoslovakia in year 1974 also 3%, ILSMH - International League to Help People with Intellectual Disabilities reports that in developing countries the number of people with MD ranges from 3 to 4%.), can not be in the Slovak Republic, the mental disability occurred in almost 7% of the population. For comparison in the next table, we provide data on the numbers of intellectually talented pupils /ranges around 0.15% over the monitored period of 5 school years/, which is also the case does not correspond to the statistical standards/average intellectually gifted individuals should be about 2% of the population/.
Graph no. 4 Intellectually talented pupils in Slovakia
Table no. 4 Intellectually talented pupils in Slovakia
School year |
2010/2011 |
2011/2012 |
2012/2013 |
2013/2014 |
2014/2015 |
State elementary schools |
417 |
583 |
645 |
615 |
868 |
Private elementary schools |
50 |
46 |
49 |
65 |
27 |
Church elementary schools |
11 |
18 |
20 |
24 |
25 |
Together |
478 |
647 |
714 |
704 |
920 |
% |
0,10 |
0,13 |
0,15 |
0,15 |
0,20 |
School year |
2015/2016 |
2016/2017 |
2017/2018 |
2018/2019 |
State elementary schools |
693 |
850 |
788 |
773 |
Private elementary schools |
50 |
57 |
71 |
73 |
Church elementary schools |
32 |
29 |
36 |
72 |
Together |
775 |
939 |
895 |
918 |
% |
0,17 |
0,20 |
0,19 |
0,19 |
A. The area of organization, management and funding of schools and school facilities. The organization, management and funding of schools and school facilities is now complicated, transparent and non-transparent. This system often loses the money that would be given more efficient use of, for example, also to support the idea of an inclusive school. From our own experience we know that in some towns and municipalities of the Slovak Republic financial education is ineffective resources and are also used for other purposes than for school funding. The state has no competence control self-government, and for that reason they are opposed to returning to the organization, management and the funding of schools and school facilities under state administration.
B. The field of educational facilities for educational counseling and prevention. Over the past 10 years there has been an uncontrollable increase in schooling counseling facilities (also private) in the whole of Slovakia /see table no.7/. By canceling centers of special pedagogical counseling and transferring their competencies to the centers pedagogical-psychological counseling and prevention would create a single functional one and an effective system of advisory school facilities in the Slovak Republic according to the principle of „one Doors "where parents could solve their children's problems in one workplace with quality professional staff of special pedagogues, psychologists and other professionals employees of centers of pedagogical-psychological counseling and prevention. We assume that this model would prevent unauthorized replanting (admission) pupils to special primary school classes and to special primary schools for mentally affected pupils.
Table No.7 Centers of Special Education (CSE) in the SR
School year |
2010/1 1 |
2011/1 2 |
2012/1 3 |
2013/1 4 |
2014/1 5 |
2015/1 6 |
2016/1 7 |
2017/1 8 |
State |
80 |
80 |
79 |
79 |
80 |
83 |
83 |
84 |
Private |
40 |
47 |
50 |
53 |
56 |
62 |
67 |
68 |
Ecclesiastical |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Together |
121 |
128 |
130 |
133 |
137 |
146 |
151 |
153 |
The table and graph show the astronomical increase in the number of special-pedagogical centers counseling /especially private/ can not guarantee the expertise and quality of work particularly in the field of diagnostics, which also results in information from statistical findings of an uncontroversial increase in the number of mentally handicapped pupils and pupils with special educational needs in Slovakia. If the number of special- pedagogical counseling /153/ add the number of pedagogical-psychological centers counseling and prevention (total 86, of which 14 are private and 72 are state-owned) actual number of educational facilities for educational counseling and prevention - 239, of which up to 82 private. We express legitimate doubts about the quality of staffing in many of them.
Graph no. 5 Centers of special pedagogical counseling / CSPP / in SR
C. Area of diagnosis improvement. Currently, statistics show /suggests that access/ will need to be changed in diagnosing children and pupils by diverting from medical diagnostics towards pedagogical diagnostics and inclusive diagnostics and ending with characteristics (sticking) children and pupils with social (health) disadvantage and pass to provide general support for all children and pupils in the inclusive school environment [4].
We recommend:
1. Perform screening and subsequent stimulation in pre-school age socially and healthy disadvantaged children and pupils, which we will prevent the unjustified inclusion of children in the system of special education.
2. Use the Manual as part of the screening and screening to Detection and Manual to Stimulation that were created in the NP School Open to all [5].
3. Personally strengthen the positions of professional employees in maternity and primary schools (school special pedagogue, school psychologist, etc.).
4. Create a unified advisory system - & quot; One Door System & quot; merging centers educational counseling and prevention Pedagogical and Psychological Centers counseling and prevention and Centers of special pedagogical counseling.
5. Legislatively set up centers of educational counseling and prevention of suspicion on mental retardation (as a diagnosis under International classification of diseases) recommended to the lawyer representative to have
6. the child (pupil) also undergo medical diagnostics (psychiatric/ neurological) examination due to the need for security clinical confirmation of the health handicap of the child's disability. Child (pupil) will have a recommendation on education as a child (pupil) with mental health disability - mild mental retardation until the confirmation of this diagnosis for children psychiatrist [3].
By concluding the paper we want to emphasize that in today's society, characterized globalization processes accompanied by a number of negative phenomena, it turns out are extremely important to find and find key strategies and approaches to mitigating them impacts. In this context, the importance of education increases in relation to the whole population, the target group, which is undoubtedly the socially and healthy disadvantaged children and pupils. Experts dealing with inclusive education agree on the view that one of them basic problems of socially and physically disadvantaged people and a common cause many difficulties in their lives and in the life of society as a whole are their low educational attainment (and we agree with them). This fact also suggests that the key role in the gradual improving the standard of living of this target group will have an increase in their educational attainment levels in the intentions of new approaches and a new philosophy of the future inclusive Slovak school. The essential part of these processes is above all to improve the inclusive process diagnostics of socially and healthy disadvantaged children and pupils with an emphasis on prevention unjustified inclusion of pupils into the system of special schools for mentally handicapped and also as a prevention for the occurrence of further disorders, e.g. behavioral disorders, specific developmental learning disabilities
1. KLEIN, V., RUSNAKOVA, J., SILONOVA, V. (2012). Nulty rocmk a edukacia romskych ziakov. Vyd. 1. Spisska Nova Ves: RomaEducationFund. 2012. ISBN 978-80-971181-0-5.
2. KYRIAZOPOULOU, M. (2017). Mistm akcm plan rozvoje vzdelavamvemeste Brno.Europska agentura pre specialne a inkluzwne vzdelavanie.
3. SILONOVA, V., KLEIN,V. (2018). Edukacia socialne znevyhodnenych ziakov so specifickymi vyvinovymi poruchami ucenia - druhe rozsnene vydanie. VERBUM KU Ruzomberok. ISBN 978-80-5610262-6.
4. SILONOVA, V., KLEIN, V., SINKOVA, P. A. (2018). Manual k depistazi pre deti predskolskeho veku pochadzajuce zo socialne znevyhodneneho prostredia - inovovana cast'. Presov: Metodicko-pedagogicke centrum v Presove, 2018. s. 107. ISBN 978-80-565-1434-4.
5. SILONOVA, V., KLEIN, V., SINKOVA, P. A. (2018). Manual k stimulacnemu programu pre deti predskolskeho veku pochadzajuce zo socialne znevyhodneneho prostredia - inovovana cast'. Presov: Metodicko- pedagogicke centrum v Presove, 2018. s. 140. ISBN 978-80-565-1432-0.
6. STATISTICKE ROCENKY. Centrum vedecko-technickych informacn SR v Bratislave. [online]. [cit. 201-02-20]. Dostupne na < skol stve/stati stiky.html?page_id=9230>.
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