Grammar competence formation in teaching professionally oriented foreign language to nonlinguistic specialties bachelors

Mastering grammatical competence - a process that ensures a correct understanding of language structures. Explaining the rules, working out speech patterns - one of the main stages of forming grammatical skills at nonlinguistic specialties bachelors.

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Grammar competence formation in teaching professionally oriented foreign language to nonlinguistic specialties bachelors

Boichuk A.P., Tytun O.L., Sivkovych H.M.

Boichuk A.P., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Tytun O.L., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Sivkovych H.M., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

The article deals with the relevance and role of forming foreign language grammar competence when training students of nonlinguistic specialties of the University. It is established that the task of professional competence formation in teaching foreign languages to students of higher nonlinguistic educational institutions remains unsolved. In this regard, it is necessary to direct the students' educational activities to the achievement of abilities to implement professional activities and to the manifestation of its results by means of foreign languages that is the formation of foreign language professional competence. Grammar competence is an integral part of foreign language competence and the ultimate goal of teaching grammar and, consequently, mastering grammatical means of communication. It is justified that grammatical literacy is formed, lexical units are learned, and pronunciation and speech are improved in real communicative situations. The formation of grammar skills and abilities is based on three main stages: explanation of rules, processing of speech patterns, use of grammar structures in various communicative situations. It is emphasized that the learning of grammar rules should take place in communicative situations of all types of speech. The authors note when mastering grammar competence, the attention of the future specialist should be paid to the combination of grammar structures with vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading and writing. This approach goes to better understanding and remembering. It gives a possibility to comprehend the form, content, essence of grammar as well as to prevent linguistic and grammar mistakes. Difficulties in learning grammar rules are coincidences and differences of grammar in native and foreign languages, which may be accompanied by transference and intervention. The main types of work that contribute to the learning and improvement of foreign language grammar competence are offered.

Key words: foreign language grammar competence, grammar structures, communicative situations, grammar skills and abilities, kinds of speech, communicative competence.


У статті розглянуто актуальність і роль формування іншомовної граматичної компетенції студентів немовних факультетів вищих навчальних закладів. Установлено, що проблема формування такої професійної компетентності, у структуру якої була б органічно інтегрована іншомовна компонента, запишається нерозв'язаною. Граматична компетенція як складова частина іншомовної компетенції є кінцевою метою навчання граматики й, отже, оволодіння граматичними засобами спілкування. Володіння нею забезпечує правильне розуміння мовних структур і запобігає помилці. Без знання граматичних правил побудови слова і речення повноцінне спілкування практично неможливе. Обґрунтовано, що саме в реальних комунікативних ситуаціях формується граматична грамотність, засвоюються лексичні одиниці, удосконалюються вимова і мовлення. Наголосимо, граматичні правила варто опрацьовувати в комунікативних ситуаціях зі всіх видів мовлення. Автори зазначають, що під час оволодіння іншомовної граматичної компетенції потрібно звернути увагу викладача на поєднання граматичних структур з лексикою, аудіюванням, говорінням, читанням і письмом у процесі підготовки майбутнього фахівця. Такий підхід дає можливість краще зрозуміти, запам'ятати, осмислити форму, зміст, сутність граматики, а також запобігти помилкам мовно-граматичного характеру. Формування граматичних навичок і вмінь проходить такі основні кроки: пояснення правил, опрацювання мовленнєвих зразків, використання граматичних явищ у різноманітних комунікативних ситуаціях. Закономірні труднощі в засвоєнні граматичних правил полягають у збігу й протиріччях граматичних структур у рідній та іноземній мовах, які супроводжуються трансференцією й інтерференцією. Запропоновано основні види роботи, які сприяють навчанню та розвитку іншомовної граматичної компетентності.

Ключові слова: іншомовна граматична компетентність, граматичні структури, комунікативні ситуації, граматичні навики й уміння, види мовлення, комунікативна компетентність.


grammatical skill bachelor

Such research problem as formation of foreign languages skills of students gaining nonlinguistic specialties has always attracted the attention of scholars. While society's needs are rising, the emphasis of practical teaching of foreign languages in higher educational establishments is changing and the formation of foreign grammar competence has become an urgent need. As a result, the task of professional competence formation in teaching foreign languages to students of higher nonlinguistic educational institutions remains unsolved. In this regard, it is necessary to direct the students' educational activities to the achievement of abilities to implement professional activities and to the manifestation of its results by means of foreign languages that is the formation of foreign language professional competence.

Theoretical framework and research methods

The analysis of research has shown that the work of researchers covering the study of a foreign language as a language of professional interaction is of great importance. It should be emphasized that researchers pay special attention to the issues of teaching a professionally oriented foreign language (D. Demchenko, O. Poliakov, N. Halskova, A. Waters, T. Hutchinson). Related researches by of O. Vovk, O. Kozakevych, V. Luchkevych, L. Orlovska, N. Serdyuk, N. Stetsenko demonstrate that grammar competence plays an important role in the formation of foreign language communicative competence as it contributes to the understanding of patterns and functioning of grammar structures in the language being studied. I. Androsova, E. Holoborodko, E. Passov, M. Penteliuk, L. Pokushalova, O. Pometun, V. Redko, O. Tarnapolskyi, A. Shchehlova made a significant contribution to the study of modern methods and innovative approaches to foreign language teaching.

Novelty of research

It should be noted that the research of professional competence has no unambiguous solution in modern science, not enough attention is paid to the modern methods application in the process of forming foreign grammar competence of nonlinguistic specialties students. Conceptual interpretation and specifics of the use of this concept determine the different meaning and understanding of this phenomenon.

The aim of this study

So, all the mentioned above have determined the title of this article and its main goal: to consider effective strategies for teaching grammar means of communication and the ability to form the grammar competence of nonlinguistic specialties bachelors.


Grammar competence is an integral part of foreign language competence and the ultimate goal of teaching grammar and, consequently, mastering grammar means of communication. Having it provides a correct understanding of the utterance and the message that is perceived, and prevents mistakes. Without grammar skills of word and sentence construction full-fledged communication is almost impossible.

It is important to determine the definition of grammar competence given by the Council of Europe in the document `European Recommendations for Language Education'. The team of authors of this document understands grammar competence as “knowledge of the language grammar elements and the ability to use them in speech. Grammar competence includes the ability to understand and express a certain opinion in the form of phrases and sentences built according to the rules of a given language (as opposed to the mechanical reproduction of memorized samples)” [2, c. 111]. This statement should be especially taken into account in the grammar competence formation of nonlinguistic universities bachelors since teaching a foreign language is absolutely pragmatic and related to their future professional activities. All this happens within the framework of small classroom hours, which are not enough to achieve high-quality results. Often, when mastering grammar, the goal is not so much to know the rules, but mainly to use grammar structures in speech interaction. Therefore, we believe that the role of grammar in teaching students of nonlinguistic specialties and training future professionals is extremely important, his knowledge and skills must be perfect.

The study of a foreign language is one of the compulsory subjects at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and involves the improvement of students' language competences which provides an opportunity to use the linguistic system to communicate in general and in accordance with the professional situation in particular. A typical foreign language program provides training of future specialists to communicate in a foreign language in oral and written forms by improving the appropriate skills and abilities that determine the successful speech activity in different foreign languages. The English language program for university bachelors developed in accordance with the recommendations of the Council of Europe [2] is aimed at teaching students to use narrative, interrogative and imperative sentences, basic temporal verb forms to express actions in the present, past and future tenses, grammar forms of parts of speech (first year study); impersonal verb forms (infinitive, gerund, adjective, adverb) and constructions with them (second year study); principles of syntactic structure of the English language, definite and indefinite articles, semantic classes of pronouns and their features (third year study). Thus, the future specialist is faced with serious professional requirements to acquire knowledge of grammar and the ability to use grammar structures in various types of communication.

Teaching work with students demonstrates:

- students have some difficulties in the situational use of grammar structures;

- students do not have enough sufficient skills to use forms of grammar correctly;

- most students have learned to use only very simple grammar structures, have difficulties using various connecting elements of language to express their opinion more natural and logically constructed;

- as the questionnaire shows grammar is a very complex aspect of foreign language to many students, it makes students bored, so it scares away and creates the impression of inaccessibility.

When learning grammar competence, the attention of the future specialist should be paid to the combination of grammar structures with vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading and writing. This approach goes to better understanding and remembering. It gives a possibility to comprehend the form, content, essence of grammar as well as to prevent linguistic and grammar mistakes. It is important that grammar literacy is formed, lexical units are learned, and pronunciation and speech are improved in real communicative situations. The future specialist must take into account the difficulties arisen in determining the meaning and use of grammar structures. This is largely because they are not associated with the speech functions inherent in a given grammar structure [3].

The formation of grammar skills and abilities is based on three main stages: explanation of rules, processing of speech patterns, use of grammar structures in various communicative situations. But these stages do not always follow one another, some of them may be repeated. There is a cyclical assimilation of the grammar [7]. The following basic techniques are used in the implementation of phasing:

- demonstration of speech pattern;

- imitation;

- actions on the model, by analogy, actions based on clarity, including the speech situation;

- reliance on speech pattern and rules;

- comparison of grammar structures with those in the native language;

- comparison of the form of grammar structure with similar and reliance on previously studied material;

- comprehensive analysis of the grammar structures [4].

We emphasize that the learning of grammar rules should take place in communicative situations of all types of speech.

In general the technologies of mastering grammar skills are as follows:

- activity;

- focus on communication;

- reliance on the model and the action by analogy;

- reliance on consciousness and combination with practical actions;

- stimulation of speech activity and self-directed work;

- reliance on the principles of visuality, accessibility, strength and consistency;

- taking into account the principle of approximation [5, c. 205].

Difficulties in learning grammar rules are coincidences and differences of grammar in native and foreign languages, which may be accompanied by transference and intervention. Prevention of interference is facilitated by the study of relevant grammar rules in comparison with their native and foreign languages. The linguistic component in the teaching of grammar speech includes grammar concepts. Here, first of all, we mean concepts that are absent in the Ukrainian language or they have their own features (article, gerund, word order in a sentence, etc.). Ignoring them can lead to interference. Rules (rule-concept, rule-instruction, rule-generalization) are important linguistic components in teaching the grammar side of speech. It is advisable the grammar rules to be studied on the basis of a combination of vocabulary and grammar through communication. That must include at least one sentence and represent a speech pattern that combines vocabulary, grammar, phonetics and has a certain communicative function. Using a speech pattern, you can construct a large number of phrases that are similar in function and structure. When working on drills (training exercises), the teacher must be aware they to have a communicative focus. This helps to memorize grammar rules better and is a means of forming communicative competence.

When studying grammar, it is extremely important the result as to speak grammar correctly. Communicative situations, role-playing games, discussions, presentations, projects provide consolidation of grammar skills. Such kinds of exercises are used to form grammar competence as language, conditional speech and speech ones. Language exercises are done mainly at the initial stage of higher education studying. Conditional speech exercises are effective in the formation of grammar skills through which speech is carried out in a learning environment. They bring speech closer to natural situations of native speakers. Speech exercises (also called active speech exercises) repeat the communication process in different types of speech. The main meaning of these exercises is that they are done in the process of learning through communicative situations. Thanks to this speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar, lexical and phonetic skills are improved. The level of grammar skills is determined by controlling their formation.

The aspects of control are the following skills:

- word formation;

- connection of lexical units in a sentence;

- recognition of grammar units;

- correlation of grammar units and meaning;

- mastery of grammar rules;

- phrases formation and construction;

- understanding, perception, awareness, comprehension of grammar content, sentence structure and word forms [1, c. 22; 6, c. 17].

Consider the main types of work that contribute to the learning and improvement of foreign language grammar competence and examples according to each of them.

Grammar analysis. It is advisable to use both when presenting new grammar material and when generalizing and systematizing. Students are asked to read a sentence. The teacher asks questions that lead students to clarify the rules of formation and use of a particular grammar unit.

Grammar clichй. They are used in the study of temporal forms of verbs as a clichй, when it is necessary to substitute a semantic verb in accordance with the available time markers.

Conversion. This is that students are offered a model-scheme of speech structure in which students change one inaccurate word in their own statements.

Analogy finding. A grammar structure is related to the grammar structure model. Students are asked to find a grammar structure similar to the proposed model in the text or form their own one by analogy.

Poem composition. Students compose a poem of 5 lines, which synthesizes information and briefly describes the topic. Poem is made according to the following rules. The first line should contain a word that indicates the topic (noun). The second line is a description of the topic, which consists of two words (adjectives). The third line expresses the action related to the topic and consists of three verbs. The fourth line is a phrase consisting of four words and expresses the relationship to the topic. The last line consists of one synonymous word which conveys the essence of the topic. It is not necessary to have rhythm and rhyme, it is a free work.

In this way, the student has the opportunity to select the essence from a large amount of information and present it briefly.

Complete what is uncompleted. In this type of activity, phrases, words, or letters are omitted in the printed text. Students use `language hint' system to complete the text with missing words or letters to make sense.

Broken sentences. Students receive sets of cards with written parts of sentences are and make sentences from them.

Word mosaic. The words in the statements are written chaotically. Students have to guess the statements.

Split circle. Students need to choose synonyms for the word that is in the core of the split circle and write them in the sectors of the circle.

Discussion. Students are offered some communicative situation. Participants must express their own point of view different from the given.


grammatical skill bachelor

Based on the review of the presented material, conclusions can be drawn. Training a future specialist, a bachelor-graduate of a nonlinguistic university (or department), the main strategy for mastering foreign grammar competences is using of all types of speech methods (listening, speaking, reading, writing) during classroom and extracurricular activities. Grammar skills should be formed in close interaction with the formation of language and speech skills considering positive interests and motives of students and the microclimate in the audience. From our view, a holistic approach to teaching grammar will allow learners to choose structures and ways of expressing what they would like to express, rather than worrying all the time about using grammar rules correctly. In addition a holistic approach to the study of grammar categories will allow students to move to a higher level of proficiency in a foreign language.

Thus, the possession of grammar competencies is important for becoming a bachelor as a specialist. However, this requires further research which may be related to the development of teaching aids for grammar competence and testing their effectiveness.


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5. Осідак В.В. Принцип комплексності в організації контролю англомовної граматичної компетенції майбутніх філологів. Вісник Київського національного лінгвістичного університету. Серія «Педагогіка та психологія». Київ: Видавничий центр КНЛУ, 2002. Вип. 5. С. 202-212.

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