Peculiarities of the development of oral speech for foreign students

Description of assessment by students of their own skills in the oral academic Ukrainian language. The options for the development of oral speech and examples of exercises that contribute to the rapid study of the Ukrainian language as a foreign language.

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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 20.06.2022
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Peculiarities of the development of oral speech for foreign students

Zlotnyk-Shagina Olga Oleksandrivna - PhD, associate professor; Glier Kyiv Institute of Music; assistant of the department of Ukrainian and Russian languages as Foreign Languages; Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology; Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The article considers oral speech as the main tool in the process of learning the Ukrainian language for foreign students. Therefore, oral speech should always be developed and improved. And for foreign students, the development of oral speech in the study of the Ukrainian language is the most important aspect. Without oral coherent speech it is impossible to fully master the Ukrainian language. There are many different methods of speech development for foreign students, for example, Ukrainian literature is closely related to the language and culture of the Ukrainian people, which is ideal for the development of oral speech of foreign students. to determine the role of oral speech in language learning and the formation of students' professional understanding of the essence of communicative activity, nature, components and forms of communication, features of verbal and nonverbal communication code, the influence of national and cultural factors on communication in both professional and everyday activities.

As oral presentations become an increasingly important feature of higher education, it is important to find out what oral communication skills students need to function successfully in an academic context. Thus, this specific presentation aims to identify and describe students' assessment of their own skills in the oral academic Ukrainian language, in particular, to compare how good and important their skills are. Oral speech allows students to form a holistic view of the nature and functions of communication in society, the technical means of communication; to acquaint foreign students with the basic laws of communication, with the verbal and nonverbal code of communication, types of communication barriers; to expand the active and passive vocabulary in the field of professional speech of foreign students of philology; to form basic practical skills necessary for communication in the field of intercultural communication; to raise the general educational and cultural level of foreign students.

The article presents options for the development of oral speech and presents examples of exercises that contribute to the rapid study of the Ukrainian language as a foreign language and the development of oral speech.

Keywords: oral speech, learning Ukrainian as a foreign language, listening, speaking, dialogue, monologue, written language, reading, writing.


Особливості розвитку усного мовлення у іноземних студентів

Злотник-Шагіна Ольга Олександрівна - кандидат філологічних наук, доцент; Київський інститут музики імені Р.М.Глієра; асистент кафедри української та російської мов як іноземних; Навчально-науковий інститут філології; Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка.

У статті розглянуто усне мовлення як один із основних засобів у процесі вивчення української мови для іноземних студентів, для яких розвиток усного мовлення є домінатним аспектом. Для студентів-іноземців розвиток усного мовлення при вивченні української мови є найважливішим аспектом. Без комунікативно-стилістичного аспекту неможливо повноцінно опанувати українську мову. Існує безліч різних методів та методик розвитку мовлення для іноземних студентів, наприклад, українська література тісно пов'язана з мовою та культурою українського народу, а українська мова виступає певним вербалізованим кодом української нації, що ідеально підходить для розвитку усного мовлення іноземних студентів.

Міждисциплінарний підхід до вивчення мови у іноземних студентів допомагає сформувати професійное уявлення про сутність комунікативної діяльності, природу, компоненти і форми комунікації, пізнати особливості вербальних та невербальних маркерів спілкування, про вплив національно-культурних чинників на процес комунікації як у професійній, так і повсякденній діяльності. Оскільки усні доповіді та презентації стають основними формами перевірки знань у вищій школі, важливо з'ясувати, які навички усного спілкування студентів необхідні для успішного функціонування в науковому стилі.

Таким чином, ця стаття спрямована на виявлення та опис оцінки студентами власних навичок усної наукової (академічної) української мови. Усне мовлення дозволяє сформувати у студентів цілісне уявлення про природу та функції комунікації у суспільстві, про технічні засоби комунікації, ознайомлює студентів-іноземців з основними законами та правилами спілкування, з вербальним та невербальним кодом комунікації, видами комунікативних бар'єрів, розширює активний і пасивний лексичний запас у сфері фахового мовлення іноземних студентів-філологів; формує елементарні практичні навички, необхідні для спілкування у сфері міжкультурної комунікації; підвищує загальноосвітній та культурний рівень студентів-іноземців. У статті подані варіанти розвитку усного мовлення та представленні варіанти авторських вправ, які сприяють швидкому вивченню української мови як іноземної та розвитку усного мовлення.

Ключові слова: усне мовлення, вивчення української мови як іноземної, аудіювання, говоріння, діалог, монолог, письмова мова, читання, письмо.


Особенности развития устной речи у иностранных студентов

Злотник Ольга Александровна - кандидат филологических наук, доцент; Киевский институт музыки им. Р.М. Глиера; ассистент кафедры украинского и русского языка как иностранного; Учебно-научный институт филологии; Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко.

В статье рассмотрена устная речь как основное средство в процессе обучения украинскому языку для иностранных студентов. Поэтому устную речь нужно всегда развивать и совершенствовать. А для иностранных студентов развитие устной речи при изучении украинского языка является важнейшим аспектом. Без устной связной речи невозможно полноценно овладеть украинским языком. Существует множество различных методов развития речи для иностранных студентов, например, украинская литература тесно связана с языком и культурой украинского народа, идеально подходит для развития устной речи иностранных студентов.

Определить роль устной речи в изучении языка и формирование у студентов профессионального представления о сущности коммуникативной деятельности, природу, компоненты и формы коммуникации, особенности вербального и невербального кода общения, о влиянии национально-культурных факторов на процесс коммуникации как в профессиональной, так и повседневной деятельности. Поскольку устные доклады становятся все более важным признаком высшего образования, важно выяснить, какие навыки устного общения студентов необходимы для успешного функционирования в академическом контексте. Таким образом, статья направлена на выявление и описание оценки студентами собственных навыков устного научного (академического) украинского языка.

Устная речь позволяет сформировать у студентов целостное представление о природе и функции коммуникации в обществе, о технических средствах коммуникации; ознакомить студентов-иностранцев с основными законами общения с вербальным и невербальным кодом коммуникации, видами коммуникативных барьеров; расширить активный и пассивный словарный запас в сфере профессионального вещания иностранных студентов-филологов; сформировать элементарные практические навыки, необходимые для общения в сфере межкультурной коммуникации; повысить общеобразовательный и культурный уровень студентов-иностранцев. В статье представлены варианты развития устной речи и представлены примеры упражнений, которые способствуют быстрому изучению украинского языка как иностранного и развития устной речи.

Ключевые слова: устная речь, изучение украинского языка как иностранного, аудирование, говорение, диалог, монолог, письменный язык, чтение, письмо.

The importance of organizing effective teaching of the Ukrainian language for foreign students in higher education is beyond doubt. This applies not only to universities and faculties, where there is training for future specialists in the field of language teaching, but also to non-linguistic universities, where the Ukrainian language is mainly a general discipline. As you know, "teacher learning is a worldwide issue and is obviously a key to any educational change and reform" [6].

Oral communication in a scientific (academic) context is becoming increasingly important through the transition to innovative teaching methods. Oral communication in Ukrainian is a double challenge for a foreign student at the university. Each student may have different needs, depending on the chosen discipline, language skills, cognitive level, cultural background and many other factors. The development of the competence of oral communication in a foreign language can be crucial for the success of students in learning.

Presentations are becoming an increasingly important part of learning, used for both formative and final assessment in a variety of disciplines, and are part of the experience of student seminars or any other oral communication activity (eg coursework, bachelor's or master's degree, dissertation defense, etc.) in an academic context. Studies of the Ukrainian language for academic purposes have expanded, the language is studied in the context of scientific communication, but video presentations and speeches as dominant forms during higher education have been relatively insufficiently studied. Let us recall the isolated works of linguistic methodologists I. Komashchenko, O. Gutov, A. Dedushkin, and others.

The above points to the problems associated with the teaching / learning of Ukrainian as a foreign language in university education, and suggests the need to transition the teaching of Ukrainian to scientific (academic) goals, and hence innovation of the curriculum on the subject of Ukrainian language skills.

The purpose of the article is to determine the role of oral speech in language learning and formation of students' professional understanding of the essence of communicative activity, nature, components and forms of communication, features of verbal and nonverbal communication code, the influence of national and cultural factors on communication in professional and everyday life. activities. As oral presentations become an increasingly important feature of higher education, it is important to find out what oral communication skills students need to function successfully in an academic context. Thus, the article aims to identify and describe students' assessment of their own skills of the oral academic Ukrainian language, in particular, to compare how important their skills are, especially when it comes to oral forms of control in higher education - reports, (presentations), dialogues / monologues, answers to seminars and practical classes.

The research methodology is based on the concepts of modern educational theory of constructivism in the study of language. Research methods are descriptive analysis of documents and scientific literature, also used survey methods (questionnaires) for the selection of quantitative data, a list of statistics. The analysis of the obtained results reveals the needs of students of higher educational institutions for academic speech for scientific purposes at the university level.

Vocabulary is known to be one of the most essential skills for learning a language. This allows the future specialist to improve in different areas of each industry. But, as we know, many students are not competent enough to use the language, namely - they find it difficult to speak, they make frequent stylistic errors and have a certain psychological barrier when using the language they are learning [1].

Learning a language in the context of distance learning becomes difficult, especially the improvement of oral communication skills among foreign students, which causes significant difficulties for both the teacher and the students themselves. By introducing various teaching methods, it is possible to gradually eliminate these shortcomings and give the right direction to foreign students in learning the Ukrainian language.

The main means of communication and communication for people is language. Through language, a person has the opportunity to receive and transmit a large amount of information. Thanks to language as a means of communication, a person's individual consciousness is enriched by the experience of other people.

Speech activity - is "an active, purposeful process of transmission or reception of a message mediated by the language system and conditioned by the situation of communication" [7, p. 4].

Oral speech should always be developed and improved. And for foreign students, the development of oral speech in the study of the Ukrainian language is the most important aspect. Without oral coherent speech it is impossible to fully master the Ukrainian language. There are many different methods of speech development for foreign students, for example, Ukrainian literature is closely related to the language and culture of the Ukrainian people, which is ideal for the development of oral speech of foreign students. An important component is the linguistic aspect, in particular the study of the cultural and historical past and present of the people whose language the student is studying.

Learning to communicate competently is an important competence in itself, as it gives students a set of necessary skills that will be used throughout life. Speaking is an important competence for communication in all social, professional and academic discourse, and it is necessary for all language learners. Students should have good oral skills in personal life, various social interactions, scientific dialogue, academic conversation and develop them in their future professional context, where they will attend meetings, make presentations, participate in discussions, present arguments, and work teams. .

Oral speech allows students to form a holistic view of the nature and functions of communication in society, the technical means of communication; to acquaint foreign students with the basic laws of communication, with the verbal and nonverbal code of communication, types of communication barriers; to expand the active and passive vocabulary in the field of professional speech of foreign students of philology; to form basic practical skills necessary for communication in the field of intercultural communication; to raise the general educational and cultural level of foreign students. One of the latest studies in world linguistics shows why students are afraid of the audience and public speaking in front of it [3]; "people without any formal background in communication or in research on stage fright were asked to offer explanations for why people may experience stage fright. A questionnaire based on their responses was administered to a second sample" [5, p. 137].

The development of oral speech gives an idea of the nature and functions of communication in society, the differences between human and animal communication, trends in modern communication, features of verbal and nonverbal communication codes, national and cultural specifics of speech behavior, and expands students' vocabulary, education and cultural level of foreign students, in particular listening and speaking.

You can start communicating with individual words that denote objects that are in the room, for example, and then combine them with other words into small phrases or sentences. Тут стіл. Там крісло. Це ручка. It is important to introduce interrogative sentences to prepare students for dialogues: Це стілець? Тут студент? Де вода? Хто це? In the first lessons it is important to teach students to give the answer: yes or no. Example: Ти студент? Зараз ти живеш у Києві? Ти вивчаєш українську мову?

At the initial stage, it is also important to develop simple dialogic topics "Acquaintance", "At the University" and so on. In the future, it is necessary to restore the question on this line or vice versa. Playing dialogues is considered the most productive task.

Mastering a monologue is considered the most difficult stage at the initial stage, for example, "In the store", "My friend", "My family", "My room" and "My hobby". It is important at the initial stage of acquaintance with the Ukrainian language to use illustrations, photographs, presentations, interactive technologies. Thus, students learn to visualize new words, develop not only auditory but also visual memory [5; 7].

At the initial stage of learning the Ukrainian language, microtexts are offered, which contain the studied vocabulary and grammar. They are thematic. Then the texts become more complicated and increase in volume (two, three, then four paragraphs). First, elementary texts are offered, then adapted ones, then newspaper material, scientific texts and other unadapted literature are gradually introduced.

At the initial stage, students do a lot of exercises, usually in the classroom is oral work, and home is already given a written assignment. The highest unit of study is the text. Gradually, the ability to write related text is formed, which is initially easy and consists of three or four sentences, and then gradually increases and becomes more complicated.

The best way to develop oral speech is to listen to many conversations [1; 3]. Therefore, listening is an integral part of this process. This is one of the most important skills to master, because you can understand a little written words or those that are spoken slowly and clearly. But when native speakers begin to speak and mix words together very quickly, it may seem that the time spent learning the language has been wasted. Fortunately, with the right strategies, it is possible to learn to understand a language very quickly.

When foreign students improve their listening skills, they also understand native speakers better. Mastering listening provides fundamental speech skills and also helps to learn how native speakers speak.

Of course, if the goal of language learning is to be able to speak, it is necessary to constantly practice in this process. Listening itself is what helps to improve speaking skills. The more a student listens, the more often it turns out that the right things "come to mind" when there is sufficient experience in listening to different audio texts.

If the goal is informal communication with people, then talk shows, serials and reality shows are ideal, because they will help to learn grammar and vocabulary to talk about everyday things (see modern works on media linguistics, which emphasize new genres media that come from Western cultures and become close to the mass Ukrainian recipient [8, pp. 150-151]). If the goal is to take an oral exam, it is probably better to listen to news programs and documentaries, because they help to learn to speak in a more formal register.

Movies and TV shows in the language being studied are difficult to understand even at a very high level (so don't worry if it causes difficulties). For example, subtitles can be a really handy tool if they are the language you are learning. You should avoid subtitles in your native language, because it is too tempting to read them without trying to understand a foreign language.

As for subtitles, most recipients agree that they can help with language learning, some worry that subtitles are not suitable for listening skills, because in the end most of the time the student spends reading. But our research shows that watching TV with subtitles still improves listening skills. Thus, if subtitles are preferred, they should be properly prepared from a stylistic point of view and reproduced in a functional-communicative aspect.

When learning a language, it is important to communicate with others. It is worth knowing where to start and not be afraid to talk. This is what oratory teaches, especially when it comes to communication to a large audience [1; 3; 6]. When you start speaking a new language, everything becomes awkward. New sounds. New words. Wonderful grammar. The idea of speaking a new language is gratifying, but the fear and uncertainty recede and leave feelings of anxiety. The only way to overcome fear is to resist it. In the end, you have to go through it.

One of the most productive types of language activities is speaking. It can be divided into three levels, namely: primary (student gives answers without supporting materials, but the teacher helps him); middle (student can speak with visual aids); independent (the student does not use auxiliary materials, but uses knowledge of the subject of expression and complex subject- semantic constructions).

Speaking involves the emergence of the ability to express one's opinion meaningfully and grammatically correctly. During speaking, students develop skills: to request information from each other; exchange views; lead a conversation and analyze what is read and heard; describe, retell, reflect and discuss.

Oral speech can be studied in the form of dialogue and monologue. Dialogue is a direct exchange of statements between two or more people. When mastering dialogic language, some difficulties may arise, for example: insufficient time to prepare a remark; there may be a change in the topic of conversation; initiative continuation of communication.

There are also features that facilitate the perception and quality of communication: facial expressions, gestures and articulation of the interlocutor, which can be guided and which serves as a support in the dialogue; use of language formulas; a situation that unites interlocutors.

A monologue - is a long statement addressed to one or a group of listeners, sometimes to oneself. It is an organized kind of language, a product of individual construction. Monologic language is also characterized by relative continuity, consistency, logic, and relative semantic completeness. Tasks of the teacher at development of monologue speech: to form ability to express the finished thought, to develop the idea, to specify, supplement, explain, prove; to form the ability to reason logically, compare, generalize and express quite normatively (phonetically and grammatically) [4].

Another type of oral speech can be considered reading. It aims to extract the information contained in the written text. Just like listening, reading is both a goal and a means of learning. The purpose of working on the technique of reading - the transition from mature reading "about yourself", when all attention is focused on the content, rather than the language form.

There are the following types of reading:

> search (student searches for information in the text, or selects keywords);

> review (the student reviews the text and performs tasks, finding in it, for example, something interesting or basic;

> introductory (reading with general coverage of the content).

> detailed (reading with a full understanding of the information, which may be accompanied by extracts).

A productive type of written language is one's own writing. Writing is both a goal, a means, and a way of learning. As a means of writing is associated with the performance of various exercises and tasks in writing. The goal - the formation of writing techniques - the ability to correlate sound with graphic symbols. It is a complex psychological and psycholinguistic process that is associated with common language mechanisms.

The task of the teacher during the teaching of written speech: to form in students the necessary graphic automatisms and linguistic skills and abilities: to make their own statement based on the listened text, make a plan (simple and complex) and make a message on a given topic.

The first step in learning to write is to learn graphics. We simultaneously teach to read and write letters, syllables, words, phrases and sentences. When we practice pronunciation and teach sounds, we label that sound graphically. In the process of learning, students develop a writing technique - the ability to correlate sound with a graphic symbol.

When teaching foreign students to write, you can face a number of difficulties: the lack of capital letters in the native language, the replacement of letters of the Ukrainian alphabet with equivalents of English as an international language, the conscious use of capital letters, etc. [4; 3].

Let's highlight the main tasks of speech development in accordance with our study:

> vocabulary enrichment;

> ability to read expressively;

> formation of articulation and intonation of utterances;

> mastering the rules of sentence construction;

> mastering the skills of coherent speech in oral and written forms according to the norms of literary pronunciation;

> depending on the goals and objectives of language development exercises can be divided into types:

> exercises that help to properly form pronunciation;

> training exercises aimed at preparing for spontaneous speech;

> communicative-speech exercises, such as questions- answers, retelling, game and role exercises.

Consider examples of some exercises for the development of oral speech:

Exercise 1. Read the text "Pirogovo" (Pies) - an open-air museum and answer the questions.

> Що означає слово "Пирогово "?

> Де знаходиться "Пирогово "?

> Скільки споруд розташовано на території "Пирогово "?

> Про що можна дізнатися в музеї просто неба?

> Як можна відпочити в "Пирогово " з сім 'єю чи з друзями ?

> Чи можна спробувати традиційну українську їжу на території музею?

> Що можна купити в "Пирогово "?

> Які заходи організовуються в музеї просто неба?

Exercise 2. Compose a dialogue that is possible during a walk in the museum "Pirogovo". Use the facts from the text "Pirogovo (Pies) - an openair museum".

Exercise 3. Read the dialogue.

- Привіт!

- Вітаю тебе! Як справи?

- Чудово, дякую! Скоро вихідні дні. Чим ти будеш займатися?

- Я хочу відвідати "Пирогово ". Ти знаєш це місце?

- Так, звичайно! Там дуже цікаво!

- Де знаходиться "Пирогово"?

- Пирогово знаходиться в Голосіївському районі. Отже, це не дуже далеко від нашого гуртожитку.

- Ти можеш трохи розказати про це місце?

- Так, звичайно! Це музей просто неба. На його території знаходиться багато архітектурних споруд. Там ти можеш дізнатися про життя і побут українців минулих століть.

- Дуже добре! Я хочу поїхати з друзями в "Пирогово" на цілий день. Чи є на території музею кафе і ресторани?

- Звичайно! Ви зможете спробувати смачну українську їжу в місцевих кафе чи просто влаштувати пікнік.

- А як ще можна відпочити в "Пирогово" з друзями?

- У "Пирогово" проводяться майстер-класи, організовуються традиційні українські свята. Відвідувачі можуть покататися на конях чи об'їхати територію на велосипедах.

- Дякую за цікаву розповідь! Обов'язково поїдемо туди найближчим часом!

- Будь ласка! Бажаю гарної прогулянки!

- До зустрічі!

- Бувай!

Exercise 4. Describe what is shown in the Figure 1.

Figure 1. Pirogovo Museum

Exercise 5. Read the text and tell about your favorite place in Kyiv.

Problem-based learning, used as the main type of learning, promotes the development of communicative skills and skills of logical thinking, because the basis of reasoning, evidence is inference in the form of a proposal, built in accordance with the laws of logic.

It should also be noted that the use of authentic materials is necessary at all stages of learning the Ukrainian language in all types of speech activities, as authentic materials engage students in the natural language environment, acquaint with the culture and everyday life of Ukraine, help increase motivation to learn Ukrainian as subject.

In the process of teaching foreign students the Ukrainian language, the main attention is paid to the implementation of communicative exercises on the material of problem situations, stimulating students to perform language actions according to a given program. Important methods of language development are such types of work as presentation, work, report, speech. Audiovisual teaching aids are of great help to the teacher in the work on speech development: on the basis of watched films and TV programs students prepare oral and written messages, take part in discussions. Extracurricular work is of great importance for language development.

Thus, knowledge of the processes of reproduction of oral speech, the nature of oral foreign discourse and the quality of students' language is the basis for learning spoken language in Ukrainian as a foreign language. It is important not only to know the nature and ways of functioning of discourse, but also to have its various tools and means in accordance with the situational context, and to correctly perceive socio-cultural and linguistic-strategic aspects of discursive interaction.

ukrainian language oral speech


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