Innovative system of training courses of sectoral legal and other juridical sciences

Review and characteristics of the innovative educational system of the eleven-level basic (for lawyers) and related (for non-lawyers) legal education. Research and analysis of categories of teachers arising in the process of training disciplines.

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Philip Orlik International Classical University

Innovative system of training courses of sectoral legal and other juridical sciences

Kirichenko A.A. Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Law of the Faculty of Economics and Law

Mykolaiv, Ukraine

Developed by the author and A.S. Tuntula is an innovative educational system for eleven-level basic (for lawyers) and accompanying (for non-lawyers) juridical education, including teaching of sectoral legal and other juridical sciences This refers to the result of the innovative classification of juridical sciences in the context of their basic main hypertasks into theorological, regulatory and antidelict (basicantidelict, procedural, methodological) juridical sciences [4, p. 18-20]. At the same time, this division in the context of the first basic main hypertask of jurisprudence can be represented by the classification of juridical sciences into legal (regulatory, basic antidelict, procedural and, in a sense, theorological) and non-legal (methodical and, in a sense, theorological) juridical sciences [4, p. 21]; and in the context of the second basic main hypertask of jurisprudence - into antidelict (basic antidelict, procedural, methodical and, in a sense, theorological) and non- delictal (regulatory and, in a sense, theorological) juridical sciences [4, p. 21], 16 [1, p. 129-132; 2, p. 81-84; 3, p. 88-92; 5 and etc.], can be schematically represented by the example of the discipline «Anticriminal branch of law» as follows:

1. Retrospective special training course of the Anticriminal branch of law [3, p. 88-89].

2. Paradigmal training course of the Anticriminal branch of law, the provisions of which should:

2.1. Comprehensive distribution between such special training courses of the Anticriminal branch of law, such as:

2.1.1. The system of basic special training courses for the Anticriminal branch of law for each of the specializations and/or subspecializations of the legal or antidelictal specialty of the school specialized educational qualification level (EQL) [3, p. 89].

2.1.2. Basic university bachelor's special training course in the Anticriminal branch of law.

2.1.3. The system of basic university specialist special training courses of the Anticriminal branch of law for each of the specialties and specializations or subspecializations of specialists.

2.1.4. The system of basic academic special training courses of the Anticriminal branch of law for each of the specialties, specializations and subspecializations of masters.

2.1.5. The system of basic special training courses for postgraduate education in the Anticriminal branch of law for each of the specialties and specializations or subspecializations of foramens, specialists and masters of jurisprudence.

2.2. Together with reference training courses in other juridical sciences, form the basis for completing:

2.2.1. Systems of summative special training courses in jurisprudence in general, that is when the concept is determined, from which juridical sciences, which provisions, and to what extent each of the following summative special training courses in jurisprudence should be made up: The system of basic summative special training courses on the basics of jurisprudence for preschool EQL: The usual order of its receipt. Facilitated order of its receipt.З. A special order of its receipt. The system of basic summative special training courses on the basics of jurisprudence for school EQL: The usual order of its receipt. Facilitated order of its receipt.З. A special order of its receipt. The penitentiary order of its receipt [3, p. 89]. The system of accompanying summative special training courses on the basics of jurisprudence for each of the specialties and specializations and / or subspecializations of a qualified worker of EQL: 2.2.1.З.1. The usual order of its receipt. Facilitated order of its receipt. A special order of its receipt. The penitentiary order of its receipt [3, p. 89-90]. The system of accompanying summative special training courses on the basics of jurisprudence for each of the non -juridical specialties and specializations or subspecializations of the school specialized EQL: The usual order of its receipt. A special order of its receipt. The penitentiary order of its receipt [3, p. 90]. The system of accompanying summative special training courses on the basics of jurisprudence for each of the non -juridical specializations and specializations or subspecializations of the university EQL: The usual order of its receipt. A special order of its receipt. The penitentiary order of its receipt. The system of accompanying summative special training courses on the basics of jurisprudence for each of the non -juridical specialties and specializations or subspecializations of the academic EQL: The usual order of its receipt. A special order of its receipt. The penitentiary order of its receipt. The system of accompanying summative special training courses on the basics of jurisprudence for each of the non -juridical specialties and specializations or subspecializations of the academic EQL: The usual order of its receipt. A special order of its receipt. The penitentiary order of its receipt. The system of accompanying summative special training courses on the basics of jurisprudence for non-standard EQL: The usual order of its receipt. Facilitated order of its receipt. A special order of its receipt. The penitentiary order of its receipt [3, p. 90].

In the context of the proposed version of the innovative system of training courses of the Anticriminal branch of law on the new doctrine of free and affordable eleven-level basic and accompanying juridical education, it should be emphasized that the existing teaching methodology of academic disciplines leads to the emergence of the following categories of teachers in the way of training disciplines: educational lawyer teacher

1. Readers, that is, such employees of educational institutions, who, having chosen any course of an academic discipline, developed 18 by another scientist or academic, actually «read» it, when the «reading» methodology determines the division of readers, in turn, into:

1.1. Elementary readers, that is, such employees of educational institutions who «read» someone else's course without any comments and other explanations about certain provisions of the course [3, p. 90].

1.2. Qualified readers, that is, such employees of educational institutions, who «read» someone else's course with the necessary comments and other explanations about certain provisions of the course [3, p. 91; 5].

2. Academic, that is, such employees of educational institutions, who develop their own course of training discipline, according to the degree of development, of which they are divided into: 2.1. Unqualified academics, that is, such employees of educational institutions, who choose several courses of training discipline, developed by other scientists or academics, and on their basis develop a course of training discipline without introducing their own provisions. 2.2. Qualified academics, that is, such employees of educational institutions, who develop their own course of training discipline with full, predominant or partial use of their own results of scientific activity.

With all the positiveness of the figure of a qualified academics, it is in significant contradiction with the most effective, rational and high-quality procedure for the formation and updating for each academic year based on the results of the annual defense of dissertations of curriculum of all training disciplines, and, therefore , the formation and updating of reliable education standards in all EQLs by a special commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (the relevant profile ministry of another state) with the participation of leading scientists and teachers and customers of graduates of each of the EQLs [2, p. 86-87; 5]. After all, the results of the work of a qualified academic do not go through such a procedure and are independent in this aspect and such, according to the results of which there is no complete confidence that they fully meet, in the end, the educational standards of the corresponding EQL. On the other hand, it is qualified academic, who can most quickly introduce effective, rational and high-quality results of scientific activity into the educational process [2, p. 87; 3, p. 91; 5].


1. Кириченко А. А. Гипердоклад о более двухстах пятидесяти лучших доктринах и концепциях юриспруденции научной школы профессора Аланкира: коллективная монография / кол. авторов под науч. ред. А. А. Кириченко. 2-е изд. Николаев: Николаевский национальный университет имени В. А. Сухомлинского, 2015. 1008 с.

2. Кириченко А. А., Тунтула А. С. Новая доктрина пятнадцатиуровневого образования: монография / под ред. А. А. Кириченко. Николаев: ННУ им. В. А. Сухомлинского, 2017. 176 с. URL: <3>

3. Кириченко А. А. Новая доктрина одиннадцатиуровневого образования и его учебного обеспечения: монография / А. А. Кириченко, А. К. Виноградов, Ю. Д. Ткач, А. С. Тунтула; под ред. А. А. Кириченко. Киев: Издатель Назаров О. А., 2019. 182 с. (приложение к электронному реферативно-научному журналу «Судебно-психологическая экспертиза. Применение полиграфа и специальных знаний в юридической практике»), русс., укр. URL: -kirichenko-a-a-vinogradov-a-k-tkach-yu-d-tuntula-a-s-novaya-doktrina-odinnadtsatiurovnevogo-obrazovaniya-i-ego-uchebnogo-obespecheniya-monografiya

4. Кириченко О. А., Тунтула О. С., Ткач Ю. Д. Інновації юриспруденції в забезпеченні журналістської галузі права та медіабезпеки: монографія. Варшава: RS Global Sp.z О.О., 2021. 98 с. URL: book/40

5. Розширена доповідь О. А. Кириченка «Недоліки та надбання міжнародного і вітчизняного правового регулювання освіти та новітня доктрина чотирнадцятиступеневої освіти та науки». 22 510 слів. Парламентські слухання «Правове забезпечення реформи освіти в Україні» 09 груд. 2015 р. URL: http: //ihpl-mnu .mk .ua/ головна/science/conference/розширена-доповідь-о-а-кириченка

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