Abstract thinking in law education in the context of introduction of the TGELC

Review of the tasks proposed for admission to the master's degree in 2018. Logical and methodical analysis of the tests for general educational legal competences showed that they are built at a high methodological level and meet the reliability criteria.

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Abstract thinking in law education in the context of introduction of the TGELC

Dmytro O. Voitenko,

Svitlana V. Kachurova,

Olena P. Nevelska-Hordieieva

Department of Philosophy Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University Kharkiv, Ukraine


Democratisation of modern education implies wide application of communicative practices in teaching and mastering by students of educational courses. Modern globalisation processes put before the society the need for the formation of appropriate conditions for the individual development of a person, his socialisation and the creation of a new intellectual strategy. The expediency of developing new intellectual strategies necessitates a radical revision of theoretical concepts of a person himself, bringing to a new level of study of a person and his intellectual prospects. There are two types of thinking: practical or manual thinking and theoretical or abstract thinking, and they have fundamentally different psychological nature. The relationship between these two types of thinking go through all stages ofpersonality development: from school to Institute and from Institute to professional activity. For the professional work of a lawyer, the ability to adequately apply abstract thinking is very important. The developers of the tests for general educational legal competence (TGELC) understand the importance of developing theoretical thinking when getting higher education and its further applying in the professional activity. It is established that the reform of the legal system of Ukraine which is conducted in the context of the European integration aspirations of our country stimulates a number of state-level measures to ensure the proper quality of education ofspecialists of the second (master's) level of higher education for law specialties. The research work considers a number of tasks proposed for the master's degree programme admission in 2018. Logical-methodical analysis of tests for general educational legal competences in 2018, conducted by the authors, showed that they are made up at the high methodological level and meet the criteria of reliability, validity and verification, as required by testology. At the same time, it is noted that it is necessary to chose the texts for Section 1 and the conditions of tasks for Section 3 free from internal substantive contradictions, and to formulate the conditions of tasks more clearly, especially in Section 2, to avoid differences in their understanding.

Keywords: test of general educational legal competence (TGELC), abstract thinking, practical thinking, logical reasoning, logic.

Абстрактне мислення в юридичній освіті в контексті впровадження ТЗНПК

Дмитро Олександрович Войтенко,

Світлана Володимирівна Качурова,

Олена Петрівна Невельська-Гордєєва

Кафедра філософії Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого Харків, Україна

Демократизація сучасної освіти передбачає щироке застосування комунікативних практик у викладанні та освоєнні студентами навчальних курсів. Сучасні глобалізаційні процеси ставлять перед суспільством потребу у формуванні відповідних умов індивідуального розвитку людини, її соціалізації, створенні нової інтелектуальної стратегії. Доцільність вироблення нових інтелектуальних стратегій зумовлює необхідність докорінного перегляду теоретичних уявлень про саму людину, виведення на новий рівень вивчення людини, її інтелектуальних перспектив. Існує два види мислення: мислення практичне або ручне, і мислення теоретичне або абстрактне - мають принципово різну психологічну природу. Взаємовідносини цих двох видів мислення проходять через всі етапи розвитку особистості: від школи до інституту, від інституту до професійної діяльності. Для професійної роботи юриста вміння адекватно застосовувати абстрактне мислення дуже важливе. Важливість розвитку теоретичного мислення в надбанні вищої освіти й подальшому застосуванні його в професійній діяльності розуміють розробники тестів на загальні навчальні правничі компетенції (ТЗНПК). Встановлено, що реформа правової системи України, яка здійснюється в контексті євроінтеграційних прагнень нашої країни, стимулює ряд заходів державного рівня щодо забезпечення належної якості підготовки фахівців другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти за правничими спеціальностями. В роботі розглянуто ряд завдань, запропонованих для вступу в магістратуру в 2018 році. Проведений авторами логіко-методичний аналіз тестів на загальні навчальні правничі компетенції 2018 року показав, що вони побудовані на високому методичному рівні та відповідають критеріям надійності, валідності та верифікації, як й вимагає тестологія. Одночасно зауважено, що необхідно підбирати тексти для 1 секції та умови завдань для 3 секції вільні від внутрішніх змістовних протиріч, та чіткіше формулювати умови завдань, особливо в 2 секції, щоб уникнути розбіжності в їх розумінні. tests educational legal

Ключові слова: тест загальної навчальної правничої компетентності (ТЗНПК), абстрактне мислення, практичне мислення, логічне міркування, логіка.


Psychology distinguishes two types of thinking: thinking practical or manual, and thinking theoretical or abstract. The theory of activity in psychology, based on the conception of L. S. Vyhotskyi, traditionally emphasises the different nature and character of these two types of thinking. If manual thinking is manifested in a specific practical situation as, for example, M. M. Ladyhina-Kots [1] demonstrated in her experiments which have become widely known, theoretical thinking should be grown up in the process of targeted education and this has been proven in the theory of developmental education [2; 3]. Psychological theory of activity shows that a person has only the makings of abstract thinking which, in some cases, will manifest itself, without creating the proper conditions, however, educational environment aimed at the formation of abstract thinking in the process of targeted education, mastering theoretical thinking is effective and massive (almost 100% of students in the experiments under the direction of V. V. Repkin)[4].

L.S. Vyhotskyi proceeded from the fact that the initial in thinking is the formation of concepts.Life and scientific concepts, as noted by L.S. Vyhotskyiand in the future O.N. Leontiev, have fundamentally different psychological nature and they are formed through the use of various psychological mechanisms. For effective education, which involves the development of thinking as a psychological mechanism, according to the theory of L.S. Vygotskyi, it is necessary to focus on the assimilation of scientific rather than life concepts [2]. The students and followers of L.S. Vygotskyi have different in the development of its conception.N.A. Menchynskafocused on what a child could do on his own, and this is due to the formation of life concepts [5]. Theoretical concepts are formed with the help of an adult, and this help for the researcher is at the second place. According to D.B. Elkoninand V.V. Davidov, the basis of the developmental education conception is the formation of scientific concepts as a key to the success of theoretical thinking development. V.V. Repkin who headed the experiment on introduction of the theory of developmental education into school practice of the educational process at the premises of 17 schools of Kharkiv City, sharing his experience to primary school teachers, started his methodological classes with the phrase: `'I do not care if a child will learn to count and solve a task, but I do care that his thinking develop" [6; 7]. This phrase sounded shocking for teachers, however, according to the logic of the developmental education conception, it was natural: if a child develops thinking, andit is the development of thinking that V. V. Repkin focused on, then everything else, namely, to reason, analyse, solve tasks, know the multiplication table, understand the texts and write essays a student will be able to do easily and quickly thanks to his thinking.

Psycho-pedagogical concept of "zone of proximal development'' introduced by L.S. Vygotskyis a key aspect for developmental education. Thus, if the main pedagogical idea of the zone of proximal development is aimed at evaluating the prospects for the development of a child's educational opportunities, the psychological idea justifies the prospects for the development of thinking of an individual.

The relationship of two types of thinking, that is, abstract and manual go through all stages of personality development: from school to Institute and from Institute to professional activity [8-10]. The task of Zh. Buridanabout a hungry donkey is a good example of two kinds of thinking. The task is simple: a hungry donkey is standing on the road. On its left and right there are two absolutely identical haystacks. All conditions are the same, hay is the same and haystacks are the same, the sun is overhead, the wind does not bring the smell. Theoretically, the donkey is not able to decide to what stack it should go and eat, a rational decision is absent. The answer of Zh. Buridan:the donkey will die of hunger.However, in practice, the donkey will not die of hunger, but will go either to the left or to the right - hunger, as it is known, breaks stone walls... A person, being in such a situation, turns a practical situation of insolubility into a situation of abstract thinking: the person makes arrangements with himself - I will throw a coin: if there is an eagle, I will go to the right, if there is tail - to the left. They say, The Christian monks in such situations chose the right side, it is based on biblical tales: on the right hand of Christ the righteous will stand. So, if it is impossible to solve a practical problem at the level of manual thinking, a person is able to use abstract thinking. Thus, a person does not remain at the stage of practical thinking, abstract thinking is manifested in solving practical situations where animals do not rise to the theoretical level.

The ability to adequately apply abstract thinking is very important for a lawyer. For example, V.O. Chovhan,when investigating the legal nature of restrictions on the rights of prisoners, analysed and critically evaluated the relevant international standards: the ECHR practice, standards of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture, soft law of the UN and the Council of Europe, soft law of the UN and the Council of Europe, implements theoretical thinking in his work and convinces a reader that it is impossible to transfer the laws that exist in theoretical thinking to the plane where practical thinking is implemented. V. O. Chovhanrightfully writes, `'the literature suggests that the narrowing of the content of human rights necessarily leads to the narrowing of their scope. Changes in the scope of human rights do not necessarily cause changes in the content of law" [11]. Further, the author deliberately tries to draw an analogy between the law of the inverse relationship between the content and the scope of the concept which works in logic as an objective law [12], with the relationship that operates in law: the narrowing of the content of human rights necessarily entails the narrowing of their scope and he concludes that this is impossible. `'The logical law of the inverse relationship between the content and scope of concepts according to which: the larger the scope of the concept becomes, the smaller its content is and vice versa... does not work out in respect of the content and scope of law because in this case we are talking about specific thinking as opposed to abstract thinking. Abstract thinking can exist, for example, regarding such abstract concepts as "right" or "freedom". However, practical thinking (in the context of categories such as "content" and "scope" of rights) deals with existing objects, that is, objects that are taken in the ontological dimension and have the relevant specific concepts" [11]. This law, according to the author, does not work out when it comes to the rights of prisoners. Indeed, abstract-logical law can be automatically or artificially placed to neither a lower level of interpretation, nor to the sphere of practical thinking in which there are other laws. Thus, V.O. Chovhan proves by this example that abstract and practical thinking are different psychological properties.

Higher education suggests the existence of developed abstract thinking among future students.In the course of a bachelor's degree programme a student definitely improves and develops its ability to abstract thinking. The developers of the tests for general educational legal competence (TGELC) understand the importance of developing theoretical thinking when getting higher education and its further applying in the professional activity.

In Ukraine, since 2017 (in 2016, the Exterior Independent Testing (с) for applying for a master's degree programme took place selectively as an experiment) entrance tests are conducted on the technology of the EIT for admission to the second (master's) level for getting law education by the system of external state evalution, that is students write three tests: in a foreign language, in the specialty and the test for general legal educational competence. It is the last test that gives an idea of the abstract thinking development among applicants for admission to the master's degree programme [13; 14]. The introduction of the obligatory test that identifies the level of development of general educational and legal competencies will allow to to overcome the negative phenomena associated with the inability of a specialist whose competence is certified by a degree to distinguish abstract conclusions from life ones. Thus, the development of abstract thinking is the basis for professional education of a specialist.

Materials and methods

Thinking can be regarded as the process of thought's moving from the unknown to the known, the process that allows to find new knowledge. Thinking is the process of indirect and generalised human reflection of objects and phenomena of objective reality in their essential connections and relationship [12].To indirect cognition a person resorts when direct cognition is impossible. Indirect thinking is manifested in the fact that it requires a language and previous experience. Abstract (or theoretical) thinking is the mediated process of cognition preceded by the sensory stage of cognition.

A subject directly investigates sensory cognition. Sensory cognition has three forms: sensation, perception and imagination.is a reflection of the individual properties of objects and phenomena of reality (color, sound, smell, etc.).Perception (as the next level of sensory cognition) reflects the surrounding world as integral images. A necessary condition for the formation of information about the subject in the form of sensation and perception is the direct presence of an object or phenomenon. Imagination as a sensual image allows to get information about the subject even when it is not directly contemplated. This happens due to the fact that the information about the objects and phenomena which were perceived earlier can be restored in our imagination in the form of various images. These images are imaginations. However, can not differentiate between the individual and the general, the essential and the non-essential, the accidental and the natural. This is a function of abstract thinking.

The properties of abstract thinking include generalisation which allows to find essential features and combine objects into groups based on the presence of these common features; indirect character as fixation of the fact of independence of knowledge from the subject; indissoluble connection with a language; abstraction as a distraction from non-essential features; analysis; synthesis; comparison. F. Baconnoted the fact that a bare hand can not work. For the work, a hand requires a tool that can be a hammer, a chisel or a pencil.Just like human brain will not be able to work without a tool.But does the brain need a shovel or pencils? Of course, no. However, the brain produces its own tools, namely, mental means. As a rule, it is almost impossible to see them just like human mind and human brain. But how can one establish that such mental means exist?

With this aim, we will consider an experiment conducted by the French logician, mathematician and psychologist Jean Piaget. The scientist took two beakers. One beaker had a wide bottom, the other had a narrow one. They poured the same amount of liquid, namely, water into both beakers. It is natural that in the beaker with a wide bottom, the water level was lower than in the one where the bottom was narrower. However, what is clear for an adult person is not always clear for a child.A child aged 4 or 5 is invited to the room and asked to determine in which beaker there more water. The child, looking at the water level, said that in the first beaker (where the bottom is wide) there was less water, and in the second beaker (in which the bottom is narrow) there was more water. J. Piagetsuggested to the child not to hurry and measure amount of water in the beakers.To do this, it was taken the third beaker with a bottom different from the first two, and the water from the first beaker poured into the third. The water level was marked with a piece of coal. After that it was poured back. The water from the second beaker was poured into the third one. And it turned out that there was the same amount of water in both beakers. What if the amount of water was different in the first two beakers? Then, with the help of the third beaker, it would be easy to determine where the water is more: in the first or in the second.

What is the third beaker in the experiment? The third beaker is a measurer. The measurer which measures the amount of water (there are no marks on it), but allows to compare the amount of water in both beakers: to determine where the water is more, where less or where is the same level of water. During a day, person carries out such a procedure of comparison a countless number of times. Such operations are carried out in thoughts, often unconsciously, that is, a person does not think about the way he does it [14].

What is b in these tasks? This element serves as a measure that allows to compare and measure the relationship between "a" and "c". But all this a person does in his minds, in thinking, but not in the space of reality as in the experiment of J. Piaget. Experiments reveal the properties of practical thinking, the last 2 examples focus on theoretical thinking.

Drawing up both logical and psychological tests to establish the properties of thinking and the level of development of thinking of individuals is a complex process. The creation of test is, without exaggeration, a science. Testology, as a branch of psychology, studies all the subtleties and aspects of the development and implementation of test methods [15]. New tests are necessarily verified (to make sure that the test is able to establish a certain property), are verified for reliability (the test works for all electorate of respondents) and validity (this is a characteristic of the accuracy of measurements carried out with the help of this test). In 2017, we analysed the TGELC 2016 and 2017 and revealed a number of shortcomings [16]. The notebooks of the TGELC 2018 [17;18] are drawn up, undoubtedly, at the high methodological level and meet the criteria of reliability, validity and verification. Let us consider a number of tasks proposed for admission to the master's degree programme in 2018.

Results and discussion

The main notebook of the TGELC 2018 [14] began with the text with very interesting content, rich in philosophical theme and constructed in logical and methodical way.All 6 questions for it are clearly formulated, the answers are provided in accordance with the content, the answer to everyone of them is unambiguous. The next 2 texts of Section 1 Critical Thinking are also interesting, relevant on the theme; the questions posed to them do not cause different interpretations.

However, similar Section 1on critical thinking of the TGELC 2018 (an entrance exam to the higher educational establishment) [18] has some shortcomings. First, two texts, which are given for comparison, have contradictions in the content. Text A contains the following:'' According to the law, among personal non-property rights, fundamental is the right to life, and therefore, the right to dispose of it which is interpreted as the possibility to expose it to significant risk or even make the decision on its termination". However, from the recognition of the right to life as fundamental, it does not follow that there is a right to dispose of it and especially make a decision on its termination. It is rather on the contrary, the fundamental right to life provides its saving, appreciating, but definitely not termination.

Further, according to Text A:'' A person is recognised as the highest value, and therefore, his real well-being, the right to self-determination, freedom, respect for dignity, a dignified death must be guaranteed and ensured in full". If a person is recognised as the highest value, it does not follow that a person has the right to dispose of his life; and it is logical to assume that best of all for a person natural death because natural is worthy, but definitely not "humane death". And definitely surprises "logical" reasoning of paragraph 4:'' in fact, in civilised countries, "compassionate murder" is practised regardless of whether it is permitted by law or not. According to statistics, 40 % of the deaths of patients occur by making medical decisions on termination of life for the absence of other options.It can be assumed that in the countries where euthanasia is prohibited, where there is no legal protection against the misuse of euthanasia, the situation is worse". So, first, the author suggests that in civilised countries, doctors break the law, conducting euthanasia when it is prohibited by law; second, he says about "statistics", but does not specify where these statistical facts are taken from; third, makes an unreasonable conclusion that in the countries where euthanasia is prohibited, the situation is worse, that is the illegal use of euthanasia is even more frequent than in 40 % of the deaths reported by the author.

Text B has informative contradictions as well. First, the definition surprises:''euthanasia is a person's right to death". There is a right to life.But what about a right to death?" The right for death is not fixed as a fundamental human right. It is not mentioned in the international human rights documents - declarations, conventions and covenants," says Alexander Podrabinek [19].Second, quoting statistical data, the author indicates that 187 respondents were interviewed that is a very small number for conclusion. Besides, only in 10 out of 187 cases the pain was called the only reason", that is, pain is an objective reason specified in 5.3%, and in 94.7%, these are subjective reasons for choosing euthanasia, namely, undignified death, dependence on the environment and fatigue from life. All this testifies to the unreliability of the conclusion on activation of the implementation of euthanasia. Third, contradiction in the author's reasoning in para.10:''opponents of euthanasia give examples when a hopeless patient recovered or the dead was resuscitated. Of course, there are such cases, but it is impossible to draw absolute conclusions", that is, the author decides that one can not pay attention to the presence of the probability of patient's recovery. And further: `'it rather shows that life should be fought for despite everything". And if so, one should forget about euthanasia, but not, on the contrary, popularise this idea.

Some misunderstandings arise in questions to the mentioned texts. Thus, question 7. Some misunderstandings arise in questions to the mentioned texts.

A Religion and ideology as opponents of legalisation of euthanasia.

B Confirmation of the relevance of legalisation of euthanasia in Ukraine.

C Euthanasia in the international and domestic context.

D History of the formation of attitudes to euthanasia in the legislation.

E Moral aspect of legalisation of the use of euthanasia.

According to the protocol, the correct answer is C. However, text B does not deal with the domestic context at all. From the above answers to question 7 option E is the most appropriate; we assume that there are shortcomings in the test.

To question 8 among the options of answers, the following is correct: `'The famous motto "Heal!" formulated by the ancient Greek doctors contains a deep philosophical meaning that defines the role of medicine in the society, and therefore, doctors are categorically against premature termination of patients' lives". We agree that this option of answers is correct in respect of the formulated question, but the oldest the principle of medical ethics, which is attributed to Hippocrates, sounds in a different way: "Do no harm'' or primum non nocere (verbatim: `'first of all - do no harm''. Motto `'Heal'' does not exist, since ancient times the motto has been as follows: `'Doctor! Heal yourself'' that gives a different content to the ancient Greek motto.

Section 2.Analytical thinking of the basic notebook of the TGELC 2018 and notebook of the TGELC of 2018 (an exam to the higher educational establishment) [17] gives interesting and adequate tasks on abstract thinking. However, to situation 3 of the basic notebook question 19 is offered. In how many years will there be the first year with the same amount of numerals like in 2018? However, it is not specified in what way the sum of numerals will be counted. According to the task, the amount should be calculated as follows: 2+0+1+8=11, but one can calculate the other way and bring the amount to one digit, that is, not leave the result 11, but continue to add: 1+1=2. Depending on the method of summation, the result will be different, and this affects the choice of the correct answer. For question 19, both results will give the same result, and for question 20 the results will be different.

20. In how many years in this millennium will there the last time be a year with the same amount of numerals?

А 228

B 282

C 828

D 882

F 888

If we count to the number, the year will be 2900:2+9+0+0=11, and the correct answer is D, but if to add to numerals, then it will be the year of 2999: 2+9+9+9=29, 2+9=11, 1+1=2. However, the answers 2999 - 2018=981 are not offered. On the one hand, this is a positive point because the applicant can find out that his way of calculation does not correspond to the test, but the negative point is that the authors do not specify in what way one should calculate.

Three questions to situation 3 from the notebook of the TGELC 2018 (exam to the higher educational establishment) [18] seem to be extremely easy in the result of which some doubts arise about the correctness of the decision made.

Section 3 Logical thinking gives wonderful tasks on the manifestation of logical reasoning. Question 27 of the notebook of the TGELC 2018 can be solved both with the help of abstract thinking by constructing categorical syllogism, and using practical thinking by drawing volumes (Figure1).

`'Prosecutor: The investigation established that the crime had been preceded by four events X, Y, Z, V, and discovered a group of persons suspected of this crime. In the result of the investigation, it was also found that none of the suspects who was not a participant in X event, was not a participant of event Y either, and all the participants of V event were the participants of Z event, and that among the participants of X event there were no participats of Z event.

Does the truth of which statement logically follow from the information provided by theprosemitor?

А None of the suspects was the participant of V event and X event.

B Some suspects participated in Z event, but they did not participate in V event.

C Some suspects participated in Х event, but they did not participate in Y event.

D Some suspects participated in at least three of X, Y, Z and V events.

E Some suspects participated in just one of X, Y, Z and V event'' [17].

Solution . We build a categorical syllogism on the grounds offered according to the problem's conditions:

1. All participants of V event were the participants ofZ event.

2. None of the participants of X event was the participant of Z event.

Conclusion: None of the participants of X event was the participant of V event.

1. Р А М

2.S Е M


The second figure of the categorical syllogism is loyal modus CAMESTRES. We do the conversion of judgement which is in the conclusion: S E P ^ P E S (commonnegative judgement becomes common-negative) - none of the participants of V event was the participant of X event. The correct answer is А [20].

Figure 1. Common-negative judgement

Question 27 of the basic notebook of the TGELC 2018, (examination period in the educational establishment). `'Investigator: A proceeding covers four events X, Y, Z, V. In the result of the investigation it was found that all the participants of Y event were the participants of X event, and all participants of Z event participated in Y event while none offte prtbdpants of V evert wrtt the partteip^t: ofV event

Does the truth of which statement logically follow from the information provided by investigator?

А Among the participants of Z event there are no participants of V event.

B Some participants of V event did not participate in X event.

C Some participants of V event participated in X event.

D Among the participants of Х, Y, Z and V events there are those who participated in four events.

E Among the participants of Х, Y, Z and V event there are those who participated in just one event'' [18].

Solution. We build a categorical syllogism on the grounds offered according to the problem's conditions:

1. All participants of Z event participated in Y event.

2. None of participants of V event was the participant of Y event.

Conclusion: None of participants of V event was the participant of Y event.

1.Р А М

2.S Е M


The second figure of the categorical syllogism is loyal modus CAMESTRES. We do the conversion of judgement which is in the conclusion: S E P ^ P E S (commonnegative judgement becomes common-negative) - none of the participants of Z was not не the participant of V event. The correct answer is А [20].

Question 22 of the basic notebook of the TGELC 2018. `'Speaker: In 1885, William Bentley was the first to photograph a snowflake using a device he had constructed from a camera and microscope. He was so impressed by its beauty that he took 5000 more pictures of different snowflakes. W. Bentley even tried to create a classification of forms of snowflakes, but nothing came out: all snowflakes were different. This uniqueness of snowflakes can be considered the basis for the recognition of the incomprehensible diversity of nature.

Expert: Actually, in nature, everything is unique: there are no two identical ants, two identical grains of sand, plants, stars, people, nothing. If two objects seem to be the same, a closer look will always show that they are still somewhat different. So, the twin brothers are different personalities, saying nothing about the fact that they have different fingerprints.

What is the difference between the views of the speaker and the expert according to this dialogue?

А The uniqueness of snowflakes gives grounds for the conclusion about the diversity of nature.

B Analysis of 5000 snowflakes provides the necessary basis for the conclusion about the uniqueness of the forms of snowflakes.

C Twin brothers have different fingerprints.

D Snowflakes have a unique property: they all have different forms.

E Any two objects of nature are always somewhat different from each other'' [17].

In the task there are two views. The main abstract of the speaker: 5 000 pictures of different snowflakes showed that all snowflakes were absolutely different. The main thesis of the expert is that two objects seem to be the same, but they are still somewhat different. Thus, divergence of views is that being in something different does not mean being completely different. The correct answer is D because here we are talking about the uniqueness of snowflakes. It is easy to solve the task if to clearly formulate the main abstracts and compare them.

Question 29 of the basic notebook of the TGELC 2018. "Olexandr Perliuk: There are poets from God, and there are from Ivan Ivanovych. Which of the following statements does logically follow from the statement of Alexander Perliuk?

А If the poet is not of God, so he is a poet from Ivan Ivanovych.

B Every poet is either from God or from Ivan Ivanovych.

C Some poets are poets from God.

D There are no poets who would be neither from God, nor from Ivan Ivanovych.

E If the poet is not from Ivan Ivanovych, he is the poet of God" [17].

The question condition gives a strict disjunction of two alternatives, however, it is unknown whether there are still alternatives. So, option A can not be correct because there can be an alternative, so to say, the poet from Satan or the poet from Kuzma An- driiovych; on these grounds options B, D, E can not be correct. There is option C left which is a correct answer.

Due to the fact that the introduction of of the TGELC has been recognised as obligatory since 2017, no expert evaluation has been conducted yet, except for our previous research work [16; 21; 22]. Logical analysis of the TGELC 2018 showed the adequacy of the offered tasks to identify the level of abstract thinking and allows to state the fact of improving the professional skills of the authors of test tasks.

At the same time, we note that it is desirable to chose the texts for Section 1 and conditions of tasks for Section 3 free from internal substantive contradictions or conflicts, and to formulate more clearly the conditions of tasks, especially in Section 2 and avoid differences in their understanding.


Ukraine is one of the participants in the global market of educational services that determines the implementation of active state policy to improve the management of higher education, including to achieve the European standards of quality of higher education. Therefore, an urgent task is the formation of unified integrated information system for the collection and analysis of financial and statistical data on the activities of higher education establishments. It was established that this would make it possible to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the activities of higher education establishments on the basis of detailed monitoring of statistical and financial indicators as well as monitor the changes not only in the certain discrete period of time, but also in the dynamics.

Globalisation processes put before educational management a number of new important tasks on preparation of highly qualified specialists who have to meet the European standards of quality of the higher education. That is why, since 2016, the Ministry of Education and Science introduced a national entrance test: entry to the master's level of higher education for law specialties is carried out using organisational and technological instruments for conducting external independent testing. In 2018, this entrance test was conducted for the third time. This enables to conduct a comprehensive standardised assessment of the competencies of applicants, to identify patterns and assess the impact of certain factors on the sphere of law education.

The test tasks offered in 2018 exactly correspond to the set goal, that is, to find out the level of abstract thinking of the bachelor. The notebooks of the TGELC 2018 are drawn up, of course, at the high methodological level and meet the criteria of reliability, validity and verification.

An important task of reforming the system of general secondary education is also the development of hub schools in Ukraine. The development of the network of hub schools is aimed at implementing the principle of equal access to quality education regardless of the student's place of residence as well as improving the quality of educational services provided by establishments of general secondary education.

The conducted research will be helpful for lawyers who care about the development of logical foundations of thinking, improving the scientific mental apparatus; teachers, introducing test methods in the educational process and bachelors who are getting ready for admission to the master's degree programme.


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