Problems and prospects of distance education in Uzbekistan

Introduction of qualitatively new teaching methods in the system of lifelong education. Problems of virtual education and the prospects for its development. Transition to a non-traditional form of education and adaptation to new conditions of education.

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National University of Uzbekistan


Nigina Shermuhamedova doctor of philosophical sciences,

professor, Chairman of the Philosophical

Society of Uzbekistan, Editor-in-Chief of the

International Journal of «Philosophy and Life»



Distance education as a form of education spoiled the beginning in the 20th century and gained wide popularity in the 21st century. It is characterized by continuity, flexibility, modularity, independence and provides access to education for all citizens, regardless of location, as well as people with disabilities. Distance education makes it possible to respond most adequately and flexibly to the needs of society, to provide wide access to education. In this regard, this article reveals the problems of virtual education and the prospects for its development.

Keywords: distance education, modular system, educational services, information technology.

The main text

education lifelong teaching virtual

The modern conditions of the global educational space require the introduction of qualitatively new teaching methods in the system of lifelong education. The market of educational services requires a smooth transition to a non-traditional form of education and adaptation to new conditions and methods and means of education. One of the important directions of this process is distance education, which forms a new understanding and attitude towards education. Distance education is a decentralized learning process that offers widespread use of the latest information and "communication technologies of satellite communications, cable television, multimedia systems, virtual tools in the educational process" [1]. It forms the skills to adequately respond to changes in society, provides access to education for an unlimited number of applicants and expanding the contingent of those seeking to obtain higher and additional professional education. Distance education is a way to improve the quality of international mobility of students and teachers, it contributes to familiarizing students with the content of educational programs or the activities of higher education institutions in other countries, as well as the development of a cultural dialogue of professional personnel, raising the status of the university and strengthening its reputation in the national and international arena.

Today, the modern traditional academic world has seriously changed, the mobility of distance education is due to the ongoing political, geostrategic, cultural processes, countries have supported mobility as one of the ways to create elite international networks.

And therefore “10 years ago, the number of students in the world receiving education using distance technologies exceeded the number of full-time students” [2]. Many universities, realizing the irreversibility of this process, are trying to develop in this direction. It is necessary to take into account the fact that “distance learning”, and not “distance education”, is a different way of forming a student's knowledge and skills, while the content of education remains unchanged. Therefore, it is distance education that has become the most widespread. This is characterized by such indicators as continuity, flexibility, modularity, independence and ensuring access to education for all citizens, regardless of their location, age, position, as well as people with disabilities.

In Uzbekistan, having studied the possibilities of distance education as a means of increasing the educational level of the population, it should be noted that, relying on international experience at the National University of Uzbekistan, several years ago, modern information and communication technologies began to be used in the educational sphere, while traditional educational technologies were preserved. The need to introduce this form of education is due to the requirements of today's realities. NUUz, together with the Israel State University, uses satellite communications and telecommunication technologies for distance learning of students of the Uzbek-Israeli University. One of the criteria for this virtual technology is educational planning, which provides for the preparation of the variability of the curriculum. It should also be noted that in the process of expanding the content of the curriculum or in reducing it, students themselves take an active part. The virtual technology is based on a modular principle, within the framework of which both the study of new material and control measures to check its assimilation by students take place. The study of each module is designed for approximately 45 academic hours (50 minutes each) of classroom lessons, which includes work with the teacher and the student's independent work. Students study an average of 15 modules during one semester.

“In the Republic of Uzbekistan, everyday life has radically changed due to the spread of coronavirus infection, in connection with the announcement of quarantine, all higher educational institutions of the country switched to distance learning” [3]. The forced transition to distance learning required an operational change in the educational process. It was important to solve such issues as to prepare teachers and students for the use of digital platforms and services in the educational process, as well as “there was a need to organize interaction between a teacher and a student at a distance using distance technologies, while maintaining the content of educational content” [4]. Teachers of universities in a timely manner adapted to the current situation and today distance learning is used in all 132 universities in Uzbekistan and this contributed to the development of openness in education. The openness of education should be built on the basis of networked information technologies that allow combining educational resources of the largest technical and classical universities.

Thanks to distance education, a flexible education schedule has been formed, the location and time distance are not an obstacle to the educational process and do not limit the student's access to educational material;

Social equality is ensured, independent of the physical condition of students.

However, there are some problems in the practice of distance education in universities in Uzbekistan, for example, while there are no conditions in Uzbekistan universities that provide each student with a set of printed educational materials in all studied disciplines. Having a personal set of training materials reduces the time to search for educational literature and other sources of information, which is one of the important elements of on-the-job training. In turn, the openness of education means freedom to enroll in a group of trainees and choose training courses, drawing up an individual curriculum, as well as freedom of time, forms and pace of learning. There is a weak technical equipment, the presence of a computer and access to the Internet network by users, it is impossible to control the learning process by a teacher and organize practical classes.

Consideration of the positive and negative sides allows us to assert that the success of distance education classes depends on clearly formulated goals and objectives of training, on the developed didactic possibilities for the transmission of educational information.

To achieve the goal of the educational process in a distance format, it is necessary to revise the techniques and methods of teaching, there is a need to revise teaching aids, to develop new methodological developments on the use of modern computer technologies in the educational process, to train the teaching staff of the university for a complete transition to a virtual system. The creation of a new generation of electronic teaching aids and textbooks, in turn, imposes new requirements on the professional qualities of teachers.

Distance students also face a number of regulatory and organizational challenges. To quickly adapt to new learning conditions, it became necessary to develop regulatory documents governing the organization of the educational process taking place online, in particular, a package of electronic resources that would greatly facilitate the online educational process. These resources include:

Educational online office coordinating the process of distance learning. The online training office staff should help organize the training process;

A "student's personal account" is required, containing information on the basic requirements of the educational process, class schedule, data on teachers, information about each academic discipline and its structure, exam schedule;

"Electronic dean's office" for reporting and organizing distance learning, with fixing the attendance and progress of students, where the formation of statements by group, a list of nonpassed exams, a list of arrears in tuition fees, etc.;

Each teacher can use the methodological literature and electronic courses, with the help of which one can master the skills of organizing and conducting classes in a distance format [5].

However, based on the online teaching methodology and the development of teachers' skills, it takes a lot of time, so you should not expect good results in the shortest possible time.

Assessing the experience of distance education in universities of Uzbekistan, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in the future it is important to provide universities with new information technologies, improve the qualifications of the teaching staff in the use of information technologies and psychological preparation of students for this form of education.

It is also timely to draw conclusions and work on mistakes. For in the future, distance education will be improved along with Internet technologies. It is this modern form of education that contributes to the massive spread of education, making it more accessible and in demand in the context of mega-civilization.


1. Каландарова С.К. Опыт дистанционного образования в Кыргизстане. Бишкек. 2017.

2. Живоглядов В.П. Когнитивная информатика в электронном образовании. Международная научно-практическая конференция «Информационные технологии в образовании: состояние, проблемы и перспективы». Бишкек, 2011.

3. Gafurova Khakima - Distance learning experiences in universities under extreme conditions, Inscience: Society and Innovations, Issue 1, #2 2020

4. Карпенко М.П. Телеобучение. Москва: 2008.

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