Modern system of pedagogical education of Romania

Analysis of the structure and components of the preschool education system in Romania. Peculiarities of the knowledge assessment system in primary school. The specifics of specialist training in institutions of state and private forms of ownership.

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Дата добавления 27.07.2022
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Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Modern system of pedagogical education of Romania

K. Tulin, post-graduate

Kyiv, Ukraine


The article is a study of the main directions of the current system of pedagogical education in Romania. It is established that the current reform of Romania's education began in 2002 and aims at the gradual integration into the educational space of the European Union. The current structure of the Romanian education system is examined and each component is analyzed in detail. The system of preschool education organization and its division into age groups is defined. Highlighted on features of secondary education. It is established that secondary education starts from primary school and the defined of the assessment system at this level is determined. It is noted that starting from the fifth grade there is a transition to high school, where the system of assessment is changed to the ten-grade system. It is noted that high school has two components: compulsory education and senior-level grades. The training of specialists is carried out by public and private institutions that have autonomy in carrying out their training activities. It is determined that Romania's higher education system is divided into three stages. The first degree of higher education is considered, which envisages two study options and may last from four to six years depending on the chosen specialty. It is determined that the second higher education degree in Romania includes a master's program and a postgraduate program. It is established that the third level of higher education is a doctorate, which lasts from four to six years depending on the form of study and ends with the award of the doctor's degree after successfully defending the dissertation. The degree of education of pedagogical staff in the system of preschool and primary education, as well as the minimum requirements for their further professional training in higher education institutions, are determined.

Keywords: pedagogical education, Romania, primary education, secondary education, higher education.


Relevance of the research problem. The current state of development of the Ukrainian state is characterized by active integration processes in the field of education and culture and acceleration of the process of modernization of the entire education sector.

National education should be developed in line with the requirements and recommendations of the European educational space, since the cultural rapprochement of countries while preserving their identity is a key trend in social development.

International documents of the General Assembly of the United Nations indicate that the promotion and protection of the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities contribute to the political and social stability of the countries in which they reside.

Also focuses on the constant promotion and enjoyment of the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities as an integral part of society in general and in a democratic framework, based on the rule of law, and facilitates friendship and cooperation between peoples and states.

This is addressed in particular in the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, adopted by General Assembly of the United Nations Resolution 47/135 of 18 December 1992. In today's conditions, we consider especially relevant the study of foreign experience of countries that have significant experience in this area and their implementation in national practice.

We consider Romania to be a neighboring country of the European Union with shared socio-historical experience, representing 15 minority communities and all of them fully provided at all levels (from kindergarten to high school) with educational materials, including electronic textbooks (which is also a separate issue for national education), which are freely available on the website of the Ministry of National Education of Romania.

According to the latest data, in Romania, 142 new textbooks for schools that teach minority languages were published in 2013.

According to the calendar of competitions (the provisions of competitions for all national minorities developed by the Ministry of National Education of Romania and publicly available on the Ministry's website), national competitions in the languages of national minorities are held annually in Romania, providing cash prizes for the winners.

Representatives of national minorities in Romania have the right to choose their own language of examinations. We think that the organization of education of national minorities in Romania has a high level of development and a lot of experience, so it is worth the attention of domestic researchers and education workers.

At the present stage of development of society, when there are numerous cultural connections, there is a redistribution of values and motivations in the educational system.

One of the hallmarks of a modern educational environment is the interaction of many educational environments [3, p. 206].

Of particular interest in the modern pedagogical education system is the experience of Romania, a country that acceded to the European Union in 2007, as in the recent past, the pedagogical education system of Ukraine and Romania had many similarities due to the overwhelming similarity of social and political structures and territorial closeness.

At the same time, Romania's experience in the education of national minorities can be considered one of the most advanced to date. The combination of many nationalities in the country, and especially in the educational environment, requires a deeper and more detailed analysis.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. The issues of the formation and reformation of secondary and higher education in Romania are devoted to the work of domestic and foreign scientists: D. Georgescu, I. Pelayd, H. Sebkova studied the quality of higher education; A. Marga, I. Mariutz explored the stages of Romania's higher education reform and its retrospective development; O. Crisan, L. Koroleva studied contemporary problems of higher education in Romania.

This topic is of interest to scholars, but the current system of pedagogical education in Romania remains under-researched.

Purpose and tasks. The purpose of the article is to analyze and explore the main directions of the current system of pedagogical education in Romania.

Presenting the main material

Education in Romania operates on the basis of a free, egalitarian system, and access to free education is guaranteed by Article 32 of the Romanian Constitution. Romania's current education reform, which began in 2002, envisages the development of new legislation and the establishment of updated state education programs that support international organizations. Romanian education focuses primarily on the development and maintenance of moral and cultural values and a democratic way of life while seeking to improve the quality of public life. Romania's education system is characterized by three main factors: quality, accessibility, openness [4, p. 170].

The structure of Romania's current education system is presented in table 1.

Table 1

Structure of the modern education system in Romania


Component systems

Grades, age

Pre-school education

Pre-school education and training

from 3 years

Secondary education

Elementary School

Grades 1-4, from 7 years

Secondary school


Grades 5-9, age 11

Senior-level (theoretical, technical, vocational)

Grades 10-13, from 16 years

Higher Education


from 19 years

Preschool education covers the education of children aged 3 to 6 years. Education at this level is conducted in preschool institutions, most of which are public institutions. Preschool education is optional and free. Public and private preschools carry out educational activities within the framework of standard programs (5 hours a day), programs that provide longer stay (10 hours a day) and weekly programs (5 days a week).

Among the subjects that are included in the study programs are the following: foreign languages (English, French and German), dance, swimming, computer skills. Pre-school education is organized according to age groups: 3-4 years, 4-5 and 5-6 years. School education begins with primary school. Students that are 6-7 years of age can be enrolled at the beginning of the school year, at the request of their parents, if the children meet the standard of psychophysical development. preschool education romania school

In elementary school, all subjects (except religious studies, foreign language, physical culture and music education) are taught by one teacher, while on the first level of secondary school - teachers of different disciplines.

In elementary school, the first four years of assessment have the following division of grades: Foarte bine (FB) - excellent, Bine (B) - good, Satisfacator/Sufficient (S) - satisfactory, Nesatisfacator/Insufficient (N/I) - unsatisfactory. If students fail the exams, they take the exams again in the summer during a specified period. If a student fails the retake exam, he or she will undergo the learning process again. The average grade is made up of a test grade, practical tasks and homework during the semester.

For Level I schools, plans are defined by the Ministry of National Education and Research and this allows schools to develop their own lesson plans, curriculum, and core curriculum components. After finishing primary schools, students automatically go to the next level without final exams [2, p. 127].

Since the fifth grade, a ten-point grading system is used: where 10 is the highest grade and 1 is the lowest. Some subjects may be subject to additional testing in the semester, called teza. At the end of each semester, a grade point average is calculated as the arithmetic mean between the grades obtained for the tests, homework and classwork multiplied by three, divided by their number and additional teza testing. The result is rounded to the nearest integer, e.g. if the average score was 7.5, then it is rounded to 8. Then, the annual estimates for each subject are calculated and this result is not rounded. Thus, a single average grade of the performance of students called Media Generala is calculated. If this grade is less than 5 for three or more subjects, then the student repeats the year without taking additional exams. The high school has two components: compulsory education and upper secondary education. The senior high school degree has the following educational areas: theoretical, technical and professional. Admission to this degree depends on an aptitude test. The high school students graduate four years later with the award of a bachelor's degree, with which students can continue their studies at universities.

The high school aims to provide students with professional knowledge. The development of vocational education in Romania is governed by the Law on National Education, No.1 / 2011 of 5 January 2011. This law is also supplemented by the Strategy for the Development of Vocational Education for 2016-2020, which posits the main tasks: improving the level of professional skills for the needs of the labor market; increasing participation and facilitating access to vocational training programs; improving the quality of vocational education and training; development of innovations, national and international cooperation in the field of vocational education [5, p. 120].

Higher education in Romania is provided by higher education institutions of public and private ownership, for which entrance exams are required. Such institutions are academies, institutes, colleges, conservatories and universities. In accordance with the Law on National Education, No. 1/2011 of January 5, 2011, with subsequent amendments and additions, universities are classified according to the intensity of the conducted research: research universities; universities of education and research; universities of education [1, p. 19].

The academic year of Romanian higher education institutions begins in the middle of September or October, depending on the individual decision of each university's rectorate. Based on the principle of self-government, universities can set their own yearly study schedule. Each academic year is divided into two semesters, and each semester lasts 14 weeks.

The entire Romanian higher education system is divided into three stages. The first degree of higher education provides two options of study: short-term university education for two to three years at university colleges and long-term university education at university, academy and conservatory lasting 4-6 years, depending on the chosen specialization, which completes the degree. Depending on the chosen specialization, the duration of study may be: 8, 10 and 12 semesters. 8 semesters (4 years) are taught in the humanities, natural, social and political sciences, as well as in law, the arts and sports. 10 semesters (corresponding to 5 years) set the training for more applied specialties, namely: engineers, training of specialists in the field of forestry and agriculture, pharmacists. 12 semesters (equivalent to 6 years) are set to train health care professionals (dentistry, general medicine), veterinary medicine and architecture.

The second higher education degree envisages the continuation of specialization for university graduates; a master's program, 1-2 years, with a master's degree; a postgraduate course in which the training takes place on an interdisciplinary basis and lasts for 2-3 years.

The third degree is a doctoral degree lasting 4-6 years in the form of full-time or evening study with the completion of final exams and thesis defense. After successfully defending the thesis, a PhD degree is awarded.

In accordance with the provisions of the Law on National Education, №1 / 2011 of January 5, 2011, as amended, the initial preparation for performing didactic functions to the level of higher education includes:

• initial theoretical training provided by universities in the framework of programs accredited in accordance with the law;

• didactic training of the master students for 2 years;

• practical training of one academic year, conducted in the school department under the guidance of a mentor.

In addition to the above provisions of the Law, training of preschool staff (for children from birth to three years old) takes place through pedagogical institutions of higher education for the post of a kindergarten teacher. At the same time, training of preschool staff (for work with children aged 3 to 6 years), who act as a preschool teacher, as well as a primary education teacher (for work with students of preparatory classes and first or fourth grades), who perform as a teacher, occurs both through pedagogical institutions of higher education and through universities, where there is a specialization in Pedagogy of Preschool and Primary Education.

To date, there are the following degrees of education in the pre-primary and primary education system of Romania:

• Secondary school (2 years);

• Pedagogical secondary school (duration 4-5 years);

• Pedagogical Institute (3 years);

• Pedagogical University College (3 years);

• Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences - specialization in pedagogy of preschool and elementary education (3 years duration).

The programs of initial theoretical training in the specialty and psycho-pedagogy are periodically accredited and evaluated by the Ministry of National Education and Research through ARACIS or other authorized bodies in accordance with the Law.

Students and graduates of higher education institutions who have chosen the profession of a teacher are required to take a master's didactic training course lasting 2 years. Students who attend such courses, provided they are accredited by the Ministry of National Education and Research at the state institution, may receive scholarships from the state budget.

For the purpose of practical training in didactic teaching, a permanent network of primary schools is created, which is formed on the basis of framework agreements between educational institutions providing primary and pre-school education, under the conditions established by the order of the Ministry of National Education and Research.

The initial preparation for all levels of teaching in Romania is based on a parallel (competing) model, which means that specialized education and training are combined with vocational training for a teaching career in one learning sequence. The minimum requirements for teachers depend on what learning functions are assigned to them. In the higher education system of Romania, the following positions are distinguished: University Assistant, Department Teacher/Head, University Teacher, University Professor and Professor of Consulting University. According to the positions, there are minimum requirements for training for each of them:

It is enough for a university assistant to have a bachelor's degree in a higher education institution or an equivalent diploma or in a postgraduate institution, as well as to graduate from the department of teacher training courses. For the position of a university lecturer or supervisor, required is graduation from an institution of higher education with a bachelor's degree or equivalent diploma or postuniversity degree, completion of courses organized by the department to prepare teaching staff, and the title of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

For the post of university lecturer and professor of the university required is graduation from a higher education institution with a bachelor's degree or equivalent, or a postuniversity educational institution, completion of courses organized by the department for the preparation of teaching staff, as well as the title of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).


Thus, the current education system in Romania is focused on the continuous process of education and upbringing of the younger generation and the formation of intellectual development and creative potential. As a result of the amendments to the Romanian Law on National Education, No.1 / 2011 of 5 January 2011, the education system contributes to the dynamic development of secondary, vocational and higher education, open to change with a view to improving the social, vocational and material status of education as a whole.


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Список використаних джерел

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Сучасна система педагогічної освіти Румунії

К. Тулін, асп., Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ

Стаття є дослідженням основних напрямків сучасної системи педагогічної освіти Румунії.

Встановлено, що сучасна реформа освіти Румунії розпочалася у 2002 році і має на меті поступову інтеграцію до освітнього простору Європейського Союзу.

Розглянуто сучасну структуру системи освіти Румунії та детально проаналізовано кожну складову. Визначено систему організації дошкільної освіти та її розподіл на вікові групи.

Наголошено на особливостях середньої освіти. Встановлено, що середня освіта починається з початкової школи та визначено особливість системи оцінювання на цьому рівні. Зазначено, що починаючи з п'ятого класу відбувається перехід у середню школу, де змінюється система оцінювання на десяткову систему.

Зазначено, що середня школа має дві складові: обов'язкову освіту та класи старшого ступеня.

Підготовку фахівців здійснюють заклади державної і приватної форм власності, які мають автономію у здійсненні своєї діяльності навчання. Визначено, що система вищої освіти Румунії поділяється на три ступені.

Розглянуто перший ступінь вищої освіти, який передбачає два варіанти навчання і залежно від обраної спеціальності може тривати від чотирьох до шести років.

Визначено, що другий ступінь вищої освіти Румунії включає магістерську програму та аспірантуру.

Встановлено, що третім рівнем вищої освіти є докторантура, яка триває від чотирьох до шести років, залежно від форми навчання, і закінчується присвоєнням ступеню доктора після успішного захисту дисертаційної роботи.

Визначено ступені навчання педагогічних працівників у системі дошкільної та початкової освіти, а також мінімальні вимоги до їхньої подальшої професійної підготовки у закладах вищої освіти.

Ключові слова: педагогічна освіта, Румунія, початкова освіта, середня освіта, вища освіта.

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