Formation of professional and pedagogical competencies of future teachers in the teaching process (on the example of the University of Bremen)

The content and structure of the competencies of future teachers are revealed on the example of the University of Bremen. The basic competencies of students at the stages of university and practical training were analyzed. Basic competences are defined.

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Дата добавления 27.07.2022
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Anna Kozemirova,

PhD Stud. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine


The article is devoted to the current problem of formation of professional and pedagogical competencies of future teachers of higher education in the learning process on the example of the University of Bremen. The problems and features of the main competencies that are formed in applicants for higher education in the learning process are considered. The content and structure of competencies of future teachers on the example of the University of Bremen are revealed. The basic competencies of students at the stages of university and practical training are analyzed.

Keywords: competence model, university, competence, competence approach, high school teacher, student.


competence teacher student bremen

Формування професійно-педагогічних компетентностей майбутніх викладачів у процесі навчання (на прикладі Бременського університету). Анна Коземірова, асп., Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ, Україна

Розглянуто актуальну проблему формування професійно-педагогічних компетентностей майбутніх викладачів вищої школи у процесі навчання на прикладі Бременського університету, а також проблеми та особливості основних компетентностей, що формуються у здобувачів вищої освіти в процесі навчання. Розкрито зміст і структуру компетентностей майбутніх викладачів на прикладі Бременського університету. Проаналізовано базові компетентності у студентів на етапах університетської та практичної підготовки. Визначено основні компетентності, які формуються у здобувачів вищої освіти в процесі навчання, на прикладі Бременського університету. Проаналізовано визначення компетентності німецькими дослідниками, як висновок, що в основі компетентності лежать компоненти, якими може оволодіти конкретна особистість, ці компоненти змінюються і вдосконалюються в процесі професійного розвитку викладача. Досліджено зміст і структуру компетентностей викладачів вищої школи в Бременському університеті, застосовувані при підготовці компетентного підходу, що передбачає набуття здобувачами вищої освіти персональних компетентностей і спеціальних. Виокремлено необхідні базові компетентності випускника, майбутнього педагога вищої школи, а саме: вміння планувати заняття, мотивувати студентів до навчання, застосовувати проєктні методи навчання, підтримувати мотивацію, норми і цінності серед студентів, правильно оцінювати та постійно саморозвиватись.

Ключові слова: викладач вищої школи, компетентнісна модель, компетентність, компетентнісний підхід, студент, університет.


Relevant competencies in research and teaching staff are the basis for ensuring that students obtain quality higher education. These competencies are formed in future teachers while studying at universities, which in the future will allow them to apply the competency model in teaching a particular discipline. Future teachers of higher education improve their skills and abilities throughout life, but the basis for their acquisition is laid in the process of learning in higher education, and they are the basis for other competencies. Therefore, we can safely say that the university stage is the most important and it is necessary to give it the greatest role. In this regard, the educational program is important where it is stated what competencies and learning outcomes the graduate should acquire, but even more important is who exactly establishes and shapes them, because, as we know, the experience and training of teachers is crucial. Paying attention to the fact that the development of education is constantly increasing, especially after the signing of the Bologna Agreement and European integration processes, it is important not to lose previous achievements in the pursuit of new innovations and at the same time use new technologies in teaching. In order to effectively integrate the competency approach into the modern education system, it is important to analyze the systems of such training in advanced European countries and their universities, because the European experience of training future university teachers in the university is quite important, and its elements can be integrated into modern educational process.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Issues of competence approach in education are dealt with by such authors as: N. Alyushina, A. Mazaraki, T. P lyachenko, O. Smyslova. Problems of organization of the system of higher pedagogical education in Germany V. Bazova, I. Boychevska, V. Gladush, L. Dyachenko, T. Krystopchuk and others; I. Yarmola, A. Yarovenko focus on the personal aspects of the competency model of the manager, teacher of higher education, teacher, future teacher, translator and representatives of other professions. In addition, there are a number of publications by such authors as: V. Ilchenko, O. Savchenko, V. Svistunova, O. Khodan, V. Yagupov, O. Chasnikova, where the competence model and competence approach are used in relation to the training of specialists in the higher education system, or as a basis for reforming education in general.

A number of researches in German classical and modern pedagogy are devoted to the problem of teacher training, namely: B. Armbruster, D. Hansel, K. Klemma, F. Koch, K. Pollmann and others. Among domestic scientists, such scientists as N. Abashkina, I. Akimova, S. Romanov, D. Toropov, G. Fedotova, K. Hufner and O. Yakovenko studied the topic of higher school teachers in Germany. In the works of foreign scientists K-O. Bauer, D. Dershau, A. Frel, K. Neumann, G. Erning, W. Nagel, S. Oelmann we find coverage of the content of the main professional competencies of teachers in Germany. Scientists point to the essential features that make up competence: subjectivity, generality, the ability of the learner to self-organize, a variety of fundamentally unlimited individual activities, issues of organization of the system of higher pedagogical education in Germany V. Bazova, I. Boychevska, V. Gladush, L. Dyachenko, T. Krystopchuk and others.

Presentation of main positions

The "father" of the classical definition of the term "competence" in Germany is considered to be Franz Emanuel Weinert [Miller N. I., 2016, p. 120]. German researchers I. Botz and T. Hartmann consider the process of competence formation as the development of abilities, as well as changes in norms and values. They emphasize the relativity of the usual for the concept of "qualification" tools for measurement and evaluation, which limit its semantic expansion [Avshenyuk N. M., Desyatov T.M., Dyachenko L.M. et al., 2-14, p. 12].

Researcher Carl-Oswald Bauer emphasizes the importance of professional experience, personal interest and responsibility in the process of mastering competencies. The scientist considers the professional competence of the teacher as a set of the following components of subject knowledge, interdisciplinary knowledge, didactic skills; special pedagogical competencies, which means the existing experience of professional activity and behavioral repertoire of the teacher: teacher-advisor, teacher-supervisor, teacher-expert, etc.; basic pedagogical competencies (diagnostic skills, cognitive abilities (constant intellectual activity), competencies in planning and interaction) [Miller N. I., 2016, p. 67].

While John Erpenbeck and his colleague Volker Heise [Volker Heise, 2010] proposed a special approach to the development of competence as an individual's ability to selforganize and note that competence is a disposition (personal premise) of self-organization in the management of acquired and new knowledge in extraordinary situations. Analyzing various competency theories, scientists consider the professionalism of the specialist as a high level of selforganized activity on the basis of personal, subject- methodical, social-communicative competencies that are integrated into the activity [Konferenz der Kultusminister..., 2008].

Eckhard Klime, the developer of national educational standards in Germany, notes that competence presupposes the existence of personal preconditions that allow to effectively solve various tasks and problems in a particular field of activity. Individual expression of competence, according to E. Klime, is determined primarily by cognitive components, including affective elements: abilities, knowledge, understanding, skills, abilities, strategies, experience, motivation Konferenz der Kultusminister..., 2008]. The formation of competencies is defined as a functional manifestation of the combination of all seven of these psychological components in their inseparable unity, as the ability of a person to solve specific professional problems. Taking into account the above concepts, we can conclude that their content is similar, and any competence will be manifested in professional activities Konferenz der Kultusminister., 2008].

Formulation of the problem

The issue of acquiring competencies by higher education students is relevant and well studied, however, due to the rapid development and changes in higher education, it is important to explore the issue of competences in the process of obtaining university education on the example of one of the European universities.

Research methodology

The aim is to determine the main competencies that are formed in applicants for higher education in the learning process, on the example of the University of Bremen.

Objectives of the study:

• to investigate the state of studying the process of formation of competencies in students;

• consider the content and structure of competencies on the example of the University of Bremen;

• to single out the basic competencies that are acquired by applicants for higher education at the University of Bremen.

Presentation of the main material

For Ukrainian higher education institutions, the experience of training higher education teachers in European countries, in particular in Germany, is important, because their science and research have a long tradition. Today there are more than 300 higher education institutions in the country. Since the time of the reformer of higher education Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835), the principle of "unity of research and teaching" has been in force in German universities. Thus, they are not only educational institutions, but also centers for applied and independent basic research. Due to the wide choice of subjects within each faculty in German universities, interdisciplinary learning is possible [Delegation to Ukraine, 2015].

The active implementation of the competence approach to the training of German specialists, including in the field of education, began in 2003 during the implementation of the project "Setting up educational structures", which was the result of a joint initiative of the European Commission and the European University Association. The task of this program was to "identify points of convergence and develop a common understanding of the content of qualifications by level in terms of competencies and learning outcomes". The results are understood as sets of competencies that include knowledge, understanding and skills of the person who masters them [Avshenyuk N. M., Desyatov T.M., Dyachenko L.M. et al., 2014, p. 12].

One of the universities where the competency approach was implemented was the University of Bremen, an elite university in Germany, with about 20 000 students and twelve faculties, and for the first time in Germany introduced the Bremen Perspectives program, which allows young teachers to continue working at the university. All in order that already qualified and certified students from abroad and not only, after training did not leave walls of the favorite alma mater, and carried out the researches and conducted teaching activity in this university [Universitat Bremen, 2021]. The University of Bremen is a university that offers 118 different programs and is ranked 541-550 in the QS Global World University 2021 ranking [Universitat Bremen, 2021].

In the process of studying at the University of Bremen, there is a concept of organizing the training of higher school teachers - the concept of polyvalence, as in most German universities. The structure underlying it makes it possible to use the scientific and subject training received by the bachelor as a foundation for further study in the master's degree, in order to obtain the qualification of a high school teacher and directly to start professional activities, such as economics or management. In fact, this system of teacher training based on a consistent model means that the bachelor has no right to teach. Analyzing educational programs, we can conclude that their content is based on the study of academic and psychological-pedagogical disciplines. The two-level model of teaching proves that high-quality acquisition and acquisition of competencies by students is impossible without the cooperation of the university and employers [Konferenz der Kultusminister., 2008].

In German universities, the basic competencies of higher education students are acquired in the process of university training, practical and in the process of self-development and self-improvement of the teacher. The main set of competencies of higher education seekers can be represented as follows: University stage, during which knowledge is acquired in the process of studying disciplines of a certain specialization (Fachstudium), as well as relevant knowledge and competencies in the field of didactics of specialization subjects (fachdidaktisches Studium). Practical stage, during which, socialization within the teaching profession, which is carried out in the course of practical activities at the stage of two-year pedagogical practice (Lerner im Beruf) [Universitat Bremen, 2021].

In addition, in this university competencies are divided into social and personal. Social - is the willingness and ability to form and live in social interaction: to change and adapt; develop the ability to rationally and responsibly discuss and reach agreement with others. Personal - is the willingness and ability of the individual: to identify and comprehend and assess the chances of their development, requirements and limitations in the family, profession, public life; show their own abilities, develop and develop their life plans. Personal competencies include personal qualities, such as independence, self-esteem, reliability, conscious responsibility, the development of self-awareness of values [Lisova S. V, 2011, p. 30].

In addition, it should be noted that this is not the end of the development of competencies, as continuing education and lifelong learning is considered as the third stage of training higher education teachers. Importantly, there are about fifteen teacher training centers (ZfL) in Germany across the country, which aim to improve the content, structure and methods of teacher training in universities. These centers are considered so-called "guardians" of teachers and operate at universities with which a cooperation agreement has been concluded. Their main tasks are: conducting courses for teachers, development of courses and their adaptation, introduction of tools to improve skills [Universitat Munster, 2021]. At the university in the training of higher education teachers an important task is the acquisition by students of basic, so-called basic competencies, at the stages of university and practical training, which are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Basic competencies of students


Standard of theoretical training

Standard of application in practice

Ability to plan and conduct training sessions

know relevant educational theories, understand educational and theoretical goals, as well as teaching standards;

know the general and subject didactics and basics of planning in the educational process;

know different teaching methods and types of tasks; understand the concepts of media education, psychology and evaluation procedures;

combine academic and

didactic arguments;

be able to choose the content and methods, forms of work and communication.

integrate information into the educational process;

ability to check one's own teaching process;

Apply project-based teaching methods

know theories of learning and forms of teaching; know theories of motivation to learn and the ability to apply them in practice;

stimulate and support various forms of learning;

to develop educational processes taking into account the conclusions about the acquisition of knowledge and skills by students;

lead and accompany study groups;

Motivation of students

know learning strategies and self-motivation that positively affect learning success and the impact of work results.

know the methods of promoting self-determination, responsibility and cooperation in teaching and working with students;

know how to achieve further interest of students in the subject;

Ability to convey to students the methods of responsible learning;

Maintaining norms and values among students

to know and reflect democracy and values, norms, to show them in communication;

know how to maintain values and encourage students to their own judgment and independence;

know how students work and study;

Act in accordance with their own values

and guidelines;

use forms of constructive behavior in conflict situations with students and in the case of situations between students;

Student assessment

know how different learning conditions affect students' academic success;

know the basics of diagnosis of the educational process;

know the principles and approaches to student counseling

recognize talents, talents, abilities and know how to develop them;

coordinate learning opportunities and learning requirements;

use different forms of advice and differentiate them according to the situation;

collaborate with colleagues

in developing tips and tricks.

Teacher self-development

know the basics and structures of the education system and universities;

know the legal framework;

know the opportunities for self-development of teachers

learn to deal with stress;

to use expediently and economically working hours and own resources;

be able to practice peer counseling as an aid to developing classes and reducing the workload;

be able to reflect and prevent emotional burnout at work.

Source: Teaching in Germany - Standards and inhalation requirements. - Access mode: [Konferenz der Kultusminister..., 2008].


Based on the above material, we can conclude that the topic of acquisition of competencies by students in the learning process is relevant, as evidenced by a number of publications devoted to it. However, this issue is so large that it requires detailed study and research, especially in the process of globalization. Analyzing the above definitions of competence by German researchers, we can conclude that the basis of competence are components that can be mastered by a particular individual, these components are changed and improved in the process of professional development of the teacher. In addition, Germany has about fifteen centers for teacher training (ZfL), aimed at improving the content, structure, methods of teacher training in universities and ensure continuous process improvement and acquisition of competencies in professional terms.

We researched the content and structure of competencies and came to the conclusion that in the training of higher school teachers at the University of Bremen, a competency approach is used, which provides for the acquisition of personal competencies and special competencies by higher education students. Students acquire the main competencies at the university stage, the stage of practical training and throughout their professional life.

The basic competencies that are considered necessary and should be possessed by the graduate, future teacher of higher education, namely: ability to plan classes, motivate students to study activities, use project-based teaching methods, support motivation, norms and values among students, correct assessment and constant self development. We can conclude that some of these competencies are already integrated into our education system and are implemented by applying a competency based approach to the educational process.


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2. Lehrerbildung in Deutschland - Standards und inhaltliche Anforderungen // Standigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Lander in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2008. - Resource access mode: sites/bologna/dokumente_zur_bologna-reform/KMK_Standards.pdf.

3. Universitat Bremen // Deutschland Stipendium, 2021. - Resource access mode:

4. Heyse Volker. Grundstrukturen menschlicher Kompetenzen : Prax- iserprobte Konzeptte und instrumente / Volker Heyse, John Erpenbeck, Stefan Ortmann. - Seiten : Waxmann Verlag GmbH. - Band 5, 2010.

5. Zentrum fur Lehrerbildung der Universitat Munster. 2021. - Access mode:

6. Grants and scholarships of the European Union // EU Delegation to Ukraine, 2015. Kyiv. - Resource access mode: archives/delegations/ukraine/documents/virtual_library/education-in-eu_uk.pdf.

7. Competence approach to teacher training in foreign countries: theory and practice : monograph / N. M. Avshenyuk, T.M. Desyatov, L.M. Dyachenko, N.O. Postrigach, L.P. Pukhovskaya, O.V. Sulima. - Kirovograd: Imex-LTD, 2014. - 280 p.

8. Lisova S. V. Professional pedagogical education: competence approach : monograph / ed. O.A. Dubaseniuk . - Zhytomyr : Vidu ZhDU im. I. Franko, 2011. - P. 34-53.

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