Current requirements for the competitiveness of the higher education teacher

Determination of the content and structure of professional competitiveness by state standards. Their formation without taking into account the personal qualities of the subject, his interests and abilities. Formation of the teacher's competitiveness.

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Дата добавления 27.07.2022
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Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Current requirements for the competitiveness of the higher education teacher

O. Poliak, Ph.D. Sciences, Assoc

Kyiv, Ukraine


The article is devoted to the problem of formation and development of competitiveness among teachers of higher education institutions. If the content and structure of professional competitiveness, defined by state standards, are formed without taking into account the personal qualities of the learning subject, its interests, abilities and are not determined by the professionalism of the teacher, it is impossible to lay the foundations of competitiveness and develop the ability to compete.

The genesis of different approaches to the concept of competitiveness of the modern educator has been analyzed, in particular, in modern researches it is emphasized on: - managerial, psychological and pedagogical aspect of competitiveness.

The process of forming the competitiveness of a teacher of a higher education institution, which includes its components, is outlined:

levels of development: a motivational and holistic component; emotional-volitional component; evaluation and adjustment component;

conditions of formation: the need to find such forms of work of the teacher, which would ensure the continuity of the process of his professional growth, development and introduction of multidimensional models of the organization of professional development, introduction of new educational technologies, participation in innovative activity;

development of a complex of properties of his personality necessary for a high level of professional activity. The activity of the teacher is characterized by pedagogical expediency by orientation, individually creative character in content and organization, choice of means;

ways of formation: a certain amount of knowledge, abilities, skills and continuous improvement of the state of theoretical, psychological-pedagogical, methodological and technological preparation; motives for professional self-improvement; the desire for self-realization and self-affirmation of personality; professional growth; expanding horizons; increasing the level of development of all types of competences; the presence of cognitive interest; creating a positive image among students and colleagues; upgrading the qualification category during certification; receiving awards; raising personal rankings at different levels of subordination; improving professional competence; raising the level of organization of the educational process.

Keywords: competitiveness, modern teacher, teacher.


О. Поляк, канд. пед. наук, доц.

Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ


Стаття присвячена проблемі формування та розвитку конкурентоспроможності викладачів закладів вищої освіти. Якщо зміст та структура професійної конкурентоспроможності, визначені державними стандартами, формуються без урахування особистих якос-тей навчального предмета, його інтересів, здібностей і не визначаються професіоналізмом викладача, неможливо закласти основи конкурентоспроможності та розвитку здатності до конкуренції.

Проаналізовано генезис різних підходів до концепції конкурентоспроможності сучасного педагога, зокрема, в сучасних дослідженнях наголошено на управлінському, психологічному та педагогічному аспектах конкурентоспроможності.

Окреслено процес формування конкурентоспроможності викладача вищого навчального закладу, який включає його компоненти:

рівні розвитку: мотиваційний та цілісний компонент; емоційно-вольовий компонент; компонент оцінки та коригування;

умови формування: необхідність пошуку таких форм роботи вчителя, які б забезпечували безперервність процесу його професій-ного зростання, розвитку та впровадження багатовимірних моделей організації професійного розвитку, впровадження нових освітніх технологій, участі в інноваційній діяльності;

розвиток комплексу властивостей його особистості, необхідних для високого рівня професійної діяльності. Діяльність педагога характеризується педагогічною доцільністю за орієнтацією, індивідуально творчим характером за змістом та організацією, вибором засобів;

способи формування: певний обсяг знань, умінь, навичок та постійне вдосконалення стану теоретичної, психолого-педагогічної, методичної та технологічної підготовки; мотиви професійного самовдосконалення; прагнення до самореалізації та самоствердження особистості; професійне зростання; розширення горизонтів; підвищення рівня розвитку всіх видів компетенцій; наявність пізнаваль-ного інтересу; створення позитивного іміджу серед учнів та колег; підвищення кваліфікаційної категорії під час атестації; отримання нагород; підвищення особистого рейтингу на різних рівнях підпорядкованості; підвищення професійної компетентності; підвищення рівня організації навчально-виховного процесу.

Ключові слова: конкурентоспроможність, сучасний педагог, учитель.

Formulation of the problem. Social changes in society, integration of Ukraine into the European educational space, clear contradictions between the requirements for personality, activity of the teacher and the actual level of readiness of graduates of institutions of higher education to perform professional functions necessitate the study of new requirements for the competitiveness of the teacher of higher education institution.

First of all, the success of innovative changes, its creative potential, readiness for continuous self-education, ability for flexible social-pedagogical thinking, humanistic orientation of the person depends on the competitive teacher.

An important role in ensuring positive changes in the system of higher education institutions should be solved by improving the conditions of formation of competitiveness of teaching staff and increasing their scientific and cultural level.

The main normative-legal documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine indicate that: "Pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers are obliged to constantly improve their professional level, pedagogical skill, general culture" (Law of Ukraine "On Education"); "Training of pedagogical and scientific- pedagogical workers, their professional self-improvement is an important condition for the modernization of education" (National Doctrine of Educational Development) [9].

The purpose and objectives of the study - to explore the concept of competitiveness of the teacher, to determine the basic modern requirements and ways of its formation. professional competitiveness ability

Analysis of recent research and publications. One of the main urgent tasks of reforming the system of institutions of higher education is to educate a competitive teacher. In order to achieve personal success, it is important to have the ability to think, retrieve and use information, to adequately evaluate the performance [7], and therefore one of the conditions of competitiveness of a teacher of higher education is professional self-improvement through purposeful self-education and self-education.

Competitiveness of the personality, according to V. Andreev [1], is the ability to withstand and win in competition, not the end result of its activity. Some researchers - I. Beh, V. Demchuk, I. Ziazun, L. Ka ramushka, V. Kremen, T. Perekrestov, and others - understand competitiveness as the ability of a person to achieve goals in different, rapidly changing educational situations through the possession of methods of solving professional problems different content and difficulty levels. This approach focuses on the importance of developing a teacher's professionalism for its competitiveness. Under these conditions, the criteria for evaluating a competitive teacher are professional knowledge (domain knowledge and psychological and pedagogical) and skills, the level of communicative culture, the desire for professional growth, the ability to reflect [7].

In V. Kharkin's work [5] competitiveness is considered as the competence of the teacher, which is conditioned by the high results of his activity: education, education and level of development of his students. According to G. Atashukova [2], the competitiveness of the teacher is one of the requirements for his professionalism, that is, the competitiveness of potential opportunities to achieve success, which determine adequate individual behavior in the dynamic change of conditions of activity, and, consequently, is socially oriented.

In modern studies of the phenomenon of competitiveness (Yu. Babansky, A. Marushkevich, O. Plakhotnik, E. Spitsin,

M. Zhilenko, N. Kuzmenko, N. Golovko, S. Balashova, I. Mariuts, N. Postoyuk, A. Markova, N. Talizina, T. Shamova, etc.) the aspects of pedagogical activity are revealed, by the formation of which it is possible to determine the level of professionalism, and, consequently, the teacher's competitive-ness: pedagogical aspect (forms and methods of teaching); psychological aspect (personal aspect); management aspect (analysis, planning, organization, control and regulation of the interaction process) [2; 3; 4].

Presenting main material. The importance of competitiveness as an integrated quality is becoming more and more important not only for the individual but for society as a whole, it implies orientation towards the future, as indicated by the tendencies in the development of education in Ukraine, the need to advance the professional pedagogical education of the demands of pedagogical activity.

The prerequisites of penetration of the concept of "competitiveness" in the field of pedagogy of institutions of higher education and the emergence of the need for the formation of this quality in the modern teacher are socio-economic and educational transformations, which was reflected in the content of state documents on the modernization of education in Ukraine, pedagogical studies on the problem of preparation of modern teaching [8].

As defined in the National Doctrine of Educational Development in Ukraine, the training of qualified personnel capable of creative work, professional development, development and implementation of science-intensive and information technologies that are competitive in the labor market.

The competitiveness of a specialist in the labor market, according to A. Yesin [6], should be considered as a relative and generalized characteristic that: reflects certain beneficial differences from another specialist competitor in terms of satisfaction of the needs of the consumer (employer) and the amount of costs to meet them; manifests itself in professional activity and is projected on all spheres of human activity; is defined as a multilevel personal education that integrates individual characteristics with workforce quality indicators.

In M. Nikityuk's research, competitiveness is defined as a stable personal property to consciously and creatively realize professional competence at a sufficient level of possession of the necessary knowledge, skills and personal characteristics [7].

In the current model, competitiveness should include the following basic features: value of goals and value orientations; industry; creative attitude to the case; ability to take risks; independence in decision-making; the ability to be a leader; ability for continuous self-development.

The process of forming the competitiveness of a teacher of a higher education institution occurs at the following levels of development:

motivational and holistic component (focus on moral and ethical self-improvement, need for self-affirmation, self-realization);

emotional-volitional component (creativity, independence, initiative, responsibility, self-confidence);

evaluation and regulatory component (acting skills of self-assessment, self-regulation, research personal position).

In addition, for the formation of competitiveness, there is a need to find such forms of teacher's work that would ensure the continuity of the process of his professional growth, development and implementation of multidimensional models of the organization of professional development, introduction of new educational technologies, participation in innovation activities [7].

The development of competitiveness of the modern teacher of higher education institution is considered as the development of a complex of properties of his personality necessary for a high level of professional activity. The activity of the teacher is characterized by pedagogical expediency by orientation, individually-creative character, in content and organization, choice of means. It is in pedagogical activity that the professional skill of the teacher is developed and realized, which is structurally determined by the following components: pedagogical orientation of the individual, professional knowledge, ability to pedagogical activity, pedagogical technique. The pedagogical orientation of the teacher's personality presupposes value orientations on himself, on the means of pedagogical influence, on students and the student collective, on the goals of pedagogical activity. Professional knowledge is considered as the basis for the formation of professional growth, which include knowledge of the subject of teaching, its methods, pedagogy, psychology. The level of professional knowledge is assessed by the level of generalization of all partial knowledge, the depth of assimilation, the ability to use them in professional and personal life reproductively and creatively, initiatively. Pedagogical ability, namely: the individual-psychological properties of the teacher's personality, which, under favorable conditions, most determine the success of development and performance of pedagogical activity (expressive, didactic, perceptive, scientific, communicative, communicative, communicative, communicative, communicative) gnostic, psychomotor, ability to distribute and concentrate, etc.). Pedagogical technique, namely: a set of techniques and tools aimed at a clear and effective organization of training (expressive speech, the ability to speak, gesture, facial expressions, the ability to operate teaching and laboratory equipment, to use visualization, technical training, etc.).

In modern researches (Yu. Babansky, A. Markov,

N. Talizin, T. Shamov, etc.) to determine the level of teacher's competitiveness it is emphasized on: managerial aspect - how the teacher analyzes, plans, organizes, controls and regulates the process of interaction with students; psychological aspect - as a teacher as a person influences students, takes into account their individual characteristics, defines and creates motives for learning; pedagogical aspect - through which forms and methods of teaching the teacher conveys the content of the educational material.

In particular, the management concept examines the training in terms of management theory, which is implemented on the basis of the ratio of strategic, medium and immediate goals (strategic, tactical and operational objectives). Requirements for the management of students' cognitive activity should: determine management goals; set the initial state of the process; to define the program of influences, which presupposes the basic transitional states of the process; provide systematic control over the process they manage, ie systematic feedback; provide feedback on the feedback channel, develop corrective actions and implement them.

In the context of the problem of competitiveness, both the external aspect of the teacher's management activity and its internal content are important. The activity of a teacher as a manager characterizes his / her ability to manage the learning process, to freely choose the most appropriate management methods for the student audience in order to achieve the best learning result.

In the psychological aspect, the teacher's competitiveness is manifested in their desire to learn from such an educator, which is mostly conditioned by his / her abilities not only to arouse interest in the subject, but also to preserve and deepen it. Modern students first of all appreciate the teacher's ability to convincingly prove the need for knowledge of the subject, to show its connection with modern life, to demonstrate the possibilities of its professional, economic, social and personal use.

Therefore, the modern educator should be ready for the changes taking place in the educational system, capable of boldly making pedagogical decisions, showing initiative, creativity. This is due, first of all, to the problems of personality self-development and creative self-realization of the teacher, new conceptual approaches to reforming the system of institutions of higher education. Under the new conditions of reforming higher education institutions, in the framework of professional activity, the teacher can make changes to a separate occupation, working curriculum, use both traditional and modern, innovative methods, forms and means of teaching, to develop and implement their own approaches in the educational system. process.

That is, the teacher has a real opportunity to show his creativity, his spiritual potential. Modern institutions of higher education require intelligent (knowledgeable, understanding, cultural) teachers who have the necessary professional knowledge and skills, who are aware of the ways of their acquisition and are familiar with the principles and methods of knowing the theory and practice of their professional pedagogical activity. Only under such conditions the teacher will be able to think creatively, independently navigate in various problematic situations of pedagogical reality, critically evaluate them and quickly find ways of overcoming the contradictions that arise [10].

The implementation of these principles also requires the application of: some strong-willed efforts, the development of certain personal qualities (professional self-education, personal self-development); self-education (improvement of socio-political knowledge, familiarization with the most outstanding achievements of various sciences, enrichment of literary and aesthetic ideas, acquaintance with new tendencies and phenomena of cultural life, replenishment of knowledge in the subject being taught, and acquaintance with the latest scientific data, relevant recent developments, psychological and methodological knowledge and skills); self-improvement (active development of personality qualities in the process of professional activity; image (image through the eyes of a student).

Ways of formation of competitiveness of the modern teacher of higher education institution:

a certain amount of knowledge, abilities, skills and continuous improvement of the state of theoretical, psychological and pedagogical, methodological and technological training;

motives for professional self-improvement (striving for constant self-improvement; striving for self-expression; striving for self-realization and self-affirmation; professional growth; broadening of horizons; increasing the level of development of all kinds of competences; having a cognitive interest; raising students' qualifications; certification, awarding, personal rating improvement at various levels of subordination;

raising the professional competence of the teacher ((improving the general level of professional skill of the teacher (improving the level of professional training, improving all types of pedagogical competence: intellectual, psychological, managerial, motivational, communicative, projective, didactic, methodical), modeling personal perspective level of experience organization of educational process; raising the level of organization of educational process (creation of social and pedagogical conditions I of personality of each student, improving the quality of knowledge and skills students develop interest in the subject and increase their upbringing).

Conclusions. Therefore, competitiveness is considered mainly in two aspects: as the quality of training ("quality indicator") and the quality of personality ("personality characteristic", "personality ability", "personal quality") [8]. Competitiveness is an integrative set of personal traits and skills of a teacher required under objectively competitive conditions. In this sense, the concept under study is complementary and interdependent with no less relevant professional and personal qualities such as professional readiness, competence, skill, professionalism, etc.


1. VI Andreev Competitiveness: textbook. course [for creative self-development of competitiveness] / VI Andreev. - Kazan: Center for Innovative Technologies, 2004. - 467 p.

2. Atashukova GR The competitiveness of the teacher as a modern requirement of professionalism of the teacher [Electronic resource] I GR Atashukova.

3. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Issue 2 (8) 2018.

4. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Issue 1 (9) 2019.

5. Kharkin VN Improvisation? Improvisation !: a monograph I VN Kharkin. - M.: Master, 1997. - 287 p.

Список використаних джерел

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2. Аташукова Г. Р. Конкурентоспособность педагога как современное требование профессионализма учителя

3. Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевче-нка. Випуск 2 (8) 2018.

4. Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевче-нка. Випуск 1 (9) 2019.

5. Харькин В. Н. Импровизация? Импровизация! : монография / В. Н. Харькин. - М. : Магистр, 1997. - 287 с.

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