Parables as a method of preventing bullying at learning institutions in Ukraine and the USA

Consideration of the systemic approach as one of the effective methods of prevention of violence and bullying in educational institutions. The significance and importance of using a parable in educating young people and warning them against violence.

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Parables as a method of preventing bullying at learning institutions in Ukraine and the USA

I. Zvarych, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogics),

senior staff scientist Kyiv National University

of Trade and Economics

This article deals with a systematic approach as one of the violence prevention methods and bullying at higher learning institutions; the concepts of bullying, cyberbullying, including cybermobbing, internet mobbing are clarified; the role of increasing the students' aggression is focused on, which is manifested in various reactions: anger, meanness, insult, irritation, tendency to physical actions, in particular the willingness to solve problems and controversial issues with the help of physical force; the statistical bullying manifestation data at higher learning institutions of Ukraine and the US are investigated, the using of parables' role of contributing to the achievement of goals and objectives in the prevention of violence and bullying are highlighted.

The problem of bullying is widely discussed in Internet, newspapers, scientific journals, etc. It is gaining more and more topical importance in our country every year, since it has not been thoroughly studied both from the point of theoretical studies view and from practice view as well.

Keywords: bullying, systematic approach, parable, youth education, learning institutions, comprehension, education, development, evolution, knowledge quality level.

Притчі як метод застереження від булінгу у навчальних закладах України і США

Проблема булігну широко дискутується на сторінках Інтернет-сайтів, газет, наукових журналів тощо. Вона щороку набирає все більшої актуальності в нашій країні, оскільки достеменно не вивчена як з позиції теоретичних досліджень, так і з позиції практики. Саме тому, з кожним роком у психологів з'являється все більше нових напрямків професійної діяльності щодо з'ясування причин, чому починають діти виокремлювати із колективу класу, групи того, над ким можна насміхатися і познущатися. Останнім часом в учнів, вчителів, батьків з'являється багато питаннь, зокрема таких, що хтось постійно дзвонить та щось вимагає; призначають зустрічі та напрошуються мати стосунки; в чаті дуже багато образливого пишуть на адресу дитини або про інших гравців, коли вони грають; в соціальних мережах постійно хтось ставить безпідставні запитання та дошкуляє інформацією та інше. Доцільно звертатися за консультацією до психолога, тому що агресія може бути виявом серйозних емоційних проблем тих, хто навчається в закладах освіти.

Саме тому у статті розглядається системний підхід, як один із методів профілактики насильства та булінгу у навчальних закладах освіти; з'ясовуються поняття булінг, кібербулінг, зокрема кібермоббінг, Інтернет-мобінг; висвітлено значимість і важливість притчі у вихованні молоді та застереженні її від насильства, у тому числі роль притчі, що сприяє досягненню цілей і мети в профілактиці насильства та булінгу; зосереджено увагу на зростанні агресивності у вихованців, що проявляється у різних реакціях: злість, підлість, образа, роздратування, схильність до фізичних дій, зокрема готовність вирішити проблеми та спірні питання за допомого фізичної сили; досліджено статистичні дані щодо прояву булінгу у навчальних закладах освіти України і США.

Ключові слова: булінг, системний підхід, притча, виховання молоді, навчальний заклад, осмислення, освіта, розвиток, еволюція, рівень якості знань.


Formulation of the problem. Globalization, changing learning technologies, the transition to a post-industrial information society, affirmation of the country's priorities has led to the development of the individual as the main indicator and key lever of modern progress and the state development. The necessity for educational reform and the need for a radical modernization of educational institutions put forward the demand for society and the state to ensure the priority of the education and science development, which depend on the qualitative professional activity of teachers, their readiness for useful work, pedagogical competence, skills, awareness and improvement the process of education and learning technologies, including differentiated and problem-based learning, game and information technology training, creditmodule technology self-directed learning to increase the learning process quality, as this is one of the important factors in improving the education quality and providing educational services. However, the systematic approach consumption is used in the prevention of violence and bullying at higher learning institutions.

Research objective is: to consider a systematic approach as one of the methods of prevention of violence and bullying at learning institutions; to find out the concepts of bullying, cyberbullying, in particular cyber mobbing, Internet mobbing; to pay attention to the groWth of students' aggression, to highlight the role of parables that contribute to achieving goals and objectives in educating young people and warn them against the violence and bullying, to investigate statistics on bullying at educational institutions of Ukraine and the USA.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Analysis of recent researches and publications. The problem of bullying and cyberbullying is considered by both Ukrainian scientists and foreign researchers as well: L. Naidenova, O. Belyaeva, G. Bychkovskaya, N. Boitsova, A. Velenko, Wang J., Nansel R. Tonja, Rjnald J. Innovatti, J. Salman, A. James, D. Smith. All of them cover bullying, cyberbullying as a global and mass phenomenon and the latest form of violence, which involves violence in the form of harassment, discrimination, boycott, humiliation using modern media, including mobile phones, e-mail, social networks. Researchers are paying attention to the causes of bullying and methods of preventing and overcoming violence. However, researchers ignored the use of parables in conversation to educate the young people, including students, and warn them against violence and bullying, in particular mental violence in the form of harassment, discrimination, misinformation, damage to personal belongings, physical violence, harassment during a long conscious process of cruelty and attitude to the individual.

Research presentation

violence bullying parable

Every year, psychologists are finding more and more new directions of professional activity in order to find out why children begin to be separated from the class staff, groups that can be mocked and laughed at. L.A. Naydenova notes that recently psychologists have been approached by students, teachers, parents with questions, such as that someone is constantly called and demanded something; those unknown who require appointments and relationships; there was written a lot of offensive in chatting to the address of child or other players during the play; on social networks constantly someone asks baseless questions and begs the information about others and something more [2]. With the advent of newer telecommunications, there are new problems in communication, humiliation, schooling, aggressive treatment of one another in a virtual environment, than having a conversation in real "live communication". And this is quite logical, because in real life it is important to follow the reaction of the interlocutor, look in the eye, be polite to others, etc. [3,4]. Exploring the problem of bulling, we found out that the word bulling (formed from the English bull - "byk", "bychok", "boogiy", and in figurative sense - a big awkward noisy person who is capable of unpredictable actions, in particular persistent attack, teasing, bullying, violence, scoffing, provoking, harassing, terrorizing, persecuting, etc.). Thus, it can be noted that bullying is the aggressive behavior of a certain person, in particular a child with respect to peers, in order to humiliate, bully and often be accompanied by physical violence in order to obey their own rules in school, class, team, group.

Often children hide their actions and do not comment on their actions, because they consider them right in relation to others. "It has long been known in the world that the lower bends before the higher, and the bigger bites and beats the smaller - because there is strength..." says the famous writer LI Glibov in the fable "The Wolf and the Lamb" [1].

The behavior of an aggressive attitude is reflected in the folk wisdom in the parable, the content of which is worth thinking about.

One day, the usual Black Crow came into the restaurant to dine and suddenly it noticed that the White Crow was sitting in the corner, quite unnoticed among those present, and it was chewing lovely something. Thus, the Black Crow defiantly approached the bartender's stand, holding the inflated purse in its hands, and cried out loudly: "I buy food for everyone in this restaurant except the White Crow!" The waiter took money, bought the food for visitors and handed it out to everyone in the restaurant, except only one - the White Crow. However, the White Crow did not feel humiliated and depressed that it was singled out among the visitors. It wasn't angry and did not get upset at all, but it stood up gracefully, rising its head and looked at the usual Black Crow laughing pleasantly and said calmly: "Thank you very much!" This further annoyed and irritated the Black Crow very much, it was angry and it nervously ran back to the barman's counter and yelled: "Waiter! This time I treat everyone in this restaurant with different drinks, except for the White Crow!" Again, the White Crow did not get angry and did not get upset at all, but it rose, welcomed its head and calmly, but again answered loudly with pleasant smile: "Thank you very much!" The Black Crow was nervous, annoyed and angry, it leaned toward the bartender with a sly grin and asked: "Is there something wrong with this White Crow? I bought everyone food and drinks, and it - the White Crow - passed. But it thanks me every time. It probably does not understand that I am humiliating it and I am blatantly ignoring it. Is the White Crow probably sick or mad? It cannot understand that I am the Black Crow ignore and humble it!" The waiter smiled affectionately and replied: "Oh, no, what are you? It is the owner of this restaurant."

The parable teaches us that it is not necessary to humiliate and anger, but to deal with issues that have arisen over a certain period; if you even feel that you are right, then you do not need to be angry; if you make a mistake, then you have no right to be angry, for patience is always reward and love, and patience for others is respect; patience for oneself is confidence, patience for God is faith. Be patient and respect each other's. It's not difficult, believe and trust.

Each trial is a chance to become better, in another way to rethink the situation.

Thus, the Black Crow was arrogant, inattentive, envious, so it couldn't contain its emotions when it saw the White Crow who was standing out among the other birds in its circle. Among the people, the White Crow refers to those men who stand out sharply against the background of the group by their behavior, appearance, life position, including reflections, thoughts, decisions, extraordinary methods and approaches to solve the problems immediately in real life. So, children who study the learning materials well at schools, they distinguish among the people with the same thoughts and actions and fall into the circle of "White crow", then later they are begin to be humiliated and harassed, to be mocked at and they are made to perform quality actions for the sake of fun, smile. However, it should be noted that the phraseology of the White Crow has the other side, because children who have certain communication defects, such as stuttering or injury, they are also bullied by. It is worth giving an example from the life of Nicolas James Vujicic, who without hands and feet became a millionaire and a father of four children. Now, he has a wife, business, and four children, two of them are sons and two twin daughters, and HE is an example for others. This courageous man was born without limbs. It was extremely difficult for him among his peers. His parents sent him to a regular secondary school, because his father said that his son should have and live a normal life and didn't feel sorry to himself and didn't pay undue attention to himself as well. Nick Vujicic suffered in life because he was a White Crow on the one hand for laughs, ridiculed because his physical inferiority set him apart in society, particularly at school. He was mocked at. He even wanted to commit suicide. This is a real example of bullying, namely violence and ridicule over cripple. Nowadays, he is the White Crow because he stands out among people, including peers, for being a successful businessman. He found the strength to live as a full and happy person. Nowadays, he conducts trainings and seminars around the world and teaches people to live and overcome difficulties, such as bullying and harassment, and not be a target for bulling. He published a book "Life Without Borders", which described many examples from his own private life.

Thus, to be something different from others does not mean to be a lure for laughter and ridicule, bullying. It is necessary to be decisive, persistent, purposeful and to turn the personality into the strong part. Teachers and parents should educate children on real-life examples, parables that teach them to overcome difficulties, defend their own opinion and not be a lure for bullying. It is necessary to talk to children, explain the power and weight of each word, because the word has a powerful power and extraordinary weight in the life of each of us. It is worth considering the parable of the weight of one snowflake and its significance and powerful force in the environment.

It should be studied the parable about little tit. One day a little tit, sitting on a snow-covered branch of a tree, asked a wild pigeon:

- How much does one snowflake weigh?

"No more than nothing," it told little tit.

"Then I want to tell you a very interesting story," said the little bird. - One day I was sitting on a spruce branch, and it started to snow. It was not yet a whirlwind, and light snowflakes lay quietly on the trees. I counted about 7435679 snowflakes that fell on a spruce branch. And when the last snowflake, which, as you said, "weighs no more than nothing," fell on the branch and it broke. - After that, the little bird took off, leaving the pigeon in deep thought.

How much do our words weigh? We probably ask ourselves this question very rarely. But it is worth thinking about the fact that sometimes those words that "weigh no more than nothing", in particular our speeches and actions that we perform, sometimes invisible to ourselves, fall with great resentment and pain to others, especially to our children, because they are the most vulnerable. And under such a burden, everyone can break, including a child. We should rethink our actions, because there is probably no person among us who, at least once, has not insulted others, not even suspecting that it is an insult, not paying attention to the words or deeds.

In fact, the words that we usually address to children, students, adults, to each other, mean a lot: good, gentle words can strengthen hope for the best, lift a person's spirits, make him/her happy and confident, and the evil and cruel words can do upset, offend to humiliate, trample hope and even incite to crime. It is important to remember this in the process of communication, and especially to pay attention to words during a conflict, so as not to spoil the relationship forever. It is necessary to act according to the principle of the Golden Rule "Everything that you want people to do to you, you should do to them."

Thus, it is necessary to think about the power of the word, because each word weighs a lot and leaves its mark in the soul, which is reminiscent of unbearable pain. It is the parable "Everything leaves its mark" that reveals the meaning of the unbearable pain of the human soul and unforgettable memories that leave their marks.

This is a parable "Everything leaves its mark." And we should think deeply about its plot. One a very passionate and unrestrained young man lived with his father. And one day his father gave him a bag of nails and told him to kill one nail in a fence post every time he couldn't control his anger. During the first day, there were several dozen nails in the column. The second day even more. The following week, he learned to control his anger, and the number of nails driven into the pole began to decline with each passing day. The boy realized that it was easier to control his anger than to drive nails. Finally, the day came when he never lost control of his emotions. He told his father about it and he said that this time every day, when his son manages to restrain himself, he can pull out one nail from the pole. As time went on, the day came when he could inform his father that there were no nails left in the pillar. Then the father took his son by the hand, led him to the fence and said: "You did well, but do you see how many holes in the column? It will never be the same again. When you say something bad to a person, it has a scar like these holes. And no matter how many times after that you apologize but the scar will remain about the pain." So the wounds heal, and the scars remain and remind of the pain that made a person suffer.


Based on above, we draw the following conclusions: it is desirable to constantly communicate with children of any age and find out the situation in which they find themselves to prevent violence and bullying, in particular the growth of aggression, manifested in various reactions: anger, meanness, resentment, irritation; for a more effective and fruitful conversation it is not necessary to force the child to communicate, but to do it casually, considering and analyzing parables, including real-life examples; try to be a companion for children, in particular pupils and students, so that pupils trust their parents and teachers, so that they can trust their elders and be opened up to make the conversation, because young people are not always ready to cover the true situation; it is necessary to be patient and find out the reason that led to the violence, including bullying and don't blame the pupils for their actions; it is important not to confuse gossip with concern for the health and lives of young people; be patient with the aggressor's child and do not threaten punishment, because their actions can be unpredictable; It is advisable to consider consulting a qualified psychologist, because aggression can be a manifestation of serious emotional students' problems at learning institutions.


1. Glibov Leonid. Fable "Wolf and Lamb" Based on materials: Leonid Glibov. "Dotted donkey." Selected works. Publishing House of Children's Literature "Rainbow", K. - 1977. - P. 31.

2. Cyberbullying, or virtual aggression: methods of recognition and protection of the child / L.A.Naidenova; order. V.O. Snigulska. - Kyiv: Editorial Board of General Pedagogical Newspapers, 2014. - 96 p.

3. Bullying in schools: self reported anxiety, depression, and self esteem in secondary school children [electronic resource]. - 2020. - /available at: rted_anxiety_depression_and_self_esteem_in_secondary_school_children

4. Wang J., Nansel R. Tonja, Iannotti J. Ronald. Cyber and traditional bullying: differential Assosiation with depression I J. Wang, Tonja R. Nansel, Ronal J. Iannotti J. // Journal of Adolescent Health. - 2011. - V. 48. (№4). - P. 217.

Список використаних джерел

1. Глібов Леонід. Байка "Вовк та Ягня" За матеріалами: Леонід Глібов. "Цяцькований осел". Вибрані твори. Видавництво дитячої літератури "Веселка", К. - 1977. - С. 31.

2. Кібербулінг, або віртуальна агресія: способи розпізнання і захист дитини / Л.А.Найдьонова; упоряд. В.О.Снігульська. - К.: Редакції загаль- нопедагогічних газет, 2014. - 96 с.

3. Bullying in schools: self reported anxiety, depression, and self esteem in secondary school children ? [електронний ресурс]. - 2020. - Режим доступу: rted_anxiety_depression_and_self_esteem_in_secondary_school_children

4. Wang J., Nansel R. Tonja, Iannotti J. Ronald. Cyber and traditional bullying: differential Assosiation with depression I J. Wang, Tonja R. Nansel, Ronal J. Iannotti J. // Journal of Adolescent Health. - 2011. - V. 48. (№4). - P. 217.

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