Professional pedagogical training of scientific substantiation of the Ukrainian scholars

Approaches of Ukrainian scientists to the professional and pedagogical training of future teachers of higher education institutions. A description of the basic professional knowledge, skills and competencies that a modern teacher should possess.

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Дата добавления 31.07.2022
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Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Professional pedagogical training of scientific substantiation of the Ukrainian scholars

A. Marushkevych, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

I. Mariuts, PhD, Assistant Professor

The article presents the approaches of Ukrainian scientists to the professional training of future pedagogues of higher educational institution. The main positions of the state documents on this issue are analyzed. The basic professional knowledges, skills and competences, what a modern lecturer of a higher education institution should possess are described. Requirements for theoretical preparation of the future lecturer, the level of his/her professional knowledge, general professional skills outlined. Considerable attention paid to peculiarities of the future lecturer's personality formation. It indicates professionally significant qualities of the personality of the future lecturer, the functional manifestations of qualities of his/her personality, formation of professional and creative competences. General theoretical problems of the preparation of future lecturers in higher education institutions, the development of students' readiness for pedagogical activity, and scientific research work disclosed.

Keywords: Lecturer, professional knowledge, professional training of future pedagogues, skills and competences.

А. Марушкевич, д-р пед. наук, проф.,

І. Маріуц, канд. пед. наук, асист.

Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Професійно-педагогічна підготовка у наукових обґрунтуваннях українських вчених

Представлені підходи українських вчених до професійної підготовки майбутніх педагогів закладів вищої освіти. Аналізуються основні положення державних документів з цього питання. Описано основні професійні знання, навички та компетентності, якими повинен володіти сучасний викладач закладу вищої освіти. Викладено вимоги до теоретичної підготовки майбутнього викладача, рівень його професійних знань, загальні професійні навички. Значну увагу приділено особливостям формування особистості майбутнього викладача. Це вказує на професійно значущі якості особистості майбутнього науково-педагогічного працівника, функціональні прояви якостей його особистості, формування професійних і творчих компетентностей. Встановлено, що у процесі підготовки викладачів важливо зосередитись на основних компонентах їх майбутньої професійної освітньої діяльності, таких як когнітивно-психологічний, соціальний, полікультурний, автопсихологічний, особистісний компоненти. Проаналізовано, що когнітивно-психологічний компонент включає професійні знання, вміння, навички, здатність використовувати педагогічні технології, педагогічний менеджмент. Соціальна складова орієнтована на розуміння сутності соціальних проблем суспільства. Полікультурна складова спричинена необхідністю усвідомлювати себе як носія національних та загальнолюдських цінностей. Автопсихологічний компонент проявляється у здатності спрямовувати себе на професійне самовдосконалення: самопізнання, самооцінку, самоконтроль та самокорекцію. Особиста складова пов'язана з професійно важливими якостями викладача. Визначено основні складові професійної готовності викладача до роботи, представлені у стандартах вищої освіти, визначено професійні знання, вміння та навички. Доведено, що для задоволення вимог загальних та професійних інтересів студента необхідні професійні знання (загальнокультурні, психологічні, педагогічні, спеціальні знання). Розкрито загальні теоретичні проблеми підготовки майбутніх викладачів у закладах вищої освіти, розвитку готовності студентів до педагогічної діяльності та науково-дослідної роботи.

Ключові слова: викладач, професійні знання, професійна підготовка майбутніх педагогів, навички та компетенції.

professional pedagogical training


Formulation of the problem. Requirements to the development of national education sector raised under conditions of integration of Ukraine to the European Educational Area. These peaks contradictions in the present-day system of higher education between the goal of forming a qualified specialist and the means to achieve it. Contradictions between the task of providing his/her professional and personal development on the basis of the humanistic pedagogy and directive methods of training, between the large scale character of teacher's training and the individual character of pedagogical activity of each scientific-pedagogical worker. Thus, there is no doubts that the designation of long-term strategies for further improving the future teachers training a university is necessary.

Based on analysis of the national documents on education (Constitution of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On General Secondary Education", "On Extracurricular Education", "On Higher Education", "The Concept of General Secondary School", National Doctrine of Education Development in Ukraine, the National Strategy for the Education Development in Ukraine until 2021), we can conclude that the state provides equal access to education, its development in state and municipal educational institutions in any of forms. It supports the preparation of high qualification specialists, including educators, professors of higher education institutions. In this context, we find important to modernize the process of teachers training in Ukraine, their professional development, update approaches to implementation of their abilities. The productivity of teacher depends on his/her knowledge of discipline and methods of teaching, on his/her ability to assess the results achieved, on the level of pedagogical skills and others.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. General issues of professional-pedagogical training of future educators studied in the works of such Ukrainian scholars as O. Abdullina, A. Bojko, V. Hluzman, N. Dem'yanenko, O. Dubasenyuk, L. Mishhenko, M. Smetans"kyj, L. Khomych and others. Principles of university teacher's professional activity discovered by O. Hura, M. Yermolenko, I. Isayev, A. Korzhuyev, V. Kuzovlev, V. Mizherikov, K. Hnezdilova, S. Masych and others. Special aspects of educational process organization are analyzed by M. Nikandrov, I. Ohorodnikov, S. Arkhanhel's'kyy and others.

N. Huziy notes that the formation of a future teacher's personality can be considered as a strategy, realized through the unity of the reproduction and functioning of pedagogical employee, the continuousness of pedagogical education, providing flexibility, variability, dynamism in the content and forms of its preparation and retraining (Huziy, 2015, p.8).

S. Masych makes an accent on the concept of "professional training of a future teacher" can be concretized with the help of such realities as professional knowledge, skills and competences; significant professional qualities of a future teacher's personality; functional manifestations of the qualities of teacher's personality (reflection, autonomy, meaning creation), personally oriented professional activity (Masych, 2015 p.188-189).

Current development of society puts forward an amount of new requirements to teachers training, to the level of their professional knowledge, general professional skills and competences based on the educational technologies, considered to develop their professional qualities. New approaches to the solution of this problem were suggested in the new Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", Conceptual Framework of Pedagogical Education Development of Ukraine, its integration into the European Education Area, in the Field Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine, in the legislative framework of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Caring that this preparation should be sufficient, the scientific and pedagogical staff of higher educational institutions participate in improving the normative documents (curricular plan, curricular program) and field standards (educational and qualification characteristics, educational and professional program), taking into account foreign and national experience. They are making a model of professional training of future teachers; providing stimulation of their scientific, research, project, and independent work. They try to take into account the range of functions performed in the future by a graduate form integrated professional skills, increase the volume and improve the quality of pedagogical practice.

On the opinion of scientists, a modern teacher seen as a professional with various technologies for teaching, educating and developing students which is capable of selfdevelopment, self-improvement, self-moderation, etc. (Marushkevych, Spitsyn, 2015).

During recent decades, a number of studies have been carried out in Ukraine on general theoretical problems of future teacher's training in higher educational institutions, the development of student's readiness for pedagogical activity, formation of their moral and psychological readiness and readiness for professional self-development, innovation, selfregulation of activities. Distinguishing the content of the concepts "training" and "readiness" should note that training is the process of forming a specialist, and professional readiness considered as an integrative characteristic, indicating its personal qualities, which are in a dynamic interaction between themselves and mental states.

Research presentation. Theoretical preparation of the future lecturer

Theoretical preparation of the future lecturer should be determine by the curricular plan of the specialty, in which a list of academic disciplines placed, in each of them, a curricular and working programs of the academic discipline developed. Having passed it, graduate should be able to compose educational and working programs of educational disciplines, choose the most effective methods and techniques for conducting a lecture or other forms of teaching activity, to put through the structure of the teaching subject, to supplement their knowledges through selfeducation and studying the experience of colleagues.

Research work that raises the scientific level of knowledges is an integral part of strengthening the theoretical preparation of the future lecturer. It also leads to their generalization and systematization, causes the need to acquaint with new scientific literature, encourages interest in the development of science abroad, causes the need to study the experience of educational work of their colleagues.

Important role in the teacher's training for professional work are his professionally significant personal traits and qualities. The undeniable in this issue is V. Kremen's position: "It is evident, that the humanistic worldview should be the basis of the educational system as a general idea. It should provide the formation of such personal qualities as perception of nature and human being in their unity, the rejection of authoritarian, mythological style of thinking, tolerance, a tendency to compromise, an attentive attitude to someone else's opinion, other cultures, values, opinions, beliefs" (Kremen, 2003, p. 20). Professionally significant personal traits and qualities are characteristics of the intellectual, spiritual, emotional-strong aspects of the personality, making influence on productiveness, success of teacher's professional and pedagogical activity and determine its individual style.

In the process of acquisition of the necessary knowledges and skills, students develop their professional abilities, which depend on the formation of the professionally-creative skills of the university lecturer, his approaches to the learning process organization, the successful finding of necessary compromises, the ability to motivate students for learning, work on themselves and their qualities.

The Ukrainian researcher L. Burkova points out the fact that, having analyzed the experience of training specialists for professional work in higher educational institutions in Europe and the USA, the researchers concluded: one of the productive approaches to modernization of education, pointed to improve its quality, is a competency-based approach. It proves that in general, competency-based approach signify the formation or development of certain qualities of individual, which includes the necessary life competencies - values, cultural level, scientific knowledges, self-service ability, performance of professional activities, etc., which are defined as competences (Burkova, 2010).

The main components of professional pedagogical activity

In the process of lecturer's training, it is important to focus on the main components of their future professional educational activities such as cognitive-psychological, social, multicultural, auto psychological, personal components. The cognitive-psychological component includes professional knowledge, abilities, skills, capability to use pedagogical technologies, pedagogical management. Social component - focused on understanding the essence of social problems of society. Multicultural component - caused by the need to be aware of itself as a bearer of national and universal values. Auto psychological component appear in the ability to point students on professional self-improvement: self-knowledge, selfesteem, self-control and self-correction. Personal component is associated with the professionally important qualities of the lecturer.

The content of the modern lecturer's training is presented in the Educational Qualification Characteristic (EQC), which is a summary generalize requirements to lecturer on the level of his theoretical and practical experience.

The main components of the professional readiness of lecturer to work presented in higher education standards, professional knowledges, skills and abilities identified. Professional knowledges (general cultural, psychological, pedagogical, special knowledges) are necessary for satisfying the requirements of general and professional student's interests. Professional knowledges causing formation of pedagogical skills: psychological and pedagogical - the most general ones, concerning all activities of the teacher (analytical, constructive, organizational, communicative, controlling; specific methodological - related to the training and organization of specific activities; pedagogical techniques: the ability to control oneself; the ability to interact with people, influence the individual and the group. The apex of the teacher's professional training is the development of pedagogical abilities, which form the basis of the functions of the future specialist's activity (Marushkevych, Spitsyn, 2015).

Professional-pedagogical preparation of lecturer includes several blocks of knowledges: psychological, specifically pedagogical, knowledges of the professional direction, specifically subject, research. Psychological knowledges - includes knowledges about specific mental reality and interest to it (Kontseptsiya rozvytku neperervnoyi pedahohichnoyi osvity, p. 87). Psychological components: the differentially psychological (the assimilation of educational material in accordance with individual and age characteristics), the socio-psychological (especially the educational-cognitive and communicative activities of the training group and a particular personality in it), auto psychological (knowledge about positive and negative aspects of their professional activities) (Kuz'myna, 1984, p. 23-28). Specifically pedagogical - the knowledge of didactics and it is the ability creatively to use it, which aimed to develop pedagogical skills (Bulanova-Toporkova, 2002, p. 55). According to I. Zayun, they formed on the following levels: methodological, theoretical, methodical and technological (Zyazyun, 2009, p. 2-10). Professional knowledges are knowledges that characterize special features of the specialty, conditions, circumstances and prospects for development of the profession, the methodological foundations of theoretical and practical training of specialists. Specific-subject knowledges are knowledges of the theoretical foundations and the understanding of phenomena that form the basis of discipline. Research expertise includes a holistic teacher's view about science as a system of knowledges, an essence of general scientific and specific scientific methods of research, planning and organization of scientific research, processing the results of scientific observations, analyzing scientific literature and preparation of materials for publishing.

Professional skills should be perfect and based on the making of different tasks, free possession of various systems of actions, independent choice of the necessary system of actions in various situations, their wide transfer to other activities.

Practical training of the university lecturer

The qualitative combination of theoretical and practical training of the university professor predetermines a high level of his/her professional and pedagogical activity. Theoretical preparation includes following skills: analytical, prognostic, projective, reflexive, gnostic, research. Analytical skills - the ability to think pedagogically (to spread out pedagogical phenomena on component elements; to comprehend each of them in interrelation and interdependency; to find ideas, conclusions, regularities in the theory of education and upbringing appropriate to the logic of this phenomenon; correctly diagnose it; identify pedagogical problems and determine the ways of their solution). Prognostic - are the abilities to foresee certain mistakes or achievements of students, to see nearest and further prospects for their development. Project abilities - manifests itself as the ability to make pedagogical projects for the implementation of specific plans for education and upbringing, to conduct activities in accordance with the goals and objectives, to conduct teaching and upbringing work. The main way of forming project skills is to develop the pedagogical imagination, accumulate experience in modeling of pedagogical process and its results and critically analyze its plans and constantly improving it. Reflective abilities - takes place while thinking about person's own actions, emotional reactions, the results of her activities, self-analysis. According to A. Dubasenyuk (Dubasenyuk, 2003), gnostic skills are the abilities to analyze scientific sources, the level of one's own communicative skills and the development of student's activity. A. Demyanchuk (Dem"yanchuk, 2013) notes that the gnostic skills suppose the ability to recognize pedagogical reality, in particular, its components: the gnostic-perceptive-affective (subjectpersonality system), the value-worldview (subject-subject interaction system), the activity-behavioral (activity).

The basis of research skills are the skills, which makes a system of thinking activities: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, concretization, systematization. For its effective formation, some authors suggest using innovative potential of educational and methodical complex, generating a creative search-pointed educational environment, an optimal combination of traditional and innovative teaching, rising the qualification of lecturers at seminars and in the system of additional vocational training.

Practical lecturer's training provides organizational competences, including mobilization, information, development, orientation and communication, perceptual, constructive skills. Organizational skills are necessary for attracting students to the educational and cognitive activities and team building. Mobilization skills are necessary for the formation of the need for knowledge. Informational skills - for the presentation of educational information, working with sources, interpreting and adapting information according to the goal of teaching and educating students. Developing skills are necessary for student's knowledge, feelings and liberty development, stimulating their cognitive independence and thinking processes. Orientations skills are necessary for formation of a scientific world outlook, moral values, for acquisition of professional competences, for organization of joint creative activity of students. Communication skills play an important role too. They provide an opportunity to establish a pedagogically appropriate relationship between teacher and students. Such communication is a system of receptions for social and psychological interaction, the content of which is the exchange of information, the organization of relations through communication tools. Necessary for lecturer of the university are perceptual skills, which consist in the teacher's ability to penetrate into the student's inner world, to understand their inner state and the slightest changes in it.

Forming constructive skills of university lecturer (who provides structuring of the course, setting out materials for specific lecture, choosing types of classes) it is necessary to take into account their aspiration to self-activity and creativity, aspiration to engage in self-education, the ability to work in team, etc.

The professional-pedagogical training of young people in a higher education institution comprises education of the patriots of their country. Citizens, who are ready to selflessly develop it as a sovereign, independent, democratic, legal and social state, able to demonstrate national dignity, to know their duties and rights defend themselves in a civilized way, promote civil peace and harmony in the society, to behave competently, to be competitive and successfully to self-actualize in society as citizens and professionals.

"It is necessary to change the strategy and tactics of interaction between the main participants of educational process, between a teacher and ta student in the system of educational work in a university" stressed in the textbook "Pedagogy of High School" by A. Marushkevich and E. Spitsyn (Marushkevych, Spitsyn, 2015). The success can be guaranteed in one condition - that the providing of the process of education will be built on the basis of developing natural abilities of each student, creating conditions for his selfdevelopment, self-education, self-affirmation, self-realization.

The educational system of a modern university should be characterized by a unity of actions between all its structural elements. Partnership, democratic style and norms of human relations should be its organic component. The integrity of educational system based on the joint activity of students and teachers, which create a unified academic community involved in the co-organization of life of student's youth.

Systematic approach to organization of educational work A systematic approach to the organization of educational work among students provides its links with external systems, designated us as factors of social interaction. The factors of social interaction include social environment, social life and social organizations, information factors, events and actions of a spiritual nature (Marushkevych, Spitsyn, 2015). Student's self-governance takes an important place in the system of educational work in higher educational institutions. Activists of student's selfgovernance contribute to be increase of entrants, especially through motivation by prospects of future employment of those who will receive education in their university; by search of funds for the organization of cultural events; by organization of their own communication and recreation outside of classes; by searching for investors and cooperation with them; the provision of legal assistance through the involvement of future lawyers in this matter; conducting monitoring activities of the transformation of student self-governance forms; the regulation of relations of student's governance representatives and universities' administration on contentious issues, etc. (Marushkevych, Spitsyn, 2015).

Learning technologies are also important in the process of professional-pedagogical training of young people in universities (telecommunication technologies, Internet technologies). They are used in the system of higher education as resources of transferring information and teaching students who acquire knowledge with their help. Technologies, as means of cognition in the learning process, include databases, multimedia / hypermedia and so on. They can be used in studying of any academic subject. Educational technologies related to the process of constructing students' knowledges, which related to the information they have previously learned and their beliefs, that helps to know the truth, because it depends in each individual person on knowledge and beliefs.

K. Gnezdilova believes that special attention in professional and pedagogical teachers training should be payed to improvement of educational and professional programs by strengthening its psychological and pedagogical content. She points the need to modernize process of future teachers training organizing, in particular, by introduction of new technologies with involvement of undergraduates (Hnezdilova, 2013, p. 219).


The attitude of young generation to quality of professional activity of mentors attract many of our contemporaries. "This new generation, which has high criteria to life and people, reasoned judgments. Generation, that sharply feels the authenticity of the teacher's admiration for his job, a sincere interest in transfer of experience, the uniqueness of teacher's personality or its absence. In communicating with such audience, teacher should go through a "dialogical veritas" (M. Bakhtin), in which, on our opinion, the greatest prospects for educational process stands around, its focus on the intellectual and creative development of the young man" - we find in publication "Education in the modern world" by well-known scientist S. Sysoeva (Sysoyeva, 2010). According to such positions, we pay attention to pedagogical competence of teachers, which comprise their ability to explain information of academic discipline, assess the quality level of students' knowledge, professionally lead in the audience and keep students' attention, competently select new teaching material, use the newest technologies in educational process, ethically communicate to students and colleagues, critically evaluate their pedagogical activity. In general, to meet needs of students, we note teaching, teaching- methodical, research work of the lecturer of higher education aimed at providing to students necessary information, literature and the data of their personal scientific research.


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