Means of developing creative thinking in foreign literature classes

Discusses the importance of developing creative thinking in foreign literature lessons. Paid to substantiating the practical aspects of using modern forms and methods of teaching in foreign literature lessons to activate student' cognitive activity.

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Means of developing creative thinking in foreign literature classes

Krychfalushiy Ruslana, Rozman Iryna


Кричфалушій Р., Розман І. І.

У статті йдеться про важливість розвитку креативного мислення на уроках зарубіжної літератури. Проблема вибору технологій навчання, що дозволяє створити адаптивне середовище для активізації пізнавальної діяльності учнів є актуальною і потребує вирішення. Зосереджена увага на обґрунтуванні теоретичних та практичних аспектів використання сучасних форм і методів навчання на уроках зарубіжної літератури для активізації пізнавальної діяльності учнів.

Наголошено, що у сучасному світі здобувачу освіти просто необхідно вміти творчо мислити, приймати нестандартні рішення, тому одне з основних завдань вчителя зарубіжної літератури - розвинути творчі здібності кожного учня. Закцентовано увагу на тому, щоб розкрити у молодих людей такі якості, які лежать в основі творчого мислення, сформувати вміння управляти процесами творчості: фантазуванням, розумінням закономірностей, вирішенням складних проблемних ситуацій. Зазначено, що уроки зарубіжної літератури, мабуть, як ніякі інші, відкривають можливості для розвитку креативних здібностей.

Ключові слова: зарубіжна література, творче мислення, розвиток, активність.

The article discusses the importance of developing creative thinking in foreign literature lessons. The problem of choosing learning technologies that allow creating an adaptive environment for activating student' cognitive activity is relevant and needs to be solved. The main attention is paid to substantiating the theoretical and practical aspects of using modern forms and methods of teaching in foreign literature lessons to activate student' cognitive activity.

It is noted that in the modern world, an applicant simply needs to be able to think creatively, make non-standard decisions, so one of the main tasks of a foreign literature teacher is to develop the creative abilities of each student. Attention is focused on identifying among young people such qualities that underlie creative thinking, for the formation of the ability to manage creative processes: to fantasize, understand patterns, solve complex problem situations. It is noted that lessons of foreign literature, perhaps, like no other, open up opportunities for the development of creative abilities.

Key words: foreign literature, creative thinking, development, activity.

The strategic principle of teaching foreign literature is the principle of developing creative and moral and ethical principles of modern youth. It follows from the objective regularity of assimilation of works of art.

To this end, in foreign literature classes, teachers try to develop students' creative activity, promote conscious mastery of the richness of subjects, as well as stimulate personal development and a relentless desire for creativity. Depending on the age and level of training of students, the teacher not only activates the passive vocabulary of the young person, but also tries to introduce new concepts, terms and definitions into circulation [2].

Lexical and semantic work that is carried out in the classroom is of great importance and importance. Students' speech is enriched, and they begin to use more diverse structure and stylistic grammatical structures. The implementation of intersubject connections between literature, music, and history contributes to a deeper understanding of the atmosphere of the work and its emotional color. It is known that the developed emotional sphere stimulates both mental and speech activity of students, because art intensively develops creative imagination. I. O. has repeatedly written about the connection of music with the development of imagination and imagination. Sukhomlinsky: "Music - Imagination - Fantasy - Fairy tale - Creativity - Such a path, following which, the child develops his spiritual strength. A musical melody Awakens bright performances in children. They are an incomparable means of educating the creative forces of the mind» [1].

Regular introduction of work on the development of imagination, associative thinking and, of course, speech development of students in Literature lessons gives excellent results. For example, students are asked to describe a picture so that others can see it. Solving the tasks set for speech development helps to ensure optimal collective, group and individual search activities of students in the classroom [3].

The problem of creativity of future teachers is considered in the scientific works of A. Antonov, V. Zagvyazinsky, JI. Kekukh, V. Kan-Kalika, M. Potashnik, S. Sysoeva, etc.; readiness of the future teacher to creative activity was studied by V. Vasenko, O. Grishina, JI. Milto, V. Molyako, V. Sirota, L. Spirin, etc.; the works of G. Kostyuk, A. Leontiev, and Yu. Pelekh are devoted to the study of effective forms and methods of developing creative abilities of future teachers. N. Voloshin, A. Isaeva, V. Kizenko, Yu. Kovbasenko, L. Bogdan, and A. Kutsevol are engaged in the development of innovative technologies in the methodology of teaching foreign literature. Classification and characterization of modern methods and techniques were carried out by V. Andrushchenko, I. Zyazyun, V. Kremen, V. Lugovoy, O. Sukhomlinskaya, V. Shadrikov and others [4].

At the present stage of studying literature, a significant role is assigned to the education of a serious, thoughtful reader - a person with developed critical thinking, able to evaluate himself and the world around him.

One of the most important tasks of educational institutions is to attract students to the creative study of foreign literature. The implementation of this task involves the education of a fully developed personality capable of self-development and self-education [2].

The most important of intellectual skills is the ability to think.

In modern conditions, education cannot remain aloof from the rapid processes of scientific and technological progress. The main condition for the effectiveness of the lesson is the use of such methodological approaches that provide for the position of the student as an active co-creator of the lesson. So, the lesson of modern literature requires rethinking the priority of certain methods, techniques and types of educational activities, serious teacher training.

After all, the world of the "information explosion", which forms a new relationship between the child and knowledge, is becoming more and more complex, so young people need the ability to solve complex problems, be critical of circumstances, compare alternative points of view and make informed decisions.

Strategic directions for the development of Education set new tasks for Psychological Science, its research subjects, methods, theories and practice, so that the focus of attention is on the individual. It is the teacher's task to return to teaching a person in order to know how to develop their abilities for creative work [2].

To implement tasks, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of students and the quality of preparation for the perception of the material. An integrated lesson conducted by two teachers is interesting for students. They jointly update their knowledge in two areas of the survey (if necessary). For example, when studying the work "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe, you can invite a math teacher and calculate how long the hero will have enough food, grain, matches that Robinson managed to save from a sunken ship.

It is advisable to conduct a research lesson and laboratory and practical work with senior classes. Their goal is to obtain educational information from primary sources. These lessons develop special skills, stimulate cognitive activity and independence. Students learn to work with historical documents, textbooks, and periodicals [5]. creative thinking literature lesson

Using the Internet, students can be offered a research task: to find the main features of magical realism in Marquez's novel "One Hundred Years of solitude" to take part in the discussion "Do Don Quixotes need in our time?». Compare the image of children in the works "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "The Prince and the beggar" by Mark Twain and Charles Perot's fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". If you can't make the entire lesson non-standard, then there is always room for unusual situations, tasks, interactive forms of work, and problematic questions [2].

Role - playing games require students to make specific decisions in a problem situation within the role. Each game has a well-developed scenario, the main part of which needs to be finalized by students. So, the search for a solution to the problem remains with students.

Comparative analysis of I. K. Karpenko-Kary's comedies "Martin Borulya" and J. B. Moliere's "Philistine-nobleman" provide an opportunity to show knowledge of Ukrainian literature. High school students can be offered an evening on the theme "Foreign literature and music", "The embodiment of eternal literary images in music", "Foreign Literature and Fine Arts", "Foreign literature and English", "Children's world in marktven" [1].

New information technologies have dramatically affected the entire education system, affecting its content, forms and methods of teaching. So, one of the trends in creating multimedia presentations is scribing. This is a freehand animation technique. The presentation made in this way will definitely not go unnoticed. To do this, there is a Sparcol VideoScribe program, with which you can present your ideas effectively.

Summarizing the above material and completing it, we summarize: in the lessons of foreign literature, students form the most important socio-moral ideas and guidelines. The study of literature contributes to the education of a socially mature, active, creative person. One of the main tasks of a modern literature teacher is to form a personality through the education of a qualified reader.

As a result, there is a need to improve the methodology of teaching literature. Among the interactive forms of work in foreign literature lessons, the educational interaction of students in pairs, microgroups, groups is widespread, which is mainly used in the search and analysis of information, performing practical tasks, preparing debates, seminars, and various creative tasks.

Список використаних джерел

1. Діяльність учнів засобами інтеграції [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: https://z-методика/активізація-пізнавальної.

2. Дмитренко К. А. Інноваційні методи викладання зарубіжної літератури / К. А. Дмитренко // Бібліотека журналу Зарубіжна література в школі. - 2018. - № 2. - С. 92.

3. Куцінко О. Г. Особливості викладання зарубіжної літератури в школі / О. Г. Куцінко // Бібліотека журналу Зарубіжна література в школі. - 2018. - № 1. - С. 94.

4. Ніколенко О. Storytelling як освітня технологія вивчення зарубіжної літератури / О. Ніколенко // Всесвітня література в школах України. - 2018. - № 3. - С. 2-5.

5. Тіхоненко С. Хронотопічний аналіз як шлях пізнання феномену літературного твору / С. Тіхоненко // Всесвітня література в школах України. - 2015. - № 11. - С. 8-12.


1. Diyal'nist' uchniv zasobamy intehratsiyi [Students' activities by means of integration]. [online] Available at:методика/активізація-пізнавальної.

2. Dmytrenko, K. A., 2018. Innovatsiyni metody vykladannya zarubizhnoyi literatury [Innovative methods of teaching foreign literature]. Library of the journal Foreign Literature at School, 2, p. 92.

3. Kutsinko, O. H., 2018. Osoblyvosti vykladannya zarubizhnoyi literatury v shkoli [Features of teaching foreign literature at school]. Library of the journal Foreign Literature at School, 1, p. 94.

4. Nikolenko, O. 2018. Storytelling yak osvitnya tekhnolohiya vyvchennya zarubizhnoyi literatury [Storytelling as an educational technology for studying foreign literature]. World literature in schools of Ukraine, 3, pp. 2-5.

5. Tikhonenko, S. 2015. Khronotopichnyy analiz yak shlyakh piznannya fenomenu literaturnoho tvoru [Chronotopic analysis as a way of knowing the phenomenon of a literary work]. World literature in schools of Ukraine, 11, pp. 8-12.

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