Peculiarities of training international relations specialists in Canada

Analysing peculiarities of training international relations specialists in Canadian higher education institutions which achievements in the field of training highly-qualified specialists and involving more and more foreign students are well-known.

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Peculiarities of training international relations specialists in Canada

Havran M.І.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages Lviv Polytechnic National University , Lviv, Ukraine

Kaviak L.M.


Lviv Polytechnic National University

Lviv, Ukraine

The presented article deals with defining and analysing peculiarities of training international relations specialists in Canadian higher education institutions which achievements in the field of training highly-qualified specialists and involving more and more foreign students are well-known. The necessity to analyse Canadian experience for improving training system of international relations specialists in Ukrainian higher education institutions have been provided. The objectives of the article have been defined. The main features of the training of international relations specialists in Canadian higher education institutions have been presented in terms of hours of studying, offered courses, international opportunities. The authors analyze curricula for students majoring in International Relations at certain universities of Canada, namely Mount Allison University and University of British Columbia (UBC). It is stated that Canada has its own obvious peculiarities in training specialists of international relations that are mostly caused by diversities of universities, their students' goals, career opportunities, cultural heritage. The courses in international relations programmes in Canadian higher education institutions have been singled out and characterized. It has been distinguished a peculiarity of offering firstly input subjects to the speciality with gradual increase of major subjects focused on professional development. Additionally to the core courses, students have the possibility of choosing optional subjects. The authors have formulated the proposal that the course Gender and International Relations should be implemented in Ukrainian HEIs. It is regarded as a foundation for the improvement of the system of training specialists in international relations, deepening their knowledge in gender inequalities and injustice in the world of politics, in order to avoid similar situations in their professional experience. It was concluded that the experience of Canadian universities is worth considering for improving training system of international relations specialists.

Key words: International relations specialists, training system, course, higher education institutions, Canada.


Гавран M. І.

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», Львів, Україна

Кавяк Л. М.


Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», Львів, Україна

У статті здійснено аналіз системи підготовки фахівців із міжнародних відносин у канадських закладах вищої освіти, досягнення яких у сфері підготовки висококваліфікованих спеціалістів та залучення все більшої кількості іноземних студентів є добре відомими. Обґрунтовано необхідність аналізу канадського досвіду для вдосконалення системи підготовки фахівців із міжнародних відносин у закладах вищої освіти України. Чітко визначено завдання проведеного дослідження. Наведено головні особливості підготовки фахівців із міжнародних відносин у канадських вищих навчальних закладах з огляду на години навчання, пропоновані навчальні дисципліни, міжнародні можливості. Автори аналізують навчальні програми для студентів спеціальності «Міжнародних відносини» у деяких університетах Канади, а саме університеті Маунт Еллісон та Університеті Британської Колумбії (иВС). Зазначається, що Канада має свої очевидні особливості у підготовці фахівців із міжнародних відносин, які в основному зумовлені різноманітністю університетів, цілями їх студентів, можливостями кар'єрного росту, культурною спадщиною. Виокремлено та охарактеризовано навчальні дисципліни спеціальності «Міжнародні відносини» відповідно до років навчання. Встановлено, що спочатку пропонуються вступні предмети спеціальності з поступовим збільшенням основних предметів, які чітко орієнтовані на професійний розвиток. Окрім основних дисциплін, студенти мають змогу вибирати факультативні предмети. Сформульовано пропозицію щодо впровадження навчальної дисципліни «Гендер та міжнародні відносини» в українських закладах вищої освіти, яка може розглядатися як основа для вдосконалення системи підготовки фахівців із міжнародних відносин, оскільки поглиблює їхню обізнаність у нерівності та тендерній несправедливості у світі політики, щоб запобігти подібних ситуацій у їхньому професійному досвіді. Зроблено висновок, що досвід канадських закладів вищої освіти варто враховувати з метою удосконалення системи підготовки фахівців із міжнародних відносин.

Ключові слова: фахівці з міжнародних відносин, система навчання, навчальна дисципліна, вищі навчальні заклади, Канада.


Canada is one of the largest and richest countries in the world, a major tourist center, and the most educated country globally. Based on the OECD information, 56.71% of adults being Canadian residents have received a tertiary education, and education spending is more than 7% of gross national product, comparing it is one of the highest among OECD countries [1]. Moreover, the interest to the Canadian education is growing among international students who come from all over the world to join a student community of Canadian HEIs, some of which are the top international universities and colleges. Canada has a favourable geographical location, rich history, and a wide cultural heritage that influence the development of higher education institutions (HEIs) forming peculiarities of their programmes and specific features of their training systems.

Ukrainian scientists take a widespread interest in Canada due to the fact of its considerable achievements in the field of training highly-qualified specialists, involving more and more foreign students. There are many research papers of Ukrainian and foreign scientists dedicated to the problems of historical, theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of higher education system in Canada. The fundamental issues of studying organizational, financial and management principles of Canadian higher education were published in scientific papers of A. Borysenko, V. Pohrebniak, L. Tkachenko, O. Khmelnytska, L. Orton, D. Lang, J.Glen, etc. Many Ukrainian scientists devoted their investigations to the problem of professional training in Canadian HEIs, among them: N. Mukan, L. Karpinska, N. Zhornjak, V. Slyvka, L. Bulai, and many others. K. Istomina, V. Vynohradov, O. Tarasova, Yu. Karaulov conduct investigations of the theoretical and methodological principles of training international relations specialists, interest to which is “gaining considerable importance in the context of strengthening international cooperation due to active processes of globalization, that requires harmonization of international cooperation at various levels” [2, p. 94].

Today, international relations speciality is highly demanded among Ukrainian students, whose interest in gaining an academic degree in this field of study is steadily growing. The study and critical analysis of foreign experience is essential in order to improve professional training system in Ukrainian HEIs and implement modern educational objectives and goals.

The purpose of the article is to define and analyse peculiarities of training international relations specialists in HEIs of Canada.

According to the purpose we define the following objectives: 1) to identify features of the training of bachelors in international relations in Canada; 2) to analyze curricula for students majoring in

International Relations at certain universities;

2) to single out and characterize courses in international relations programmes in Canadian HEIs;

3) to determine the prospects for the implementation of the Canadian experience of training specialists in international relations in HEIs of Ukraine.

Results of the research

training international relations specialist

Canadian HEIs have developed an effective model of professional training that is based on an interdisciplinary approach. At the same time, it is aimed at implementing the educational process and learning outcomes according to standards and qualification requirements defined by Canadian provinces and universities. In general, the most popular educational provinces in Canada are Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa and Quebec that cover the largest number of Canadian and foreign students where they are given the right to choose, flexibility in the schedule and the opportunity to express their wants and demands, combine active academic life with diverse leisure activities. Universities include very large multi-faculty and multi-campus institutions that offer multiple doctoral and professional programmes as well as very small institutions that offer a limited range of programmes, such as in the arts or religion [3, p. 9]. Canadian HEIs have been successfully applied over the years a multi-cycle higher education that guarantees not only the gradual accumulation of the required amount of knowledge, skills and competences at a certain cycle, but also the possibility of professional development after completing each of the cycle [4, p. 26].

International relations have a profound impact on the world and specialists in this area need special knowledge in pertinent global issues, foreign political and government affairs, and enough hard and soft skills. The career aspect in this speciality is quite wide. Probably one of the reasons why so many people choose this specialty is the so-called prestige and respect that its representatives receive. Some of the most popular job titles for International Relations graduates are: diplomat, foreign affairs analyst, immigration specialist, international lawyer, political analyst, intelligence analyst, international aid worker, etc. [5].

Analysing curricula in International Relations provided by Canadian HEIs, we have found out that students are required to complete a minimum of 36 credit hours in courses specified by the bachelor's programmes. It is suggested that they have to do 3 credit hours during the first year of study, 12 in the second, and a total of 21 credit hours in their third and fourth years. In addition, students are required to complete either a minor in Economics (18 credit hours) or 12 credit hours in a foreign language. But students are usually encouraged to do both. One more interesting finding is that to supplement their course works students are encouraged to gain international experience by studying or working abroad or by doing international work in Canada.

It is obvious that the programme for study varies in different HEIs, but still most of the subjects remain unchanged, namely Comparative Politics, Global Development Challenges, World History, International Political Economy, Statistics and Probability, Public Policy, etc. The study of these subjects helps students gain the necessary basic knowledge about the essence of the speciality. Studying these subjects, students have an opportunity not only to develop their hard skills, but also communication skills, teamwork, the ability to solve problems, stay with a cold mind in a difficult situation, control over their own emotions and more. The skills acquired while studying in this speciality will help to understand better social, economic, political, cultural aspects of society that is necessary for graduates of this profession. Students who want to apply their skills in practice are able to try internship opportunities. One of which is Community Engaged Learning, whose main purpose is to complete a placement and/or a project defined by a community organization to advance their mission. Social summer internship Program is worth of acknowledging as well. It is designed specifically for high-performing students of 2-3 year of studying, and its main purpose is to take the skills and knowledge they are developing in their degree programme and apply it in a workplace environment.

For a more objective assessment and avoidance of subjectivity, it is worth considering certain universities and courses offered in International Relations programmes. One of the Canadian universities under consideration is Mount Allison University, the first in the British Empire University, where the scientific degree - a bachelor of science - received a woman [6]. According to the magazine Maclean's, it was in the top primarily undergraduate university in Canada 21 times in the past 29 years. Also many former graduators of this university, namely 55, have become Rhodes Scholars - one of the best per capita records of any university in Canada. In Maclean's 2020 University Rankings, Mount Allison ranked #1 in student satisfaction, which are presented in such way: first position - course instructors, student life staff, administrative staff, extracurricular activities, experiential learning; second - academic advising staff, second - residence living, third - mental health services, fifth - steps to prevent sexual assault, sixth - promoting indigenous visibility [6].

Today, Mount Allison University offers more than 40 major bachelor's programmes that can be combined or adjusting in accordance with the goals and career plans of the student. Much attention is given there to the quality of student training, that's why groups are not numerous - up to 20 people, which enables teachers to apply more individual approaches to students, and those in turn are more motivated to succeed. One of the popular programmes is an international relations course which is concentrated around such items as economics, language, and political science. Bachelor's training is carried out within 4 years at the Faculty of Social Sciences. At the first and second courses there are mostly input subjects to the speciality, namely economics, political science, and international relations. At the third and fourth courses, specialization begins. Since the concept of international relations is multifaceted and ambiguous, in addition to the core courses, students have the possibility of choosing between optional subjects, among which are the following: 1) Political Science (politics in Europe, the U.S., Africa, the Middle East; security studies; foreign policy analysis), 2) History (war and society in Europe, Japan and modern Asia, environmental history), 3) Sociology (social movements, refugee studies, globalization), 4) Economics (game theory, environmental economics, international development), 5) Geography and Environmental Studies (Canadian environmental policy, international environmental affairs, sustainable development), 6) English (African literature, Caribbean literature, literary representations of race and culture), 7) Religious Studies (gender issues in eastern and western religions, contemporary ethical issues) [6]. It is also an opportunity to select a course language among Japanese, English, Spanish, German, French. The students are widely encouraged to gain experience of working abroad by participating in exchange programmes or by doing international work in Canada.

Quite interesting in the context of our research problem is an experience of the University of British Columbia (UBC), the oldest University of Canada based over hundred years ago. Nowadays, it has an excellent reputation with academics and employers alike and a particularly international faculty [7]. The university ranks among the top three universities in Canada. University has two campuses, namely - the Vancouver campus and the Okanagan campus located in Kelowna. The Vancouver campus offers more than two dozen academic divisions, while the Okanagan campus has eight.

The course International Relations in UBC are saturated and wide. There is a wide range of subjects from geography, anthropology, Asian studies, political science, and sociology to food, nutrition, and health. Practically, the course is set out in the same way in both campuses, although some differences are noticeable. In the Vancouver Campus the studying of international relations takes 4 years at the faculty of Arts with awarding Bachelor of Arts. Students have to complete prerequisites during first two years of study and apply for admission to the programme at the end of second year. There is an opportunity to select majors and minors in this speciality. Honours programmes, i.e. studying intense specialization in a single field, are available here through Political Science or History departments. At the same time, in the Faculty of Arts at UBC, there is School of Public Policy and Global Affairs that includes the Liu Institute for Global Issues for pursuing interdisciplinary and policy- related research and advocacy on global public policy issues related to human security [7]. Its research agenda embraces international relations, conflict and development, global health, human security, the environment, peace and disarmament, and international justice issues. Research facilities include the Centre for Human Rights, Diversity and Identity. Students of this HEI also have an opportunity to study abroad. A large number of students spend a semester of their 4th course by using the exchange programme or complete their fourth year seminar requirement with a Global Seminar or an International Service Learning experience. During four-year programme in International Relations, students study a wide range of subjects. At the first year of study there are: World History Since 1900, Principles of Macroeconomics, Geography, Environment and Globalization, Principles of Microeconomics, Introduction to Sociology. At the second year students study: Understanding Globalization, Introduction to Global Politics, History of Africa, Global Issues in the Arts and Sciences Geopolitics. The third year includes Introduction to International Trade, Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control, Security Studies, Human Rights in World History, Social Justice Issues in Community and International Organizing. And at the fourth year students are offered: Economics of International Trade and the Environment, Social and Behavioural Geography, Seminars in International Economic Relations, Problems in International Relations.

Now we consider opportunities of providing international relations programme in Okanagan campus of UBC. The term of training here is also 4 years, and graduates also receive a Degree of Arts, but the faculty is called Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. It holds the annual Undergraduate Research Conference on UBC's Okanagan campus to showcase student research projects [7]. Several renowned experts in the field of International Relations have graduated from this University campus. The programme differs in subjects and their content. At the first year of study, students acquaint knowledge and skills in studying such subjects as: Modern Latin American History, Principles of Microeconomics, History of Western Civilization (1450-1789), Introduction to Sociology I, Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. At the second course of training students study Poverty and Inequality, International Politics II, Introduction to Comparative Politics, PreContact and Colonial Latin American History. At the third year there are such subjects as: Competitiveness in the International Economy, The Great Powers and

International Politics, Economics of Public Choice, Anthropology of Gender, Sociology of Development. And at the fourth year students study Problems in International Relations: Diplomacy and the Origins of Wars, Labour in a Global Economy, and International Politics on Film.

Having carried out an analysis of the curricula of Canadian universities, we distinguish a course which is important for teaching in Ukrainian HEIs training international relation specialists. To our opinion it is Gender and International Relations. The point is that International Relations are still primarily based on traditional male-female dichotomies, particularly that of separate public and private spheres. By extension, women are largely excluded from state power and decision making. This course seeks to reveal and disturb gender hierarchies through the application of gender analysis and feminist theories to a range of concepts and issues in International Relations [8].

The experience of Mount Allison University should be taken into account as Gender and International Relations is taught here in the format of lectures. This course examines the highly gendered nature of international relations. Topics which are being studied here are: 1) the seeming invisibility of women in the study of international affairs and within international decision-making, 2) the existence of differential international "packages of expectations" concerning the roles of men and women, 3) competing dominant and subordinate masculinities and femininities, etc.

In this context, Carleton University in Ottawa has also a significant experience. The course Gender and International Relations interrogates the way in which world politics (IR) is structured by the gender hierarchy. Among the topics discussed here are: 1) theoretical and methodological concerns of feminism and gender in disciplinary International Relations (IR); 2) the gendered implications of key concepts such as `the state'; 3) the role of masculinities; 4) feminist scholarship in key areas of IR such as security, militarism and war, etc. After completing this course, students get not only purely superficial knowledge, but better understanding of how gender hierarchies structure world politics.

The introduction of this subject in Ukrainian HEIs can be considered as the foundation for the improvement of the system of training specialists in international relations, deepening their awareness in gender inequalities and injustice in the world of politics, in order to avoid similar situations in their professional experience. Moreover, it is a necessary course for improving the skills of communication, analysis, comparison. Even in the realities of the 21st century, Gender and International Relations is necessary to be taught in many specialities, because this course provides students with a better understanding of how gender inequality affects social and political structures and processes. Therefore, it is necessary not only in International Relations speciality, but also in International Economic Relations, Sociology and courses related to jurisprudence. The course will also cover the gendered issues key issues within the `real world' of global politics - including security and militarization, globalization, and human rights.


Drawing the conclusions from our research, we state that Canada has its own obvious peculiarities in training specialists of international relations that are mostly caused by diversities of universities, their students' goals, career opportunities, cultural heritage. International relations programmes are inter- and multi-disciplinary degree programmes and they are designed to provide a profound knowledge based on historical and political sciences. The Canadian experience shows that there is a tendency to offer firstly input subjects to the speciality with gradual increase of major subjects focused on professional development. Students have an opportunity to select major and minor subjects in this speciality. They are also encouraged to gain foreign experience by participating in exchange programmes, taking internships or by doing international work. It is proved that the course Gender and International Relations should be implemented in Ukrainian HEIs and the experience of Canadian universities is worth considering for improving training system of international relations specialists.

We are aware of the fact that the problem of our consideration is really wide and topical, and there are still many aspects of improving Ukrainian system of training international relations specialists that can be based on the further research outcomes of foreign experience.


1. Most Educated Countries 2021. URL: educated-countries

2. Істоміна К.Ю. Професійна підготовка фахівців з міжнародних відносин в університеті Торонто. Молодий вчений. № 3 (18), 2015. С. 94-97.

3. Orton Larry. A new understanding of postsecondary education in Canada: A discussion paper Education, skills and learning. Research papers. Statistics Canada. Ottawa, 2003. 39 p.

4. Гавран М.І., Жорняк Н.Є. Структурні особливості сучасної вищої освіти України, Польщі та Канади. Science and Education a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology, III(27), Issue: 51. 2015. P. 23-26.

5. 50 International Relations Bachelor's in Canada. Study Portals Bachelors. URL:

6. Mount Allison University. Program Overview URL:

7. UBCS. International Relations. URL:

8. Gender and International Relations. Course description. 2020. Carleton University Blackboard. URL:


1. Most Educated Countries 2021. URL: educated-countries

2. Istomina Yu. (2015). Profesiina pidhotovka fakhivtsiv z mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn v universyteti Toronto [Professional training in international relations at the University of Toronto]. Young Scientist. № 3 (18).

P. 94-97. [in Ukrainian].

3. Orton Larry. (2003). A new understanding of postsecondary education in Canada: A discussion paper Education, skills and learning. Research papers. Statistics Canada. Ottawa. 39 p.

4. Havran M.I., Zhornyak N.Ye. (2015). Strukturni osoblyvosti suchasnoi vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy, Polshchi ta Kanady [Structural peculiarities of modern higher education in Ukraine, Poland and Canada]. Science and Education a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology, III(27), Issue: 51. P. 23-26. [in Ukrainian].

5. 50 International Relations Bachelor's in Canada. Study Portals Bachelors. URL:

6. Mount Allison University. Program Overview URL:

7. UBC's. International Relations. URL:

8. Gender and International Relations. Course description. 2020. Carleton University Blackboard. URL:

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