Formation of the economic component of professional intellect of future lawyers: a competence vector

The formulation of methodological recommendations to improving the professional training of future lawyers, outlining the main components of the formation of their economic consciousness. The use of competence and activity approaches in student education.

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Дата добавления 09.08.2022
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Formation of the economic component of professional intellect of future lawyers: a competence vector

Yu.M. Umantsiv Yu.M. Umantsiv D.Sc. (Economics), Professor, Professor of Economics and Competition Policy Department, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, V.V. Humeniuk V.V. Humeniuk D. Sc. (Economics), Professor, Professor of General, Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology Department, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, O.O. Kravchuk O.O. Kravchuk D. Sc. (Jurisprudence), Associate Professor, Professor of Information, Economic and Administrative Law Department, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»


The article focuses on studying the peculiarities of the professional component of the economic intelligence of future lawyers with the purpose of determination of the competences of students in the field of economic knowledge. An analysis of the regulations of economic training of future lawyers with regard to formation of the economic component of their professional competence has been conducted. The fundamental elements of formation of the economic competence of students have been outlined.

Key words: competence, professional intellect, professional competence, economic consciousness, methodological system.


Problem setting. The beginning of the 21st century is connected with the need of defining new strategic guidelines in the field of modern education. The scale of geostrategic tasks foresees fundamental changes in the development of national education which is summoned to facilitate acquisition of vital competences by students. In modern conditions, harmonious development of a competitive creative personality becomes important. It is quite natural that researchers and scientists are faced with the question of a search of effective techniques, methods and means of improving professional characteristics of future professionals by improving and optimizing their economic competences - an inalienable characteristic of a successful lawyer. The point is that it is a complex dynamic process which is gradually developing over time and is characterized by higher and lower levels of formation. Higher level is formation of professional dominant; formation of lifestyle in an individual consciousness of a student; complete formation of an image of a profession and of itself as its subject. Lower level of professional orientation is characterized by conception of a profession, i.e. by the presence of a generalized image of conception of it, its specificity, purposes, and process of conducting professional activity, factors that contribute to or hinder this activity.

Recent research and publication analysis. Ukrainian educational realities confirm the thesis that the reproductive model of knowledge reproduction has become ineffective; instead, the competent educational paradigm is updated, as evidenced by the works of modern scholars. In particular Rzhevska-Shtefan (2018) analyzes the peculiarities of motivation of professional training of future psychologists in her researches. Maiier and Ustymenko (2018) reveal methodological foundations for the development of competences and methodological skills that ensure the ability and readiness of foreign language and culture teachers to perform their professional activities. At the same time, the authors propose to apply testing methods and information and communication technologies. Glowacki, Kriukova, and Avshenyuk (2018) offer innovative teaching methods based on active use of game forms in educational process. The authors summarize that the experience of Poland in finding innovative teaching methods can be useful in Ukraine. Learning games have considerable potential in this context.

The modern social and cultural situation, worsening of economic problems of social development actualize the issues of increasing the overall level of economic training of all professionals whose professional activity requires sound knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of economic theory and practice. Formation of the lawful state, updating of the legislation require significant reform of the system of training of qualified legal personnel, which should be aimed at the development of independent legal thinking, formation of professional legal justice, establishment of basic principles and values based on the moral principles, humanistic society of law. Today we need a generation of lawyers capable of working in the new dynamic social, economic and political realities.

The leading component of professional intellect of a modern lawyer is the economic component, which is the basis of professional activity in a market economy. «Today, the importance of the state as a public institute is objectively increasing in the most developed countries with a socially oriented market economy» (Umantsiv, Lebedeva, & Mitrofanova, 2019). The economic component of the legal education system will enable a future lawyer not only to perform professional duties at a high level, but also to master the means of adequately assessing the resources and values of human capital and the most efficient and rational use of them. Thus, the actuality of the study is stipulated by the need to overcome contradictions between the current demands for the level of training of a lawyer, his economic competences and the real level of readiness of future lawyers for conducting appropriate professional activity, as well as between the objective necessity to increase economic knowledge, skills and practice of legal professionals and the lack of a scientifically sound methodology for shaping the economic culture of future lawyers.

Paper objective. The aim of this paper is to analyze the economic component of professional intellect of future lawyers. Achieving this goal involves performing of the concrete tasks:

1) determining of competences of students in the field of economic knowledge, formation of which will provide training for a highly qualified lawyer;

2) analysis of the regulation of economic training of future lawyers for formation of economic component of their professional competence;

3) outlining the basic content components of formation of economic consciousness of students;

4) implementation of structural and semantic analysis of the integrated course of Tax Law and «Basics of Economics» subject (National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute») regarding the formation of economic component of professional intellect of future lawyers.

The theoretical and methodological basis of research was a set of methods applied: of scientific abstraction, systematic and comparative analysis, logical, axiological, visualization, generalization and other methods of scientific knowledge. Practical results are based on professional experience of the authors obtained during teaching at various universities of Ukraine at a position of a professor in teaching economic courses and integrated courses «Economics + Law», practical activity of a lawyer, economist, auditor, on the basis of experience of working out curricula and programs of educational courses. The conclusions and suggestions given in the article have been tested at the Faculty of Sociology and Law of National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», which has been training lawyers since 1995, and today covers three levels of higher education (bachelor - master - doctor of philosophy) and a postdoctoral scientific level of training.

Paper main body

For solving problems in training of future specialists in legal field it is extremely necessary to work out new methodological approaches and their use in the process of training of students (Puustinen, Santti, Koski, & Tammi, 2018). Creation of innovative pedagogical technologies is associated with refusal from many stereotypes of traditional education, appeal to active component of a learning process.

Formation of the national humanitarian and legal elite, among law students including, is impossible without the solution of the problem of teaching a student to independently acquire knowledge and information, to use it in their activities, without creating motivation for lifelong learning, since rapid development of civilization requires a from a personality high intellectual and social mobility, activity and responsibility.

With the purpose of increasing scientific and methodological level and professional competence of teachers, forming their willingness to introduce pedagogical innovations in educational process, forming an individual style of teaching and creative activity in professional activity, it is necessary to determine the influence of pedagogical conditions on the structure and process of formation of competences in future jurisdictions at universities. Figure 1 visualizes the structure of professional competence of students as the aim and the end result of studying.

Figure 1 visualizes the structure of professional competence of students as the aim and the end result of studying.

The concept «professional intellect» in the study is used in the sense of a «system of specific features of intellectual activity of a specialist, which determine the effectiveness of his professional activity, or as a qualitative aspect of intellectual activity of a specialist, which determines his high professional level; the level of development of professional intelligence determines the success and effectiveness of solving professional tasks that depend on specificity of the professional sphere and human activity in it, and determines the dynamics and success of professional formation of the individual as a whole» (Melnychuk, 2015).

Figure 1. The structure of professional competence of future lawyers Source: To build this chart, the authors have used results of their own research.

The analysis of scientific literature, standards of professional training, as well as the regulation of economic training of future lawyers allows to conclude that practically no institution of higher education trains a modern specialist-lawyer with a sufficiently high level of economic component. The lack of a scientifically sound economic formula for training of a modern specialist-lawyer creates obstacles both for the development of market relations in the state and for the formation of emotional and volitional and motivational spheres of a lawyer's activity (Currell, & Hendersonb, 2014; Gasparenien, Remeikiene, & Heikkila, 2016).

Analysis of the curricula and training programs of modern lawyers showed that the regulatory documents do not have the goals of forming of specific economic knowledge, skills and competences that underlie the economic training of a lawyer. For practical research, we have selected National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», on the basis of which bachelors and masters in «Law» specialty are trained for a long period of time. An analysis of the Bachelor's educational curricula showed that economic disciplines occupy a significant place here. In particular, the courses that form economic knowledge in the process of training lawyers at the named university include:

1) economics courses: compulsory course «Basics of Economics» and selective courses in Management of startup-projects;

2) integrated courses «Law + Economics»: compulsory courses in «Economic Law», «Financial and Banking Law», «Tax Law» and selective courses in Legal Regulation of Bankruptcy, Provision of Competition.

To the courses that form the economic component of professional intellect in the process of preparation of masters in specialty «Law» at the stated university, belong compulsory integrated courses «Law + Economics» on the problems of Tax Law, Contract Law and selective courses of Legal Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity, Legal Regulation of Securities Market. In order to identify the most effective training blocks aimed at forming the economic component of future lawyer's professional intellect, a structural and meaningful analysis of the integrated Tax Law course has been carried out. The main task of the theoretical block of this subject is to develop skills to support the procedure of tax control of subsequent lawsuits and to understand complex economic situations that arise in connection with this. With this purpose, the theoretical unit should include information about: basic taxes included in the tax system, accounting procedures and determining the amounts of taxes, main practical problems encountered by accounting services during daily accounting, organization of circulation of primary documents related to determination of objects of taxation at an enterprise, determination of those responsible for taxation of certain economic transactions.

The practical block of Tax Law course should contain cases for calculating the amount of tax (taxes) on specific transactions, determining from the list of types of income those that are subject to certain taxes and fees (including by types of payers and recipients who pay income and receive income) as well as non-taxable ones. According to the results of studying «Tax Law» discipline, a future lawyer should obtain the following economic knowledge:

- awareness of the nature of the tax system;

- understanding of the procedure of taxation by basic direct and indirect taxes, including taxation of income, revenue, value added, property;

- ability to identify basic and complex economic cases;

- practical mastery of the order of circulation of primary documents and organization of work of persons responsible for business operations and their taxation;

- knowledge of the main economic risks arising in taxation of economic activity.

The basic idea of teaching «Basics of Economics» to future lawyers is embodied in the formulation: «A modern lawyer who strives to be competitive in the labor market must have a deep knowledge of economics.» At this, during the process of teaching the emphasis is on the fact that a number of processes and phenomena of public life have a pronounced «dual» economic and legal nature. In particular, money is an important institution of social life that performs a number of important functions.

At the same time regulation of money circulation is carried out by the Central Bank of the country, which acts in accordance with the powers stipulated in the legislation. Article 99 of the Constitution of Ukraine contains the following statement: «ensuring stability of the monetary unit is the main function of the bank of the state - the National Bank of Ukraine». In the same perspective, with emphasis on clear relationship between economic essence of numerous phenomena and processes and their legal form teaching of topics in the bounds of «Basics of Economics» course which reveal range of problems of goods and organization of commodity circulation, social production, economic interests, efficiency of functioning of capital at macroeconomic and microeconomic levels, costs of production and turnover, monopoly, competition and competition policy, finance, public debt and fiscal policy, international economic relations etc. (Pistor, 2013; Faria, Montesinos-Yufa, Morales, & Navarro, 2016). In the course of preparing lawyers for the educational level of a «Master», a subject that forms economic component of professional intellect of students is «Legal Regulation of Securities Market». Its purpose is: disclosure of economic and legal nature of securities, their classification features, peculiarities of emission. Students gain skills in analyzing macroeconomic and microeconomic role of the national stock market, understanding its importance in stable functioning of the national economy. Separate topics are devoted to coverage of economic and legal content of the secondary securities market, organization of work of the stock exchange, procedural aspects of listing, activities of professional market participants, organization of depository activities, payment and clearing operations, peculiarities of issuance of agreements on purchase and sale of securities, etc.

At the same time, students are constantly able to obtain all the necessary analytical and system information through the lens of the indissoluble link between the economic content and the legal form of the analyzed phenomena and processes. In our opinion, the process of forming of economic component of professional intellect will not be complete without taking into account the institutional concept of analysis of the sectoral structure of an economic system, which involves taking into account the regulated rules of state regulation, existing rules of the market, social and economic environment, globalization trends, as well as risks, that determine the mechanism of legal regulation of activities of economic entities (Humeniuk, 2019). competence education student lawyer

It is expedient to stress on the need of creating a dynamic methodological system for teaching economic subjects in the process of training of future lawyers. First and foremost, the need for a permanent response of the vocational training system to all changes in social and professional practice, which involves constant transformation of the content of education, teaching tools and other important elements (Boronos, Plikus, Aleksandrov, & Antoniuk, 2018). The mechanism of implementation of such requirements is the constant response of the substantive aspect of the methodological system of training of lawyers. Teachers should possess up-to-date information concerning the latest administrative, management, technological and innovation tendencies with the purpose of providing accordance of educational process with current demands. This peculiarity of realization of education during life is a significant factor in formation of professional and personal competences and world-view and value guidelines of a modern lawyer.

The need for economic knowledge for a professional lawyer is high today and it defines a significant amount of economic component in professional competence of a university graduate. Insufficient level of such knowledge among practitioners leads to a slowdown in support of business transactions (economic processes) at enterprises, to delays in litigation of economic disputes in courts of different jurisdictions (disputes between economic entities and other entities - legal entities and individuals, and also disputes with authorities). This in its turn adversely affects the speed of economic processes at the micro level, as well as the functioning of economy as a whole (impact at the macro level). In view of the stated above, we believe that raising of the level of professional knowledge of a professional lawyer will positively affect these processes. Besides, with development of economy the need for more sophisticated economic knowledge of lawyers, primarily related to the functioning of securities systems and the stock market will increase. Universities that are preparing and planning to train successful professional lawyers should take this into account today.

Economic competence of a specialist of the legal branch has been recognized as the system-forming factor of substantiation of the methods of formation of economic culture of a future lawyer. At this, it is a meaningful part of a specialist's model that reflects the demands made according to the nature and conditions of professional activity (Moberg, 2014). The systematic analysis of economic training of future lawyers suggests that market relations require a particular style of economic thinking of a modern lawyer, a system of knowledge, skills and abilities to effectively perform their professional duties in a rich information field (Coibion, Gorodnichenko, & Kamdar, 2018). Dynamism and versatility of transformations in today's business environment stipulates continuous improvement of professional, moral and general competences of a modern lawyer for successful professional activity. Under these conditions, there is a need for continuous improvement of the content of the curricula, the analysis of which showed the need to strengthen systematic work on the formation of the following components of students' economic consciousness:

1. Future law practitioners should be clearly aware that creation and development of a national economy requires creation of an adequate institutional environment, that is, rules, norms and traditions that make the most of the country's social and economic and technological potential (Gorodnichenko, & Roland, 2017).

2. The state plays the decisive role in this, which sets the rules and promotes the formation of a civil society in accordance with the Constitution and certain legal norms. Just on this basis a stable institutional environment can be formed (Jones, & Kim, 2018).

3. At the same time, legal institutional support does not yet guarantee reconciliation of the interests of participants in economic relations. Students should be aware that, as the experience of developed countries demonstrates, a prerequisite for a policy of institutional change is their holistic, balanced and systematic nature (Gorodnichenko, Sheremirov, & Talavera, 2018). According to Sierotowicz (2015) and Savchenko (2012), lagging behind of institutional changes from specific measures of economic policy and its legal support can deepen social contradictions.

The educational process in higher education institutions that train law specialists should form students with a high level of culture, a humanistic and democratic worldview, high moral traits, to teach them to be patriots, creative and competent professionals, active in social dimension of individuals. Formation of a personality, which the modern society expects for, is an extremely topical and complex problem, the solution of which requires, on the one hand, the search and implementation of the latest forms and methods of organizing of such a process, and on the other hand - the activation of students' creative potential in the study of economic disciplines (Golubkova, Kalinina, & Moussa, 2018). This refers to the use of pedagogical principle of continuity and continuity, which is based on transforming the formation and development of personality into a lifelong process (Zuieva, 2017). «Integration of Ukraine into the European educational space requires changes in strategies and tactics of higher education development, forms and methods of teaching, reorientation to applied aspects of training courses, self-education and self-development of an individual during his life» (Humeniuk, & Oliiar, 2019).

Conclusion of the research

Summarizing the results of the study, we emphasize that future lawyers gain economic knowledge not only in the course of mastering general humanitarian courses.

The economic component of professional intellect is formed during acquisition of purely legal disciplines, especially those at the intersection of law and economics. A problematic aspect is the perception of a legal specialty as «purely humanitarian».

As practice shows, a significant factor which influence the choice of a university entrant is the absence of mathematics in the curriculum as a discipline.

The student is morally and intellectually unprepared for taking university courses aimed at developing economic skills and assuming certain mathematical calculations. In his future professional career, such a lawyer will have significant problems in understanding most of the complex professional situations that arise in modern business. After all, in order to work successfully, a lawyer needs economic knowledge.

One of the most common areas of legal practice is the practice of in-house counsel, which provides legal support for all business transactions, relationships with counterparties (suppliers and contractors, buyers and customers). Such a specialist is needed at every major enterprise, regardless of the field of activity. In practice, you may encounter systemic problems concerning understanding of business processes by lawyers.

Quite often, a practicing lawyer is not prepared to independently examine primary and consolidated accounting records, financial, management and statistical reporting.

Not only internal lawyers are affected by changes. Economic issues are also important for attorneys representing clients in general and especially commercial courts, lawyers practicing in the field of criminal law (for committing a significant number of crimes related to business activities in one way or another).

In most cases, both prosecution and criminal defense representatives, and professional judges themselves in Ukraine, need specialized knowledge in the field of economics to deal with fairly routine professional problems. Traditionally, for this purpose, they resort to appointment of expertise, involvement of specialists, questioning of expert witnesses. Having lawyer's economic knowledge would greatly simplify this process and make it possible to work without intermediaries.


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Формирование экономической составляющей профессионального интеллекта будущих юристов: компетентностный вектор

Ю. Н. Уманцив доктор экономических наук, профессор кафедры экономической теории и конкурентной политики Киевского национального торгово-экономического университета, Украина, г. Киев

В. В. Гуменюк доктор экономических наук, профессор кафедры общей, инженерной геологии и гидрогеологии Ивано-Франковского национального технического университета нефти и газа, Украина, г. Ивано-Франковск

А. О. Кравчук доктор юридических наук, профессор кафедры информационного, хозяйственного и административного права Национального технического университета Украины «Киевский политехнический институт имени Игоря Сикорского», Украина, г. Киев

Статья посвящена изучению особенностей профессиональной составляющей экономического интеллекта будущих адвокатов с целью определения компетенций студентов в области экономических знаний. Проанализированы правила экономической подготовки будущих адвокатов в аспекте формирования экономической составляющей их профессиональной компетентности. Раскрыты фундаментальные элементы формирования экономической компетентности студентов.

Ключевые слова: компетентность, профессиональный интеллект, профессиональная компетентность, экономическое сознание, методологическая система.


Формування економічної складової професійного інтелекту майбутніх юристів: компетентнісний вектор

Ю.М. Уманців доктор економічних наук, професор кафедри економічної теорії та конкурентної політики Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету, Україна, м. Київ

В.В. Гуменюк доктор економічних наук, професор кафедри загальної, інженерної геології і гідрогеології Івано-Франківського національного технічного університету нафти і газу, Україна, м. Івано-Франківськ

О.О. Кравчук доктор юридичних наук, професор кафедри інформаційного, господарського та адміністративного права Національного технічного університету України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського», Україна, м. Київ

Постановка проблеми. Інтеграція України в європейський освітній простір, процеси глобалізації та інформатизації в суспільстві зумовлюють необхідність зміни освітньої парадигми - відмову від репродуктивних форм навчання й орієнтацію на компетентнісний і діяльнісний підходи. Професійна діяльність юриста в умовах ринкової економіки вимагає його належної економічної підготовки.

Аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій. Освітні реалії підтверджують тезу про те, що репродуктивна модель відтворення знань стала неефективною; натомість компетентна освітня парадигма оновлюється, про що свідчать праці З. Ржевської- Штефан (аналізує особливості мотивації професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців), Н. Майєр, О. Устименко (розкривають методологічні основи розвитку компетентностей і методичних умінь), Й. Гловацького, Ю. Крюкової, Н. Авшенюк (пропонують інноваційні методи навчання, засновані на активному використанні ігрових форм у навчальному процесі). Визнаючи незаперечну наукову та практичну значущість проведених досліджень, вважаємо, що проблеми формування економічної складової професійного інтелекту майбутніх юристів залишаються недостатньо опрацьованими як на теоретичному, так і методологічному рівні.

Формулювання цілей. Метою статті є розроблення концептуальних положень і формулювання методичних рекомендацій, спрямованих на розвиток економічної підготовки майбутніх юристів у контексті формування економічної складової їхньої професійної компетентності. Досягнення цілей статті передбачає визначення компетентностей здобувачів вищої освіти у сфері економічних знань, проведення аналізу економічної підготовки майбутніх юристів, окреслення основних складових формування їхньої економічної свідомості.

Виклад основного матеріалу. На основі аналізу навчальних планів визначено перелік курсів, що формують економічні знання у процесі підготовки юристів. Виявлено необхідність перманентного реагування системи професійної підготовки юристів на всі зміни соціально-професійної практики, потребу підвищення рівня економічних знань професійного юриста, удосконалення змістової частини навчальних програм, посилення системної роботи над формуванням визначених компонентів економічної свідомості студентів.

Доведено, що потреба в економічних знаннях для професійного юриста визначає значний обсяг економічної складової професійної компетентності випускника університету.

Недостатній рівень таких знань серед практиків призводить до уповільнення підтримки економічних процесів на підприємствах, до затримок у розгляді господарських спорів у судах різних юрисдикцій.

Із розвитком економіки зростатиме потреба в більш складних економічних знаннях юристів, перш за все тих, що стосуються функціонування систем цінних паперів та фондового ринку.

Висновки. Економічна складова професійного інтелекту майбутніх юристів формується під час засвоєння юридичних дисциплін, що викладаються на стику права та економіки.

Економічний компонент системи юридичної освіти дозволить майбутнім юристам здійснювати повноваження на більш професійному рівні.

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