Content of theoretical training of students in non-auditing studies of physical education classes
The paper the issues of non-auditing studies physical education classes in high school is considers. The relevance of the study is due to the objective need to increase the effectiveness of physical education students during their studies in university.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.08.2022 |
Размер файла | 22,8 K |
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Content of theoretical training of students in non-auditing studies of physical education classes
V. Osinchuk,
N. Gavrilenko,
S. Nezgoda,
A. Pavlos
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
The paper the issues of non-auditing studies physical education classes in high school is considers. The relevance of the study is due to the objective need to increase the effectiveness of physical education of students during their studies in university. The complex use of all forms of physical education, a wide range of methods and techniques for acquiring theoretical knowledge to ensure effective physical education of university students actualize the question. The purpose of the research: to identify and substantiate the substantive content of theoretical training of students in non-auditing studies of physical education.
Material and methods. The basis of the research is the use of a complex of general scientific theoretical methods: analysis, systematization, generalization, comparison of different views on the problem under study, generalization of scientific and methodological and specialized literature data.
Results. Conceptual approaches in the process of substantive filling of theoretical preparation taking into account available theoretical and empirical data were formed. Based on the results of the scientific search, the starting points and perspective directions of the research approaches to solving the identified problems in the process of mastering theoretical knowledge of physical education of students during graduate school are determined.
Conclusions. The content of theoretical training of students in non-auditing studies of physical education is aimed at forming the value orientations of student youth to acquire healthy lifestyle skills, to ensure a significant increase in the level of education of students on maintaining their health. А promising direction for solving problem the effectiveness of physical education classesis to master students of theoretical knowledge, as a motivational factor for learning in non-auditing forms of physical education was installed. The above is of theoretical and practical importance for improving the efficiency of physical education of university students. studies education university
Key words: student, physical education, non-auditing studies, theoretical training, efficiency.
Осінчук В., Гавриленко Н., Незгода С., Павлос А. Зміст теоретичної підготовки студентів із фізичної освіти у позааудиторний час
У статті розглянуто питання позааудиторних занять із фізичного виховання у закладах вищої освіти. Актуальність дослідження обумовлена об'єктивною необхідністю підвищення ефективності фізичного виховання студентів під час навчання в університеті. Комплексне використання усіх форм фізичного виховання, широкого спектру методів і прийомів набуття теоретичних знань задля забезпечення ефективного фізичного виховання студентів закладів вищої освіти акцентують досліджувану проблему. Мета дослідження: виявлення та обґрунтування змістовного наповнення теоретичної підготовки студентів у позааудиторних формах занять з фізичного виховання. Матеріал та методи. В основу дослідження покладено використання комплексу загальнонаукових теоретичних методів: аналіз, систематизація, узагальнення, порівняння різних поглядів на досліджувану проблему, узагальнення даних науково- методичної та спеціалізованої літератури. Результати. Сформовано концептуальні підходи процесу предметного наповнення теоретичної підготовки з урахуванням наявних теоретичних та емпіричних даних. На основі результатів наукового пошуку визначено перспективні напрями дослідницьких підходів до вирішення виявлених проблем у процесі оволодіння теоретичними знаннями із фізичного виховання студентами під час навчання. Змістовне наповнення теоретичної підготовки студентів у позааудиторних формах занять з фізичного виховання скеровано на формування ціннісних орієнтацій студентської молоді набуття навичок здорового способу життя та забезпечення істотного підвищення рівня освіченості студентів з питань збереження свого стану здоров'я. Висновки. Визначено, що перспективним напрямом вирішення проблематики ефективності фізичного виховання є оволодіння студентами теоретичними знаннями, як мотиваційного чинника до занять у позааудиторних формах? що має теоретичне і практичне значення для підвищення ефективності цього процесу у закладах вищої освіти.
Ключові слова: студент, фізичне виховання, позааудиторні дослідження, теоретична підготовка, ефективність
Ensuring the effectiveness of physical education classes for students of higher education institutions is now one of the central topics of scientific debate [1; 5; 9]. Reforming higher education, the positions of which are reflected in the legal documentation (National Report on the Status and Prospects of Education in Ukraine (2016), which is the basis of its development in Ukraine, requires radical changes in all parts of the higher education process and the need to harmonize it with world standards in the context of current trends in the industry [7].
An important source of strategic directions for ensuring the effectiveness of physical education of students in non-core higher education institutions is the qualitative formation of the theoretical knowledge base [12]. This involves the acquisition by students of basic competencies, practical skills and abilities to ensure the formation of value orientations of a healthy lifestyle [3].
There are opinions [10; 11] about the need to carry out additional educational process, which is possible only in extracurricular time. Integrated use of all forms of physical education, a wide range of methods and techniques for acquiring theoretical knowledge to ensure effective physical education of students of free economic education actualize the research problem.
The problem of students acquiring theoretical knowledge in the field of physical culture has been reflected in a number of studies [2; 7; 8; 12]. It is believed [10; 11] that the low level of such knowledge is negatively reflected in students' physical education, their attitude to physical culture and the formation of their healthy lifestyle.
Modern scientific research is devoted to the study and analysis of various aspects of students' mastery of theoretical knowledge of physical culture [5; 7], developed a fairly wide variability of the conceptual framework [12; 13], theoretical and methodological foundations of theoretical training [6; 11], patterns and factors functioning theoretical training [1; 4]. Problems of improving the quality of this process are covered in scientific papers [1; 7].
It is determined [7; 8] that the importance of theoretical classes is such that in some cases it is the only way to teach students the necessary knowledge related to the use of physical culture in the process of non-auditing studies of physical education. However, research related to the acquisition of theoretical foundations for solving various problems of physical education of students is isolated quantitatively and fragmentarily in content.
At the same time, it is considered [4; 10] that the situation with the state of health of students (the negative dynamics of which is observed from year to year) is the result of their low level of knowledge about the rational formation, preservation and strengthening of their own health.
The above indicates the need for further research in this area: today in the domestic theory and practice of pedagogical science there is no thorough study of the essence of theoretical training of students in non-auditing studies of physical education.
Material and methods of research
The purpose of the research is to identify and substantiate the content of theoretical training of students in non-auditing studies of physical education.
This research is theoretical qualitative research. Research methods: theoretical analysis, systematization, comparison of different views on the problem under study, generalization of scientific and methodological and specialized literature data. In order to achieve the declared purpose, we have applied innovative ideas and a conceptual foundation for updating approaches to organising, postulating and realising the content of nonauditing studies of physical education.
Theoretical methods were used to determine the problem of scientific pedagogical research and evaluation of the collected facts. Theoretical methods included the study of scientific literature on the theory and practice of physical education in general and classes in non-auditing studies in particular; general and special works on the pedagogy of physical education; textbooks and manuals in the field of physical education and related sciences. The study of the literature made it possible to determine the aspects of certain issues regarding the formation of the base of theoretical knowledge in non-auditing studies of physical education of students from which scientific discussions are conducted and to identify parts of the issue that have not yet been resolved. Based on the theoretical analysis, the most significant results of the researched problem for today are clarified, as it is important for gathering ideas for the purpose of their comprehensive study.
Analyzing the collected facts of the issue of non-auditing studies physical education classes in higher education in general, generalizations were used. Generalization provided a logical transition from individual to general, from less general to more general judgments, knowledge, assessment of the content of theoretical training in this process. Based on the generalized judgment, which is characterized by a deep reflection of the collected material, the essence of theoretical training in non-auditing studies of physical education is clarified and significant dominant positions are identified, their relationship is established for their comprehensive study.
The synthesis involved the integration of previously selected parts, parties, features, properties, relations of theoretical training in non-auditing studies of physical education into a single whole.
Research results
First of all, let's turn to the regulations governing the development of a holistic system of physical education as part of the educational process of high school students. In Ukraine, a comprehensive program "Physical Education - the health of the nation", which identifies priority areas of public policy in the industry [7]. According to her, physical education in the educational sphere as an integral part of the general education system should lay the foundations for ensuring and developing physical and moral health to active life and professional activity on the principles of priority of health orientation, extensive use of various means and forms of physical improvement continuity of this process.
Therefore, in order to study the issue of acquiring theoretical knowledge in non-auditing studies of students' physical education, we consider it appropriate to specify this concept in the terminological aspect of our study from a general scientific and general practical standpoint. Mastering of theoretical knowledge by students to study biological, psychological, social, ideological, physical, aesthetic, behavioral aspects and reserve capabilities of the organism in the process of their motor activity is an active, creative process and result of mastering the system of physical culture, methodical and motor skills on physical development, functional improvement of the body, the formation of their values and health [8; 11].
In the future, we define the content of theoretical knowledge, which is a set of views aimed at considering and interpreting this process at the specific scientific level of research for non-auditing studies activities. Such knowledge is the factor of providing students with the need for physical improvement and systematic independent physical education [12]. It is not enough for students to receive a certain amount of classes. We believe that first of all it is necessary to ensure students' understanding of their development and relationships, gaining confidence in their knowledge.
Therefore, the educational material that forms the content of theoretical training of students in non-auditing studies of classes can be presented in the interaction of teacher and student and carried out in the form of a specialized course of lectures, lectures, debates, meetings, meetings on the basics of physical education. The volume and content of theoretical material is determined on the basis of general pedagogical principles and goals and objectives of classes. It is important to ensure interdisciplinary links: information about physical education should be combined with the knowledge that students acquire when studying other subjects [1].
The basis of the formation of the content of theoretical training - the laws of learning. The list of learning patterns that are factors in the selection and construction of material: educational nature, the presence of purposeful interaction between teacher and student, active students in the educational process, the presence of a strong relationship between purpose, content and methods of implementation [13].
The purpose of mastering theoretical knowledge by students is the need to form the necessary knowledge, skills and health skills and use them in everyday life [5]. The main task should be the acquisition by students of ideas about the biology of their own body, physiological processes that occur in it, ways to prevent disease, maintain the proper level of motor activity to maintain their physical and mental condition in the norm. As a result of effective implementation of students' theoretical knowledge, by forming a positive attitude to the active maintenance of their own health throughout life, the effectiveness of extracurricular activities is ensured. In this case, it is determined that the development of the student in the process of mastering educational knowledge as a person and a subject of activity - is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of the acquisition of theoretical knowledge in the field of physical culture [7].
The choice and development of theoretical information requires that the student's activities be aimed not only at improving self-education and creative development of knowledge based on the individualization of their non-auditing studies in physical education, the choice of educational trajectory, but also to educate them to focus on healthy lifestyle In this case, the acquired knowledge is not only a means of developing skills and abilities, but also a means of acquiring new knowledge for self-acquisition of skills and abilities to engage in physical culture in nonauditing studies.
Theoretical generalization, systematization of available information in a certain direction of scientific research, revealed that the effectiveness of the method of formation of theoretical knowledge is due to the careful consideration of a number of prerequisites. The following is provided:
- analysis of the planned to study the action in order to determine its mechanical structure, the required physical qualities and the influence of environmental factors;
- establishing an exemplary amount and content of knowledge necessary to understand the patterns of physical improvement in non-auditing studies;
- determining the amount and content of information for each lesson;
- development of such ways of presenting information that would fit organically into the plan of non-auditing studies [1; 8; 11].
We believe that the presentation of theoretical material by volume should be planned in such parts that fit into the structure and content of a particular cycle of classes without affecting the amount of motor activity. The choice of forms of communication of theoretical information depends, in particular, on the content of educational material. Information about the social significance of physical education will require relatively more time, which can be allocated only in introductory classes. At the same time, information on safety rules, basic requirements for clothing, etc. are reported before studying the relevant practical material, information on techniques and rules of execution - in the course of its study.
The formation of the content of theoretical training of students in non-auditing studies of physical education depends on a number of factors. The first and foremost is the system of needs, which is inextricably linked with the system of goals, both social and personal. First of all, it is necessaryto makephysical education in non-auditing studies personally significant, necessary for each student, without weakening the focus on meeting the social needs of ablebodied professionals. To do this, the process of acquiring knowledge should be aimed at stimulating students to exercise, physical improvement, as a way to introduce physical culture in the life and leisure of students [4].
Objective factors in shaping the content of theoretical training are social and scientific achievements [7]. At the same time, it is necessary that the term of a new scientific discovery before the beginning of its systematic implementation in practice should be as short as possible, so that the implementation of new ideas is limited only by the terms of release of materials for free access.
The second factor is the factor of "opportunities", which plays the role of a kind of regulator that allows or does not allow in the content of education information that requires a certain level of material and technical equipment of the process of physical education in nonauditing studies. The development of the content of theoretical training of students on the basis of integration into this process of the latest progressive methods will undoubtedly help to increase its effectiveness.
Let's outline a number of scientific requirements for the formation of the content of theoretical training. The main ones are:
1. The leading role in determining the content of theoretical training belongs to the purpose and objectives of physical education of students in non-auditing studies. This means that the content of educational work is aimed at the full physical development of the individual, which is the basis for further employment.
2. The humanistic orientation of the content of theoretical training causes its compliance with modern needs and capabilities of students, the priority of the values of their health.
3. The scientific content of theoretical training involves the inclusion in the content of only those facts and theoretical provisions that are stable in science; material that corresponds to the current state of education, its latest achievements.
4. The unity of semantic and procedural aspects of physical education in non-auditing studies in the formation and structuring of its content. Physical education in this case is not only a means of developing skills and abilities, but also a means of acquiring new knowledge for the independent acquisition of skills and abilities.
5. Correspondence to the age capabilities and level of psychophysical condition of students - the dependence of the process of physical education on the level of inclinations and abilities belongs to the laws of the technological process, which is the process of learning theoretical knowledge.
6. Availability of programs and methods of presenting scientific knowledge [7; 12; 13].
The need to provide personality-oriented content of theoretical information [8]. By generalizing the information [7; 13] we supplement the didactic possibilities of realization of personality-oriented direction of theoretical training of students in non-auditing studies of physical education, which should be provided by realization of the following:
- creation of a methodology of extracurricular physical education classes in accordance with the needs of classes in free time, motives and values of each student;
- constructing the structure of students' readiness for regular physical education classes as a factor in maintaining their own health;
- development of personality-oriented health technologies for extracurricular activities;
- software and educational and methodological support for the effective implementation of these technologies in extracurricular forms;
- quality management of students' mastery of theoretical knowledge.
The implementation of this is carried out through the implementation of a set of systemic measures that ensure the competent acquisition by students of skills of self-control, personal hygiene, self-preservation, healthy lifestyle and experience of their implementation in nonauditing studies of physical education.
Students' mastery of theoretical knowledge for the successful implementation of physical education classes in non-auditing studies begins not so much with the formation of knowledge as with development. We believe that the development of the educational process is possible both through the resolution of contradictions and in an evolutionary way, through the improvement of the formed content. Thus, in this sense, the motivating factor should play a decisive role in shaping the content of theoretical training [5]. At the same time, such motives must be formed, developed, supplemented by various new, healthy elements and habits. And it is the leading role in the formation of such goals and motives is given to theoretical knowledge, which should encourage constant physical improvement, regular exercise, preservation and promotion of health.
Ensuring the quality of students' mastery of theoretical knowledge implies the presence of a structure. The structural elements in this case are: the goals of nonauditing studies, the need-motivating factor and the degree of achievement of their goal. The system-forming factor is the goals of physical education of students in nonauditing studies, and the basis and basic element is the need-motivating factor of learning the material.
The most difficult aspect in this direction is the problem of providing internal motivation and students' awareness of the need for daily physical education [5; 8].
Thus, the achievement of the goals of mastering theoretical knowledge by students is determined by the level of formation of the need and desire for systematic physical education. Thus, the formation of a set of necessary theoretical knowledge as an orderly set and sequence of methods and processes ensures the implementation of certain goals and the achievement of the results of physical education in non-auditing studies.
We fully support the scientific approaches of specialists engaged in finding ways to increase the effectiveness of physical education university students, as the main factor in their healthcare. In this context, we are joining the idea [1; 8; 11] that the efficiency of this process can be greatly in non-auditing studies of student.
The results of the study confirm the available evidence [2; 7; 10] that the effectiveness of physical education largely depends on the quality of physical education in nonauditing studies, which to some extent is determined by students' mastery of theoretical knowledge.
There is some evidence that knowledge of the benefits of physical activity is a determining factor that limits the state of motor activity of students in general. In contrast to previous studies, we conducted research in view of the impact on this process of the degree of mastery of theoretical knowledge in the field of physical culture.
We support scientific approaches [6; 7; 12] that high- quality acquisition of theoretical knowledge by students has theoretical and practical significance for improving the effectiveness of physical education of students while studying in higher education.
The results of the study supplement the information [3; 10; 13] about non-auditing studies of students in physical education as a factor in ensuring the appropriate level of their motor activity.
Despite the undeniable importance of non-auditing studies of students in physical education, the methodological provisions related to the process of mastering basic theoretical knowledge have not been developed enough. According to the results of scientific research [2; 4; 5], we join the idea that this is due to the focus on the average student, which does not bring tangible results in the formation of sustainable interests in maintaining health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The results of scientific research show that the development of motor activity of students occupies one of the leading places among the tasks of physical education, which can be solved only by full use of physical education classes in non-auditing studies.
It is represented that the content of theoretical training of students in non-auditing studies of physical education is aimed at forming the value orientations of student youth to acquire healthy lifestyle skills, to ensure a significant increase in education of students on maintaining their health. In general, the acquisition of theoretical knowledge should be gradually transformed into a process of selfeducation and self-improvement.
The view presented in the paper allows to develop integrated algorithms for the subjects of the pedagogical process to ensure the effective implementation of nonauditing studies of physical education, and thus increase its effectiveness in general.
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статья [701,0 K], добавлен 21.09.2017Peculiarities of English nonsense rhymes – limericks and how to use them on the classes of English phonetics. Recommendations of correct translation to save its specific construction. Limericks is represented integral part of linguistic culture.
статья [17,5 K], добавлен 30.03.2010Порядок проведения урока "Education in Great Britain" в 10 классе. Коммуникативная компетенция как один из основных принципов преподавания иностранных языков на современном этапе. План-конспект мероприятия "Valentine’s Day" по английскому языку.
контрольная работа [17,0 K], добавлен 06.12.2011Planning a research study. Explanation, as an ability to give a good theoretical background of the problem, foresee what can happen later and introduce a way of solution. Identifying a significant research problem. Conducting a pilot and the main study.
реферат [26,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2012