Formation of students’ communicative competence in the process of learning foreign languages in the context of humanization of education

Search for new means of intercultural communication and mutual understanding. Determination of the components of a specialist's foreign language professional competence from the point of view of humanization. Formation of humanitarian culture of students.

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Formation of students' communicative competence in the process of learning foreign languages in the context of humanization of education

Chepurna M.V. Chepurna Myroslava Volodymyrivna Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (PhD), Docent, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and International Communication, Cherkasy State Technological University, blvd. Taras Shevchenko,460, Cherkasy, Dernova T.A. Dernova Tetiana Anatoliivna Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages and International Communication, Cherkasy State Technological University, blvd. Taras Shevchenko,460, Cherkasy, Kolesnyk D.M. Kolesnyk Daryna Mykhailivna Candidate of Philological Sciences (PhD), Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and International Communication, Cherkasy State Technological University, blvd. Taras Shevchenko,460, Cherkasy

Korieshkova S.P. Korieshkova Svitlana Petrivna Candidate of Pedagogic sciences (PhD), Docent, Head of the Department of Language Studies, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies, Kyrylivska St., 9, Kyiv, Riabtseva I.A. Riabtseva Iryna Anatoliivna Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages and International Communication, Cherkasy State Technological University, blvd. Taras Shevchenko,460, Cherkasy


The article considers the main methods of formation and development of foreign communicative competence of students. It is emphasized that the process of formation of communicative competence of the future specialist can be effectively provided if ethnopsychological, socio-psychological, psycholinguistic, ethnolinguistic, linguodidactic aspects are taken into account. Communicative competence is interpreted as the ability to understand and generate foreign language statements in accordance with a specific situation, specific goal setting and communicative intention.

Linguistic competence consists of knowledge about the language system and the rules for operating language knowledge in speech activity. The components of foreign language professional communicative competence of a modern specialist from the point of view of humanization of higher education are determined. But it is stated that the humanization of the content of education requires a revision of the goals, content and technology of studying a foreign language as a new means of communication, a new means of intercultural communication and intercultural understanding. The importance of formation of three levels of students' humanitarian culture is emphasized: intellectual, emotional and activity.

Key words: foreign communicative competence, foreign language communication, humanization of education, methods of teaching.


Формування комунікативної компетентності студентів у процесі вивчення іноземних мов в контексті гуманізації освіти

Чепурна Мирослава Володимирівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри іноземних мов та міжнародної комунікації, Черкаський державний технологічний університет, бул. Шевченка, 460, м. Черкаси

Дернова Тетяна Анатоліївна старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов та міжнародної комунікації, Черкаський державний технологічний університет, бул. Шевченка, 460, м. Черкаси

Колесник Дарина Михайлівна к.філол. н., доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов та міжнародної комунікації, Черкаський державний технологічний університет, бул. Шевченка, 460, м. Черкаси

Корєшкова Світлана Петрівна к.пед.н., доцент, завідувач кафедри мовних дисциплін, Державний університет інфраструктури і технологій, вул. Кирилівська, 9, м. Київ

Рябцева Ірина Анатоліївна викладач кафедри іноземних мов та міжнародної комунікації, Черкаський державний технологічний університет, бул. Шевченка, 460, м. Черкаси

У статті розглянуто основні методи формування та розвитку іноземної комунікативної компетентності студентів. Підкреслюється, що процес формування комунікативної компетентності майбутнього спеціаліста може бути ефективним при умові виділення етнопсихологічного, соціально-психологічного, психолінгвістичного, етнолінгвістичного, лінгводидактичного аспектів.

Комунікативна компетенція трактується як здатність розуміти і генерувати іншомовні висловлювання відповідно до конкретної ситуації, конкретної цільової установки та комунікативного наміру. Визначено складові іншомовної професійної комунікативної компетентності сучасного спеціаліста з точки зору гуманізації вищої освіти. Але констатується, що гуманізація змісту освіти потребує перегляду цілей, змісту та технології вивчення іноземної мови як нового засобу спілкування, нового засобу міжкультурної комунікації та міжкультурного взаєморозуміння. Вказується на важливість формування трьох рівнів гуманітарної культури студентів: інтелектуальної, емоційної та діяльнісної.

Ключові слова: комунікативна компетентність, іншомовна комунікативна компетенція, іншомовне спілкування, гуманізація освіти, методика навчання.


Problem statement. The growing role of a foreign language in the professional activity of a specialist in the context of expanding professional international contacts and business communication, the introduction of the Internet and new means of communication increase the requirements for foreign language communicative competence, and necessitate its formation during learning process. Today the priority task of teaching students of non-linguistic faculties a foreign language is the formation of students' communicative competence necessary for qualified information and creative activity in various areas of their activity: professional, social, administrative, legal and socio-political.

Analysis of the latest researches and publications. Important aspects of the students' communicative competence formation are covered by such Ukrainian scientists as Ananieva L., Dariychuk L., Dragomiretsky I., Kozak S., Palamar L. as well as foreign scientists L. Bachman, M. Canale, N. Chomsky. It is also important that the problems of formation of communicative competence is carried out by international organizations, including UNESCO, UNDP, UNICEF, Council of Europe, International Department of Standards, Organization for European Cooperation and Development, etc.

The analysis of the historical, pedagogical, methodological literature and legal documents allows us to draw the following conclusions: at the beginning of the 21st century in Ukraine and in Western Europe preparation for communication in the target language has become relevant, which has found its reflection in the new formulations of goals, objectives, content of teaching foreign languages; search for new technologies of teaching foreign languages is determined by a number of factors: the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages according to the traditional system does not meet the requirements set by society for the level of language proficiency at the present stage of development; development of integration processes in Europe, contributing to the growth of mobility, both students and teachers. Since the content of teaching any subject is determined primarily by the goals set by society at every stage of its socio-economic and cultural development, we consider it appropriate to dwell on the modern interpretation of the goals of teaching foreign languages. The purpose of teaching foreign languages in higher educational establishments provides both the practical mastery of the language and the development of the student's personality, able to live and create in a constantly changing world, be competitive, able to integrate into the global community. This ability is formed in the course of mastering by students of various types of competencies: communicative, linguistic, linguistic and cultural, methodological, which are interconnected, interdependent and interpenetrating.

The purpose of the article is studying specific features of formation of future specialists' communicative competence in the process of studying foreign languages at the universities in the context of humanization of education.

Presentation of main material

Cardinal changes in the world community, characterized by growing tendencies towards openness, globalization, overcoming barriers between countries, peoples, led to the emergence of new priorities in the field of education in general and in teaching foreign languages in particular.

The learning process in a foreign language should be implemented in relation to universal human values in the context of culture in general and the culture of the country being studied.

In this regard, the socio-cultural aspect of communicative competence is of particular importance, which involves familiarity with a specific national culture, since effective communication is impossible without taking into account the partner and, consequently, the whole complex of characteristics and specifics of communication inherent in this national culture.

Communicative competence has been defined and discussed by many language scholars. The successful language use for communication presupposes the development of communicative competence in the users of that language and that the use of language is constrained by the socio-cultural norms of the society where the language is used. In various types of language programs, language educators and curriculum researchers have implemented communicative-oriented teaching syllabuses to seek for more effective ways for improving students' communication skills to replace the traditional, grammar-oriented approach in the past. To some English educators, however, a Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach is challenging to adopt in their classroom. Communicative competence, which is viewed as the basis of CLT, has been developed on native-speaker norms that are different socioculturally and educationally from those of the non-native speaker .

Based on studies of the structures of communicative competence, we define the following components of foreign language professional communicative competence of a modern specialist:

- linguistic competence, providing a means of communication, construction and understanding of a speech statement;

- subject (thematic) competence that provides the content of professional communication, which involves the use of professional knowledge, professional and non-professional experience, general erudition;

- socio-cultural competence, providing intercultural communication in a foreign language social environment;

- "technological" communicative competence, providing an optimal communication process (methods of effective receiving and transmitting information, ways of influencing the participants of communication);

- discursive communicative competence, including extralinguistic knowledge and skills.

The process of professionally directed formation of the communicative competence of a future specialist in the context of humanization of education can be effective if the structure of communicative competence is singled out and the ethno psychological, sociopsychological, psycholinguistic, ethno linguistic, linguistic and didactic aspects are taken into account in the educational process. The process of teaching a foreign language is organized on the basis of a sociocultural approach.

Consideration of communicative activity from the point of view of psychology makes it possible to identify and model the conditions for the process of formation of communicative skills, taking into account psychological factors. Motivational parameters are determined by communication needs (to report and receive information to optimize various spheres of life). Priority needs of the individual directly affect the structure of communication, giving personal meaning to communication units. A high level of motivation is provided by the constant novelty of speech situations, which is a necessary condition for the formation of communicative skills. The implementation of motivational readiness of students to perceive the humanitarian content of texts in a foreign language is determined by a complex of external and internal conditions, the most significant of which are a psychologically favorable climate in practical classes in a foreign language, expectations of the teacher, the humanistic orientation of the pedagogical process in a foreign language, the location of the student in the center of the learning process, the activation and stimulation of the process of self-actualization of the individual. professional competence language student

In the process of implementing the proposed concept of humanization of teaching a foreign language, students not only passively acquire certain information about the country of the language being studied, but actively participate in the process of acculturation, developing as subjects of a dialogue of cultures. At the same time, students master verbal and non-verbal behavior patterns adopted in a different linguo-cultural community, they are aware of the national-specific features of the perception of the world representatives of another language and culture, which generally leads to formation of intercultural communication skills.

To achieve the goals of humanization of teaching a foreign language purposeful selection of authentic texts is necessary, which are source of background knowledge, selection of the most effective ways of enrichment of students' linguistic consciousness with nationally marked lexical units and the development of a special set of exercises aimed at the formation of a humanitarianly literate, communicatively trained and tolerant personality of a modern specialist.

The process of teaching foreign languages at the university has great internal reserves, the identification of which leads to a greater variability of educational texts in a foreign language and design corresponding to the goals of humanization of education of various pre-text and post-text exercises to them.

The revealed pedagogical foundations for the formation of a foreign language professional communicative competence in the context of humanization, tested in the process of experimental work, led to the conclusion: the humanization of the content of education requires a revision of the goals, content and technology of studying a foreign language as a new means of communication, a new means of intercultural communication and intercultural understanding. Implementation of the humanization of vocational education in practical classes in a foreign language is possible through the formation of three levels of humanitarian culture of students: intellectual, emotional and activity. The levels of humanitarian culture of students were singled out by us according to the criterion of the individual's awareness of the importance of core humanitarian ideas and activity aspects of the student's personality. They were tracked by us in the process of organizing longitudinal experimental work carried out at base of the Cherkasy State Technological University.

Experimental work confirmed the hypothesis of the study and showed that for the development of personal qualities of a future specialist "foreign language" is one of the main academic disciplines and that the development of the students' personality can be carried out through the development of the levels of their humanitarian culture through the use of specially selected learning content (texts, tasks, exercises), as well as based on modern technologies for teaching foreign languages. Within the framework of teaching intercultural communication (by this term an adequate mutual understanding of two participants belonging to different cultures is determined), content of cultural component is of great importance. The basis of such training is culture as a way of life, i.e. the customs and beliefs of a certain group of people in certain time. Culture is made up of ideas, customs and art, that are distributed in a particular society. Culture is also a certain society or civilization, especially one that perceived in connection with its ideas, art and lifestyle.

The subject "Foreign language" brings a foreign culture, part of the spiritual wealth that a person receives in the process of communicative teaching of foreign languages in educational, developing and cognitive processes. Considering culture as a model of the world based on complexly organized interpretations of our sensations, we come to the need to consider such a component of the humanization of education as the formation and development of intercultural communicative competence. Intercultural communication is communication carried out in the conditions of culturally determined differences in the communicative competence of its participants; it is characterized by the fact that its participants, in direct contact, use special language variants and discursive strategies that are different from those that they use when communicating within the same culture. We believe that in the context of the humanization of the process of studying a foreign language, it is advisable to pay attention to cultural differences in value systems, which generally make up the picture of the world of a given culture. This picture includes such fundamental things, as the attitude to time, to activity, to nature, ideas about the value of interpersonal relationships. Here's an example.

The German word for smoking ban is “Rauchen verboten” (approximately "Smoking is prohibited"). English - “No smoking” (approx. "No smoking here"). Direct translation of a German expression into English (Smoking forbidden) can only be used when smoking is associated with a threat to life, since only in this case, English-speaking (British, American) cultures allow the possibility that some person or authority can dictate to a person how to behave. In a normal situation, it is only reported how they behave here.

Thus, even in relatively close European cultures culturally determined differences in linguistic activity can lead to misunderstandings and distortion of the situation. Therefore, in connection with the growing role of a foreign language in the professional activities and communication of a specialist in the context of expanding professional international contacts and business communication, the introduction of the Internet and new means of communication, the requirements for foreign language professional communicative competence also grows, and it determines the need to form the foundations of intercultural communicative competence in the learning process.

Using the comparative method during the work with scientific literature, we single out as the goal of humanitarization of education the formation of a cultural and linguistic personality, the model of which consists of the following components: - axiological, associated with the assimilation of the system of values and analysis of the social situation, taking into account the obtained value orientations;

- linguistic, aimed at the formation of information and communication competence in the field of a foreign language;

- sociocultural, associated with the assimilation of cultural stereotypes and social norms;

- communicative - activity, aimed at the formation of skills and abilities of scientific, business and everyday communication in a foreign language;

- pragmatic, associated with the formation of skills for the practical application of the acquired knowledge.

Inclusion of a cultural and linguistic personality into the teaching of foreign languages leads to the need to rethink the goals of learning, which are considered as the main didactic factor that determines the entire educational process.

The most effective approach that allows for the formation of a humanitarian culture and foreign language communicative competence of students in the process of mastering a system of professional skills and abilities can be considered a communicative-activity approach.

It is considered in modern literature as an integrated approach, based on the activity of the student (creating situations of active communicative activity), consistency (logicality, complexity, portioning, regularity, interdependence), flexibility (differentiation and integration of learning content) and includes various combination of elements of grammar and translation, audio visual, professional contextual, problem-communicative, situational-communicative, creative approaches.

Cultural approach involves a versatile familiarization of the student with a foreign culture and a certain attitude towards the subject of culture, capable of understanding, accepting and respecting other cultures, as well as self-realization in communication with other cultures.

Among the provisions of cultural approach that meet the objectives of our study, the following stand out: 1. Each student acts as the subject of culture, their activity is culture itself.

2. The civilizational process acts as a synthesis of cultures. The process of formation and the functioning of culture is ensured through education, maintaining and enhancing traditions.

3. Pedagogical process and its participants are seen as subjects of cultural exchange in the familiarization process with the cultural values of life in society.

The culturological approach to higher professional education allows us to consider it as a process of integration by the future specialists in sociocultural values in personal self-determination in professional activities, and it is one of the most important mechanisms for the formation of a professional culture of a specialist by means of learning a foreign language.

In the study, we develop and implement a structure for the formation of the readiness of a future specialist for intercultural communication, which consists of the following components:

- sociocultural, involving both the formation of a set of background cultural knowledge, behavioral norms, and the ability to adequately apply them in the process of communication and activity;

- cognitive activity, involving the elaboration of a set of theoretical cultural knowledge, the development of reflective activity, the ability to penetrate into a foreign culture;

- situational-reflexive, considered by us as the ability to present cultural information in a situation of intercultural interaction;

- comparable, involving the development of students' understanding of cultural and worldview differences based on cultures comparison.

- multicultural and ideological, aimed at developing openness, tolerance, harmonization of moral and intellectual qualities among students, the formation of inner harmony, understanding the need for international solidarity and cooperation, as well as empathy.

So, an important aspect in the communicative-activity approach in teaching a foreign language is an activity as a form of active purposeful interaction of the student with the outside world. The educational activity of the student, in general, consists in mastering the ways of educational activities, as well as in selfdevelopment. The student's learning activities are monitored and evaluated, which translates into self-control and self-esteem. When studying a foreign language, the main activity is speech activity, which is a conversation, communication with the teacher, classmates. Speech activity in the classroom is encouraged, organized and supervised by the teacher.


Formation of foreign language communicative competencies of students in higher education institutions in the context of humanization of education at the present stage of development of the world community should be considered as a mandatory component of general professional training. To ensure the effectiveness of the process of forming a foreign language communicative competence it is advisable to develop new methodological approaches and determine the pedagogical conditions for their implementation.

The introduction of methods mentioned above will significantly increase the effectiveness of learning language material and different types of speech activities simultaneously, intensify the learning process, create a need for foreign language communication together with the development of mental and creative abilities of future specialists, their moral education.


1. Gurova, T. Yu. Formuvannya profesijnoyi komunikatyvnoyi kompetentnosti majbutnogo vchytelya anglijskoyi movy na zasadax interaktyvnogo navchannya. Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo derzhavnogo universytetu, 82, 2016, 20 - 25 [in Ukrainian].

2. Campillo-Ferrer, J.-M. Gamification in Higher Education: Impact on Student Motivation and the Acquisition of Social and Civic Key Competencies. Sustainability. №2 2020, 1-13.

3. Information and communication technology (ICT) in education. Learning Portal. 2019. Available from: and-materials/information-andcommunication-technology-ict

3. Kalugina, O.A. Development of students professional communicative competence in an economic higher school. XLinguae Journal, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2016, pp. 37-45. Retrieved from: DOI: 10.18355 / XL.2016.09.04.37-4.

4. Synorub, H., Medynska, O. Development of information culture of students of humanitarian specialities. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 72(4), 152-167. Available from:

5. Ellis, R. "Second Languge Acqusition and Language Pedagogy'' Asian EFL Journal 2010, in second language, September

6. Ruzmetova Nodira (2017). Communicative competence in English language teaching. Molodoy uchenyi - Young scientist, 24.2 (158.2), 55-57. Retrieved from


1. Gurova, T. Yu. Formuvannya profesijnoyi komunikatyvnoyi kompetentnosti majbutnogo vchytelya anglijskoyi movy na zasadax interaktyvnogo navchannya. Visnyk Zhytomyrskogo derzhavnogo universytetu, 82, 2016, 20 - 25 [in Ukrainian].

2. Campillo-Ferrer, J.-M. Gamification in Higher Education: Impact on Student Motivation and the Acquisition of Social and Civic Key Competencies. Sustainability. №2 2020, 1-13.

3. Information and communication technology (ICT) in education. Learning Portal. 2019. Available from: and-materials/information-andcommunication-technology-ict

3. Kalugina, O.A. Development of students professional communicative competence in an economic higher school. XLinguae Journal, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2016, pp. 37-45. Retrieved from: DOI: 10.18355 / XL.2016.09.04.37-4.

4. Synorub, H., Medynska, O. Development of information culture of students of humanitarian specialities. Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 72(4), 152-167. Available from: https://doi .org/ 10.33407/itlt.v72i4.2922

5. Ellis, R. "Second Languge Acqusition and Language Pedagogy'' Asian EFL Journal 2010, in second language, September

6. Рузметова, Нодира. Communicative competence in English language teaching / Нодира Py3MeTOBa.Molodoy uchenyi. -- 2017. -- № 24.2 (158.2). -- С. 55-57. -- URL:

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