Features of professional burnout in the teachers-choreographers
The main analysis of professional burnout of teachers-choreographers, whose work is associated with intense physical and emotional stress. Characteristics of psycho-emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of professional achievements.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.08.2022 |
Размер файла | 23,7 K |
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Head of Psychology Department of Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
Instrumental Training Department of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
Features of professional burnout in the teachers-choreographers
Overchuk Victoriia Anatoliivna Doctor of Economics
Bondarchuk Olha Petrivna Lecturer of Musicology
The article is devoted to the features of professional burnout of choreographers, whose work is associated with intense physical and emotional stress, which combines the functions of a teacher, a choreographer and a tutor. The authors consider the burning out as a three-component system that includes psycho-emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of professional achievements. The peculiarities of the choreographers' pedagogical activity were considered which are related to their characteristics that contribute to the formation of the professional burnout phenomenon. The peculiarities of the three main structural components of the choreographer profession are analysed, which affect the level of neuropsychiatric violation, such as pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication, and personal qualities of a teacher-choreographer. The role of the global pandemic Covid-19, the distance learning, and high demands relating to the personality of the teacherchoreographer was separately considered, which could also be a prerequisite for professional burnout. This is because conducting distance lessons often takes more time, effort and energy from the teachers. It can be more stressful, due to lower involvement and return from students than in regular classes. The article is highlighted certain stressful features of pedagogical communication in the activities of a teacher-choreographer. It is also, noted the idea that the state of chronic emotional stress can lead to deformation of the emotional sphere of the teacher, a form of which is professional burnout. A rather high level of mental burnout in teachers was revealed, in the structure of which the leading role is played by the component of professional motivation; high level of neuroticism; high level of the inconsistency of significant values with the possibility of their implementation in professional activities; an average level of skills development and abilities of self-regulation; quite favourable socio-psychological climate and satisfactory nature of the organization of teachers' professional activities. The main determinants that cause the emergence of occupational burnout have been identified and systematized, which include internal individual psychological and external socio-psychological factors.
The authors prove the importance of the syndrome of professional burnout in choreographers, which is because their activities are related to the education, upbringing and development of children, the formation of the comprehensive and harmonious development of youth, and their abilities to achieve the highest values of society: human happiness, goodness, beauty and spiritual rebirth.
Keywords: the teachers-choreographers, professional burnout, psychoemotional exhaustion, pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication, personal qualities.
Оверчук Вікторія Анатоліївна доктор економічних наук, кандидат психологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри психології Донецького національного університету імені Василя Стуса
Бондарчук Ольга Петрівна викладач кафедри музикознавства, інструментальної підготовки Вінницького державного педагогічного університету імені Михайла Коцюбинського
Стаття присвячена особливостям професійного вигоряння педагогів-хореографів, трудова діяльність яких пов'язана із інтенсивними фізичними та емоційними навантаженнями, які поєднують у своїй роботі функції педагога, балетмейстера і репетитора. Автори розглядають вигоряння як трьох компонентну систему, що включає психоемоційне виснаження, деперсоналізацію та редукцію професійних досягнень. Розглянуті особливості педагогічної діяльності у викладачів-хореографів, які пов'язані із їхніми особистісними характеристиками що сприяють формуванню феномену професійного вигоряння. Проаналізовано особливості трьох основних структурних компонентів професії викладача-хореографа, які впливають на підвищення рівня нервово-психічної наруги, таких як: педагогічна діяльність, педагогічне спілкування, особистісні якості вчителя-хореографа. Окремо розглянуто роль світової пандемії Covid-19, дистанційного навчання та високих вимог, які ставляться до особистості педагога-хореографа, що також можуть бути передумовою професійного вигоряння. Це зумовлено тим, що проведення дистанційних уроків часто забирає більше часу, зусиль і енергії в педагогів, може бути більш стресогенним, що зумовлено більш низькою залученістю та віддачею від учнів, ніж на звичайних заняттях. У статті виділені певні стресогенні особливості педагогічного спілкування у діяльності вчителя- хореографа, виокремлено думку, що саме стан хронічного емоційного напруження може призвести до деформації емоційної сфери педагога, формою якої є професійного вигоряння. Виявлено досить високий рівень психічного вигоряння у педагогів, у структурі якого провідну роль відіграє компонент професійної мотивації; високий рівень невротизації; високий рівень неузгодженості значимих цінностей із можливістю їх реалізації у професійній діяльності; середній рівень розвитку умінь та навичок саморегуляції; досить сприятливий соціально-психологічний клімат та задовільний характер організації професійної діяльності педагогів. Виявлені та систематизовані основні детермінанти, що зумовлюють виникнення професійного вигоряння, які включають внутрішні індивідуально-психологічні та зовнішні соціально- психологічні фактори.
Авторами доводиться значимість синдрому професійного вигоряння у педагогів-хореографів яка зумовлена тим, що їхня діяльність пов'язана з навчанням, вихованням і розвитком дітей, формуванням всебічного та гармонійному розвитку молоді, їхніх здібностей на досягнення вищих цінностей суспільства: людського щастя, добра, краси, духовного відродження.
Ключові слова: педагоги-хореографи, професійне вигоряння, психоемоційне виснаження, педагогічна діяльність, педагогічне спілкування, особистісні якості.
Formulation of the problem
Human life in modern conditions is considered one of the most stressful of all human existence. After all, now his life and work depend on the impact of socio-economic changes, moral and psychological deformations of personality, psycho-emotional overload and other negative events and stressors. Such totality often leads to a loss of psychological stability, because the load on the psyche reaches a critical level. The human adaptive capacity of the body does not work, and therefore the nervous system is overloaded and suffers. Stress at work/service and in personal life, emotional stress, nervous breakdowns and psychosomatic illnesses are often the cause of many diseases, and personal and professional deformities, including psycho-emotional burnout. In connection with it, it is important to study the phenomenon of burnout which is a psychological phenomenon that hurts mental and physical health and the effectiveness of specialists engaged in the social sphere, especially representatives of pedagogical professions. Existing studies of pedagogical activity have shown that it has several features that allow it to be characterized as potentially affectogenic. The importance of studying the burnout phenomenon in teachers is undeniable because of the high social significance of the teachers' work. Pedagogical activity has several features that allow it to be classified as potentially emotional. This may be the basis for teachers to develop mental burnout. The study of psychological determinants of teachers' mental burnout is necessary for further work to prevent it and eliminate the negative consequences of this phenomenon. High emotional tension is caused by the presence of a large number of stressors that are constantly present in the teachers' work. These are the features of the activity, such as high dynamism, lack of time, workloads, the complexity of pedagogical situations that arise, role uncertainty, social evaluation, etc. The specifics of pedagogical communication include the need for frequent and intensive contact, and interaction with various social groups. Emotional features of pedagogical activity can contribute to the emergence and development of burnout.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Theoretical and empirical studies of burnout are widely represented in foreign psychology M. Anderson, Е. Iwanick, М. Burisch, R. Burke, D. Cronin-Stubbs, С. Rooks, M. Davis-Sacks, D. Ford, M. Leiter, T. Marek, C. Maslach, S. Jackson, A. Pines, W. Schaufeli, J. Winnubst, M. А. Аminov, V. V. Boiko, N. V. Hryshyna, А. K. Markova, L. M. Mitina, V. Ye. Orel, А. А. Rukavyshnikov, T. V. Formaniuk). At the same time, today the peculiarities of choreographers' professional burnout are not studied enough, although they work intensively in conditions of high physical and emotional load, combining in their work the teacher's functions, choreographer, and tutor.
The purpose of the article is to study the preconditions and features of the professional burnout formation in teachers-choreographers in modern conditions of pedagogical activity.
Presenting main material. For understanding the syndrome of “professional burnout”, it is necessary to reveal the concept of “emotional burnout”, which appeared in psychology relatively recently, but has already been widely used and studied by scientists in various fields. There are different approaches to the study of the burnout phenomenon. Representatives of the interpersonal approach identify the interpersonal relationships of the professional as the main reason for burnout. In the individual approach, burnout is seen as the result of a gradual and consistent process of frustration that occurs in highly motivated professionals who seek to find meaning in life at work. The organizational approach identifies the factors of the working environment as the main sources of burnout.
The representatives of all approaches consider burnout as a three-component system that includes psycho-emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of professional achievements. professional burnout emotional depersonalization
In our opinion, currently, the most accurately reveals the essence and content of the definition of mental burnout, which was proposed by A. A. Rukavyshnykov [1].
According to him, mental burnout is a “stable, progressive, negatively coloured psychological phenomenon, characterized by psycho-emotional exhaustion, the development of dysfunctional attitudes and behaviour at work, loss of professional motivation, which is manifested in people who do not suffer from psychopathology.”
For understanding the syndrome of “professional burnout”, firstly, it is necessary to reveal the concept of “emotional burnout”, which appeared in psychology relatively recently but has already been widely used in scientific texts and lexicons of psychologists [2].
The term “emotional burnout” is indicated in MKKH-10 because of prolonged unresolved stress in the workplace [3]. It should be noted that the symptoms of this syndrome are very debilitating and affect the health of the individual and his life, in particular, the attention is making weaker, the relationships turn a take for the worse, conflicts are more frequent, and life satisfaction decreases. Thus, emotional burnout, manifested in professional activities, is defined either as a psychological protective mechanism or as a deformation of personality, which is formed under the influence of internal and external preconditions. Revealing the essence of the professional burnout syndrome and its relationship with occupational stress, it should be noted that in the most general form, the professional burnout syndrome can be interpreted as a stress response that occurs due to prolonged occupational stress of medium intensity [2].
Professional burnout syndrome is physical, emotional or motivational exhaustion. This phenomenon is usually seen as a stress response in response to production and emotional demands, and the person is too committed to professional activities and at the same time despises family life or leisure. Such a prolonged disequilibrium inevitably leads to emotional burnout, and therefore it is a consequence of stress, which a person is unable to manage. This is preceded by a state when a person subconsciously accumulates negative emotions, rather than getting rid of them. Psychologists often consider “burnout” syndrome in the context of professionalization. Investigating mental burnout in the process of educational activity of teachers depending on age and length of service, N. Maltseva defines it as follows: “Mental burnout syndrome is a complex structural and dynamic formation, which is formed in the process of teaching and this is a negative effect of professionalization” [4].
An important aspect of the study of mental burnout is the analysis of the system of interrelated external and internal factors that determine the emergence and development of this phenomenon in choreographers. This is due to the specifics of this kind of art, which combines the development of physical and spiritual values of the individual. There are certain features of choreographers' pedagogical activity, which are related to their characteristics that contribute to the formation of the phenomenon of their burnout. The professional activity of a teacher is one of the most emotionally intense types of work, due to its specificity, namely, the features of the three main structural components: pedagogical activities, pedagogical communication, and the personality of the teacher-choreographer.
The conducted analysis of scientific works allowed us to establish such features of pedagogical activity that affect the increased level of nervous and mental stress [5]:
responsibility for the health and learning outcomes of children;
the need for constant confirmation of their level of qualification;
tension and variability of operating conditions, emotional activity;
constant work of attention,
the need for continuous logical and psychological analysis of situations;
work with people, conflict situations among students, with their parents, with colleagues and management of the educational institution.
It is impossible to ignore the fact that the global pandemic Covid-19 interfered with the usual pedagogical activity, which led to the radical changes in the professional activities of choreographers, testing their physical and professional health. Many people are faced with the professional need to rapidly master new digital space technologies and adapt to the challenges of distance learning. For learning that is more effective all the materials, which were used in the teacher's arsenal, must be systematized in the order of their consistent assimilation by the choreographic logic of the educational presentation and creative tasks. It is worth noting that an important condition for effective distance learning is a conscious approach of students to education and self-education. Conducting distance lessons often takes more time, effort and energy from teachers, and can be more stressful, due to lower involvement and return from students than in regular classes [6].
In addition, during the pedagogical activity of teachers-choreographers it is possible to allocate several features in pedagogical communication with students:
Communication in a choreographic team is an important part of the team's life. It acts not only as an organization of the relationship between the teacher-choreographer and the members of the team, but it is also an integral condition for the implementation of the entire educational process;
The socio-psychological climate of the team depends on the style of pedagogical communication. Thus, the creation of an environment conducive to the interaction of team members and creative activities depends entirely on the teacher-choreographer;
To form and develop the personality of their students, the teacherchoreographer must organize the process of communication in the choreographic team, taking into account the age characteristics of the participants. It is also important to consider the possibility of organizing communication not only in class but also outside them, in an informal setting;
Communication in the choreographic team has a great influence on the development of students' personality. It contributes to the formation of worldview, values, and ethical and aesthetic norms of behaviour in society, and develops important qualities in children, necessary for life in society.
The personality of a teacher-choreographer is subject to high requirements, which can be a prerequisite for professional burnout and can have various manifestations. It depends on the individual psychological and professional characteristics of the person such as:
stress resistance;
temperament type;
material aspects;
relations in the team;
career growth, etc.
The importance of the professional burnout syndrome in choreographers is also because their activities are related to the education, upbringing and development of children; formation of the comprehensive and harmonious development of personality, which generates optimism, social activity of young people, directs their strengths and abilities to achieve the highest values of society: human happiness, goodness, beauty and spiritual rebirth. A teacher-choreographer who experiences the effects of “professional burnout” may try to overcome the situation by avoiding his colleagues, physically and mentally distancing himself from them. Evasion and distancing can manifest themselves in different ways. For example, the teacher avoids personal contacts, while coming up with different circumstances and reasons; communicates impersonally with colleagues; shows negativity in everything; as a result, he becomes depressed and begins to perceive the situation as “hopeless.” It is getting harder and harder to find solutions to problems find inspiration and apply creativity in your work. Choreographers may have such psychophysical symptoms as:
the feeling of constant fatigue not only in the evening but also in the morning;
causeless headache;
increase or decrease in body weight;
insomnia at night and desire to sleep all day;
decreased external and internal sensory sensitivity (impaired vision, hearing, smell and touch, loss of internal bodily sensations);
muscle pain, stiffness in the hands.
Socially, there are states such as indifference, boredom, passivity and depression. The teacher shows increased irritability for minor events, which can lead to nervous breakdowns or sudden outbursts of anger. The teacher adjusts himself to the generally negative attitudes in life and professional prospects. Behavioural symptoms describe well the following cases in the activity: the feeling that the work is becoming more complex and that it is becoming increasingly difficult to perform; noticeable change in your work schedule (late or faster end of the working day); decreased enthusiasm for work; focusing on small details; abuse of psychostimulants, etc.
As we noted above, the factor influencing burnout is the individual characteristics of the nervous system and the temperament of the teacher. Introverts burn out especially quickly, whose individual psychological features do not agree with the professional requirements of the communicative, creative profession. They do not have an excess of vital energy, are also characterized by modesty and shyness, prone to isolation and concentration on the subject of professional activity. They can accumulate emotional discomfort without “dropping” negative experiences into the environment. The workers with a weak nervous system and those who are prone to idealism also burn out faster. People who experience constant intrapersonal conflict in connection with work are more prone to professional burnout syndrome. Most often, both in Ukraine and abroad, these are women who experience internal contradictions between work and family, as well as pressure due to the need to constantly prove their professional capabilities in the face of fierce competition, which is often found in teaching staff.
Conclusions. Thus, in our opinion, we can identify certain stressful features of pedagogical communication in the activities of a teacher-choreographer. They include:
negative psychological climate;
the need for frequent and long-term contact with people;
interaction with various social groups (students, their parents, colleagues, representatives of the administration);
the specifics of the “object” of labour, which is manifested in its activity.
As personality characteristics that cause emotional distress in teachers, we have identified: inconsistency of personality's motives and activity of the teacher, inconsistency between individual-typological features of personalities and character of pedagogical activity.
The state of chronic emotional stress that can lead to the deformation of the emotional sphere of the teacher, is a form of which is professional burnout.
Based on the theoretical analysis, we have identified and systematized the main determinants that cause professional burnout, which include internal individual psychological and external socio-psychological factors.
The individual psychological factors include: high level of neuroticism;
inconsistency in the value sphere of the individual;
Non-formation of skills and abilities of self-regulation.
External socio-psychological determinants include:
the negative socio-psychological climate of the team;
Shortcomings in the activities organization.
A rather high level of mental burnout in teachers was revealed, in the structure of which the leading role is played by the component of professional motivation; high level of neuroticism; high level of the inconsistency of significant values with the possibility of their implementation in professional activities; an average level of development of skills and abilities of self-regulation; quite favourable socio- psychological climate and satisfactory nature of the organization of professional activities of teachers.
Professional burnout of a choreography teacher is a socio-psychological phenomenon caused by the syndrome of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion, which leads to the development of negative self-esteem, indifference to professional activities, and depersonalization.
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курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013Planning a research study. Explanation, as an ability to give a good theoretical background of the problem, foresee what can happen later and introduce a way of solution. Identifying a significant research problem. Conducting a pilot and the main study.
реферат [26,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2012The impact of the course Education in Finland on my own pedagogical thinking and comparison of the Finnish school system and pedagogy with my own country. Similarities and differences of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan and Finland.
реферат [15,2 K], добавлен 01.04.2012Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.
презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.
статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014Main part: Reading skills. A Writing Approach to–Reading Comprehension–Schema Theory in Action. The nature of foreign-language teaching. Vocabulary teaching techniques.
курсовая работа [23,8 K], добавлен 05.12.2007What are the main reasons to study abroad. Advantages of studying abroad. The most popular destinations to study. Disadvantages of studying abroad. Effective way to learn a language. The opportunity to travel. Acquaintance another culture first-hand.
реферат [543,8 K], добавлен 25.12.2014