The use of CLIL methodology in the English language teaching

Analysis of the principles of the method application, the benefits of its implementation in the educational process. The difficulties that arise when using CLIL technique. Study of a subject through the language and the language through the subject.

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Дата добавления 16.08.2022
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Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University


LELEKA Tetiana Oleksandrivna - Candidate of Philological

Sciences/PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of

the Department of Translation, Applied and General Linguistics

Analysis of recent research and publications

In the modern dynamically developing society, serious processes of education modernization are taking place; they entail the need for changes in the requirements for the qualification of a teacher. This fact also requires an updated approach to the professional development. Thus, the introduction of the professional educational standard should contribute to the formation and improvement of the various general and professional competencies of the English teachers [6, p. 323]. The effectiveness of foreign languages study should be ensured by conducting the classes in the modern forms of the interaction between the teachers and students, using innovative educational technologies.

There is no consensus among the researchers on how to organize CLIL teaching for the subject. It is implemented according to several models: teaching the language separately and in advance, as preparation for the study; teaching the foreign language through the subject content, which has already been learned in the native language; teaching the language and subject within the same course [10, p. 215].

The latter model is more consistent, however, it is rarely practiced in the pure form, since the conditions and traditional organization of the educational process, do not allow this [7, p. 245].

The modern requirements for the training of a graduate of any higher educational institution include a number of specific competencies: the ability to self-education, knowledge of innovative technologies, understanding the prospects and opportunities for their use, the skills to make decisions independently, adaptability to new social and professional conditions [2, p. 1201].

Despite the solid reputation, CLIL has not become a fully established educational model yet. If properly implemented, the CLIL methodology improves not only the knowledge of the foreign language, but also the competitiveness of the educational establishments.

Nowadays, there are many language integrated approach (CLIL) definitions, each of which characterizes its multifaceted essence. For example, some scientists explain the method as subject-language integrated one; where the students learn the material through the foreign language and vice versa [5].

The most detailed and generally accepted definition is proposed by the founder of this approach, who created the content language integrated learning (CLIL is currently used in the scientific and methodological literature in different languages) [11]. Many foreign methodologists have involved this method in the study (B. Kay (Kay, 2010), F. Ball (Ball, 2021), S. Darn (Darn, 2021) and K. Reed (Read, 2021).

English is widely used in many European universities. Due to this, a large number of European researchers in the field of integrated subject and language teaching (CLIL) distinguish this technique as a unique way of studying several subjects at once.

The purpose of the article

The specificity of the method is in the fact that knowledge of the language becomes a tool for studying the content of the subject. Particular attention is paid to both the content of special texts and the necessary subject vocabulary. It is the use of the language within the framework of the subject being studied.

Thus, the purpose of the work is to describe the main aspects of working with the CLIL method, which involves solving the following tasks:

• to analyze the principles of the method application;

• to point out the benefits of its implementation in the educational process;

• to outline the difficulties and problems that arise when using this technique.

The main material of the study

clil educational language application

The main principles of the CLIL-teaching approach are based on two concepts - language and integration. The methodology is conventionally divided into: hard CLIL when any subject can be taught in English and soft CLIL, teaching English using topics from other subjects [3, p. 23].

The principle of CLIL is the study of a subject through the language and the language through the subject. The methodology makes it possible to move away from training standards and gain the advanced knowledge.

The researcher identifies the following CLIL models: curriculum subject/topic (studying a subject in the foreign language to explore the academic discipline from different points of view); cross-subject connections (planning the teaching of different aspects of the same topic at English classes and the other ones); content-thematic approach (the comparative analysis of the topic, designed to see the difference in the understanding the same concept in different countries and cultures); integrated curriculum [8, p. 32].

The structure of the method is based on the following methodological principles: the content (knowledge and skills), the communication (the cooperation and communication in a foreign language during the learning process), cognitiveness (interaction, thinking and understanding), culture (self-determination, citizenship and ethnicity) [12, p. 450].

These requirements, the creation of teaching aids can be difficult to follow, since the texts, phonetic, grammatical and lexical exercises must be subordinated to one goal - the development of the professional knowledge using a certain set of the tools connected with the foreign language. Despite of many difficulties to use CLIL the method has many benefits. It allows the students to communicate more effectively with each other using a foreign language; helps to expand the intercultural knowledge of the students; develops their communication skills in the foreign language; opens their creative potential; increases the motivation to study the foreign language; trains all the language skills [9, p. 28].

Using the subject-language integrated method the students acquire a broad professional outlook, as they obtain the ability to navigate in their professional field not only in own country, but also abroad [6, p. 325]. The students get knowledge for the use of foreign information resources in the professional field, which leads to broadening the horizons and improving their skills.

CLIL is an approach that involves the development of social, cultural, cognitive, linguistic, academic and other skills, which contribute to the achievement in the field of study, both the subject and the language. [1, p. 27].

There are special requirements for the selection of educational material and the development of tasks for it. The text processing tasks should be built with an emphasis on the subject content, involve students in the process of understanding and discussing the main idea. The tasks should stimulate independent and creative activity of the students, as they include the communicative aspects for oral and written communication.

The successful application of the CLIL methodology, especially in the university education, is based on the content of carefully thought-out textual material in a foreign language, which should not only provide knowledge and understanding of the particular academic discipline, but also give an opportunity to practice or acquire skills and abilities using the foreign languages [9, p. 56].

The principle of changing the role of the teacher is one of the components. The foreign language competence of undergraduates is the ability and skills in the field of performing an adequate and equivalent translation of an authentic foreign language text on the subject of the specialty.

The tasks of the non-language subject should simultaneously be aimed at the semantic study of the topic and provide the opportunity for the formation of the lexical, grammatical and speaking skills in the foreign language [7, p. 247].

The classes should include authentic material in the target language, including written texts and video material. This allows the students to hear the language as it is spoken in a professional environment. CLIL classroom practice assumes that students become active participants in the development of their potential to acquire the knowledge and skills through the process of research (study), the use of the complex cognitive processes and means for problem solving [12, p. 453].

CLIL technology not only provides context for learning, but does so naturally and in a way that mimics what the students know. There are practically no grammar lessons in CLIL. The correct observance of the rules of speaking is much more important than learning grammar [6, p. 327]. The high level competence can be achieved in groups where the language is a means of communication, and not the object of the detailed analysis [9, p. 98].

It is necessary to use various forms of information presenting on the subject. Video and audio materials should also be included. The assignments should encourage the independent research.

Teaching based on CLIL technologies is effective by increasing motivation in the context of learning the professional language [2, p. 1202].

Listeners achieve fluency in a foreign language, using it for various purposes: contact and distance communication, online and offline communication, oral and written speech, etc. To understand and study the subject, a wide range of cognitive processes are activated.

The following pedagogical principles of the CLIL methodology can be applicable for the foreign language teaching. The principle of using professionally oriented authentic educational material with cognitive potential, since the components of the foreign language competence of undergraduates are the skills and abilities in the field of reading original authentic sources in a foreign language in the relevant fields of knowledge, as well as processing a large amount of foreign language information [7, p. 259].

The principles of intensive and productive knowledge of the foreign language, as one of the components of the foreign language competence of undergraduates are the skills and abilities in the field of the oral communication in monologue and dialogic forms in the general profile of the specialty.

The principle of multiculturalism is also used; since the components of the foreign language competence of undergraduates are skills in the field of extraction information from the texts listened to in the situation of intercultural research and professional communication.

The foreign language training is turning into a key element of the modern system of higher professional education, an effective tool for solving professional problems, and in terms of practical significance it becomes the professional disciplines [8, p. 36].

Working with CLIL methods such aspects must be taken into account: socio-cultural, political and economic. Compared to the countries in Europe, mobility in Ukraine is rather poorly developed, which is also captured by a range of political, cultural and economic rank. In this regard, for a long time there has been a traditional policy regarding language education, according to which the foreign language is considered as a secondary, non-essential discipline.

Conclusions and prospects for further researches of directions

The traditional system of language training for the future specialists in recent decades has proven its inability to properly respond to the challenges of the time [3, p. 28].

Content-Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has gained widespread acceptance in many education systems around the world. However, despite the undeniable advantages, the CLIL methodology still cannot be called a fully developed educational model.

The methodology of teaching the discipline within the framework of CLIL does not imply the strict use of the language material [12, p. 495] (unlike learning a foreign language), so the teacher has the opportunity to select language tools that, from his point of view, are the best able ones to implement the content of the classes.

The foreign language is gradually moving into the category of the applied tools necessary for implementation of the professionally oriented communication.

The CLIL methodology seems to be the most acceptable in the system of higher education, since the ability to communicate - orally or in writing - in the professional field gives the graduates the opportunity to create worthy competition in the field of their professional activity, and for the same reason, the foreign language of the professional communication is included in the educational programs of the Ukrainian universities.

The introduction of CLIL allows to broaden the horizons of trained subjects to the level of rapid adaptation to their specializations; to accelerate the immersion in the profession due to in-depth understanding interdisciplinary connections; to increase the motivational component studying the subject as a tool for achieving the professional success [7, p. 250].

Integrated subject and language teaching in the higher education is a growing area of the theoretical and practical research, and a single established concept of how the university should implement such training, does not exist. Each higher education institution has its own specifics, depending on which it accepts decision on the ways and methods of teaching students.

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4. Ball, Ph. (2013). How do you know if you're practicing CLIL? One Stop English: English Language Resources. URL: s/article-how-doyou-know-if-yourepractising- clil/500614.article

5. Broca, А. (2016). CLIL and non-CLIL: differences from the outset. ELT Journal. URL: CLIL_and_non-CLIL_differences_from_the_outset

6. Cenoz, J., Genesee, F., Gorter D. (2014). Critical analysis of CLIL: Taking stock and looking forward. Applied Linguistics. URL:

7. Coyle, D. (1999). CLIL: Learning Through a Foreign Language: Models, Methods and Outcomes. London.

8. Coyle, D. (2010). CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge University Press.

9. Dalton-Puffer, C., Llinares, A., Lorenzo, F., Nikula, T. (2014). You can stand under my umbrella: Immersion, CLIL and bilingual education. A response to Cenoz, Genesee & Gorter. Applied Linguistics. URL: ou_Can_Stand_Under_My_Umbrella_Immersion_CLIL _and_Bilingual_Education_A_Response_to_Cenoz_Gen esee_Gorter_2013

10. Marsh, D. (2002). CLTL / EMILE - the European Dimension: Actions, Trends and Foresights Potential. URL:

11. Wolff F., Borzikowsky, C. (2018). Intercultural Competence by International Experiences? An Investigation of the Impact of Educational Stays Abroad on Intercultural Competence and Its Facets. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. URL: ercultural_Competence_by_International_Experiences_ An_Investigation_of_the_Impact_of_Educational_Stays _Abroad_on_Intercultural_Competence_and_Its_Facets

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