How to teach distance learning

Advantages and disadvantages of distance forms of learning. Organization of effective interaction between teachers and students. Using work in pairs and small groups for communication and overcoming the physical gap. Monitoring students' knowledge online.

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How to teach distance learning

Herasymchuk Tetyana Volodymyrivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and

Pedagogy of Vocational Training

Gubareva Olga Semenivna Candidate of Psychological Sciences,

Associate Professor of Philosophy and Pedagogy of Vocational Training


A distance learning system is a type of education system where education is provided to students through text, audio or video. It involves the use of technology so that students understand the complex concepts of their teachers and can learn remotely. distance learning teacher student

Historically, distance learning courses have meant a corresponding course in which students received all instructions via mail or direct mail. All study material was provided by e-mail or sent to their address.

They just had to go to the test centers. But now, at this time of epidemic, many schools and colleges have opted for online courses due to the shutdown. Teachers make a great effort to teach their students online. So what is the best way to teach distance learning? Nowadays, it is easy for students to learn most things, all thanks to the Internet.

While students face an obstacle in traditional education, online courses will help them learn something new and gain knowledge. Dormitory students can also take advantage of this. E-learning is an effective way for students to study. Online education has many benefits that help students learn. Online education has made rapid progress recently.

Online courses can allow students when they cannot go to class in person. Through online courses, students can get the same quality of education at home. Education can have different purposes and online classes help meet them. Online education can be considered as education because it offers new opportunities for traditional education. Online courses are convenient and flexible. Different types of distance learning are available. Instructors-teachers nevertheless send all information to students via the Internet. In many higher education institutions, distance learning courses are of the same length as a full semester.

Here are some tips for teaching distance learning to help teachers provide or make learning interesting for their students.

Classrooms are complex places that affect a variety of elements. One of the joys (and challenges) of teaching is the need to constantly adapt to an ever-changing context. Patterns appear in the way we teach, but they are never static. Added to this challenge is that many teachers are now returning to the classrooms with a new change to which they will respond: socially remote seating arrangements.

Holding plenary discussions in an open class is a natural way to allow all students to contribute while maintaining physical distance. My post on class discussions offers a variety of ways to handle this. If we do not find ways to bridge the physical gap and allow our students to work in pairs and small groups, we run the risk of dramatically reducing their opportunities for communicative practice.

Keywords approaches, digital, video lessons, support, online education, device, virtual classroom


Викладання в умовах дистанційного навчання

Герасимчук Тетяна Володимирівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри філософії та педагогіки професійної підготовки, Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет

Губарева Ольга Семенівна кандидат психологічнихх наук, доцент кафедри філософії та педагогіки професійної підготовки, Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет

Система дистанційного навчання - це тип системи освіти, де освіта надається студентам за допомогою тексту, аудіо чи відео. Це передбачає використання технологій, щоб студенти розуміли складні поняття своїх викладачів і могли навчатися дистанційно.

Історично курси дистанційного навчання означали відповідний курс, на якому студенти отримували всі інструкції поштою або прямою поштою. Весь навчальний матеріал надано електронною поштою або надіслано на їх адресу. Їм просто потрібно було відправитися в центри тестування. Але зараз, у цей час епідемії, багато ВНЗ вибрали онлайн-курси через припинення традиційної форми навчання. Викладачі докладають величезних зусиль, щоб навчати своїх студентів онлайн. Отже, який найкращий спосіб для дистанційного навчання?

Сьогодні студентам легко навчитися більшості речей завдяки Інтернету. У той час як студенти стикаються з перешкодою в традиційній освіті, онлайн - курси допоможуть їм дізнатися щось нове та отримати знання. Цим можуть скористатися і студенти гуртожитків. Е-навчання є ефективним способом навчання студентів. Онлайн-освіта має багато переваг, які допомагають учням навчатися. Останнім часом онлайн-освіта швидко прогресувала. Онлайн-курси можуть дозволити студентам, коли вони не можуть відвідувати заняття особисто. Завдяки онлайн-курсам студенти можуть отримати таку ж якість освіти вдома. Освіта може мати різні цілі, і онлайн-класи допомагають їх досягти. Онлайн-освіту можна розглядати як освіту, оскільки вона пропонує нові можливості для традиційної освіти. Онлайн-курси зручні та гнучкі. Доступні різні види дистанційного навчання. Інструктори-викладачі все ж таки надсилають усю інформацію студентам через Інтернет. У багатьох вищих навчальних закладах дистанційні курси мають ту ж тривалість, що й повний семестр.

Ось кілька порад щодо дистанційного навчання, щоб допомогти викладачам забезпечити або зробити навчання цікавим для своїх студентів.

Проведення занять в аудиторії є природним способом дозволити всім студентам внести свій внесок, зберігаючи фізичну дистанцію. Моя публікація пропонує різноманітні способи обговорення дистанційно. Якщо ми не знайдемо способів подолати фізичний розрив і не дозволити нашим студентам працювати в парах і малих групах, ми ризикуємо різко скоротити їхні можливості для комунікативної практики.

Ключові слова: підходи, пристрій, відео-уроки, цифровий, підтримка, онлайн-освіта, віртуальний клас


Complex introduction of science and modern information technologies into the most important spheres of society, globalization of socioeconomic development of modern society, constant deepening of environmental problems - these and many other phenomena of course update philosophical, logical and methodological issues.

Their professional and creative thinking requires serious philosophical and methodological preparation of future experts for the complex challenges of modern society and the labor market. The intensive and extensive development of nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, information and cognitive technologies is causing irreversible changes in the nature of modern man.

This process will inevitably lead to a new level of technological, social and personal development of a person as a specialist, a professional with a new composition, thinking and mentality. The basis of modern society is intellectual technology, its main source is knowledge and information.

The development of information and telecommunication technologies has influenced the specifics of education, the study of which is increasingly important for the expansion of political, economic and cultural ties, access to a large amount of scientific and technical information. Therefore, today there is a discrepancy between the level of development of information technologies and the level of theoretical and practical development of their use in the educational process, especially in the education of university students [6].

The studied problem requires a systematic and comprehensive approach to the use of tools and websites for distance learning in order to combine traditional teaching methods and the latest Internet functions. Analytical and synthetic methods for the study of scientific sources and modern methodological literature were used to achieve the research goal.

An integrated approach to the use of the Internet makes it possible to expand the possibilities of Internet technologies and use structural and functional analysis to summarize the results of the study. It is important that teachers try to combine traditional teaching methods with the use of online technologies. professional development.

Nowadays, it is easy for students to learn most things, all thanks to the Internet. While students face barriers in traditional education, online courses help them learn something new and gain knowledge. Dormitory students can also use it. E-learning is an effective way for students to study. Online education has many benefits that help students learn. Online education has made rapid progress recently. Online courses can allow students when they cannot come to class in person. Through online courses, students can get the same quality education at home. Education can have different purposes and online courses help meet them. Online education can be considered as education because it offers new opportunities for traditional education. Online courses are convenient and flexible. There are different types of distance learning available. Instructor-teachers nevertheless send students all the information via the Internet. In many higher education institutions, distance learning courses have the same length as direct courses - eight weeks or a whole semester.

Distance learning has many benefits. However, they differ according to the synchronous or asynchronous waveforms. The benefits include: self-inspiration, flexibility in choice, adaptability and freedom, easy access, making money from learning, saving money and time, virtual trips, communication with other educational institutions.

Literature Review

Using connected mobile tools such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, we deliberately combine physical and online activities to create the optimal experience.

This is a mixed learning: locating learning experiences online or on the spot based on the relative strengths and weaknesses of each method. Combined courses give teachers the opportunity to combine the best of the web and online and create a new learning environment for their students. Research suggests that blended courses can have a positive impact on efficiency, comfort and learning outcomes. By moving most of the teaching to the online environment, blended courses increase participants' flexibility, provide educational benefits through automated and asynchronous online tools, and can penetrate the modern social web and help students cross traditional classroom boundaries. In order for teachers to continue to enjoy these benefits, they need to go beyond a simple "digital facelift". Instead, teachers should focus on creating transformational mixes through deliberate course redesign.

Coordinated pedagogical activity of teachers and students based on Internet technologies, especially the teacher's website, with regard to the system of principles, methods and strategies of the educational process to achieve this goal - the formation of the personality of the future professional.

Consideration should be given to defining a system of principles for the application of the higher education website: first, that the higher education education process has its own specificities; secondly, it is necessary to determine the didactic foundations of the application of Internet technologies of higher education on the basis of philosophical, dialectical laws of developmental processes. In addition, the 26 formation of the personality of the future professional is also influenced by the intellectual and creative activity and self-education of the students themselves according to Courtland Z.N., Khmelyuk R.I., Semenova A.V.

Principles of teaching - basic provisions, which are determined by the aims and objectives of teaching and determine the forms and methods of teaching, ie the rules of practical educational work of teachers who can predict a positive learning outcome.

Principles are characterized as basic, initial, theoretical provisions that determine the choice of methods, techniques, other ways of learning, because the principles (from the Latin principle - beginning, basis) - are the basic principles of science (learning theory), which can not be interpreted as recommendations.

In addition, if we add the definition of some researchers like Drozdova I.P., Buryak O.O., Saprykina T.G. we can identify such pedagogical functions of Internet technologies in student education as:

- communicative: forms the ability to use terminological vocabulary for the possibilities of professional communication, expression, argumentation about one's own positions in the specialization;

- information: carrying out various information operations (collection, processing, analysis, structuring, storage and transmission, etc.);

- management: allows to manage students' educational activities;

- educational: helps to find new information about professional, important knowledge;

Materials and Methods

So how can we ensure that our students communicate while being safe? Here are some activities that will allow our stu dents to work together and at the same time observe the physical gap that is emerging in the socially distant classroom.

Identify what can and cannot be transmitted. Some subjects that seemed impossible to master in the context of distance learning have been successfully implemented in recent months! But in some cases, where the course involves a lot of experiential learning or requires practical work, meeting the same goals of distance learning can be a challenging task. Therefore, it is recommended to learn the principle used in agile projects: do less, but do it well. For example: You have a three-day course involving technical manipulation or practical work. Transform two days that focus on learning key practices, and the third day leave the format in the classroom to practice technical skills.

Benefit from human interaction with added value. After defining the convertible range, you must divide the learning objectives between synchronous and asynchronous activities. You have to realize that distance learning does not mean that you have to exclude human interaction! This interaction plays an important role in the learning process: In the context of work or technical training, it provides feedback from an expert or colleagues about new professional experiences.

In practicing behavioral skills, interaction helps to compare opinions within a group, which in turn helps to question our beliefs and some of our mental routines (known socio-cognitive conflict).

Human interaction also allows you to interrupt the distance learning course with "meetings" to engage students and give the course a rhythm. It is therefore necessary, but it requires more attention in distance education, because you cannot rely on the body language of your students. Trainers therefore have to shake their heads to replace this missing element and be able to read non-verbal signals such as the tone of voice.

If possible, keep synchronous activities (such as virtual classes) for: exercises, simulations, problem solving (joint development), comparison of opinions, and do the rest.

Set up individual or group work between each virtual class. Asynchronous resources can enable students to learn content in an inverted classroom, but also and above all to practice, for example, in a work situation or to adopt new approaches.

In particular, the current period has shown how significantly the use of these activities before / after the virtual classroom has changed. Whereas the e-learning module was previously considered secondary and students created it themselves when they wanted to (or sometimes never), it has now become a key link in the learning chain and makes it "with others" on the same timeline.

As a result, new forms of peer-to-peer collaboration have emerged, such as joint monitoring, where participants do the module at the same time and share their ideas live or for viewing. Asynchronous activities therefore become more synchronous.

Choose between the extended or abbreviated format of your course. Now you need to make an important conversion decision and choose an expanded or compressed format.

Extended means that your course will stretch over several days, weeks or months.

ADVANTAGES: Multiple refocusing of students on certain concepts increases their mastery. Students also have time to start applying their knowledge in practice and know how to clearly identify what they have learned and improved.

POINT MONITORING: causes planning costs because you divide one event in the classroom into several distance learning events.

Compaction means that you keep the original format in the class, so you deploy virtual classes and activities for two days.

BENEFITS: Nothing needs to change compared to the original meeting schedule, and for some students it is easier to complete two consecutive days than multiple events spread over time.

POINT MONITORING: requires more concentration from both the tutor and the students and requires tools to help students subsequently transpose their knowledge.

All formats have their advantages and limitations. It is important to find the one that best suits your corporate culture and the autonomy of your students. Some will like to work for hours or days on their own, others will prefer the pace of learning in the classroom and will be "supported" by the group and the coach.

The risk is that students spend more time learning a new way of interacting than learning content. And in a virtual classroom, it can be toxic.

Therefore, you need to reduce the cognitive burden of your students by using slide templates or "zone" virtual classrooms so that you know immediately what and how to do.

What's more: reduce your design costs by reusing approaches that work.

Train your coaches in distance education. The distance course is not the same as in the classroom: the rhythm is different, there are more blind spots in students' perceptions of understanding and mastering, and above all, the technological environment must be fully mastered. It is not visible [4].

You will need to train your trainers in three ways:

Learn the features of the virtual classroom platform chosen in your organization.

Knowing how to learn as a "radio host": it consists of making a remote connection, immersing students in situations they can identify with, adding value by making every minute useful and creating emotions.

Help students with their activities before / after the virtual classroom: this means learning more tutorial-like approaches and moving from group teaching to providing individual support

Prepare a back-office. When you design your solutions and train your trainers, you are ready to publish a meeting schedule. However, be careful, your training will only be effective if the training content is relevant and your back-office costs are under control. It is important to ensure administrative processes before implementation.

Before you start distance learning in bulk, do a trial version with a few lessons. This will allow you to check that your administrative process is working properly. Now let's talk about strategies:

Class discussion. This may be one of the most challenging activities in the hybrid and social remote class. Why? For students who participate virtually, it will probably be difficult to hear the contributions of students who attend in person. Virtual students probably hear the teacher through the microphone, but without additional microphones to capture the voices of the students in the room, it is not clear how the virtual students will hear the personal students. Some rooms may have audio equipment that students can pick up in person, but many classes will not have this type of equipment and it is not yet clear how well these extra microphones will work for students who can speak through masks.

Live voting. One easy way to engage students in the Zoom room and in the conversation is to use the live voting tool to ask them questions about the course material. We used to use "clickers" for this type of voting live, but now we have a lot of options for classroom response systems. One option would be to use any of the voting features provided by your video conferencing tool. For example, zoom surveys will make it much easier for you to ask multiple-choice questions. This would mean that your students would have to attend a Zoom session, which has benefits. However, if your zoom screen is too busy, you can let your personal students turn off the cameras; Zoom can hide participants who do not have cameras turned on.

Backchannel. Text chat, which is probably part of your video conferencing tool, can be used to host what is called a class callback channel. Spoken dialogue between

you and your personal or online students forms the "front channel", while text chat provides a forum for further discussions between students. Backchannel can be useful to promote dialogue and even a sense of community among your personal and online students. It can also serve some purposes of universal design by providing a written alternative to spoken discussions or ad hoc text captions for spoken conversation.

Writing notes together. A variant of the backchannel approach is to take notes. This usually involves setting up a Google document that students can use during class to take notes from the class discussion. Often, two or three students are appointed as principals for a given class, with this obligation alternating between students during the semester, but all students are encouraged to read and contribute to the shared notes.

Group work. Live voting, feedback, and note-taking are useful activities that do not require students to leave their physical or virtual locations. But what about group work in a hybrid classroom, where students themselves cannot move freely around the classroom? Consider a possible scenario:

You have three discussion questions that your students can consider in small groups. Normally, you can publish these questions on a PowerPoint slide or include them in the press. However, in your hybrid class, you placed your three questions at the top of the Google Spreadsheet, one per column. You will ask your students to divide into groups of two or three, with the personal groups sitting six feet apart at the tables and your online students moving to separate rooms on your video conferencing platform. You will give your students some time to discuss the questions in the groups and report their answers using Google Spreadsheets, with each small group selecting an unused table row to document their answers.

You can usually circulate among your students as they work to listen and ask a few questions. This is not possible at this time, but Google spreadsheets are for a similar purpose. As students work, you follow the sheet, track your students' progress in the activity (so you know when to call), and get an overview of their answers (so you can schedule a briefing at the end of the activity). When the group work is over, you will highlight a few student responses that you can share with the whole group (either yourself or ask for the word of the most vocal member of the group) along with your comments that reflect and synthesize the students' thoughts, ideas [8].

This approach has the advantage of involving your personal and online students in essentially the same activity. This can be easier for your online students if it is difficult for your students to speak remotely and through masks. This means that if small groups have some kind of collaboration document that gives them some way to handle a group conversation. For example, one group may assign each question to another student to suggest an answer, and then change the questions for editing and revision. Coordination would take place through some simple personal communication, but the difficult task of answering would take place in a joint document. You can support group strategies like this if you find yourself in a classroom where students don't hear each other well.

Written exam. One note for those who teach in disciplines (such as math) where group work involves students who see each other's written work: If you can equip 30 students with separate small portable whiteboards and markers, it can make it easier for students to demonstrate their work. group members across the six-meter gap. And for students who participate in group work virtually, if they approach using their phones, they can probably direct their phones to their handwritten work when they need to share it with their groups.

Hybrid pair. Here's the next step in group work: Ask your personal students to pair with virtual students and make a quick call using Zoom or FaceTime. If all private students use in-ear headphones or in-ear headphones and you can solve the pairing problem, this can be a practical way to pair during class. Another benefit is community support between your two groups of students.

Jigsaw. Keep in mind general strategies for using group work, such as folding. In the puzzle, students participate in two rounds of activities in small groups. In the first round (sometimes called "intentional groups"), each group of students is given a different topic to read or discuss. In the second round ("task force"), the groups will be reformed so that each new group has a representative from each of the groups of the first round. Task groups are then asked to bring views shared during the audience into the conversation. In a hybrid class, each group of groups can be supported using the strategies outlined above, and groups in the second round can be intentionally assigned to interact with personal and virtual students.

Fish bowl. Here is an activity that can actually work better in a hybrid class. The aquarium is a class discussion strategy with a long history. In the classical formulation, the instructor would identify a small group of students who have the same opinion on a given topic. These students are instructed to form a circle with their chairs in the middle of the room; are in the aquarium. They discuss the topic - how they think about it, why it is important to them, etc. - while other students listen; the other students are outside the aquarium. The instructor then asks the observers to summarize or paraphrase what they heard; students in the aquarium can confirm or clarify these notes. Then the students exchange places and repeat the procedure. The strategy is designed to promote empathy for other perspectives and may be particularly useful in resolving issues at stake.

It may be difficult to ask your virtual students to move, but if you have one or more personal students who take notes from a class discussion so they can share them with the class later (for example, via a Google document), some of your virtual students may enjoy the walk when they attend the class if they can. It can also be useful to plan breaks for long hours[10].

Assume that online students are visible and audible to personal students, either because the instructor projects the videoconference to the big screen in front of the room, or because the students themselves are enrolled in the videoconference. with muted sound or on headphones.

We also assume that all students can participate synchronously. This is a fairly large assumption - it is quite likely that there will be students who, for various reasons, cannot attend synchronously. How to fairly engage these students is an important conversation, but will have to happen in a future blog post.

And we assume that students personally have some digital device (laptop, tablet, phone) with which they can participate. Some low-tech strategies follow, but in general this is not a semester to ban digital devices in your class.

Options for delivering your content. This is one of the main things you need to know before setting up distance learning courses. How you need to deliver content to your students. You have many options and it's a nice plan to deliver your content through these media to make learning interesting for students.

Reading: You can submit your lessons or content in PDF format. Easy to use. You can also use Microsoft Word or Google Docs files as reading materials. There are also several websites where students can find study materials related to the subject. Just provide them with a link to a specific website.

Audio: Lessons can also be shared via audio. This can be a good chance for students who are used to textbooks and video lessons. It is also a good choice if your student's home internet connection is slow due to the small file size.

Video: Videos are the best way to share content online. Its main advantage is that it is possible to save the video for future use. You have two types of videos that you can deliver - one created by others, such as YouTube, and the other created in screencasting software.

Choose your online learning platform wisely. The easiest way to create content videos is to use screen capture software applications.

Of course, Google Spreadsheets is just one way to organize and share students' work. Other collaboration tools (Google Docs, Google Slides) may work better for some activities. Different activities will benefit from different tools. You will also want to consider whether you want each group to have its own virtual collaboration space, or whether all groups work in the same virtual space [12].

Sometimes you may want more structured answers from students, it's useful to use something like Tables with columns and rows, and other times you can ask more open-ended questions and ask each group of students to create their own slide in Google Slide. Note that the more structures you integrate into the activity, the faster you will be able to analyze and respond to students' responses. Highly structured options, such as multiple-choice questions, are most practical in large classrooms.


The flexibility of online study frees you from the constraints of the physical education class and allows you to plan your time for study in accordance with work and family responsibilities. But all this convenience and flexibility gives you too many options for when, where and how to study.

Because you may not have direct contact with your professor and other students, you will need to stay on track. These organizational online training tips will help you ensure that you are always in balance and successfully reconcile your work, family and online classes. In response to the current situation, educators have helped find new ways to provide continuing education for students by developing online and offline learning materials; learn to work with videoconferencing tools so that they can meet students regularly and conduct mental and social well-being meetings during the beginning 32 and end of the university day. Balancing online and offline tasks is a critical aspect to consider when designing a lesson plan and lesson plan. This model helps learning to continue behind the four walls of the classroom, gives students the choice and flexibility to learn at their own pace, creates more opportunities for common tasks and provides opportunities to rethink the way of assessment and feedback. Virtual learning has opened up opportunities to rethink the way we teach and learn. The use of teaching aids can begin to transform the classroom, and it usually depends on the teacher's creative agency.

Please note that it will take some time for students to move into groups (in person and online) and start using the collaboration tool. It's not as easy as turning to your neighbor in a traditional classroom to discuss the question, but if you do group assignments and use the same tools regularly, this approach to group work has the potential to be practical.


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15. Marutschke, D. M., Kryssanov, V., Chaminda, H. T., & Brockmann, P. (2019). Smart education in an interconnected world: Virtual, collaborative, project-based courses to teach global software engineering. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 39-49.

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19. Podolsky, A., Kini, T., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2019). Does teaching experience increase teacher effectiveness? A review of US research. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 4(4), 286-308.

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12. Jun J. Understanding E-Dropout. (2005). International Journal on E Learning. Vol. 4, № 2. P. 229-240.

13. Liu, S.-H., & Lee, G.-G. (2012). Knowledge sharing behavior in e-learning materials developing team. International Education Technology Conference, 681-690.

14. Lopez-Catalan, L., Lopez-Catalan, B., & Delgado-Vazquez, A. M. (2018). Web promotion, innovation and postgraduate e-learning programs. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 1(11), 47-59.

15. Marutschke, D. M., Kryssanov, V., Chaminda, H. T., & Brockmann, P. (2019). Smart education in an interconnected world: Virtual, collaborative, project-based courses to teach global software engineering. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 39-49. 8260-4_4

16. McLoughlin C., Luca J. (2002). A learner-centered approach to developing team skills through web-based learning and assessment. British journal of educational technology. Oxford. V. 33. № 5. P. 571-582.

17. P.A., Umar, A. (Eds.), Perspectives on distance education: Teacher education through open and distance learning (pp. 7-22). Commonwealth of Learning. 02680513.2012.716661

18. Perera, H. N., Granziera, H., & McIlveen, P. (2018). Profiles of teacher personality and relations with teacher self-efficacy, work engagement, and job satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 120, 171-178.

19. Podolsky, A., Kini, T., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2019). Does teaching experience increase teacher effectiveness? A review of US research. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 4(4), 286-308.

20. Shohel, M. M. C. (2012). Open and distance learning for teachers' professional development: The English in Action (EIA) Model for the Global South. In Moore, J. L., & Benson, A. (Eds.), International perspectives of distance learning in higher education (pp. 93-108). IntechOpen.

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