Distance learning through eyes of teachers: foreign and ukrainian experience

Definition of the main features of online education and its forms. Analysis of the issue of distance education and determining the attitude of teachers to online learning in higher educational institutions. Analysis of scientific sources on the problem.

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Дата добавления 17.08.2022
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Voliarska Olena Stanislavivna Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, Information and Communication Technologies, Kyiv National Linguistic University

Vasylchenko Olena Ivanivna Associate Professor of Pedagogical Sciences,, Department of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes, Zaporizhzhia National University

Khalemendyk Yulya Yevhenivna Associate Professor of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes, Zaporizhzhia National University


Demands of society for educational forms, methods that could eliminate direct, in-person communication between participants of the professional training process but, at the same time, be productive and flexible outlined the necessity for system of higher education to implement online learning. So, distance learning has become the main educational form in educational institutions as a response to COVID-19 pandemic.

Analysis of the current state of the distance learning in the students' professional training in Ukraine has shown that, despite some progress, this pedagogical issue requires further investigation. To define the main characteristics of online education, its effective forms, the foreign experience has been considered in the frame of the research. The purpose of the study is to provide a theoretical basis for distance learning and verify experimentally the teachers' attitude to this method of learning in higher education institutions.

Scientific works on the problem showed that the definition “distance learning (education)” should be understood as a space - time distance of the learning process; the use of various facilities of educational information exchange, that provides the two-way communication between the participants of the learning process. At the same time the authors noted that the comparison of the above values indicates the availability of significant differences in the substantive aspect of the given definition. To identify the Ukrainian teachers' vision of the distance learning, the online survey was applied. Results revealed the issues for discussion of teachers who used distance learning methods for students' professional training.

The study proved that the main purpose of the distance learning is to ensure the further development of the system of pedagogical education in the direction of providing its features and characteristics of open education (accessibility, mass, student-centered learning, real sustainability).

Keywords: virtual universities, teacher, higher education, distance education, distance learning, student.


Дистанційне навчання очима викладачів: закордонний і вітчизняний досвід. Волярська Олена Станіславівна доктор педагогічних наук, професор кафедри педагогіки, методики викладання іноземних мов й інформаційно- комунікаційних технологій, Київський національний лінгвістичний університет Васильченко Олена Іванівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов професійного спрямування, Запорізький національний університет. Халемендик Юлія Євгенівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов професійного спрямування, Запорізький національний університет

Вимоги суспільства до освітніх форм, методів, які могли б усунути безпосередню, особисту комунікацію між учасниками професійного навчального процесу, але, в той же час, бути продуктивними і гнучкими, окреслили необхідність впровадження онлайн-навчання у системи вітчизняної вищої освіти. Так, дистанційне навчання стало головною освітньою формою у вищих навчальних закладах у відповідь на пандемію COVID-19.

Аналіз сучасного стану дистанційного навчання у професійній підготовці студентів в Україні показав, що, незважаючи на певний прогрес, це питання потребує подальшого вивчення. З метою визначення головних особливостей онлайн-освіти та її ефективних форм, в рамках дослідження було розглянуто зарубіжний досвід.

Метою дослідження стали теоретичний аналіз питання дистанційної освіти та визначення ставлення викладачів до онлайн навчання у вищих навчальних закладах. distant education online teacher

Аналіз наукових джерел з проблеми показав, що під визначенням «дистанційне навчання (освіта)» слід розуміти простір - часова відстань навчального процесу; використання різних засобів освітнього обміну інформацією, що забезпечує двосторонній зв'язок між учасниками навчального процесу. При цьому автори наголошують, що порівняння перерахованих вище значень свідчить про наявність істотних відмінностей у предметному аспекті даного визначення.

З метою визначення ставлення вітчизняних викладачів до дистанційного навчання було застосовано онлайн-опитування. Результати виявили питання для обговорень у середовищі викладачів, які використовували методи дистанційного навчання у процесі професійної підготовки студентів.

Дослідження довело, що ключовим завданням онлайн навчання є забезпечення подальшого розвитку системи педагогічної освіти у напряму забезпечення її особливостей (доступність, принцип «студент у центрі навчання», стабільність).

Ключові слова: віртуальний університет, викладач, вища освіта, дистанційна освіта, дистанційне навчання, студент.

Formulation of the problem

Digital technologies in higher educational institutions have spread rapidly due to the new informational and technical means for delivery of teaching/learning material. But recent dramatic increase of online learning caused by COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the system of education forever. In response to changing demands of society for educational forms, methods that could eliminate direct, in-person communication between participants of the professional training process but, at the same time. be productive and flexible, distance learning has become the main educational form in educational institutions.

Analysis of the current state of the problem of scientific development of distance learning in the professional preparation of Ukrainian students has shown that, despite some progress, this pedagogical issue requires further investigation. Furthermore, it has been caused by following facts: lack of standardized conception of the subject; lack of developed theories of distance learning in general, as well as the distance learning in the professional preparation of future educationists, particularly in Ukraine; lack of analysis of specific foreign higher educational institutions with distance learning which experience can be used in Ukraine.

Distance learning or remote learning implemented by pedagogical, technical and medical universities causes the necessity to solve a number of theoretical tasks, first of all, those ones which are specific to the form of students' training: pedagogical and didactic features, analysis, comprehension and adaptation of the experience of the developed countries in the formation of a new field of pedagogical knowledge - engineering pedagogy, revision of existing high principles that will ensure quality of distance learning in the context and comprehension with traditional forms of learning.

Analyses of the findings

A lot of scientists, such as V. Bykov, T. Clark, D. Garrison, D. Keegan, J. Moore, J. Taylor, R. Verduin, and others devoted their works to the issue on the development of distance learning.

Regular surveys of media use suggest that digital devices are ever more pervasive [1]. Qualitative studies of digital media at home have demonstrated how children use technology in purposeful, interest-driven activity [2].

The purpose of the study is to provide a theoretical basis for distance learning and verify experimentally the teachers' attitude to online learning in higher education institutions in Ukraine.

The main text

In order to conduct the research, we have used the theoretical analysis of findings, comparison, and generalization of scientific information on the problem of studying.

Distance learning is wildly used overseas, particularly in the USA, Japan, Australia, and West-European states. In recent years this form of learning has been introduced actively in Ukraine and in the Baltic states. Distance learnin g patterns in the countries above are different from each other, and they are formed considering their economic, political, and social and cultural features.

The history of the development of distance learning began in 1840 when an English teacher Isaac Pittman suggested that the students of his country should learn shorthand by correspondence, and thus he became the author of the first course of distance learning [3].

At universities of the USA the first correspondence courses were organized by Chautauqua University in 1883. This form of learning gained its official status only in 1892 in the USA when at the University of Chicago, the correspondence division was founded [4]

According to our research, scientists link the development of distance learning, first, with the generation of information and communication technologies. Relevant to the context, there is a study of the leading American theorist Garrison who collaborating with a Canadian scientist Nipper identified three stages as “generation of distance learning” and indicated some features of each stage. Authors claimed that printed material sent by mail prevailed in the technologies in distance learning of the first generation. Such a system of learning was in the early XIX century and foresaw correspondence as a means of communication between the participants in the educational process [5], [6].

The next generation of distance learning is associated with foundation of the Open University of the United Kingdom in 1969 [7]. The specificity of that stage had been performed by introduction of multimedia approach to the learning process. It was the Open University that had pioneered the development of the quality teaching materials for distance learning and the use of a comprehensive approach to the learning process that involved the availability of one-side and two-side communication between students and a teacher.

The leading feature of the third generation of distance learning of 80-s of the XX century is the development of interactive, electronic technologies that had contributed to computerization of remote learning. Thus, the use of computer networks has enriched the educational process with a new type of communication - student-student and new communication channels - audio and video conferences, e-mail, discussion forums, etc. [5], [6].

The last stage in the classification relates to the development of distance learning in the 1990s. It is characterized by a new technical “outburst” in the development of digital communication, Internet and the progress of computer technologies that began to be actively used in the implementation of remote learning. Nowadays Basic Technology Skills, Collaboration/Teamwork skills and Internet related skills became important for common way of organizing of the distance learning in the USA [8].

According to such a parameter as delivery of technologies, an American theorist J. Taylor [9] in his research characterized the Models of Distance Learning starting with the Correspondent Model (the first generation) to the Flexible Learning one (the fourth generation). The scientist emphasized the availably of the fourth stage in the development of distance learning. This period is described as emergence and active implementation in the teaching processes the technologies of World Wide Web that allow achieving fast and convenient communication with the information database, development of interactive multimedia. The benefit of the Flexible Learning Model is in enhancing the opportunities for students to master learning material individually [9].

The thoughtful analysis of the history and role of distance education in the USA was made by Hope E. Kentnor [10]. Jennifer Sumner describes the role of technology in distance education, defines stages of its development and notes that technologies only provide opportunity for communication but not guarantee it [11].

Urgan Demiray and Aytekin Isman gave definition of distance education and identified five stages of development of Distance learning: 1) stage of precorrespondent training (before correspondence study); 2) stage of correspondence education; 3) stage of one-way communication; 4) stage of two-way audio and video communication; 5) stage of interactive computer system [12].

Distance education implies education via audio, video or by means of computer technologies and involves synchronous and asynchronous instructions [13].

The similar definition we find in the report presented by the group of researchers that defines distance education as technologies used to transfer instructions to students and provide communication between students and the teacher synchronously or asynchronously [14].

The great attention to distance education is paid by U.S. Department of Education in order to organize and define the role and mechanism of its implementation and regulation at the state level [15]. It should be noted that the Department based on public feedback has analyzed and considered individuals' and organizations' recommendations while preparing final regulations on distance education and innovation [16].

Despite having experience in the development of distance learning in the world for more than decades, we believe that the world educational community has not been presented a single definition of this concept. Experts agree unanimously that the term “distance learning” has not been fully enshrined in English-language findings. Thus, an American expert on online learning Thomas A. Clark notes that the term “distance learning” is rather vague because there are too many types and programs of t raining under this category [3].

It should be noted that there is still discussion what term should be used to determine the learning environment with certain delivery models) [17]. Distance learning can be distinguished from distance education as it is considered as synchronous and asynchronous learning situations [18]. However, distance education is the most known notion when denoting distance learning [17]. But the main characteristic of distance education is the process of teaching remotely, at a distance [7].

An interesting approach to estimate the quality of distance education was made through students' opinions by American scientists [19].

The leader among the higher education institutions in the USA which uses actively “online” technology is the University of Phoenix [14]. Founded in 1976, this educational institution was the first accredited university to begin pursuing degree programs using the Internet in 1989. In the structure of the university there is the College of Pedagogy that specializes n the field of “online” technologies. Along with the presentation of educational material on CDs as a basic electronic textbook containing a large amount of information, the university widely applies synchronous and virtual meetings, group learning activities, compatible writing based on the use of the Web.

A wide variety of “online” programs in the field of teacher training are offered by several pedagogical institutions, in particular, Arkansas University, Texas University, North Carolina University, New Southeastern University, Montana University, Pedagogical College of Maryland University, Western Governors University, and others.

Currently in the United States under the condition of the introduction of the distance education in the context of teachers” training the network of the Internet is especially popular in the world (World Wide Web-WWW) and “online” technology that allows the user to access quickly the necessary information. Among the major forms of distance learning in the USA the most common ones are consulting and correspondence trainings, “case” technology, telecommunication trainings, regulated self-study and network learning. Gradual mastering of educational material provides three levels of its mastering (basic, advanced, creative) and promotes updating of acquired knowledge elimination of gaps in knowledge.

Nowadays, in terms of distance learning, universities propose distance education courses, programs applying such technologies as Internet; one-way and two-way transmissions through open broadcasts, cable, closed circuit [13], [14], [20].

As we have mentioned, thanks to the rapid development of teaching and learning technologies of distance learning students and educationalists face changes in the higher education with the appearance of Open universities [7], Open Education Resources (OER) [20].

The US Distance Learning Association founded in 1987 is characterized by a wide range of online resource that allows distance learning practitioners in terms of COVIID-19 pandemic to conduct virtual conferences and other educational events [21]. At the same time the pandemic has fostered the higher education community to consider responses undertaken by different universities and their experience in the field of remote learning [22], [23].

In terms of providing distance learning the Open University in the United Kingdom became the first in this area. It was founded in 1969 and it was a new type of an educational institution and the leader in distance education. In 1996 its seven departments enrolled about 215000 students.

Universities in 21 countries use the Open University curricula. Thus, for instance, the Institute of Education of London University is also involved in the distribution of distance education and provides high standards of training [ 7]. There are pre-graduate and post-graduate courses.

Nowadays, the forms of distance learning are practiced in many countries of Europe and provide high-quality training for students. European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) was founded in January in 1987 to accelerate and support the formation of a European network of distance teaching at the highest level. It had contributed to establishing the European Open University based on the Network of European Open Universities (NEOU). The organization includes 200 Open universities and departments in universities of 25 countries with more than 3 million students [24]. So, universities with distance learning have changed the model of teaching and students' mobility [25].

Positive examples of innovations in education are presented by such European universities as: the Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL); the Open University (OUUK) in the United Kingdom; the national Distance Education University (UNED) in Spain; the Swiss Distance Learning University; the Czech Association of Distance Teaching Universities (CADUV) etc. [24].

As for distance education in Ukraine, it began forming much later than in the countries of the Western Europe and the USA and carried out when the level of awareness of the Ukrainian society about online technologies while teaching/learning was much lower. There were no education institutions fully equipped with computers and there was a lack of special methods of remote education.

Thus, theoretical, practical, and social aspects of distance education are not developed enough in Ukraine nowadays. The number of scientific and education institutions evolving or using actively courses of distance learning so far is not enough either. We can identify four main models of distance education in higher education institutions of Ukraine:

1. Addition to traditional university education. Education institutions offer in the framework of the distance learning some disciplines or even complete programs and it takes form of blended learning.

2. Consortia. There are various agreements under which several colleges (universities) are united through a state or regional network in order to provide distance learning courses to those who need them.

3. Agreements. It treats of various agreements between higher education institutions, educators and providers concerning rendering of educational services by means of distance learning.

4. Virtual universities. This type of universities includes higher institutions that provide most of their programs with the help of the modern information and communication technologies (ICT).

While training students in the conditions of limited education space the educators have used the basis of Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle and cloud technologies.

On the basis of LMS Moodle Ukrainian teachers have created and implemented the following steps: forum for self-presentation, discussion of discipline issues, expectations from training and others. Small messages with obligatory mutual comments which solve the problem of lack of live interaction and allow most students to join the discussion at the initial stage as well as incoming and outgoing questionnaire of students which makes it possible for the educators to understand the group, identify problems, questions to initiate communication and form a positive atmosphere by discussing the rules of network etiquette have turned very productive. LMS Moodle system has provided the user with the creation of a distance learning course that gives students opportunity to fill and edit the information. The more people use it the better it becomes.

In order to determine the teachers' attitude to online learning in higher education institutions, an online survey of teachers of higher education institutions was carried out at the national level by the State Inspectorate of Educational Institutions of Ukraine from April 23 to May 5, 2020.

A representative sample of 606 respondents (teachers) from various higher education institutions of Ukraine was selected and four questions were proposed: 1) What platform is used for providing distance learning in the conditions of limited education space in your higher education institution?; 2) Do you use any other online resources for distance learning in the conditions of limited education space?; 3) What difficulties do you have for the implementation of distance learning in the conditions of limited education space in your institute?; 4) What needs do you have for your professional skills development in the conditions of limited education space?

Interestingly, that the results of our online survey of teachers indicated that the respondents while answering the question “What platform is used for providing distance learning in the conditions of limited education space in your higher education institution?” have given priority to the platform Viber.

So, respondents use such instruments for the organization of distance learning as: Viber - 88,2 %; educational platform of the higher education institution - 62,7 %; Google Classroom - 45,5 %; Skype - 37,7 %; Zoom-28,5 %; Telegram - 20,9 %. Among others the respondents indicated the following tools as: e-mail, Facebook, Messenger, BadgeWallet, Padlet, tools Google, Vseosvita, Osvita.ua. However, these tools did not receive more than three responses each.

The participants of the online survey were also asked to answer, “Do you use any other online resources for distance learning in the conditions of limited education space?” It was found out that the highest percentage of use had been given to authorial classes on the following platforms YouTube - 72,9 %; EdEra - 42,3 %; Prometheus - 32,5 %; Digital education “Diia” - 15,4 %; video classes on local channels - 11,8 % (Fig.1). As expected, the platform YouTube took the leading position taking approximately 73 % due to its easy accessibility, diverse teaching/learning material and possibilities to share experience.

The next question was devoted to defining one of the main problems that teachers faced while teaching online. The respondents were suggested to answer, “What difficulties do you have for the implementation of distance learning in the conditions of limited education space in your institute?” So, the main difficulties were identified as following: insufficient experience - 58,6 %; limited Internet access - 35,3 %; lack of information - 20,2 %; vague instructions from the board of the higher education institution - 10 %; poor teachers' motivation to apply distance learning for students - 7,8 %.

Among the list of obstacles that interfere with successful distance education, the respondents also noted such problems as: insufficient technical support for the students during distance learning; lack of free space on the Google Drive storage; lack of students' self-organization skills and motivation; absence of opportunities for teachers to get proper digital competence; poor network performance. Only three respondents stated that there were not any difficulties during online education.

The question “What needs do you have for your professiona l skills development in the conditions of limited education space?” was answered by 99 respondents. 10 % of them noted that they did not have any needs. Unfortunately, 10 % declared the lack of time for self-education on the issues of organizing and providing distance learning at their institutes, and 10 % of respondents stressed they did not have the necessary digital skills to perform distance teaching and they needed technical support.

At the same time 20 % of teachers said they needed to deepen their knowledge and manual how to apply online tools, educational platforms for organizing work in group, video conferences. 40 % of respondents noted that they needed online course and webinars, which could give them practical advice in organizing distance learning, and at the same time to get verified certificate. 10 % of respondents wanted to develop their professional skills on additional disciplines during an online course.

These results have clearly revealed that there is a lack of digital competence and teachers' readiness to use online tools in conditions of limited education space. Nevertheless, majority of Ukrainian asked teachers (70%) are seeking to improve their digital competence.


Distance learning is an important component of the preparation of modern educational space in the world which is based on the use of both the best traditional training methods and new information and telecommunication technologies, as well as the principle of self-study, designed for the general population regardless of material support, place of residence, state of health, etc.

Characteristic feature of distance learning is interactivity of training. Interactive opportunities are used in distance learning of the programs and systems of information's delivery. It allows to adjust and even stimulate feedback, provide dialogue and constant support which are not possible in most traditional training systems. The main benefits of distance education are flexibility of students' learning, opportunity to choose educational institution as well as place and time of studying.

Ukrainian higher system of education is in the process of acquiring skills and abilities needed for teachers' and students' digital competence. Students are trained with the use of multimedia technologies that give them a thorough competence of different disciplines.

It is proved that one of the reasons that slows down the development of distance learning in higher education institutions in Ukraine is the ignorance of elements of programming by the authors (as a rule, they are education teachers) of the educational content. At the same time, the research has identified the crucial orienteers for raising teachers' professional level in the field of distance learning.

In the future it would be interesting to make an analysis of the effectiveness of the introduction of cloud technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions.


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8. Williams, P. E. (2000). Defining distance education roles and competencies for higher education institutions: A computer-mediated Delphi study (pp. 1-274). Texas A&M University.

9. Taylor, J. C. (1995). Distance education technologies: The fourth generation. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 11(2).

10. Kentnor, H. E. (2015). Distance education and the evolution of online learning in the United States. Curriculum and teaching dialogue, 17(1), 21-34.

11. Sumner, J. (2000). Serving the System: a critical history of distance education.Open Learning, 15(3).

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1. Daniels, K., Bower, K., Burnett, C., Escott, H., Hatton, A., Ehiyazaryan-White, E., & Monkhouse, J. (2019). Early years teachers and digital literacies: Navigating a kaleidoscope of discourses. Education and Information Technologies, 1-12.

2. Plowman, L. (2016). Rethinking context: Digital technologies and children's everyday lives. Children's Geographies, 14(2), 190-202.

3. Verduin, J. & Clark, T. (1991). Distance education: the foundations of effective practice (San Francisco, Jossey-Bass).

4. Scott, J. C. (1999). The Chatauqua movement: Revolution in popular higher education. The Journal of Higher Education, 70(4), 389-412.

5. Garrison, D. (1985). Three generations of technological innovations in distance education. Distance Education, 6(2), 235-241.

6. Nipper, S. (1989). Third generation distance learning and computer conferencing. Mindweave: Communication, computers and distance education, 63-73.

7. Keegan, D. (1990) Foundations of distance education, 2nd ed New York,Routledge.

8. Williams, P. E. (2000). Defining distance education roles and competencies for higher education institutions: A computer-mediated Delphi study (pp. 1-274). Texas A&M University.

9. Taylor, J. C. (1995). Distance education technologies: The fourth generation. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 11(2).

10. Kentnor, H. E. (2015). Distance education and the evolution of online learning in the United States. Curriculum and teaching dialogue, 17(1), 21-34.

11. Sumner, J. (2000). Serving the System: a critical history of distance education.Open Learning, 15(3).

12. Demiray, U., & I§man, A. (2003). History of distance education.Sakarya Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, (1).

13. Lewis, L., Snow, K., Farris, E., Levin, D., & Greene, B. (1999). Distance Education at Postsecondary Education Institutions: 1997-98. Institutions, 1997- 98.

14. Seaman, J. E., Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2018). Grade Increase: Tracking Distance Education in the United States. Babson Survey Research Group.

15. Connecting Classrooms: Using Online Technology to Deliver Global Learning (2016). American Council on Education. Retrieved from https://www.acenet.edu/search/Pages/results. aspx#k=#s=61

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