Self-educational activity of a foreign languages teacher as a factor of adaptation to individualization of professional training at institutions of higher education

Components of professional and creative self-development: professional self-development and development of creative independence. Self-education as education in the process of independent work, without taking a course in an educational institution.

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Volodymyr Vynnychenko central ukrainian state pedagogical university

Self-educational activity of a foreign languages teacher as a factor of adaptation to individualization of professional training at institutions of higher education

Chernionkov Yaroslav Olexandrovych,

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, department of linguodidactics and foreign languages

Defining of the problem and the analysis of the last researches and publications. In the era of globalization of all spheres of public life, the problem of motivation in learning foreign languages is becoming extremely important. Nowadays, in connection with the modernization of the system of higher professional education in Ukraine, the requirements for the professional qualities of future specialists in all fields of activity are growing. In addition to their knowledge, professionals must demonstrate a creative approach to solving professional problems through their own activity, individual vision, ability to make non-standard decisions in professional situations, to optimize the production process, develop the ability to independently search for information, analysis and processing. One of the most important qualities of a modern professional is the ability to professional-creative selfdevelopment. Professional-creative selfdevelopment combines two processes: professional self-development, which is an independent improvement of their own knowledge and skills designed to increase the effectiveness of professional activities, and the development of creative independence.

Self-education is education obtained in the process of independent work, without taking a systematic course in an educational institution. Teacher's self-education is the main form of professional development, which consists in improving knowledge and generalization of pedagogical experience through purposeful independent work on literature and materials concentrated in the methodical office, library or Internet, etc. Self-education is extremely important for foreign languages teacher, because it must be ready for creative activities, the use of new learning technologies in a situation of actualization of foreign language communicative competencies and in the process of quality professional growth [2, P. 115-119].

Personal and professional growth and selfimprovement during the whole period of pedagogical activity is an essential condition for successful activity of a teacher. According to A. Markova, the profession of a teacher in any case is a means of his self-expression and selfrealization. Similarly, L. Mitina, studying the personal and professional development of teachers, emphasizes their relationship, and as key factors identifies the need for self-actualization, activity of the individual, his inner environment.

S. Nekrasova, considering the self-development of teachers, combines the processes of conscious, purposeful personal and professional improvement, based on the interaction of internally significant and actively creatively perceived external factors aimed at improving professionalism, professionally significant qualities, accumulation of pedagogical skills, experience, knowledge, skills, norms and values. V. Ilchuk, following G. Ball, argues that professional self-development involves selfimprovement of certain personality traits, which, in turn, is an indicator of a high level of adaptation to the conditions [3, P. 43-62].

The category of «adaptation» is used in various fields of scientific and humanitarian knowledge, along with the categories of «socialization», «governance», «regulation», «individualization», «integration» and so on. It is emphasized that the phenomena they study are closely related to adaptation. The term «adaptation» in these industries can be used to mean adaptation to environmental conditions. Various aspects of adaptation and its varieties are also pointed out. But a separate analysis of the process of adaptation is often not proposed or carried out (A. Beck, S. Judith, F. Zimbordo, M. Leipe, etc.) [4, P. 22-32].

Professional adaptation is an adaptation to independent work, the effectiveness of which is significantly influenced by proper professional preparation of students for pedagogical activities, professional suitability for it, as well as responsibility, independence, intelligence, help from more experienced colleagues [6, P. 187-194].

The basis of the experimental research were the ideas formulated in the works of domestic and foreign scientists on: self-education (N. Bukhlova, A. Gromtseva, K. Goryainova, O. Shekshuyev, N. Katsinskaya, N. Sidorchuk, I. Shumilova); theoretical and methodological principles of professional training of teachers (M. Bondarenko, M. Grinyova, T. Kuchay, M. Mazurok, M. Marina, J. Moskalyova, O. Mukoviz, O. Tadeusz, G. Tverdokhlib, J. Richards (J. Richards), T. Rodgers); professional self-development and self-realization of specialists (I. Grabovets, T. Kalugina, M. Rogozina, A. Smolyuk, V. Fritsyuk). V. Bezlyudna, N. Bidyuk, V. Bosa, O. Gladka, V. Dyomina, V. Kalinin, A. Nedilko, T. Nesvirska, and O. Osova studied the theoretical and methodological principles of training future foreign language teachers. Scientific and practical value are fundamental studies on the study of the concept of «self-educational competence», its nature and essence K. Abulkhanova-Slavska, L. Adaryukova, V. Andreeva, L. Bilousova, O. Vakhovska, N. Vyshnevska, A. Dobryden, N. Dovmantovych, T. Ivashkova, N. Ilinitska, O. Kiselyova, N. Kovalenko, M. Olkhovska, I. Preobrazhenska, O. Fomina, O. Shcholok. Accumulated knowledge on the formation of self - educational competence of foreign language teachers is understood and generalized in the works of such scientists as M. Bondarenko, E. Gromov, S. Zaskaleta, G. Kremin, S. Martynenko, L. Khalzakova, N. Chernihiv; competency paradigm and professional training of foreign language teachers V. Barkasi, N. Bibik, O. Bigich, I. Bim, M. Varghese, D. Enright, D. Kozulin, N. Mykytenko, S. Nikolaeva, H. Richards (J. Richards), W. Helsper (W. Helsper). The study of the problem of adaptation is not new in psychological and pedagogical science. For example, psychophysiological aspects of adaptation were studied by P. Anokhin, O. Kvakina, T. Kuzmenko, I. Pavlov, etc., psychological - P. Halperin, V. Demchenko, S. Kulik, R. Nemov, O. Solodukhova, etc. pedagogical - S. Gura, T. Kukharchuk, V. Streltsova, N. Shevchenko and others. Professional adaptation has also been the subject of research by many scientists (L. Baibekov, T. Belan, T. Vorobyova, O. Galus, P. Zhiltsov, V. Kirichenko, Y. Kretska, O. Luchenko, I. Luchentsov, L. Mitina, O. Moroz, O. Udalov, M. Shepel and others).

At the same time, there is a lack of research in the scientific-pedagogical literature focused on the self-educational activities of future foreign languages teacher in the process of adapting to the individualization of professional training at the Institutions of High Education.

The purpose of writing the article is:

- to analyze the conceptual role and qualitative impact of self-educational activity of foreign languages teacher as a factor of adaptation to individualization of professional training;

- to analyze the essence of the concepts of «self-education», «foreign languages teacher's self-education», «adaptation», «professional training», «individualization»;

- to investigate theoretical and practical conceptual foundations of the studied theme at the Institutions of High Education.

The main material of the study. One of the current problems of methods of teaching foreign languages is the orientation of the educational process on the active independent work of students. Independent work is included by modern methodologists in the content of foreign language teaching and is considered as an integral part of the whole system of work on the language, which is part of the classroom, optional and extracurricular activities. Properly and effectively organized independent work solves a very important aspect of communication - more perfect, linguistically competent functioning of language, because during independent work the component of conscious mastering of rules of formation and normative use of language prevails.

In our professional activity of a foreign language teacher we define self-educational activity as: internal, conscious, purposeful process of personal improvement and professional growth of future teachers of philology in foreign languages based on the processes of self-knowledge, selfeducation, self-control and self-realization. We believe that «self» - processes allow individuals to achieve a productive result in the training process through the development of psychological and pedagogical qualities of a foreign language teacher: leadership, motivation, teaching style, psycho-emotional state of the teacher, self-esteem and ability to reflect, communication style.

The self-educational activity of a foreign languages teacher in the experimental environment of an educational institution is considered productive. It is characterized by creative initiative, pedagogical search, development of pedagogical skills, motivation of self-education, interest in the results of their activities. The algorithm of self-education of a foreign languages teacher can be represented as follows: definition of the problem topic; self-analysis of available knowledge and skills; pedagogical reflection; design and forecasting of self-educational activities; determination of expected results; consistent and systematic self-educational activities; performance. Self-educational activity of a foreign languages teacher can be effective when it is clearly planned, the program is developed, planning and step-by-step self-educational activity is carried out.

We agree with the opinion of most researchers that the effectiveness of the organization of self-educational activities depends on the information support of this process. It is necessary to manage self-educational work of students on the basis of methodical instructions and special didactic materials. Teachers need to design, stimulate and support students' desire to acquire new knowledge and skills, their spiritual growth, readiness for professional activity, to form in future teachers a conscious attitude to professional self-education and continuous training in the process of individualization of training.

According to the dissertation research of scientist Bezlyudna V.V. «the fourth period of professional training of foreign languagei teacher (2005-2016) was marked by such positive trends - a significant expansion of regional and cultural aspects of training future teachers, unification and standardization of curricula; increasing the number of hours for independent work; use of information and communication technologies for learning a foreign language; introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process of higher educational institutions; contradictory trends are observed at the level of distance education: disadvantages - this form of learning is indirect telecommunication «teacher - student» and limits the possibilities of their interpersonal interaction, advantages - facilitates preparation for practical classes, involves maximum activation of independent work of students at higher education it is especially important, given the importance for the future specialist of the ability to independently organize their own cognitive activities» [1].

«The individualization of professional training of a future foreign languagei teacher has been defined as a complex, multidimensional, multicomponent and multilevel concept that we consider from the perspectives of the educational triad: pedagogy, psychology and foreign language. It is characterized by a specially created environment with appropriate conditions and is based on specific approaches». The author described the «digitalization of teaching foreign languages as a process of transformation of all the processes of teaching and studying foreign languages into the mainstream of digital implementation of educational processes: elearning guides, e-educational manuals, e-methods and foreign language learning tools, DVD - materials, audio materials, electronic vocabularies and the creation of a university network in the future» [7, P. 48-63.]

Professional training of future foreign languages teacher involves the use of interactive learning technologies, which involves the interaction of students with group mates, teachers, and joint activities in the classroom (based on the developed Internet resource); modular technologies that provide individualization of training, individual pace of progress in the program; helps to strengthen positive motivation; information and communication technologies that provide students with the necessary level of knowledge, ability to analyze, compare, summarize, process material, find the necessary information, connect it with the research issues; project technologies, provided for the organization of the learning process, in which students acquire knowledge and skills in the planning and implementation of practical tasks - projects that are gradually becoming more complex and can be built on the principles of competition and cooperation. Work in pairs or microgroups is realized in the process of preparation of conferences, forums; when using the method of «brainstorming»; the method of «case study», «business game», which may involve working with the creative achievements of writers and poets; preparation and holding of reading evenings, conferences, defense of projects, etc. Creating a situation of success is the main task of the teacher in the implementation of selected pedagogical technologies, which guarantees effectiveness in achieving the planned [5, P. 345-351].

In our opinion, self-educational activity in the process of adaptation to the individualization of professional training of future foreign languages teacher is a process characterized by: multifunctionality and multi-activity of a teacher who implements advanced pedagogical - methodological experience, forms own experience, creates new didactic sources of information (educational-methodical complexes, methodical manuals, monographs, electronic teaching aids); multi-vector training of future foreign languages teacher and creating a model of individualized learning trajectory (independent and selfdeveloping activities - group work on a foreign language; writing abstracts, articles and participation in national and international conferences on foreign languages; academic mobility and grant activities; internships abroad).

Conclusions and prospects for further researches. Therefore, the implementation of the system of self-educational activity in the process of individualization of professional training of future foreign languages teacher will maximize the continuous studying of modern high education students and achieve high performance. We understand that our observation is only part of the research program we have created for this issue. Further studies we see in the further analysis of the practical-methodical system of self-education in the process of professional training of future foreign languages teacher.


self education development creative

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2. Zapadynska, Iryna (2019). Samoosvita vykladacha inozemnykh mov v umovakh informatyzatsii suchasnoho suspilstva [Self-education of a foreign language teacher in the conditions of informatization of modern society]. Drogobych.

3. Nechyporenko, M.A. (2019). Formuvannia hotovnosti maibutnikh uchyteliv inozemnykh mov do profesiino-osobystisnoho samorozvytku [Formation of readiness of future teachers of foreign languages for professional and personal self-development]. Vinnytsya - Ternopil.

4. Nikolaienko, S. (2014). Problema profesiinoi adaptatsii vykladacha-pochatkivtsia do roboty u vyshchomu navchalnomu zakladi [The problem of professional adaptation of a novice teacher to work in higher education]. Sumy.

5. Khalabuzar, O.A. (2015). Innovatsiini pedahohichni tekhnolohii u fakhovii pidhotovtsi maibutnikh uchyteliv inozemnoi movy [Innovative pedagogical technologies in the professional training of future foreign language teachers]. Berdyansk.

6. Shalivska, Y. (2020). Problema profesiinoi adaptatsii molodykh pedahohiv u naukovykh doslidzhenniakh [The problem of professional adaptation of young teachers in research]. Rivne.

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