Effective principles in military English teaching
Basic approaches to teaching English with a military-professional orientation in higher military institutions. Didactic principles of this process: activity in learning, interdisciplinary integration, novelty, authenticity, systematicity and consistency.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 21.08.2022 |
Размер файла | 25,7 K |
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S. Korolov Zhytomyr military institute
Effective principles in military English teaching
Kanova Liudmyla Petrivna,
PhD, associate professor at the department of foreign languages
The article deals with effective principles in Military English teaching at higher educational military establishments. The fundamentals of teaching any discipline, including foreign language, are didactic principles. They are considered to be as starting points that determine the strategy and tactics of learning at each point in the learning process, as they are related to goals, content, methods, techniques, organization of training and are manifested in a certain relationship and interdependence. The main purpose of the study is to reveal the most effective principles of teaching Military English. Among the most important general didactic principles of formation of professional foreign language competence we single out the following: the principle of activity in learning; interdisciplinary integration; novelty; authenticity, systematicity and consistency; independence and consciousness; professional orientation of the content and methods of teaching, which is leading for professionally oriented study of foreign languages by military of technical specialties. The paper also emphasizes on the principle of interactivity which presupposes constant interaction between the instructor and the learner as well as between students in conversation, dialogue as well as action. The author also suggests some exercises which follow the above mentioned principle and help to interact in different modes: instructor - servicemen; servicemen - servicemen on the topic «Unmanned Aerial Vehicles». Important methodological principles that should be followed to teach professionally oriented vocabulary are the communicative principles, interconnected learning of all types of foreign language speech activities and professional orientation of learning. Besides, the formation of professional foreign language competence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine involves the use of active teaching methods in foreign language classes, such as: communicative and interactive activities (trainings, discussions); different types of games (business and role-plays); context method (method of imitation of professional activity); constructive method (project method, brainstorming) as well as research methods.
Key words: Military English, effective principles, principle of interactivity, methodological principles, professional orientation of learning, communicative principles, authenticity.
Ефективні принципи викладання англійської мови з військово-професійним спрямуванням
Канова Людмила Петрівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов, Житомирський військовий інститут імені С.П. Корольова, м. Житомир
У статті розглядаються ефективні принципи викладання англійської мови з військово-професійним спрямуванням у вищих військових закладах. Основами викладання будь-якої дисципліни, в тому числі іноземної, є дидактичні принципи. Вони розглядаються як вихідні точки, що визначають стратегію і тактику навчання на кожному етапі процесу навчання, оскільки пов'язані з цілями, змістом, методами, прийомами, організацією навчання і виявляються у певному взаємозв'язку та взаємозалежності. Основна мета дослідження - розкрити найбільш ефективні принципи навчання англійської мови з військово-професійним спрямуванням. Серед найважливіших загальнодидактичних принципів формування іншомовної компетентності виділяємо такі: принцип активності в навчанні; міждисциплінарна інтеграція; новизна; автентичність, системність і послідовність; самостійність і свідомість; професійна спрямованість змісту і методів навчання, що є провідною для професійно орієнтованого вивчення іноземних мов військовослужбовцями технічних спеціальностей. У статті також наголошується на принципі інтерактивності, який передбачає постійну взаємодію між викладачем і слухачем, а також між військовослужбовцями в розмові, діалозі та дії. Автор також пропонує деякі вправи, які дотримуються вищезгаданого принципу та допомагають взаємодіяти в різних режимах: інструктор - військовослужбовці; військовослужбовці - військовослужбовці на тему «Безпілотні літальні апарати». Важливими методичними принципами навчання професійно орієнтованої лексики є комунікативні принципи, взаємопов'язане навчання всіх видів іншомовної мовленнєвої діяльності та професійна спрямованість навчання. Окрім того, формування професійної іншомовної компетентності Збройних Сил України передбачає використання на уроках іноземної мови активних методів навчання, таких як: комунікативна та інтерактивна діяльність (тренінги, дискусії); різні види ігор (ділові та рольові); контекстний метод (метод імітації професійної діяльності); конструктивний метод (метод проекту, мозковий штурм), а також методи дослідження.
Ключові слова: англійська мова за військово-професійним спрямуванням, дієві принципи, принцип інтерактивності, методичні принципи, професійна спрямованість навчання, комунікативні принципи, автентичність.
Main part
Problem statement. Education in any higher military educational institution is regarded as a purposeful, systematic and consistent process, which follows a certain system of principles and ensures its effectiveness. In the process of professional foreign language training of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine it is necessary to develop the content, forms and methods of formation of professional foreign language competence, which will help to interact professionally at the international level. The principles of foreign language training of servicemen of higher military educational institutions are becoming important. Principles of teaching can be considered as guiding ideas, organizational requirements to the conduct of the didactic process, which look like practical instructions, rules, norms that are used in the learning process.
In teaching any subject, based on its specifics, didactic principles are implemented, which allows authors of works on methods of teaching foreign languages to distinguish general didactic, general methodological, specific, special and other principles [1]. We will focus only on those that, in our opinion, are fundamental and effective for learning a foreign language.
Review of recent research and publications. It is necessary to mention that foreign scientists (T. Hutchinson, A. Waters, P. Strevens, H. Widdoswon, Ch. Kennedy, R. Bolitho) developed methodology of teaching foreign languages for professional purposes - LSP (Language for Special / Specific Purposes), which was introduced in the teaching of many non-language specialties in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. More detailed research on the experience of foreign language training in the European Union was conducted by domestic (L. Viktorova, N. Vovchasta, M. Dreerman, L. Gulpa, L. Kanova, O. Kuznetsova, L. Pukhovskaya, etc.) and foreign (K. Kleppin), F. Paulsen, H. Vogel, W. Hьllen, H. Schwenk, K. Schroder, etc.) scientists.
Aim of the article is to reveal the most effective principles of teaching Military English, to suggest some exercises which follow the interactive and communicative principles and help to interact in different modes.
Presenting main material. In the 21st century, a «digital» generation is growing up who are naturally exposed to new technologies from their first years of life. The generation that is hard to reach without the use of their natural multimedia tools. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt the forms and methods of teaching to the real tools that the student uses in everyday life (computer, Internet), and the instructor should be an inspiration, academic adviser and guide for the student in the available Internet information structures.
Let's consider the principles of specific foreign language learning when computers are used to create a foreign language environment with authentic media.
Among the most important general didactic principles of formation of foreign language competence S. Barsuk singles out the following: the principle of activity in learning; interdisciplinary integration; novelty; taking into account individual characteristics; systematicity and consistency; independence and consciousness; professional orientation of the content and methods of teaching, which is leading for professionally oriented study of foreign languages by military of technical specialties. [1, p. 385]. The analysis of the principles showed that the main ones include both general pedagogical and specific principles that optimize the training of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The principle of interactivity presupposes constant interaction between the instructor and the learner as well as between students in conversation, dialogue, action. Thus, in the literal sense, interactive can be called a method in which the learner is a participant, i.e does something: speaks, manages, models, writes as well as draws and so on. He is not only a listener, an observer, but takes an active part in what is happening [2, p. 27].
Interactive technologies are based on cooperation and mutual learning that is why we think it is necessary to list them. The most commonly used forms of interactive technology are: Frontal form work on the following technologies: «Brainstorming (attack)», «Unfinished sentences»; cooperative form of work (in pairs or in small groups): «Face-to-face», «Aquarium», etc.; Interactive game: «Roleplaying game» (instructor - soldier, soldier - soldier) etc [2, p. 34].
TESOL International Association suggests 6 principles of exemplary teaching which are useful in any classroom activities:
1. Know your learners.
2. Create conditions for language learning.
3. Design high-quality language lessons.
4. Adapt lesson delivery as needed.
5. Monitor and assess student language development.
6. Engage and collaborate within a community of practice [3].
It's very difficult to follow this principle when we deal with Military English or English for Specific Purposes when we have to use specific professionally oriented vocabulary in speech. We suggest some exercises which follow the above mentioned principle and help to interact in different modes: instructor - servicemen; servicemen - servicemen on the topic «Unmanned Aerial Vehicles» [4, p. 6].
1. UAV» is a very general term. Write more specific words for UAV in each space.
V y
2. Using the dictionaries and working in pairs, give definitions or explain in your words the following UAV's specifications. Share your results with the class:
> payload;
> vehicle Type;
> speed;
> endurance;
> system;
> wing Span;
> guidance;
> power Type;
> mission Radius;
> launch;
> fuel.
3. Work in groups. Put the letters into correct order to make words that refer to UAV's specifications.
> ehivelc etpy vehicle type
> nhglte
> wgeiht
> thgihe
> giwn nasp
> aldopya
> deurennac
> esdpe
> ropew yept
4. Write down all possible adjectives from the text «UAV» you have read. Think of more adjectives (positive and negative) that you can add. Present them to the class:
• controlled;
• *
* * *?
5. According to the list of adjectives from the exercise above write pros and cons sentences of UAVs application. Discuss them in small groups.
S UAVs are controlled aircraft.
6. Divide into groups and compare the specifications of UAVs. Present the results in the class.
7. You have visited the latest exhibition dedicated to the development of UAVs. Write a report about the information you have gathered in 200-250 words.
8. Make up the dialogue between UAV specialist and his colleague who discuss the future of UAVs.
9. Comprehension check. Work in teams. The team which can answer the most questions is the winner.
> Define the term UAV.
> What does UAV system comprise?
> What does drone mean?
> What are the abilities of UAV?
> What influences the development of UAVs?
> Name six functional categories of UAVs.
> Name UAVs which are categorized in terms of range/altitude. Describe one of them.
> What is UAV used for?
> What is the civilian application of UAV?
> Why do servicemen use UAV?
> How can UAV be used during an armed conflict?
> What does the Army use UAVs for?
^ What is the UAVs application by Navy? [4. pp. 16-17]
The next principle of authenticity involves the use in the educational process of professionally-oriented materials from original books and foreign language websites. When researchers deal with «authenticity», they refer not only to real-life material, but also to the way the learners interact with the material to acquire knowledge. Even though the value of authenticity has been questioned by some authors.
S A Soldier Pocket Book. - Military Pocket Books, UK, 2000.
S Army Cadet Pocket Book. - Military Pocket Books, UK, 2000.
S Campaign 1. English for the Military. Simon Mellor-Clark, Yvonne Baker de Altamirano. Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2004.
S Campaign 2. English for the Military. Simon Mellor-Clark, Yvonne Baker de Altamirano. Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2005.
S Command English. Students' Book. - Longman, 1988.
Different technical and electronic means such as computer are also used in the process of teaching and studying that's why the following principles are necessary in the work of instructor as well as the servicemen: the principle of ergonomics implies simplicity of work with electronic software, which means that the military does not require special knowledge of programming languages or keyboard commands; the principle of minimizing the negative impact or health-preserving principle allows to control and to some extent the possible negative impact of computer technology on the health of the user. It is indisputable that the dynamics of the process of forming professional foreign language competence of officers largely depends on the organization of management system of their educational activities, the essence of which is the process of transferring knowledge, skills from their source (instructor) to servicemen. The technical and didactic capabilities of electronic software and methodological complexes are sufficient to talk about the transfer of a certain part of the above function of the instructor, because the computer is able to perform informative, training, control, management and organizational functions of the teacher.
Among the general principles of teaching studied in didactics, we consider the principles of clarity, consciousness, activity and interdisciplinary coordination which are considered to be effective for the formation of foreign language of military specialists. Important methodological principles that should be followed in order to teach professionally oriented vocabulary are the communicative principles, interconnected learning of all types of foreign language speech activities and professional orientation of learning.
There are also the following methodological principles that must be considered when teaching a foreign language.
The communicative principle, which involves the construction of the process of learning a foreign language as a model of the process of real communication. This principle, most of all, takes into account the practical purpose of learning a foreign language - language learning as a means of communication. This means that learning should be structured in such a way that it should involve students in oral (listening, speaking) and written (reading, writing) communication. Here are the examples from the English for Specific Purposes Course which are represented in Major-Oriented English for graduates of military educational establishments:
1. In groups, define if the following statements are true or false.
S An electronic warfare systems operator is responsible for the electronic
S He monitors and does surveillance over the electromagnetic spectrum.
S He has not much equipment, which is mainly static.
S Commanders make their decisions based on what electronic warfare
systems operators have given.
S Training takes 3 weeks in total.
2. Watch the video and check your answers. Correct the false statements.
3. Make up a dialogue about electronic warfare troops, its types, functions and techniques [5, p. 47]:
The principle of the dominant role of exercises provides the organization of educational activities of students when the skills and abilities of foreign lan guage speech can be successfully formed.
The principle of interconnected learning of speech activities allows ensuring the learning of foreign language communication in the most effective way. We can give an example from General Military English Course to demonstrate the principle:
E. g. Prepare report on the topic «Future military uniform» using the picture of future Korean combatant as well as the events in Ukraine. What is necessary for Ukrainian servicemen to have to be well-equipped and ready for war? [6, p. 140].
The principle of taking into account the native language in linguistic terms makes it possible to predict difficulties in learning the pronunciation, lexical and grammatical aspects of foreign language speech, as well as in teaching graphics, spelling, semantics of language material. Psychologically, it should be taken into account to determine the structure of speech actions, which actions should be performed to develop the skills necessary for the formation of speech skills.
The specific principles of studying the formation of professional foreign language competence in a higher military educational institution include:
The principle of differentiation and integration of foreign language teaching. The teaching method clearly distinguishes between different types of speech activity, which is reflected in the selection of material, its organization, methods of working with it, and on the other hand integration - establishing relationships and interactions of different aspects of language, different types of speech activity in general[7].
Besides, modern innovative and personality-oriented pedagogical technology is a tool that, in our opinion, effectively helps to form the creative potential of military specialists, to improve their quality preparation for future professional activity [8, p. 171].
The principle of approximation of foreign language activity is that the assessment of speech activity ignores minor errors in foreign language communication, which do not violate the communicative act of speech, which creates a favorable atmosphere in the classroom, avoids fear of making mistakes that increases speech activity lessons.
The principle of functionality is manifested in the fact that each multimedia computer program performs specific didactic tasks; the principle of indirect communication of the subjects of the educational process with the help of the created computer environment and communication technologies that provide the opportunity to work in on-line and off-line modes; The principle of ergonomics implies simplicity and convenience of work with the electronic software package, which is that students do not require special knowledge of programming languages or keyboard commands;
The principle of minimizing the negative impact or the health-preserving principle allows controlling and to some extent eliminating the possible negative impact of computer technology on the health of the user [9].
Communicative orientation to teaching foreign languages. This principle means that learning a foreign language should be carried out as a communicative activity that is closer in its main parameters to the real foreign language communication. The educational process should be aimed at teaching servicemen to use a foreign language as a means of communication in real life situations. Achieving this goal involves the formation of communicative competence, as well as language, compensatory, socio-cultural, educational and cognitive competence.
The principle of communicative orientation determines the selection of learning content (areas of communication, topics, communication situations, language and language material, knowledge, skills and abilities); organization of training (where communication acts as a goal and means of learning a foreign language), which involves the use of various organizational forms (individual, pair, group, collective), means, methods of learning to model communication situations, exercises, language, conditional, communicative), providing much training. It should be noted that the implementation of this principle requires the creation of favorable conditions for communication in the field of professional military education [10].
Scientists have generalized the methodological principles of communicative - oriented and professionally oriented training in intercultural communication, which can be used in the formation of professional foreign language competence of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. These principles include: the principle of teaching foreign language in the context of intercultural dialogue; the principle of bicultural communicative development of instructors and students, the principle of development of communicative and linguistic culture in combination with other types and varieties of cultures; the principle of communicative-oriented formation of language skills, the principle of didactic and psychological, educational-communicative and interdisciplinary intensification of educational communication; the principle of professionally oriented foreign language educational communication; the principle of authenticity of educational materials, educational and communicative background of students' language activity, communicative and linguistic as well as social and cultural content of educational communication.
In addition, the pedagogical technology of forming professional foreign language competence of officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine involves the use of active teaching methods in foreign language classes, such as: communicative and interactive activities (trainings, discussions); games (business and role-plays); context method (method of imitation of professional activity); constructive method (project method, brainstorming), as well as research methods. Modern foreign language classes at universities include a variety of social and cultural role-plays, military communicative games of servicemen, debates in the form of discussing problems, the use of social and cultural, visual, photo, movie, TV materials.
Conclusions. We come to the conclusion that taking into account the didactic principles of teaching a foreign language opens new opportunities for the instructor and provides new tools for achieving the effectiveness of the educational process. Our experience clearly shows that the principles of English teaching taught by methodists are important and can be put into practice.
Adherence to these principles, taking into account the peculiarities of professional communication will promote the formation of professional foreign language competence in higher military educational establishments, promote professional international cooperation, increase the ability of servicemen to act as a subject of intercultural dialogue, willingness and ability to cooperate with other people.
english military didactic teaching
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9. Nataliia Ridey, Yuliya Rybalko, Anna Sytska, Yuliya Martynenko, Lydmila Klymenko Role of education and science in promoting of term state environmental programs IX International conference «Main problems of technology and professional education «Education - Technology - Computer Science», 20-21 September 2011, Poland, Przemysl, pp. 354-358.
10. Owen, William F. A (2016) Note from the Editor. Infinity Journal, Special Edition. «International Relations in Professional Military Education». Режим доступу: https: // www. Infinity journal. com/special issue/ 23/international_relations_in_professional_ military_education (дата звернення: 23.04.2022).
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курсовая работа [142,6 K], добавлен 09.12.2012The employment of Internet in teaching Foreign Languages. The modern methods of teaching 4 basic skills. The usage of Internet technologies for effective Foreign Languages acquisition. Analysis of experience: my and teachers of Foreign Languages.
курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.
курсовая работа [60,1 K], добавлен 28.03.2012Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.
статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.
презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.
презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015Oxford is a world-leading centre of learning, teaching and research and the oldest university in a English-speaking world. There are 38 colleges of the Oxford University and 6 Permanent Private Halls, each with its own internal structure and activities.
презентация [6,6 M], добавлен 10.09.2014The problem of linguistic abilities of a child. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching preschoolers. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency, duration of sessions. The game as the leading method of teaching preschoolers. Learning vocabulary.
курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2015Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.
курсовая работа [683,5 K], добавлен 06.03.2012The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.
реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012Intercultural Communication Competence: Language and Culture. The role Intercultural Communicative Competence in teaching foreign languages. Intercultural Competence in Foreign language teaching. Contexts for intercultural learning in the classroom.
курсовая работа [94,1 K], добавлен 13.05.2017Principles of asr teсhnology. Performance and designissues in speech applications. Current trends in voise-interactive call. Difining and acquiring literacy in the age of information. Content-based instruction and literacy development.
курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 21.01.2008