Mass communication media on the didactic excellence (second half of the XXth century)

Identifying the reasons that caused scientists and school workers to search for new methods, teaching techniques, and the emergence of an innovative movement. Factors of activity of editors of pedagogically oriented journals of the studied period.

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Zakharova G.V., Candidade of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Urazova S.V., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics.

Maksymova I.O., Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics


The article is dedicated to the problem of generalization and dissemination of advanced didactic experience by mass media in Ukraine since the 50s of the twentieth century. The research period is interesting and meaningful in terms of accumulation of didactic experience. The article shows that the policy of official authorities, the development of pedagogical science, increasing the activity of teachers has led to the search for scientists and school staff new methods, teaching methods, the emergence of an innovative movement. In the field of view of the pedagogical community clearly outlined didactic problems, which are not only developed but also become best practices, namely: the strength of knowledge, organization of educational and cognitive activities of students, use of technical teaching aids, construction and conditions of classrooms, development of potential opportunities of the lesson, subjects, organization of pedagogically and expedient interaction in the lesson, etc. The activity of the editorial boards of pedagogically oriented journals of the period under study was manifested in the desire to find better experience, in particular on the formation of political culture, ideological and patriotic, international, aesthetic, moral, labor education, organization of children's collective and self-government, school-family interaction, etc. It was found that the feature of the study period was an extremely bright palette of examples of advanced pedagogical experience, recommendations for its study, generalization and dissemination, as well as determining the conditions under which it is not only possible but also effective. It is established that the process of studying, generalizing and implementing experience depends, first of all, on how correctly and rationally organized all its stages, secondly, the teacher's need to improve the learning process, constantly self-improvement, stimulating school administration, creating conditions for the work of carriers of advanced ideas, as well as the purposeful work of pedagogical offices, inspectors of institutes of advanced training, the relationship between school and universities ensure the effectiveness of advanced pedagogical experience.

Key words: mass media, advanced pedagogical experience, teacher, school, pedagogy, didactics.



Стаття присвячена проблемі узагальнення та розповсюдження передового дидактичного досвіду засобами масової комунікації в Україні починаючи з 50-х років ХХ століття. Досліджуваний період - цікавий і змістовний в плані накопичення дидактичного досвіду. В статті відображено, що політика офіційних органів влади, розвиток педагогічної науки, підвищення активності вчителів спричинило пошуки науковцями й шкільними працівниками нових методів, прийомів навчання, виникнення новаторського руху. У полі зору педагогічної громадськості чітко окреслилися дидактичні проблеми, які не просто розроблялися, а й ставали в ранг передового досвіду, а саме: питання забезпечення міцності знань, організації навчально-пізнавальної діяльності учнів, використання технічних засобів навчання, побудови і умови застосування предметних кабінетів, розвитку потенційних можливостей уроку, навчальних предметів, організації педагогічно-доцільної взаємодії на уроці тощо. Ураховуючи специфіку досліджуваного періоду, констатовано пріоритетні проблеми виховання, які вивчались, узагальнювалися і завдяки засобам масової комунікації розповсюджувалися на території України. Активність редакцій педагогічно спрямованих журналів досліджуваного періоду проявлялася в прагненні виявити кращий досвід, зокрема з питань формування політичної культури, ідейно-патріотичного, інтернаціонального, естетичного, морального, трудового виховання, організації дитячого колективу і самоврядування, взаємодії школи й сім'ї, тощо. З'ясовано, що особливістю досліджуваного періоду була надзвичайна яскрава палітра прикладів передового педагогічного досвіду, рекомендацій щодо його вивчення, узагальнення й розповсюдження, а також визначення умов, за яких він не тільки можливий, а й протікає ефективно. Установлено, що процес вивчення, узагальнення і впровадження досвіду залежить, перш за все, від того, наскільки правильно й раціонально організовано всі його етапи, по-друге, потреба вчителя вдосконалювати навчальний процес, постійно самовдосконалюватися, стимулююча діяльність адміністрації школи, що створює умови для роботи носіїв передових ідей, а також цілеспрямована робота кабінетів педагогіки, інспекторів інститутів підвищення кваліфікації, взаємозв'язок школи і університетів забезпечують ефективність передового педагогічного досвіду.

Ключові слова: засоби масової комунікації, передового педагогічного досвіду, вчитель, школа, педагогіка, дидактика.

Formulation of the problem

The analysis of periodicals [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] justifies that didactic problems were particularly challenging topics in the period under scrutiny. This was the period when the advanced educational experience in students' learning and cognitive activity organization as well as new learning techniques development and implementation formed.

The purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to find out and reveal the role of the media in reflecting the best pedagogical experience in the study period. Update pedagogical experience and outline prognostic trends in the reflection of advanced pedagogical experience in the media in modern conditions.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Advanced educational experience as an urgent pedagogical problem of the second half of the twentieth century. studied in various aspects. Thus, the methodological foundations of the relationship between science and practice are presented in the works of P. Atutov, V. Zagvyazinsky, V. Zhuravlev, V. Kraevsky, E. Monoszon, M. Skatkin; definition of the categorical apparatus: the disclosure of the essence of PPD, its features, types, functions, conditions of implementation was carried out in the works of L. Aristova, Y Babansky, A. Boyko, V. Bondar, I. Krivonos, M. Talanchuk, F. Tereulov, T. Shamova. V. Yevdokimov, I. Zhuravlyov, V. Lednev, V. Lozova turned to the best experience as a source and basis for improving the content of education; conditions, forms and methods of studying and using advanced pedagogical experience became the subject of research by B. Bitinas, O. Kurakin, N. Shilova and others. P Atutov, K. Akhiarov, S. Matushkin, V. Polyakov, O. Sazonov, M. Tomin, P. Chernetsov and others considered the issues of differentiation of PPD (polytechnic, work experience, experience in professional orientation).

Presentation of the main material

Indicatively, in the 1950s, the issue of literacy emerged as important and requiring solution. Students' academic failure, in particular in language learning, was caused by: the insufficient continuity in acquiring strong skills of grammatically correct writing and the lack of continuous efforts of the school teaching staff to improve students' elocution. Elimination of these causes stipulated the development of a certain system for teaching critical parts of grammar and mobilization of the teaching staff and children's efforts to fight illiteracy.

Professional experience in students' literacy improvement deserved generalization and was presented in the journal «Narodnoie Obrazovanie» («Public Education»). The system of school's activity in this direction presupposed definition of the level of students' literacy level, conducting test dictations, which consisted of three parts: 1) basic text to test literacy; 2) additional text to check the knowledge of subject terminology; 3) certain words to test the skill of stress definition, the analysis of these dictations; inspection of lessons conducted by all teachers in order to distinguish the quality of every teacher's work; provision of assistance to teachers, their instruction and everyday monitoring of staff work; provision of teachers with portable blackboards; regular check of copybooks, vocabularies, academic diaries and class registers; implementation of a series of actions aimed at parsing, work on unstressed vowels, prevention and elimination of mass mistakes, organization of work with retarded students and work on orthography.

Teachers worked meticulously at every stage. For instance, a certain term explanation technique formed in the school practice: the semantic meaning of the term was uncovered in the teacher's example, then the term was written on the blackboard and a short explanation of its spelling was given, students then were offered to read the term aloud, make sentences with the new word, write it down in their vocabularies, find it in the text when doing tasks in textbooks, write this word correctly from their memory and properly use it in their answers [1]. This system of work was generalized by the Institute for Advanced Studies of Teachers in 1953 and the collection of works «Expertise in Teaching Unstressed Vowels at Schools of Velyki Luky Region» was published.

Representation of the best practices in teaching physical education was elucidated in periodicals of the 50s. The carriers of the advanced expertise were the schools of Vinnytsia, Lviv and Kyiv regions. Students' high sports achievements, which were spoken of in the local radio stations and the press, were made through arranging an extensive network of sports clubs and sections, which was provided by physical education teachers, formation of students' perseverance, responsibility, independence, students' involvement in various sports activities.

The important prerequisites for the effectiveness of these tasks are the highly-skilled teaching staff, the account taken of students' individual peculiarities and their physical fitness as well as the proper selection of home tasks. Having analyzed the sports achievements of these schools, the staff of the journal «Narodnoie Obrazovanie» («Public Education»), for instance, emphasized the fact that this success could be explained by the civic-mindedness and professionalism of the teacher who is committed to forming his students' conscientious attitude and love to sport activity. The peculiar feature of the leading teachers is their urge to enhance the disciplinary and educa- tory effect of the lesson and encourage all students to participate in lessons regardless of their physical fitness [8].

The analysis of the material presented in the periodicals justifies that schools at the beginning of the period under study studied and generalized any expertise extensively. In the 1970s, the problem of pupils' self-study came en masse and gave grounds for the transformation of the self-study activity into one of the functions obligatory for all members of the society. For example, particular attention was paid to pupils' self-study at Hajvoron secondary school № 5, Kirovohrad region. The system implemented in this school as for the given issue was described on the pages of the journal «Radianska Shkola» («Soviet School») and included the following tightly interconnected components: a) preparation for self-study; b) self-study improvement; c) practice in self-study. Preparation for self-study presupposed the formation of an inner urge for personal enrichment, mastering self-study skills, learning the elements of scientific labour management. The lack of each of these components was considered to make self-study activity impossible. scientist innovative movement pedagogically

It is a clear fact that the inner urge for self-study begins with the interest to knowledge. The impetus for such an urge emerges in class as a rule. Therefore, lessons opened the space for self-study activity. For instance, at the lesson of Physics, a teacher mentioned the antimatter and the pupils asked for detailed information concerning it. However, they lacked time at the lesson for describing the basic features of the antimatter. High school pupils were advised by the teacher to analyze the corresponding literature themselves. Thus, the pupils' urge for knowing more about the antimatter fostered their self-study in this area.

The impetus for self-study was the teacher's description of the path to the pinnacles of science, which many eminent scholars followed. At school, «Self-Study Bulletin» had been published several years before, which highlighted the expertise of exemplary pupils. «Creative Book» was introduced to observe the pupils' success in their creative activity. Particular attention was paid to the formation of self-study skills and encouragement of bibliographic knowledge.

Pupils' self-study society was functioning to join the self-study school (for Komsomol members), oral journal «Want to Know Everything» (for pioneers) and «The Whyers' Club» (for younger children). Meanwhile the aim of the latter two was the development of the intellectual curiosity, extension and deepening of knowledge, at the self-study school students acquired the skills necessary for the self-study activity. The following questions were discussed in class: How to work at a lesson? How to listen to a lecture? How to take notes? What are marginal notes and how to use them? How to work with a dictionary in the self-study process? How to collect and store information? How to do filing, etc.? At the same time, students familiarized themselves with the issues of scientific organization of cognitive activity. Pupils' self-study activity was widely presented in the abovementioned «Self- Study Bulletin» and on the stands such as «Leant to Self-Study» and «Scientific Organization of Cognitive Activity».

Pupils could acquire self-study skills in activity clubs, at which members of the library club gave regular speeches aimed at informing about the latest literary works in certain fields of knowledge, books were discussed, protection of interests as well as meetings with the winners of regional and the participants in republican and national academic contests were conducted. Everybody prepared the weekly activities in the corresponding discipline. With regard to pupils' self-study, subject Olympiads, defense of readers' borrower records, scientific conferences for pupils, themed nights, contests and political information meetings, which were put into practice at schools, were particularly beneficial.

Readers' borrower records among primary school children, for instance, were very informative. The event was announced well in advance with the specification of dates, the name of the pupil and the list of books for the defense of knowledge. An opponent was selected with regard to every book, who aimed to determine the depth of the defender's knowledge of the book contents. It is obvious that the opponent was a pupil who read the book. During the defense, the host characterized one student as the reader, who later informed about his reading preferences, his home library, and answered the questions arising. In high school, defenses of personal interests were arranged, at which specialist literature, studied by the pupil in accordance with their requests, was under scrutiny. Such defense was often organized in activity and interesting challenge clubs [10, с.71-72].

Late 80s were the period when learning process computerization spread in the school environment and, thus, required integration of information technologies with pedagogical tools, revitalization of the idea of personalized learning. The experience of implementing technological innovations in Kirovograd specialized secondary school №22 with enhanced education in informatics was presented in the journal «Shlyakh Osvity» («Education Path»). Implementation of advanced software enabled to restructure the process of learning not only mathematics, physics and chemistry, but also such disciplines not tightly connected with computers as languages, music, drawing, geography and history.

School management was grounded on the application of the technological environment of the integrated information system «School». The administration used this information system to plan educational work. Incoming and outgoing documents were registered in the computer system as well as school staff profiles and their appraisal document packages as well as the catalogue of scientific and methodological literature and normative documents were stored, timetable was formed and statistical data was prepared.

Implementation of advanced information technologies enabled to create a natural environment at a lesson, helped to stir pupils' creativity, develop their cogitation and form their skills necessary in the modern society. Along with this, the educational paradigm changed with increased attention being paid to the development of the ability to acquire knowledge independently under the conditions of research activity. Application of Advanced information technologies enhanced the interconnection between subject, which fostered formation of new integrated training courses and conforming national education standards. Besides, long-term perspectives opened not only for humanitarization of education and learning process humanization, but also for the establishment of democratic principles for student government development. The level of informal communication between pupils and teachers and among pupils themselves improved, individual learning and public activity expanded, teachers' and pupils' creativity unleashed with the account taken of their civic position, learning preferences and professional interests.

Democratic student government encouraged the development of students' sense of school ownership, ability to cooperate on the grounds of equality, publicity, thus, becoming the school of democracy, and educating decisive, responsible and self-actualizing people [9, с.36-37].

The period of the 1970s was also characterized by the search of methods, techniques of teaching school subjects, activation of pupils' cogitation at lessons, giving impetus for their independent search of information and ways to solve problems. The outcome was teaching connected with setting and solution of tasks. The expertise of prominent teachers of Ukraine, in particular in Kirovograd region, prompted another way to improve teaching chemistry, namely lecture and practical approach. The material was delivered in a shorter term than provided by the curriculum and pupils did tasks based on the studied materials individually at lessons. Then, more complex tasks emerged - development of scientifically grounded tasks of the problem type, which had to provide for mastering theoretical materials and students' skills development.

During the period under study, which is justified by the review of then-recent press, the issue of application of the educatory ability of academic disciplines was topical. For instance, the pedagogical community of Ukraine was able to familiarize with the expertise in forming pupils' mindset within the process of studying chemistry gained by M. Kotko, a teacher at Berezno secondary school №21, Rivne region.

With the account taken that the learning process and certain academic disciplines have a considerable potential for developing the pupil's personality, the teaching staff of Lopatyn secondary school in Lviv region emphasized the importance of patriotic and international education at Geography lessons. So, in the process of general description of the national economy and review of the union republics and huge economic zones, the teachers emphasized the fact that the economies of union republics developed as components of a single economy. They exemplified the achievements of every republic as part of mutual activity and aid.

The 1980s were characterized by actuation of the problem of intrasubject and interdisciplinary relationships application. Knowledge of history, biology, physics, geography, chemistry and a series of other subjects forms prerequisites for understanding philosophical issues under scrutiny in social studies and must form the basis for every person's mindset. Interdisciplinary relationships are crucial for pupils' understanding of the regularities of processes in the society, for their cogitation development as well as formation of self-study skills. They encourage formation of their holistic view of the phenomena in their environment and scientific notions. On the basis of interdisciplinary relationships, the whole system of scientific view of the society forms itself in pupils' perception and they gain a deeper understanding of the dialectics of the historic development.

The teachers of Khmelnytski region accumulated certain experience in forming intrasubject and interdisciplinary relationships during the study of the elements of disciplines and in-depth analysis of the works by classical Marxist writers or party documents. Coordinating their efforts, they took particular care of the development of pupils' knowledge-based system and elimination of learning materials duplication. They used improved curricula in social disciplines, which showed ways to apply knowledge of other subjects. For example, a History and Social Science teacher at Pen'ki secondary school, Starokostiantynivski district, M. Bogurski, carefully studied the curricula of allied disciplines, consulted Physics, Chemistry and Biology teachers to distinguish the material of these subjects that could be applied at a certain lesson, how to present it to interest pupils and add to their knowledge, say, in social science. Then, at a Social Science lesson, tenth-grade pupils studied the law of transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones. M. Bogurski offered them to remember how chemical properties of elements change depending on the atomic weight unit and make corresponding conclusions. Concentrating pupils' attention on these theoretical questions, which develop materialist understanding of the nature and the society, he built understanding of major theses of the Marxist theory.

The teacher drew up a catalogue of class-based and topic-based implementation of interdisciplinary relationships. She assisted in effectuating interdisciplinary relationships and, therefore, facilitating their learning new material, equipping them with in-depth knowledge about the society development at the majority of lessons grounding her actions on pupils' cognitive ability and practical skills.

The honoured teacher of the USSR, L. Polishchuk (secondary school №13 of Kamyanets-Podilski) persuaded pupils with multiple examples that application of various knowledge in different spheres of life was a characteristic feature of the modern well-educated person. She successfully used scientific and fiction literature, thus, encouraging pupils' creative approach to learning new materials.

R. Kleyman, a teacher at Starokostiantynivka secondary school №2, succeeded in realizing interdisciplinary relationships. She drew up course schedules, which provided for the chronological sequence of giving interdisciplinary insight and the principle of gradual formation of scientific notions and the world outlook. For instance, working on the topic «Kyiv Rus - Early Feudal State» with seventh-grade pupils, the teacher proposed pupils to remember the important events taking place in Western European countries at that time (Establishment of the empire by Charlemagne and its collapse as well as feudal fragmentation of Western Europe). Taking to the analysis of issues of cultural development in the USSR in the modern time, R. Kleyman invoked tenth-graders' knowledge of history, literature and economic geography, and several pupils prepared reports for lessons. The teacher successfully developed pupils' ability to compare events and phenomena, analyze and generalize, which helped them considerably to navigate easily and rapidly in real-life situations.

Mass communication media reflected the expertise of interdisciplinary relationships realization by M. Yevtushko, a teacher at Lemkivska 8-year school, Starokostyantynivka district, T. Pecherska, a Biology teacher at Bilozerske secondary school , K. Shkil, a Physics teacher at Kyiv secondary school № 32.

Particular attention was paid to interesting forms of learning: distinguishing groups of subject notions, forming of which required realization of interdisciplinary relationships; application of knowledge in other subjects in drilling the material under study; exemplification of applying knowledge of various subjects in various living environments etc.

In the 1970s, considerable experience was gathered in pupils' ideological education at lessons. Some of it was generalized as advanced and presented in pedagogical periodicals. For instance, creative knowhow developed by pedagogy workers of Hontivka secondary school of Mohyliv-Podilski district, Vinnytsia region, was presented in journal «Radianska Shkola» («Soviet School»). The teachers analyzed every theme of their subjects with the aim of its contents presentation necessary for their pupils' patriotic feelings formation. When teaching the topic «Phys- ics and Technical Progress», N. Hrudina, a teacher, gives a comparative characteristics of the effects of production processes in socialist and capitalist countries with an emphasis on the fact that manufacturing automation in the USA caused workers' misery and poverty instead of prosperity. At physics lessons in the 9th and 10th grades as well as extra-curricula work, students were encouraged to prepare reports on the following topics: «Power-Transmission System «World», «Man and Space», «Science and Social Progress», «Importance of Physics in Manufacturing Mechanization and Automation in the Light of Tasks Set by Communist Program» based on interdisciplinary relationships with social sciences. As a result, pupils developed the sense of assurance that the science becomes explicitly a production resource only in a socialist state with a planned economy where the government cared about people's well-being. The teacher often arranged such extra-curricular activities as «weeks of physics», issued «physics bulletins» and bulletin-board newspapers, which informed about scientific achievements.

In the 1990s, the issue of using games (didactic, role-play) gained importance in teaching. Pedagogical periodicals reflected widely the experience gained by subject teachers. With an understanding that History is a science specific in its method and techniques, certain teachers aimed at teaching it as «an original novel spreading out into science», using such method as «empathic compassion» to understand historic processes. This tem was enforced in social sciences by W. Dilthey, who regarded the empathic ability as an obligatory premise for understanding cultural and historic reality of a human. The sense of empathy lies in the fact that it enables to gain a valuable insight into the whole world of a different person, remodel it beyond the scientific methods of synthesis and analysis as an immediate grasp of integrity. Empathy changes the structure of selfhood, makes it more resilient and open for external experience [13, c. 21].

History teachers strived for the creation of an opportunity to learn about all interpretations of historic facts and various opinions about different events. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the social strata being the bearer of this opinion and what value system was distinguished in this interpretation of events.

One of the real methods of tolerance realization in teaching is role-play. It traces its genetic roots back to Socrates' famous conversations. The ancient Greek philosopher made active use of this then-new didactic technique of clashing points of view. The heroes of his dialogues are the bearers of different role positions. Medieval scholasticism, especially university scholasticism, made active use of role-play. Dialectics, which was part of the trivium, was one of the three basic subjects and trained for debates on religious topics with a defense of religious dogmata. It was always a difficult technique to use (if to remember the idea expressed by H. Skovoroda: «The student's head hurts from disputation»), but it was quite effective, because the problems actual at the time were being discussed.

During the period under study, the issues of forming students' mental activity techniques were topical. Realizing that their intelligence level is determined not only by the knowledge system, but also by the developed and consolidated ways of their extraction, subject teachers paid particular attention to the development of techniques of analogy, analysis, substantial connections definition in objects, etc.

School teaching staff of various regions of Ukraine accumulated experience in solving this problem. Mathematics teachers in schools of Voroshylovgrad and Kharkiv regions aimed at the development of pupils' skills and cognitive independence, formation of their positive incentives for learning and certain culture of intellectual work. With this aim, they analyzed the curriculum in Mathematics and elaborated a certain system of classes presented in pedagogical periodicals, in particular in «Radianska Shkola» («Soviet School») as advanced expertise. An example of forming the principle of classification and categorization of notions in the 9th grade can be drawn. The teacher V. Osinskaya noted that the difficulties many students experienced in solving the problem of dividing numbers by different properties necessitated a deeper understanding (especially by weak and intermediate students) of the essence of this technique. It should be noted that a partial understanding of classification is given in the 5th grade. The essence of this technique and its role in the learning process was explained with the help of conversations. Pupils were acquainted with the principle of concept expansion (generalization) and narrowing (concretization). And this presupposed understanding of the concept and its scope, which, proved by research, many pupils didn't realize. Therefore, by means of explanation, characteristics of the notion were introduced - its contents, scope and «subject» realization (the contents of the notion was uncovered in its definition, the scope was demonstrated with the help of classification). Pupils learned about the existence of an approximate indirect relation between the contents and the scope of the notion. The essence of the law was studied on the basis of particular cases. For example, an «isosceles triangle» has the contents: two sides are congruent, and the scope is equicrural and equiangular triangles. Then, the contents of the notion was increased - all sides were congruent, and the scope was reduced - it was composed only of equiangular triangles. Pupils remembered the correlation of properties of genus and species, and, in parallel, the correlation of sets and subsets. In order to understand their interconnection, comparison and analogy techniques were applied. A definition of classification as the operation of generic concept area break-down into types by any features was given and examples (of integer numbers division by sign, of hypotheses by the criterion of veracity) were provided.

A landmark rule of the principle was introduced with the following sequence: definition of aims; identification of various properties of the subjects to be classified; comparison between subjects by general and specific features with regard to the set aims; determination of the basis for classification with regard to the aims, discovered general and special features and their names; grouping the subjects by the determined basis (bases); naming each subject group; formulation of conclusions. Real numbers classification was elaborated in symbiosis with the help of this landmark rule. The principles of concept extension and narrowing were realized: down move - concept narrowing (new features were added) and up move - concept extension (several properties were disregarded), i.e. generalization of notions.

In the 1990s, a trend to publish recommendations for conducting classes based on certain teachers' experience generalization manifested itself. It is a well-known fact, that a child's urge for expressing their thoughts and moods as well as their inner psyche via pictures, colours, certain symbolic signs (pictograms) is stipulated by their nature. Creative activity should be considered an interesting form of learning. Pedagogical journals and newspapers covered the developments by school teachers of various subjects. Namely, the journal «Shlyakh Osvity» («Education path») presented such proprietary methodologies as «Picture lesson», «Director Oneself» (1999, № 3). For instance, children assume the role of a director who has the task of informing about some events in their movie. A pupil could make their own «movie» about everything they heard from their teacher or about a certain interesting episode of the event. In this, the pupil could determine at least six key categories and indicate them with pictograms in frames under certain numbers. The pupil could select themselves which pairs of categories they could place at each stage and use numbers to indicate them on the mind map of their future movie. Moreover, they could choose themselves the title of their movie depending on the composition. After that, the pupil would start making this movie and write the script. The work on making this movie could be given as hometask because it was difficult to do it in class. However, if lessons were paired, it was feasible to do such a task in class and then hold a festival of pupils' works. Pupils would find it interesting to watch their classmates' works and listen to their scripts.

The following step - peer review was as important. Pupils reviewed their classmates' works by exchanging picture bands. The concept of right-hand and lefthand analysis in primary school should be considered in the physical sense, namely every pupil gives their work to his right-hand neighbor, then to their left-hand neighbor for review. In the middle school, it is necessary to develop pupils' understanding of leftist and rightist opinions and positions with regard to which they were proposed to make the abovementioned reviews.

Application of such a technique enabled the teacher to monitor changes in pupils' mood and efficiency as well as the level of interest to working for all pupils with no exceptions and the amount of positive emotions this type of activity may give rise after the first lessons. The work activates almost all types of memory. A real «movie festival» can be arranged. This can be a festival of school creativity and a review of children's creative practical works. The «movie festival» should be arranged in the following way: the whole class is divided into the following groups at the beginning of the lesson: prizewinners, movie critics, independent press, business people, independent registrar, advertising agents, the audience and, obviously, the jury. Each participant of the contest has to perform the predetermined role.


Therefore, the analysis of materials in mass communication media justifies that didactic problems gained particular acuteness during the period under scrutiny. Acknowledging the considerable educational capacity of studying, scholars, educators and teachers gathered, analyzed and generalized the best practices in students' robust knowledge construction, their literacy level improvement, use of education facilities and elucidation of the educational capacity of school subjects (geography, history, mathematics, chemistry, physics, literature), civic sense development and pupils' vocational counselling etc.

Actualization of any problem depended upon the official government strategy, school development, pedagogical science and practice as well as creativity and efforts of teachers themselves in a certain direction, in particular, educating pupils at lessons, positive learning rationale and general learning skills formation.


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