Priority directions of management activity of higher education institutions heads in the conditions of its modernization

Ways of increasing the efficiency of management activities of university leaders. Principles of integration into the European scientific and educational space, implementation of the latest forms of higher education management, technology transfer.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 01.09.2022
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National academy of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine

Educational and scientific institute of humanities of the University of the state fiscal service of Ukraine,

Priority directions of management activity of higher education institutions heads in the conditions of its modernization

Sulima E.M.,

DSc (philosophy), professor, corresponding member, director

Dienizhna S.O.,

Ph.D. in pedagogy, associate professor



The increasing efficiency of management of the heads of higher educational institutions in terms of its modernization is described in the article.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretically the priority areas for improving the efficiency of management activities of the heads of educational institutions, to determine the ways of their practical implementation in the modernization of higher education.

The content of the article highlights the focus of management activities of the heads of higher educational institutions on the implementation of the innovative model that involves the integration of science, education, industry and business. Ways for increasing the efficiency of management the university leaders are revealed - integration into the European scientific and educational space, developing the directions of internationalization of educational and research activities of higher education institutions, introduction of new forms of higher educational management - technological transfering, clustering, commercialization, consulting, business-incubator, center of advanced professional training and retraining of specialists, creative laboratories and media studios. Peculiarities of modern forms of organization of educational activity of universities - dual education, demonstration exam, co-working are considered to be analysed.

Research results: development and practical implementation of the innovative model of integration of science, education, production and business. Conclusions. Improving the efficiency of management activities of freelancers is achieved through the integrated use of the latest scientific, technical and educationalprojects, improving the structural organization of higher educational institutions, practical implementation of innovative models of modernization of higher education, creating new business structures, information and consulting centers. The complex functionality of the management activities of the heads of higher education institutions helps to accelerate the process of transforming real knowledge into technological innovations and innovative products, provides an opportunity to concentrate financial and material resources on intensifying the innovative activities of higher education institutions. For the successful operation of innovative products in higher education it is necessary to develop an effective organizational and economic mechanism of interaction between the two components of supply and demand - a key tool that determines the quality of higher education and ways to transform it in a market economy.

Key words: management activity, European scientific and educational space, clustering, commercialization of education, consulting, transfer center, center of advanced training and retraining of specialist.


Пріоритетні напрями управлінської діяльності керівників закладів вищої освіти в умовах її модернізації

Суліма Є. М.

доктор філософських наук, професор, член-кореспондент Національної академії педагогічних наук України,


Навчально-науковий інститут гуманітарних наук Університету державної фіскальної служби України, Ірпінь, Київська область, Україна

Дєніжна С.О.

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри психології, педагогіки та соціології Університет державної фіскальної служби України, Ірпінь, Київська область, Україна

Актуальність статті зумовлена необхідністю підвищення ефективності управлінської діяльності керівників закладів вищої освіти в умовах її модернізації.

Мета статті - теоретично обґрунтувати пріоритетні напрями підвищення ефективності управлінської діяльності керівників освітніх закладів, визначити шляхи їх практичної реалізації в умовах модернізації вищої освіти.

У змісті статті висвітлюється спрямованість управлінської діяльності керівників закладів вищої освіти на реалізацію інноваційної моделі, що передбачає інтеграцію науки, освіти, виробництва і бізнесу. Розкриваються такі шляхи підвищення ефективності управлінської діяльності керівників університетів, як інтеграція в європейський науково-освітній простір, який розвивається у напрямах інтернаціоналізації освітньої та науково - дослідницької діяльності закладів вищої освіти, впровадження новітніх форм управлінської діяльності вищої школи, трансферу технологій, кластеризації, комерціалізації, консалтингу, бізнес-інкубатору, центру випереджальної професійної підготовки та перепідготовки фахівців, творчих лабораторій і медіастудій. Розглядаються особливості сучасних форм організації освітньої діяльності університетів - дуального навчання, демонстраційного іспиту, коворкінгу.

Результати дослідження. Нами проведена розробка інноваційної моделі інтеграції науки, освіти, виробництва і бізнесу, підготований проєкт розвитку дуальної форми навчання в Університеті державної фіскальної служби України.

Висновки. Підвищення ефективності управлінської діяльності керівників закладів вищої освіти досягається завдяки комплексному використанню новітніх наукових, технічних і освітніх проєктів, удосконаленню структурної організації ЗВО, практичній реалізації інноваційних моделей модернізації вищої школи, створенню нових бізнес-структур, інформаційно-консультативних і ресурсних центрів. Комплексний функціонал управлінської діяльності керівників ЗВО сприяє прискоренню процесу перетворення реальних знань у технологічні нововведення та інноваційні продукти, надає можливість сконцентрувати фінансові та матеріальні ресурси на інтенсифікації інноваційної діяльності закладів вищої освіти. Для успішного функціонування інноваційної продукції в галузі вищої освіти необхідно виробити ефективний організаційно - економічний механізм взаємодії двох складових - попиту та пропозиції - ключового інструменту, що визначає якість вищої освіти та способи її трансформації в умовах ринкової економіки.

Ключові слова: управлінська діяльність, європейський науково-освітній простір, кластеризація, комерціалізація освіти, консалтинг, трансфер-центр, центр випереджальної підготовки та перепідготовки фахівців.

Main part

Statement of problem in the general association and its relationship with important scientific or practical tasks. Modem processes of informatization, computerization, technologicalization, transformation taking place in society are characterized with the growing role of knowledge-intensive technologies and determine the direction of management activities of higher educational institutions for their modernization and innovative development.

Analysis of world experience shows that the combination of knowledge and high technology, effective use of the innovative potential of higher educational institutions guarantee the success of modernization of higher education in Ukraine in the context of European integration, its organic inclusion in the European scientific and educational space.

According to these positions, it is emphasized the creation of innovative research and educational space among the priority areas of transformational change in the management of higher educational institutions would be identified, in which the network of resource centers, research laboratories, business incubators, technological parks, student research and engineering academies connected to the intelligent Internet network is organized and developed.

Modern technologies are introduced into the educational process of higher education, practice for scientific, technical and media creativity is created, various measures for cooperation of educators, international partnership are applied, experimental work and exchange of innovative pedagogical experience are carried out under such conditions.

Training of highly qualified specialists capable of generating new scientific ideas, creating projects and making original technological decisions, development of networking in an innovative scientific and educational environment, practice-oriented training of applicants are the dominant factors in the management the authorities of higher educational institution.

However, the leaders of domestic education are not able to compete with the heads of foreign universities, unfortunately, which are at the top 500 international rankings. International ratings may not take into account the specifics of Ukrainian higher education, which necessitates the creation of national ratings, which include all rating systems: ratings; assessment of the quality of higher education; evaluation of achievements of scientific and pedagogical workers; assessment of applicants' achievements; accreditation. After all, independent performance evaluation is the stimulus and the effective mechanism for the dynamic development of higher education.

Obviously, there is some necessity for certain changes in state educational policy, in the regulation of management activities of heads of higher education institutions.

As you know, now the heads of educational institutions must comply with numerous requirements and orders of higher authorities to increase global competitiveness and exports of higher education, monitoring its effectiveness by representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, state accreditation National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and other centralized control.

In order to increase the efficiency of management activities in the conditions of modernization and systemic educational transformations, to overcome the crisis situation has arisen during the pandemic, academic freedom and university autonomy is needed, which would ensure largely the creation of a transformation its integration into the European scientific and educational space. Global international cooperation is one of the priority areas for overcoming the challenges and consequences of the epidemiological and economic crisis in higher education.

The necessity for managerial staff of the new formation with the accumulated innovative potential, developed skills of its actualization, variability and flexibility of professional thinking is evidenced by the constant acceleration of the aging of knowledge, increasing digitalization and technologicalization in the changing information society. Thus, the creation of scientific and educational projects, the introduction of innovative technologies, the development of author's methods and their practical implementation are the leading directions in improving the efficiency of management activities ofthe heads ofhigher educational institutions.

Mentioned on the above, scientific research is updated in determining the priority areas of management of freelance management as part of the modernization of higher education, revealing ways of their practical implementation in the context of transformational changes in domestic education and its European integration.

Analysis of the last research and publications in which the solution of this problem has been initiated and the author is based on. The analysis of the previous research and publications, which initiated the solution of this problem, shows the significant interest of scientists in improving the efficiency of management of university leaders in the context of modernization and transformation.

The innovative dimension of managerial activity of higher school principals is confirmed by the practical activity of governmental and interstate bodies have adopted several legislative acts in recent years, namely: Laws of Ukraine «On Education», «On Higher Education», «On Innovation», «On State Regulation», «On the priority areas of innovation in Ukraine», «On state target programs».

The innovation policy is a powerful lever through it is making progress in education, science and economics, increase production efficiency, increase the competitiveness of professionals in the labor market these documents underline.

According to this priority the commercialization of science, bringing the innovative activities of the higher educational institution in line with modern economic conditions according to S.M. Kozhemyakina [1]. This position is held by S. Korsunsky, emphasizing the importance of cooperation between universities and business, their partnership in the market of educational services and new technologies [2].

To the priority areas of improving the efficiency of management in higher education institutions E.M. Sulima attributes, first of all, the development of universities according to the innovative model, the opening of innovative structures in universities and the creation of research-type universities, which become centers of elite higher education [14; 15].

Modern areas of management in higher education institutions are revealed in the E.V. Neborsky research «Digital Transformation of Higher Education: International Trends», in particular the introduction of digital technologies in the management system of higher education institutions [16].

Peculiarities of organizational activity of universities in the crisis period, which are caused by the difficult epidemiological situation, are considered in the publication of S.O. Denizhna and M.O. Owls «Organization of universities for the prevention of mental disorders in student youth during the pandemic» [5].

The analysis of scientific works on the problem under study allows us to note that after the enactment of the laws, the scientific interest in increasing the role of managers capable of innovative activities in the sphere of education is growing.

Selection of previously unsolved parts of the general problem the article is dedicated to. However, the disclosure of this problem requires an expanded scientific search in the outlined direction, which will effectively implement the managerial, intellectual, scientific and technological, financial, marketing and production potential of modern universities.

Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the relevance of the researching problem for determining the priority areas to improve the efficiency of management of heads of higher education institutions, the success of the practical implementation is determined by certain factors, including:

- necessity to outline priority guidelines for management activities of heads of higher education institutions to implement the strategy of innovative development of higher educational institutions, organization of e-learning, introduction of distance, non-formal and informal forms of education, creation of technical infrastructure to provide them;

- insufficient development of effective mechanisms for managing the innovation activities of universities, their successful operation in the European scientific and educational space;

- insignificant number of treatises focused on the advancement and development of new professional competencies, forecasting the required staff, organizing measures to avoid their shortage in the labor market, as well as identifying difficulties hinder the successful work of heads of educational institutions;

- necessity to determine specific areas, forms and methods of management activities of authorities involving the activation of the innovative potential of higher educational institutions, improving the quality of training of professionals competitive in the labor market.

These factors confirm the relevance and prospects of researching the problem of priority areas for improving the efficiency of management of heads of higher education institutions as a determining component of innovative development of higher education in the modernization of higher education.

Formulation of the objectives of the article. The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretically the priority areas for improving the efficiency of management activities of heads of higher education institutions in terms of its modernization.

Presentation of the basic material of research with full justification of the obtained scientific results. In solving this goal, it would be noted the modernization of higher education in Ukraine is carried out according to the innovative model that provides for the integration of education, science, practice, industry and business. A common feature inherent in all these industries is that each of them is in the process of transformation.

However, there are problems have been caused certain difficulties, namely:

a) the difference between the subject and methods of learning materials - scientific opinion is based on practical materials obtained in real educational activities, but education often takes a conservative position;

b) production and economy backwardness based on outdated principles that are not included into the dialogue between the educational system and advanced scientific thought.

In the innovative activity of the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, the introduction of the dual form of education acquires special significance. To this end, a project for the development of dual education for training (figure 1).

Priority areas of management is the creation of centers of scientific and technical artistic creativity. Such centers are self-regulating innovation systems, which allows the integration of science, education, practice into a single innovation complex.

The generalization of scientific ideas and the development of new projects, the introduction of educational practices through cooperation between scientific, industrial, technical and educational personnel would be able to increase the interest in the modern university leaders.

The introduction of the dual form of education in the field of psychology is due to the establishment of mutual relations and cooperation between scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Psychology and Sociology USFSU, researchers ofthe research center USFSU, Research Institute of G.S. Kostyuk, the Association of Psychologists of Ukraine, the State Tax Service of Ukraine, the Department of Education and Science of Irpin City Council and other employers, organizations interested in practice-oriented and quality training of psychological personnel.

The opening of centers of advanced training and retraining of specialists, which are created to improve the quality of higher education and competitiveness on the basis of universities is deserved by special attention. Such centers are created as separate structural units, determine the most popular competencies for the future society, provide close cooperation between educational institutions, stakeholders and applicants, determine the benchmarks to be achieved by future professionals.

For example, the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine has identified the feasibility of training a significant number of specialists and opening a master's degree in «Economic Journalism», «International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies», that are in demand in modern society, economy and business.

The range of functional directions of the centers for advanced professional training of specialists is rather wide: monitoring of the labor market; forecasting of social demands in professional staff; conducting comprehensive events; identification and formation of priority for the economy professional knowledge and competencies necessary also for the modernization of the training system for future professionals; development of modified educational programs for training higher education and retraining; compiling the professional digital portfolio; promoting the employment of applicants and interaction with employers in corporate training programs; publication of advertisements and programs of advanced training courses; audience selection and use of services for applicants. Considerable attention would be paid to providing computer audience, co-working, project area and media area with video studio, lecture hall, and transformer room with VR equipment.

International practical experience testifies to the expediency of conducting the demonstration exam (demo exam), as a result of it freelance graduates will receive not only a diploma, but also a digital passport of professional competencies. Public demonstration of the results of educational achievements of young specialist in front of the reputable experts allows to avoid employment problems, opens prospects for the professional future, promotes the acquisition of competencies necessary for research.

With the mentioned above, in the context of this problem, it is necessary to emphasize the clustering of educational systems as the process of creating clusters focused on the use of intellectual resources to meet social and educational needs.

As the new form of integration of educational, scientific, industrial, economic, structures and authorities, combined on the basis of technological and territorial proximity, clusters, thus, are the component of innovation management of higher educational institutions activities, which affects significantly the efficiency of training highly qualified personnel. They contribute to the simultaneous increasing of productivity and profitability universities, scientific and creative laboratories, resource centers, combined for the development of new technologies and their implementation in educational practice.

Universities create business incubators, differ by the innovative environment and legislative support. Innovative projects important for higher education are implemented with the participation of organizational structures, the activities of the last involve the best applicants for higher education.

The cluster creation in the educational space contributes to the success of the latest programs, improving the quality of training, activation of intellectual, material and information resources for research in priority areas of innovative development of higher education and modernization of higher education in general.

Noteworthy is the growth of the network of technology transfer centers, which testify to the mastery of the mechanism of implementation of the Law of Ukraine «On state regulation of activities in the field of technology transfer» and the creation of a space conducive to innovation.

The transfer center acts as an independent innovation structure that combines science, higher education, technology, practice and the market, acquiring the characteristics of the venture firm. Supported by the powerful organizations and enterprises, transfer centers combine in their activities the training of scientific, psychological, pedagogical, economic personnel, the development of innovations, the creation of promising educational and scientific laboratories, the development of new technologies.

On this basis, innovative models of organization of the educational process in higher education, creative activity of scientific and pedagogical staff, thorough practical training and mastery of modern technologies are outlined.

Thus, increasing the efficiency of management activities of managers is due to the implementation of the new function for higher educational institutions - bringing new educational projects to specific technological solutions. Serving this function causes the emergence of commercialization of innovative activities of universities. It is a question of introduction of elements of the market in activity of establishments of higher education for the purpose of its mutual coordination with the economic conjuncture.

The creation of an innovative scientific and educational environment is possible only under the conditions of the consistent state policy. However, despite of the relatively low level of commercialization the scientific developments, new educational technologies by the state, it would be emphasized the pace of innovation in the domestic higher education is still growing.

This fact is confirmed by the experience of innovation providers - new commercial structures that are rapidly mastering the innovation market, as well as the results of universities that have managed to adapt to the market conditions, including research and resource centers, which are characterized by concentration of scientific, educational, industrial and financial potential combined with the process of technological development.

The new phenomenon in the scientific and educational field is becoming widespread in the organizational structure of the higher educational institutions - the creation of information and consulting centers, as well as the emergence of new structures for which training and consulting has become an integral part of innovative business.

Experience shows the expediency of opening information and consulting centers that would work in close cooperation with practice-oriented departments of universities that focus on meeting the scientific and technological needs of society and the main consumer of educational services - higher education.

Improving the efficiency of management activities the authority staff of the higher educational institutions, necessarily requires the development of appropriate tools through which innovative projects and plans for new products are developed, intensified work in the sphere of monitoring, orders, advertising, marketing. The application of these tools involves the following steps.

1. Using the mechanism of innovative forecasting, which provides:

- marketing research of new educational technologies, the procedure of which is the study of innovative experience;

- participation in exhibitions, seminars, competitions, presentations, etc.;

- cooperation of higher educational institutions with scientific institutions on the introduction of new technologies;

- use of digital resources;

- forecasting the demand for innovative products;

- expert evaluation of university activities;

- selection of new educational initiatives and technologies, which involves analysis of technological and economic properties of new programs, projects and technologies;

- approbation of new developments, their adaptation to the conditions of higher educational institutions;

- organization of experiments.

2. Elaboration of the planning mechanism consisting of development the innovative projects and development of university development strategy (including optimization of introduction of the newest technologies, technical and infrastructural re-equipment, the organization of system of retraining of personnel and material stimulation of workers, drawing up the perspective plan of innovative development), planning (forecasting of the order and development of the complex plan, formation of commercial tasks, the conclusion of the collective agreement, adaptive planning).

3. Establishing business relations and organizing information events, including:

- business contacts on the basis of agreements for research and licensing agreements for testing and use of new products, as well as work with staff;

- organization of information forms of higher educational institutions activity - holding of scientific and practical conferences, educational and methodical seminars, competitions, coverage of offers on the university site, sale of innovative products with consultative support.

4. Stimulation of innovative activity with the use of organizational and socio-psychological measures focused on the interest of scientific institutions and enterprises in cooperation with the higher educational institutions by creating scientific and educational associations with the involvement of industrial organizations, legal structures that can be integrated into clusters.

5. Monitoring the quality of higher education, its computerization and informatization, the introduction of commercial calculation.

During the pandemic, new horizons opened up for international partnership and prospects for the development of scientific diplomacy in Ukraine. Global international cooperation in the sphere of science and education is one of the leading areas of management of freelance managers.

On the wave of the epidemiological crisis and the digital transformation, new opportunities have emerged for the internationalization of higher education and international partnerships in science. Among the main priorities of scientific discussions and expert research, the impact of the consequences and lessons of the epidemiological crisis, as well as the preparation of scenarios and forecasting the development of future higher education is paid much attention to. Thus, examples of the development of scientific diplomacy in the field of education are: implementation of recommendations to overcome global challenges for humanity, mastering foreign best practices in the use of scientific diplomacy in the interests of socio-economic well-being of the country.

It would be noted that during the pandemic, many scientific foundations and educational organizations showed high level of cooperation: opened free access to publications and databases for stakeholders, held international online conferences and seminars, moved cross-border flows of information and knowledge.

In this context, the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Actual Problems of Psychological and Social Adaptation in a Crisis Society», held on April 21, 2021 by the Department of Psychology and Sociology of the Institute of Humanities (director E.M. Sulima) with the participation of researchers from the United States, Lithuania, Georgia, Slovakia, Turkey, Hungary. Experienced scientists acquainted the conference participants with the international experience of psychologists during the epidemiological crisis and its consequences.

The result of the fruitful work of scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Psychology and Sociology of the Institute of Humanities in the field of international partnership was the opening of a master's degree in «Psychology. Psychology of Business» with bilingual form of education and obtaining double degree - higher domestic and European ones.

The transition to cyberspace has helped to increase the accessibility, cost-effectiveness, ergonomics and environmental friendliness of international events.

Hence, the leaders of the higher educational institutions faced the task of institutional and multi-format involvement of scientific and pedagogical workers in the problem of overcoming the local and global crisis, academic and professional mobility, educational distancing using digital technologies.

A new format of university transformation is the transformation of the University of the State Fiscal Service into the center for the consolidation of intellectual resources, positioning USFSU as a multidisciplinary institution of higher education. The priority of the management of the university management is its reorganization. According to the new project, the structure of the university is updated to train specialists in the fields of economic, legal, psychological, philological education and social communications. However, the level of tasks stated in the university development project is significant and requires comprehensive strategic management decisions.

We emphasize the university takes an active part in the formation of modern social policy. The management of the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine has taken responsibility for the implementation of the innovative project for the development of the social sphere in Ukraine. It is planned to attract 200 entrants from the occupied territories of Donbass and Crimea to study at USFSU at the expense of the state budget, to create volunteer groups, inclusive practices, to introduce the latest programs in the psychological service of the university for this purposes.

The format of the startup provides for the development and application of technological solutions in such areas as: social and psychological adaptation of young people to the educational process in times of crisis, rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

The considered directions of managerial activity of heads, complex application of the offered measures would promote the increasing quality of professional training of experts, effective use and development of innovative potential of higher educational institutions at conditions of modernization of higher education.

Conclusions on the research and prospects of further exploration in this direction. We can say that the increasing the efficiency of management of higher educational institutions as a component of modernization of education in Ukraine is achieved through the integrated use of the latest scientific, technical and educational projects, introduction of innovative models and business structures in universities, which accelerates the process innovations and innovative products mentioned above.

In this process, the leading role belongs to the latest organizational forms, stable relationships are established between the subjects of innovation, the transfer of knowledge and technology is accelerated. The activities of advanced and resource centers, research and creative laboratories, training, research and consulting centers, business incubators and technology parks, tested by world practice, provide the opportunity to focus financial and material resources on intensifying the innovative activities of higher educational institutions. Increasing the level of state and extra-budgetary financial support for innovative activities of universities will contribute to its intensification in the field of education.

We emphasize that for the successful operation of innovative products in higher education it is necessary to develop an effective organizational and economic mechanism of interaction of two components - supply and demand - key tool that determines the quality of higher education and ways to transform it in market economy.

This mechanism of innovative activity of the higher educational institutions, which intensifies the process of modernization of the domestic system of higher education, includes:

- legal and regulatory framework for the development of innovation potential and the market for innovative products (legal space);

- state support for the development of the system «education - science - practice - business»;

- state regulation of higher education development: in particular, staffing, material and technical base, system of state order for scientific developments and latest technologies, creation and implementation of state programs as a form of optimal organization of the educational system and research activities on the basis of higher educational institutions;

- organization of approbation and evaluation of completed developments, projects, technologies;

- financial support for innovative activities of universities in terms of modernization.

Prospects for further research are outlined in the direction of increasing the role of managerial competence of freelance managers in the implementation of innovative products, which will be possible under the conditions of creating the innovative scientific and educational environment with parallel application of state regulation and market mechanism of self-organization. Therefore, in order to achieve the success of the management activities of the heads of higher educational institutions in the direction of creating the innovative scientific and educational space, it is necessary to improve the mechanism of state support for innovative activities of higher education institutions.


university educational school

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