Content of a special education teacher’s professional competence
The essence, content of the professional competence of a special education teacher as an integral characteristic. Principles and methods of its formation, structure and components. Types of professional competence, their comparative nature, significance.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 01.09.2022 |
Размер файла | 36,8 K |
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Content of a special education teacher's professional competence
Kazachiner Olena Semenivna,
doctor of pedagogy, docent, associate professor of human health, rehabilitation and special psychology department
Boychuk Yuriy Dmytrovych,
doctor of pedagogy, full professor, professor of human health, rehabilitation and special psychology department, corresponding member, rector
The article reveals the essence and content of professional competence of a special education teacher as an integral characteristic based on the presence of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities in the implementation of diagnostic, psychological, pedagogical, correctional, counselling support for children with special educational needs, their parents and teachers in educational institutions, and is manifested in the ability to carry out effective professional communication and interaction with participants in the educational process, as well as with members of the team of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with SEN.
It is found that the formation of professional competence of a special education teacher is influenced by external and internal factors. Internal factors are personal (subjective) individual psychological qualities: responsibility for professional development and learning outcomes combined with a positive attitude to the profession and the desire for continuous self-improvement, focus on success in the chosen profession; objective self-esteem with a high level of normative behaviour and communication culture; ability to learn, intellectual skills. External determinants include: improving the content and organization of the educational process, providing opportunities for productive practical activities, favourable socio-psychological climate, innovations in the teaching staff, and modern educational and methodological and scientific and psychological support for training.
The structure of professional competence of a special education teacher was worked out. Types of professional competence of a special education teacher can be divided into three groups. The first group consists of competencies that enable the organization of the correctional and educational process at a high level: healthsaving, organizational, psychological and pedagogical, cultural. The second group consists of competencies that reflect the activities of special education teachers as a separate category of teachers, namely: professional (competencies in the field of correctional psychopedagogy: typhlo-, deaf, ortho-, oligophrenic pedagogy, speech therapy; rehabilitation, psychology, etc.), communicative (social, advisory, reflective competencies), operational-technological (expert-diagnostic, information-analytical, methodological, educational competencies), and the third group - from the competencies related to the management of correctional and educational process (strategic, functional, facilitative, managerial).
Keywords: competence, professional competence, special education teacher, correctional and educational process, special education, inclusive education, postgraduate education
Зміст професійної компетентності вчителя-дефектолога
Казачінер Олена Семенівна доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри здоров'я людини, реабілітології і спеціальної психології ХНПУ імені Г.С. Сковороди, вулиця Валентинівська, 2, Харків, Харківська область
Бойчук Юрій Дмитрович доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри здоров'я людини, реабілітології і спеціальної психології, член-кореспондент НАПН України, ректор ХНПУ імені Г.С. Сковороди, вулиця Валентинівська, 2, Харків, Харківська область
У статті розкрито суть та зміст професійної компетентності вчителя-дефектолога як інтегральної характеристики, що ґрунтується на наявності професійних знань, умінь і навичок, а також особистісних якостей щодо здійснення діагностичного, психолого-педагогічного, корекційно - розвивального, консультативного супроводу дітей з особливими освітніми потребами, їх батьків і педагогів у закладах освіти, та виявляється в здатності до здійснення ефективної професійної комунікації і взаємодії з учасниками освітнього процесу, а також із членами команди психолого-педагогічного супроводу дитини з ООП.
З'ясовано, що формування професійної компетентності вчителя - дефектолога відбувається під впливом зовнішніх і внутрішніх чинників. Внутрішніми чинниками є особистісні (суб'єктивні) індивідуально - психологічні якості: відповідальність за професійне становлення та результати навчання у поєднанні з позитивним відношенням до професії та прагненням до постійного самовдосконалення, спрямованість на досягнення успіхів у обраній професії; об'єктивна самооцінка з високим рівнем нормативності поведінки та культури спілкування; здатність до навчання, інтелектуальні вміння. До зовнішніх детермінант належать: удосконалення змісту та організації освітнього процесу, забезпечення можливості для продуктивної практичної діяльності, сприятливий соціально-психологічний клімат, інновації в діяльності педагогічного колективу, сучасне навчально-методичне та науково - психологічне забезпечення професійної підготовки.
Було розроблено структуру професійної компетентності вчителя - дефектолога. Види професійної компетентності вчителя-дефектолога можна умовно поділити на три групи. Першу групу складають компетентності, які вможливлюють організацію корекційно-освітнього процесу на високому рівні: здоров'язбережувальна, організаційна, психолого-педагогічна, загальнокультурна. Друга група складається з компетентностей, які відображають діяльність учителів-дефектологів як окремої категорії педагогічних працівників, а саме: фахова (компетенції в галузях корекційної психопедагогіки: тифло-, сурдо-, орто-, олігофренопедагогіки, логопедії; реабілітології, психології тощо), комунікативна (соціальна, консультативна, рефлексивна компетенції), операційно-технологічна (експертно-діагностична, інформаційно-аналітична, методична, просвітницька компетенції), а третя - із компетентностей, пов'язаних з управлінням корекційно-освітнім процесом (стратегічної, функціональної, фасилітативної, управлінської).
Ключові слова: компетентність, професійна компетентність, учитель - дефектолог, корекційно-освітній процес, спеціальна освіта, інклюзивна освіта, післядипломна освіта
Main part
Formulation of the problem. The presence of competition in the market of educational services requires specialists in the field of special and inclusive education not only deep theoretical knowledge, practical skills, but also rapid modernization, creativity, constant updating of their own experience in the professional field. That is why specialists need to master new correctional and pedagogical technologies constantly, develop their own thinking, improve skills and abilities to encourage the active work of both teachers of inclusive educational institutions and children with SEN.
Special education teachers must have tools to solve professional, social and ethical problems on a consistent and comprehensive basis, which is impossible without ethical considerations and the lack of integration of the humanities into educational programs.
Thus, the training of a special education teacher requires the formation of professional competence and makes some adjustments to the conceptual components of professional competence, which would meet all modern challenges, the requirements of the organization of the inclusive-resource center.
The widespread introduction of inclusive education motivates the need to determine the structure of professional competence of specialists of inclusive resource centers and its components.
The formation of professional competence of special education teachers in postgraduate education is carried out through the interaction of teachers and students and due to the general social order of society in professionally competent professionals who will work with children with SEN and their families.
Analysis of the latest research and publications shows that modern psychological and pedagogical research of professional training is aimed at the implementation of personality-oriented and activity-based approaches in education and highlights the need to move from qualification to competence model of special education teachers' training.
Thus, on the basis of the analysis of the professional activity of speech therapists (in particular, the types of professional activity of the special (correctional) teacher: teaching, constructive and organizational, diagnostic-analytical, consultative, projective, gnostic, psychoprophylactic, correctional and developmental, educational, scientific and research, educational, coordinational [1, С. 322]), and also taking into account the general structure of professional competence of the specialist, the structure of professional competence of the bachelor of correctional education in the field of inclusive education of children with severe speech disorders is offered. The structure of professional competence of the future speech therapist in the field of inclusive education includes the following main components: competence in diagnostic-analytical, correctional, didactic, educational, advisory, transformational, constructive-organizational, communicative activities, which, in turn, are the basis of functional competencies.
In S. Shakhovska's research the professiogram is considered as a theoretical model of the speech therapist's personality and the main directions of training of a speech therapist were determined: professional-pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical, special and methodical ones [4].
The dissertation thesis of Yu. Pinchuk [3] is devoted to the study of the formation of the personality of a teacher-speech therapist, the structure of his professional activity, it developed a model of professional competence of a speech therapist, which serves as a training and core qualification characteristic of the specialist.
Professional competence of a teacher-speech therapist, according to M. Oreshkina, includes socio-personal, theoretical and practical-methodological competence, deontological criteria of which are: ideas about ethical and deontological aspects of speech therapy; a set of deontologically significant qualities; adequate realization of ideas and qualities in the process of overcoming speech disorders [2].
Thus, we see that the issue of the essence and content of the professional competence of a special education teacher, in particular in postgraduate education, has not been thoroughly researched in scientific works and needs special study.
Purpose of the article is to determine the nature and content of professional competence of a teacher-special educator as a sertain category of teachers.
Presentation of the main material of the study. Of particular importance for the professional activities of teachers of special education in the context of the competence approach is the formation of their key competencies, which include the competencies of social interaction, communication; competencies of self-knowledge, self-development, self-regulation. Competences of social interaction and communication are manifested in the willingness to cooperate and reach agreement with others, constructively resolve conflicts, communicate, and so on. Competences of self-knowledge, self-development, self-regulation are considered as readiness and ability of the person to the mental activity directed on progressive personal and professional development and improvement of professional skill during all life and professional activity.
We define the professional competence of a special education teacher as an integral characteristic based on the availability of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities in the implementation of diagnostic, psychological and pedagogical, correctional and developmental, counseling support for children with special educational needs, their parents and teachers in educational institutions, and is manifested in the ability to carry out effective professional communication and interaction with participants in the educational process, as well as with members of the team of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with SEN.
This competence should be manifested in the knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities of a special education teacher in relation to:
- implementation of a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assessment of the child's development, providing recommendations, advice on the working out the individual programme of development and individual curriculum of a child with SEN, depending on the obtained results;
- working out the correctional and developmental programs, selection of methods, techniques, forms of work, as well as the use of necessary equipment, techniques during the organization of correctional and developmental work;
- conducting correctional and developmental classes with a child with mental and physical disabilities;
- advisory support for the functioning of inclusive and special groups / classes in educational institutions, support for families raising children with developmental disabilities, psychological and pedagogical support for children with various types of mental and physical disabilities and deviant behaviour;
- cooperation with other specialists and participants in the educational process as part of the team of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with SEN;
- maintaining the necessary documentation within the functional responsibilities
- possession of high indicators of positive personality traits of the teacher in the field of special and inclusive education, as well as perceptual, communicative and organizational skills.
The professional competence of a special education teacher consists of certain types, as well as personal and professional qualities of this category of teachers and is carried out in postgraduate education through the interconnected activities of teachers and students in lectures, seminars, practical classes both offline and online format, during participation in thematic special courses, short courses, round tables, extended Specialist Schools, temporary creative teams, etc., as well as during distance learning.
We believe that the formation of professional competence of special education teachers is influenced by external and internal factors. Internal factors, in our opinion, are personal (subjective) individual psychological qualities, namely: responsibility for professional development and learning outcomes combined with a positive attitude to the profession and the desire for continuous self-improvement, focus on success in the chosen profession; objective self-esteem with a high level of normative behavior and communication culture; ability to learn, intellectual skills. External determinants of professional competence of special education teachers include: improving the content and organization of the educational process, providing opportunities for productive practical activities, favorable socio-psychological climate, innovations in the teaching staff, modern educational and methodological and scientific - psychological support.
Types of professional competence of a special education teacher can be divided into three groups. Thus, the first group, in our opinion, should consist of competencies that allow the organization of correctional and educational process at a high level: health, organizational, psychological and pedagogical, general culture ones. We believe that the second group should consist of competencies that reflect the activities of a special education teacher as a separate category of teachers, namely: professional (competencies in the field of correctional psychopedagogy: typhlo-, deaf, ortho-, oligophrenic pedagogy, speech therapy; rehabilitation, psychology, etc.), communicative (social, advisory, reflective competencies), operational-technological (expert-diagnostic, information-analytical, methodological, educational competencies), and the third - from the competencies related to the management of correctional and educational process (strategic, functional, facilitative, managerial).
The structure of professional competence of a special education teacher - worked out by us is presented in fig.
Structure of a special education teacher's professional competence
professional competence teacher defectologist
We have differentiated four levels of professional competence of special education teachers.
The high level of professional competence of a special education teacher is characterized by the fact that he shows a stable positive attitude towards children with SEN and internal motivation to work with them, promotes the values of inclusive education, shows personal and professional qualities for correctional and developmental work with children with disabilities, has professional knowledge of
pedagogy, age and pedagogical psychology, ICT, correctional pedagogy, its branches, rehabilitation, special psychology, neurophysiology, medicine, medical pedagogy, successfully applies them in practice when working with children with SEN; conducts educational activities; has a number of special skills: provides pedagogical support and provision of psychological and pedagogical, correctional and developmental services to children with SEN, who are registered in inclusive - resource centre (IRC), by conducting individual and group classes; Participates in the team of psychological and pedagogical support of children with special educational needs in general secondary and preschool education, as well as psychological and pedagogical commissions of special general secondary education institutions to develop an individual development program, individual curriculum and monitoring dynamics of child development; provides methodological assistance to pedagogical staff of preschool, general secondary, vocational (technical) and other educational institutions that provide general secondary education, parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of children with special educational needs on the peculiarities of the organization of psychological and pedagogical, correctional and developmental services for such children; provides counselling and psychological assistance to parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of children with SEN; competently diagnoses and comprehensively assesses the child's development; qualifiedly maintains the IRC documentation within the framework of professional activity.
Sufficient level of professional competence of a special education teacher is characterized by the fact that he shows mostly positive attitude towards children with SEN and internal motivation to work with them, promotes the values of inclusive education, shows personal and professional qualities for correctional and developmental work with children with SEN, has a sufficient amount of professional knowledge in pedagogy, age and pedagogical psychology, ICT, correctional pedagogy, its branches, rehabilitation, special psychology, neurophysiology, medicine, medical pedagogy, applies them in practice when working with children with SEN with possible minor complications; conducts educational activities; has a number of special skills: provides pedagogical support and provision of psychological and pedagogical, correctional and developmental services to children with SEN, who are registered in the IRC, by conducting individual and group classes; participates in the team of psychological and pedagogical support of children with special educational needs in general secondary and preschool education, as well as psychological and pedagogical commissions of special general secondary education institutions to develop an individual development program, individual curriculum and monitoring dynamics of child development; provides methodological assistance to pedagogical staff of preschool, general secondary, vocational (technical) and other educational institutions that provide general secondary education, parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of children with special educational needs on the peculiarities of the organization of psychological and pedagogical, correctional and developmental services for such children; may experience minor difficulties in providing counselling and psychological assistance to parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of children with SEN; mostly competently, but with possible minor errors, diagnoses and comprehensively assesses the child's development, as well as maintains the documentation of the IRC within the professional activities.
The average level of professional competence of a special education teacher is characterized by the fact that he mainly experiences complications, professional and psychological barriers when showing a stable positive attitude towards children with SEN and internal motivation to work with them (external motivation may predominate), during advocacy values of inclusive education, manifestation of personal and professionally significant qualities for the implementation of correctional and developmental work with children with SEN, has insignificant gaps in professional knowledge in pedagogy, age and pedagogical psychology, ICT, correctional pedagogy, its branches, rehabilitation, special psychology, neurophysiology, medicine, medical pedagogy, has difficulties in applying them in practice when working with children with SEN; conducting educational activities; has difficulties in applying special skills in practice: providing pedagogical support and providing psychological and pedagogical, correctional and developmental services to children with SEN who are registered in the IRC, by conducting individual and group classes; participation in the activities of the team of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with SEN in general secondary and preschool education institutions, as well as psychological and pedagogical commissions of special general secondary education institutions to develop an individual development program, individual curriculum and monitor the dynamics of child development; has difficulties in providing methodological assistance to pedagogical staff of preschool, general secondary, vocational (technical) and other educational institutions that provide general secondary education, parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of children with SEN on the peculiarities of the organization of psychological-pedagogical, correctional and developmental services for such children; has difficulties in providing counseling and psychological assistance to parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of children with SEN; does not always adequately diagnose and comprehensively assess the child's development, and also has difficulties in maintaining the documentation of the IRC within the professional activities.
The low level of professional competence of a special education teacher is characterized by the fact that he does not show a stable positive attitude towards children with disabilities and internal motivation to work with them, has significant difficulties in promoting the values of inclusive education, significantly demonstrates negative personal and professional qualities for implementation of correctional and developmental work with children with SEN, has no desire to acquire or has a low level of professional knowledge in pedagogy, age and pedagogical psychology, ICT, correctional pedagogy, its branches, rehabilitation, special psychology, neurophysiology, medicine, medical pedagogy, has no desire or ability to apply them in practice when working with children with SEN; has no desire or ability to conduct educational activities; does not show readiness to use in practice a number of special skills: providing pedagogical support and providing psychological and pedagogical, correctional and developmental services to children with SEN, who are registered in the IRC, by conducting individual and group classes; reluctantly or under duress participates in the activities of the team of psychological and pedagogical support of children with SEN in general secondary and preschool education, as well as psychological and pedagogical commissions of special secondary schools in order to develop an individual development program, individual curriculum and in order to monitor the dynamics of child development; is experiencing significant difficulties in providing methodological assistance to teachers of preschool, general secondary, vocational (technical) and other educational institutions that provide general secondary education, parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of children with SEN on the peculiarities of the organization psychological and pedagogical, correctional and developmental services for such children; does not show readiness or has a low level of counseling and psychological assistance to parents (one of the parents) or legal representatives of children with SEN; gross professional errors are made during the diagnosis and comprehensive assessment of the child's development; a significant number of errors are assumed during the maintenance of the IRC documentation within the professional activities.
Conclusions. Thus, we can conclude that the training of special education teachers requires the formation of professional competence and makes some adjustments to the conceptual components of professional competence, which would meet all modern challenges, the requirements of the organization of educational institutions with inclusive education.
It is found that the formation of professional competence of a special education teacher is influenced by external and internal factors. Internal factors are personal (subjective) individual psychological qualities. External determinants include: improving the content and organization of the educational process, providing opportunities for productive practical activities, favourable socio-psychological climate, innovations in the teaching staff, and modern educational and methodological and scientific and psychological support for training.
The research reveals the essence and content of professional competence of a special education teacher as an integral characteristic based on the presence of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities in the implementation of diagnostic, psychological, pedagogical, correctional, counselling support for children with special educational needs, their parents and teachers in educational institutions, and is manifested in the ability to carry out effective professional communication and interaction with participants in the educational process, as well as with members of the team of psychological and pedagogical support of a child with SEN.
The structure of professional competence of a special education teacher was worked out. Types of professional competence of a special education teacher can be divided into three groups. The first group consists of competencies that enable the organization of the correctional and educational process at a high level: healthsaving, organizational, psychological and pedagogical, cultural. The second group consists of competencies that reflect the activities of special education teachers as a separate category of teachers, namely: professional (competencies in the field of correctional psychopedagogy: typhlo-, deaf, ortho-, oligophrenic pedagogy, speech therapy; rehabilitation, psychology, etc.), communicative (social, advisory, reflective competencies), operational-technological (expert-diagnostic, information-analytical, methodological, educational competencies), and the third group - from the competencies related to the management of correctional and educational process (strategic, functional, facilitative, managerial).
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презентация [447,5 K], добавлен 21.10.2015The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.
презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.
курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.
презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.
презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).
реферат [46,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2015Involvement of pupils to study language as the main task of the teacher. The significance of learners' errors. The definition of possible classifications of mistakes by examples. Correction of mistakes of pupils as a part of educational process.
курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013Principles of asr teсhnology. Performance and designissues in speech applications. Current trends in voise-interactive call. Difining and acquiring literacy in the age of information. Content-based instruction and literacy development.
курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 21.01.2008Підготовка фахівця, затребуваного на ринку праці як одна з головних задач системи вищої освіти в Україні. G Suit for Education - популярна платформа, що використовується в освітньому процесі, в тому числі для організації проектної роботи студентів.
статья [701,0 K], добавлен 21.09.2017