Проектно-орієнтовані STEM-дисципліни для студентів інженерних спеціальностей

Використання методу кейсів в освітньому процесі. Мотивація студентів до вивчення дисциплін STEM-циклу. Аналіз можливості самостійного об'єднання у групи, формування команд за спільними інтересами. Розвиток комунікаційних навичок і компетентностей.

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

30. Lima, R. M., Carvalho, D., Flores, M. A., & Van Hattum-Janssen, N. A case study on project led education in engineering: students' and teachers' perception / European Journal of Engineering Education, 2007. 32(3). P. 337-347. doi:10.1080/03043790701278599

31. Alves, A. C., Sousa, R. M., Fernandes, S., Cardoso, E., & Carvalho, M. A. Teacher's experiences in PBL: implications for practice / European Journal of Engineering Education, 2015. 41(2). P. 123-141. doi:10.1080/03043797.2015.1023782

32. Costa, A. R., Ferreira, M., Barata, A., Viterbo, C., Rodrigues, J. S., & Magalhaes, J. Impact of interdisciplinary learning on the development of engineering students' skills / European Journal of Engineering Education, 2018. 44(4). P. 589-601. doi:10.1080/03043797.2018.1523135

33. Lutsenko, G. V. Case study of a problem-based learning course of project management for senior engineering students / European Journal of Engineering Education, 2018. 43(6). P. 895-910. doi:10.1080/03043797.2018.1454892

34. Lape, N. K. Tiered Scaffolding of Problem-Based Learning Techniques in a Thermodynamics Course / ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 2011.

35. Macho-Stadler, E., & Elejalde-Garcia, M. J. Case study of a problem-based learning course of physics in a telecommunications engineering degree / European Journal of Engineering Education, 2013. 38(4). P. 408-416.

36. Martin, C. R., Ranalli, J., & Moore, J. P. Problem-based Learning Module for Teaching Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis using PYroMat / ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017. P. 13-27.

37. Guo, P., Saab, N., Post, L. S., & Admiraal, W. A review of project-based learning in higher education: Student outcomes and measures / International Journal of Educational Research, 2020. 102. doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2020.101586

38. Warnock, J. N., & Mohammadi-Aragh, M. J. Case study: use of problem-based learning to develop students technical and

professional skills / European Journal of Engineering Education, 2016. 41(2). P. 142-153. doi:10.1080/03043797.2015.1040739

39. Klaassen, R. G. Interdisciplinary education: a case study / European Journal of Engineering Education, 2018. doi:10.1080/03043797.2018.1442417


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30. Lima, R. M., Carvalho, D., Flores, M. A., & Van Hattum-Janssen, N. (2007). A case study on project led education in engineering: students' and teachers' perception. European Journal of Engineering Education, 32(3), 337-347. doi:10.1080/03043790701278599

31. Alves, A. C., Sousa, R. M., Fernandes, S., Cardoso, E., & Carvalho, M. A. (2015). Teacher's experiences in PBL: implications for practice. European Journal of Engineering Education, 41(2), 123-141. doi:10.1080/03043797.2015.1023782

32. Costa, A. R., Ferreira, M., Barata, A., Viterbo, C., Rodrigues, J. S., & Magalhaes, J. (2018). Impact of interdisciplinary learning on the development of engineering students' skills. European Journal of Engineering Education, 44(4), 589-601. doi:10.1080/03043797.2018.1523135

33. Lutsenko, G. V. (2018). Case study of a problem-based learning course of project management for senior engineering students. European Journal of Engineering Education, 43(6), 895-910. doi:10.1080/03043797.2018.1454892

34. Lape, N. K. (2011). Tiered Scaffolding of Problem-Based Learning Techniques in a Thermodynamics Course. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

35. Macho-Stadler, E., & Elejalde-Garcia, M. J. (2013). Case study of a problem-based learning course of physics in a telecommunications engineering degree. European Journal of Engineering Education, 38(4), 408-416.

36. Martin, C. R., Ranalli, J., & Moore, J. P. (2017). Problem-based Learning Module for Teaching Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis using PYroMat. ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, (pp. 13-27). Columbus, OH.

37. Guo, P., Saab, N., Post, L. S., & Admiraal, W. (2020). A review of project-based learning in higher education: Student outcomes and measures. International Journal of Educational Research, 102. doi:10.1016/j.ijer.2020.101586

38. Warnock, J. N., & Mohammadi-Aragh, M. J. (2016). Case study: use of problem-based learning to develop students technical and professional skills. European Journal of Engineering Education, 41(2), 142-153. doi:10.1080/03043797.2015.1040739

39. Klaassen, R. G. (2018). Interdisciplinary education: a case study. European Journal of Engineering Education. doi:10.1080/03043797.2018.1442417

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