Professional competences of the modern foreign language teacher
Conducted to define and outline the main theoretical characteristics of the concept of "professional competence" in a system of high education. Clarified the essence of concept of professional competence of English teachers of secondary and high schools.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.09.2022 |
Размер файла | 45,9 K |
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Professional competences of the modern foreign language teacher
Anastasiya Manych (First-year (bachelor's) student of higher education level Faculty of Ukrainian Philology, Foreign Languages and Social Communications)
Supervisor - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Chernionkov Ya.O.
This study was conducted to define and outline the main theoretical characteristics of the concept of «professional competence» in a system of high education. The author researched, substantiated the importance and features of the correct presentation of material to children, clarified the essence of the concept of professional competence of English teachers of secondary and high schools.
Key words: professional competence, pedagogical competence, secondary school English teacher, high school English teacher, skills and abilities of modern English Teacher.
Defining of the problem and the analysis of the last researches and publications. Learning a foreign language is difficult for children, so we need to find out which ones to solve and solve them. These difficulties arise in children constantly, because it is a completely different language and it is difficult to learn a certain amount, we must consider ways and methods of presenting the material.
The relevance of this work is that the methodology of teaching a foreign language still does not cover all issues. But there are pressing questions about how to help a child to overcome the language barrier and instill in him a love of a foreign language as soon as possible.
In this paper we take into account the researches of scientists such as: L. Morska, A. Markova, who believe that a professionally competent person is one who: “successfully solves the problem of teaching and education, prepares for society a graduate with the desired psychological qualities; satisfied with the profession; achieves the desired results in the development of students' personalities; has and is aware of the prospects of his professional development; open to continuing professional education; socially active; seeks to maintain even in difficult circumstances her honor and dignity, professional ethics. N. Kharytonova believes that "the use of song material in Ukrainian language classes as a foreign language is not a" new method "in language learning, but primarily a tool with which the teacher can make an effective and high-quality learning process." O. Bigych, G. Zuckerman emphasize the fact that the later the child begins to learn a foreign language, the more difficult the learning process [1].
Nowadays, unfortunately, the main and general method of learning a foreign language at school is still grammatical-thematic: the topic, vocabulary and relevant grammatical material. Since any test of the quality of education offers only written assignments, it seems that the main and most important thing is to write a test without errors. It is believed that if a student has written a sentence, he can easily apply it in speech. Thus, we can conclude that in the school curriculum there is no dominant desire for oral speech, its development and formation, even though oral speech itself is the basis of communication between people [2].
The pedagogical competence of a teacher is the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness to carry out pedagogical activities, competence is the result of acquiring competencies [3].
As for the foreign language teacher according to L. Morska, the professional competence of a foreign language teacher covers five areas:
• motivational and value (is a holistic formation of personality, which determines the motivation of its behavior);
• cognitive;
• reflexive;
• operational activities;
• informational.
Within each of the areas, the following components are identified:
• subject
• communicative
• methodical
• personal
• information competence [4].
In the modern pedagogical and methodical literature the problem of formation of professional competence of teachers of foreign languages was covered by such scientists as: E. Azimov, A. Shchukin, L. Morska, N. Kharitonova, O. Bigych, N. Bagramov. So let's look at the scientific views of some of them:
> N. Kharytonova defines the professional competence of a foreign language teacher as an integral quality of the teacher's personality, covering a set of personal, professional, communicative qualities that determine the degree of mastery of professional and pedagogical activities based on professional knowledge, skills and attitudes operating them, which allows a foreign language teacher to carry out professional activities most effectively, as well as promotes self-development and self-improvement of the individual in professional activities. The researcher proposes a structure of professional competence of a teacher, which contains three components: motivational and value; semantic; procedural and activity.
> O. Bigych singles out a number of professional skills that are part of the general communicative pedagogical and subject-methodological training of future foreign language teachers at school. Namely:
- skills focused on student cognition and self-knowledge;
- the ability to purposefully plan the educational and communicative impact on students in the process of learning a foreign language and skills that provide the actual pedagogical speech behavior;
- skills focused on the implementation and subsequent correction of the plan of foreign language communication and skills necessary for social communication;
- ability to analyze foreign language pedagogical communication [5].
E. Azimov and A. Shchukin consider professional competence as a teacher's ability to succeed successfully. This competence includes knowledge of didactics, psychology, linguistics, psycholinguistics and other sciences relevant to the activities of teachers, professional skills, namely constructive, organizational, epistemological and communicative. According to scholars, professional competence includes four types of competence: 1) language competence, which provides an idea of the language system and the ability to use it to understand other people's speech, express their opinions orally or in writing, and analyze students' speech in terms of it compliance with the norms of the studied language; 2) speech and communicative competencies that provide the ability to use language as a means of communication in different areas and different situations; 3) methodological competence that allows the use of language for professional purposes, to teach languages [6].
Regarding the problems that arise in children:
First, it is a completely different language and it is quite difficult for children to pronounce not only words but also some letters (this applies to young children);
Secondly, not all children memorize the material in the same way (this is a completely different language that is not spoken around);
Third, it is difficult for children to write and read in English.
So what to do in such a situation? The teacher should present the material so that most people are interested in it and it is clear.
You can use the method of play, most often it helps. (At any age);
It is equally important that the class does not change the teacher (only when there is a reason for it), because each teacher has his own method of teaching and until the children get used to each, it is difficult for them (older is less concerned);
Watch English cartoons / movies Images associatively help to understand unfamiliar words;
Studying songs and poems, reading texts;
The teacher should practice spoken English more than writing, because in modern schools the opposite is true, because in the future communication itself is more needed.
Examining the role of collective activity in the mental development of students, G. Zuckerman notes that the learning process should be based on learning cooperation skills, when efforts should be focused on the ability to agree, exchange views, understand each other. According to the scientist, the educational cooperation between the teacher and the class prepares students not for a passive but for an active position, when the student learns independently with the help of adults and peers. In the course of experimental work, the researcher obtained data, however, that students who work together in the classroom better assess their capabilities and level of knowledge, i.e. they are more successful in forming reflective actions than other peers [7].
The scientific works of teachers and methodologists, such as O. Bigych, M. Voloshinov, O. Matsnev, confirmed the need for electronic means of teaching foreign languages. T. Koval studies the use of information technology, which increases the target activity and motivation of students. Among the requirements for the modern teacher of foreign languages N. Mayer considers the use of interactive technologies, technical and 242 media. O. Pometun talks about interactive teaching methods and systems. The researcher believes that interactive technologies can be called that are carried out through active interaction during the lesson. They help to gain new knowledge and facilitate the organization of group activities, from the interaction of several people with each other to the broad cooperation of many.
One of the most common modern methods of learning a foreign language is the use of computer technology. This method allows students to access new sources of information, increases their motivation to obtain information in a foreign language, increases the efficiency of independent work and provides a wide range of new opportunities. An essential method of innovative learning is also the use of a multimedia complex (MC) as part of an interactive whiteboard, personal computer and multimedia projector. Undoubtedly, such a complex takes the learning process to a qualitatively new level, as it contains countless advantages of modern computer technology. It is thanks to the clarity and interactivity of MC that it is easy to involve the whole audience in active work.
It should also be noted the following main areas of use of MC: - presentation, demonstration and modeling of situations; - increasing the activity of students in the classroom; - increase the pace of training. The use of MC in English classes allows you to actively involve students in the learning process, stimulate creative activity, promote personal development and provide greater opportunities for educational information. Another effective innovative method in teaching foreign languages is the method of cognitive games. It contributes to the creation of an emotionally uplifting atmosphere, the assimilation of material through an emotionally rich form of its reproduction. Cognitive games 243 (business, role, situational) are to model life situations, human relationships, interaction of things, phenomena. The developmental effect is achieved through improvisation, the natural manifestation of free creative forces of students. In the educational sense, the game helps students to overcome insecurity, promotes selfaffirmation, the fullest expression of their strengths and capabilities. Game is the most accessible type of activity for students, as it clearly shows the peculiarities of thinking and imagination, emotionality and activity. Thus, we can conclude that the effectiveness of innovative approaches to teaching foreign languages at school depends solely on the desire and ability of teachers to use the positive experience of domestic and foreign scholars and practitioners on creative approach to learning, understand the need to abandon authoritarian and scholastic methods. Innovative methods of teaching foreign languages, which are based on a creative approach, help to fully unleash the potential of students and contribute to the development and self-improvement of the educational and communicative process [8].
The purpose of writing the article is: to solve the problem and consider different approaches to presenting material to children, it is to form in students communicative competence, the basis for which are communicative skills formed on the basis of language knowledge and skills; to consider innovative methods and means of teaching a foreign language.
The main material of the study
Looking at the research of scientists, it is difficult to disagree with them, especially with the opinion of such as O. Bigych, M. Voloshinov, O. Matsnev. The world does not stand still as technology and learning methods should not be updated, it should also be updated, it really increases the motivation of students, they cannot live without phones and computers and especially from games and it proves only if These components are a completely new method of presenting material, namely: now there are many sites that help to revive and allow to speak many characters not only from games and movies and cartoons, and if you submit the material, children will learn it better, because they will It is more interesting to look at your favorite character than just a book, especially when this character is still talking and there is an opportunity to talk to him and it will involve the class to work actively and thus we approach the communication feature they forget it. No less important is the teacher's communication with students, to maintain communication and good relations. It is difficult to disagree with A. Markova's research; she has perfectly identified the criteria of a competent teacher, so teachers who are just beginning to teach children should pay attention to her research. . It is equally important to pay attention to the game method of the material - in our opinion it is relevant at any age, not only for high school but also for high school, everyone believes that if grades 10-11 are adults, they do not need to present interesting and fun material. most serve dry, watching a movie in English, socializing, playing. All this helps them to remember better, because difficulties arise at any age. Modern methods help to implement the main task - the practical application of students' acquired skills in a communicative situation, based on their own experience, personal opinion, previous tasks and imagination.
We must always remember that the quality of education largely depends on the level of professional competence of a teacher. The teacher needs to combine everything - competencies, approaches and modern methods. And most importantly, there are many resources and organizations that provide teachers with methodological assistance [9]
Conclusions and prospects for further researches
Considerable attention is focused on methods and approaches of presenting material to children and the problem and its solution. In general, there is no specific ideal method, no matter how bad, it all depends on the teacher and his competence, the main thing is to follow one, not all at once. And focus on each child so that everyone or most understands. When learning a foreign language, children first of all want to learn to speak. Even the minimum number of speech units allows them to feel the communicative function of language, which has a positive effect on their learning, motivates them to learn more. Further studies we see in the future analysis of the practical-methodical system teaching English at secondary school. english teacher professional competence
List of sources
1. Педагогічна компетентність та педагогічна майстерність учителя загальноосвітнього навчального закладу (за спадщиною В.О. Сухомлинського). URL: (дата звернення: 10.03.2022)
2. More than English. Values for Life. URL: (дата звернення: 12.03.2022)
3. Концепція педагогічної компетентності. URL: (дата звернення: 13.03.2022)
4. Морська Л.І. Професійна компетентність майбутнього вчителя іноземних мов URL: (дата звернення: 09.03.2022)
5. Бігич О. Б. Поняття методичної компетентності вчителя іноземних мов. URL: (дата звернення: 20.03.2022)
6. Ключові компоненти компетентності вчителя URL: (дата звернення: 24.03.2022)
7. Ткаченко Катерина. Особливості професійно-комунікативних якостей вчителя початкових класів URL: (дата звернення: 22.03.2022)
8. Підготовка вчителя іноземної мови(англійської) для нової української школи(Колективна монографія) Мілютіна О.К (1.1), Лавриченко Н .М (вступ; 1.2; висновки),Заремська І .М .(1.3), Зайцева Н .Г . (1.4),Кочубей Н .П . (2.1), Скоробагата О.М . (2.2),Кардашова Н .В. (2.3),Кадикова Н .В.,Петренко-Агді О.П . (2.4), 2018. 126 с.
9. Нагнибіда Валентина. Інноваційні методи та засоби викладання іноземних мов. URL: http: sites default files tezv 2020.pdf (дата звернення: 21.03.2022)
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