Future physical education teachers training for projecting health-preserving activities

Based on the theoretical analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature, the essence and content of the concepts “health-preserving activities" and “pedagogical projecting" are analyzed. The means of health preserving and types of have been.

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Future physical education teachers training for projecting health-preserving activities

Підготовка майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до проєктування здоров'язбережувальної діяльності

Hurin R.S.,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogics

South-Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky

Ihnatenko S.O.,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports Disciplines South-Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky

Mamatova Z.R.,

Lecturer at the Department of Defectology and Physical Rehabilitation South-Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky

The article is devoted to the investigation of theoretical foundations of preparing future physical education teachers for projecting health-preserving activity. Based on the theoretical analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature, the essence and content of the concepts “health-preserving activities" and “pedagogical projecting" are analyzed. The means of health preserving and types of health have been defined: mental, physical, moral and spiritual, social and professional. Theoretical analysis of the scientific fund within psychological and pedagogical areas allowed to characterize the essence and content of the use of pedagogical projecting in the educational process as a process and result. The content of theoretical and methodological approaches to pedagogical projecting in terms of the use of educational technologies is defined as: anthropological, humanistic, systemic, culturological, personal. The authors' position on pedagogical projecting is given, which is understood as future teachers' dynamic activities aimed at creating and implementing innovations in professional activity, which determines formation of their personal and professional traits, information culture and creative pedagogical thinking. The analysis of the scientific fund on the research subject allowed to establish that the result of preparing the future physical education teachers for the projecting of health-preserving activities is indicated by preparedness. The preparedness for such activities is understood as an individual integrated formation, which is characterized by the formedness of skills and abilities for organizing and implementing those activities, taking into account valeological principles and means of health care. The directions of further scientific research are outlined, which are as follows: to develop an experimental method of preparing future physical education teachers to projecting health-preserving activities that will correspond to the realities of today. Key words: future teacher, health-preserving activities, training, types of health, pedagogical projecting. health preserving pedagogical projecting

Статтю присвячено дослідженню теоретичних основ підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до проєкту- вання здоров'язбережувальної діяльності. З огляду на теоретичний аналіз психолого- педагогічної літератури проаналізовано сутність і змістове наповнення понять «здоров'язбережувальна діяльність» та «педагогічне проектування». Визначено засоби здоров'язбереження та види здоров'я: психічне, фізичне, морально-духовне, соціальне, професійне. Теоретичний аналіз наукового фонду в межах психолого-педа- гогічного напряму дав змогу охарактеризувати сутність і зміст використання педагогічного проєктування в освітньо-виховному процесі як процесу та результату. Проаналізовано змістове наповнення теоретико- методологічних підходів до педагогічного проєктування в аспекті використання освітніх технологій, зокрема антропологічного, гуманістичного, системного, культурологічного, особистісного підходів. Подано авторську позицію щодо педагогічного проєктування, під яким розуміємо активну діяльність майбутніх учителів, спрямовану на створення й реалізацію інновацій у професійній діяльності, що зумовлює формування в них особистісно-професійних рис, інформаційної культури та творчого педагогічного мислення. Здійснений аналіз наукового фонду з предмету дослідження дав змогу встановити, що результатом підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до проектування здоров'язбережувальної діяльності є підготовленість. Під підготовленістю до такої діяльності розуміємо індивідуальне інтегроване утворення, що характеризується наявністю сформова- ності вмінь і навичок для організації та її здійснення з огляду на валеологічні принципи й засоби здоров'язбереження. Окреслено напрями подальшого наукового пошуку, що полягають у розробленні експериментальної методики підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до проєктування здоров'язбережувальної діяльності, які відповідатимуть реаліям сьогодення.

Ключові слова: майбутній учитель,

здоров'язбережувальна діяльність, підготовка, види здоров'я, педагогічне проєкту- вання.

Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks. The relevance of the study is connected with solving the priority tasks of reforming contemporary education system, updating and improving the content of preparing future physical education teachers for taking a responsible attitude to both their own health and that of the pupils (Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, “Education in the XXI century”, National program “Health through education”). Regarding this, one of the strategic directions of educational reform should be the creation of a health-preserving space in each institution, both of secondary and higher education, which will provide optimal conditions for pedagogical process organizing, realizing the essence of health-preserving acrivities by future teachers and promoting their health [7]. In return, the analysis of working programs of theoretical and practical training of future physical education teachers at pedagogical institutions revealed a number of contradictions between: the need for purposeful training of future physical education teachers and the lack of its implementation in the learning process at higher educational institutions; the need of qualitative improvement of organizing health-preserving activities by future physical education teachers and the lack of appropriate educational and methodological supply for this process.

Analysis of recent studies and publications

Note that psychological and pedagogical aspects of teacher training and professional activity were considered by such scientists as: S. Arkhangel- sky, I. Bekh, I. Bohdanova, A. Bohush, R. Hurev- ich, N. Huziy, E. Karpova, R. Khmelyuk, N. Kichuk, N. Kuzmina, N. Mitina, I. Pidlasy, O. Semenog, V. Slastyonin, M. Yevtukh, I. Zyazyun, and others. Different areas of professional training of the future physical education teachers were studied by: O. Aftimychuk, M. Danylevych, L. Denisova,N. Denysenko, O. Kizyma, T. Krutsevych, L. Luby- sheva, L. Matveev, O. Ovcharek, O. Pelepchuk,O. Pronikov, O. Voitovska, and others. Peculiarities of forming individual components of a healthy way of life for the student's youth were investigated by N. Aghajanyan, M. Bakshaeva, E. Bondarevskaya, A. Dulevich, A. Honcharov, L. Ivashchenko, S. Kondratyuk, M. Nosko, V. Orzhekhovska, L. Ovchinnikova, I. Ponomarenko, L. Rosenfeld, H. Serikov, V. Teslyukta, O. Vakulenko, and others. Despite the large number of scientific investigations devoted to the study of diverse aspects of the future teachers preparing for health-preserving activities: organization of individual work on the formation of the culture of health for the students at higher pedagogical institutions (L. Bezugla); theoretical and methodological bases of the future teachers preparing for forming junior pupils' health-preserving skills and abilities in educational activity (B. Dolynsky); pedagogical conditions of the formation of future teachers' need for the healthy way of life in the process of physical education (L. Dudorova); preparing of the future physical education teachers for cultivating the junior pupils' healthy lifestyle on the gender approach basis (A. Zaikin); future teachers' preparing for providing a healthy lifestyle of primary school pupils (N. Urum), - the issue of their purposeful preparing for the projecting of such activity remains open.

Selection of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. The training of future physical education teachers must correspond to the realities of today, the purpose of which is to create psychological and pedagogical conditions for health improvement, development of individual capabilities, formation of a healthy lifestyle and development of skills to project health-preserving activities in the professional and pedagogical space. Despite the implementation of the conceptual foundations of the abovementioned regulatory framework into the education system, further investigation is required for scientific and methodological foundations in the directions of preparing the future physical education teachers for projecting health-preserving activities.

Formulating the goals of the article (setting a task). The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the content of health-preserving activities and to determine the essence the future physical education teachers' preparing for projecting such activities.

Presentation of the main research material with a full justification of the obtained scientific results. The filling of the domestic scientific space with achiev- ments, which declare the condition and development of the theory and practice of teaching the basics of health and education at different stages of human life, is considered to be such categories as: “health pedagogy”, “health-creating pedagogy”, “health preserving education”, “preventive pedagogy”, “health preserving pedagogy” [9]. The basis for that is the study of O. Karpus, in which the author considers the terminological tools on the health preserving issue and emphasizes that modern countries pay considerable attention to the health care of their population, since the prosperity of a nation depends on the condition of the country's inhabitants, their adjustment to a healthy lifestyle and personal responsibility for their own and others' health [5].

Note that today there is no unified approach to understanding the nature of health-preserving activity and future teachers's readiness for it. In scientific sources the health-preserving activity is interpreted as: holistic and multifaceted process (Sentizova, 2008), the organization of human life (Zvekova, 2009), multifunctional social phenomenon (Dolynsky, 2010). All these processes and phenomena are accordingly aimed at: increasing the value of both their own health and the health of pupils grounded on the awareness of responsibility; use and development of spiritual, moral and physical strength, developing the striving to preserve individual and social health; implementation of health-preserving technologies that contribute to the preservation of physical, mental, social, moral and spiritual health of the educational process participants.

In terms of the research, the conclusions of V. Andrushchenko are correct, in which the scientist emphasizes on mental, physical, moral and spiritual, social and professional health. Thus, mental health is seen as a complex of guidelines, qualities and functional abilities of future teachers, which allows them to adapt to the environment and is necessary in their professional activities. Physical health is ensured by positive attitude towards it, considering the latter as a universal human value; by sufficient physical activity, rational nutrition, compliance with sanitary and hygienic skills, as well as recognition of the need for physical and health improvment, sports and games exercises, which will contribute not only to the formation of future teachers' health-preserving abilities and skills, strengthening their physical health, but also the acquirement of skills to organize appropriate health-preserving activities. The author understands moral and spiritual health as future teachers' availability of the system of values, guidelines and motives for their behavior in professional activitiy, which involves the formation of appropriate health-preserving skills and abilities aimed at developing person's high spirituality and associated with such universal values as good, love, beauty, etc. The scientist also believes that moral and spiritual health is a prerequisite for self-assertion of higher education applicants in society and professional and pedagogical activities in particular. Social health presupposes that future teachers have acquired knowledge, communication abilities and skills (with children, their parents, colleagues, administration). The level of formation of the latter also affects social behavior in professional activities and society, complies with the norms which society sets to the teacher. His/her professional health, according to the author, should be defined as a holistic multidimensional dynamic state of the body, which allows educators to realize their creative potential in professional and pedagogical activities [1].

Consideration of these types of health necessitates a more detailed review of the interaction between higher education applicants and teachers and the corresponding means of health preserving.

The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature made it possible to establish that training of the future physical education teachers should reflect such types of it as: educational (interaction of vale- ological education with disciplines of humanitarian, socio-economic, natural-scientific, professional and practical cycles of professional training), educative (extracurricular educative work which involves organization and conducting physical culture and sports competitions, creativity competitions, sports holidays), individual (students' organization of searchable and research activities on health preserving issues, independent physical education and sports trainings (sports sections, workshops), application of acquired knowledge and skills during pedagogical practice, taking into account preservation and strengthening of pupils' health [3].

When reviewing the means of health preserving, we consider it necessary to emphasize on methodological aspects of exercises, which reflect the re-exercise of various types of motor actions and activate a number of life processes. As M. Smirnov rightly emphasizes, the qualitative variety of physical education methods determines the method of repetition of physical exercises, which are differentiated as follows: simple repetition of movements and accumulation of exercise effect underlie the training of physical abilities; modified repetition and selection are the basis of learning movements; code repetition is the basis for the formation of senses and intellect, training the ability of high perception and processing the information; model repetition - the conditions of normalization of tactical abilities, as well as the abilities to act most rationally in a new environment [10].

As contemporary training of future physical education teachers must meet the requirements of the Bologna Declaration, we shall emphasize that it should result not only into development of relevant competencies, but also into preparedness for pedagogical projecting of health-preserving activities at a high professional level.

Understanding the content and essence of pedagogical projecting as a process and the result, it is appropriate to refer to T. Podobedova's study, in which the author connects it with the purpose, object, subject, methods and results of projecting and pedagogical activities. The object of pedagogical projecting is understood by the author as a certain pedagogical structure: pedagogical system, process, technology, method, device, pedagogical situation, content of education, curriculum, textbook, manual, etc. In addition, the projecting object is always based on a new idea. The subject of pedagogical projecting is represented by a teacher or a group of people who have such personal and professional traits as creative thinking, ability to invent, professionalism and high efficiency, specific value orientations, ability to predict the results of the proposed changes [8]. On the other hand, pedagogical projecting is understood as practice-oriented activity, the purpose of which is to develop new, non-existent in practice educational systems and types of pedagogical activities (samples of curricula, textbooks, etc.), the process of creating and implementing a pedagogical project, learning technology and specific personality development [6].

Comprehensive study of pedagogical projecting led us to conclusions that through its use the future teachers, firstly, form a style of projective thinking (I. Zyazyun and H. Sahach); secondly, the ability to create their own pedagogical projects that focus future teachers' attention on the internal connections of analytical, prognostic and projective functions of project-pedagogical activities (I. Isayev, O. Mishchenko, V. Slastyonin, E. Shiyanov); thirdly, there is a creative thinking development being performed, the formation of creative abilities, research skills and the ability to generate ideas and establish causality, reflections, etc. (I. Bohdanova, E. Karpova, N. Kichuk). On the other hand, the use of pedagogical projecting in the students' training encourages them for percepting themselves as future teachers.

Thus, we understand pedagogical projecting as future teachers' dynamic activity, aimed at creating and implementing innovations in professional activities, which leads to the formation of personal and professional traits, information culture and creative pedagogical thinking. The essence of pedagogical projecting involves solving educational problems, defining educational strategies, as well as predicting the results of professional activity [11].

We fully agree with N. Bordovskaya, who is claiming that as theoretical and methodological approaches to pedagogical projecting, in terms of the use of educational technologies, should be defined the next: anthropological (connection with the meaning and significance of education for the individual, with his/her interests, inclinations, values, rights, etc.); humanistic (orientation of education, social interactions, etc.); systemic (reveals and implements the process of projecting as a holistic system that performs a significant set of special functions in the educational process); culturological (determines the semantic context of the conditions and limits of educational technologies applying at the educational institution); personal (determines the recognition of those who study being the absolute value as the subject of the educational process [2].

Summing up, we come to the conclusions that future physical education teachers must be trained for being able to implement these activities. We see the prospects for further exploration in determining the components of such training and in developing of an experimental method of preparing future physical education teachers to projecting health-preserving activities.


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