University: steps of growth Ihor Tsependa
The university development is a complex, ambiguous process, full of ups and downs. Implementation of high-quality, world-class training of specialists, graduate students, doctoral students, scientists requires comprehensive solutions, large-scale thinking
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Дата добавления | 13.09.2022 |
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University: steps of growth Ihor Tsependa
The origins of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University trace back to the Pedagogical Institute established in 1941 in Stanislav, which was the regional centre at that time. During the eighty years of its existence, the educational institution developed gradually: first it functioned as the Pedagogical Institute and its long-term existence was marked by numerous significant events, then it became a classical university, and, finally, it received the title and status of a national university. In recent years, the university has undergone radical changes in all areas of its life and work. There has come to the forefront the need of focusing on the experience of European universities while preserving national and state positions. Cooperation with leading European universities has made it possible to provide students with an opportunity to obtain a diploma not only from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, but also from one of the Polish ones. On the part of the staff the ongoing process of supporting the Ukrainian language as the state language goes hand in hand with general and persistent efforts teachers and students to master the English language.
There have taken place significant changes in the organization of the educational process, introduction of new curricula, as well as modern teaching methods. Information technologies and the Internet have become an integral part of the educational process, while a powerful information center has been established to provide technical support for the training session organization and the online access to scientific sources. New ways of teaching presupposes the activation of the factor of students' individual work, which accounts for independent acquisition of a significant part of the necessary information. The scientific library now has better possibilities to make scientific and educational literature essential for the training of highly qualified specialists available through the university website.
The scientific activity of teachers has risen to a new level; new scientific centers have been created, new laboratories have been equipped; there is an ongoing international project aimed at restoration of the observatory on Mount Pip Ivan in the Carpathians. There has been a significant rise in scientific output measured by the Scopus scientific metric base; in recent years the number of doctors of science has increased by a third, and new promising scientific schools have been opened. Several multivolume fundamental scientific works have seen the world. Student selfgovernment has also intensified, cultural life is booming, there are significant achievements in sports. In the future, the university seeks to enter the top 100 best universities in the world.
Keywords: university, educational process, teacher, professor, student, science, culture, educational process, informatization.
Цепенда Ігор. «Університет: кроки зростання».
Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника сягає корінням у створений у 1941році в тодішньому обласному центрі Станіславі учительського інституту. За вісімдесят років існування навчальний заклад розвивався поступово, через події багаторічного існування педагогічного інституту, створення на його базі класичного університету, надання йому звання національного. За останні роки в діяльності університету відбулися кардинальні зміни, що охопили всі сфери його життя і діяльності. Принципового для подальшої розбудови значення набула орієнтація на досвід європейських університетів за умов збереження національних і державницьких позицій. Зв'язки з провідними європейськими університетами дали змогу забезпечити паралельне навчання студентів задля одержання диплома не лише Прикарпатського, а й одного з університетів Польщі. Подальші зусилля колективу з впровадження української мови як державної супроводжується процесом повсевмісного залучення викладачів і студентів до досконалого володіння англійською мовою.
Суттєві зрушення відбулися в організації навчального процесу, впровадженні нових навчальних програм, сучасних методик викладання. У практику навчального процесу міцно увійшли інформаційні технології, Інтернет, створено потужний інформаційний центр, який забезпечує організацію навчальних занять, опрацювання наукових джерел за системою «онлайн». Викладання по-новому передбачає активізацію чинника самостійної роботи студентів, на яку припадає значна частина засвоєної ними інформації. Розширились можливості наукової бібліотеки подавати через сайт університету можливості вивчення наукової і навчальної літератури, необхідної для підготовки висококваліфікованого спеціаліста.
На новий рівень піднялася наукова діяльність викладачів, створено нові осередки, обладнано нові лабораторії; здійснюється міжнародний проект щодо поновлення роботи обсерваторії на горі Піп Іван у Карпатах. Незрівнянно зросла наукова продукція за науково метричною базою Scopus, за останні роки чисельність докторів наук збільшилась на третину, з'явились нові перспективні наукові школи. Науковий світ збагатився багатотомними фундаментальними науковими працями. Активізувалося студентське самоврядування, вирує культурне життя, є значні досягнення в спорті. У перспективі університет прагне увійти в першу сотню кращих університетів світу.
Ключові слова: університет, навчальний процес, викладач, професор, студент, наука, культура, виховний процес, інформатизація.
May, 2021 turned out to be festive for Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Together with the entire cultural community, the university staff celebrated the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great writer Vasyl Stefanyk, whose name the university has been sporting for half a century. There was also another significant date worth mentioning: in the turbulent year of 1941, in May, there was established a small educational center in Stanislav (the former name of Ivano-Frankivsk): it was a pedagogical institute which turned into a modern national university over the decades.
The history of the university makes a whole different topic for scientific consideration. Over the years the university witnessed both ups and downs, periods of fruitful activity and comparative decline. It has come a long way from the institute training teachers in several specialties - in particular primary school teachers - to one of the educational institutions hosting thousands of students and providing them with ample opportunities to graduate with a diploma in economics, science and culture becoming lawyers and economists, teachers and musicians, programmers and biologists, forest, environmentalists and tourism workers, diplomats and journalists, historians and political scientists, philologists and psychologists, etc. This is a path that has become especially prominent after the declaration of Ukraine's independence, because it was solely the state's responsibility to open a classical university in the region of heroic history [1].
From the onset there were several dozens of teachers with academic degrees and titles working at the Pedagogical Institute, while today's university employs more than 170 doctors of sciences, professors, hundreds of candidates of sciences, associate professors, and, due to recent developments in the national system of education, doctors of philosophy [2]. In its time the pedagogical institute occupied one educational building and several adapted premises, while at present we reside in multistorey buildings, have a strong educational material base, well-equipped modern classrooms and laboratories. The scientific achievements of the university have grown significantly, the university has established and strengthened international relations with American, European and Asian leading educational institutions; there have been introduced English-language programs, and we have world achievements in sports. Our main asset is a staff of almost a thousand and a half people.
Theoretical background. Results and discussion
The university development is a complex, ambiguous process, full of ups and downs along its way. The professors staff fondly remembers the rectorship of Oleksander Ustenko (1967-1980), who had his hand in the teaching staff establishment, invited scientists from different regions, established the grounds of educational process and cultural work. Rector Vitaliy Kononenko (1987-2004) made a significant contribution to the development of the Pedagogical Institute, turning it into the university, opening of dozens of new specialties, and construction of new buildings. The university honours the traditions accumulated over decades and follows them closely. Nowdays the university is a home to specialists educated in the scientific schools of Ivan Kovalyk, Myroslav Stelmakhovych, Dmytro Freik, Oleksandr Karpenko. The latest decade is characterized by accelerated growth, renewal of all educational, scientific, educational, cultural activities in various areas, decisions and progress in many spheres of life.
The university has chosen the European way of development by vocation and definition, while it still pursues the national state direction as a new type of institution. The university's main purpose is to get the young generation ready for productive and creative work, to educate them in the national- patriotic spirit, to develop their creative thinking and competitiveness on the labour market. Its priority is to meet the needs of the state providing it with new generations of specialists, future leaders, statesmen.
The traditional forms of education become an outdated thing of the past: a professor at a department delivers a lecture, a student studies a textbook and answers in a seminar. The educational process witnesses radical changes: the students are given access to the Internet and information technology as a way to obtain cognitive knowledge and scientific competencies. The traditional subjective-object form of interaction with the student gives way to the new one: the subject-subject from, where a teacher and a student cooperate, rather than follow the rules of subordination. In such disciplines as chemistry, biology, computer engineering, nanotechnology some of the lectures are delivered in English, as the biggest part of material on technological advances comes from the English sources, in general. Previously, to get a copy of a textbook or a new novel in the library a student had to be priory enrolled or stand in a queue, and now they use personal computers to read texts in a dormitory, their native village, on a train. The scientific library makes it easier for students to access thousands of pages of scientific articles, fragments of monographs prepared by teachers, as they are now available in electronic form. The process of accumulation of scientific achievements of professors and teachers is underway along as projects on getting information from sister-universities and academies of sciences.
To name a few examples: history students used to take a course in source studies without access to the majority of archives, but today they can find old manuscripts and rare editions via the Internet. Students of the Faculty of Tourism explore tourist routes, view panoramas of modern cities, check hotel rooms. Art history students have an opportunity to visit famous art galleries, listen to opera arias sung by famous singers. The main task of today is to make students understand the crucial importance of self-studying and direct their efforts at individual mastering of modern competencies. This approach involves strengthening practices, acquiring skills to apply knowledge at the workplace, at school, in the bank, in court, etc. The educational process of the distance-learning students has been reorganized, the number of students who don't study full-time is growing every year, primarily due to those who want to have a second higher education. There is no longer need to come to the city, attend the university, settle in a dormitory, and make these trips in summer or on weekends. Online lectures and practical classes have become a common form of learning, online format allows passing credits and exams in the multiple-choice form via the Internet.
The recently established Center for Information Technologies (headed by Professor Olena Budnyk) coordinates information policy of the university, maintains updates and feedback from the departments, organizes computer training, and provides the technical support for scientific conferences as well as scientific council meetings for the defense of dissertations (theses), etc. The center is located in specially equipped premises with classrooms and computer-equipped classes. university training development
Implementation of high-quality, world-class training of specialists, graduate students, doctoral students, young scientists requires comprehensive solutions, large-scale thinking, as well as overcoming the resistance of the conservative forces (and such things still have place in the university life). One of such solutions, that has to influence different areas of our progress, is an implementation of a new project - restoration, reconstruction and maintenance of functioning of the International Scientific Center "Observatory" in the Carpathians on Mount Pip Ivan; professionals, academic staff and students are to be a part of the educational process when given access to this majestic building. The idea of this grand project and its plan would not have real prospects without substantial financial support, taking into consideration the fact that the building was half-destroyed and long-time inactive, since the Polish rule, another difficult aspect being its location: the ascent to a high mountain was hardly suitable for use. There was little hope the project would be viable, but the necessary documentation was prepared, and that resulted in a grant from the EU's cross-border program "PL-BV-UA"; combined with the raised funds, it helped to start partial reconstruction, equipment was partially purchased, and soon (in 2022) it will start working under the favorable conditions of the highlands.
It is important to take the necessary steps to make the observatory the key lever to meet the multifaceted needs of our institution. They go beyond the prospective training of astronomers and scientific work (we do educate specialists in the given sphere), but also include possible activity of a number of different specialists representing various fields of study that could benefit from the observatory - engineers, mathematicians, geographers, meteorologists, biologists, foresters, tourism workers. The observatory is bound to become a place for excursions, student meetings, sports ascends. There have been already signed agreements with Ukrainian and Polish universities on the joint operation of the unique facility, and students from different countries are allowed and encouraged to come here.
The radical improvement of educational programs in all disciplines called for comprehensive solutions; this extensive work required deep changes concerning the content, as well as it getting ready to match the world scientific standards, entering the information space, ensuring coordination of different training courses, a reasonable balance of theoretical approaches and learning competencies. The last two years witnessed seemingly inconspicuous but extremely important work being done to change the paradigm of learning and its compliance with educational standards. The purpose of this process was, firstly, to ensure the sufficient level of students' training so that our diplomas were equal to the diplomas of European universities, and secondly, to make future graduate acquire necessary skills to be involved in the working processes. The university has resolutely set out to single out groups of students who are preparing for pedagogical work and need enhanced pedagogical and psychological training, together with practice in educational institutions. We do understand that updating curricula is a never-ending process that requires almost annual review: it is the work of scientific and methodological commissions, the so-called guarantors from among the leading professors of the departments whose job is to ensure the highest level of educational programmes and curricula[3].
The European integration course, chosen by independent Ukraine, has set an important task for the university staff - to take decisive steps to bring educational and scientific training of students to the level of world standards. Breaking stereotypes like "Soviet education is the best in the world”, "education should be national" should result not in general guidelines changes, it means we require significant changes in the mindsets of both teachers and students, if you will, in the philosophy of education. We are aiming at making our diploma recognizable at the level of European academic community, and our long-term contacts with dozens of universities as well as joint research projects serve this purpose.
Another way to achieve to goal is to popularize the practice of obtaining a "double degree" which is possible in cases when a student studies at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and one of the European universities at the same time. This initiative faced considerable difficulties on the way to its implementation, as it involved not only the consent of the sister-university, but also the sufficient student's knowledge of a foreign language, especially English, along with thought through and worked out travel arrangements, conditions of the internship, and so on. At the same time, there was a need to coordinate our training programs with foreign ones. Today, there can be seen an increasing number of students studying in this way. This solves the issue of encouraging young people to study at our higher education institution and opens up prospects for future employment of graduates. It is proven that the idea has gained great support among young people.
While the university has an extensive network of ties with different foreign partners, the most fruitful cooperation has been established with the Polish institutions - Warsaw, Krakow, and Rzeszow universities. There are different forms of common work with Polish colleagues. For example, our philologists successfully cooperate with the Department of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Warsaw. Recently this cooperation resulted in a series of jointly written monographs concerning Ukrainian studies authored by Ukrainian and Polish scholars: "Taras Shevchenko: a View From the Third Millennium" (Ivano-Frankivsk - Warsaw, 2015), "Vasyl Stefanyk: Getting a Closer Look" (Ivano- Frankivsk - Warsaw, 2017); "Tendencies of the Ukrainian Vocabulary and Grammar Development" in 3 volumes (Warsaw University, 2014-2016). Our philologists published their research papers in the journal "Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia", while representative of the Warsaw University submit their works to the journals "Etnos i Kultura" ("Ethnos and Culture"), "Visnyk NTSh. Slovo", our common efforts are also realized in joint conferences.
At the initiative of our university, there has been created a kind of "club" - a consortium of the Warsaw and Ukrainian universities, which focuses on an exchange of experiences, organization of joint events, student meetings, university staff professional exchange and more. There has been introduced the internship practice available for Ukrainian lecturers at the universities of Warsaw, Krakow, and Wroclaw, while Polish specialists are welcome in the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
In recent years, the university has significantly intensified its activities promoting Ukraine abroad, in particular the Ukrainian language, history and culture. The regional population has always used Ukrainian as the language of school and university education, as well as on the daily basis. However, we take into account that some school graduates who enroll in the university courses, especially graduates of mountain region schools, resort to dialectal speech in everyday life. Our pedagogical community tends to support the so-called diglossia - the parallel usage of both literary norms and dialectal conversational practice. While training future teachers we are guided by the principle of "do no harm", therefore, we try our best both to keep the dialect and to thoroughly study the Ukrainian literary language as a nationwide norm.
Our educational establishment has intensified the study of English by both staff and students as this language is the tool of world science and culture as well as the most advanced technologies. We prove, convince, teach in additional courses, issue certificates - the process is going fast. The scientific library gives opportunities to make use of English-language publications, academic staff familiarizes with scientific works in English, and publish their researches in English-language journals as well. The recently launched project of the university English-language publication "Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University" with several series in various fields of knowledge is gaining recognition in Ukraine and Europe.
The scientific and research work revolves around the search for new approaches and opportunities aimed at the implementation of high-efficiency developments, with their further results introduction in production that will allow gaining world level recognition [5]. Our main objective is not so much to make every lecturer and researcher publish their works, but to ensure that they are high-quality scientific works, with the perspectives of the world scientific thought, open and worthy of subsequent citations, written not only in Ukrainian but also in English. A relatively new direction in this sense is the encouragement to submit researches to the scientific metric databases Scopus and Web of Science publications: the authors of these works receive all kinds of support, including a financial one. And it is only natural, because these scientific papers are reviewed by well-known foreign scholars, each article or monograph must meet the highest criteria of the scientific world.
The flow of publications with Scopus and Web of Science index is growing rapidly, especially in the field of physics and mathematics, chemistry and biology, engineering, and economy. Several "pioneers" of this type of publications appeared in the humanities, in pedagogics, foreign language studies, and law. The Academic Council of the University has repeatedly addressed the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with proposals to provide the possibility for the Ukrainian studies scholars to be printed in these scientific-metric databases. Our goal is to reach such level of research work that would allow the authors to receive grant funding, practical production implementation, and participation in joint projects with foreign scientists.
Among the scientific achievements there is an honorary place taken by given to fundamental research works, collective publications, and monographs, the scientific world can refer to and rely on. Such publications are being written for years, involving teams of authors, requiring funds received from different sources, including grants. Each large-scale publication relies on the joint efforts of the administration, departments, and professors. Recent years have proved that the university academic community is capable of achieving such goals. The whole scientific and pedagogical team prides themselves in each of the examples.
There has been launched a series of publications, each in large volumes, as the culminations of the thorough scientific work, named "Prykarpattia: heritage of centuries, monuments of nature, history, culture, ethnography: historical and cultural publication", published in two languages - Ukrainian and English, Editor-in-chief M.V. Kuhutiak (2006). To be compiled this scientific work required considerable research, in particular, the description of ancient monuments of Prykarpattia. Also, a powerful resonance in scientific circles has been created by a recent three-volume publication "Manyava Skete ”, Editor-in-chief M.V. Kuhutiak (Lviv 2018-2019). The publication was preceded by a large-scale research work in the archives of Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Kyiv, and Romanian cities; during the materials collection there were discovered previously unpublished church documents unknown to the scientific community. The team of our historians, as well as invited scientists from Lviv, Kyiv, Ternopil had one more mission - to collect documentary evidence of the activities of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic and publish a 4-volume encyclopedia of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic. It reproduces almost the events of those years almost on a daily basis, it mentions the names of all fighters for the independence of Ukraine who took part in the activities of the Republic which was the prototype of the future independent state.
The university has been able to contribute to two more unique publications that were not created before. These are the comprehensive dictionaries - a fundamental collection of treasures of the Ukrainian language and its dialects. The first one is the two-volume dictionary "Hutsul dialect vocabulary and phrasemics in the Ukrainian literary language" (2019-2020) compiled by the academic staff of the Department of Ukrainian Language and the Institute of Ukrainian Studies under the leadership of the author of the idea, project leader Professor Vasyl Hreschuk. On the one hand, the work included the rich lexicon of the Hutsul dialect; on the other hand, it showed the creation of images of Hutsuls by means of local speech in the literary works. Unbelievably scurpulous, timeconsuming work was accomplished by Professor Maria Holianych, who managed to compile a thick dictionary of dialect speech of her native village ("Language Portrait of the Tudiv Village", Ivano- Frankivsk, 2018). Scholars working on the Ukrainian studies problems also aspire to compile the planned "Dictionary of Vasyl Stefanyk's Works", which will be greatly facilitated by the full publication of the author's works.
The academic staff of the Department of Ukrainian Literature under the leadership of Professor Stepan Khorob accomplished a great research and textual work on the collection, preparation for publication, editing and printing of an extraordinary edition - a three-volume (in four books) "Vasyl Stefanyk. Collection of works" (2020, editors Stepan Khorob, Roman Pikhmanets, Yevhen Baran). This collection of works is the result of many years of work of academic staff and scholars who have been studying the texts of our fellow countryman, as it is a well-known fact that in reality the meticulous literature researchers of the Soviet period interfered in almost every short story ('image'), article or letter of the writer with their unlawful and biased editing and corrections.
Our researchers studied Stefanyk's original first-hand sources in detail and presented them as the complete original text. At the same time, various editions of his works were collected and published in a separate volume. There is also a unique in its idea and implementation volume - "Vasyl Stefanyk Works in Different Languages" where there are collected translations of the writer's short stories in Polish, Bulgarian, Czech, Russian, Slovak, Croatian, English, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Chinese. The work of our philologists with its scientific apparatus has risen to the level of academic publications. It resulted in a new field of study formed in the university - Stefanykology (Vasyl Stefanyk studies).
Reflecting on the scientific achievements of our academic staff, we constantly pay attention to the following important aspect: what do we do to engage the future scientists to join our rank, is there the next generation able to take over these tasks, is there risk of neglecting the involvement of graduate students, doctors, masters in university research issues, and, are students involved in solving urban projects? Almost every doctor of science is more than accountable for their scientific school and ready to certify that, yet is this work effective? There are many professors whose scientific schools yield fruitful results. One can evaluate their work according to following criteria: joint projects with young researchers, publications of the protege students in Scopus journals, implementation of the ideas in the production and educational process. Several renown university scientific schools work at the all- Ukrainian level and some of them are included in European rankings; they include Volodymyr Lutsak's scientific schools on human and animal life, Andriy Zahorodniuk's school on nonlinear functional analysis, Ivan Myroniuk's school on new photocatalytic systems, Bohdan Ostafiychuk's school on new technologies, Mykola Kuhutiak's school on Ukrainian historiography and Ukrainian archeology work,
Stepan Khorob's school in the field of Ukrainian drama, Tetiana Zavhorodnia's school on the history of pedagogical thought in Galicia.
There are many more worthy examples. Professor Blahun is the head of a team that consists of mainly from young researchers, graduate students, doctoral students and master's students. They work on the topics "Modeling of socio-economic development of economic and production structures in market conditions" and "Modeling of management processes in socio-economic systems". The Faculty of Economics, headed by Professor Blagun, has an established practice: the supervisor proposes the topics of dissertations or master's theses within his scientific problems, after the dissertations are completed and the research results have been implemented, the works are defended at the specialized council meetings. The results of his work are impressive, he has been a scientific advisor to 2 doctoral and more than 30 PhD theses, and the team of young researchers and students consists of almost 40 people.
The scientific school of Vitaly Kononenko, the academician of the National Pedagogical Academy, is rather well-known; his postgraduate students (and there are over 50 of them) work at the linguistic departments of 15 different universities. In Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathain National University alone there work 2 doctors of sciences and 17 candidates of sciences that used to rely of the professor as their official scientific advisor. There is also an interesting noteworthy innovation: together with his students the professor published two large collective monographs ("Predicate in sentence structure", "Comparative and typological studies: Ukrainian language against the background of related languages"). V. Kononenko is a current editor of two scientific journals, and his students publish their works in both of them. The professor's doctoral student O. Vorobets has completed the grant-funded research covered by the programme for young scientists by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, his team including former graduate students and doctoral students of the professor.
At the same time there arises the question whether scientific advisors are always willing open the way to great science for young researchers. The answer is far from always. We have witnessed situations when a doctor of sciences, a professor sees a young researcher as a competitor for the head of the department or for the management of a scientific topic and hinders their progress, delays paper publications and dissertation defense. Therefore, the adopted by the state practice to allow managing the department for two terms only justifies itself fully. Currently, every 5th department chair (and there are 77 departments in general) is a relatively young person. It worth mentioning there are several ways of engaging young talented scientists in the leadership process. We can point out the following initiative: the university scientific department compiled a "The Scientist Guide", editor Valentyna Yakubiv (2020); the manual contains specific recommendations as to how to choose a research topic, find sources, etc. [4]; thus, even seasoned scientists were also interested in the book.
Our objective is to create an atmosphere of harmony, mutual understanding and camaraderie in the staff; that can be seen in everyday cooperation, friendly relations with colleagues, employees, and students. There isn't a trace of hostility or unfriendliness in communication with teachers. Communicating with students, we strive to establish mutual respect; therefore, there is no place for a teacher's demonstrative superiority in terms of knowledge and behavior of young people. All the calls for integrity in relations with students become effective provided there is a chain reaction feedback in the system "student - teacher - department - dean's office - university administration”. Decisions concerning active involvement of students in the university life become the decisive factor. We provide students with the opportunity of self-governance, support the student senate actions and initiatives, as well as organize faculty associations and hold regular meetings of the academic groups' monitors. Students participate in the academic councils of universities, faculties and institutes as their members, they also participate in departments meetings, conferences, scientific seminars and symposiums. There is an established working programme dedicated to the leadership skills training, creative thinking development, and life-long acquisition of knowledge.
Where we are coming from is the basic idea that ideological, political, cultural, socio-psychological efforts aimed at bringing up student youth in the national-patriotic spirit is not an additional, but rather a fundamental, defining task, it is a project of everyone working at the university, regardless of their academic title or position. The vast majority of our students have been brought up following patriotic principles in their families, at school, but this does not make our daily work easier or not relevant. The young generation of students was born in an already independent state and they see no point in fighting the consequences of totalitarianism. Yet, our students cherish the memory of their predecessors who went on a hunger strike on Khreschatyk in the fall of 1991, and those who took part in the excavations in Demyaniv Laz, a place where thousands of patriots were shot to death. Students know the history of national liberation struggles in Galicia in the 40-50s of the previous century, they respect the participants of the Orange Revolution and the Revolution of Dignity, as well as soldiers who defend their motherland from Russian aggressors.
Yet, one cannot help but see that there are still many unsolved issues when working with young people: some young men and women are not fit to survive in the conditions of a market economy, sometimes they are confused and do not believe in their future employment. We shouldn't turn a blind eye to the problem of passive youth as not all students are ready to study hard. To say the least, we have created good conditions to go in for sports; still students are not always keen on this activity. Lots of them ignore the opportunity to get engaged in cultural and leisure projects. That's where the so- called curators of groups (academic group tutors) and student activists can step in. There is also the problem of psychological and pedagogical support required by some young people. Family issues, personal life failures, general confusion, and sometimes even harassment on the part of senior students are among the troubles students might face. We have established a psychological service, but we understand that its efforts alone will not win the case. There should be changes introduced into the philosophy of educational management of the university. These changes are based on the systematic diagnosis of the educational process, they should act as a psychological stabilizer of relations within each institution and allow balancing various demands and problems of the educational process participants. We are looking for ways to touch the heart and soul of every young person. Defined by academician Vasyl Kremen, human-centeredness is a lighthouse, the credo of our cooperation with students.
We hope that the Student Youth Center of Ukraine and Poland in the village Mykulychyn in the Carpathians will provide great assistance in uniting the student community as it will meet the needs of young people in communication, cultural recreation, and sports. The agenda of the camp is to bring together students from different countries, promote their consolidation, and contribute to their educational and scientific cooperation. An additional goal is, on the one hand, to study Ukrainian for foreigners, while, for our students, it is to study English.
As a vibrant organic system the university is in a state of constant movement and improvement of all its parts. Nowadays, it has reached the stage of radical changes, fundamental shifts concerning providing of high-quality training of student youth, getting them ready to live and work for the benefit of the state in market conditions and in the new information space. Traditional forms of lecturing and conducting seminars are gradually becoming a thing of the past, while it is impossible to imagine future teaching without technological assistance or access to the world experience in education.
Each department, professors and associate professors, graduate students, doctoral students, master's students, gradually, step by step develop their scientific ideas, adapt them to the world priorities, they increase their rating parameters of research in the scientific metric database Scopus, relying on their citation index. There have been established new scientific schools and strengthened the long-existing ones, there is also an evolving tendency to intensify research work of young scientists within the framework of the new scientific centers.
The University handles the development of the student self-government, contributes to the leadership skills training, educates on the notions of creative thinking, broadens the young people's national and patriotic consciousness, teaches them to overcome despair and disappointment, since all these tasks make up the agenda of the University. All the activity of the academic and teaching staff revolves around the creation of the atmosphere of friendliness, integrity, around the implementation of the subject-subject relations principles when dealing with students [6].
Among the factors determining the further progress of the university and its prospects are the general educational direction chosen by our state on its way to Euro-Atlantic European integration, attempts to adjust and correspond to the world level of university education, as well as entering the world information space. We need to test and implement the latest principles and methods of teaching using the Internet and access to English educational programs, in particular. There is the task of influencing worldview of each student relying on the fundamental priorities in science, education, and national culture. The university is developing and striving for further advancement in the world educational space.
Вища педагогічна освіта і Україна: історія сьогодення та перспективи розвитку. Івано-Франківська область; відповідальний редактор В.І. Кононенко. Київ: Знання України, 2010.
[Vyscha pedahohichna osvita i Ukraina: istoriia sohodennia ta perspektyvy rozvytku. Ivano-Frankivska oblast; vidpovidalnyi redaktor V.I. Kononenko. Kyiv: Znannia Ukrainy, 2010]. (in Ukrainian)
Наукова освіта Івано-Франківщини: доктори наук, професори Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника: довідник; відповідальний редактор І.Миронюк. Івано- Франківськ: Нова Зоря, 2007.
Naukova osvita Ivano-Frankivshchyny: doktory nauk, profesory Prykarpatskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Vasylia Stefanyka: dovidnyk; vidpovidalnyi redaktor I.Myroniuk. Ivano-Frankivsk: Nova Zoria, 2007. (in Ukrainian)
Освітня програма: від започаткування до акредитації; упорядники І.Є.Цепенда, Р.І.Запухляк,
ОЛ.Макарук, І.В.Макарук. Івано-Франківськ: Прикарпатський університет імені Василя
Стефаника, 2021.
[Osvitnia prohrama: vid zapochatkuvannia do akredytatsii; uporiadnyky I.Ie.Tsependa, R.I.Zapukhliak,
O.L.Makaruk, I.V.Makaruk. Ivano-Frankivsk: Prykarpatskyi universytet imeni Vasylia Stefanyka, 2021]. (in Ukrainian)
Путівник для науковця; за редакцією В.М.Якубів. Івано-Франківськ: Прикарпатський університет, 2020.
[Putivnyk dlia naukovtsia; za redaktsiieiu V.M.Yakubiv. Ivano-Frankivsk: Prykarpatskyi universytet, 2020. (in Ukrainian)
Tsependa I. Precarpathian National University in the European Educational Environment. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Scientific Edition. Series of Social and Human Sciences. 4(2). Ivano-Frankivsk, 2017. S.19-24.
Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника. Режим доступу:
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