Readiness of specialists in the field of education for social partnership: inclusive aspect
Substantiating and exploring the main aspects of the social partnership of family and modern educational institution for the development of inclusion and revealing the features of the formation of readiness of teachers and parents for this process.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.09.2022 |
Размер файла | 4,2 M |
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Readiness of specialists in the field of education for social partnership: inclusive aspect
Svitlana Chupakhina
Iryna Skomorovska
Nataliia Kyrsta
Larysa Krul
inclusion family educational
The article deals with the problem of the main aspects of the readiness of education professionals for social partnership for the development of inclusive processes. The authors aimed at substantiating and exploring the main aspects of the social partnership of family and educational institution for the development of inclusion and revealing the features of the formation of readiness of teachers and parents for this process. It is established that the organization of systematic and scientifically-based and practice-oriented work, which is aimed at forming parents' ideas and skills in the field of family education, is important for improving parental competence. The principal features of the partnership are highlighted: the long-term nature of the interaction and mutual responsibility. It is determined that social partnership is an educational interaction between teachers and parents, which is characterized by a common attitude and coordination of actions aimed at the development of children and taking into account their individual characteristics and capabilities. The goal of the social partnership is to improve the quality of education for children with special needs in an inclusive space, which will be effective if all participants are coordinated, pool their resources and personal interests in developing competencies needed to make decisions about child development. It is proved that the implementation by teachers and parents of children with special needs of individual educational trajectories on the basis of partnership ensures the transition of participants in the educational process to a higher level of competence development in a favorable inclusive environment.
Keywords: interaction of teachers and parents, readiness, children with special needs, inclusive environment, individual educational trajectories, competence, social partnership.
Чупахіна Світлана, Скоморовська Ірина, Кирста Наталія, Круль Лариса. Готовність фахівців галузі освіти до соціального партнерства: інклюзивний аспект
У статті проаналізовано, розкрито та досліджено основні аспекти готовності фахівців в галузі освіти до соціального партнерства задля розвитку інклюзивних процесів. Обґрунтувано та досліджено основні аспекти соціального партнерства сім'ї та закладу освіти задля розвитку інклюзії й розкрито особливості формування готовності педагогів та батьків до означеного процесу. Встановлено, що організація систематичної та науково-обґрунтованої та практико зорієнтованої роботи, яка спрямована на формування у батьків уявлень та навичок у галузі сімейного виховання, є важливою для підвищення батьківської компетентності. Обґрунтовано важливість довіри батьків до педагогів, яка формується за наявності певних чинників: дотримання етичних норм; підтримки батьків та реальна турбота про них, соціальна та психологічна допомога сім'ї; продуктивність (якщо соціальні партнери не прослідковують результатів від своїх зусиль, то інтерес до співпраці зникає). Виокремлено основні ознаки партнерських відносин: тривалий характер взаємодії та взаємна відповідальність. Визначено, що соціальне партнерство це освітня взаємодія педагогів і батьків, яка характеризуються загальним ставленням та узгодженістю дій, спрямованих на розвиток дітей та урахування їх індивідуальних особливостей і можливостей. Метою соціального партнерства стає підвищення якості освіти дітей з особливими потребами в умовах інклюзивного простору, яка буде ефективною за умови узгодженості дій усіх учасників процесу, об'єднання їх ресурсів та урахування особистісних інтересів щодо розвитку компетентностей, необхідних для приймання рішень щодо розвитку дітей. Доведено, що реалізації педагогами та батьками дитини з особливими потребами індивідуальних освітніх траєкторій на засадах партнерства забезпечує перехід учасників освітнього процесу на вищий рівень розвитку компетентностей щодо організації сприятливого інклюзивного середовища, і відтак сприяє підвищенню якості процесу інклюзії у системі сучасної освіти.
Ключові слова: взаємодія педагогів і батьків, готовність, діти з особливими потребами, інклюзивне середовище, індивідуальні освітні траєкторії, компетентність, соціальне партнерство.
The content of modern requirements for education states that it should take into account the educational interests and needs of children, their families, teachers, as well as peculiarities of national, socio-cultural and other conditions of educational process [7]. Therefore, an important task of education professionals is to create in modern educational institutions and help families in creating a favorable environment for the development of children with special needs, taking into account age, individual characteristics and capabilities of each child as a subject of interaction with themselves and other children adults, and the world.
Implementation of educational tasks taking into account the requirements of the New Ukrainian School involves professional training of teachers, readiness of parents for self-education on inclusion, peculiarities of the education of children with special needs and the formation of competencies necessary for effective organization of development of children with special needs.
In the context of the process of reforming education and the concept of continuous teacher training, the principles focused on the development of their professional competence in the direction of interaction between all participants in the inclusive educational process and its effective organization (Fig. 1) [13].
Fig.1 General principles of effective organization of the educational process
It should be noted that the family in modern conditions is the main social institution, customer and partner of education for various categories of children. Researchers claim that the effectiveness of work on the personal development of the child is largely determined by how effectively child' parents are involved in the pedagogical process, the extent to which they are competent to implement the educational function [5].
Results and discussion
Researchers explore various aspects of the problem of interpersonal, professional, pedagogical interaction, for example O. Kokhanova reveals the main approaches to the psychology of partnership in education, V. Morgun focuses on the pedagogy of cooperation and psychology of tolerance, G. Tatarintseva lays the methodological foundations for interpreting the concept of «partnership». N. Shigonska - philosophical, psychological, sociological and pedagogical essence of the category «professional interaction». The scientific space includes works that consider the features of pedagogical interaction in the field of psychology (R. Werderber, G. Lozhkin, N. Povyakel, L. Prokhorenko, Semichenko, N. J. Smith) and pedagogy (A. Boyko, O. Dubasenyuk, V. Zasenko, V. Kan-Kalik, A. Kolupaeva, K. Petryk, N. Yaksa, Y. Kostyushko, M. Rybakova) and others [4]. At the same time, in modern conditions, research on the partnership of participants in inclusive educational space is becoming important, which led us to choose the problem of research.
The purpose of the article: to substantiate and explore the main aspects of social partnership between family and educational institution in order to improve the quality of the inclusive process and to reveal the characteristics of forming the readiness of teachers and parents for this process.
Given the differences in approaches to solving problems of family upbringing, researchers focus on the idea that the basis of effective organization is the work of teachers with parents on a partnership basis. Because the ability of parents to organize the process that affects the development of the child directly depends on the level of parental competence [12].
Combination of knowledge, skills, abilities and experience of parents ensures their ability to successfully implement an individual program of development of a child with special needs in the family (home education), which we identify as basic parental competencies.
The sociality of the phenomenon of parental competence is determined by the level of responsibility of parents for children, for their physical and moral well-being [8]. Therefore, to increase parental competence (the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills to communicate with children and resolve conflict situations, etc.) it is important to organize systematic and scientific and practice-oriented work aimed at forming parents' ideas and skills in family education.
Within the organization of inclusive educational space, certain areas of cooperation with parents are provided (Fig.2) [2; 6].
Fig.2. Directions of cooperation of specialists of the institution with parents in the conditions of inclusive educational space
Thus, we can say that parents and teachers are two powerful forces that determine the socialization of a child with special needs from preschool age, each of which has its own advantages and characteristics. However, it is their social partnership that is effective, which not only enables the formation of parental competence [6], but also promotes the professional development of teachers involved in the inclusive process.
It should be noted that the need and importance of this type of interaction between parents and professionals of the educational institution is based on certain significant needs of all subjects of the educational process (Fig. 3) [10].
Fig. 3. The needs of the subjects of inclusive educational process in social partnership
Social partnership is considered as a certain type of jointly organized activity of all subjects of the educational process, characterized by their common goals and values, voluntary interaction, as well as recognition of the responsibility of the parties for the result of their cooperation [9].
By general definition, social partnership is a system of relationships between representatives of employees (professional organizations) - on the one hand, employers and their associations - on the other, and the state and local governments - on the third, which includes consultations, negotiations on the basis of coherence in order to respect the rights and interests of workers, employers and the state [8].
In modern scientific research on the organization of social partnership between family and educational institution, the stages of its formation are identified (Fig. 4) [11].
Fig. 4. Stages of forming an effective social partnership between an educational institution and a family
At the same time, in the second stage, parents' trust in teachers becomes important, which is formed in the presence of three main factors: compliance with ethical norms; support of parents and real care for them (information, education, counseling, education), as well as social and psychological assistance to the family; productivity (if the social partners do not follow the results of their efforts, the interest in cooperation disappears) [3].
Signs of partnership are also their longevity - the focus on the long-term nature of the interaction, and mutual responsibility, the foundation of which is also laid in the second stage. Parental responsibility may not come immediately: this quality is nurtured gradually, like any other personality trait.
The stages of social partnership, which are important to implement in the inclusive space of the educational institution, are presented in Fig.5.
In these conditions, there is a need to take into account the motives of the social partners to participate in educational activities and the presence of a certain level of competence in this area.
Fig 5. Stages of social partnership between the educational institution and the family
Scientists have also revealed the successive stages of forming a social partnership between a family and an educational institution:
diagnostic stage, the purpose of which is to determine the social demand of parents for education;
conceptual stage, involves designing a general concept of social partnership, which can be represented by a social project, long-term program or in another form (model, road map, etc.);
activity stage aimed at the implementation of all planned areas and forms of work within the formulated concept of social partnership (educational; advisory; communicative; organizational; information activities);
analytical stage, the content of which is presented in three areas: formulation of the results of interaction between family and institution for the school year, assessment of the organization of work with parents of children; determining the effectiveness of the concept of social partnership; changes to the concept and design of its implementation plan for the next school year [2].
The advantage of these approaches, in our opinion, is that they have an assessment of the effectiveness of organized interaction within the social partnership.
Teachers and parents work together on the educational task, solving the peculiarities of cooperation, co-creation, exchange of knowledge and ideas. In the process of joint discussion of ideas that arise, they learn to listen to each other. With each new educational task, the social partners improve the strategy and tactics of pedagogical research, create their own algorithms of action that lead to success.
In order to implement the above ideas, a case-method aimed at solving a certain problem, which is proposed in the developed form, is formulated by a leading specialist, in a real situation [10]. The case is a task and a source of information. It involves modeling, problem method, experiment, methods of description, classification, discussion, games and other methods of work. Working with the case, teachers and parents form components of basic competencies: the ability to solve problems, communicate, apply knowledge in practice, negotiate, take responsibility, tolerance, reflective skills, etc. [5].
Thus, the effectiveness of the processes of learning, self-education and professional development of adult subjects of the inclusive process in the modern education system is due to the effectiveness of their interaction within the social partnership. The use of active and interactive methods of interaction by teachers will promote the development of competencies of both parents and teachers, as well as effectively solve the problem of educating children with special needs, taking into account their individual needs, features and capabilities.
Social partnership in the study is understood as an educational interaction between teachers and parents, characterized by a common attitude and coherence of actions aimed at the development of children and taking into account their individual characteristics and capabilities. The aim of the social partnership is to improve the quality of education of children with special needs in an inclusive space, which becomes possible provided that all participants are coordinated, as well as pooling their resources and personal interests in developing competencies needed to make effective decisions about development of different categories of children.
The analysis of scientific and pedagogical research showed that the social partnership of family and educational institution is governed by a number of principles:
Openness - involvement in the educational process of the child and her parents as active social partners of the institution, and provides for consideration of their requirements, equality of rights and opportunities, the division of responsibilities for the organization of educational activities;
Voluntariness - the participation of social partners in the implementation of individual development programs for children with special needs on a voluntary basis, taking into account personal educational interests, which contributes to the development of its capabilities;
Awareness - parents and teachers, as open social partners, realistically assess their pedagogical capabilities and responsibilities for inclusive education of the child in the institution and at home;
Optimal combination of developmental processes, which are determined by the actions of adults and the developmental process, due to the capabilities and characteristics of the child.
Social partnership should be considered taking into account the stages of its development (adaptive, motivational, activity, effective).
Each of these stages involves:
invariant part - expansion of general pedagogical, normative-legal, psychological knowledge as important components of competence of educators and parents;
variable part - individual activities of teachers and parents, aimed at the practical application of theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems of child development with special needs and social partnership;
correctional and advisory part - assistance to teachers and parents in the implementation and correction of their individual educational trajectories, which are aimed at solving the problems of social partnership [11].
As mentioned above, organizational and methodological support for the development of competencies of teachers and parents is based on learning technologies, as well as active and interactive methods of organizing the educational process: case method, business games, consultations, discussions and more. The proposed technologies allow to effectively implement the principles and objectives of inclusive education.
Experience shows that the case method gives social partners the opportunity to work in a team, actively interacting with each other, exchanging ideas to achieve a common result [1]. It is in teamwork that social partnership is built as a system of special educational interaction, within which the interests of professionals and parents are coordinated on all issues related to the education, upbringing and development of a special child.
We consider the technology of A. Mayer [6], which is based on the taxonomy of B. Bloom on competence as a sufficient and necessary condition for educational activities, self-development and self-improvement of teachers in educational institutions in line with the problem. In the model proposed by the author, four gradations are distinguished: worldview minimum (M); basic knowledge (B); program knowledge (P); extracurricular knowledge (E). Their characteristics for teachers and parents are given in table 1.
The actual (I), algorithmic (II), analytical (III) and multifunctional (IV) levels are also distinguished in the considered skills structure. Their content is disclosed in table 2 [6].
Subjects of the educational process |
Teachers |
Parents of a child with special educational needs |
M |
Mi nimum knowledge required for pedagogical activities for the implementation of development programs, which are mastered by graduates of universities. |
Minimum knowledge required for pedagogical activities to implement an individual development program |
B |
Knowledge required for pedagogical activities in the design and implementation of inclusive educational process |
Knowledge required to design and consolidate the results of work defined by the individual development program in the home education of a child with special needs |
P |
KPnowledge required for professional activities in the design and implementation of individual programs for the development of children with special needs in an educational institution |
Knowledge necessary for educational activities on the implementation of correctional and developmental work in home education of a child with special needs |
E |
EAdditional knowledge on the correction and development of a child with special educational needs, which teachers acquire independently |
Additional knowledge that parents acquire independently under the guidance of specialists |
Tab. 1. The structure of knowledge of teachers and parents
Thus, the Table 3 offers a description of the qualities of individual activities of teachers and parents to develop their willingness to cooperate in an inclusive educational space, which are considered as a synthesis of knowledge, skills and motivation [1].
The readiness of teachers and parents to implement an individual program of development in the social partnership of family and educational institution involves the phased activities of all participants in the educational process (Fig. 5).
To determine the initial level of parental competence development, the q uestionnaire was arranged to motivate parents to replenish pedagogical knowledge and skills to carry out individual activities for the education of a special child at home.
Subjects of the educational process |
Teachers |
Parents |
I |
Requires the ability to perform professional activities in the design and implementation of the main development program and individual development program |
Provides the ability to perform activities for the design and implementation of individual development programs |
II |
Provides the ability to analyze the educational situation, choose and implement educational tasks based on practical experience and a high level of skills |
Provides the ability to analyze the educational situation, choose and solve problems of inclusive education of a child with special needs based on parental experience and acquired skills |
П |
Assumes the availability of skills to assess and forecast the development of educational objectives, creating your own algorithm of pedagogical activities for the implementation of individual development programs |
Assumes the presence of skills of analysis, assessment of the educational situation, creating your own algorithm for the implementation of individual development programs in home education of children with special needs |
V |
It is characterized by the ability to navigate in scientific and pedagogical knowledge, the ability to predict the development of pedagogical situations, use algorithms in inclusive space, actively include information technology to design, implement and improve the program of development and formation of new knowledge and skills |
It is characterized by the ability to predict the development of a child with special needs in educational activities, use the created algorithms of action in individual correctional and developmental work, actively include information technology to design, implement and improve individual development program and develop new knowledge and skills |
Tab. 2. Skills structure of teachers and parents
We can say that the introduction of the above technology of competence development reveals the conceptual, substantive and procedural part of the development of social partnership of teachers and parents and their implementation of their own individual educational trajectories (personal path of personal potential).
A survey of parents (30 people) was conducted to identify individual features of the development of children with special needs at home and those aspects of them that are important to focus on in order to create a favorable inclusive environment. The social status of parents is given in Table 4.
Quality |
Characteristics of the quality of individual activities of the subjects of the educational process |
Teachers |
Parents |
Properties, qualities as personal competencies |
Individual activity during the implementation of the development program is based on the required minimum of professional knowledge and skills, motivated need to ensure the protection and safety of professional activities |
Individual activity in home education of a child with special needs is based on the necessary minimum of knowledge and skills, motivated by the desire to develop individual capabilities of the child and their own pedagogical skills in the implementation of individual development program (their child) |
Individual activity on the implementation of an individual development program is based on the ability to apply a set of professional knowledge, skills, algorithms of action in practice; friendly relations with the child, parents, colleagues during the organization of the inclusive process |
Individual activity in home education of a child with special needs is based on the ability to self-education; establishing friendly relations with specialists during parental activities to implement an individual program |
Competence |
Individual activity on designing and implementing an individual development program, which provides for social partnership, is characterized by selfimprovement in professional activities, focus on respect and recognition of colleagues and other participants in the inclusive process |
Individual activities on home education of a child with special needs are characterized by self-improvement of the entire system of competencies and successful implementation of the child's individual program, which deserves respect and recognition in the family and peers |
Mastery |
Individual activity is characterized by the ability to self-development, developed a sense of empathy, receptivity to innovation, willingness to be creative to effectively organize and lead an inclusive educational process based on social partnership |
Individual activity is characterized by high psychological and pedagogical culture, responsibility, efficiency of the organization of home education of the child with special needs and active interaction with experts in the field of education on the basis of social partnership |
Fig.5. Activities of all participants in the educational process for the implementation of the child's individual development program in a social partnership of family and educational institution
The question "How to adapt a child with special needs to the conditions of the educational institution?" was discussed during the initial consultations with parents. Parents were acquainted with the peculiarities of the institution, the peculiarities of children's communication with each other and so on.
Family characteristics |
Complete family |
Alone |
Divorced |
Large families |
18 |
2 |
6 |
4 |
Education |
Higher |
Not complete higher education |
Secondary education |
Secondary special education |
Mother |
12 |
5 |
3 |
10 |
Father |
8 |
10 |
2 |
10 |
Social status |
Intelligentsia |
Workers |
Employees |
Entrepreneurs |
8 |
2 |
10 |
10 |
Tab. 4.Social status of parents of children with special educational needs
At the same time, teachers-consultants tried to encourage parents' attempts to imagine the situation of children's adaptation in many ways, taking into account various flexible and variable solutions. Parents with the necessary experience were involved in providing counseling to others. The joint discussion of new tasks on inclusive education allowed teachers and parents to develop and agree on the choice of their own individual educational trajectory during the school year and offer tasks for working with children both at home and in the institution for a short time.
Identifying the main difficulties that parents have in the home education of a child with SEN, we found out the educational needs of parents. Therefore, the main directions of the individual educational trajectory for parents and teachers and the implementation of the tasks of the individual child development program have been established.
Parents noted the following: 46% of children (12 persons) did not have a daily routine at home; 53% (14 persons) do not want to dress themselves; 58% (15 persons) are inattentive, restless, often violate behavior, sometimes there are manifestations of aggression. At the same time, parents have difficulties in developing the simplest self-care skills in children: independence and neatness - 2 (8%) parents; behavior - 4 (15%) parents; self-service - 6 (23%) parents; 8 (31%) parents have difficulties in organizing children's home educational activities.
At the same time, teachers noted: manifestations of aggression - 23% of children (6 persons); behavioral disorders (frequent distractions) - 15% (4 persons); are difficult to include in the learning process - 31% (8 persons); unwillingness to perform educational tasks - 40% (12 persons).
Regarding communication skills, a survey of teachers showed that during the period of adaptation to the conditions of the institution out of 30 people: 10 children (38%) do not want to interact with peers, 8 children (31%) do not interact with adults, 4 children (15%) - hyperactive, and therefore restless, communicate quite actively, even with strangers.
The results of the study on the implementation of teachers and parents of children with special
needs of individual educational trajectories on the basis of partnership show the effectiveness of
technology that ensures the transition of teachers and parents to a higher level of competences for
creating an inclusive environment modern education.
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учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.
курсовая работа [683,5 K], добавлен 06.03.2012Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.
презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013Planning a research study. Explanation, as an ability to give a good theoretical background of the problem, foresee what can happen later and introduce a way of solution. Identifying a significant research problem. Conducting a pilot and the main study.
реферат [26,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2012The employment of Internet in teaching Foreign Languages. The modern methods of teaching 4 basic skills. The usage of Internet technologies for effective Foreign Languages acquisition. Analysis of experience: my and teachers of Foreign Languages.
курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.
курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015Історія формування позитивної мотивації у навчанні. Виховання відчуття боргу, відповідальності та профорієнтації. Особливості проведення уроку англійської мови на теми "I`ve got an idea", "Plenty of things to do", "The life of social environment".
курсовая работа [48,0 K], добавлен 16.11.2010Principles of asr teсhnology. Performance and designissues in speech applications. Current trends in voise-interactive call. Difining and acquiring literacy in the age of information. Content-based instruction and literacy development.
курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 21.01.2008