Pre-service training of elementary school teachers for organization of inclusive learning environment

Review of theoretical aspects of inclusive education using the example of Ukraine, in particular, the significance and essence of a problem of professional training of preservice elementary school teachers to organize inclusive learning environment.

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Дата добавления 22.09.2022
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Pre-service training of elementary school teachers for organization of inclusive learning environment

Sergiy Sydoriv


The paper highlights the ongoing challenges and barriers of training teachers to implement inclusive education in various types of schools. The study has identified theoretical aspects and the importance of professional training of future elementary school teachers to organize an inclusive educational environment. It has produced an analysis of the international and national legislative and normative documents that regulate and support inclusion in educational institutions of Ukraine. The author has performed a substantial analysis of scholarly texts and publications on the researched topic and defined the present challenges in psychological and pedagogical theory in historical and pedagogical context.

Considerable attention is paid to the study of research of Ukrainian scholars on organization of education activities and use of innovative pedagogical technologies in the context of including persons with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Various aspects of training pre-service teachers for effective implementation of inclusive education have been outlined: individualization of instructing in an inclusive classroom, use of information and communication technologies, application of art and music therapy tools for special needs services and speech therapy activities for development of language and speech skills in preschoolers and elementary school students, organizational and methodological foundations of special education and rehabilitation settings of universities, teacher training institutes and colleges. It has been proved that the prerequisite for effective socialization and inclusion of students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is the development and sustainability of a proper nurturing inclusive environment, and hence the multidisciplinary psychological and pedagogical support for students with SEND is vital.

The emphasis is placed on the use of effective innovation strategies and practices, the development of a coordinated program of pre-service and in-service teacher training, mutual interaction and cooperation (local and international) in an inclusive educational community. It has been found that the creation of an effective inclusive educational environment in modern elementary schools is determined by the level of professional capacity and motivation of teachers to implement relevant tasks in practice.

Keywords: inclusive learning environment, elementary school teacher training, students with special educational needs, persons with disabilities.

Професійна підготовка майбутніх учителів початкової школи до організації інклюзивного освітнього середовища як психолого-педагогічна проблема

Сидорів Сергій

У статті висвітлено актуальність проблеми підготовки педагогів до ефективного впровадження інклюзивної освіти у навчальних закладах різних типів з урахуванням сучасних викликів. Визначено теоретичні аспекти, значення професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи до організації інклюзивного освітнього середовища. Здійснено аналіз нормативно-правового забезпечення інклюзивного процесу в закладах освіти України. На основі аналізу наукових джерел, публікацій учених з теми дослідження обґрунтовано стан проблеми у психолого-педагогічній теорії в історико-педагогічній ретроспективі та сучасності. Значну увагу приділено вивченню праць українських учених з проблем організації навчання та використання інноваційних педагогічних технологій в умовах інклюзії.

Окреслено різні аспекти підготовки майбутніх педагогів до ефективного впровадження інклюзивної освіти - індивідуалізація навчання в інклюзивному класі, використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, засобів арт- та музикотерапії під час проведення корекційно-логопедичних заходів з формування усного мовлення у дітей, організаційно-методичні основи побудови корекційно-реабілітаційного простору закладу вищої освіти та ін. Доведено, що передумовою ефективної соціалізації та включення дітей з особливими освітніми потребами (ООП) та інвалідністю в навчальних процес є створення та підтримка належного інклюзивного середовища, а значить і необхідний медико-психолого-педагогічний супровід дітей з ООП. Акцентовано на використанні ефективних інноваційних стратегій і практик, розробці скоординованої програми підготовки та перепідготовки фахівців, налагодження комунікації та співпраці (в тому числі міжнародної) в освітній інклюзивній спільноті. З'ясовано, що створення ефективного інклюзивного освітнього середовища в сучасній початковій школі детерміноване рівнем професійної готовності педагогів до реалізації відповідних завдань у практичній діяльності.

Ключові слова: інклюзивне освітнє середовище, підготовка вчителя початкової школи, діти з особливими освітніми потребами, особи з інвалідністю.


Inclusion of persons with special educational needs and disabilities in all spheres of public life is a prerequisite for the development of just modern society, therefore there is a great demand for extensive research to effectively identify and implement methods and means of including every person, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, social status and disability. The access to quality education is the fundamental human right, it depends on various interrelated factors: political, economic, social, cultural and institutional. To date, humanity has not yet reached the ultimate goal of providing free compulsory education for all school-age children.

According to UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report, some 263 million children and youth aged between 6 and 17 years are not in school today. Projections indicate that 25 million of these children will never set foot in a classroom [22, p. 12]. In India, for instance, less than five percent of children with special educational needs attend school [18].

Many countries, especially those with low and medium levels of development, experience difficulties in implementing inclusive education. Romanian researchers V.C. Blandul and A. Bradea note that modern society still tolerates a segregated approach to the education of children with SEN [2].

There are various reasons for children to be excluded : poverty, military conflicts, exploitation of child labor, discrimination and stereotypes. Ukrainian elementary and secondary education, traditionally being free of charge and compulsory, in general has not suffered from racial or religious discrimination. However, until 2017 - the year when the Parliament passed the new Law on Education, children with disabilities and their families had very limited opportunities to benefit from quality educational services in their local communities.

UNESCO expert Mel Ainscow argues that the progress of effective inclusion in education, in addition to the physical integration or placement of students with SEND, should involve the interaction of contextual factors such as: 1) the principles that guide policy priorities within an education system, 2) the criteria used to evaluate the performance of schools, and (3) the views and actions of others within the local context, including members of the wider community that the schools serve, and the staff of national and local education departments responsible for the coordination of the education system [1].

The formal or chaotic placement of students with disabilities in ordinary schools poses risks and increases the problems for all participants of the educational process, and such actions cannot be called inclusion. There is also a need for a dynamic system approach to teaching students with special educational needs and disabilities, which will take into account the economic and cultural foundations of the nation and community, their historical and mental characteristics, status quo and foreseen trends in education and society.

Human rights are the greatest value of society. The obligation to ensuring the right of all children to accessible and quality education is stated in international declarations and conventions, which, being ratified by nation states, become part of their legislation. Thus, Ukraine, as a member of the United Nations and a signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (1975), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), Salamanca Statement on Principles, Policy And Practice in Special Needs Education (1994), the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) undertakes to ensure the rights and freedoms of every person and not to discriminate on the basis of disability. It is important to understand that denying a child and his or her parents the right to attend local school simply because of a disability has led to lawsuits and decisions in favor of parents in countries with a long history of democracy. Legal precedents, social activism of parent groups, constructive response of public and educational bodies, exchange of best practices have helped to develop legal, regulatory and practices frameworks for inclusive education in western democracies [11].

At the same time, the problem of training teachers for the effective implementation of inclusive education in various settings, especially in elementary school, is relevant.

The aim of the paper is to outline theoretical aspects of inclusive education using the example of Ukraine, in particular, the significance and essence of a problem of professional training of preservice elementary school teachers to organize inclusive learning environment.

inclusive education teacher professional

Results and discussion

The issues of special (correctional - an outdated, but still in use term) education of students with disabilities and teacher training in Ukraine were discussed long before Ukraine got its independence from the USSR in 1990's, but mostly children with disabilities were taught in special boarding institutions or at home. Such education did not provide social integration, and in cases of severe or multiple disabilities was very formal or actually absent.

Since 2005-06, when the country signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and relevant ministries have developed a number of regulations and orders, namely: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the model regulations on the center for social and psychological rehabilitation of children and youth with functional impairments" (2005), "On approval of the procedure for providing rehabilitation services to disabled and disabled Children" (2007), Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy "On approval of the model regulations on the center for social rehabilitation of disabled children" (2007), Order of the Ministry of Education and Science "On planning and documentation of social educators and social educators who work with children with disabilities" (2007), Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy "On approval of standard provisions for the disabled and children with mental disabilities and the institution for permanent and temporary stay of disabled persons" (2007), Order of the Ministry of Health "On approval of forms of individual rehabilitation program for disabled people, children with disabilities and the procedure for their preparation" (2007), Order of the Ministry of Education and Science "On ensuring the rights of children with disabilities and children in need of correction of physical and (or) mental development" (2008).

Analyzing the legislative documents of that time one can notice that the medica l model was widely used, the target was to provide medical treatment, social care and rehabilitation services such as special education and pension for persons with disabilities rather than to include them by making changes to the environment and removing barriers. In the main legislative documents of Ukraine, we can find such terms as: “children who need correction of mental and/or physical development”; and „persons with physical or mental disorders and are not capable to study” [5, p. 31].

Since 2009, when Ukraine's Parliament ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, important normative documents have been adopted concerning specifically inclusive education of children with special educational needs, namely: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science № 855 of 11.09.2009 "On approval of the Action Plan for the introduction of inclusive education in secondary schools for 2009-2012", Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On approval of the action plan for the introduction of inclusion and integration in secondary schools for the period up to 2012" (2009).

The year of 2010 was marked by the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Legislation on General Secondary and Preschool Education on the Organization of the Educational Process", which introduces the concept of "inclusive classes for children with special educational needs" and approval of the Concept of inclusive education by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

The Concept for the Development of Inclusive Education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 912 on October 1, 2010, outlines the evolution of philosophy and teaching methods in the light of signed international conventions and other legal documents and sets the priorities of the national educational policy in terms of constitutional rights and guarantees. It lists action steps to improve education and social rehabilitation of children with disabilities defining inclusive education as "a comprehensive process of ensuring equal access to quality education for children with special educational needs by securing their education in mainstream schools grounded on the use of person-centered teaching methods and taking into account individual characteristics of such children" [14].

Among the main tasks of the Concept it is important to point out the formation of educational and developmental environment for children with SEN by providing psychological and pedagogical support and improving the system of pre-service and in-service training of teachers who work in inclusive classrooms. Of course, these tasks need to be addressed systematically and comprehensively, while improving the legal, regulatory, scientific, methodological, financial and economic support; introducing innovative educational technologies and practices for providing special educational services; implementing a model of inclusive education in schools, taking into account social challenges; providing access to the social environment and edu cational facilities, developing and updating special educational and didactic resources, rehabilitation aids and involving families of children with special educational needs to participate in the educational and rehabilitation process to increase its effectiveness.

The concept also 1) defined the principles of the evolution of inclusive education, in particular the organization of person-oriented educational process in combination with skill-development in order to meet socio-educational needs and create conditions for building life-skills and work rehabilitation as well as integrating students with disabilities into society; 2) outlined ways for implementation of inclusive education, among which were: modernization of higher pedagogical education and system of professional development, special pre-service and in-service training of teachers to work in inclusive classrooms and creation of departments and laboratories of correctional (special) education in institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education and introduction of the staff position of inclusive education methodologist; 3) identified the expected results, including training of qualified teachers to work in inclusive settings and creating a system of improving their professional skills [14].

In 2011 the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine issued the "Regulations on special classes for children with special educational needs in comprehensive schools", and the Cabinet of Ministers approved the "Procedure for inclusive education in comprehensive schools" [17; 13].

Next year the National Target Program “National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” for the period up to 2020 was adopted. The program suggested steps to: 1) improve the national legislation according to the standards set in the Convention, 2) provide access to education for persons with disabilities taking into account their individual capabilities, abilities and interests, 3) ensure the principles of reasonable accommodation and universal design in the infrastructure and management of schools, 4) strengthen public control over special educational institutions, 5) conduct research and improve an educational process as well as a system of teacher training [15].

Since 2017 there has been a systematic regulation of issues related to inclusive education in national educational legislation (laws "On Education" (2017), "On Professional Higher Education" (2019), "On Full General Comprehensive Education" (2020) while the existing laws being revised) and in the legal framework that encourages universities and institutions of professional pre- higher education to intensify their efforts to train professionals capable of organizing and working in an inclusive environment.

The problem of professional training of future teachers to teach and educate students with SEN and of enriching their skills in organizing an inclusive educational environment is extremely important in the context of the dynamics of professional and public opinion in Ukraine and the world. Its complexity is manifested in the attention of researchers and educators-practitioners to develop strategies for teaching and studying of applied mechanisms of teacher training and their effectiveness in elementary school.

One of the challenges of inclusive education is to transform the educational and cultural systems, teaching practices and organization of schools to meet diverse needs of students, thereby maximizing their active learning and participation. "Achieving the greatest possible inclusiveness of schools, we increase the time and number of all students in general school, thereby reducing the need to integrate them into society in the future. Adequate training of future teachers to work in an inclusive educational environment will form a system of their professional and personal values, attitudes and behavior. When they come to school, young teachers will be agents of change and their interaction with the administration, senior colleagues, students and their parents will help transform schools into truly inclusive places with a focus on human diversity" [4, p. 784].

Teaching children with SEND, in particular challenges of organizing the learning environment and system of teacher training have been actively resear ched by Ukraine's scholars for several decades.

The dissertation theses of I. Kuzava, A. Kolupayeva, M. Tchaykovsky, N. Sofiy, I. Lutsenko, G. Vasylieva, N. Ratushnyak, M. Shved, T. Pantyuk, Z. Leniv, O. Budnyk reveal the problems of organizing inclusive learning environment.

The challenges of training specialists and primary school teachers for inclusive education are reflected in the research by I. Demchenko, Z. Shevtsiv, N. Sofiy, O. Martynchuk, S. Chupakhina, T. Kudyarska and others.

Thus, in the monographs "Inclusive Education: Realities and Perspectives" [6] and "Inclusive Education: From Basics to Practice" [7] we can observe the evolution of societal attitudes towards persons with disabilities and the formation of inclusive education in Western Europe and postSoviet Ukraine, the most recent period being "from segregated education of children with special educational needs to inclusive education" [7, p. 13]. Beginning in Western Europe in the late 1970s, this phase is characterized by an increase in the number of special classes in mainstream schools, a significant reduction in the number of special schools and a positive experience of teaching students with SEND in inclusive settings. In the post-Soviet countries, the period "from segregation to inclusion" began in the 1990s and coincided with the collapse of the USSR. It is characterized by the formation of new countries, development of the national education system; review of conceptual approaches to the organization of education of persons with SEN in accordance with international legislation and growing public demands, and positive experience in implementing inclusive practices [6, p. 10; 7, p. 13-15].

The above-mentioned fundamental works address a wide range of issues on a global and national scale: a historical and sociocultural context of school education, international and domestic legislation and regulations, legal implementation and functioning of inclusive education, strategies and practical mechanisms for teaching and educating children with disabilities. Researchers note that the prerequisites for successful inclusion are the creation of an appropriate educational environment and mastering a set of practical approaches:

1) formation of a positive attitude to inclusive education at all levels - from the system of training future professionals to the system of advanced training of experienced teachers and practitioners;

2) policies aimed at providing multilevel support in schools and society, in particular formation of leadership teams in schools;

3) basing educational processes in schools on evidence, using proven technologies, approaches and methods that can be adapted to meet diverse needs and capabilities of each student;

4) continuous professional development of teachers; adequate use of resources for the benefit of all children in the class and school.

In addition to traditional forms of professional development (courses, trainings, master classes, etc.), it is also recommended to establish partnerships between universities, research institutions and schools. Among the challenges of effective implementation of inclusive education in Ukraine, the scholars list teacher training and skill-building of teachers, who, being a driving force in implementation of inclusion, may be insufficiently committed or overloaded with duties, which may "scare" other team members [7, p. 77-80].

In his doctoral dissertation "Educational foundations of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities" (2010) A. Shevtsov considers the educational principles of systematic modeling of correctional and rehabilitation space for people with disabilities in schools and educational institutions of different types and profiles, substantiates person-centered methodology of forming a rehabilitation environment, professional education, organizational and methodological bases of developing correctional and rehabilitation space of integrated higher education institutions and outlines ways to improve the system of pre-service and in-service training, expanding professional mobility of specialists in the field of special education and rehabilitation. The scientific tasks of this thorough and multidimensional research to a large extent can be applied to education of persons with disabilities in an inclusive learning environment, the effective organization of which is provided by specialists trained in higher education institutions. After all, teaching students with disabilities is based on a comprehensive educational approach and system -synergetic paradigm, which will lead to a qualitatively new methodological level of consideration of the phenomena of integrated learning and socialization of people with disabilities [20, p. 7].

A. Shevtsov's ideas that substantiate an active rehabilitation environment, the concept of which is based on the ideas of M. Montessori are valuable for our research. Thus, we can assume that any educational system includes an environment that surrounds a person with a disability, which, being an element of the educational process, can actively influence its outcome. Therefore, the integrative (emergent) quality of the educational system consists of the characteristics of the external environment that contributes to achieving the maximum goals of the educational process and the function of transforming an educational potential of a person with disabilities into those qualities that will contribute to learning goals.

A. Shevtsov's substantiation of the structural hierarchical organization of containing rehabilitation systems suggests that the systemic hierarchical level s can be distinguished by considering teaching students with SEND. Hence, the concept of "multilevel rehabilitation space", which consists of a rehabilitation process (microlevel), rehabilitation institution (mesolevel), regional rehabilitation space (macrolevel), national rehabilitation system (megalevel) can be compared to an inclusive learning environment where qualitatively and systematically organized multilevel inclusive space will promote the effective development and learning of students who need a support of inclusive education professionals.

The scholar suggests a model of systematic training of specialists of general profile, competent in: the field of special education and psychology of teaching; present problems of complex rehabilitation in a wide range of disabilities; correctional andragogy and integrated correctional and rehabilitation technologies. According to the concept of the study, a special teacher / rehabilitologist needs to possess the qualities of a manager of special needs and rehab ilitation process, who guides the trajectory of a student's development that contributes to correctional and compensatory processes, motivation to self-rehabilitation and more. A system of programs of integrated disciplines, interconnected by structural an d logical connections, has been developed and tested to be useful in the field of creating conditions for formation of professional mobility of future special education teachers, special psychologists and rehabilitation specialists. The results of A. Shevtsov's study are valuable for our research in the context of developing curricula for teacher training in the organization of inclusive educational environment in modern elementary schools in Ukraine.

Z. Shevtsiv's doctoral dissertation substantiates and experimentally confirms theoretical foundations of a pedagogical model of professional training of future elementary school teachers and methods of forming their competencies to work in an inclusive environment of comprehensive school. The dissertation by Z. Shevtsiv reveals for the first time the phenomenological essence of the terms: "inclusive environment" and "professional training of pre-service elementary school teachers to work in an inclusive environment". Also the characteristic professional activities of elementary school teachers in an inclusive school environment are highlighted, the concept of professional training based on systemic, competence, environmental, axiological, acmeological and activity approaches is designed; the general approach to professional training of future elementary school teachers and special forms and methods of formation of social and pedagogical competence to work in an inclusive environment of educational institutions are determined and implemented [19].

Continuity and complex approaches are important prerequisites for the education of children with disabilities, so early intervention can and should begin during the first weeks of a child's life. The sooner a child begins to receive specialized support and assistance, the less will be needed as they grow older. I. Kuzava's dissertation provides a systematic consideration of the challenges and problems of educating preschoolers who require special needs services - the so-called correction of psychophysical development. Among the challenges are the lack of methods of social development of preschoolers in inclusive settings and inconsistency of teacher training to support children with disabilities and families. The study is designed to improve modern technologies for the implementation of inclusive education: the organization of correctional and developmental environment; support of objects and subjects of inclusive education; monitoring the individual achievements of preschoolers and justify their impact on the correction of development and socialization of preschoolers with disabilities.

The researcher states that the system of inclusive education of preschoolers, who need correction of psychophysical development is a holistic pedagogical process aimed at creating an appropriate environment, adapting to the needs of each child and providing the necessary support for education and upbringing of children with and without disabilities. The result of effective implementation of the system will be the readiness of a preschooler for elementary school, mastery of general and special competencies, as well as a high level of motivation to achieve the goal combined with self-control and adequacy of emotional responses and ability to interact [9].

The various challenges of training inclusive education specialists for preschool are reflected in the works of other scientists - A. Belyenka, O. Sukhoviyenko, M. Yarmolyuk and others.

For example, T. Kudyarska, researching the problem of preparing future teachers of preschool education to implement active forms of pedagogical interaction in inclusive education emphasizes the consideration of motivational, cognitive, communicative, creative and operational components that are formed during training in universities and aimed at making future teachers understand ethical knowledge, personal spiritual and moral values and orientations, moral culture and behavior. What has value for our study is that T. Kudyarska recommends to model a creative educational environment and use interactive learning technologies to ensure positive motivation of students to teaching and professional approach in the conditions of inclusive education. In this context, the importance of the influence of the university's creative educational environment on formation of readiness of future teachers to implement active forms of pedagogical interaction while teaching children with SEND is substantiated [8].

The problem of inclusive education and quality training of specialists to implement it is relevant not only in the context of the continuity of preschool and elementary school, but also because of a number of socio-pedagogical problems faced by educational institutions at different levels. M. Tchaikovsky's dissertation reflects topical issues of socio-pedagogical work with young people with special educational needs in an inclusive educational environment. It proves and conceptualizes the combined development of two types of pedagogical technologies: 1) technologies to ensure the development of internal and external inclusive educati onal environment to implement strategies for using individual strengths of a student, cooperation in a team, contextual learning, regional opportunities in creating and maintaining inclusive educational space and a barrier-free environment, as well as 2) technologies for the formation of socio-psychological readiness of students with disabilities to active and productive functioning in an inclusive educational space, ensuring implementation of strategies for socio-pedagogical support of students with disabilities in the educational space [21, p. 19].

It is worth noting that pre-school elementary teachers can effectively model the methods and techniques of organizing an inclusive educational space at school teaching practice and future employment. At the same time, the opportunity to obtain quality education by persons with disabilities increases a number of positive practices of leadership, advocacy and self-advocacy of inclusion by students and a wide range of stakeholders outside their educational institutions.

In this context, we will analyze the results of scientific paper by Z. Leniv, relating to training specialists for the organization of inclusive educational environment through art and music therapy, because modernization of the national education sy stem requires introducing of innovative special needs services, including art-therapy technologies for provision of pedagogical conditions and a comprehensive system of organizational, methodological and speech development activities for building speech skills in preschoolers. The researcher developed the structure of art-therapeutic classes and suggested methodological recommendations that can be used in training specialists in higher pedagogical and postgraduate education, as well as in the activity of inclusive resource centers and teaching preschool and elementary students [10].

N. Ratushnyak's dissertation "Individualization of inclusive education of primary school students" defended in 2021 examines the problems of forming an educational and developmental environment to organize independent learning activities and providing special needs assistance to students during individual learning. The processes of realization of pedagogical conditions of individualization of inclusive education of primary school students through various forms and methods of inclusive teaching are also modelled: integrated lessons, lessons-excursions and competitions, educational activities, imitation exercises, self-presentations and projects, individual and team gaming lessons. The learning styles and capabilities of school students and tasks of the individual development plan are taken into account. The researcher has developed a method of implementing pedagogical conditions for individualization of teaching primary school students in inclusive settings. The method is represented in the form of guidelines for primary school teachers, it also is useful while studying psychological, pedagogical and methodological disciplines in the system of pre-service and in-service training of primary school teachers to work in an inclusive learning environment [16].

Н. Vasilieva in her dissertation of 2021 reveals the essence and content of the concept of "inclusive environment". She differentiates structural components of forming methodological competence of teachers in an inclusive environment (epistemological, axiological, praxeological, professional and personal); criteria (motivational-value, cognitive-creative, reflexive-facilitative); indicators and levels (reproductive, search-heuristic, creative) of the formed competence and suggests a model of methodological competence formation during professional training of future teachers for inclusive education in the systems of universities, professional development and in - service training of teachers with the help of the developed modular program of professional development "Inclusive environment: formation of methodological competence" [24].

Analyzing a doctoral dissertation by S. Chupakhina we see that the readiness for professional and pedagogical activity is a stable formation consisting of interconnected and interdependent components that provide the ability to perform an independent function of a specialist. The analysis of the structural components of professional and pedagogical training (psychological and professional) revealed motivational-emotional and theoretical-practical barriers (lack of knowledge and skills) in teachers to use innovative technologies to organize inclusive educational space. The scholar speaks of certain stages in developing an individual educational trajectory of a future teacher: diagnostic; motivational; designing the content of a module; choice of technology structure; organizational and supporting stage; evaluation stage. During the dissertation research the forms and methods of teaching at each stage were determined and an educational-methodical complex "Information technologies for development and socialization of students in inclusive environment" was developed [3].

Challenges of pre-service and in-service training as well as professional development of teachers to organize inclusive learning environment in elementary schools of Ukraine attracts practical and theoretical interest of national scholars: A. Kol upaeva, N. Sofiy, Yu. Naida, O. Budnyk, M. Shved and others. Significant attention is also paid to the issues of educational management in the context of inclusion [12], humanization of interpersonal relationships in inclusive classrooms and removing of psychological barriers towards students with disabilities, i.e. popularization of a new philosophy in an inclusive educational environment [23].


Having analyzed the state of the problem of training specialists to organize an inclusive learning environment in elementary schools of Ukraine in psychological and pedagogical literature in historical retrospect, we outline the key points of practical solution to this problem.

Prerequisites for effective socialization and inclusion of students with special educational needs and disabilities are creation and sustaining of inclusive learning environment, use of effective innovative strategies and practices, development of a coordinated program for preservice in-service teachers, communication and cooperation (including international) in inclusive education community. This can be made possible by the development of theoretical foundations of inclusive education and culture as well as a practical system of including students with SEN in school and out-of-school space. Therefore, the organization of an effective inclusive learning environment in modern elementary schools is determined by the level of professional readiness of teachers to implement relevant tasks in practice.


1. Ainscow M. Inclusion and equity in education: Making sense of global challenges. Prospects, 49 (2020), 123-134.

2. Blandul V.C., Bradea A. Developing psycho-pedagogical and methodical competences in special / inclusive education teachers. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 75 (4) (2017), 335-344.

3. Chupakhina S.V. Formation of readiness of future teachers for use of information technologies (IT) in inclusive education of pupils with special educational needs. Dissertation for the Doctor of pedagogical sciences degree, specialty 13.00.03. Kyiv, 2021. (in Ukrainian)

4. Gonzalez-Gil F., Martin-Pastor E., Flores N., Jenaro C., Poy R., Gomez-Vela M. Teaching, Learning and Inclusive Education: The challenge of teachers' training for inclusion, Procedia-Soc. Behav. Sci., 93 (2013), 783-788.

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