Improving the quality of teacher training for the organization of dialogic education of primary school students: methodical aspect
Аspects of professional training of future primary school teachers for dialogical training of students. Improving the content of education in the context of dialogization of education in a higher education institution at The Bachelor's and master's level.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 23.09.2022 |
Размер файла | 34,2 K |
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Improving the quality of teacher training for the organization of dialogic education of primary school students: methodical aspect
Kateryna Fomin, Halyna Boiko
The article presents organizational and methodological aspects of professional training of future primary school teachers for dialogic learning of students. Dialogic learning is a kind of interactive organization of the educational process, based on mutual understanding and interaction, considered by the author as an effective factor of improving professional future primary school teachers' skills. The organizational aspects of the effective practical solution of the researched problem are outlined, such as dialogization of the content of education; introduction of various forms of productive dialogues and a system of methods of problem-based learning; dialogization of communication as a means of creation a certain psycho-emotional educational microenvironment; formation of future specialists' skills of critical reflection as an internal dialogue for self-improvement and self-development. The pedagogical potential of the disciplines of psycho- pedagogical and professional-methodical orientation on the dialogue of the educational process is determined. It has been proved that effective forms and methods of dialogic learning in teacher training are: training, group activities, problem lectures, interactive classes, discussions, didactic games, business- and role-playing games, etc. The basic principles of pedagogical ethics and culture of the organization of dialogic training within the study of an elective course “Communicative Pedagogy" are emphasized. It was found that the quality of dialogic learning is determined by the level of formation of participants' communicative competence in pedagogical interaction, especially their mastery of the basic techniques of listening.
The author's materials from the dissertation "Preparation of primary school teachers for the organization of dialogic training" for PhD (K. Fomin, 2020) are partially used in the article.
Keywords: training of future primary school teachers, dialogic education, dialogic communication, teacher communicative culture, pedagogical interaction.
Фомін Катерина, Бойко Галина. Підвищення ефективності підготовки вчителя до організації діалогічного навчання учнів початкової школи: організаційно-методичний аспект.
У статті подано організаційно-методичні аспекти професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи до діалогічного навчання учнів. Діалогічне навчання як різновид інтерактивної організації освітнього процесу, що ґрунтується на взаєморозумінні та взаємодії автор вважає дієвим фактором підвищення рівня професійної майстерності майбутнього вчителя початкової школи. Окреслено організаційні аспекти щодо ефективного практичного вирішення досліджуваної проблеми, як: діалогізація змїсту освіти; впровадження різних форм продуктивних діалогів і системи методів проблемно-діалогового навчання; діалогізація спілкування як створення певного психоемоційного освітнього мікросередовища; формування навичок критичної рефлексії майбутніх фахівців як внутрішнього діалогу для самовдосконалення та саморозвитку. Приведено ключові положення щодо вдосконалення змісту освіти у контексті діалогізації навчання у закладі вищої освіти на рівні бакалаврату та магістратури. Визначено педагогічний потенціал дисциплін психолого- педагогічного та фахово-методичного спрямування щодо діалогізації навчального процесу. Доведено, що ефективними формами та методами діалогічного навчання у підготовці педагогів є: тренінги, групова діяльність, проблемні лекції, інтерактивні заняття, дискусії, дидактичні ігри, ділові та рольові ігри та ін. Наголошено на основних принципах педагогічної етики та культури організації діалогічного навчання у межах вивчення майбутніми магістрами початкової освіти спеціального курсу за вибором «Комунікативна педагогіка». З'ясовано, що якість діалогічного навчання детермінована рівнем сформованості комунікативної компетентності учасників педагогічної взаємодії, передусім опанування ними основними прийомами слухання.
У статті частково використано матеріали дисертаційної роботи К. Фомін «Підготовка вчителя початкової школи до організації діалогічного навчання» на здобуття доктора філософії (2020).
Ключові слова: підготовка майбутніх учителів початкової школи, діалогічне навчання, комунікативна культура вчителя, діалогічне спілкування, педагогічна взаємодія.
The requirements for teacher training educational programs for the successful implementation of general secondary education reforms the New Ukrainian School emphasize the necessity to "instill innovations as a way of thinking and a key tool of leadership in public partnership, globalization of educational processes and competitiveness as necessary conditions for the development of the system of pedagogical education" [11]. In the course of the research, we faced difficulties, as there are several contradictions in the preparation of students majoring in "Primary Education" and the real requirements of practice. The students of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, having pedagogical practice, were insufficiently prepared to work according to the methods of the New Ukrainian School [10]. One of the reasons is that during the general secondary education reform, university teachers were not sufficiently aware of the latest methods of working with students, and they had not been previously trained. Despite the deep awareness of pedagogical university educators, the Gnostic approach is still dominant in the teachers' professional training, according to which future professionals are trained, neglecting the content of the practice-oriented content of professional education [4, p. 228].
According to the Polish scientist S. Kwiatkowski, in modern conditions, there are significant differences between the plans and programs of secondary schools and the practice of pedagogical education, so there is the necessity to develop standards for training qualified teachers based on market requirements [12, p. 9-14]. Such problems are typical not only for Poland but also for Ukrainian realities. After all, the conceptual foundations of school education reform are significantly ahead of the practice of university teacher training, requiring immediate updating to meet market needs and the use of pedagogical innovations for their effective implementation in the educational process of primary school. According to S. Vitvytska, "pedagogical innovation is a process of creating, expanding and implementing innovations to solve pedagogical tasks at the expense of own resources. The core, semantic center "concept" of innovation is a new idea, and its source can be the research activities of a scientist-teacher or the search practice of a principal" [20]. It is necessary to prepare a modern teacher for active innovation, enabling him/her to independently explore the educational space, including international, and constantly evolve in terms using progressive pedagogical ideas, best European teaching practices, especially dialogic technologies. діалогічне навчання комунікативна культура
M. Bastun emphasizes that "the creation of dialogically and culturally oriented personality - oriented educational technologies is an adequate response to the demands" [2] facing the education system of Ukraine today. N. Goidosh defines dialogue technologies as: "a set of forms and methods of teaching based on dialogue thinking in interacting didactic systems of subjectsubject level: student-teacher, student-author, teacher-author, etc." [8, p . 72-73].
In the guidelines for improving future primary school teachers' professional readiness , the author of the article proceeds from the fact that dialogic learning is a kind of interactive organization of the educational process based on mutual understanding and interaction. "When we talk about the lesson as a teacher's educational dialogue with students, we mean not only the situation of "question-answer" (exchange of remarks), but the corresponding professional position of the teacher towards students," said O. Barabash and L. Martyniuk [1, p. 136]. And this is not accidental, because in the process of dialogic learning the following aspects are carried out:
• effective transfer of information, taking into account students' age and individual characteristics;
• involving students in the organization of the educational and cognitive process, opening the way to the truth through controversy (dialogue), problem-solving;
• education of students' qualities not just as an interlocutor, but as an opponent, access to a situation of dialogue, interaction of opponents;
• promoting individuals' self-development, both children's, and teachers' by clashing different points of view for self-improvement, self-education;
• formation of the ability to choose what is most appropriate in a given situation from the modern information environment consciously and reasonably;
• stimulating a "dialogue with oneself", which strengthens the dialogue reflective function and provides the formation of the ability to self-analysis, self-esteem;
• ensuring the emotional perception and experience of information by students following the emotional orientation, the teacher's involvement [6].
Based on the fact that the main feature of the educational process in primary school is its organization in the form of a dialogue, which serves as an important condition for establishing interaction between a teacher and students, we have developed guidelines for educato rs to train future teachers in the aspect under research.
The essence of these methodological guidelines is that in the process of teaching primary school didactics in the context of the structure and requirements for lesson stages, teachers emphasize that the organization of dialogic learning demands using the following components of the lesson: interaction, joint open teachers-students' creativity called "consolidation of dialogue".
We agree with the opinion of the scientists of the creative group led by I. Ziaziun, who defines the following "fastenings of a dialogue":
1. Fasteners related to the aspect: the teacher and his/her subject. A lesson -dialogue is possible if the teacher considers his/her subject not a set of information, but a means of students' development.
2. Communicative support of the lesson, which according to V. Kan-Kalyk is a system of means of organizing productive interaction between teachers and students in the learning process.
3. Personal direction of the dialogue.
4. Directing the teacher's attention to himself/herself as a leader of students' cognitive activity [16, p. 149-152].
During practical classes on didactics, students get the task to model fragments of different types of lessons. A combination of different methods of dialogue rather than a monolog is a prerequisite for all lessons. For this purpose we used: conversations, explanations, discussions, debates, interactive teaching methods ("Microphone", "Aquarium", "See-saw", "Take a position", "Teaching-learning"), situational teaching methods (simulation), role and business games).
Successfully used interactive teaching methods can improve the quality of dialogue between the subjects of the educational process, primarily because of the activation of motivational processes of the individual in the course of cognition. The purpose of the interactive educational environment is the potential participant's formation of interest to implement knowledge and acquire new one [14, p. 41].
Dialogic learning involves the development of students' communicative skills and abilities both in a micro group communication and in a dialogue between groups. The effectiveness of each group depends on how well you can implement the two main functions of dialogue learning: solving learning tasks and showing support for group members in the joint work [18, p. 21]. We believe that group work should be the main form of organization of student learning mastering psychological and pedagogical disciplines and professional teaching methods. After all, by analogy, they will be able to "transfer" these forms of work to primary school, adapting them to the new content of education.
In the process of dialogic learning, an effective moment that motivates creativity is the creation of an emotional microclimate in the group, the atmosphere of mutual support. Therefore, it is extremely important to create a "correct" group: at the request of students, interests, level of academic achievement, etc.
It is believed that students who have high achievements in learning should not be in groups with lower learning outcomes because it is necessary to have an equal partner in the discussion. It is also advisable for each group to have a participant who has different views on the problem so that the discussion was "live", more interesting, creative [17].
The main forms and methods of organizing dialogic training in the teacher training process are training, group activities, problem lectures, interactive classes, discussions, didactic games, business, and role-playing games, etc. We actively introduced them into the educational process in experimental institutions of higher education.
It is important to highlight the following organizational aspects:
a) dialogization of the content of education and individual subjects, which means the tendency to multifaceted, polyphonic coverage of the material, acquaintance with different views, approaches to solving the outlined educational tasks;
b) dialogization of the process of studying the educational content with the help of organization of various forms of productive dialogues and the system of methods of problem - based learning;
c) dialogization of communication as the creation of a certain psycho-emotional microclimate;
d) formation of "dialogic" study groups based on parity, mutual understanding, mutual respect;
e) formation of participants' skills of critical reflection as an internal dialogue for self - improvement and self-development of the individual, as well as optimization of the functioning of the pedagogical system [21, p. 9].
At the same time, it is important that in the process of communication between the subjects of the educational process new horizons of scientific knowledge are widened. The essence of dialogic learning is that all students are involved in active discussions, the process of cognition, exchange of ideas, ideas in terms of moral and emotional comfort, and creativity [5].
Dialogic learning also has its own organizational rules, as the student has the right to express any opinion freely, not to be afraid to make a mistake or to be humiliated by the teacher. Therefore, for effective educational interaction of participants of the educational process, the following requirements should be met:
- not only to be able to speak but also to be able to listen;
- speak clearly on the topic;
- be able to ask questions that help communication;
- criticize ideas, not individuals;
- learn to perceive the opinion of others as their own or find arguments to defend their view of the problem [13].
To prepare future teachers for the organization of dialogic learning in the primary school educational environment, it is necessary to practice these forms of work with them during studying of psychological and pedagogical disciplines, as well as methods of teaching according to the "Typical educational program" (for example, developed under O. Savchenko's direction). After all, dialogic communication involves personal equality in communi cation, subject-subject relations, focusing on the needs of the communication partner, cooperation, freedom of discussion and expression in dialogue, creativity, professional and personal growth, objective control of performance, individual approach to personality ("Children's Literature and Methods of Teaching Reading", "Methods of Teaching English in Primary School", as well as "Practical English Language Course", "Communicative Pedagogy", "Fundamentals of Inclusive Pedagogy", etc.).
In the process of future teachers professional training for the organization of primary school dialogic learning, a prominent place belongs to the value-motivational aspect of their readiness [3], which is manifested in their internal focus on relevant activities, interest in the process and results of educational dialogue, as well as the desire to use the outlined form of activity with students. An effective means of stimulating student motivation are game forms of organization of the educational process. After all, the role game at the university is a kind of dialogue at the professional level, during which there are clashes of different opinions, views, mutual criticism, or discussion of hypotheses, which serves to generate certain ideas, opinions, and acquire new knowledge. Of course, role games teaching psychological and pedagogical disciplines at a pedagogical institute or university develop, above all, analytical skills, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
In this direction, the elements of communicative culture of the participant of pedagogical interaction, his/her ability to listen tolerantly and accept the opinions of others, accept them or express his/her point of view on problem situations that are the subject of study and discussion are revealed. Thus, the organization of educational dialogue is effective not only in terms of acquiring new knowledge [7], as well as activating participants in play activities, creating a trusting psychological atmosphere. The process of teaching higher education pedagogical disciplines, such as: "Pedagogical skills", "Theory and methods of education", "Pedagogical innovation"
("Pedagogical technologies in Primary School") and others contains the inexhaustible potential for the formation of future teachers skills of organizing dialogic learning in primary school.
In the process of experimentations, we introduced a variety of techniques of dialogic learning, which are used in almost all subjects. At the same time, participants of pedagogical interaction were involved in active discussion of complex problems (issues) that are the subject of study. At Language and Literature lessons, children are often introduced to the characters of specific works of art by discussing their behavior, strengths, and weaknesses. For example, the so-called hermeneutic questions stimulate the student to think not only about the content of what is read but also about its essence, to think about the personal perception of what is read. For example, questions like, "Why do you think the character did that?", "Why did he do that?" etc. Such questions contribute to the development of critical thinking of the student, creativity, and therefore stimulate an increase in the level of methodological culture of the future teacher.
In the didactic and methodological aspects of the experimental work, students' interest was achieved by diversifying the methods and techniques of dialogic learning. Not only traditional (conversation, explanation, discussion) but also innovative and interactive teaching methods were used for this purpose.
An important task of the development of students' communicative competence is the use of educational material to establish emotional contact between "teacher and students", teamwork, free choice of activities, creative learning, discussion of educational innovations, and pedagogical situations of school practice in small groups (pairs) and general discussion, etc. It also helped to develop the ability to listen, respect alternative opinions, strive for dialogue, avoid conflicts, and generate new ideas.
To develop future teachers' ability to organize dialogic learning, we recommend solving educational and professional tasks with the help of situational modeling, case-study, case-method. When using situational simulation, students not only solve tasks but also demonstrate their solutions through the use of simulation and role-playing.
An important feature of teaching dialogic speech, as well as learning, is its phoneti c design. The combination of auditory and visual clarity makes it possible to present a modal dialogue in the combination of all characteristic features. Determining the methods of effective dialogue, we used innovative teaching technologies, which have already been tested, especially in the practice of methods of teaching English. For example, flash-cards, hand-out cards were used for this purpose - cards with corresponding didactic tasks, where: textgrams (micro dialogues, sample dialogues, etc.), icons (series of drawings, models, etc.), didactics (learning material to be mastered), photographs, testograms (control tasks for future teachers), game tasks for the role games on pedagogical topics) [9, p. 184] (when studying the course "Methods of teaching E nglish in primary school").
Equally important in the organization of educational dialogue in vocational training are methods of online teaching using information and communication technologies, especially English and methods of its teaching, as well as pedagogical disciplines and professional methods of primary education. For example, students today use Internet resources in their studies. At the same time, to create a proper dialogue educational environment, considerable attention is paid to the sites of international youth communication (,, etc.) [15].
To do this, we carefully selected and recommended educational Internet resources, links to specific students groups. Reasonable use of video and audio materials increases the effectiveness of English language teaching, in particular in preparation for real communication situations. But there is also the necessity for constant dialogue between teachers and students to provide appropriate consultation, as well as discussion of educational content and reflective assessment. For example, when working with materials from the BBC website (Learning English ( it is necessary to explain which texts for listening should be analyzed and then discussed in class. BBC World Service is useful because stude nts can choose the appropriate level of English individually. At the same time, we use ICT methods for dialogic communication online while teaching English (oral and written speech is trained).
Dialogic learning is used in educational areas of language and literature. Therefore, in the process of teaching methods of teaching these disciplines in primary school, we focused on two main approaches to mastering, primarily in English: "top-down" - educational dialogue begins with listening to a sample dialogue with its subsequent variation, after that - creation of dialogues by analogy in different pedagogical situations (reproductive-intuitive stage); "Bottom-up" is a way from mastering the elements of dialogue at the initial stage (replicas of dialogic unity) to its independent formulation based on the teacher's proposed educational communication strategy, which does not include listening to sample dialogues (creative stage) [9, p. 185].
The semantic and methodological aspect of forming the readiness of the future primary school teacher for dialogic learning of students involves the appropriate direction of the content of teaching professionally oriented disciplines (Tables 1, 2).
The discipline content |
Dialogic direction of the content |
1 |
Foreign language (Year 1) |
Oral speech. Dialogic speaking skills: the ability to establish contacts, lead and finish a conversation using the rules of speech etiquette; correct English pronunciation skills; general communicative speech competencies |
Language etiquette in dialogic activities: work in pairs, groups; the ability to establish a conversation with the ethical norms and values of a multicultural society, consciously overcome communication barriers. |
Methods and techniques of teaching. Teaching aids. Forms of organization of the educational process for primary school students. Requirements for a modern lesson. Lesson types and structure. Non-standard lessons in primary school. Control over students' learning activities. The concept, functions, types of control. Checking and assessment of academic achievements of primary school students. |
Methods of organizing dialogic learning of students. Communicative support of the lesson. Formative assessment of the results of students' learning activities in the process of dialogic learning. Participants skills of critical reflection in the educational process as an internal dialogue for self-improvement and selfdevelopment of the individual. |
3. |
Theory and Methods of Education (Year 3) |
Principles of education. Methods and techniques of education. Forms of organization of the educational process in primary school. Extracurricular educational activity. Family upbringing. The content of education in primary school (mental, moral, aesthetic, labor, physical, etc.) |
Organization of a dialogue educational environment in an educational institution as an effective means of positive adaptation (socialization) of students from socially vulnerable groups. Dialogic technologies in primary school educational work. |
2. |
Teaching Skills (Year 3) |
Professional self-education of future primary school teachers as a pedagogical problem. Ways of organizing the educational process in primary school. Pedagogical situation and pedagogical tasks as components of the educational process in primary school. Styles of pedagogical communication. The problem of pedagogical cooperation in practical pedagogy. Teachers' pedagogical tact and skills. Teacher's authority. Pedagogy as a practical director. Pedagogical technique and technology. Attention and observation of the primary school teacher.Teachers' imagination. Basics of speech technique. Breath. Voice. Diction. Fundamentals of facial expressions and pantomime. A teacher's pedagogical creativity. Organization of the creative environment in the educational process. |
Ways of organizing dialogic learning in primary school. Mastery of pedagogical interaction of teachers with students and their parents. Tolerance and empathy in pedagogical communication. Professional development of a teacher. Professional reflection of a teacher. Individualprofessional style of communication and pedagogical image. Self-analysis and selfcorrection of the dialogic communication style.Ways to increase communicative competence as a guarantee of success in partnership pedagogical interaction. |
3. |
Pedagogical Innovation (Year 3) |
The technological approach in education. System innovative technologies, their characteristics. Module and local innovative pedagogical learning technologies. Author's pedagogical technology. Design of author's educational technologies. Application of interactive methods and interactive equipment in school. Organization of interactive |
Innovative and interactive technologies for organizing dialogic learning in the New Ukrainian School. Structure and features of designing an educational dialogue environment in a modern primary school. |
learning in primary school. Interactive methods and rules of interactive learning. Readiness of primary school teachers to organize the process of interactive learning. |
4 |
Children's Literature and Methods of Teaching Literary Reading (Year 3) |
Ukrainian literature for children and youth. Foreign literature for children and youth. Communication and interactive interaction in the process of analysis, critical thinking, and discussion of works of art. Methods of teaching literary reading in primary school. Formation of literary (reading, literary, personal activity, library and bibliographic) competence of primary schoolchildren. Literary reading lesson. The integrated lesson of language and literature. New and traditional methods of promoting children's books and reading. |
Features of the organization of educational dialogue in the initial course of language and literature education, particularly in "Interact orally” and "Read”. Methods of developing students' dialogic speech, etiquette norms of communication culture. Features of formation of schoolchildren's reflective experience. Developing students' ability to perceive, analyze, interpret and evaluate oral information and use it in various communicative situations, communicate orally with other people in dialogic and monolog forms to achieve certain life goals. Types of hermeneutic situations in the process of reading and discussion. |
5. |
Fundamentals of Inclusive Education (Year 4) |
Humanization of interpersonal relationships in an inclusive process. Pedagogical principles of personality-oriented interaction in the inclusive process. The essence of child pedagogy. Psychological, medical, and pedagogical consultation, and its importance in determining the educational prospects of the child. The main stages of psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education of children with mental and physical disabilities. Typical needs of interpersonal interaction in the systems "parents- children”, "parents-teachers”, "students-students” and others. |
Features of the organization of dialogic training for students with special educational needs (according to nosology). Pedagogical ethics in the inclusive process. Dialogue interaction and possible difficulties in its organization. Conflicts in dialogic interaction between participants of the educational process and ways to overcome them. |
6. |
Selective course Practical Course of English (3rd-4th year) |
Oral speech. Dialogic skills: exchange of professional and non-professional information with the interlocutor; participation in a discussion on a particular topic. |
Methods of creating dialogues by analogy in different pedagogical situations. Creating educational dialogues on the chosen topic based on the teacher's educational communication strategy. |
7. |
Selective course Methods of Teaching English in Primary School (4th year) |
Methods for techniques of development of students' speaking skills at English lessons. |
Methods of organizing dialogic learning for primary school students at English lessons. Techniques for the development of the communicative activity of primary school students. Innovative and interactive technologies for organizing dialogic learning of English in primary school. Feedback in the dialogical teaching of students in English lessons. Peer evaluation in dialogic learning. Foreign language communicative culture of a New English School teacher. |
8. |
Selective course English Literature for Children (Year 4) |
Children's literature of the Renaissance. Bright Renaissance British writers and their works for children. Children's English literature of XXth century. |
Innovative-interactive technologies for organizing dialogic learning of students using works of English children''s literature. |
Tab. 1. The dialogic direction of the education content in a higher education institution (specialty Primary education:Bachelor degree)
The process of organizing dialogic training of students requires the appropriate personal and professional qualities, the culture of dialogue on the basis of humanity, personality-oriented education, mutual respect, and more. Therefore, in modern science and practice, the concept of "pedagogical communication" is common, which is considered through the prism of high moral virtues. In pedagogical communication, according to H. Vasianovych, the following functions are realized to achieve its goal:
- contact: establishing the state of bilateral readiness to receive and transmit messages and maintain communication until the end of the act;
- informational: exchange of messages (descriptions), questions and answers;
- motivating: encouraging a partner or oneself (stimulation and self-stimulation) to perform certain actions;
- coordination: mutual orientation and coordination of actions when it comes to joint activities;
- cognitive: adequate perception and understanding of the meaning of the message, as well as mutual understanding (intentions, attitudes, experiences, states of partners);
- emotional: unconscious "exchange of emotions";
- establishing relationships: awareness and fixation of their place in the system of role, status, business, interpersonal and other relationships;
- influential: change of behavior, value-motivational sphere of the partner (intentions, views, opinions, decisions, ideas, needs, level of activity, tastes, norms of behavior, evaluation criteria, etc.) [19, p. 374-375].
These and other issues of pedagogical ethics and culture of the organization of dialogic learning will be the subject of mastering by future Masters of primary education when studying a special elective course "Communicative Pedagogy".
During practical classes in the process of organizing dialogic learning, we tried to teach an interlocutor (a future teacher) the basic techniques of listening, which is an essential condition of communicative culture. The emphasis was placed on the importance of the interlocutor's opinion, showing interest in his/her problems, solidarity with the interlocutor (or vice versa), etc. In order to check whether the interlocutor was attentive, it was recommended to clarify his/her opinion with the help of explanatory answers or paraphrasing of the text (for this purpose we used questions, using the main points of the interlocutor's message).
№ |
The content of the discipline |
Dialogic direction of content |
1. |
English for Professional Purposes (1st year) |
English for Professional Purposes in Primary Education: Careers in School Education. Child development. Health. Childcare. To love a child. |
Psycholinguistic principles of development of foreign language communicative competence. The skill of organizing educational dialogue in educational space. Foreign language communication strategies in the professional activity of a primary school teacher. |
2. |
Communicative Pedagogy (2nd year) |
The essence of Communicative Pedagogy. Functions of Communicative Pedagogy. Styles of pedagogical communication. Trends in the development of pedagogical communication. Means of educating communicative culture. The essence of the moral relations of the teacher in professional activities. Features of pedagogical interaction. Family relationships as a “school of human relationships". The diversity of moral relations of the teacher. Ethical categories in psychological and pedagogical interaction. Good and evil in the professional communication of the teacher. "Good-meeting" teacher and student in pedagogical communication. "Good word" in professional communication. "Good action" in the culture of communication of the teacher. Variants of pseudo-goodness in psychological and pedagogical communication (according to H. Vasianovych). Communicative culture and directions of a teacher's psychological and pedagogical adaptation. The structure of the process of professional adaptation. The reasons for the difficulties of the adaptation period of the young teacher. Conditions for successful first professional adaptation of a specialist. |
Principles of Partnership Pedagogy in dialogue. Language etiquette of dialogic learning in primary school Communicative culture of participants in the educational process in the process of organizing educational dialogue. Pedagogical skills of effective usage of means of verbal and nonverbal communication in the dialogic teaching of primary school children. |
The essence of non-verbal technique of the teacher. Means of non-verbal communication of the teacher as a necessary condition for the culture of professional communication. The main elements of nonverbal communication: intonation, speed, volume and mode of speech, articulation, pitch, etc. |
3. |
Country Studies (2nd year) |
Educational System in Great Britain and the USA Culture. Arts. Tourist Sights of GB and the USA |
Intercultural dialogue in the modern space of education. The experience of English-speaking countries in innovative forms and methods of organizing dialogic learning of primary school students. |
Tab. 2. Dialogic direction of the content of education in higher education: selective disciplines (specialty “Primary Education”: Master Degree)
Students should be involved in professional reflection: "How to achieve a better understanding of the opinions of students (colleagues) in professional communication?", "Do certain techniques help you speak more fluently?", "Does it offend you when the interlocutor isn't listening?". Discussing these and similar situations, students should be involved in the analysis of their behavior and actions of others, share their thoughts, feelings, and discuss various topics, especially professional and pedagogical. At the stage of reflection, the teacher asks the participants a number of questions: What helped the group to complete the task? Who was uncomfortable and why? Is the team leader always right? How does the person who is not allowed to speak feel? What helps and hinders teamwork? What should help a teacher? What have you gained from team -work?
In the process of studying the methods of teaching English in primary school, one of the methods of reflection was the method of pedagogical essays. To do this, students were asked to choose one of several topics for writing a non-format essay: setting a question or problem; naming the reasons for this problem (outcomings, problems, experience); thesis argument, illustration of the problem ( facts, arguments, experience); I-positions (own opinion in the educational space); conclusions (problem solving, proposals, recommendations, formulation of principles, solutions and practical significance).
In the process of students' internship at schools we used the questionnaire, which contained 6 types of questions: 1. Simple. 2. Clarifying ("so you say.?", "If I understood correctly,.?", "I may be wrong, but you seem to have said.?"). 3. Interpretive or explanatory ("why do the leaves on the trees turn yellow in autumn?"). 4. Creative ("What would change in the world if people didn't have the Internet?", "How will computer technology develop?"). 5. Assessment ( "In what way is one lesson different from others?"). 6. Practical ("Where in your normal life can you find advertising?", "What would you do if you were.?").
During the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment, the following forms of organization of problem-based learning proved to be effective: problem situations and questions; business games (a press conference, a symposium, a briefing, a round table, an auction, etc.); role-playing games (la esson-dialogue, a lesson-monolog); role illustration (a lesson-game, a lesson-excursion, a lesson-discussion, a lesson-virtual trip, a lesson-fairy tale, a lesson-dramatization), etc.
In the educational process of the university we consider it efficient to use the system of professional and educational situations and conduct professional and pedagogical training. It should be noted that they can be used at lectures and practical classes, and can be organized by teachers and students. It is obligatory for teachers to make a detailed description of the objectives of the discipline in general and each specific lesson in particular.Tasks must be clearly set. To do this, you need to determine the timing and amount of theoretical, laboratory and game components of the lesson. Because they must be aimed at achieving practical results.
Professional and pedagogical training is focused on the use of active methods of group activities and self-improvement for the development of future teachers' professional skills to organize dialogic learning in primary school. Pedagogical training consists of two blocks: exercises to develop sociability, attention, imagination, future primary school teachers' speech and exercises to solve educational and professional tasks. In order to develop future teachers' skills to organize dialogic learning, it is necessary to use a system of educational and professional situations, which are a fragment of the educational process, reflecting teacher - students interaction, assimilation, generalization, repetition, consolidation of students' knowledge and formation of their learning skills and abilities, control and self-control, which is the basis for research, analysis, solution, design for teachers' professional growth.
During extracurricular activities, we also conducted a series of training sessions for students to increase their readiness for dialogic learning, in particular to identify the level of pedagogical and psychological adaptability of future teachers in the institution, typical difficulties and problems, emotional experiences, related to the process of adaptation to new living conditions and entering the profession; to study pedagogical skills necessary for future teachers' successful dialogic training etc.
Thus, the involvement of future primary school teachers in various forms of dialogic interaction in the educational process creates opportunities for the formation of their communicative culture, professional communication ethics, pedagogical skills and others.
We consider the organization of dialogic training of future teachers in the context of the formation of their professional readiness for the organization of dialogic training in primary school as a holistic system of such training, which includes: pedagogical goal-setting, tasks, content, methods, techniques, means and forms of organizing the work of students and teachers in dialogic learning, evaluation of the results of educational and cognitive activities, etc. Theref ore, working with students, it is important to take into account organizational and methodological aspects which involve dialogue: the content of education; forms and methods of organizing the educational process; communication in the context of the organization of relevant study groups on the basis of mutual understanding and mutual respect; critical reflection of the participants of the interaction. This article provides an approximate dialogic direction of the content of future primary school teacher training (at the Bachelor's and Master's level), and also proves that this will allow effective implementation of the proposed methodological tools to improve the quality of training of future teachers to organize dialogic learning.
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