Celebrating scientific achievements of scientists – milestone celebrators and scientific potential of the Ukrainian studies

Study of anniversary events dedicated to the achievements of figures of Ukrainian science: Mykhailo Grushevsky, Volodymyr Vernadsky, Daniil Zabolotny, Yuriy Kondratyuk, Yevhen Paton. Analysis of three collections published in honor of the anniversaries.

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Celebrating scientific achievements of scientists - milestone celebrators and scientific potential of the Ukrainian studies

Vitaliy Kononenko


There exists an ongoing tradition to celebrate milestone birthdays and other important anniversaries of famous scientists, who have devoted decades of their lives to fruitful scientific work. The tradition is an old one and can be traced back to the medieval Europe. Primarily, a celebration like that is held not only to glorify the birthday person as a scientist, but also to summarize their work in a particular field of scientific knowledge; it is an event open for discussions and exchange of views. Events of this kind provide young researchers with an opportunity to prove themselves to famous men of science, whose students and followers they are. We can mention the anniversary events organized to celebrate achievement of some of the prominent figures of the Ukrainian science. The list includes Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Volodymyr Vernadsky, Danylo Zabolotny, Yuriy Kondratiuk, Yevhen Paton, and other renowned personalities, whose anniversaries and milestones have been accompanied by scientific conferences, symposiums, monographs and other scientific publications. (See: Видатні діячі України минулих століть; співголови В. Смолій, І. Драч. Київ: Євроімідж, 2001) // Outstanding figures of Ukraine of the previous centuries, co-chairs V. Smoliy, I. Drach. Kyiv: Yevroimidzh, 2001). In general, Ukrainian science is represented by thousands of other well-known scientists who work in academic and research institutes, universities, colleges, and in the respective industries.

The Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University celebrates milestone of the prominent academicians and lecturers by means of popularizing their scientific achievements in various fields of knowledge and activation of the scientific schools work. In the recent years the Precarpathian community has witnessed several milestones and anniversaries in the sphere of philology, in particular this involves Doctors of science, Professors Vasyl Hreshchuk, Stepan Khorob, Mykola Lesiuk. In 20192020 on the shelves of scientific libraries there appeared several sturdy volumes of books, including «On the side of the word: collection of scientific works in honor of Professor Vasyl Greshchuk» (editor in chief V. Kononenko; Ivano-Frankivsk: Precarpathian University, 2019) («На стороні слова: Збірник наукових праць на пошану професора Василя Грещука» (відповідальний редактор В. Кононенко; Івано-Франківськ: Прикарпатський університет, 2019); «Empowered by words: collection of scientific works in honor of Professor Stepan Khorob» (editor in chief R. Pikhmanets; Ivano-Frankivsk: Precarpathian University, 2019) («Окриленість словом: Збірник наукових праць на пошану професора Степана Хороба» (відповідальний редактор Р. Піхманець; Івано-Франківськ: Прикарпатський університет, 2019); «To the depths of the essence of language: collection of works in honor of Professor Mykola Lesiuk» (editorial board: M. Bihusiak, N. Dorogovych etc.; Ivano-Frankivsk:

Precarpathian University, 2020) («До глибин сутности мови: Збірник праць на пошану професора Миколи Лесюка» (редакційна колегія М. Бігусяк, Н. Дорогович та інші; Івано-Франківськ: Прикарпатський університет, 2020). It is important to emphasize that the names of all the three collections, published to honour the celebrators, include the symbolic words «word» and «language», as it is the utmost aim of serving the Ukrainian language, the mother tongue, that the scientists have dedicated their lives to.

The opening stories in all the collections devoted to the celebrators are telling their readers lot of useful things. For example, they highlight the ways of becoming a scientist, stages one needs taking to ascent the scientific Olympus, scientific achievements of the renowned scholars and their plans for the future. Below there are some evaluation characteristics expressed concerning our scientists. For instance, Mykola Lesiuk is described in the following way: «This is a man who perceives the high ideals of Ukraine, the Ukrainian language (not slogans, or fleeting entertainment) as the meaning of his whole life» (P. Hrytsenko). The things characterising Vasyl Hreshchuk include: «The direction of his efforts has always been far-reaching and significant: it is the establishment and development of ideas of the Ukrainian studies, an in-depth study of the national phenomenon - the Ukrainian language» (V. Kononenko). Talking about Professor Stepan Khorob, it is important to stress that for him Ukrainian drama works «in theoretical, historical and literary, comparative aspects, as an organic component of the national and world literary process, as an original phenomenon of the Ukrainian national and artistic tradition» (L. Gorbolis). There are plenty of similar expressions and quotes that are the proofs of the deserved appreciation and honor, as the celebrators are held in high esteem.

Each of the above-mentioned books tells not just a story of the scientific achievements of the scientists-celebrators, their scientific schools, their monographs, articles, and theses (dissertations); their main parts include scholarly articles of Ukrainian scholars-philologists. The list the topics of these articles is rather extensive, as the research works deal with various fields of linguistics and literature: vocabulary and grammar, history of language and stylistics, literary norms and dialects, toponymy and anthroponymy (linguistics), classical literature and modernism, fiction, poetry, drama, journalism, comparative and religious discourse, literarature genres (literary studies). Among the authors of these scientific research collections there are scholars from different universities and academies, graduate and doctoral students, publicists, and artists from different regions of Ukraine, including Kharkiv and Lviv, Zaporizhia and Chernivtsi, Kyiv and Dnipropetrovsk, Vinnytsia and Lutsk, Sumy and Uzhhorod, as well as from abroad - the United States, Poland, Belarus.

Main part

Many linguistic articles that appear in the collections are qualified as research papers, they are innovative and often constitute the ground for some scientific discovery. For example, A. Zagnitko, the well-known scientist from Vinnytsia, substantiates principles of a new vision of syntax in his article; he treats it from the standpoint of objectification of approaches, thus proposing the creation of a renewed science - objective grammar. K. Horodenska (Kyiv) defends the expediency of the new principles of the Ukrainian word formation description, relying on the semantic syntax, and in a broader sense it is categorical grammar in use. E. Karpilovska (Kyiv) argues that the existing system of the Ukrainian word formation serves to expand the cognitive capabilities of a language; this standpoint provides the ground for broadening the lexicon by means of specific coinages.

Scholarly articles propose and exploit new ideas of the development of the modern Ukrainian language in the conditions of state formation; it has its pragmatic meaning and comes to the service of socio-political processes. In particular, P. Matskiv (Drohobych) perceives language as a form of representation of spiritual culture; therefore, it leads to the study of language formation through the areas of linguistic culture-studies, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, religious studies, and philosophy. I. Kochan (Lviv) offers certain changes concerning principles and grounds of the Ukrainian terminology formation system; and certain branches, say technical terminology, can elaborate on them and make use of the researcher's recommendations. The article by A. Neliuba (Kharkiv) on the feasibility of inventory and codification in the system of terminology creation, the solution of theoretical issues, and generalizations on the processes of term formation can be seen as an attempt to develop new approaches in the given area. S. Kovtiukh (Luhansk) comes up with well-thought, thorough proposals concerning grammar dictionaries compilation, they are particularly topical in the conditions when multitude of people are encouraged to get involved in in the study of the Ukrainian language.

A number of articles are devoted to the problems of stylistics, stylistic devices, and writers' artistic styles, and this shows a growing interest in the development of national literature as a component of cultural progress. Several articles are dedicated to unjustly repressed and forgotten artists of a literary word; thus, the list of names of Ukrainian writers is supplemented with the help linguistics researchers, and such publications expand the horizons of national literature (articles by O. Kulbabska (Chernivtsi), M. Skab, and M. Skaba (Chernivtsi), O. Perelomova (Sumy), O. Fedurko (Drohobych). The article by L. Azarova (Vinnytsia) draws special attention, as the author introduces the concept of «golden proportion» into poetics as a manifestation of poetic harmony; the poetic texts by T. Shevchenko, Lesia Ukrainka, V. Sosiura provide the researcher with enough proof to claim the existence of a special proportionality, prosody of the poetry written by genius poets. Another article advocates an innovative idea of the theory of associative epithet, which combines the functions of a metaphor, comparison, hyperbole, and other stylistic devices; this phenomenon has manifested itself in the Ukrainian postmodernist free verse (V. Kononenko, Ivano-Frankivsk).

Many articles in the collections deal with the problem of the spoken language, the ratio of literary norm and deviations from it in the form of dialects, slang, colloquial and vernacular language. These articles highlight the need to use language in different social conditions and communicative situations. For instance, S. Sokolova (Kyiv) uses the linguistic-pragmatic aspect to consider the psycho - behavioral features of communication in terms of a dialogue between Ukrainian-speaking and Russianspeaking residents, which leads to the use of surzhyk. A. Popovsky (Dnepropetrovsk) relies on the linguistic pragmatic aspect to view the relationship between Russification, use of surzhik and vulgarization in the communicative discourse; the problem is exacerbated in the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine, where there is extensive use of mixed words/blended words; the article also pays attention to the instructive use of the Ukrainian language as a determining factor of national unity, and the problem is still on the agenda. O. Lazarovych (Ivano-Frankivsk) perceives youth slang as a manifestation of counterculture; this lexicon contains a significant percentage of foreign borrowings. M. Druzhynets (Odessa) studies deviations from the literary standard in the pronunciation of the youth from the western region of Ukraine; hence, there comes to the forefront the expediency of developing local diglossia of a kind, i.e. the issue of the population of Galicia conversing in both dialectal and literary language. Another important issue is raise in the article by I. Farion (Lviv), where she condemns the imposition of English instead of Ukrainian in various spheres of educational life; probably, the solution to the problem is in the reasonable interaction of the two languages in the education systems.

The Ukrainian language is one of the highly developed languages of the world, it prides itself in a multimillion lexical system, melodic pronunciation, easy-to-use grammar system, and its qualitative characteristics undergo comparison with different linguistically related and unrelated languages. The article by I. Kononenko (Warsaw) singles out modern principles and methods of contrastive study of languages provided the Ukrainian language is used as a standard; these recommendations highlight the principles of numerous studies of Ukrainian-Polish cross-linguistic parallels. A. Paslavska (Lviv) continues the discussion concerning these recommendations in her articles, in which Ukrainian is singled out against the background of the Germanic, Slavic and Roman languages. S. Busilo (Warsaw) considers current Polish-Ukrainian interaction as a branch of the Polish studies. S. Vakulenko (Kharkiv) looks for historical and typological parallels in the development of the Ukrainian and Romanian literary languages. The linguistic research topics presented in the articles of the collections include the study of vocabulary, dialectology, and linguistic cultural studies, sociolinguistics, and study of the language of writers, as well as Ukrainian monuments. It is truly a conglomeration of the scholarly ideas, positions, approaches and principles, most productive for Ukrainian language.

The collections of scientific works contain articles grouped into various sections: «Interpretive codes of dramatic text», «National-ethnic art dimensions», «Theoretical aspects of literary criticism», «Comparative horizons», «Religious discourse», «In the vortex of modern literary process», «Understudied names, figures, and phenomena», «Mythological and folklore principles of literary creativity» («Empowered by words»). This very list of areas of research work can serve an enough proof of the real «miracle world» of the related issues. Defining of dramatic codes as the basic components of a Ukrainian play is not accidental, as one of the celebrators, Stepan Khorob, is known as a researcher who focuses on the Ukrainian drama, on the theater in its multidimensional horizons, he deals with the drama theory and thorough analysis of the Ukrainian drama, his research interests including interludes, classical plays, works of the unjustly forgotten authors as well as modern theatrical discourse.

These drama studies develop around the new interpretation of Lesia Ukrainka's plays, taking into account numerous monographs, articles, and theses (dissertations) that appeared both in Ukraine and abroad. The authors focused on the understudies and unexplored aspects, immersed themselves in the depths of the poet's consciousness, her artistic sources that forged the theatrical action. For example, in the work «Lesia Ukrainka and existentialism», L. Skupeiko (Kyiv) comes to the conclusion that while characters of Lesya Ukrainka's dramas share some common features in the existential sense and in the way of their presentation, the poet does not rely on the existential model of the world in general. T. Meiserska (Kyiv) perceives Lesia Ukrainka's dramatic letter works as an embodiment of the philosophical and ethical concept of a tragedy. M. Moklytsia (Lutsk) studies Lesia Ukrainka's dramatic narrative relying on psychoanalysis, viewed through the prism of the ideas of rationalism and idealism.

Numerous publications that have appeared in the period of the independence of Ukraine are full of ideas of the national revival of literary criticism, and they are aimed at the establishment of the principles of nation-building by means of artistic creativity. For example, L. Tarnashynska (Kyiv) deals with the national sources of literary anthropology, which are rooted in the philosophical ideas of H. Skovoroda and D. Chyzhevsky and are put into practice with the help of development of the anthropologically oriented literary criticism that has a human in its center. The scholarly researches of О. Bahan (Drohobych) focus on problems of the Ukrainian culture and self-consciousness in the artistic creativity of different epochs. Ukrainian literary critics also turn to the creative work of Taras Shevchenko, because his ideological paradigm allows leaders of the nation to appear (O. Astafyev, Kyiv): it is Kobzar who finds ways to combine personal and national as a pivotal factor of poetics (S. Halchenko, Kyiv). The authors of the scholarly articles collection also consider current problems of modern literary criticism in its theoretical and methodological dimensions. The topics raised in the articles include artistic and historical-philosophical concepts (H Yurchak, Ivano-Frankivsk), genre parameters of literature (A. Ilkiv, Ivano-Frankivsk), dimensions of literary irony (I. Nasminchuk, Kamianets-Podilsky).

Put against the background of other literatures, in comparative aspect, Ukrainian creative works appear to be as a self-sufficient, unique phenomenon, which contributes its significant share to the world cultural space. The collection includes the article by L. Rudnytsky's (Philadelphia, USA), whose in-depth research is devoted to the study of I. Franko's creative connections with the Austrian cultural environment; the sources of the research being newly-discovered and studied unknown Ukrainian, German, and American materials. It becomes obvious that Franko was the person who was expanding the cultural boundaries of his people by getting them acquainted with other countries and their spirit. S. Pylypchuk's (Lviv) makes a conclusion that the parallels in the creative experiences of І. Franko and E. Zola testify to the compatibility of the artistic work of these two geniuses - a Ukrainian and a French ones. Another notable feature lies in the inclusion of the religious discourse in the scientific research, for example, by means of research on the creative relationship between I. Franko and Andrei Sheptytsky (R. Holod, Ivano-Frankivsk), the study of the interpretations of the Psalter and the Gospel (V. Antofiichuk (Chernivtsi), O. Bigun (Ivano - Frankivsk) and others.

Other literary articles are diverse in subject matters and research directions. Ye. Baran (Ivano - Frankivsk) describes the state of literary criticism («writers about writers»). Several research papers are devoted to the works of little-known authors (M. Ilnytsky (Lviv), Ye. Nakhlik, O. Nakhlik (Lviv), L. Senyk (Lviv), L. Belinska (Lviv), etc.). Several articles consider mythological principles of artistic creativity, the interaction between myth-making and literature in the context of the search for the folklore sources of the Ukrainian literature.


The materials of collections of scientific works are flourishing with the richness of thoughts, new ideas and visions, creative zeal and expression of high respect aimed at the tireless work of the colleagues-celebrators. Beautifully designed, scientifically edited, lovingly published these anniversary books will go down in the history of philological science as a source of new ideas and achievements, as well as developments in Ukrainian linguistics and literary criticism.

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