Practice of implementation of health education in schools of the republic of Poland
Coverage of the content and forms of implementation of health-oriented educational programs in the educational process of schools in the Republic of Poland. Problems of description of the legislative basis of health-saving activities in Polish schools.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.09.2022 |
Размер файла | 28,1 K |
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Practice of implementation of health education in schools of the republic of Poland
Larysa Slyvka
The article substantiates the urgency of the problem of health promotion through education and upbringing. The increased attention of scientists to the problems of the theory and practice of health pedagogy is revealed, the vectors of scientific researches in this sphere are determined. The need to use the positive elements of the experience of foreign countries in the theory and practice of domestic health education is emphasized. The purpose of the article is to highlight the content and some forms of implementation of health-oriented educational programs in the educational process of schools in the Republic of Poland. The research methods were aimed at describing the legislative basis of health care activities in Polish schools; analyzed a number of legislative documents of the Republic of Poland on health of children and youth - “National Health Program" (1990), the Law "On Education" (1991), the Law “On Physical Culture" (1996), the Law “On Reform Education System" (1999), Order of the Minister of National Education “On the Basic Curriculum of Preschool and General Education" (2008). The most important strategies and tactics of this process in this country are highlighted. A variety of methodological approaches have been used to provide the most objective and holistic view of the research problem. The analysis of health-preserving activity of 10 schools of the Republic of Poland is carried out: kindergarten-schools № 7 of Krakow, state primary school named after St. Kinga in Zhegochyn, state primary school № 11 named after Lviv Eagles in Opole, association of schools with integration departments (primary school № 13 and gymnasium № 3) in Myslowice, association of schools № 2 named after John Paul II in the village of Nazzym, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, primary school № 10 in Tarnowskie Gory, primary school in Nivka, primary school № 42 named after Stanislaw Staszyc in Lod, primary school № 23 named after John Paul II in Rzeszow, primary school № 20 in Katowice. The diversity of health-oriented educational influences has been revealed. The author presents the content and forms of implementation of the following programs in schools: “My child goes to school", “A glass of milk", “Keep fit", the National AIDS Program and HIV prevention, “Clean air around us", “Fruit and vegetables at school", “Healthy eating and physical activity in schools", “Don't fall for me, please". The author offers prospects for further research - a comparison of practical and methodological aspects of solving the problem of health of a growing individual in secondary schools in Poland and Ukraine.
Keywords: health education, children and youth, secondary schools, educational programs, Republic of Poland.
Сливка Лариса. Практика реалізації здоров'язбережувального виховання у школах Республіки Польща.
У статті обґрунтовано актуальність проблеми промоції здоров'я засобами освіти і виховання. Виявлено підвищену увагу науковців до проблем теорії і практики здоров'язбережувальної педагогіки, визначено вектори наукових пошуків у цій сфері. Наголошено на потребі використання позитивних елементів досвіду зарубіжних країн у теорії і практиці вітчизняного здоров'язбережувального виховання. Мета статті - висвітлити зміст і деякі форми реалізації здоров'яорієнтованих виховних програм у навчально-виховному процесі шкіл Республіки Польща. Методи дослідження спрямовувалися на опис законодавчого підґрунтя здоров'язбережувальної діяльності в польських школах; проаналізовано низку законодавчих документів Республіки Польща з питань здоров'язбереження дітей та молоді - “Національну програму здоров'я" (1990), Закон “Про систему освіти" (1991), Закон "Про фізичну культуру" (1996), Закон "Про реформу системи освіти" (1999), Розпорядження Міністра національної освіти "Про основний навчальний план дошкільної та загальної освіти" (2008). Висвітлено найголовніші стратегії і тактики означеного процесу у цій країні. Застосовано різноманітні методологічні підходи з метою забезпечення максимально об'єктивного і цілісного уявлення про досліджувану проблему. Проведено аналіз здоров'язбережувальної діяльності 10 шкіл Республіки Польща: школи-садка № 7 міста Краків, державної початкової школи імені Святої Кінґі в Жеґочині, державної початкової школи № 11 імені Львівських Орлят в Ополю, об'єднання шкіл з інтеграційними відділами (початковою школою № 13 і гімназією № 3) в Мисловіцах, об'єднання шкіл № 2 імені Яна Павла ІІ в селищі Нажим Вармінсько-Мазурського воєводства, початкової школи № 10 в Тарновських Горах, початкової школи в Нівці, початкової школи № 42 імені Станіслава Сташіца в Лодзі, початкової школи № 23 імені Яна Павла ІІ у Жешові, початкової школи № 20 в Катовіцах. Виявлено різноаспектність здоров'яспрямованих виховних впливів. Автором представлено зміст і форми реалізації у школах таких програм: "Моя дитина іде до школи", "Склянка молока", "Тримай форму", Національна програма боротьби зі СНІДом та профілактики ВІЛ- інфекції, "Чисте повітря навколо нас", "Фрукти і овочі у школі", "Здорове харчування і фізична активність у школах", "Не пали при мені, будь-ласка". Автором запропоновано перспективи подальших розвідок - порівняння практичних і методичних аспектів розв'язання проблеми здоров'язбереження зростаючої особистості у загальноосвітніх школах Польщі та України. health oriented educational polish school
Ключові слова: здоров'язбережувальне виховання, діти і молодь, загальноосвітні школи, виховні програми, Республіка Польща.
Ukraine is one of the countries where educational policy dealing with the problem of forming motivation for a healthy lifestyle in children and young people has become clearly relevant. National education solves approximately the same strategic tasks as the Republic of Poland. Poland, as a member of the European Union, has advantages in systemic educational transformations. Therefore, taking into account the positive elements of the experience of this country in the theory and practice of Ukrainian pedagogy is obvious.
In the context of the integration of the Ukrainian state into the European space, the problem of health education of schoolchildren is in the center of attention of domestic scientists. Meanwhile, there is little work to cover foreign health experience. In this context, the dissertations of A. Besedina,
O. Dmitrieva, T. Yermakova, V. Yefimova, I. Mordvinova deserve attention. However, there is no comprehensive study of health education in Poland.
The purpose of the article is to highlight the content and forms of implementation of health- oriented educational programs in the educational process of some schools in the Republic of Poland.
1. Results and Discussion
The success of educational reforms in preserving and shaping the health of the growing personality of any state largely depends on the strategic directions declared in its regulations. We will analyze a number of legislative documents of the Republic of Poland on the health of children and youth in order to highlight the main strategies and tactics of this process in this country.
The implementation of the first version of the "National Health Program" (pol. "Narodjwy Program Zdrowia", 1990) provided a small number of problems: prevention of mortality from injuries in physical education classes and from poisoning, prevention of infectious diseases and caries in children and adolescents [7, p. 1-3]. Gradually, the problem of reorienting the school environment to the health of students has become one of the priorities in Polish educational policy. The Law "On the Education System" (1991) stated that the education system is designed to provide favorable living and working conditions for students and teachers (Article 1), and teachers in their didactic, educational and guardianship activities should be guided by the idea of good for schoolchildren, take care of their health and dignity (Article 4) [28, p. 1277-1278]. The amended and changed in 2016 and 2017 version of the said Law expanded and specified the tasks of the education system to preserve, strengthen and shape the health of the growing individual, such as: to adapt the content, methods and organization of education to the psychophysical capabilities of students; to enable students to use psychological and pedagogical support; adhere to safe and hygienic conditions of education, upbringing and guardianship in schools; to disseminate knowledge about health and safe behavior among children and young people (Article 1) [29].
Physical education plays an important role in the health impact of a growing personality. In the Law "On Physical Culture" (pol. Ustawa "O kulturze fizycznej", 1996), physical culture was announced as part of national culture (Article 1) and was seen as knowledge, values, customs and activities aimed at ensuring psychophysical development, improving physical skills and talents. man, as well as - the preservation and restoration of his health (Article 3). Physical education was interpreted in the mentioned document as a process of formation of harmonious psychophysical development of children and youth. The discipline of Physical Education, according to the Law, became mandatory in primary schools in Poland (it was proposed to devote even 4 hours a week to its study (Article 61)). Sports clubs and sections created in schools were to become centers for the health and well-being of students. Persons who carried out activities in the field of physical culture were responsible for compliance with safety, order and hygienic conditions during classes (Article 50) [27, p. 765-774].
The expansion of the "field" of health education took place after the adoption in 1999 of the Law "On the reform of the education system» [30]. Health topics have become an integral part of the content of Physical Education, Science and Family Education. The impetus for the inclusion in the curriculum of the discipline Physical Education content block Education for Health was the agreement "On cooperation in promoting health education in schools and the development of health care in the network of Schools of Health Promotion" (2000), concluded between the Ministries of Education and Health of Poland [11].
The Order of the Minister of National Education of November 23, 2008 "On the Basic Curriculum of Preschool and General Education" (pol. Rozporzqdzenie Ministra edukacji narodowej z dnia 23 grudnia 2008 r. w sprawie podstawy programowej wychowania przedszkolnego oraz ksztalcenia ogolnego w poszczegolnych typach szkol) on the basis of the program of pre-school education and implementation education of a healthy lifestyle (wychowanie zdrowotne) to the curricula of all secondary schools [19, p. 198-205].
Traditionally, schools in the Republic of Poland hold World Handwashing Day (October 15), European Antibiotic Awareness Day (November 18), World AIDS Day (December 1), World Health Day (April 7), World No Tobacco Day (May 31), etc. These days, as a rule, there are informative and entertaining holidays, competitions, exhibitions, contests, etc. In almost all voivode ships of the country, sanitary-epidemiological stations are actively involved in educational and health-improving work in schools [31, p. 22].
An important contribution to the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children and young people is the implementation of various educational and upbringing prevention programs, such as: "My child goes to school" (pol. "Moje dziecko idzie do szkoly"; since 2002), "A glass of milk" (pol. "Szklanka mleka"; since 2004), "Keep fit" (pol. "Trzymaj formQ"; since 2006), National Program for AIDS and HIV Prevention (pol. Krajowy Program Zwalczania AIDS i Zapobiegania Zakazeniom HIV; since 2007), "Clean air around us" (pol. "Czyste Powietrze Woko! Nas"; since 2008), "Fruits and vegetables at school" (pol. "Owoce and warzywa w szkole"; since 2009), "Healthy eating and physical activity in schools" (pol. "Zdrowe zywienie i aktywnosc fizyczna w szkolach"; from 2009), "Don't fall for me, please" (pol. "Nie pal przy mnie, proszQ"; from 2010), etc.
Among the tasks of the program "My child goes to school" an important place is occupied by raising parents' education about children's health and skills, forming parents' ideas about preventive measures necessary for easier «entry» of children into school life, forming students' knowledge of hygiene work at school and at home, nutrition, hygiene of cooking and eating, safe use of mobile phones, ergonomics of learning, as well as - prevention of fears in children and their parents about the problems associated with the beginning of «school» life of the child, promoting healthy lifestyle [14].
The aim of the «Glass of Milk» program, developed at the initiative of the European Union, is to develop children's and young people's habits of nutrition by increasing consumption of milk and dairy products, forming students' awareness of the nutritional value of these products, encouraging students to consume them, promoting healthy eating. It should be noted that the Republic of Poland is a leader among other European countries involved in the program in terms of the effectiveness of this program: for example, the amount of milk and dairy products supplied to schools and consumed by students is higher than in the "old" Union (France, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Finland), where the program has been operating for over 20 years [15].
"Keep fit" is an initiative of the General Sanitary Inspectorate (pol. Glowny Inspektorat Sanitarny) and the Polish Federation of Food Producers (pol. Polska Federacja Producentow Zywnosci, PFPZ ZP). This program aims to promote a healthy lifestyle by promoting the rationalization and balancing of nutrition combined with daily physical activity. The program is implemented under the auspices of the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Health, as well as Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland.
The content of the program "Keep fit", which is implemented for a long time in the kindergartenschool № 7 in Krakow (pol. Zespul szkolno-przedszkolny nr. 7 w Krakowie), provides for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in students and preschoolers. In the 2012/2013 school year, high school students learned about the secrets of nutrition, a balanced diet, deepened knowledge about the role of vitamins for the human body, as well as - the paramount importance of physical activity f or health. Educational work took place in interesting forms, students prepared multimedia presentations, made thematic applications in various techniques, prepared delicious colored vegetable and fruit salads, releasing school wallpapers, shared with others their thoughts on healthy eating. The culmination of various events within the above project was a celebration of entertainment, competitions and tastings under the general title "Eat colorful, live healthy" (pol. "Jedz kolorowo, zyj zdrowo"). Attendees were treated to salads and fresh juices. Students also prepared a "living" pyramid of healthy eating from fresh foods. Games and entertainment filled with humor and mystery were very popular among the participants of the Festival, such as: "Running Apple", "Lemon Smile", "Mathematical Purchases", "Who is faster", and others. Among other things, the action was filled with motor activity of children and adults [36].
The goal of the European Union's "Fruits and Vegetables at School" program is to combat obesity in school-age children through healthy eating, prevent a number of diseases caused by malnutrition, promote changes in students' daily diets, and increase fruit and vegetable consumption. An analysis of publications by Polish scholars on the results of the program [26] showed that as a result of its implementation, the number of students who eat properly increased to 80%, decreased the number of students willing to buy sweets in school canteens and kiosks, strengthened children's beliefs and their parents regarding the negative impact on the health of fatty foods, etc.
We found information about the active participation of this school in the program "Fruits and vegetables at school" on the website of the State Primary School named after St. Kinga in Zhehochyn (pol. Publiczna Szkola Podstawowa im. Wi^tej Kingi w Zegocinie). The management and teachers of the school are convinced of the need for long-term educational work to change children's eating habits and "programming" healthy eating with accompanying educational activities. Students participating in the program, 2-3 times a week receive ready-to-eat fresh fruits and vegetables (apples, pears, strawberries, blueberries, carrots, sweet peppers, radishes, kohlrabi and tomatoes), as well as fruit and vegetable juices [12].
Another project aimed at preventing overweight and obesity in children and adolescents is being implemented in Polish educational institutions. This is a program "Healthy eating and physical activity in schools", developed at the initiative of the World Health Organization. The project is addressed to primary and secondary school students. According to information sources, it is at school that the problem of prevention of weight gain and rationalization of nutrition can be solved using various forms and methods, and moreover - to form in students' practical skills of healthy eating and physical activity. Accordingly, the oriented school policy, according to the authors of the project, will contribute to the implementation of the main function of the school - the education of students and improve its quality by maintaining and strengthening the health of students [32].
Interesting is the program "Breakfast gives strength" (pol. "Sniadanie gives power"), the main objectives of which are correlated with raising awareness of children and young people about the role of breakfast in the diet, its importance for health, as well as reducing malnutrition in children. Poland through education and encouragement of proper nutrition. The emergence of this program is associated with negative trends in the daily diet of children in the country. For example, according to interviews conducted in 2011 with primary school teachers (study on the treatment of Millward Brown SMG/KRC Danone and Bankow Zywnosci), almost 40% of primary school students in the Republic of Poland do not eat a second breakfast (about 220 thousand students), almost a quarter of a million children of primary school age do not eat enough for normal development (do not eat breakfast, come to school without breakfast, do not eat lunch every day), about 130 thousand primary school students are malnourished.
The main objectives of the AIDS and HIV Prevention Program (pol. Krajowu Program Zapobiegania Zakazeniom HIV i Zwalczania AIDS) are aimed at reducing the spread of HIV among the population by ensuring adequate access to information and responsibility for one's own life and health. The project is put into practice by organizing an information and propaganda campaign in the media (television, radio, press, Internet), conferences, the introduction of innovative and active forms of prevention [2; 4].
The Ministry of National Education once announced the conditions for the implementation of the program in schools, determined the content of education related to AIDS and HIV prevention, filled the curricula of educational institutions taking into account the age characteristics of students, the use of information material and methods of presenting age and intellectual opportunities for students. The content of training on HIV/AIDS prevention is implemented mainly during the study of disciplines "Nature", "Biology", "Physical Education". A special place here is occupied by the subject "Education for family life" (pol. "Wychowanie do zycia w rodzinie") [19]. Its study contributes to the formation of students' awareness of the risks of HIV infection, responsibility for their behavior and activities, various psychosocial skills, which significantly affect health [13, p. 3]. It should be noted that in 2012 an electronic textbook "Prevention of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. Education of school youth" (pol. "Zapobieganie HIV/AIDS i chorobom przenoszonym drogg ptciowg. Edukacja mlodziezy szkolnej"), which contains developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and tested by the Ministry of Education and Science materials for the Ministry of National Education creators of school educational programs [5].
Regarding the program "Clean Air Around Us", initiated by Education Minister K. Hal (pol. K. Hal) and funded by the Ministry of Education and the Child Tobacco Relief Association, its target group is children aged 5-6 attending kindergartens and schools, as well as their parents and guardians. The purpose of the program (formation of parents 'competence to protect children from the effects of tobacco smoke, the formation of students' ability to solve situations when they are in a smoky room, or when adults smoke near children, etc.) is realized by solving the following tasks: educating parents about the importance of their role in the development of their children's health, especially in smoking prevention; increasing the level of knowledge of children about the negative impact of smoking on the health of the body that is formed and places where children can be exposed to tobacco smoke [16, p. 8 - 24].
The program "Don't fall for me, please", created by teachers, doctors and psychologists of the Warsaw Institute of Mother and Child, is designed for students in grades 1-3. Its goal is to reduce the effects of secondhand smoke on students. Note that the program is supplemented by educational and methodological materials: the development of classes with a detailed methodological description of their structural components [25, p. 8-19]. These materials become the basis for their creative interpretation in the relevant educational work.
For example, in the public primary school № 11 named after Lviv Eagles (pol. Publiczna Szkola Podstawowa nr. 11 im. Orlgt Lwowskich) in Opole during the 2015/2016 school year, as part of an extended day group, educators conducted interviews using the mentioned materials, formed in students' knowledge of ways to maintain health, prevention of tobacco dependence and a healthy lifestyle. At the end of the school year, the program logically ended with an art competition, the participants of which created posters on anti-tobacco issues [18].
It is also worth mentioning the state program "Safe and Friendly School" launched in 2008 (pol. "Bezpieczna i Przyjazna Szkola"), the purpose and objectives of which are to increase the effectiveness of educational and preventive activities to create a safe and conducive to child health and development, prevention of problematic behavior of children and youth [3]. Implementing the program, each educational institution uses various forms of work. Thus, within the program, in the Association of schools with integration departments (primary school № 13 and gymnasium № 3) of Myslowice (pol. Zespo! Szko! z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi. Szkola Podstawowa nr. 13, Gimnazjum nr. 3 w Myslowicach) A number of events took place in 2006, such as: "Psychoactive substances", "School day without violence", "Meeting with the city police", "Promotion of a healthy lifestyle", etc. On February 19-20, 2017, the organizers of the "Safe Internet Day" introduced students of grades 1-3 with the adventures of the heroes of the fairy tale "My friend Necio", told about the possible dangers of the Internet, and informed about a number of interesting children's sites. Students in grades 4-6 were offered a multimedia presentation "Cyberbullying" [35].
Interesting in the context of the research topic is the history of the "Year of School in Motion" (pol. "Rok Szkoly w Ruchu") declared by the Ministry of National Education in 2013/2014 and the action "Everyone can practice" (pol. "Cwiczyc kazdy moze"). This program is implemented on two levels: movement in school and movement outside school. At school are traditional lessons of physical education (zajgcia edukacyjne, obszar nr 1), alternative forms of realization of lessons FB (alternatywne formy realizacji zajgc wychowania fizycznego, obszar nr 2), health-preserving education (edukacja zdrowotna, obszar nr 3), occupations skills of physical education teachers (kwalifikacje i doskonalenia nauczycieli WF, obszar nr 4), extracurricular sports activities (pozalekcyjne zajgcia sportowe, obszar nr
5) . Movement outside school is organized classes (zajgcia zorganizowane, obszar nr 6), non-organized activities (zajgcia niezorganizowane, obszar nr 7), activity of children, organized by the family (aktywnosc z udzialem rodziny, obszar nr 8), active recreation (aktywny wypoczynek, obszar nr 9) [21].
A set of events within the action "Everyone can practice" was organized in 2014 in the association of schools № 2 named after Jan Paul II in the village of Nazim, Warmian-Masurian Voivode ship (pol. Zespol Szkol Nr.2 im. Jan Pawla II w Narzymiu). In March, a lesson on "I support culturally fair play in sports and in the stands" was held in the 3rd grade of the gymnasium (pol. "Kulturalnie kibicujg - zasady fair play w sporcie i na trybunach"). The lesson was conducted in interactive forms of work and ended with the presentation of projects created by students - posters promoting "pure play". The physical education lesson Unihokej (pol. "Unihokej"), held in the 6th grade of elementary school, showed that physical education lessons can be interesting and attractive. During the winter holidays, in February 2014, primary and high school students were recovering in the swimming pool of the city of Mlawa (pol. Mlawa, Masovian Voivode ship). In March 2014, the students of the school took part in the all-Polish cross-country running competition (pol. Ogolnopolskc Biegi Przelajowe). In the "Cross of the Shordykovski" (pol. "Cross Szordykowskiego"), named after a prominent Polish runner, students took an honorable third place [34].
It should be noted that the management and teachers of educational institutions of the Republic of Poland try to make the most of the preventive and educational potential of almost all the abovementioned prevention programs.
For example, in the primary school № 10 in Tarnovski Gury (pol. Szkola Podstawowa nr. 10 w Tarnowskich Gorach) on March 29, 2017 was held a fun holiday "Everyone cares about their health, because only one has", the content of which contributed to the development of students motivation to take care of one's own health, to improve its physical, social, mental and spiritual factors. Here they formed an idea of healthy nutrition, the role of vitamins in human life, mentioned the importance of physical activity and hygiene in human health.
Presented by the students of 2nd and 2nd grades of history ("About the spirit that was afraid of movement", "About the noise that prevails at school and spoils health", "About Alka, who washed only occasionally and became known as dirt", "About a princess who did not eat apples and did not live long", "About a wolf who had teeth but cared little for them"), which were intertwined with cheerful songs, in a fun way encouraged young viewers to lead a healthy lifestyle, showed that they can happen to health if a person does not take care of it [22].
A variety of health education work is carried out in the primary school in the town of Nivka (pol. Niwka; Radlow Commune, Lesser Poland Voivode ship). Thus, the school's website states that during the 2016/2017 school year within the program "Clean Air Around Us" the school held events that helped develop in children and adults' skills of self-confidence, ability to protect their rights, skills in dealing with situations, where other people smoke, expanding ideas about the dangers of smoking, increasing parents' knowledge about the dangers of passive and active smoking, and so on. As part of the «Everyone can exercise» campaign, the teachers of the school formed in students the idea that physical activity in combination with a healthy diet is a necessary condition for maintaining and promoting health, that any physical activity during the day is, in fact, physical activity, that an active lifestyle is an important condition for success in life, increasing confidence in themselves and their abilities [24]. The school is also successfully running the "Reflective School" competition (pol. "Odblaskowa Szkola"), which aims to increase the activity of local authorities, schools and parents of students on the need to provide students with the necessary reflective equipment. School management that joins such activities demonstrates that the school not only teaches but also cares about the safety of its students on the way to and from school, which in some ways contributes to the prevention of traffic risks [24].
Indicative of a comprehensive approach to solving the problem of health education is the annual schedule of events promoting healthy lifestyles, found on the website of the primary school № 42 named after Stanislav Stashyc in Lod (pol. Szkola Podstawowa nr. 42 w Lodzi im. Stanislawa Staszica). The 2016/2017 school year was held at this school under the slogan «Invest in your health and the health of others» and was filled with the following activities: art competition "Eat healthy", games and entertainment for preschoolers, school knowledge competition "Be safe on the road", inter-school competition "Friend of Nature", art competition "World Health Day", inter-school competition to promote a healthy lifestyle "Another does not mean worse - from tolerance to acceptance", demonstration of first aid, others. Students of grades 1-6 became participants of the mentioned art competition "Eat Healthy", which lasted from October 20 to November 18, 2016. The purpose of the action is to present in an artistic form the positive effects of healthy eating on the human body, to motivate students to take active care of their health, to form students' responsibility for health, to develop students' artistic creativity [17].
A number of educational programs are also implemented by the John Paul II Primary School in Rzeszow (pol. Szkola Podstawowa nr. 23 im. Jana Pawla II w Rzeszowie). Thus, in the 2016/2017 school year, the following events were held: "Health promotion", "Fruits and vegetables at school", "Milk for schools", "School without violence", "Play and be safe", "Anti-nicotine education", "Protecting children". Regarding the latter, this program is aimed at the prevention of violence against children, the author and coordinator of which is the Foundation "We give strength to children" (pol. Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom SHq) [33].
It is also worth mentioning the activities of the teaching staff of the primary school № 20 in Katowice (pol. Szkola podstawowa nr. 20 w Katowicach), which is included in the network of Schools for Health Promotion (pol. Szkola Promujqca Zdrowie). This school takes care of the organization of walks, proper nutrition of students, the development of physical health of students and increase the number of students involved in extracurricular activities. A healthy lifestyle is promoted in the school through the implementation of programs "Fruit at school", "Glass of milk", "Save and learn to save", "Freedom of breathing - prevent asthma", "Prevention of obesity and obesity, as well as chronic diseases through education in society. in the field of nutrition and physical activity", "Water and Life", organization of school picnics, Sports Days, activities of the school Circle of the Polish Red Cross (pol. Kola PCK). Cooperation with the city sanitary-epidemiological station (competitions, poster exhibitions, training for coordinators), lectures for parents with the invitation of specialists, organization of walks and outings, such as "Summer and winter in the city", conversations with students on the topic of safe behavior, organization of training for students and teachers on first aid, etc. [23].
The analysis of educational and preventive programs implemented in educational institutions of the Republic of Poland shows that they were developed by various governmental and nongovernmental institutions and organizations at the national, regional, district and local levels. The content of these programs allows to direct the educational process of schools on the complex solution of problems related to maintaining, strengthening and shaping the health of students, to unite the efforts of school administration, teachers, students and their parents in the health of students. , to increase the education of schoolchildren and their parents in the field of healthy lifestyle, namely - nutrition, physical activity, prevention of bad habits, etc., to create areas free from smoking, to increase the number of students who consume milk, dairy products and fruits every day, reduce the number of overweight children.
We see the prospects for further research in comparing the practical and methodological aspects of solving the problem of health care in secondary schools in Poland and Ukraine.
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[2] Schedule for the implementation of the National Program for HIV Prevention and AIDS, developed for 20172020. Available at: Polish)
[3] Schedule of tasks under the Government program for 2014-2016 “Safe and friendly school" in 2015. Available
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[4] National Program for HIV Prevention and AIDS. Available at:
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[5] National Program for HIV Prevention and AIDS, developed for 2012-2016. Available at: zapobiegania-zakazeniom-hiv-i-zwalczania-aids. (in Polish)
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[12] Fruits and vegetables at school. St. Kinga State Primary School in Zhegochyn. Available at: (in Polish)
[13] Draft report on the implementation in 2011 of the National Program for AIDS and HIV Prevention for 20072011. Available at:
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[14] Educational program “My child goes to school". Available at:
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[17] Health promotion. The academic year 2016/2017. Available at:
index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=299&Itemid=176. (in Polish)
[18] The program “Don't fall for me, please". Available at: program-nie-pal-przy-mnie-prosze. (in Polish)
[19] Decree of the Minister of National Education of 23 December 2008 on the basics of the program of preschool and general education in certain types of schools. Newsletter, 4 (17) (2008), 198-547. Available at: (in Polish)
[20] Decree of the Minister of National Education of 23 December 2008 on the basics of the program of preschool and general education in certain types of schools. Official Gazette, 4 (17) (2009). (in Polish)
[21] Primary School named after His Eminence Bishop Junos Shanyavsky in Shanyavy . Available at:,101,szkola-w-ruchu. (in Polish)
[22] Primary school № 10 in Tarnovski Gury. Available at: (in Polish)
[23] Polish certificate of Health Promotion Schools. Primary school № 20 in Katovice. Available at: (in Polish)
[24] Clean air around us. Primary school in Nivka, 2017. Available at: 2/nggallery/galeria-20162017/Czyste-powietrze-wokol-nas-2017. (in Polish)
[25] Shymborsky J., Zatonsky V., Sito A., Lukasyuk E., Kozhitska-Stalmakh M., Malkovskaya-Shkutnik A. Do not fall for me, please: anti-tobacco education program for students in grades 1-3 of primary schools. Warszawa, 2009. (in Polish)
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[31] Voynarovska B. Organization and implementation of health education in school: a guide for school principals and primary school teachers. Warsaw, 2011. Available at: content/uploads/2013/09/webowa_biblioteka_przedszkole_organizacja_i_realizacja_edukacji_zdrowotn ej.pdf. (in Polish)
[32] “Healthy Eating and Physical Education in Schools" (HEPS). Available at: (in Polish)
[33] School-preschool complex № 5 in Rzeszow. Available at: (in Polish)
[34] School complex № 2 named after John Paul II in the village of Nazhym. School year in motion. Available at: (in Polish)
[35] Safe school. School complex with Integration Departments. Primary school № 13, gymnasium № 3 in Myslowice. Available at: (in Polish)
[36] School-preschool complex № 7 in Krakow. Available at: (in Polish)
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