Most active and interactive technologies foreign language teaching of students in the field of agricultural complex

The educational process with the use of active and interactive methods is built on the basis of the inclusion of all students in the group without exception. Modern pedagogical science must update the scientific and methodical system of education.

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Дата добавления 26.09.2022
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Chornobai V.G.,

Senior Lecturer in Philology Department, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University


The problem of choosing the most effective and rational methods of teaching foreign languages that meet modern teaching conditions and meet the requirements of the standards of modern education has not lost its relevance for many decades. Interactive technologies allow students to play various personal and official roles in the training and playing field, to master them when creating a future model of human interaction in a production situation. When using interactive technologies in teaching, the student is as close as possible to the conditions of the educational material, is included in the situation being studied, is encouraged to take active actions, experiences a state of success and motivates his behavior.

It is permissible to use interactive work in the lessons, where the learning of the stated new material takes place, in the lessons where knowledge is applied, in special lessons, as a generalization or survey. In the initial stages of training, working in pairs is quite effective. Its huge advantage is the ability to speak out for each child, exchange their own ideas with a partner, and then voice them to the whole class, and most importantly, every student will be involved in the work. The educational process using active and interactive methods, in contrast to traditional classes, where the student is a passive student, is based on the inclusion of all students in the group, without exception, each of them making their own individual contribution to solving the problem with the help of an active knowledge exchange, ideas, ways of working.

Modern pedagogical science should move to a new stage, update the scientific and methodological system of education, improve the forms and methods of training, narrow the gap between the real level of training of specialists and the needs of employers, ensure the continuity of education, analyze foreign experience in education.

Key words: pedagogical science, interactive technologies, active technologies, classification, project method, role play, cluster, brainstorming, case study.


Найуживаніші активні та інтерактивні технології навчання іноземних мов студентів у сфері агропромислового комплексу

Проблема вибору максимально ефективних і раціональних методів викладання іноземних мов, які відповідають сучасним умовам навчання і вимогам стандартів сучасної освіти, не втрачає своєї' актуальності протягом багатьох десятиліть. Інтерактивні технології дозволяють слухачам в навчально-ігровому полі програти різні особистісні та посадові ролі, засвоїти їх при створенні майбутньої моделі людської взаємодії у виробничій ситуації. При застосуванні в навчанні інтерактивних технологій студент максимально наближений до умов навчального матеріалу, включається в досліджувану ситуацію, збуджується до активних дій, переживає стан успіху і мотивує свою поведінку.

Можливе застосування інтерактивної роботи на уроках, де відбувається засвоєння викладеного матеріалу, на парах, спеціальних уроках, як узагальнення або опитування. На початкових етапах навчання досить ефективна робота в парах. Величезним плюсом є можливість висловитися кожній дитині, здійснити обмін власними ідеями з партнером, а потім озвучити їх всьому класу, а найголовніше те, в роботу буде залучений кожен студент. Навчальний процес із застосуванням активних та інтерактивних методів, на відміну від традиційних занять, де студент є пасивним слухачем, будується на основі включеності в нього всіх студентів групи без винятку, причому кожен із них вносить свій внесок у вирішення поставленого завдання за допомогою активного обміну знаннями, ідеями, способами діяльності. student interactive education pedagogical

Сучасна педагогічна наука повинна перейти на новий етап, оновити науково-методичну систему освіти, вдосконалити форми і методи навчання, скоротити розрив між реальним рівнем підготовки фахівців і запитами роботодавців, забезпечити безперервність освіти, аналіз зарубіжного досвіду в освіті.

Ключові слова: інтерактивні технології, активні технології, наука педагогіка, класифікація, метод проєктів, рольова гра, кластер, «мозковий штурм», аналіз конкретних ситуацій.

One of the tasks of teaching a foreign language in an educational institution at a university is to develop students' communicative competences in the field of professional communication, ie. communication on topics related to the future profession and studied in the framework of a profile-oriented foreign language course. The purpose of training in the field of professional communication is to reach students a level of foreign language proficiency that will allow them to conduct elementary conversation on the studied topics with foreign colleagues and partners with the same level of education. However, there are some problems in achieving this.

Firstly, it is assumed that the program of teaching a foreign language at the university is based on knowledge, skills, abilities acquired in the basic course of a comprehensive school. But the practice shows that students have different levels of training for the reason that applicants are school graduates from different areas and from different social and educational environments. This requires a differentiated approach to students, the development of their motivational sphere and consideration of their preferred cognitive strategies.

Secondly, with a small number of academic hours devoted to classroom training in the discipline of “Foreign Language”, the role of independent work increases, which requires careful organization and management, since the load on general humanitarian and natural-mathematical disciplines is great. Thirdly, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the functioning of memory mechanisms during the assimilation of vocabulary (since vocabulary is a leading component of verbal communication), as well as to provide conditions for self-control.

The methodological content of a modern lesson in a foreign language should be communicative - the focus of the educational process on bringing it closer to the real process of communication based on speech knowledge, skills and abilities. The need to ensure a communicative orientation of teaching students of non-linguistic universities requires the development and improvement of all types of speech foreign language activities. The main attention should be given to the development of skills to carry out all types of speech activity: listening - understanding (listening), speaking, reading, writing.

Thus, the main purpose of teaching a foreign language is seen in the development of students' ability to use a foreign language as a tool in the dialogue of cultures of the modern world, the formation of their skills and foreign language communication to achieve a high level of language competence in their industry [1, p. 56]. Therefore, an important role today belongs to interactive teaching methods and technologies that develop students' critical thinking, enrich their imagination, improve their communication culture and social behavior, and also form the ability to make collective and individual decisions, which creates the prerequisites for effective improvement of the educational process in higher educational institutions.

As research shows, it is customary to call means interactive that provide continuous dialogic interaction of the subjects of the educational process [2, p. 67]. Interactive activity is based on active communication of participants in the educational process. “The essence of interactive learning,” the researchers say, “is that the learning process is subject to the constant, active interaction of all students; the teacher and student are equal subjects of education” [3, p. 27]. Therefore, in the literal sense, interactive can be called a method in which the student is an accomplice in the learning process. He acts not only as a listener, observer, but also actively participates in what is happening.

Yu.V. Gushchin believes that methods that are implemented through the active interaction of students in the learning process can be considered interactive. They allow during the common business to gain new knowledge and organize corporate activities, from the separate interaction of two or three people with each other and to the wide cooperation of many [4, p. 9]. An analysis of the scientific literature indicates that the main goal that researchers put forward in the application of interactive methods is to develop students' self-determination skills, control their educational activities with respect to the tasks, achieve a certain result and choose the most rational way to find the necessary tools for this mental or organizational work to become an independent subject of educational activity [5, p. 77-78].

The main goal of teaching a foreign language to students is practical knowledge of a foreign language. This implies higher requirements for the level of formation of speech skills and abilities, new approaches to the selection of the content of teaching a foreign language. Components of an innovative approach for learning are the activity approaches. It involves active learning. Active learning is a priority at the present stage of teaching English. This can be achieved by exploring the two main modern principles of teaching English - active and interactive technologies. Based on this, the question arises before the teacher: what are the effective methods of teaching a foreign language to use in order to achieve the ultimate goal, that is, to ensure the formation of students' communicative competence.

Interaction on acquisition of new knowledge and ways of activity raises students' cognitive and social experience to a new, higher level of development, forms cooperation and cooperation. The essence of interactive learning is that the learning process is organized in such a way that all students find themselves involved in the process of cognition, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. The student is not only an observer or a listener, but also an active participant in the creative process of learning, the mastery of the teacher when he embodies not only the teacher-bearer of certain information, but also the scientist researcher, for whom it is important not only to answer questions, is extremely important, but also to ask the questions themselves and to encourage students to search for answers independently. The basic principle of the interactive method is the principle of collective interaction, according to which students achieve communicative goals through social-interactive activities: discussions, discussions, dialogues, role plays, imitations, improvisations, debates. Such activities are in line with a person-centered approach to learning, as well as provide a positive impact of the team on the personality of each student, forming favorable relationships in the study group.

Active teaching methods are based on the interaction scheme “teacher = student”. From the name it is clear that these are methods that involve the equal participation of teachers and students in the educational process. That is, children act as equal participants and creators of the lesson. Active teaching methods are ways to enhance the educational and cognitive activities of students, which encourage them to actively think and practice in the process of mastering the material, when not only the teacher is active, but the students are also active.

Active teaching methods allow you to solve the following problems:

1) submission of the learning process to the managerial impact of the teacher;

2) ensuring active participation in the educational work of both trained and not trained students;

3) Establishment of continuous monitoring of the learning process.

The idea of active teaching methods in pedagogy is not new. The founders of the method are considered to be such distinguished teachers as Y. Komen- sky, I. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg, G. Hegel, J. Russo, D. Dewey. Although the idea that successful learning is built, first of all, on self-knowledge, is still encountered by ancient philosophers. The most general classification divides active methods into two large groups: individual and group. More detailed includes such groups: Discussion. Gaming. Training. Rating.

The most common methods of active learning:

1. Presentations - the easiest and most affordable method for use in the classroom. This is a slide show prepared by the students themselves on the topic.

2. Case technologies - have been used in pedagogy since the last century. It is based on the analysis of simulated or real situations and finding a solution. Moreover, there are two approaches to creating cases. The American school offers a search for the only correct solution to the problem. The European school, on the contrary, welcomes the versatility of decisions and their justification.

3. Problematic lecture - in contrast to the traditional one, the transfer of knowledge during a problem lecture does not take place in a passive form. That is, the teacher does not present ready-made statements, but only raises questions and denotes a problem. The rules are deduced by the students themselves. This method is quite complicated and requires students to have a certain experience of logical reasoning.

4. Didactic games - unlike business games, didactic games are strictly regulated and do not imply the development of a logical chain to solve the problem. Game methods can be attributed to interactive teaching methods. It all depends on the choice of the game. So, popular travel games, performances, quizzes, KVN are tricks from the arsenal of interactive methods, as they involve the interaction of students with each other.

5. Basket method - based on a simulation of the situation. For example, a student should act as a guide and conduct a tour of the historical museum. At the same time, his task is to collect and convey information about each exhibit.

Interactive teaching methods contribute to the independent search for information and the implementation of educational needs through practical activities, and are focused on the dominance of students' cognitive activity in the process of forming professional competencies. Their use involves modeling life situations, solving professional problems according to the analysis of the circumstances and situations.

Interactive methods are based on the interaction schemes “teacher = student” and “student = student”. That is, now not only the teacher attracts children to the learning process, but the students themselves, interacting with each other, affect the motivation of each student. The teacher only serves as an assistant. Its task is to create conditions for children's initiative. In accordance with the aspects of the systemic, synergetic, personal, activity, competency-based approaches and based on the analysis of existing scientific and pedagogical works on the research problem (N.N. Dvulichanskaya, E.F. Zeer, I.A. Zimnyaya, M.D. Ilyazova, E.A. Kag- akina, M.V. Krupina, O.E. Kurlygina, A.K. Markova, L.M. Mitina, Yu.G. Tatura, Yu.V. Frolov, A.V. Khutor- sky, T.A. Chekalina, V.D. Shadrikova and others) identified the following components of the professional competence of university students: value, organizational and motivational, knowledgeable, operational-active, individual psychological, social, evaluative-reflective, corrective.

Based on the formation of the components of professional competence, all interactive teaching methods are systematized as follows: organizational and motivational (discussion, role-playing game, dialogue, etc.); cognitive (demonstration of experiments, presentation, interactive game, analysis of specific situations, organizational and mental game, heuristic conversation, “round table”, etc.); operational-activity (“brainstorming”, case method, project method, lecture, seminar, practical and laboratory classes of a problematic nature, lecture-visualization, conference, organizational-activity game, business game, modeling of professional situations, etc.); socio-psycholog- ical (method of cooperation, psychological training, warm-up, collective solution of creative tasks, etc.); assessment and reflexive (competition of practical works with their discussion, group discussion, exercises, tests, laboratory workshops, etc.); corrective (work in small groups, etc.).

There are many active and interactive methods in modern pedagogic methodology. Here are the most used methods and technologies for teaching English to students:

Active / interactive methods used in foreign language classes

The project method is a comprehensive teaching method that allows you to individualize the learning process, where students show independence in planning, organizing and monitoring their activities.

There are three main types of projects for teaching language:

1) A group project in which “the study is conducted by the whole group, and each student studies a certain aspect of the selected topic”.

2) A mini-study, consisting in conducting an “individual sociological survey using questionnaires and interviews”.

3) A project based on work with literature (texts on a specialty), implying “selective reading on a topic of interest to the student” and suitable for individual work. You can use this form of training when studying topics such as: “My future profession”, “Ecology”, “Agricultural producers”, “Livestock farming in Ukraine and the UK”.

Role-playing game is an important factor in ensuring communicative motivation. It develops interest in foreign language communication, expands its subject content, enabling students to go beyond their context of activity, and allows to anticipate future personal experience by playing the roles of people in their future professions. Three components are distinguished in the structure of a role-playing game:

1) Roles that students play in the lesson can be social (professional, socio-demographic) and interpersonal (leader, friend, rival, etc.).

2) The initial situation - acts as a way to organize it.

The following components of the situation are distinguished: a) subject, b) object (subject of conversation), c) attitude of subject to subject of conversation, conditions of speech act. There are a huge number of forms of role-playing games: presentation, interview, correspondence trip, press conference, round table, teleconference, tour, fairy tale, reportage, interest club.

The cluster method is a graphical technique for organizing material. Cluster compilation technology is as follows: wording of a keyword or concept; record words around a keyword. They are circled and connected to the main word; each new word forms a new core, which causes further associations. In this way, associative chains are created. Clusters can be used: when repeated at the beginning of the training session; when introducing the topic. “Brainstorming” is a widely used way of producing new ideas for solving scientific and practical problems. Its purpose is the organization of collective mental activity in the search for innovative ways to solve problems. The main task of the case is to reflect in detail and in detail the life situation when solving communicative situational problems. Moreover, its purpose is to consolidate knowledge, practical skills and the formation of competences on their Students learn to communicate in a foreign language, participate in discussions, use grammatical constructions, activate their active (passive) vocabulary in the process of communicative activity.


The use of active and interactive methods in teaching a foreign language can significantly increase the time of speech practice in a lesson for each student, to achieve the assimilation of material by all participants in the study group, to solve a variety of educational and developmental tasks. The teacher, in turn, becomes the organizer of an independent educational, cognitive, communicative, creative student activity and opportunities for improvement appear.


1. Dewey D. Demokratiya i obrazovanie / Per. s angl. Moskva : Pedagogika-press, 2000.

2. Oskol'skaja I.A. Nekotorye aspekty interaktivnyh metodov obuchenija inostrannomu jazyku v vuze // Pedagogicheskie nauki. 2017. № 3(84). S. 64-71.

3. Jakubov F.U., Jem M. Rol' interaktivnyh metodov i Interneta v uchebnom processe pri izuchenii inostrannyh jazykov // Uchenyj XXI veka. 2016. № 4-1 (17). S. 26-28.

4. Panina T.S. Sovremennye sposoby aktivizacii obucheniya / T.S. Panina, L.N. Vavilova. M. : Izd. centr “Akademiya”, 2008. 176 s.

5. Zeer E.F. Psihologiya professionalnogo razvitiya / E.F. Zeer. M. : Izd. centr “Akademiya”, 2009. 230 s.

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