Research of the structure of professional identity of future professionals in physical therapy, ergotherapy

The main integrative personal indicators of readiness of the future specialist in physical therapy, ergotherapy for professional activity. The professional identity of a specialist as a central category of the therapist's professional self-awareness.

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Дата добавления 27.09.2022
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Department of Biosafety and Human Health National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Research of the structure of professional identity of future professionals in physical therapy, ergotherapy

Kopochynska Yu.V., Candidate of Science in Physical

Education and Sports, Associate Professor

Integrative personal indicator of the future of the future specialist in physical therapy, ergotherapy for professional activity is his professional identity as the central category of professional identity of the personality, which reflects the unity of his professional mentality and skill, is provided by professional experience and professionalism, and the mentality, consciousness, and behavior of the physical therapist or ergotherapist. The purpose of the article is to investigate the structure of professional identity of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy. In this study, we looked at the structure of professional identity of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy, which is formed in the course of vocational training, while studying in institutions of higher education. It is established that subjective characteristics are systematic components of a professional identity of a specialist. The directions of formation of professional identity of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy, which can be correlated with different stages of formation of professional identity, are indicated in the results of the research: cognitive-dispositional are predominant at the adaptive stage of formation, orientation-reflexive at the practical. As a result of the analysis of different educational strategies we have come to the conclusion that their use will facilitate the correct selection of the components of the formation of professional identity future professionals. On the basis of these strategies, we have chosen the components of forming the professional identity of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy. The analysis of the structure of professional identity has allowed us to distinguish the structural components of the formation of professional identity of future specialists in physical therapy and ergotherapy, namely cognitive, motivational, emotional value, empathy, communication and activity operation. Key words: structure of professional identity, future specialist, formation of professional identity, vocational training, physical therapy, ergo- therapy.

Дослідження структури професійної ідентичності майбутніх фахівців із фізичної терапії, ерготерапії

Інтегративним особистісним показником готовності майбутнього фахівця з фізичної терапії, ерготерапії до професійної діяльності є його професійна ідентичність як центральна категорія професійної самосвідомості особистості, що відображає єдність її професійного менталітету і майстерності, забезпечується професійним досвідом і професійним спілкуванням, воєдино пов'язує долю й істину, реальність і ментальність, свідомість і поведінку фізичного терапевта або ерготерапевта. Метою статті є дослідження структури професійної ідентичності майбутніх фахівців із фізичної терапії, ерготерапії. Ми розглянули структуру професійної ідентичності майбутніх фахівців із фізичної терапії, ерготерапії, яка формується у процесі професійної підготовки протягом навчання у закладах вищої освіти. Встановлено, що системотворними компонентами професійної ідентичності фахівця є суб'єктивні характеристики. Визначено напрями формування професійної ідентичності майбутніх фахівців із фізичної терапії, ерготерапії, які можуть бути співвіднесені з різними етапами становлення професійної ідентичності: когнітивно-диспозиційні переважають на адаптаційному етапі формування, орієнтаційно-рефлексивні - на стабілізаційному, практико-орієнтаційні - на уточнювальному. Шляхом аналізу різних навчальних стратегій ми дійшли висновку, що їх використання сприятиме правильному вибору компонентів формування професійної ідентичності майбутніх фахівців. На основі цих стратегій ми обирали компоненти формування професійної ідентичності майбутніх фахівців із фізичної терапії, ерготерапії. Проведений аналіз структури професійної' ідентичності дозволив нам виділити структурні компоненти формування професійної ідентичності майбутніх фахівців із фізичної терапії та ерготерапії, а саме когнітивний, мотиваційний, емоційно-ціннісний, емпатійний, комунікативний і діяльнісно-операційний.

Ключові слова: структура професійної ідентичності, майбутній фахівець, формування професійної ідентичності, професійна підготовка, фізична терапія, ерготерапія.

specialist physical therapy professional


Problem statement in general form. The current situation on the labor market in Ukraine, responding to the various transformations in the socio-economic life of the country, reformation and modernization in the field of health care, places increasingly stringent requirements on the specialist in physical therapy, ergotherapy, quality of his professional activity and recruitment qualification characteristics, demanding competitive advantages in the labor market. Today, the social and state need for the training of competitive specialists in the field of physical therapy, ergotherapy, with fully developed personal, strong-willed and professional qualities is absolutely recognized [5].

Analysis of recent research and publications. Many scholars point out that the determining, systematic components of a professional identity of a specialist are subjective (personal) characteristics, which are responsible for the successful formation of professional knowledge, skills and competences in the study of different professional disciplines, ensure the further harmonious professional development of the specialist. According to Yu.H. Barabash and R.O. Pozinkevych. An integrative personal indicator of a future specialist's readiness for professional activity is his professional identity as a central category of professional personality consciousness, which reflects the unity of his professional mentality and skill, is ensured by his professional experience. connects fate and truth, reality and mentality, consciousness and behavior of a specialist [2].

Emphasizing previously unresolved parts of the common problem. In modern scientific researches of this problem the clear structure of professional identities of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy is not covered.

Formulation of the article's goals (tasks statement). The purpose of the article is to investigate the structure of professional identity of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy.

Presentation of the basic research material

The professional development of the individual involves the complete immersion in the fulfillment of one's professional responsibilities and the awareness of one's place in the system of interpersonal relations in the collective and the system of the professional space in general.

B. Ananev [1], O. Maslow [9], H. Tejfel, and J. Turner [17] give professional identity through three components of the self-concept:

1) the cognitive component (professional knowledge and professional beliefs, awareness of the professional self-image) is based on a cognitive approach. Our choice is justified by the fact that in the theory of American psychologists G. Tejfel and J. Turner identity is defined as a cognitive system that regulates human behavior in appropriate conditions [17];

2) the emotional component (emotional-evaluative attitude to professional beliefs and knowledge, to oneself) is based on an existential-humanistic approach. Representatives of this lineage define identity as inner awareness, intuitive sense of the world and of another person, as a way of perceiving the world beyond the scope of their “I”, as an attempt of the person to be more patient, loving, empathic, able to change the world outlook and to form new criteria evaluating yourself and others;

3) the behavioral component (potential behavioral responses to specific actions that can be triggered by knowledge about oneself and self) is formed on the basis of value-volitional and structural-dynamic approaches. In the works [1], by these approaches, identity is defined as a dynamic system that develops nonlinearly throughout the human life path and has a complex hierarchical structure.

1. The cognitive-dispositional direction is provided with forms of teaching: lectures, seminars, discussions, observation of teachers' work during practice, independent work with scientific literature, preparation of reports. Its purpose is to form a cognitive component of professional identity to create the image of a professional, professional awareness. The cognitive component is based on independent educational and cognitive activity on the following features: professional training of the future specialist takes into account national and world experience of the organization of independent educational and cognitive activity in order to increase the professionalism and personal development of the future teacher; independent educational and cognitive activity is considered not only as a systematic didactic factor common to the subjects of learning in higher and secondary educational establishments, and as a means of self-education in the conditions of professional activity; independent educational and cognitive activity of students of pedagogical educational institutions is a prerequisite for preparing a future teacher for the organization of independent educational activity of students [12].

2. The orientation-reflexive direction is reflected in the following forms: reflexive trainings, writing reviews, self- and self-evaluation, discussions, round tables with the participation of practitioners. The purpose of this trend is to form the emotional-volitional and empathic components of professional identity, which will make it possible to self-analyze the professional image of “I”, correlating it with the ideal image of a professional [16].

3. Practical orientation has the following basic forms of realization: business and role games, modeling of professional situations and immersion in them, role training, drawing up of life and professional plans, perspectives, strategies of professional development, professional workshops. The purpose of this direction is to form communicative and activity-practical components of professional identity, which will contribute to the realization of the formed image of a professional, a system of professional values in educational, quasi-professional and professional activity through a system of social and professional roles, self-determination in the space of professional culture, mastery of the model. formation of experience of creative professional activity [12].

These directions can be correlated with different stages of professional identity formation: cognitive-dispositional prevail at the adaptation stage of formation, orientation-reflexive - at stabilizing, prac- tically-orientation - at refining.

In the work of A. Waterman [18] the value-volitional aspect of identity is distinguished. According to the scientist, it is connected with self-determination through the choice of goals and vital values that a person adheres to throughout life, and is divided into procedural (the process of choosing the means of achieving identity) and substantive (taking into account the specificity of goals, values and beliefs that the person chooses).

It should be noted that at this time there is no unified position regarding the components of professional identity, so every scientist substantiates his / her vision of the content of the components of professional identity. For example, A. Lukiianchuk [6] considers the teacher's components of professional identity to be communicative, emotional-volitional and empathic. It is these components that form the core of professional identity - the image of the professional “I”, the content of which is educational and professional activity, the study of advanced pedagogical students, academic competences that shape the future individual qualities of personality and properties of pedagogical activity. According to the researcher, the above mentioned will contribute to the formation of a number of qualities in the future specialists of the pedagogical profile: adherence to the moral principles of universal ideals; understanding of contemporary problems of development of society, human being, spiritual culture; basic knowledge of different fields of culture, art, science; general erudition; a wide range of interests; the ability to empathize, empathize, communicate freely with people of all ages [6].

In the works of I. Khamitova [14] the external components (related to the perception and evaluation of the specialist by colleagues) and internal (the processes of self-perception and professional self-consciousness) are distinguished. Important scientist considers the cognitive component (judgments, thoughts), emotional (experience of professional activity), behavioral (purposefulness, determination, responsibility, perseverance, principle, etc.).

Among the components that contribute to the formation of professional identity of future professionals, L. Shneider distinguishes the following: meanings and space-time characteristics of activity, individual values of man, prototypical professional images [15].

As a result of the analysis of the identified training strategies, we have come to the conclusion that their use will facilitate the correct selection of the components of future professional identity formation. On the basis of these strategies, we have chosen the components of forming the professional identity of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy.

1. The cognitive component of professional identity is the formation of a range of professionally relevant knowledge and skills, that is, it performs an information function. The analysis of the basic didactic functions makes it possible to distinguish among these types of knowledge the following types: information about the environment (understanding of the nature and properties of objects and phenomena of environmental reality); forms and methods of practical and cognitive activity (rules, norms, order of development of skills); attitudes and relationships between different environmental phenomena, including the values of social groups and society in general [4].

The cognitive component helps in the formation and development of cognitive activity, activates the ability and skills to form readiness to work in the information society, which implies the awareness of the future specialist of the process of informatization of education, which is one of the directions of informatization of the whole society. The cognitive component is characterized by a depth of knowledge, the ability to apply them to achieve the goals of professional activity. Due to the influence of the cognitive component in the process of development of cognitive activity are formed: scientific and practical knowledge of information processing skills; interest in cognitive work with educational objects; ability to generalize, analyze and adapt acquired knowledge for use in the education system; ability to navigate prospects, plan professional activity and evaluate its results [12].

2. The motivational component is the basis for the formation of other structural components. He is characterized by a positive attitude to learning, a strong interest in the educational process, the need to use the acquired knowledge, skills and skills in future professional activity.

Educational motivation is defined as a type of motivation included in educational activities (A. Markova [7]). Like any other kind, educational motivation is determined by factors specific to the educational activity: 1) proper educational system, institution; 2) organization of educational activities; 3) subjective features specific to a particular student; 4) subjective features of the teacher, his attitude to professional activity and students; 5) specific features of the subject.

In the study, we find that motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that drive activity and drive it towards specific goals. It is the understanding of internal and external mechanisms of motivation in the chosen profession that provides managers with the opportunity to develop an effective strategy in the field of labor relations, to create a “mode of greatest assistance” for those who want to work effectively.

More specifically the role of individual psychological factors in teaching was highlighted by S. Sink- evych [10]. Among the main factors for the success of the study, the researcher singled out professional and educational motivation, the level of formation of general scientific skills, the initial level of learning leading to the specialty of the discipline, the level of development of general intelligence and special professional abilities, educational and cognitive activity.

In the researches of scientists [6; 13] the role of the motivational sphere in becoming a specialist is defined. Yes, the student's motivational sphere consists of internal and external educational motivation. Internal motivation of learning involves internal motives for entering a higher educational institution, educational and cognitive motives, self-education motives, and relevant professional motives.

External educational motivation implies external motives for admission to a higher pedagogical institution, narrow cognitive motives, irrelevant professional motives.

An important component of the motivational component is a set of motives, values and attitudes that form the pedagogical orientation of the individual. In the context of our study, the following are:

1) positive attitude to work in education and confidence in the right choice;

2) the presence of interest in the content of the activity, the breadth of interests and their creative level (creative concept);

3) domination of humanistic professional values and ideals;

4) stable and adequate intentions for career development in education.

3. The emotional-value component performs many functions, the central among which is the regulatory one, which scientists consider mainly in those activities where a person has to overcome various emotional, extreme, stressful and other situations [8].

Emotional regulation of all areas of professional activity of future specialists in physical rehabilitation is realized in two directions:

- ensuring the management of mental states of the personality of the future specialist in physical rehabilitation, his activities and behavior;

- mastering a set of techniques and methods that allow you to regulate the mental states and behavior of other people.

The regulatory function of the mental states of the “I” image is also considered in terms of the dynamic existence of two antagonistic tendencies: first, the need to maintain self-esteem, self-belief and capabilities at the maximum level; second, reducing your expectations to avoid failure. A future physical rehabilitation specialist must increase the effectiveness of his or her activity in order to succeed or renounce harassment and maintain self-esteem and self-esteem.

The emotional-value component is connected with the sensual knowledge of a gradually evolving world. The first stage reveals openness, naturalness, informativeness in the relations between the subjects, in the second stage - a genuine interest in the subjects, their culture, stereotypes of behavior, taking into account intercultural dialogue, communication can be constructed as follows: in the third stage - emotional acceptance, ie the transition from empathy to compassion, perception of the world through the eyes and ears of representatives of another culture. True intercultural dialogue begins only when steps have been taken towards understanding and accepting in general the personality of a person of another culture.

4. The empathy component involves considering the relationship between teachers and students as subject-subjective and equal, taking into account the intellectual-emotional interaction of the subjects of communication, the perception of others' feelings, the inclusion of the dominant mentalities and worldviews, the system of personality and worldview.

Educators consider empathy from the following points of view:

- as a specific emotional form of knowledge, the object of which is a person;

- as a special ability of the subject to perceive the emotional experiences of another person, which allows in interpersonal interaction to understand each other, to coordinate positions and to choose appropriate means of self and mutual regulation;

- as penetration into the emotional inner world of another person, the ability of an individual to empathize with emotions that arise in another individual during communication;

- a complex concept containing the following components: a dynamic, procedural and phase psychic process aimed at modeling and analyzing the inner world of the feelings of another person; mental reaction in response to the stimulus; a personality trait that reveals itself in the ability to give a mediated emotional response to the experience of the subject of contact (involves reflection of the inner states, thoughts and feelings of the subject of empathy itself;

- as an individual psychological trait that characterizes a person's capacity for empathy and compassion and is an important component in balancing interpersonal relationships, makes behavior socially conditioned.

Empathy is formed and developed in the process of human interaction, helps to raise the development of human individuality to a level that involves the activity of all parties of communication, interpenetration into the world of feelings of each other, the desire for compassion, ie puts the positions of participants in accordance with the psychological laws of the subject-subject interaction.

Empathy is divided as follows:

- emotional - relies on mechanisms of projection and imitation of motor and affective reactions of another;

- cognitive - based on intellectual processes (comparisons, analogies, etc.);

- predicative - manifests in the ability to anticipate the negative reactions of communication partners in specific situations.

Thus, pedagogical empathy is defined as an integral component of the professional identity of the future specialist in physical rehabilitation, is an element of a holistic systemic pedagogical action, and these aspects of pedagogical empathy are related, stimulate the formation of the image of professional “I” and develop.

5. The communicative component contributes to the development of the professional image “I” of the future specialist through the formation of a community of cognitive and practical activities, relationships and communication in the professional team, socialization of the individual - through the development of skills and skills to establish and maintain effective communication with other people [3]. The communicative component assumes the presence of a set of professional-personal qualities, skills, which are the basis of a specialist's readiness for pedagogical communication with representatives of various social and age groups, direct him to search and make effective decisions in situations of interaction with students, parents, colleagues. to listen, understand and be understood by other subjects of communication.

The communication activity of a specialist in physical rehabilitation is a constant component of his professional activity, since the specifics of his work as a teacher implies that he is both a source of information and the organizer of the rehabilitation process, relationships and communication in the team. There is no doubt that the level of professional identity of a future physical rehabilitation specialist depends on the level of development of his or her communication skills.

When considering the communicative component as a capacity for therapeutic effects, its content can be cited as an opportunity to establish effective relationships between the rehabilitation specialist and the patient according to his condition and diagnosis. In general, none of the functions of a specialist in physical rehabilitation can be realized outside of his interaction and communication with patients, that is, in the professional activity of communication is a universal category.

6. The activity operational component of professional identity directly reflects the essence of the rehabilitation process, which is implemented by appropriate methods, techniques and forms of rehabilitation organization.

In the study, we consider the activity operational component as one that characterizes the ability to perform actions that shape professional identity, the ability to solve complex specialized tasks and tests.

The operational component is identified in specific actions and is implemented in stages. The first stage is observing the actions, words, gestures, actions of other people, the effective use of techniques of active listening, active vision and active empathy, the second stage - the interpretation and understanding of the behavior of another, the third stage - conclusions and evaluation of the correctness, adequacy of their actions in a particular situation.


Thus, we looked at the structure of professional identity of future specialists in physical therapy, ergotherapy, which is formed in the process of vocational training, while studying in institutions of higher education. The analysis of this structure allowed us to distinguish the structural components of the formation of professional identity of future specialists in physical therapy and ergotherapy, namely cognitive, motivational, emotional value, empathy, communication and activity operating.

Promising for further research is the issue of pedagogical technologies for the formation of isolated components.


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  • About University of Oxford. The University consists of 38 faculties and colleges, as well as the so-called six dormitories - private schools that do not have the status of college and belonging, as a rule, religious orders. Structure of the University.

    презентация [2,1 M], добавлен 11.11.2014

  • Involvement of pupils to study language as the main task of the teacher. The significance of learners' errors. The definition of possible classifications of mistakes by examples. Correction of mistakes of pupils as a part of educational process.

    курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013

  • Development of skills of independent creative activity in the process of game on the lessons of English. Psychological features of organization of independent work and its classification. Development of independence student in the process of teaching.

    курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 03.04.2011

  • Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.

    статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014

  • Main part: Reading skills. A Writing Approach to–Reading Comprehension–Schema Theory in Action. The nature of foreign-language teaching. Vocabulary teaching techniques.

    курсовая работа [23,8 K], добавлен 05.12.2007

  • What are the main reasons to study abroad. Advantages of studying abroad. The most popular destinations to study. Disadvantages of studying abroad. Effective way to learn a language. The opportunity to travel. Acquaintance another culture first-hand.

    реферат [543,8 K], добавлен 25.12.2014

  • Personal identity deals with questions about ourselves qua people (or persons). The most common question is what it takes for us to persist from one time to another. What is necessary, and what is sufficient, for some past or future being to be you?

    топик [10,4 K], добавлен 25.08.2006

  • A role of job is in everyday life of everybody. The successfully done choice in behalf of good job is a mortgage of success. Professional Resume Samples. Start search for work what to do. Interviewing is not an exam, it is familiarity future colleagues.

    презентация [374,9 K], добавлен 19.12.2010

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