The role of the principle of systematicity and consistency in the professional competence formation
Implementation of the principle of systematicity and sequence of training in the formation of professional competence. Formation of students' systemic thinking when establishing associative links between the proposed educational subjects and phenomena.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.10.2022 |
Размер файла | 21,1 K |
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South-Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky
Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports Disciplines
The role of the principle of systematicity and consistency in the professional competence formation
Drozdova K.V., PhD in Pedag. Sc., Sen. Lecturer
Kucherenko H.V., PhD in Ped. Sc., Sen. Lecturer
Bohatov A.O., Senior Lecturer
The article is devoted to the consideration of the principle of systematic and consistent learning which applies to both the substantive and procedural components of the educational process, thus determining its logic and sequence, being extremely important in the educational process under the conditions of reforming modern higher education. The basis for designing the educational process in any educational institution are pedagogical (didactic) principles. In the process of professional training, the principle of systematic and consistent learning determines certain patterns of individual's mental activity and contributes to the formation of systematic thinking through establishment of associative links between the suggested learning subjects and phenomena.
The principle of systematicity and consistency states that the world cognition is available only in a certain system; each science is a system of knowledge that is interconnected by internal links. Therefore, this principle means consistent deployment of knowledge. This principle means: consistent development of the content of knowledge, methods of activity in curricula, textbooks, manuals, etc.; adherence to the same order of knowledge acquisition should be the foundation of the effectiveness of the acquiring the next part of knowledge.
The principle of systematic and consistent learning is determined by the logic of science and the peculiarities of cognitive activity, which is implemented according to the age development patterns; it provides for systematic work in teacher's activity, that is constant improving, reliance on the previously studied material while teaching the new one, rendering new material gradually, fixing students' attention on key issues, elaborating the system of lessons, implementing of intra-subject and interdisciplinary links), as well as systematic students' work.
Key words: principle of systematicity and consistency, professional competence, professional training.
Роль принципу системності та послідовності у формуванні професійної компетентності
Статтю присвячено розгляду принципу системності й послідовності навчання, який поширюється як на змістовну, так і на процесуальну складові частини навчального процесу, визначаючи таким чином його логіку й послідовність, що є надзвичайно важливим в умовах реформування сучасного закладу вищої освіти. З'ясовано, що в процесі професійної підготовки здобувачів вищої освіти принцип системності й послідовності навчання визначає певні закономірності психічної діяльності особистості й сприяє формуванню системного мислення за допомогою встановлення асоціативних зв'язків між запропонованими навчальними предметами та явищами.
Визначено, що принцип системності й послідовності, по-перше, полягає в тому, що пізнання світу доступне лише в певній системі; по-друге, кожна наука є системою знань, яка пов'язана між собою внутрішніми зв'язками. Тому такий принцип означає послідовне розгортання знань, послідовну розробку змісту знань, методів діяльності в навчальних програмах, підручниках, посібниках тощо. Дотримання однакового порядку засвоєння знань має бути основою ефективності засвоєння наступної частини знань.
Принцип системності й послідовності навчання визначається логікою науки й особливостями пізнавальної діяльності, що реалізується відповідно до вікових закономірностей розвитку; передбачає систематичну роботу в діяльності викладача, тобто постійне вдосконалення, опору на раніше вивчений матеріал під час викладання нового, поетапне подання нового матеріалу, фіксацію уваги тих, хто навчається, на ключових питаннях, розробку системи занять і реалізацію міжпредметних зв'язків, а також систематичну роботу здобувачів вищої' освіти; передбачає, що пізнання навколишнього світу можливе лише в певній системі, а отже, забезпечує дотримання логічних зв'язків навчального матеріалу.
Ключові слова: принцип системності й послідовності, професійна компетентність, професійна підготовка.
Statement of the problem in general
Nowadays global socio-economic, political, sociocultural processes determining the development of mankind at the present stage are deepening and accelerating. Global social changes are systematic, rapid, irreversible. They are determined by scientific and technological progress, rapid informatization and computerization, democratization of public life in most of the countries.
Under such conditions the role of education is the most responsible. It is education that has the direct and greatest impact on the individuality and society.
The basis for designing the educational process in any educational institution are pedagogical (didactic) principles. One of them is the principle of systematicity and consistency that provides acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities (competencies) related to the organization of the educational process.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Teacher's professional competence is payed much attention and is widely investigated in different aspects of pedagogical activity, being its center and major content (I. Kolesnikova, N. Kuzmina, A. Markova, L. Mitina, E. Rogov, E. Sakharchuk, A. Shcherbakov, V. Sinenko, E. Zeyer, I. Zyazyun, etc.). Thus, according to A. Markova, professional competence is a certain mental state that enables independent and responsible acting, mastering of person's ability and skills to perform certain professional functions. K. Abulkhanova considers professional competence as professional working subject's readiness and ability to perform the tasks and responsibilities of daily activities.
The majority of definitions of professional competence is related to the investigations in the field of professional pedagogical competence. Thus, N. Kuzmina outlines it as a set of such components: special competence; methodological competence in the field of methods of students' knowledge, skills and abilities formation; psychological and pedagogical competence; professional activity reflection.
Highlighting of previously unresolved parts of the general problem. The result of modern education should be the formation of a person capable of empathy, ready for a free humanistically oriented choice, individual intellectual effort and independent, competent and responsible action in political, economic, professional and cultural life, respectful of himself / herself and the others, tolerant of representatives of other cultures and nationalities, independent in thinking and open to other views and unexpected opinions.
It is important to note that in the current context of reforming education teacher's status and his / her educational functions undergo radical changes, as well as the requirements for his / her professional competence and his professionalism level are increasing. The principle of systematicity and consistency of learning applies to both the substantive and procedural components of the educational process, i.e. determines its logic and sequence, thus it is extremely important to adhere to its implementation in the educational process in the conditions of reforming modern higher education.
The aim of the article is to consider the significance of implementing the principle of systematicity and consistency in the professional competency formation.
Presenting main material
The process of pedagogical science development elaborated different justifications of the didactic principles system and their interpretation. The first attempt to create a holistic system of teaching principles was created by J.-A. Comenius. To his opinion, the system of principles is based on the principle of nature conformance: in teaching and educating there should be taken into account students' nature, age and psychological characteristics. J.-A. Comenius was a supporter of systematic classes. He considered everything should be arranged in the correct sequence so that studying of each question was prepared in the previous lessons. Students' minds should reflect the systematic nature of knowledge, and therefore everything should go extremely consistently. K. Ushynsky emphasized on the importance of adherence to systematicity and consistency in teaching, considering that only the system is rational (reasonable), which is based on the very essence of the objects, in that form it gives us full power over our knowledge. As nature develops gradually, the principle of systematicity and consistency in teaching appears to be of great importance.
The effectiveness of the educational process is always determined by a combination of factors, one of the most important is constructing of the learning process on the basis of relevant didactic principles. Pedagogical science understands these principles as basic and guiding positions arising from the analysis of scientific and pedagogical patterns and practical pedagogical experience [6, p. 7]. Principles of teaching (didactic principles) are the main positions that determine the content, organizational forms and methods of educational work. The learning rules depend on the principle of learning, they specify it, obey it and provide its implementation; they have a distinct outline of the practical guidelines used in a particular learning situation.
The content of psychological and pedagogical knowledge is determined by educational programs. Psychological and pedagogical training requires knowledge of methodological bases and categories of pedagogy; regularities of personality socialization and development: essence, goals and technologies of teaching and education; laws of age anatomical- physiological and mental development. It is the basis of teacher's humanistic-oriented thinking. Psychological, pedagogical and special (professional) knowledge is a necessary but insufficient condition for professional competence. The practical solution of pedagogical tasks is provided by abilities and skills, the precondition of which is theoretical-practical and methodical knowledge. systematicity sequence professional competence
Teacher's professional competence is a complex of his / her theoretical and practical readiness to carry out pedagogical activities. Teacher's professional competence is understood as teacher's personal capabilities, which allow him / her to independently and effectively implement the goals of pedagogical process. For that purpose, the knowledge of pedagogical theory is required, as well as the ability to apply it in practice. Competence determines individual's level of professionalism, whereas his / her achievements proceed through acquiring the necessary competencies, which is the purpose of professional training.
А. Markova [5, p. 34] considers professional competence in her fundamental work “Psychology of professionalism” where she identified its types: special competence (possession of professional activity at a sufficiently high level, the ability to design their own further professional development); social competence (possession of joint (group) professional activity, cooperation, as well as peculiar methods of professional communication; social responsibility for the results of their professional work); personal competence (mastery of personal techniques of self-expression and self-development, means of confrontation with professional personality deformities); individual competence (possession of the methods of self-regulation and development of individuality within the profession, readiness for professional growth, ability to individual self-preservation, insubordination to professional aging, skills to organize their work rationally). The formation of the abovementioned types of competence means person's maturity in professional activity, in professional communication, in person's formation as a professional, as well as an individual.
S. Honcharenko emphasized that according to this principle the primary task of organizing educational activities is the introduction of modern achievements into the existing system, which will contribute to the formation of new beliefs, properties and patterns [1, p. 35]. In the process of professional training, the principle of systematic and consistent learning determines certain patterns of individual's mental activity and contributes to the formation of systematic thinking through establishment of associative links between the suggested learning subjects and phenomena.
The principle of systematicity and consistency states that the cognition of the world is obtainable only in a certain system; each science is a system of knowledge that is interconnected by internal links. Therefore, this principle means consistent deployment of knowledge.
The principle of systematic and consistent learning implies the accentuation on the age-specific personality development, i.e. teaching disciplines is determined by the logic of true order, its sequence in the didactic process and peculiarities of cognitive activity [7].
The principle of systematic and consistent learning is determined by the logic of science and the peculiarities of cognitive activity, which is implemented according to the age development patterns; it provides for systematic work in teacher's activity, i.e. constant improving, reliance on the previously studied material while teaching the new one, rendering new material gradually, fixing students' attention on the key issues, elaborating the system of lessons, implementing of intrasubject and interdisciplinary links), as well as systematic students' work (systematic attendance, attentiveness and conscientious implementing of their homework, systematic repetition of educational material).
Mastering of knowledge should be implemented in the spiral format. Therefore, this principle means: consistent (taking into account the logic of a particular science and the students' age capabilities) development of the content of knowledge, methods of activity in curricula, textbooks, manuals, etc.; adherence to the same order of knowledge acquisition should be the foundation of the effectiveness of the acquiring the next part of knowledge.
The principle of systematicity and consistency requires the establishment of interdisciplinary links and relationships between the concepts while studying the topic, subject; usage of logical operations (analysis and synthesis); providing a sequence of stages of knowledge acquisition; implementation of the planned order of training; gradual differentiation and specification of the general principles / positions; distribution of educational material on logically completed fragments, establishing the order and the technique of their processing; determination of the semantic centers of each topic, highlighting of the main concepts, ideas, establishing links between them, structuring of the lesson material; revealing of the external and internal connections between theories, laws and facts, using of interdisciplinary connections; determining the placement of new material in the structure of the topic or section.
Implementing the requirements of the principle of systematicity and consistency, it is necessary to follow certain rules, some of which were formed by J.-A. Comenius, K. Ushynsky and other great teachers. According to them, teaching rules that implement the principle of systematicity and consistency consist in the following: not to violate the system both in content and in teaching methods, and if the system is violated, immediately eliminate the gaps to prevent failures; at the end of the section of the course, make sure to conduct generalizing and systematizing lessons; require students' mastering of the system of knowledge, skills, abilities from each of the units and of the entire program; teach learning material from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, from known to unknown, taking into account that the content in the system requires the same system in the process of study; actualize basic knowledge before learning new material.
In the process of learning new material it is recommended to supply the students with diagrams, reference signals, algorithms, computer programs; divide the content of the study material into logically complete parts, establishing a connection between them; repeat the material learned before, introduce it into the new systemic links; plan students' mastering of the main ideas without overloading them with insignificant elements; teach students to adhere to the individual work system, providing them with available algorithms; strive to reproduce previously learned knowledge in a particular system; teach students to systematize the knowledge in their notations, supply them with the technique of such work.
The principle of systematicity and consistency implies that cognition of the surrounding world is possible only in a certain system; each science is a system of knowledge that is interconnected by internal links. The principle of systematicity provides adherence to logical connections of educational material, thus being assimilated to a greater extent. This principle is implemented in various forms of planning (the order of studying particular issues of the topic, the sequence of theoretical and practical work). The prospects for further research are seen in considering the methods and means of providing the qualitative implementation of this principle.
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