Psycho-pedagogical characteristics of young stuttering students

The stuttering is not limited to convulsive spasms of the muscles. The neurological mechanism of stuttering speech is complicated by a number of psychological and pedagogical features that arise in the emotional-volitional sphere and the character person.

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Sumeyra Huseyin Avci,

PhD student at the Department of Correctional Pedagogy, Faculty of Social Sciences and Psychology Baku State University

As you know, a speech defect such as stuttering is not limited only to convulsive spasms of the muscles involved in the act of speech, that is, it is not only a movement disorder, although it is very complex in its pathogenesis. The neurological mechanism of stuttering speech in a number of cases is complicated by a number of psychological and pedagogical features that arise in the emotional-volitional sphere and the character of a stuttering person. With age, in stuttering students, the degree of their fixation on their defect tends to become more complex. So, despite the insufficient study of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of temporhythmic disturbances in stuttering students, the following conclusions can be drawn: traditional classical and modern studies show the closest relationship of stuttering with the psychophysical state of stuttering (especially with the emotional-volitional sphere), with his personality as a whole , with his attitudes and attitudes towards the environment. This determines the need for a psychological and pedagogical approach to the study and correction of stuttering. In stuttering children, the following disorders can be observed: the characteristics of voluntary activity, high arousal, lability or slowness of nerve processes, instability or exhaustion of mental processes lead to a delay in the development of the regulatory function of internal speech, lack of mastery of advanced communicative forms of speech as a whole. The difficulty of verbal contact damages the child's psyche and has a negative effect on his behavior. Some stuttering children are extremely irritable, highly agitated.

They cry, and react sharply to speech impediments as a result of unfavorable environmental conditions. Others, on the other hand, are slow, closed-minded, speechless, critical of their own speech, and refuse to speak out of fear of seizures. All of this has a negative affect on children's attitude to their speech and deficiencies. Thus, depending on the current social environment of stuttering children, these mental deficiencies can be reinforced as either short-term or permanent mental status and personality traits.

Key words: stuttering, speech, motor skills, children, logarithmic training, convulsions.


Як відомо, такий дефект мовлення, як заїкання, не обмежується лише судомними спазмами м'язів, що беруть участь у мовленнєвому акті, тобто це не тільки порушення руху, хоча воно дуже складне за своїм патогенезом. Неврологічний механізм заїкання мови в ряді випадків ускладнюється рядом психолого-педагогічних особливостей, що виникають в емоційно-вольовій сфері, і характером людини, що заїкається. З віком у студентів, які заїкаються, ступінь їх фіксації на вадах стає все більш складним. Отже, попри недостатнє вивчення психолого-педагогічних особливостей темпоритмічних порушень в учнів, що заїкаються, можна зробити такі висновки: традиційні класичні та сучасні дослідження показують найтісніший зв'язок заїкання з психофізичним станом заїкання (особливо з емоційним-вольовою сферою), з його особистістю загалом, зі своїм ставленням та ставленням до навколишнього середовища. Це визначає необхідність психолого-педагогічного підходу до вивчення та корекції заїкання.

У дітей, які заїкаються, можна спостерігати такі порушення: особливості довільної діяльності, високе збудження, лабільність або повільність нервових процесів, нестабільність або виснаження психічних процесів призводять до затримки розвитку регуляторної функції внутрішньої мови, недостатності оволодіння просунутими комунікативними формами мовлення загалом. Складність словесного контакту шкодить психіці дитини і негативно позначається на його поведінці. Деякі діти, які заїкаються, надзвичайно дратівливі, сильно збуджені.

Вони плачуть і різко реагують на вади мовлення внаслідок несприятливих умов навколишнього середовища. Інші, навпаки, повільні, замкнуті, безмовні, критично ставляться до власної мови і відмовляються говорити зі страху перед судомами. Все це негативно позначається на ставленні дітей до їх мовлення та вад. Таким чином, залежно від сучасного соціального середовища дітей, що заїкаються, ці психічні недоліки можуть бути посилені як короткочасним, так і постійним психічним статусом та рисами особистості.

Ключові слова: заїкання, мова, моторика, діти, логаритмічна підготовка, судоми.

stuttering speech convulsive spasms neurological psychological

Introduction. The most important role is played by the speech in a human's mental development. Speech development is the most efficient process on a human's cognitive activity, it forms him as a person, and changes his behavior. Defects in speech can cause problems in other areas of human development. Certain speech disorders in most young schoolchildren have a negative impact on their mental development [2, p. 51].

In stuttering children, the following disorders can be observed: the characteristics of voluntary activity, high arousal, lability or slowness of nerve processes, instability or exhaustion of mental processes lead to a delay in the development of the regulatory function of internal speech, lack of mastery of advanced communicative forms of speech as a whole. The difficulty of verbal contact damages the child's psyche and has a negative effect on his behavior. Some stuttering children are extremely irritable, highly agitated. They cry, and react sharply to speech impediments as a result of unfavorable environmental conditions. Others, on the other hand, are slow, closedminded, speechless, critical of their own speech, and refuse to speak out of fear of seizures. All of this has a negative affect on children's attitude to their speech and deficiencies. Thus, depending on the current social environment of stuttering children, these mental deficiencies can be reinforced as either short-term or permanent mental status and personality traits.

Discussion. Analysis of the psycho-pedagogical features of young stuttering students also showed that they also have low ability to work, the level of knowledge acquisition (sedentary, attitude to lessons, willingness to perform tasks, interest, etc.). In these children, play and learning activities, the features of speech that accompany the process of different types of activities, distinguish them from normal children.

The following are the mental characteristics that accompany stuttering in children:

- quick impulses;

- high impression;

- anxiety;

- irritation;

- shyness;

- resentment;

- sudden changes in mood;

- sobriety.

At the same time, you can see the coherence and similarity in their actions. In children, sometimes there is a lack of expressive motor skills, expressive facial expressions and synkinesis. The child becomes untidy and lazy due to the low reaction and speed of movement. They are impulsive, lazy, difficult to move from one activity to another, get tired quickly. Children have a tendency to focus on their shortcomings and speakophobia. Sometimes mutism can occur after any severe psychological trauma before stuttering. Mutism is a temporary loss of speech caused by psychological factors. Its manifestation can last from several hours to several days. Over time, it inevitably affects the child's mental state. Then the child stops talking for a while and after that stuttering starts [4, p. 21].

Vocabulary and grammatical disorders are also observed in stuttering children. The relative monotony of speech and the stability of the speech defect are very characteristic in these children. Speech disorders are associated with convulsions of the speech apparatus. These seizures often do not depend on emotional factors, but they depend on the child's mental and physical fatigue. Speech convulsions in young schoolchildren can manifest themselves in different ways: clonic articulatory convulsions associated with emotional tension, tonic-clonic convulsions at the beginning of speech. Stuttering in children can often be exacerbated by the situation. Younger students' personal reactions to this defect manifest themselves as pre-speech excitement or refusal to communicate verbally. Increased tachycardia and speech activity are often observed in children. Stuttering, loneliness, fear of the dark, and, very rarely, neurotic enuresis (involuntary nocturnal urination) are also common in young children who stutter. Children find it difficult to adapt to new conditions and environment, they do not like to go somewhere (school, guests, etc.). In some cases, children are stubborn, indisciplined, rude. The problem of personality formation manifests itself in the majority of stuttering children [5, p. 46].

One of the new features of the mental development of young schoolchildren is reflection. Reflection is a process of self-awareness of an early student through an objective analysis of his thoughts and actions. This is more severe in small school-age children uho slutter. Schoolchildren begin to assess the others attitude to their stuttering, and as a result, the nature of their relationships with those surrounding them changes, and they experience doubts and anxieties, low levels of self-confidence, assertiveness, and low self-esteem. Fear of stuttering when speaking severely limits their use of communication skills. These features, which are noted in the development of personality in a stuttering child, lead to a violation of their social adaptation.

Recent research on the difficulty of using language tools by stuttering children has revealed the reasons for the low level of personal language skills typical to stuttering children, the relationship between speech difficulties and behavior and activity.

According to researchers, verbal communication requires both mental development and emotional effort. (R.E. Levina et al.) Its successful realization involves the child's voluntary attention, elastic permeability, and ability to observe. In stuttering children of small school age, these two processes have their own characteristics [3, p. 78].

Observations show that one of the main features of the training activities of young schoolchildren who stutter is its being unsustainable. Although this feature is individual, it is more typical for most stuttering children. The quality and productivity of training activities also depend on the conditions in which they are conducted. With proper training, children who stutter can be quite successful.

Changing the conditions that children are accustomed to, unsustainable activity, leads to high attention span. The inconsistency of stuttering children's activities is more pronounced when performing independent tasks at home. So they are not in a hurry to do their homework, they play without taking into account the time, or they prefer to do something else. Frequent distractions during preparation for a lesson cause them to spend more time. Therefore, they need to be supervised by adults during preparation for lessons. The quality of students' homework depends on the adults who actively lead their activities [2, p. 13].

It should be noted that the instability of interests in stuttering young students often has a negative impact on the progress of learning activities. Children eagerly join any activity, but a small obstacle causes them to lose interest in the lesson. Some stuttering young students are superficially mastering the material. Improperly organized educational work leads to the habit of mechanical performance of tasks. Therefore, in preparation for the lesson, students prefer to memorize without understanding the essence and meaning of what they have learned.

In stuttering children, learning activities manifest themselves in different ways and in different forms. This can manifest itself in the form of impulsivity and inability to analyze the sample, instructions, anticipate their activities and plan all its stages as a result of a violation of the general organization of work. The development of various forms of control and guidance in stuttering students is very slow and difficult compared to normal children. Younger stuttering students need to focus and make enough willpower to overcome the difficulties listed in the learning activities [4, p. 56].

There are several known peaks in the development of stuttering at school age. Usually, one of them occurs when a stuttering child goes to school and joins a new team. This is due to a number of circumstances, including changes in living conditions and, most importantly, activities. At a young school age, a child's leading activity is learning under the guidance of a teacher. A stuttering child gets acquainted not only with a new type of activity, but also with a type of communication that is difficult for him due to its form and content. The main form of communication for young children is usually forming simple sentences. Naturally, stuttering children have difficulty adapting to new activities and they sometimes learn and speak with complications.

The second peak in stuttering children is observed at the age of 11-14 years. This peak of stuttering is associated with emotional and harmonic changes. The most characteristic feature of the learning activities of young stuttering schoolchildren is the high prevalence and distribution of attention. In addition, the quality of the training activity depends on its conditions. Thus, during the precise organization of learning activities, the stuttering child's attention is quite focused [1, p. 23].

Changes in the habits of stuttering children cause many of them to become unsustainable. A stuttering student may have difficulty completing assignments while moving from one activity to another. As a result of low attention, stuttering children have difficulty in interpretion of differently designed questions. The difficulty of moving from one type of work to another in the learning process is also due to the fact that children do not feel the change of tasks. Some stuttering students, especially children with speech developmental disorders, are unable to independently control the results of their own and others' activities. They face some difficulties in performing oral exercises, thinking and expressing their personal responses, correcting the wrong answers of their classmates, as well as in analyzing speech patterns, copying texts, selecting and comparing mistakes, and evaluating them [6, pp. 11-18].

During the training activities, certain shortcomings are observed in the construction of communicative considerations in young school-age children. Researchers consider this to be a natural phenomenon that accompanies the process of mastering coherent speech. In the teaching process, students learn to express their personal opinions clearly and fluently by paying attention to the teacher's speech, as well as monitor the progress of their expansion, overcome the difficulties encountered. The difficulties in mastering coherent speech observed in stuttering students are specific: they are less expressive, more persistent, and depend on communication conditions and learning activities. At the same time, some of the stuttering young students have their own difficulties in expressing the mastered class material.

Conclusion. Observations show that stuttering young students behave differently at school and at home. If children behave in accordance with the norms required in the classroom, at home they become more undisciplined, untidy and tearful, and do not control their speech. This situation is primarily due to the fact that parents are overprotective, restrict their ability to act independently [2, p. 45].

Stuttering children are characterized by instability. Sometimes children face great difficulties in organizing their activities. When they start any work, they already do unnecessary manipulations, thus slowing down the process. They are not able to make emotional-volitional efforts to overcome the difficulties encountered in performing complex tasks that require great cognitive skills and volitional tension.

Thus, based on the study of the literature on the subject, it was determined that the occurrence of stuttering depends on a number of factors: both the individual's personality traits and external situations.

Psycho-pedagogical shortcomings in stuttering children of primary school age can be overcome in two ways: by normalizing the child's voluntary activity and by the correct organization of oral speech.


1. Agayeva T.H., Huseynova N.T. (2018). Loqopediya Baki.

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5. Селиверстов В.И. (2000). Заикание у детей: Психокоррекционные и дидактичес кие основы логопедического воздействия. Москва : ВЛАДОС.

6. Флерова М.М. (2004). Логопедия. Серия «Мир вашего ребёнка». 2-е изд. Ростов н/Д : Феникс.

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