Creativity as a component of professional activity of future English language teacher

Pedagogical activity in the context of development of creative abilities of the teacher, signs of creative personality of the teacher, conditions of realization of creativity in pedagogical activity. Students readiness for pedagogical creativity.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 04.10.2022
Размер файла 44,0 K

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“Rivne Medical Academy” of Rivne Regional Council


Chornous V.P., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor at the Department of

Social Sciences and Humanities Communal

institution of Higher Education


pedagogical creativity teacher activity

The article based on the analysis of the main directions of research substantiates the problem of creativity and proves its relevance in the modern scientific literature. The essence of the concept, conditions of development, the main categories of the problem of creativity, pedagogical creativity in particular, which include: “creativity”, “creative personality”, “pedagogical creativity”, “creative personality of the teacher' are revealed. The concept of creative personality, ways of development and self-realization of creative personality of a teacher are defined through main characterological features.

The signs of pedagogical creativity of the teacher are determined: the presence of creative potential; personal style of creative search; presence of motives; ability to use new techniques of theoretical material in practice; ability to use advanced pedagogical experience. Pedagogical activity in the context of development of creative abilities of the teacher, signs of creative personality of the teacher, conditions of realization of creativity in pedagogical activity are outlined. The prospects of studying the essence and specifics of pedagogical creativity and ways of its realization in the pedagogical process are substantiated. The main characteristics of students' readiness for pedagogical creativity in the process of professional activity are: formation of positive motivation; possession of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills, abilities, forms, methods of creative development, conscious study of the latest pedagogical technologies, advanced pedagogical experience of their colleagues.

It is proved that creativity in pedagogical practice is appeared: in effective, expedient use of the created experience in new conditions; in improving traditional forms and methods in accordance with new tasks; in the development of scientific and methodological developments and their creative processing; in the ability to use intuition and improvise; in the ability to predict, plan and fantasize; in the ability to develop ideas and see options for their solution; identify new patterns of learning and education; in the ability to conduct experimental research work; in the ability to quickly and originally solve pedagogical problems etc.

Key words: creativity, creative personality, pedagogical creativity, creative personality of the teacher, subject of creativity, main characteristics of the creative teacher, ways of development and self-realization of a creative personality of a teacher.



У статті на основі аналізу основних напрямів дослідження обґрунтовано проблему творчості та доведено її актуальність у сучасній науковій літературі. Розкрито сутність поняття, умови розвитку, основні категорії проблеми творчості, педагогічної творчості зокрема, до яких віднесено: «творчість», «творча особистість», «педагогічна творчість», «творча особистість учителя». Поняття творчої особистості, шляхи розвитку та само- реалізації творчої особистості педагога розкрито через основні її характерологічні особливості.

Визначено ознаки педагогічної' творчості вчителя: наявність творчого креативного потенціалу; особистий стиль творчого пошуку; наявність мотивів; уміння використовувати нові прийоми теоретичного матеріалу на практиці; уміння використовувати передовий педагогічний досвід. Окреслено педагогічну діяльність у контексті розвитку творчих здібностей вчителя, ознаки творчої особистості вчителя, умови здійснення творчості в педагогічній діяльності. Обґрунтовано перспективність вивчення сутності та специфіки педагогічної творчості та шляхів її реалізації в педагогічному процесі. Основними характеристиками готовності студентів до педагогічної творчості у процесі професійної діяльності є: формування позитивної мотивації; володіння психолого-педаго- гічними знаннями, уміннями, навичками, формами, методами творчого розвитку; усвідомлене вивчення новітніх педагогічних технологій, передового педагогічного досвіду своїх колег.

Доведено, що творчість у педагогічній практиці проявляється: в ефективному, доцільному використанні створеного досвіду в нових умовах; в удосконаленні традиційних форм і методів відповідно до нових завдань; в освоєнні наукових і методичних розробок і їх творчій переробці; в умінні використовувати інтуїцію та імпровізувати; в умінні прогнозувати, планувати і фантазувати; в умінні розвивати ідеї і бачити варіанти їх вирішення; виявляти нові закономірності навчання і виховання; в умінні вести експериментальну, дослідницьку роботу; в умінні швидко і оригінально вирішувати педагогічні завдання тощо.

Ключові слова: творчість, творча особистість, педагогічна творчість, творча особистість учителя, суб'єкт творчості, основні характеристики творчого вчителя, шляхи розвитку та самореалізації творчої особистості педагога.

Formulation of the problem

In the conditions of development of independent Ukraine and transition to market relations there was a necessity of revision of educational concepts, updating of approaches to formation and becoming of a person in a modern social and pedagogical situation. Reforming national education on the basis of ensuring its advanced development actualizes the importance of creative individuality of the future English teacher and encourages the search for effective ways to form this essential integrative quality, accompanied by radical changes in science as a form of social consciousness and, consequently, in modern situation. This affects the transformation of pedagogical ideas and theories about the main driving force of education is the personality of a teacher as a professional and as a personality. The teacher must be ready for motivated professional activity, have professional culture, pedagogical skills, be able to actively use information environment, rationally perceive innovations, think systematically, have creative and scientific abilities, high professional competence.

The most important in the training of future English language teachers is the willingness to change the nature of interaction in the educational process, focus on the development of creative opportunities, taking into account the spesifics of the educational process in spesific conditions of professional activity, awareness of the effectiveness of teacher's work. The ability to create is one of the leading in the pedagogical activities among the many professional qualities in the system of teacher's personality.

Analysis of pedagogical practice shows that students are not always ready for creative solutions to educational problems, the use of their own life experience in secondary school. Based on this, the issue of forming a creative personality of future English language teacher becomes especially relevant.

Research analysis

The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature shows that the problem of professional training of future English language teachers is widely reflected in the works of such scientists: V. Andreev, R. Granovska,S. Goncharenko, N.Kichuk, T. Kozlyk, N. Kuzmina, O. Luk, S. Sysoeva and others. Defining creativity as an objective feature of pedagogical activity, L. Luzina noted that the formation of creative personality of a future teacher means developing a special attitude to professional activity as a way of life and stressed that a creative teacher has specific features of creative personality [7, p. 23].

V. Kan-Kalik and M. Nikandrov consider creativity as an important condition of the pedagogical process, an objective professional necessity in the activity of English language teacher, define stages of pedagogical creativity [4].

N.Kichuk considers that developed creative thinking of the teacher, intellectual activity are the most important traits of pedagogical creativity and on the basis of analysis of works of teachers, modern researchers of a problem of pedagogical creativity allocates spesific features of creative work of the modern teacher and concludes that besides social professional features pedagogical creativity provides general and spesific traits of the teacher [5, p. 33].

The purpose of the article is to define the essence of the concept of creativity as a component of the professional activity of future English language teacher, ways of its realization in the pedagogical process.

Presenting main material

Pedagogical activity is a professional activity aimed at creating optimal conditions in the pedagogical process for education, training, development and self-development of the pupil's personality and the choice of opportunities for creative self-expression. The conent and organization of pedagogical work can be properly assessed by determining the level of creative attitude of the teacher to its activities, which determines the degree of realization of its capabilities in achieving the goals. In pedagogical activity the personality of the pupil and personality of the teacher interact with each other. Therefore, the creative nature of pedagogical activity is its the most important objective characteristic. It is due to the fact that the diversity of pedagogical situations, their ambiguity require different approaches to analysis and solutions arising from its tasks.

Creativity has always been in the center of attention of scholars and practitioners. V. Klymenko, V. Molyako, V. Rybalka, V. Romenets, S. Sysoeva and others made a significant contribution to the substantiation of the concepts of “creativity”, “creative activity”. The main attention of the modern research was focused on the study of ways, means and methods of professional development of teachers in higher education, on the formation of readiness of future English language teachers for professional activities, the study of creative personality of the teacher, the main features of his activities.

The famous psychologist M. Yaroshevsky believes that creativity is correlated with motivation and, researching the motivation of creativity, the scientist prefers value orientation (external motives) and the interaction of logic, the readiness of the subject to realize the idea (internal motives) [8, p. 150].

The scientist S. Sysoeva considers personality as a systemic quality of an individual and insists that creativity is a part of personality system, which is characterized by a set of creative personal qualities that ensure its success in creative activity [9, p. 122].

Pedagogical creativity, as well as creative personality, is realized in activity. In the process of activity various important professional features of the future English language teacher are formed. As a result of the development of the individual as a subject of activity, purposefulness, independence, self-realization, delimitations of means and methods of action are formed.

The essence of pedagogical creativity was studied by: V. Andreev, L. Ruvinsky, M. Potashnyk, V. Kan-Kalyk, V. Lozova, M. Nikandrov, S. Sysoeva, V. Sukhomlynsky, V. Shubinsky and others. They defined it as a personality oriented developmental interaction of the subjects of the educational process (teacher and student), which is due to the spesifics of the pedagogical relationship between them and increase the level of pedagogical activity of the teacher.

S.Sysoeva identifies the following stages of pedagogical creativity: pedagogical idea; actualization and selection of professional knowledge, skills, achievement of own pedagogical experience on realization of the plan; information search; designing educational interaction with students; maturation of the final solution; realization of the pedagogical plan; analysis and adjustment in the further implementation of the pedagogical plan [9].

V. Kan-Kalik and M. Nikandrov introduce the following sequence of stages of the teacher's creativity: the appearance of a pedagogical idea aimed at solving a pedagogical problem; idea development; implementation of the pedagogical idea in the activity; the process of communication with people; analysis and evaluation of creative results [4].

Pedagogical creativity is determined by the structure of pedagogical activity and covers all its aspects: constructive, organizational, communicative and diagnostic. N. Kyzmina, V. Kan-Kalik believe that for the implementation of creativity in the activities of the English language teacher requires the following conditions: the implementation of creativity, small intervals between tasks and ways to solve them; the relationships between the creativity of the teacher with the creativity of students; forecasting the expected results; public speech; the need for constant creative improvement.

Professional pedagogical creativity is a process and result of the teacher's effective solution of the tasks of teaching, upbringing and development of pupils in the educational process by means of realization of his own spiritual potential as well as his self improvement as a specialist. Pedagogical creativity is considered in four dimensions:

- as a practice of teaching and education;

- as a pedagogical work;

- as an innovative activity;

- as a teacher's self-realization.

Higher education institutions face a difficult task, as the problem of forming the pedagogical creativity of future English language teachers requires training not just educated teachers but professionals ready to creatively solve the tasks of the educational process.

Readiness for professional creativity is a system integrated characteristic of the future English language teacher which expresses the precondition for active creative activity, rationalization of the educational process and creation of the author's system of activity.

The main characteristics of students' readiness for pedagogical creativity in the process of professional activity are:

- formation of positive motivation;

- possession of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills, abilities, forms, methods of creative development;

- conscious study of the latest pedagogical technologies, advanced pedagogical experience of their colleagues.

The preparation of a teacher for pedagogical creativity as a component of his general pedagogical training has the following fuctions: cognitive, diagnostic, procedural. The cognitive function of training is to deepen the theoretical, practical, psychological and pedagogical base of the teacher on the problems of pedagogy and psychology of creativity; formation of pedagogical thinking and communication style of the teacher.

The diagnostic function of teacher training involves assessing the levels of formation of creative personality of students in the educational process, the teacher's awareness of their own level of creative pedagogical activity.

The procedural function aims to form the professional creative abilities of the teacher, psychological factors that affects the effectiveness of the development of creative abilities of students.

Thus, the formation of the readiness of future English language teachers for pedagogical creativity is seen as a process of creating in the educational activities of higher education institutions for the training of teachers such pedagogical conditions that promote active learning of theoretical knowledge and practical skills on the basis of pedagogical creativity in the process of personality oriented developmental interaction in the system «teacher - student», the development of creative personal qualities of the future teacher.

According to I. Dychkivska, creativity is an obligatory component of pedagogical activity. Pedagogical activity is an activity that focuses on the development of the educational process in order to achieve higher results, gain new knowledge, the formation of qualitatively different pedagogical practice; pedagogical creativity is the making of interesting non standard decisions by a teacher in the educational process [1].

The author defines the following levels of its implementation:

1. Creativity which is manifested in the discovery of something new, the discovery of non standard ways of solving problems by the teacher.

2. Creativity, the essence of which is to discover something new for yourself and for others, innovation. Creative teachers are characterized by self-development, self-esteem, self-knowledge, satisfaction with their professional activities.

S. Sysoeva identifies such pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of pedagogical creativity of the future teacher, as ensuring the posibility of the teacher to realize his abilities in the most important area of his life - work; promoting the self-determination of each specialist in all spheres of life through individual choice; creating a creative atmosphere in the team; positive assessment of the teacher's activity and provision of social protection in a market economy, material conditions of his life and work [9, p. 82].

V. Zagvyazynsky argues that the practical impementation of the process of formation of pedagogical creativity of the teacher is possible only when higher education institutions will form in students readiness for pedagogical work as a creative activity, set and solve creative problems in educational work [2, p. 31].

There are two stages of professional development of the teacher's personality. The first stage is characterized by the accumulation of pedagogical experience, practical and scientific understanding of pedagogical reality, which contributes to the development of creative thinking and pedagogical skills.

The second stage is characterized by the acquisition of pedagogical experience, which allows creative thinking to go beyond the scientific views of pedagogical reality. This period is dominated by the creative element, the creative begining, which contributes to the development of needs for creative self-realization [1].

Thus, the essence of pedagogical creativity is considered in combination with the ability to act independently in different educational situations, to comprehend their activities in accordance with pedagogical knowledge.

Signs of pedagogical creativity of the teacher:

- the presence of creative potential;

- personal style of creative search;

- the presence of motives, where the leading place is self-affirmation;

- ability to use new techniques of theoretical material in practice;

- ability to use advanced pedagogical experience.

The pedagogical creativity of a teacher is a complex and maltifaceted activity that can be formed in the presence of a number of factors, has a motivational character and requires certain approaches, a set of activities and specific conditions and pedagogical activity is the key to successful activity of the teacher.


With development of humanization and democratization of society and education, objective preconditions are created for the development of creativity and pedagogy of cooperation in the teaching profession. Accordingly, in the psychological and pedagogical literature there are new approaches to understanding the essence of pedagogical art, the ability of the teacher to use a system of pedagogical tools, professional equipment. Scientific research of the problem of pedagogical creativity raises the question of its essence, goals, features, reveals the creative content of the nature of pedagogical work, substantiates the criteria, levels, mechanisms of pedagogical creativity, developed algorithms for creative processes.

The analysis of research allows us to conclude that creativity is a component of pedagogical activities of future English language teachers, its directions is due to the presence of certain creative abilities, characteristics, formation and implementation of new ideas, carried out in a higher education institution. Creativity is a necessary condition for the formation of the teacher himself, his self-knowledge, development and disclosure as a person, because it is the teacher who creates a new personality that will live in society, will become an integral part of it. However, the problem of forming the creative personality of the teacher, the development of his creative activity is not fully resolved. In the further research it is necessary to pay attention to pedagogical receptions, methods and motivating factors which provide a high level of professional self-realization of future teachers in pedagogical activity.


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