International activity of Drahomanov national pedagogical university in the conditions of internationalization of higher education of Ukraine

Comprehensive analysis of the problem of international activities of pedagogical universities in the conditions of internationalization of higher education of Ukraine. Defining the role of international activities of higher education institutions.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 04.10.2022
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International activity of Drahomanov national pedagogical university in the conditions of internationalization of higher education of Ukraine

Kolomiyets O.S.

Lecturer at the department of English language and

its teaching methods

Pavlo Tychyna Uman state pedagogical university


The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of international activity of pedagogical universities in the conditions of internationalization of higher education of Ukraine. The conditions and factors of the process of internationalization of Ukrainian higher education are analyzed. The role of international activity of higher education institutions in the improvement of their educational and research activities is studied. The role of academic mobility in strengthening the foreign cultural policy of the state is analyzed. It is established that the role of high-quality language training of students, research and teaching staff in academic mobility is very important for the international activities of universities. The important role of higher education institutions in the programs exchange of students, graduate students, research and teaching staff is reflected. It is investigated that important components of internationalization of a modern university are conducting joint research, joint publishing activities, organization and active participation in international conferences, international educational and scientific programs.

The article examines the international activity of Drahomanov National Pedagogical University (NPU). The reason for the interest of the National Pedagogical University was the fact that NPU has been one of the ten best universities in Ukraine for many years in a row and thus can serve as a model for the international activities of other Ukrainian pedagogical universities. The policy of international activity of NPU is analyzed. Evidence of international recognition of the university was its acceptance as an individual member of the European Association of Universities, the International Association of Universities, the Eurasian Association of Universities, awarding the university with the international award “European Quality", election of the Rector of the University Academician V.P. Andrushchenko, as the President of the Association of Rectors of Pedagogical Universities of Europe. The fact that in 2020 Drahomanov National Pedagogical University had cooperation agreements with 135 institutions of higher education in the world can serve as an indicator of high-quality and competent conduct of the policy of its international activity. Also, the University actively involves the world's leading experts in lectures and seminars, implements a large number of international projects, especially in the field of Jean Monnet Erasmus+. The importance of the analysis of the policy of international activity of NPU for its implementation in other pedagogical universities of Ukraine is reflected.

Key words: internationalization, international activity, institutions of higher education, universities, Drahomanov National Pedagogical University.

Міжнародна діяльність національного педагогічного університету імені М.П. Драгоманова в умовах інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти України


pedagogical university internationalization

Статтю присвячено аналізу проблеми міжнародної діяльності педагогічних університетів в умовах інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти України. Проаналізовано умови та чинники процесу інтернаціоналізації вітчизняної вищої освіти. Досліджено роль міжнародної діяльності закладів вищої освіти в удосконаленні їх освітньої та науково-дослідної діяльності, академічної мобільності - у зміцненні зовнішньої культурної політики держави. Установлено, що для міжнародної діяльності університетів дуже важливою є якісна мовна підготовка як студентів, так і науково-викладацького складу. Відображено участь закладів вищої освіти у програмах двостороннього та багатостороннього міждержавного обміну студентами, аспірантами та науково-педагогічними працівниками. Досліджено, що важливими складниками інтернаціоналізації сучасного університету є проведення спільних наукових досліджень, спільна видавнича діяльність, організація й активна участь у міжнародних конференціях, у міжнародних освітніх і наукових програмах.

У статті досліджено міжнародну активність Національного педагогічного університету (НПУ) імені М.П. Драгоманова. Причиною зацікавленості Національним педагогічним університетом став той факт, що НПУ багато років поспіль входить до десятки найкращих університетів України та може слугувати взірцем для міжнародної діяльності інших вітчизняних педагогічних університетів. Проаналізовано політику міжнародної діяльності НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова. Свідченням міжнародного визнання університету стало його прийняття індивідуальним членом Європейської' Асоціації університетів, Міжнародної Асоціації університетів, Євроазійської Асоціації університетів, нагородження університету міжнародною нагородою «Європейська якість», обрання ректора Університету академіка В.П. Андрущенка президентом Асоціації ректорів педагогічних університетів Європи. Показником якісного та грамотного ведення політики міжнародного співробітництва НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова може слугувати той факт, що станом на 2020 рік університет мав угоди про співробітництво зі 135 закладами вищої освіти світу. У своїй міжнародній діяльності університет активно залучає провідних фахівців світу до ведення лекцій і семінарів, реалізує велику кількість міжнародних проектів, особливо це стосується напряму Жана Моне програми Еразмус+.

Відображено важливість аналізу політики міжнародної діяльності НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова для її імплементації в інших педагогічних університетах України.

Ключові слова: інтернаціоналізація, міжнародна діяльність, заклади вищої освіти, університети, Національний педагогічний університет імені М.П. Драгоманова.

Problem statement

International academic cooperation is a mutually beneficial and purposeful interaction of subjects of educational and scientific activities of different countries, aimed at the exchange of intellectual resources (ideas, new developments, teaching materials, technologies), the development of academic mobility (exchanges of students, teaching staff), and strengthening intercultural and business ties. Review of the internationalization of Ukrainian education and science is explained by the fact that the structural adjustment taking place in world education is of great interest in modern science, due primarily to rethinking the role of knowledge in society, as well as profound changes in the educational systems of individual countries and regions, and in the nature of interaction between them. The period under study for Ukraine is unique, first of all, an unprecedented process of internationalization of higher education, its qualitatively new characteristics. The process of internationalization of higher education is seen as a guarantee of state competitiveness in a globalized world, because it is a process of integration that takes place at the international, intercultural levels of educational institutions and concerns the processes of learning, research and services.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The following aspects of Ukrainian and foreign scientists are devoted to the educational aspects of internationalization and international cooperation of higher education institutions: V. Andrushchenko, J. Bolyubash, M. Debych, S. Shitikova, V. Zhuravsky, I. Sikorska, A. Verbytska, V. Kremen, F Altbach, H. Wit, J. Knight, L. Rumbley and many other authors.

Highlighting of previously unsolved parts of the general problem

Despite the large number of original and meaningful works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on the internationalization of higher education, it should be noted that the problem of research and analysis of best practices of international activity of Drahomanov National Pedagogical University is insufficiently studied.

The purpose of the article

The aim of the work is to study and analyze the actual international activities of Drahomanov National Pedagogical University for further application of this experience by other pedagogical universities of Ukraine.

Presentation of the main material

For a modern higher education institution, international activity is a priority, as it is not only the main criterion for determining the positive image of the university in the international educational arena, but also a set of indicators whose main goals are to improve the quality of teaching, learning and research. For the successful international activity of the institution of higher education a necessary condition is not only the study, but also the analysis and forecasting of modern directions of development of education and science [3, p. 103].

The process of internationalization of higher education institutions today is a guarantee of state competitiveness in a globalized world. A prerequisite for intensive international activities of a particular university is a high professionalism of the staff of the Department of International Relations. International activities bring higher education institutions closer together, expanding the future labor market for graduates. Due to international activities, higher education institutions can improve their educational and research activities, develop academic mobility, carrying out various forms of exchange between teachers and students.

Academic mobility plays an extremely important role in the activities of higher education institutions in Ukraine and other countries, as it strengthens the foreign cultural policy of the state through the formation of students' skills of intercultural communication, organization of socio-cultural interaction of Ukrainian and foreign citizens [11, p. 274]. In terms of academic mobility, much attention should be paid to quality language training of students, as it is extremely important for their educational, professional, business, cultural spheres of communication. Therefore, an important point of internationalization is to increase the number of curricula and disciplines, including country disciplines taught in a foreign language.

The leading vector of international activity of many pedagogical universities of Ukraine is the systematic development of strategic directions of its international activity taking into account the general tendencies in the international market of educational services and its competitive position. New international educational programs, developed in accordance with the updated Ukrainian legislation, have received the support of international organizations and foundations. Students' interest in learning foreign languages and the desire to consolidate their qualifications with internationally recognized diplomas and certificates have led to a growing demand for these programs, which prepare professionals to work in an international environment.

Participation in interstate exchange programs for students, graduate students, pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and scientific staff is very important for a modern higher education institution. The presence of foreign lecturers and scientists is an extremely important factor in the international cooperation of higher education institutions. Important components of the internationalization of a modern university are also joint research, joint publishing, organization and active participation in international conferences, international educational and scientific programs, providing educational services to foreign citizens, as well as business trips abroad for teaching and research staff work in accordance with international agreements of Ukraine [10, p. 48].

The effectiveness of the management of international activities of the university depends on a clear definition of goals, strategies and tactics of the higher education system of the state, intellectual and resource potential and experience of a particular institution of higher education [3, p. 107]. It is important to identify performance indicators and indicators that will demonstrate real progress in each case [1, p. 162].

International cooperation with well-known foreign partner universities allows to use their best practices to improve the management processes of Ukrainian pedagogical universities in modern conditions. This is considered the most important task, as the national management system of pedagogical universities requires modernization and continuous improvement.

A very important factor in the international cooperation of Ukrainian higher education institutions is the receipt of additional funding from international programs, as the state still does not sufficiently fund education and science, and this lack of funds is exacerbated by prolonged war in Eastern Ukraine. Since the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU and the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” coincides with the emergence of war and the threat to Ukraine's integrity, without the help of international funds and international support Ukrainian education and science would not be so integrated into international education and the scientific community.

International activity of Drahomanov National Pedagogical University (hereinafter - NPU) among Ukrainian pedagogical universities occupies a prominent place. Evidence of this is the fact that in the rankings of the category “international recognition” as of 2020 NPU once again entered the top ten universities in Ukraine. Confirmation of the growing authority of NPU in the international educational field is the tendency of annual increase in the number of foreign students. As of 2020, more than 400 foreign students from 26 countries studied at the NPU. Evidence of international recognition of the university was its acceptance as an individual member of the European Association of Universities, International Association of Universities, Eurasian Association of Universities, as well as awarding the university with the international award “European Quality”, according to the Academic Council of Assembly (Oxford, UK) and the election of the Rector of the University, Academician V. Andrushchenko, President of the Association of Rectors of European Pedagogical Universities [9, p. 202].

With the spread of the COVID-19 virus pandemic in the world, many traditional forms of international cooperation, such as: exchange of delegations, personal internships in free economic zones, participation in various events have become problematic. In our opinion, the fact that an advisory council, which included experienced diplomats working in the NPU, was established, is very important. Three of the five specialists were Ambassadors of Ukraine to European countries at different times, which indicates the high professional level of the Advisory Board. In total, for the period from 2014 to 2020, the University signed 50 agreements and memoranda of cooperation with the world's leading free economic zones, including Australia, Belgium, Korea, Poland, Germany, Romania, Sweden, Norway, Kazakhstan, China, Portugal, Georgia [4, p. 261; 5, p. 355; 6, p. 279; 7, p. 155; 8, p. 374; 9, p. 362].

If in 2014 the NPU had 85 partnership agreements with 45 countries, then in 2016 there were already 110 partnership agreements with 62 countries. The greatest progress has been made in relations with Polish, Lithuanian, Belorussian, Chinese, Turkish and German partners.

In particular, in 2016 cooperation agreements were signed with the University of Lisbon (Portugal), the University of Koblinz-Landau (Mainz, Germany), the Technical University of Lodz and the University of Rzeszow (Poland), Tbilisi State Pedagogical University (Georgia). [5, p. 355].

As of 2020, NPU had cooperation agreements with 135 free economic zones of the world. For Ukrainian pedagogical universities, this is an absolutely unprecedented indicator of high-quality and competent policy of international cooperation.

An important indicator of the success of any university is the academic mobility of students and teachers. Erasmus +, as of 2020, was the most widespread program and was implemented within the framework of signed interinstitutional agreements. NPU in 2019/2020 concluded agreements on the organization of international credit mobility in exchange with 15 foreign free economic zones of Belgium, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Italy, Serbia, Cyprus, Turkey.

In 2020, the University received acknowledgement from the National Erasmus + Office in Ukraine and the National Team of Experts on Higher Education Reform for its activity in organizing the academic mobility of students and teachers [9, p. 362].

During the period under study, significant work was also carried out in the field of international projects (about 50) and the search for new opportunities for cooperation [4, p. 261; 5, p. 355; 6, p. 279; 7, p. 155; 8, p. 374; 9, p. 362].

Among the main international projects of NPU we must note the implementation of the project in the direction of Jean Monnet Module of the Erasmus+ program “Social cohesion in education and governance: European studies” with the support of the EU; implementation of the project by the Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education in cooperation with the Faculty of Education and Business Education of the University of Gavle (Sweden) and the Faculty of Psychology and Special Psychopedagogy of the Ion Creange State Pedagogical University (Moldova) “Social Inclusion through Segregation”. An extremely important project is “Changes in pedagogical faculties and universities in the 21st century”, which was implemented by Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic). The project aims to strengthen the capacity of middle management and teachers of Ukrainian pedagogical universities in general [9, p. 203].

In 2020, two NPU projects “European values of diversity and inclusion for sustainable development” and “Social and cultural aspects of European Studies” have received funding confirmation. The Visegrad Foundation supported the project “Access across borders. Development of information accessibility for blind and deaf people”, which will be implemented by the Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education of the University [9, p. 362].

The university pays considerable attention to the involvement of the world's leading scientists in the educational process, which is also an indicator of the internationalization of NPU.

Thus, in 2020, Doctor of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University Victor Mozhgin during a research internship at the National Pedagogical University conducted a series of lectures for students of the Faculty of Philosophical Education and Science; Frank Behr, a professor at the University of KoblenzLandau, visited the Erasmus+ Academic Mobility Program at NPU and gave lectures for students of the Faculty of Foreign Philology. In September 2019

the director of the International Institute for the Development of Intelligence, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Joe Hu Yun (Republic of Korea) gave some lectures students and teaching staff.

The Department of International Relations held a series of meetings with colleagues from the Krakow Pedagogical University, the Siena Conservatory of Music, the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Bielefeld (Germany), the University of KoblenzLandau and NorQuest College (Canada) to identify priority areas for international cooperation.

Also, the tendency of the annual increase in the number of foreign students became a confirmation of the growing authority of Drahomanov National Pedagogical University in the international educational field. In 2019, more than 170 foreigners entered the university. Among them for the first time representatives of such leading countries of the world as France, Japan, Korea entered the study. In total, in 2020 458 foreign students studied at NPU [9, p. 205].


On the basis of the conducted research it can be concluded that the policy of international activity of NPU can serve as a model and reference point for other Ukrainian pedagogical universities. The international activity of NPU in the studied period is characterized by deepening integration of the university into the world educational and scientific space, good indicators of international academic mobility, implementation of innovative methods of organization of educational process and research, expansion of export of educational services, scienceintensive and high-tech projects, as well as attracting foreign funding, including in the form of international grants, for the implementation of research, educational, cultural and social projects.

The obtained research results can be used to improve the international activities of pedagogical universities of Ukraine.


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3. Донченко В.М. Пріоритетні напрями міжнародної діяльності сучасного університету в умовах інтернаціоналізації освіти. Педагогіка і психологія професійної освіти. 2013. № 4. С. 102-110.

4. Звіт про роботу Національного педагогічного університету імені М.П. Драгоманова за 2014/2015 навчальний рік: звітна доповідь ректора академіка В.П. Андрущенка на розширеному засіданні Вченої ради НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова. Київ: Вид-во НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова. 2015. 334 с.

5. Звіт про роботу Національного педагогічного університету імені М.П. Драгоманова в 2016 році: звітна доповідь ректора академіка В.П. Андрущенка на конференції трудового колективу НПУ імені М.П. Дра гоманова. Київ: Вид-во НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова. 2016. 365 с.

6. Звіт про роботу Національного педагогічного університету імені М.П. Драгоманова у 2017 році: звітна доповідь ректора академіка В.П. Андрущенка на конференції трудового колективу НПУ імені М.П. Дра гоманова. Київ: Вид-во НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова. 2017. 438 с.

7. Звіт про роботу Національного педагогічного університету імені М.П. Драгоманова у 2018 році: звітна доповідь ректора академіка В.П. Андрущенка на конференції трудового колективу НПУ імені М.П. Дра гоманова. Київ: Вид-во НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова. 2018. 461 с.

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