Principles of out-of-class and out-of-school educational work in the moral education of young schoolchildren

Ideas that create conditions for effective organization of the work of the teacher and students. Analysis of the essence of the principles of extracurricular and extracurricular education from the point of view of moral education of schoolchildren.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 05.10.2022
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Principles of out-of-class and out-of-school educational work in the moral education of young schoolchildren

Rahimova Manzila Agarahim

PhD Student, Senior Lecturer at the Pedagogical Sciences

Department Jalilabad branch of

Azerbaijan Satate Pedagogical University


The pedagogical principles arising from the regularities of the pedagogical process, influencing its content, methods and forms of organization, acting as guiding ideas that create favorable conditions for the effective organization of teachers and students, are also important in out-of-class and out-of-school education. The principles of out-of-class and out-of-school education are factors arising from the relevant pedagogical laws of moral education, and strongly influence the establishment of national and universal values. The article analyzes the essence of the principles of out-of-class and out-of-school education in terms of moral education of young students. Moreover, the issue of linking the educational activities of young students with out-of-class and out-of-school activities which has a significant impact on their moral and ethical qualities and the problem of establishing the scientific worldview purposively were analyzed. The Law on Education states that one of the main goals of education in the Republic of Azerbaijan is to cultivate citizens and individuals committed to the ideas of patriotism and Azerbaijanism. This idea is based on H.A. Aliyev's theoretical heritage. Thus, our national leader H.A. Aliyev pointed out that the greatest goal of education is to bring up Azerbaijani citizens with national and universal values. Every young person should be loyal to the state, loyal to his nation, loyal to his traditions. For this, high morality must be formed in the young generation. Because where there is no spirituality, nothing can happen.

In this regard, the study and application of the principles of extracurricular and out-of-school education is of great importance in the spiritual education of underage schoolers. Thus, by effectively organizing extracurricular and out-of-school activities, significant improvement and progress can be made in inculcating positive qualities, such as development of friendship, loyalty, patriotism, love for our language, religion, ancestry, Azerbaijanism, respect for adults, diligence, nationalism and so on in schoolers.

Key words: junior schoolchildren, spiritual education, of school education, extracurricular activities, pedagogical principles.

Принципи позакласної та позашкільної виховної роботи в моральному вихованні молодших школярів


education schoolchildren teacher

Педагогічні принципи, що випливають із закономірностей педагогічного процесу, впливають на його зміст, методи та форми організації, виступають керівними ідеями, що створюють сприятливі умови для ефективної організації' роботи вчителя та учнів, також мають велике значення в позаурочній діяльності та позашкільній освіті. Принципи позакласної та позашкільної освіти є чинниками, що випливають із відповідних педагогічних законів морального виховання, істотно впливають на утвердження національних і загальнолюдських цінностей. У статті проаналізовано сутність принципів позакласного та позашкільного виховання з погляду морального виховання учнівської' молоді. Окрім того, проаналізовано питання зв'язку навчальної' діяльності учнівської молоді з позаурочною та позашкільною діяльністю, що суттєво впливає на їхні морально-етичні якості, та проблема цілеспрямованого формування наукового світогляду. У Законі «Про освіту» зазначається, що однією з головних цілей освіти в Азербайджанській Республіці є виховання громадян і людей, відданих ідеям патріотизму й азербайджанства. Наш національний лідер Г.А. Алієв зазначив, що найбільшою метою освіти є виховання у громадян Азербайджану національних і загальнолюдських цінностей. Кожна молода людина має бути відданою державі, вірною своїй нації, вірною своїм традиціям. Для цього в молодого покоління має бути сформована висока моральність. Бо там, де немає духовності, нічого не може статися. У зв'язку із цим велике значення в духовному вихованні неповнолітніх школярів мають вивчення та застосування засад позашкільної освіти. Отже, ефективною організацією позашкільної роботи можна досягти значного покращення та прогресу у вихованні позитивних якостей, сприяти розвитку вірності, патріотизму, любові до своєї' мови, релігії, предків, азербайджанства, поваги до дорослих, працьовитості, націоналізму тощо у школярів.

Ключові слова: молодші школярі, духовне виховання, шкільна освіта, позакласна робота, педагогічні керівники.

Scientific novelty of the article

The principles of extracurricular and out-of-school education as one of the most important means of spiritual education of underage schoolers were analyzed, opportunities and ways of their use, effective forms were identified, the current situation in this field and innovative tools needed to be applied were explained.

The role and opportunities of extracurricular activities in the formation of the personality of underage schoolers and their spiritual education are great. Extracurricular activities activate the learning opportunities of young schoolers, cultivate interest and love for knowledge. Extracurricular activities build self-confidence in children, create conscious discipline, instill in them the moral qualities and rules of cultural behavior, the right to communicate and interact with others.

In order to produce successful results and organization of extracurricular and out-of-school educational work, specific pedagogical principles of the organization of these activities should be followed by guiding the general principles of education.

Adherence to pedagogical principles plays an important role in determining the optimal structure of extracurricular and out-of-school educational work, the content, effective methods and means of spiritual education. It is true that there is no complete consensus among educators on pedagogical principles and the amount and classification of these principles, but it is possible to draw conclusions by generalization.

The principles of extracurricular and out-of-school education are the leading ideas arising from the relevant pedagogical laws of spiritual, moral education, which have a strong impact on the formation of national and universal values related to behavior.


To investigate the current topic, some methods are considered to be appropriate. The main one is the method of observation. In addition, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction were used.


One of its main features is the strong influence of the principles of extracurricular and out-ofschool education. A principle is understood as an idea that is guided before any action is taken. Humanism, democracy, equality, pupil orientation are the main principles of our modern education. After the application of these principles, the system of relations in our education has changed. In the modern education system, the teacher has already been given a different role. He no longer treats the pupil as an adult, as an educator, but as someone who is equal to him, shares his concerns, and accepts his independence. One of the reasons for the growing tension between teachers and pupils, teachers and parents in our schools is the non-compliance with pedagogical principles.

Leading, guiding ideas arising from the regularities of the pedagogical process, influencing its content, methods and forms of organization, creating favorable conditions for the effective organization of the activities of teachers and students are called pedagogical principles. The pedagogical principles for the effective organization of extracurricular and out- of-school activities in the implementation of the moral education of underage schoolers are as followings:

The principle of taking into account the interests, tendencies and needs of underage schoolers in extracurricular and out-of-school activities.

This principle requires that extracurricular and out-of-school education be organized in accordance with the interests and inclinations of young students. In this regard, teachers should study the interests and desires, tendencies and needs of children and, accordingly, direct them to extracurricular and out- of-school education. The teacher should also involve students who are not interested in certain activities.

The principle of voluntariness requires that the organization of extracurricular activities, study groups and clubs, departments, optional classes, sports activities to be chosen by underage schoolers on a voluntary basis. In this regard, teachers and educators, classroom teachers should give pupils valuable, useful advice and recommendations, valuable directions for the right choice, to motivate them to effective action. The principle of voluntariness requires that this process to be voluntary, not mandatory, unlike a lesson. So, the lessons should be lively, interesting and attractive.

The principle of linking extracurricular and out- of-school activities with life and practical work requires that the work carried out here to be connected with our modern life, practical work, constructive work. The knowledge acquired by underage schoolers in the classroom should be further strengthened by extracurricular activities, constructive, practical work. Pupils' theoretical knowledge to be connected with practical work, applied in production, practical work, the knowledge gained through excursions to nature and historical places to be strengthened. In this case, the most difficult topics covered in the lesson can be easily mastered when combined with practical work.

From the principle of linking the pedagogical process to life, the comprehensive information that students see and receive from professionals during various extracurricular activities expands their knowledge, enhances their worldview, and these facts bring them into a broad socio-economic and cultural life.

By constantly applying the principle of linking instruction and education to their creative activities, class teachers are acquainted with the processes and events in the political and economic spheres not only in our country but also in the world, use media information and develop students' worldviews by teaching innovations.

The principle of creating favorable conditions for the organization of extracurricular and out-ofschool activities requires that advantageous, suitable conditions must be created in the organization of upbringing work, i.e. visual and technical aids must be used in extracurricular activities, computer technology, innovative methods, favorable conditions and environment must be created in accordance with the purpose and content of extracurricular activities.

Professor Nureddin Kazimov's textbook “School Pedagogy” states about this principle: “The level of education and upbringing conducted in the necessary material-technical base and in the spiritual psychological environment is high” [2, p. 162].

Teachers based on the principle we are talking about, try to have friendship and camaraderie, sincerity, mutual respect, and a spiritual climate at school. Specially the activities of both teachers and students are effective in such a healthy spiritual and psychological environment.

The principle of taking into account individual, psychological characteristics, talents and abilities of underage schoolers in extracurricular and out-ofschools activities requires that the existing abilities, talents and skills of students should be taken into account and work organized accordingly. In this case, the work will be more interesting and will be done with quality.

Individual-psychological characteristics of students include their knowledge, skills and habits, as well as physical, physiological and psychological characteristics. During extracurricular activities, the level of knowledge and skills of pupils and the individual psychological development should be determined by the class teachers conducting the lesson. Because both aspects affect the success of the instruction. The efforts of a teacher who does not reveal the current level of knowledge and skills of the pupil, who does not pay attention to their memory characteristics and way of thinking, remain completely fruitless. The teacher should motivate the students to open the topic through his / her own work, is questions, and involve them in judging the topic.

It is known that the student's activity in the learning process can not be an ordinary template activity. In exceptional cases, students with very low levels of cognition have such activities. The student's activity in the learning process is the basis of all his conscious activity [1].

Every normal activity of an individual is considered his cognitive activity. These cognitive activities include needs and motivation. Needs, interests, passions and emotions, as well as orientations and ideals can act as motives. It is then that the conditions are created for the successful implementation of the activity. Abilities, which are an important condition for the successful implementation of the activity, are expressed in the differences in the dynamics of the acquisition of knowledge, skills and habits necessary for it. It is through this difference that one student's ability is distinguished from another, that is, either more or less. Abilities regulate an individual's way of thinking and character. Therefore, a student with good abilities is also considered as a student with good thinking. Students vary in their abilities. Therefore, the definition of individual-psychological characteristics of the student, the formation of the student's personality is considered to be one of the most important principles in the work of spiritual education.

The principle of unity in requirements and respect for the student's personality in extracurricular and out-of-school activities requires a humane approach to students. In extracurricular activities, students act freely and on a voluntary basis. In this case, respect for them with a unique demand must be organically linked and applied.

Prominent educator A.S. Makarenko masterly used this pedagogical principle and always succeeded in his pedagogical activity. He said that if someone asked me to summarize my work experience, I would say, “People need to be as demanded and respected as possible”.

The principle of appropriateness of students' age and level of understanding in the organization of extracurricular and out-of-school activities also naturally requires that children participate in educational activities in accordance with their age and level of understanding.

Underage schoolers have their own psychological characteristics. Involuntary attention, mechanical memory, and concrete thinking predominate in children of this age. Their speech is also impaired. Students often memorize texts like poems, trying to memorize them mechanically. If this is not prevented, they may develop memorization. Therefore, the teacher should involve students more in speaking the text in their own words, making a plan, finding answers to questions, and writing short essays on free topics.

The main type of activity at this age is instruction: in instruction, the child acquires knowledge, is brought up and develops mentally. The teacher should try to organize the students' teaching work properly and teach them effective ways of learning. K.D. Ushin- sky considered this to be more important than giving knowledge in primary education [5].

It is important to take into account the characteristics of this age in instruction-education and extracurricular activities with young students. The main ones are:

underage schoolers are eager to learn everything; Taking this into account, it is necessary to form the need for reading in schoolers;

children have a cheerful, emotional nature; Teachers and parents should try to instill in them high moral feelings (love for the motherland, kindness, care, attention, etc.) using works of art and films, live speech;

there is a strong need for communication in underage schoolers; Taking this into account, it is necessary to involve children in collective events, joint play, work, to instill in them such qualities as collectivism, camaraderie, friendship, politeness, attentiveness to girls;

children are easily influenced, trust the teacher, do what he says without ordering. It should be used for the proper education of schoolers;

Primary school pupils perform the teacher's tasks with great enthusiasm and diligence. Teachers and parents can cultivate positive qualities in their children by applying a system of tasks and encouraging them.

Observations show that in many cases, the cause of conflicts is that the leaders of extracurricular and out-of-school activities do not take into account the age characteristics of children and do not treat them properly in this regard. They should have in-depth knowledge of the child's age, qualities and habits. As a result, the teacher is not only unable to resolve the conflict between the pupil and the parent, but, on the contrary, such cases become more widespread, crossing the walls of the school and the family, causing a great resonance in society.

It can be concluded that the teacher must be well aware of the age and individual characteristics of primary school pupils and take a professional approach to this. The teacher must manage the pupils with the psychological knowledge and experience gained in daily life, organize their instruction and education, extracurricular activities.

The principle of linking individual, pair work, group and collective forms of work in extracurricular activities.

Form is the outward expression of any activity, work. The form of organization of extracurricular activities is an expression of the joint activities of teachers and pupils in a certain order and mode. The effectiveness of extracurricular activities depends on the form in which they are organized. The purpose and content of extracurricular activities are realized in the form of its organization. Content defines the form and is realized with it. Therefore, the choice of effective forms of work in the implementation of the content is of great importance. In this case, individual, pair work, group and team work should be coordinated and implemented in a comprehensive manner.

The principle of mass requires extracurricular and out-of-school activities to unite students in mass. It is necessary to involve more pupils in it, because the mass has a positive effect on the development of pupils' creativity. These mass classes are also very useful in terms of pupils' acquisition of practical knowledge.

The principle of referring to the personal achievements of pupils in the organization of extracurricular and out-of-school educational work.

This principle requires that children's achievements in extracurricular and out-of-school education should be taken into account, that they should be encouraged to increase these achievements, and that children should be stimulated on the basis of their achievements.

The principle of humanism in the organization of extracurricular and out-of-school activities.

In modern times, the humanization and democratization of the educational process in secondary schools is one of the important pedagogical problems. Thus, extracurricular and out-of-school activities play an important role in preparing the younger generation for life and shaping their humanistic outlook.

Humanism stems from the purpose of general education, the principles and requirements of the state in the field of education. Education is the basis of spiritual, social, economic and cultural development of society and the state. Education aims to form an individual who is independent, free, creative, cultural, moral and intellectual, who respects the rights and freedoms of others, as well as realizes his responsibility to the family, society and the state.

The purpose of the school is reflected in the humanistic content of education. If we have to define the system of goals of the school, we will witness the following picture: to teach reading; to teach counting; to teach speaking; to teach communicating; to teach general reading (learning) skills; to teach knowledge, skills and habits in subjects; to form intellectual skills; to develop the emotional sphere; to develop the sphere of motivation; to develop the sphere of will;

to teach cooperative relations; to teach obedience to the law, etc. The methodological basis of these goals is the modernization and humanization of education.

Humanism is an indicator of the moral quality of a person, his spiritual richness. As a moral principle, it manifests itself in various aspects of human activity, both within and outside the collective. A systematic approach to personality allows us to distinguish the main components of humanistic education (humanistic feelings, humanistic attitudes, humanistic qualities). Humanistic feelings express the attitude of man to man, man to society. Humanism is one of the most beautiful moral qualities that discourages human cruelty, endowing care and affection for children, the elderly, the sick, those in need, and all people in general. Extracurricular activities should be organized in a humane and democratic manner. In the past, the great Czech pedagogue J.A. Comenius called the school a “humanism workshop”, a “human workshop”. The humanization of education, first of all, implies the direct development of the pupil, the assertion of himself as a person, the creation of favorable conditions for self-realization [2].

The humanization of extracurricular activities involves the creation of a system in which every pupil can receive a free and equal upbringing and education, discover their potential through self-education, self-government, self-realization, self-improvement, self-affirmation and readiness to cooperate with others.

Humanism is given as one of the main principles of education policy in the “Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Education”. The Education Law defines humanism as “the priority of national and universal values, the free development of the individual, human rights and freedoms, health and safety, care and respect for the environment and people, tolerance and endurance”.

The development of human capital based on knowledge and innovations is a priority in the Development Concept “Azerbaijan 2020: Vision for the Future”, in the “State Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, in the “Strategic Roadmap for the National Economic Prospects of the Republic of Azerbaijan” [3].

In the implementation of the content of the work done in the organization of extracurricular and out-ofschool activities, the creation of a humane and democratic educational environment, it is also necessary to follow the following principles of equal importance:

1) the principle of cultural orientation of activities;

2) the principle of humanism in the organization of forms and methods of the event;

3) the principle of humanization of pedagogical communication;

4) the principle of humanization of the moral and spiritual and activity environment in extracurricular activities envisages the formation of an educational spiritual environment, the creation of socio-pedagogical conditions.

The principle of democracy in extracurricular and out-of-school education requires that the rights of children to be ensured, that their wishes and demands to be respected, and that they to be given broad rights in the choice of extracurricular and out- of-school education.

All pupils should have equal rights in extracurricular and out-of-school activities, and their free activity should be organized.

The principle of linking extracurricular and out- of-school educational work with classroom, school instruction, teaching and general educational work.

This principle requires that extracurricular and out-of-school educational work should be regularly coordinated with the general educational work of the class and school, and their work should be aimed at improving the quality of school and classroom education without repetition.

Extracurricular and out-of-school activities should not hinder students' basic learning activities, but rather help them to do so and improve the quality of education.

Extracurricular and out-of-school activities should not be a repetition of the learning process. It should be aimed at improving the quality of the teaching process, developing students' scientific outlook by organizing their activities in a unique way.

The principle of application and strengthening of knowledge acquired in the classroom in extracurricular and out-of-school activities.

The principle of pedagogical cooperation in the organization of extracurricular and out-of-school activities requires that the pedagogical process to be carried out in the form of cooperation, good relations, dialogues. The knowledge gained in the instruction process should be applied in cooperation in extracurricular and out-of-school activities. In this case, the acquired knowledge is further strengthened and will be remembered for a long time. The applied knowledge is further strengthened and perfectly mastered. A wise saying states: “If you say I forget, if you show it I will remember, if I do I will learn” [4].

The work done in practice, the applied knowledge is not forgotten and studied. In the principle of cooperation, the teacher should strive to cooperate with students and try to take an active part in joint activities with them. A class teacher who gets the sympathy of students, feels their needs, cares for them, respects their personalities, briefly, is ready to cooperate with students, becomes a true moral educator, mentor, wise companion of his students. Students love such a teacher, look forward to him, communicate with him with great pleasure, and share their thoughts and feelings with him. Pupils love the subject of such teacher and gladly join the teaching activity.

The application of ICT in the process of extracurricular education allows teachers to constantly work on themselves, to study continuously, to improve their skills, to create their own database, to constantly analyze their pedagogical activities and save time. As a result, teachers are able to raise an educated generation that meets global requirements.

Extracurricular and out-of-school activities should be closely linked to students' education in order to successfully achieve the goals set in the educational-upbringing process. Extracurricular activities should help to improve the quality of education, expand students' knowledge and outlook, and form moral qualities in them.

Linking the educational activities of underage schoolers with extracurricular activities significantly develops their individual abilities, skills and talents, moral and ethical qualities, increases their creative potential, and purposefully forms a scientific outlook and an active position in life.

Practical significance of the article. The article can be used in the teaching process by both primary school teachers of secondary schools and students majoring in “Primary school teaching” of pedagogical universities.


1. Ibrahimov F.N., Huseynzade R.L. Pedagogy: The textbook: in 2 volumes. II v. Baku: Translator, 2013.

2. Kazimov N.M. School pedagogy. Baku: Maarif, 2002.

3. “Azerbaijan 2020: vision for the future” development concept (Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 29, 2012). Azerbaijan Muallimi: newsp. January 20, 2013.

4. Hasanov A., Agayev A. Pedagogy. Baku : Maarif, 2007.

5. Pashayev A., Rustamov F. Pedagogy. Baku: Science and education, 2010.

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  • Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.

    курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012

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