Scientific text as a means of teaching and improving professional communicative skills of students
This article examines most of the actual problems associated with the study of a special scientific text, which is the main means of teaching and improving the students professional communication skills. Working with scientific texts in the specialty.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.10.2022 |
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Scientific text as a means of teaching and improving professional communicative skills of students
Storozhenko L.G.
State University of Telecommunications
Improving the effectiveness of training and improving the professional communication skills of future specialists is the practical goal of every teacher working with students of different specialties. The scientific text is the basis of learning - it expands not only professional competence, but also contributes to the improvement of the communicative skills of the students. A well-chosen scientific text (popular science, scientific and educational, etc.) may interest a student, provide a lot of useful and practically necessary information on a future specialty, and help to delve into the terms and professional vocabulary. When working with scientific texts in the specialty, it is important to take into account the need, interest, age of trainees, to determine effective ways and methods that are used to improve the assimilation of scientific vocabulary and terminology. This article examines most of the actual problems associated with the study of a special scientific text, which is the main means of teaching and improving the students professional communication skills.
Key words: scientific text, scientific style, professional communication skills.
Підвищення ефективності навчання та вдосконалення професійних комунікативних навичок майбутніх фахівців гуманітарної сфери є практичною метою кожного викладача, який працює зі студентами різних спеціальностей. Науковий текст є основою навчання - він не лише розширює професійну компетенцію, а й сприяє вдосконаленню комунікативних навичок студентів. Вдало підібраний науковий текст (власне науковий, науково-популярний, науково-навчальний тощо) може зацікавити студента, надати багато корисної та практично необхідної інформації з майбутньої спеціальності, допомогти зрозуміти й усвідомити терміни та професійну лексику. У роботі з фаховими науковими текстами важливо враховувати потреби, зацікавленість, вік студентів, визначати ефективні способи й методи, які застосовуються для поліпшення засвоєння наукової лексики та термінології.
У статті розглядається більшість актуальних проблем, пов'язаних із вивченням спеціального наукового тексту, який є основним засобом навчання студентів і вдосконалення їхніх професійних комунікативних навичок.
Ключові слова: науковий текст, науковий стиль, професійні комунікативні компетенції, уміння, навички.
Повышение эффективности обучения и совершенствования профессиональных коммуникативных навыков будущих специалистов является практической целью каждого преподавателя, работающего со студентами разных специальностей. Научный текст является основой обучения - он не только расширяет профессиональную компетенцию, но и способствует совершенствованию коммуникативных навыков обучаемых. Удачно подобранный научный текст (собственно научный, научно-популярный, научно-учебный и так далее) может заинтересовать студента, дать много полезной и практически необходимой информации по будущей специальности, помочь вникнуть в термины и профессиональную лексику. При работе с научными текстами по специальности важно учитывать потребности, заинтересованность, возраст обучаемых, определять эффективные способы и методы, которые применяются для улучшения усвоения научной лексики и терминологии.
Статья рассматривает большинство актуальных проблем, связанных с изучением специального научного текста, который является основным средством обучения студентов и совершенствования их профессиональных коммуникативных навыков.
Ключевые слова: научный текст, научный стиль, профессиональные коммуникативные компетен-ции, умения, навыки.
Formulation of the problem
scientific communicative skills
At present, when scientific activity is becoming widespread, the task of nurturing a culture of scientific thinking, which is closely related to the task of nurturing a culture of scientific speech, is particularly relevant.
Various disciplines are carriers of relevant scientific information, which is necessary for the formation of professional communication. The study and understanding of scientific texts of various disciplines has social motivational factors - thanks to this, one can become familiar with the latest scientific information necessary for the formation of a future specialist.
Of particular interest to the study of the text as a holistic speech work indicates the implementation of the principle of communicative orientation in learning - in the form of text, language is a means of com-munication between people. The text as a didactic basis for mastering the language of a specialty should be the basis for students' awareness and mastery of professional and communication skills.
A well-chosen scientific text is not only the carrier of the latest information, but also a means of teach-ing and improving students' professional, linguistic and social skills. The original scientific text provokes interest in the problems of its future specialty, which contributes to the development of not only com-municative, but also social competence. Currently, a lot of attention is naturally paid to the communicative orientation, but it should not be forgotten about the importance of selecting a rich informational scientific text and its practical use in the classroom in order to form professional communicative competencies of future specialists.
Analysis of recent research and publications
Features of scientific texts have repeatedly been the object of scientific research by many scholars - philologists, historians, sociologists, and others. Today, a scientific text is considered as an invariant of a special text (L. Alekseeva, V. Boguslavskaya, O. Golovanova, E. Melnikova, N. Shnyakina, etc.). In the history of linguistic studies, the works of A. Gerd (questions of language learning for special purposes), A. Komarova (functional stylistics, scientific speech, language for special purposes), V. Ley- chik (structure and methods of term studies), etc. are of particular importance.
Setting assignments
The purpose of this article is to study the peculiarities of scientific style texts as a means of forming professional communicative competences among students of various specialties. The relevance of the study is determined by the search for effective ways to improve the professional speech culture of students in the learning process, taking into account their future specialty, which has a deep social meaning in modern conditions.
The objectives of the study include the analysis of the characteristic features of the scientific style and scientific text; determination of students' need for knowledge of terminological vocabulary; the estab-lishment of effective ways and methods by which students successfully assimilate scientific information will improve their social competence.
The presentation of the main material
At the present stage of development of linguistic science, almost all scholars recognize the following classification of styles: colloquial and book styles. Among the book styles distinguish: scientific, official business, journalistic and style of fiction.
When teaching students all styles are used, but the main place is still occupied by scientific texts in their future specialty.
For a scientific style (as well as text), the characteristic feature is the sphere of scientific communica-tion, which is distinguished by the fact that it pursues the goals of the most accurate, logical expression of thought. Since the main form of thinking in science is the concept, the linguistic embodiment of the dynamics of thinking is expressed in judgments and conclusions, which follow in a strict logical sequence [2, p. 46].
But a scientific style, like a scientific text, having a pronounced specificity, is not an absolutely closed system, it uses the words of a literary language, it obeys general grammatical laws [6, p. 18]. Typical features of a scientific text are semantic accuracy, objectivity and impersonality, the severity of scientific presentation, the lack of imagery and emotionality.
The specificity of the scientific text and style at the lexical level is manifested in the terminology of the exposition, in the wide use of book vocabulary, in the use of words in their direct, subject-logical meanings, in the presence of a large number of abstract vocabulary (mainly nouns), in the limited vocabulary, selection and the use of lexical means, expressing thoughts and much more.
Each functional style, including the scientific one, is subdivided into sub-sheets, in which both the main features of a particular style can be preserved, and specific features that distinguish one type of style from another can be found. In the methodological literature, various classifications are proposed for divid-ing the scientific style into underlays, which are based on different characteristics. For example, depending on the functions of the style and the addressee, there are: scientific, scientific and technical (technological), popular science, science fiction; taking into account the sphere of preferential communication: natural science, humanitarian science, scientific and technical substrates. Specialty texts and terms/terminological phrases can be subdivided into general scientific, popular science and special [1, p. 8].
Scientific style of speech and its substrates are most clearly manifested in writing and are embodied in many genres and types of publications: monograph, textbook, scientific article, report, abstract, review, thesis, plan, etc., where the scientific style is used for precise, coherent and informed communications. The scientific speech of texts in the specialty, as a rule, consists of the characteristics of the phenomena being studied, analysis and generalizations.
Scientific texts have a lot of specific (especially in their terminological basis) by the type of sciences (human, natural, technical) with their further division. This caused a whole branch of linguistic knowledge, which receivedthe name “specialty language”, “professional communication”, “learning profiles” [4, p. 19].
A scientific text, like any other, is a unit of communication, since it is in a text that includes a certain set of structuring language units, this set is transformed into communicative integrity based on some thematic organization of a speech act, determined by a specific material (structural) situation and intention of communicants [3; 5].
In the methodology of most disciplines for teaching students of different specialties, preference is given to general scientific specialized texts, since they are characterized by the most frequent layer of general scientific vocabulary and a sufficient number of terms. These texts are also indicated by their compliance with the level of general education and language training, without which it is impossible to achieve an understanding of the basic meaning of educational scientific texts in the specialty. Based on the fact that mastering the language of a specialty determines the possibility of professional communication and achieving the required level of professional competence, we can agree with this position that educational texts on the specialty act as a special communicative unit and should be considered as an element of the content of education.
When working with a scientific text, one must remember that the teaching and scientific speech is characterized by an educational function, the characteristic features of which is a strict limitation of the amount of information reported; simplification of evidence and explanations; active use of tools designed to facilitate the assimilation of scientific information; elementary, easy to understand students presentation of the material.
The language of educational and scientific literature in terms of content is characterized by a careful selection of generally accepted scientific facts, systematization and classification of the most important results of scientific research. For language design, the exact use of terminology, partial and selective reduction of the highly specialized structure of sentences and the general compositional structure while preserving the bulk of the required information are characteristic.
The criterion for taking into account stylistic and genre features of educational and scientific texts implies work not only on their content side, but also on language means of transmitting textual information.
The educational and scientific style serves to express its main function - the communication of new information in a strict, logically organized, concise and objective form.
Considering what has been said, we understand a text that, in combination with other teaching aids, creates optimal conditions for the students to assimilate the information contained in the text.
Educational text, as well as scientific, always contains cognitive tasks or problems that must be able to be detected and solved.
In the process of working on practical exercises in the specialty with educational and scientific texts, the text itself and its analysis serve as didactic means of organizing the methodical work on the develop-ment of vocabulary and stylistic skills in students to communicate professionally. Ultimately, the text acts as a unit of awareness and mastery of professional competencies, including the stylistic and communica-tive norms of professional communication.
Of particular interest to the study of the text as a holistic speech product indicates the implementation of the principle of communicative orientation in learning, because only in the form of text and text func-tion language is a means of communication between people. The text, as a didactic basis for mastering the language of a specialty, should become the basis for students' awareness and mastery of the norms of pro-fessional ethics in its functional varieties.
Among the most significant features of a scientific text, one can single out the transmission of messa-ges orally or in writing; the text is holistic in content, structure and intonation completeness; the text of the scientific style has a certain information richness; in a scientific text, you can define interrelated and interdependent components, units of text; in each unit of the text separate micro themes are allocated; for any text there is a certain stylistic completeness (usually the text is designed in a certain style key, although sometimes there are cases of combining elements of different styles in one text); each text is characterized by a certain pragmatic attitude, etc.
One of the most important methodological problems when working with students of different spe-cialties is to determine the criteria for the selection of educational and scientific texts for the purpose of productive practical use of textual information. Therefore, when implementing the criterion of saturation of educational and scientific texts, it is necessary to remember that each educational text should serve as a source of relevant and up-to-date information for future specialists. It is important to remember that the text, with the same information richness, contains a different amount of scientific information. In order to extract all the scientific information contained in the text, it is important that the source text is accessible to students. Therefore, when selecting texts, it is important to take into account the stages of training, the objectives of classes, the age of students, their professional interests, etc.
Also among the main criteria for the selection of scientific texts should highlight the availability of educational texts; information richness; division of the text into semantic parts; text content; design in a single sense.
The availability of text for student perception is one of the most important selection criteria. In cases where the content of the text is relevant to students, but difficult to understand, the teacher must adapt the content to the desired result. Students more easily perceive text with pre-text exercises, the main pur-pose of which is to clarify new, insufficiently understandable words and expressions. It is useful to refer to dictionaries and reference books. Therefore, when assimilating terms, context is extremely important.
It should be noted that there is a significant difference between the word-term in the dictionary and in its use in the text. Vocabulary words have some shade of abstraction, which they are deprived of in the sentence. This explains the difficulty of assimilating the terms without introducing them into a minimal context. Therefore, it is important to work on new concepts not in isolation, but in combination with other words, where the word manifests its basic meaning.
Considering the above, the following conclusions can be made regarding the consider-ation and definition of the features of a scientific text as a means of teaching and improving the profes-sional communication skills of students of different specialties, chief among which are: the scientific text of any field of activity should provide for the clarity and logic of the construction and presentation of the material; scientific text in the specialty contributes to the improvement of not only linguistic, but also social competence, subject to the use of active teaching methods.
In addition, to prepare a good course in the discipline, you need to pay attention to the needs of stu-dents, because they are the driving force of the entire educational process. Especially when students want to study what interests them and will be relevant and necessary for them in the future.
Also, taking into account the needs of future specialists, it is necessary to classify terms correctly and easily, use them in scientific texts, and teaching methods should pay great attention to the lexical aspect of scientific speech, the use of communicative methods that contribute to the assimilation of special terms. It helps to improve the receptive and productive competencies of a specialist.
And most importantly, a student with all his needs should always be at the center of the entire learning process, since it is he who is formed as an individual, as a future specialist, who must possess excellent professional qualities and have excellent communication skills.
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