Relationship between personal values and adaptation of students: transfer of the method of "Learning by action"

The search and substantiation of theoretical concepts for the study of personality adaptation in the new conditions of life. Development of the students social responsibility and other key competencies through the use of the "Learning by action" method.

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Дата добавления 30.10.2022
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Zavatskyi Yu.A, Hrechyshkina K.M.,

Kalnaia S.P., Stoyanova V.O.


The article reveals the relationship between personal values and adaptation of students in the transfer of the method of "learning by doing". It is shown that the value of creativity in the stable component was associated with maladaptation, and in the dynamic on the contrary, which indicates that respondents are able to show creativity when needed, "here and now", ie in critical situations. Contradiction is observed in the professional component with the importance of the value of spiritual satisfaction - material well-being. That is, if the team or the environment of the respondents are dominated by spiritual values (morality, morality, belief in the good), the process of adaptation will be faster and easier, and if the material (money, benefits), the adaptation is difficult. This may indicate altruism and selflessness. Values have been shown to play an important role in the adaptation process. Regarding the constituent values, both dynamic and stable components are important. Of particular importance is the experience of transferring the method of "Learning by Action" (Service Learning) in higher education institutions. This method belongs to the methods of education in the interests of sustainable development and involves the integration into the educational process of higher education institutions of social activity of students. The effectiveness of the method is that students of higher education institutions who have experienced volunteer work in social projects in the educational process are more prepared in practical terms for the labor market and are able to see the meaning of activities in various social institutions. The main goal is to develop students' social responsibility and other key competencies through the use of the "Learning by Action" method.

Key words: students, values, adaptation, learning, action, activity.


Завацький Ю.А., Гречишкіна К.М., Кальна С.П., Стоянова В.О.


У статті розкрито взаємозв'язок особистісних цінностей та адаптації студентів в трансфері методу «навчання дією». Показано, що цінність креативності у стійкій складовій була пов'язана з дезадаптацією, а у динамічній навпаки, що свідчить про те, що респонденти здатні виявляти креативність тоді коли це потрібно, «тут і зараз», тобто у критичних ситуаціях. Протиріччя спостерігається у професійному компоненті при значущості цінності духовного задоволення - матеріального благополуччя. Тобто якщо в колективі або в оточенні респондентів переважають духовні цінності (мораль, моральність, віра в добро), то процес адаптації буде проходити швидше і простіше, а якщо ж матеріальні (гроші, вигода), то адаптація ускладнюється. Це може свідчити про альтруїзм і безкорисливість. Доведено, що цінності відіграють важливу роль в процесі адаптації. Щодо складових цінностей, то важлива як динамічна, так і стійка складові. Особливо значущим є досвід трансферу методу «Навчання дією» (Service Learning) у закладах вищої освіти. Даний метод належить до методів освіти в інтересах сталого розвитку та передбачає інтеграцію у навчальний процес закладів вищої освіти соціальної активності студентів. Ефективність методу полягає у тому, що студенти закладів вищої освіти, які пройшли досвід добровольчої роботи в соціальних проектах в рамках навчального процесу є більш підготовленими у практичному плані до ринку праці та здатні бачити сенс у діяльності в різних соціальних інститутах. Основною метою є розвиток у студентів соціальної відповідальності та інших ключових компетенцій через використання методу «Навчання дією».

Ключові слова: студенти, цінності, адаптація, навчання, дія, діяльність.

Formulation of the problem

Adaptation plays an important role in various areas of human life, including psychology. However, when considering theoretical problems, especially those related to personality psychology, adaptation is either given a particular meaning (for example, considering it as the first phase of the personal formation of an individual entering a relatively stable social community.

The search and substantiation of theoretical concepts for the study of personality adaptation in the new conditions of life requires a detailed consideration of the state of the problem of adaptation in social psychology (Georgieva). Without pretending to fully analyze and elucidate this concept, we will dwell on it only to the extent that it will help us to reveal the question of the role of personal values in the social adaptation of students.

competence adaptation learning action

Analysis of recent research and publications

The analysis and description of the problems associated with the axiosphere of the personality is presented in modern psychology quite well. At the same time, such as “values”, “value orientations”, “value awareness”, etc. act as the main phenomena describing value phenomena. A. Leont'ev defines the concept of value through the concept of "significance", "meaning". S. Rubinstein believes that values express what is significant for a person. That is, “value is the relationship of the subject to the object, it is also the orientation of the subject to the given object. Values are understood by us as special semantic formations that make up a hierarchical system in the structure of the personality, which determines the subjective importance of an object relative to other objects, based on the actual needs of the individual. Thus, the dominant personal values set the axiological orientation of the personality (Karpushina, 2009).

The most common classification is the dichotomous division of factors into external and internal, where external factors mean the conditions of the social environment, and internal factors mean the individual capabilities of a person. For example, I. Georgieva, based on an empirical study of personality adaptation in a team, suggests the following sets of internal and external factors: internal factors include the sociodemographic characteristics of research participants (gender, age, marital status, having children, etc.), value orientations of the personality, a number of psychological properties of the personality; the set of parameters associated with the type of activity of the group acts as external factors - these are the specific characteristics of the activity and the peculiarities of the social organization of the collective associated with them.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the relationship between personal values and adaptation of students in the transfer of the "learning by doing" method.

Presentation of the main material and research results

The study examined personal values and their relationship with the level of adaptation of students.

In the developed concept of a two-factor model of the structure of personal values, it is proved that personal values fall into two components of orientation, on the one hand: humanistic and pragmatic, and on the other, stable and dynamic. Humanistic values correspond to the development of oneself, spiritual satisfaction, creativity, relationships; pragmatic orientation: values of prestige, achievements, material well-being, preservation of individuality. Both of these components are both stable and dynamic, and with age, those values that were dynamic can turn into stable, and vice versa. Sustainable is the basis, and dynamic is what changes "here and now".

The objective of the research is to find out whether values affect the adaptation process, and which of the components in the structure of values, stable or dynamic, has a greater influence on the social adaptation of students.

In the study, hypotheses were put forward: do personal values influence the social adaptation of students, and a stable component of values is more important than a dynamic one in the process of students' social adaptation. The study involved students - psychologists and managers, 46 people aged 17-21 years.

The methods used in this work: ANL4, which allows you to explore not only values, but also their stable and dynamic components, and a methodology for diagnosing disadaptation of students, which allows you to diagnose the level of disadaptation / adaptation. The research results were processed using correlation analysis. As a result of the study, it was found that the level of maladjustment is lower in the case when the sphere of hobbies is an important value sphere in the component of educational maladjustment (r = -0.39). This suggests that the time and the activities that they do outside of school are important for the subjects, therefore, they have other interests that allow them to fill their lives and make it more colorful.

Thus, we can draw two conclusions, those positive emotions received from hobbies give an additional incentive in educational activities and hence, on the basis of hobbies, friendships with fellow students are formed, which also gives a positive incentive. Thus, the level of maladjustment is lower when, in the component of general adaptation, spiritual satisfaction is a significant value (r = -0.42). This indicates that self-development and the level of spiritual development of their loved ones are important for the subjects, therefore, their morality, moral qualities, faith in goodness and justice. Perhaps, on the basis of this, the subjects are trying to build their relationships.

Among the stable component, such spheres as the professional sphere (r = - 51) and the sphere of hobbies (r = -0.32) turned out to be important in the component of educational adaptation. Having correlated them with each other, we got r = 0.44, thus we can conclude that these two areas are interrelated (within the framework of this study). This is a direct correlation, perhaps it should be associated with the ability of the subjects to correctly distribute their time between hobbies and professional life, that is, they equally enjoy both from both, while, as already mentioned, these areas have a positive effect on each other...

In the component of general adaptation, the sphere of hobbies also plays an important role (r = -0.38). Perhaps this is due to the fact that the hobbies of the subjects play an important role in all components of adaptation, therefore, they build all their relationships on the basis of their hobbies, which allows them to successfully adapt. However, maladjustment is observed in the professional component, with the importance of such spheres as social life (r = 0.57) and the value of creativity (r = 61). That is, the subjects feel uncomfortable in a situation when in their everyday life something suddenly changes spontaneously, and it happens suddenly, in connection with which adaptation takes longer. Also, the subjects do not adapt well in the conditions of social life, that is, this may indicate that they are not able or are afraid to prove themselves in it. Internal experiences are more important for them than external ones.

Among the dynamic component, such values as spiritual satisfaction (rprof = - 0.45, rtotal = -0.53) and creativity (rprof = -0.48) turned out to be important in the professional component.

It should be noted that in the process of adaptation, the value of spiritual satisfaction plays an important role, but it is not included in a stable component, but in a dynamic one, hence this can be associated with an age crisis associated with a change in values and life orientations, since almost all subjects are at the junction such age periods as adolescence and early maturity, when a person, from the period of searching for his place in life (choosing a profession), enters the age of stabilization (Erickson's periodization). In this regard, what was important yesterday today is fading into the background, especially for girls, since they constitute the overwhelming majority in our study.

Requirements for yourself and others are changing. The value of creativity in the stable component was associated with maladjustment, and in the dynamic, on the contrary, which suggests that the subjects are able to show creativity when it is required, "here and now," that is, in critical situations. The contradiction is observed in the professional component with the importance of the value of spiritual satisfaction - material well-being. That is, if spiritual values (morality, morality, belief in goodness, etc.) prevail in the team or in the environment of the subjects, then the adaptation process will be faster and easier, and if material (money, benefit), then in this case they will have difficulty adapting. This may indicate the altruism and disinterestedness of the subjects.

Thus, the study showed that values play an important role in the adaptation process. As for the components of values, both dynamic and stable components are important, but it was not possible to single out the predominance of one of them.

In recent years, European states have accumulated innovative experience, the analysis of which is important for the dissemination of the ideas of education for sustainable development in universities. The experience of transferring the Service Learning method in universities seems to be especially significant. This method refers to methods of education for sustainable development and involves the integration of students' social activity into the educational process of universities to solve the problems of the local community.

The effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that university students who have had experience of volunteering in social projects as part of the educational process are more prepared in practical terms for the labor market and are able to see the meaning in volunteering in various social institutions.

The main goal of this network of universities is to develop students' social responsibility and other key competencies through the use of the "Learning by doing" method.

The transfer process of the “Service Learning - Learning by Action” method should take into account the specifics of each university. Analysis of foreign experience and our own approbation of the "Service Learning - Learning by Action" method allows us to rethink the pedagogical structure of classes.

The course of the Service Learning method can be broken down into six stages, each of which has its own objectives.

1. The stage of planning lessons according to the "Service Learning - Learning by Action" method includes: analysis of the theoretical content of the lessons in the context of the standard or the author's course, initial contact with partner organizations, the search for possible social ideas involving the use of the content of the discipline to solve the problems of partner organizations, concretization of the problems of partner organizations in the context of the discipline.

2. The stage of students' orientation to the method "Learning by doing" involves conducting an orientation lesson in which students are explained the requirements within the method "Service Learning - learning by doing" Service Learning projects), a list of partner organizations and their possible problems is presented.

3. The stage of studying theoretical knowledge in the discipline includes theoretical mastering by students of the material based on a variety of traditional and innovative methods, including on the basis of new information technologies.

4. Stage of meeting students with partner organizations and the development of volunteer projects within the discipline. At this stage, students choose partner organizations based on personal preferences and interests, meet with partners and conclude volunteer agreements, analyze the problems of partner organizations, develop a volunteer project to solve the problems of partner organizations.

5. The stage of implementation of volunteer projects of students in partner organizations. At this stage, in the classroom there is constant feedback and presentation of the progress of intermediate results of projects in partner organizations by students. It is important here to collect and discuss ideas of scientific works arising from the implementation of projects in partner organizations, presentation of the final results of volunteer projects of students.

6. The stage of reflection and evaluation. It can be organized as a wrap-up meeting with the participation of students, teachers and partner organizations to assess student performance in the implementation of Service Learning projects. At this stage, there is an exchange of views on implemented projects, making judgments about the difficulties and successes of students, calculating the rating of students within the framework of classes for a test or exam, and concluding agreements with partners to continue cooperation and publish the results of cooperation.

Students' volunteer projects based on the Learning by Doing method are social projects. Their specificity lies in the fact that they are aimed at solving a real problem of a partner organization in the context of the studied academic discipline. Practice has proven the need for the mandatory conduct of two or three lessons in the discipline aimed at developing Service Learning projects.

In these “Learning by doing” lessons, students develop their project competencies and are divided into initiative groups, which will then implement Service Learning projects in partner organizations.

The summary of the lessons can include seven stages necessary for the complete preparation of the text of the social project: statement of the project problem; definition of the goal and objectives of the project; description of the project activity; drawing up a work plan for the project; a description of the expected results of the project; assessing the sustainability of the project; defining project resources. In the third stage of the learning by doing method, trainees should start real activities in partner organizations within the framework of the projects they have developed. In the classroom, there is a presentation of the intermediate results of projects and their discussion.

Students use the knowledge gained in the discipline in real practical situations. At the fourth stage of the "Learning by action" method, students evaluate and reflect on the performed activities and the results achieved. The task of the specialist is to create conditions for the manifestation of the experiences of students. An exchange of views on completed projects, expressing opinions about difficulties and successes is desirable in the presence of representatives of partner organizations. The form of such a stage can be conferences, meetings with partners.

Thus, the process of transferring the “Learning by doing” method in the educational process of a university can be viewed in the context of four learning models gradually replacing each other. The approbation of this technology for introducing the "Service Learning - Learning by Action" method into the educational process of the university has proven its pedagogical effectiveness.


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4. Ковальчук З.Я. Вплив формувального експерименту на комунікативну толерантність та рефлексійність особистості у професійній взаємодії. Вісник Чернігівського національного педагогічного університету імені Т.Г. Шевченка. Вип. 121. Т. І. Чернігів: ЧНПУ, 2014. С. 164 - 169.


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