Current issues of professional and pedagogical competence formation of future officers in higher educational institutions with specific learning conditions

The article addresses to the need for the professional and pedagogical competence formation of future officers obtaining higher education in specialties "Law" and "Law Enforcement" in a higher educational institution with specific learning conditions.

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Дата добавления 06.11.2022
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Anishchenko Viktoriia,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Humanitarian Disciplines, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service

The article addresses to the need for the professional and pedagogical competence formation of future officers who obtain a master's degree in a higher educational institution with specific learning conditions.

The purpose of the article - is to substantiate the need to organize and use an additional master's course for future officers obtaining higher education in specialties 081 “Law” and 262 “Law Enforcement” in higher educational institutions with specific learning conditions.

Methodology. Foundation and analyses of objective conditions for the professional and pedagogical competence formation of future officers, whose professional activities are related to the processes of training, education of members of the rank and commanding staff of military units, law enforcement units, judicial protection, state border protection, human rights protection in bodies and penal institutions, etc. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article are didactic principles and theories of training, as well as a system of interactive methods and tools that ensure the development of pedagogical abilities of future officers.

Results. The carried out analysis of publications of national scientists on the researched subject allowed to define real problems which influence reception not only theoretical knowledge, but also the main practical skills and abilities of pedagogical influence application of young officers professionals on members of the rank and commanding staff to create effective official communication, their training and education, building relationships and effective communication process during their professional and service activities.

Practical implications. The introduction of the additional course “Higher School Pedagogy” in the educational and professional and educational and scientific program for the obtainers of the second (master's) level of higher education in specialties 081 “Law” and 262 “Law Enforcement” will promote the development of future officers and provide the required level of readiness for pedagogical activities within the performance of professional and service tasks as well as the implementation of the educational process of the rank and commanding staff.

Key words: future officers' professionals, competencies, professional competence, pedagogical activity, professional and pedagogical competence.

professional pedagogical competence future officers higher educational


Аніщенко Вікторія Олександрівна, доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагогіки та гуманітарних дисциплін, Академія Державної пенітенціарної служби

У статті обґрунтовано необхідність формування професійно-педагогічної компетентності в майбутніх офіцерів, які здобувають ступінь магістра, у закладі вищої освіти із специфічними умовами навчання.

Мета статті - обґрунтувати необхідність організації та використання факультативного курсу в магістратурі для майбутніх офіцерів-здобувачів вищої освіти зі спеціальностей 081 «Право» та 262 «Правоохоронна діяльність» у закладах вищої освіти із специфічними умовами навчання.

Методологія статті. Розкриття об'єктивних умов для формування професійно-педагогічної компетентності майбутніх офіцерів, професійна діяльність яких пов'язана з процесами навчання, виховання осіб рядового і начальницького складу військових підрозділів, підрозділів охорони правопорядку, судової охорони, охорони державного кордону, захисту прав людини в органах та установах виконання покарань тощо. Теоретико-методологічну основу статті складають дидактичні принципи та теорії навчання, а також система інтерактивних методів та засоби, що забезпечують розвиток педагогічних здібностей майбутніх офіцерів.

Результати. Проведено аналіз публікацій вітчизняних науковців з досліджуваної тематики, що дозволило визначити дійсно проблеми, які впливають на отримання не тільки теоретичних знань, а й головне, практичних навичок та вмінь застосування молодими фахівцями-офіцерами педагогічного впливу на осіб рядового і начальницького складу для створення ефективного офіційного спілкування, їхнього навчання та виховання, побудови хороших стосунків та дієвого комунікативного процесу під час здійснення ними службово-професійної діяльності.

Практичне значення отриманих результатів полягає в тому, що введення факультативу «Педагогіка вищої школи» в освітньо-професійну та освітньо-наукову програму для здобувачів другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти за спеціальностями 081 «Право» та 262 «Правоохоронна діяльність» сприятиме розвитку особистості майбутніх-офіцерів та забезпечить необхідний рівень готовності до педагогічної діяльності в межах виконання службово-професійних завдань та здійснення виховного процесу осіб рядового та начальницького складу.

Ключові слова: майбутні фахівці-офіцери, компетенції, професійна компетентність, педагогічна діяльність, професійно-педагогічна компетентність.

Target setting. Professional and pedagogical competence of future officers involves the formation of specific requirements, including a wide range of qualities that affect the professional competence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine, the State Judicial Protection of Ukraine and more.

Future officers who obtain a master's degree must have a high level of not only theoretical basis, practical skills, but also skills of self-development in the professional sphere, the manifestation of pedagogical creativity, which is the key to choosing the right forms and styles of communication with colleagues, cadets, establishing official relations during the implementation of management, educational and other activities, the creation of good communication processes in the professional activities of colleagues. That is why the formation of professional and pedagogical competence is relevant and requires researching.

Actual scientific researches and issues analyses. Problems of pedagogical component formation of officers' professional competence of certain activity directions from various aspects were searched by scientists: Anishchenko V. (formation of pedagogical competence of future officers of the State Criminal and Executive Service) [1]; Borysiuk O. (psychological and pedagogical competence as a component of professional competence of law enforcement officers) [2]; Litvinovskyi E. (officer as a manager of the educational process) [3]; Liubchych R. (psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional competence of future officers of the National Guard of Ukraine) [4]; Mytsenko D. (features of pedagogical training of future officers) [5]; Moldavchuk V. (pedagogical activity of the officers of the National Guard of Ukraine, the main ways of pedagogical skill formation) [6]; Rozumna T. (formation of pedagogical culture of guard cadets) [7]; Stasiuk V., Tolok I. (psychological and pedagogical competence as the basis of professionalism of a military specialist of operational and tactical level of training) [8]; Chistovska I. (formation of pedagogical competence of future officers of military management) [9]; lahupov V. (pedagogical mastering of an officer) [10] and others.

Regarding the research of a large number of scientists, we must state that modern officers are trained in educational and professional or educational and scientific program, which shows a decrease in the pedagogical component of the professional knowledge formation, skills and abilities, which significantly affects the quality of further professional activity, which is directly related to such components as communicative, educational, psychological, social, cultural, etc.

Goal setting - is to substantiate the need to organize and use an additional master's course for future officers obtaining higher education in specialties 081 “Law” and 262 “Law Enforcement” in higher educational institutions with specific training conditions.

The statement of basic materials. Professional communications in the official environment lead to the methods applying of personality oriented nature and delimitation of approaches to education and relationships of team members who are servicemen, law enforcement officers, must comply with certain requirements of statutory documents and clearly understand the complexities of their profession, to make self-improvement and self-learning throughout life, but also for the transfer of their professional competencies to other juniors, subordinates, cadets and other members of the professional team.

It is young officers at the beginning of their professional career who face problems related to the inability to interact and coordinate with the entrusted personnel in the process of solving tasks aimed at achieving quality results. In addition, young officers who are directly related to cadets in their professional activities, ie who remain after graduating from a higher educational institution with specific learning conditions in positions such as course officers, have difficulties in organizing training and educating cadets.

Officers who obtain master's level are those specialists able to provide solutions to modern professional problems, and they are the necessary potential for higher education and the basis for innovative development of the chosen future specialty in military service, state border protection, human rights, security and order, etc.

The educational and qualification level of an officer contributes to the development of motivation to improve professional competence throughout life, the formation of intelligence and spiritual education of young people.

Changing educational paradigms in general, integration processes in the system of national military, legal, law enforcement education, changing the vector in education from information-subject positions to personality oriented one determine the development of national education for students of the second (master's) level of higher education, including 081 “Law” and 262 “Law Enforcement”.

In order to meet the officers' needs in the pedagogical competence formation, which is one of the components of a professional competencies set, there are the arguments: first, a number of legal documents, including the Law of Ukraine “On Education”, the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, National Doctrine of Education Development and other domestic and international legislation, Concept of Military Education in Ukraine, draft Concept of Legal Education in the latest edition of January 21, 2021, the Concept of Education Reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, other documents; secondly, the desire of future professionals to work as course officers or to remain in pedagogical work and teach special disciplines of legal and law enforcement nature. This requires the institution of higher education to look for new methods and techniques sensitive for everyone and to develop new forms and technologies of teaching, ie to create pedagogical conditions for the development and self-realization of each person - the future officer professional.

One of the issues related to the professional and pedagogical competence formation is the introduction of additional course - the course “Higher School Pedagogy” in the educational process for applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education in specialties 081 “Law” and 262 “Law Enforcement”. This will provide an opportunity to form a personality oriented educational space, the main purpose of which is to ensure the integration of managed development and self-development of each future officer, to create psychological and pedagogical conditions in the system “teacher - officer” that will help applicants to understand the processes of knowledge transfer and training for professional activity and their didactic support, to form the pedagogical component of professional competence of future officers of lawyers and law enforcement officers.

Methodical materials of the optional course “Higher School Pedagogy” for obtainers of the second (master's) level of higher education in the specialties 081 “Law” and 262 “Law Enforcement” contain: the purpose of the additional course assignments; content of the additional course; principles used during the additional course; methods of organizing additional courses, and their thematic plan.

The purpose of the additional course is to acquaint undergraduates with the techniques of personal management and the formation of appropriate skills that will provide solutions to educational problems, rational and effective professional activities.

The objectives of the additional course are: to encourage officers to constantly improving their intellectual level; formation of skills to effectively organize personal educational and professional activities; formation of skills to avoid stressful situations; formation of skills to achieve professional and life goals as soon as possible; formation of skills to increase efficiency and keep it at a high level; formation of skills to achieve the best results in educational activities, and further - in professional one; formation of skills to get pleasure from the work process.

The additional courses contain innovative educational material that promotes the formation of pedagogical qualities in future lawyers and law enforcement officers, who are capable of self-improvement, which provides first effective solutions to the problems of educational activities, and then - professional one.

The additional course is based on the following principles: individuality, clarity, accessibility, awareness and activity.

The additional courses are carried out in the form of interactive lectures, lectures-presentations, binary lectures in the form of training, discussion platforms, debates and others, as well as using methods of organizing optional classes that most contribute to the formation of pedagogical competence, namely: “brainstorming” , the method of empathy, the method of synectics, the method of recession, etc. These methods are those of cognitive learning which contribute to the creative result - the formation of a creative, intellectually developed personality with a sufficient level of readiness for teaching. The presentation of the material can also be carried out using traditional verbal and visual methods: storytelling, conversation, presentation, game and training forms, etc., which contribute to the formation of interest and create a positive students ' emotional attitude to learning.

Peculiarities of higher educational institutions with specific learning conditions, regulation of professional activity, established hierarchy, which are part of the structure of relationships between participants in the educational process, do not allow young course officers to sufficiently study and apply the professional resources they encounter on a daily basis. This leads to the fact that they can not choose the necessary mechanisms for understanding the individual psychological qualities of cadets, building an optimal system of work with each of them, as well as maintaining and strengthening the mental state of team members. The introduction of the additional course “Higher School Pedagogy” is aimed to overcome these gaps, to form skills and abilities to use certain pedagogical, educational, communicative mechanisms and tools to influence the consciousness, culture of communication, professional behavioral ethics.

Conclusions. Professional and pedagogical components of the knowledge system of future officers, especially those who in their professional activities directly manage, train and educate cadets, should be formed on the basis of higher school pedagogy. The theoretical knowledge gained during the mastering of the additional course “Higher School Pedagogy” by future officers will allow them to conduct a qualitative analysis and evaluation of their activity and the activity of their personnel, plan their own activities and the activities of other personnel, motivate them morally to solve professional and service tasks in the process of joint activities, to determine pedagogically effective scenarios of communication between members of the rank and command staff as well as other personnel and the participants in educational and cultural activities.

Thus, the introduction of the additional course “Higher School Pedagogy” for applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education in specialties 081 “Law” and 262 “Law Enforcement” through appropriate teaching methods and content of educational material will promote the development of future officers and provide the necessary level of readiness to pedagogical activity in further professional formation and career growth, motivation to continue postgraduate studies to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy for those who aspire to teach or plan to engage in further theoretical and practical research.

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