Formation of professional competence of higher school students as an important condition for the functioning of the innovative educational system

Study of issues of formation of professional competence of higher school students. Innovative mechanisms that ensure and regulate the optimal interaction of students with the future profession. Use of various forms and methods of active learning.

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Дата добавления 19.11.2022
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Department of Fundamental and Special Disciplines

Chortkiv Educational and Scientific Institute of Entrepreneurship and Business

Western Ukrainian National University

Formation of professional competence of higher school students as an important condition for the functioning of the innovative educational system

V.V. Halushchak

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

The article is devoted to issues of formation of professional competence of students of higher education. It was determined that the problem of professional training of future specialists is in the center of attention in connection with the realization of its practical purpose. After all, professional knowledge, abilities and skills are important mechanisms that ensure and regulate the optimal interaction of students with the future profession. It has been proven that one of the ways of forming the professional competence of specialists, providing them with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills is the involvement of various forms and methods of active learning, because the formation of the professional orientation of an individual cannot happen spontaneously, but requires theoretical thinking, reasonableness and sufficient efficiency in the organization system educational process. The categorical apparatus of the study of theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the formation of professional competence of future specialists in the process of their training in higher educational institutions is analyzed. It was noted that readiness for professional activity combines awareness of the role and social responsibility, the desire to actively perform professional tasks, the attitude to actualization and mobilization of the relevant qualities, knowledge and skills acquired in a higher educational institution. After all, readiness is a natural result of a broadly professional orientation, which implies professional education, upbringing, self-education and professional self-determination. It is substantiated that the main characteristic of professional competence is taking into account psychological, social and cultural factors that depend on the individual's social affiliation and the specific situation. The modern concepts, essence, and content of the competence approach in education have been studied. It was revealed that the basis of qualification requirements should be the components of professional competence, which are related to the realization of the goal of education at different levels, taking into account modern socio-psychological requirements and real conditions of education. The structural components of professional training of higher school students are characterized and it is proved that the teacher must be able to model the educational process in accordance with the modern requirements of science and practice. The essence, content and functions of the professional competence of future specialists are defined and substantiated. The effectiveness of the training of specialists in higher education institutions based on the competence approach in order to ensure the formation of a highly qualified specialist has been proven.

Key words: competence, competence approach in education, professional competence, professional training, readiness, professional education.

Галущак В.В.

Формування професійної компетентності студентів вищої школи як важлива умова функціонування інноваційної освітньої системи

Статтю присвячено питанням формування професійної компетентності студентів вищої школи. Визначено, що проблема професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців перебуває в центрі уваги у зв'язку з реалізацією її практичної мети, так як важливими механізмами, що забезпечують і регулюють оптимальну взаємодію студентів з майбутньою професією, є професійні знання, уміння та навички. Доведено, що одним із шляхів формування професійної компетентності спеціалістів, забезпечення їх необхідними теоретичними знаннями та практичними навиками є залучення різних форм та методів активного навчання, адже формування професійної спрямованості особистості не може відбуватися стихійно, а вимагає теоретичної продуманості, обґрунтованості та достатньої ефективності в системі організації навчального процесу. Проаналізовано категоріальний апарат дослідження теоретичних засад та практичних аспектів формування професійної компетентності майбутніх фахівців в процесі їх підготовки у вищих закладах освіти. Відзначено, що готовність до професійної діяльності об'єднує в собі усвідомлення ролі і соціальної відповідальності, прагнення активно виконувати професійні завдання, установку на актуалізацію і мобілізацію придбаних у вищому навчальному закладі відповідних якостей, знань та умінь. Адже готовність є закономірним результатом широко професійної спрямованості, що має на увазі професійну освіту, виховання, самовиховання та професійне самовизначення. Обґрунтовано, що основною характеристикою професійної компетентності є врахування психологічних, соціальних і культурних чинників, які залежать від соціальної приналежності індивіда та конкретної ситуації. Досліджено сучасні концепції, сутність, зміст компетентнісного підходу в освіті. Розкрито, що в основі кваліфікаційних вимог повинні бути встановлені компоненти професійної компетентності, котрі пов'язані з реалізацією мети навчання на різних рівнях, з урахуванням сучасних соціально-психологічних вимог і реальних умов освіти. Охарактеризовано структурні компоненти професійної підготовки студентів вищої школи та доведено, що викладачу необхідно вміти моделювати навчальний процес відповідно до сучасних вимог науки і практики. Визначено і обґрунтовано сутність, зміст, функції професійної компетентності майбутніх фахівців. Доведено ефективність реалізації підготовки фахівців у вищих закладах освіти на основі компетентнісного підходу з метою забезпечення формування висококваліфікованого фахівця.

Ключові слова: компетенція, компетентність, компетентнісний підхід в освіті, професійна компетентність, професійна підготовка, готовність, професійна освіта.


Formulation of the problem. Updating the content of education, focusing on a new type of pedagogical worldview that meets the socio-cultural challenges of the era, prioritizing the formation of key competences in the intellectual, civic-legal, communication, and information spheres in student youth - these and other features should certainly be reflected in professional and personal qualities future specialists. Higher educational institutions of the third millennium are obliged to train a competent specialist who possesses integral, systematic knowledge, is a person of culture, a leader of the ideas of state building and democratic changes.

It should be noted that psychological and pedagogical studies in the field of professional training of students testify to different approaches of scientists regarding the interpretation of the category «professional competence». Researchers study it both as a characteristic of a person, and as the implementation of functions, and as a set of communicative, constructive, organizational skills of a person. In addition, competence is considered through the system of levels of professional skill. Also, according to scientists, competence occupies a transitional state between diligence and perfection. It is considered as awareness, authority [2, p.7; 13, p. 34; 14, p. 82]. As we can see, scientists distinguish not narrow knowledge of the subject, but mastery of experience based on philosophy, psychology, anatomy, etc., that is, on deep comprehensive knowledge of theory. That is why the ability not only to interest in information, but also the ability to conduct a dialogue, exchange ideas with listeners becomes an indicator of professional competence. Therefore, the involvement of students in scientific and research work, in the development of their scientific spirit is also a necessary indicator of competence.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of professional training has always been relevant in domestic pedagogy and psychology. A significant contribution to the development of its various aspects was made by research on the study of the structure of professional activity: M. Dyachenko, V. Zagvyazinskyi, L. Kandybovich, N. Kuzmina, V. Slastyonin, V. Shadrikov, etc., on the intensification and optimization of the educational process in higher education school: S. Arkhangelskyi, A. Verbitskyi, E. Zeyer, V. Savinykh, A. Usova, etc., on modeling students' cognitive activity: V. Bespalko, Yu. Kulyutkin, V.Lyaudis, N. Talizina, etc. At the same time, the construction of professional education based on the competence approach and its use in assessing the quality of training of future specialists led to the appearance of a large number of works devoted to the study of professional competence and the search for optimal conditions for effective methods of its formation, namely: V. Adolf, Yu. Vardanyan A. Kochnev and others. Also, various types of professional competence were considered in detail in a number of studies, in particular: communicative - V. Zherebkina, V. Kashnitsky, T Lipatova, A. Panfilova, G. Trofymova; sociocultural competence - M. Bolina, V. Safonova; intercultural - E. Bystrai, N. Galskova. However, despite significant theoretical developments on this issue, there are still many problems that need to be studied and researched, therefore the topic we have raised is relevant and needs to be resolved at this stage.

The purpose of the article. The main goal of this work is the theoretical substantiation of the process of formation of professional competence of future specialists, as well as the identification of psychological and pedagogical conditions for its effective functioning and development.

Presenting main material

A holistic approach in science involves a sufficiently clear definition of the boundaries of the object, acting as a basis for separating it from the environment and distinguishing internal and external connections, identifying and analyzing the system-like connections of the object and the way of their implementation; establishing the mechanism of life, the dynamics of the object, that is, the way it functions and develops [3, p. 23]. This methodological position determined the direction of the study of professional competence, i.e. identifying the essence of the phenomenon «competence» and distinguishing its structure and functions. That is why the term «professional competence» is one of the most used new concepts that appeared in science in the last decade.

It is worth noting that some scientists distinguish between two types of professional competence: special (personal and professional activity, the ability to project one's professional development) and social (joint professional activity) [2, p. 8]. After all, the professional competence of students is the main qualitative indicator of the educational process in a higher educational institution, and its achievement occurs by mastering the necessary competencies. Therefore, one of the main criteria for determining professional competence is success in activities and high productivity. Accordingly, A. Beh, T. Gumennikova, I. Kon, V. Sukhomlynskyi considers the personal aspect of professional competence to be the leading factor that determines the success of educational activities in higher education [4, p.15].

Semantically, the category «professional competence» belongs to the concepts «competence» and «competent». The term «competent» in its etymological basis comes from the Latin «competens» (competentis) - proper, appropriate: 1) experienced in a certain field, some issue; 2) authorized to resolve a case [9, p. 45]. A. Khutorsky defines general subject, subject, as well as key competencies, which in turn are divided into value-content, general cultural, educational-cognitive, informational, and communicative, and social-labor and personal self-improvement competence [7, p.5]. V. Bolotov distinguishes special, social, personal and individual as types of professional competence [2, p. 10]. In our opinion, the fundamental difference between competence and competence is that «competence» is an institutional concept that determines the status of a person, and «competence» is a functional concept that manifests itself in activity.

As evidenced by the review of foreign studies, there is no unity regarding the definition of the concept of «professional competence» (it is «competence» that is most often used in Ukrainian pedagogical studies). The essence of this concept is more often explained thanks to such categories as «readiness», «professionalism», «skill», «ability / ability».

It is impossible not to agree that the competence approach is not limited to narrow professional frameworks and is related to solving a wide range of social, cultural, psychological, physiological and other problems. Therefore, in a broad aspect, professional competence is “a set of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, experience, personal qualities, the dialectical course of which ensures the efficiency and effectiveness of activities” [1, p. 48].

To better understand the nature of the terms «competence» and «competence», let's turn to encyclopedic sources and dictionaries that reveal their multifacetedness and ambiguity. Translated from English, «competence» means: ability; competence, authority [11, p. 263]. Interpretive dictionaries of the English language interpret this concept as appropriateness, sufficiency, ability to perform a certain work, task and duty; mental abilities or general abilities and skills; property with the meaning «competent» [12]. That is, competence is a normative, ideal goal of the educational process that models the qualities of a future specialist, and competence is its result, the level of manifestation (formation), an area of actual development. From this point of view, competence is the general goal of professional training of future specialists, and professional competence is the result of the educational process in a higher educational institution, the level of its manifestation. This interpretation makes it possible to determine, as A. Khutorsky is convinced, general and individual in the content of competence education [7, p. 8].

The problem of professional training of future specialists is in the center of our attention in connection with the realization of its practical purpose. After all, professional knowledge, abilities and skills are important mechanisms that ensure and regulate the optimal interaction of students with the future profession. Therefore, it is worth noting that the term «professional competence» is characterized as «the ability to carry out functionally directed activity» [13, p. 105].

Thus, the competence of future specialists is an integrating component of their professional competence during higher education and is considered as «integrated professional knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities that ensure the effective performance of a function in professional activity and contribute to their further self-improvement and selfrealization in it» [6, p. 12].

Also, according to scientists, the structure of subjective factors of professional competence is united by: type of orientation, level of abilities, competence (special, professional, methodical, social-psychological, and differential-psychological) [3, p. 22]. Therefore, we distinguish three main components of this structure: personal, individual and professional knowledge and skills, that is, professional competence is determined by the level of self-development. Therefore, professional competence can be characterized as a condition for high-quality performance of activities, which is expressed in stable and effective work, in the ability to find an adequate rational solution to a professional problem in conditions of instability of various difficulties. However, practice proves that no educational institution has ever given and cannot give all the knowledge and skills that will be required of a graduate for his professional activity. This statement explains the specifics of knowledge, skills and personal qualities that scientists attribute to the composition of competence, which, in their opinion, is a consequence of self-organization and generalization of activity and personal experience. In other words, competence is a way of existence of knowledge, skills, personal self-realization and finding one's place in the world [12].

It should be noted that professional competence is a dynamic phenomenon, as it depends on many factors, in particular, on the level of morality of the individual and his qualification, which is determined by: the degree of professional training, the availability of knowledge, abilities and skills necessary to perform work; characteristic of a certain type of work, which is established depending on the complexity, accuracy and responsibility of the specialist.

To understand the essence of the «professional competence» phenomenon, it is necessary to analyze the issue of readiness of future specialists for educational activities. After all, in general, readiness for educational activities, in general for action, is interpreted as the mobilization of all psychophysical systems of a person, which ensure the effective performance of certain actions. That is why the problems of readiness to perform professional activities were so widely covered in the studies of scientists: K. Durai-Novakova, V. Ilyina, N. Sergeeva, V. Slastyonina etc. It is rightly considered that the content of readiness for professional activity combines awareness of the role and social responsibility, the desire to actively (independently, creatively) perform professional tasks, the attitude (mood) for the actualization and mobilization of the relevant qualities, knowledge and skills acquired in a higher educational institution. After all, readiness is a natural result of a broadly professional orientation, which implies professional education, upbringing, self-education and professional self-determination. Also, professional readiness includes emotional stability, professional thinking, that is, such thinking that allows you to penetrate into the cause-and- effect relationships of the educational process, adapt your activities to the search for a scientifically based explanation of successes and failures, predict the results of work [6, p. 21].

It should be noted that readiness is a certain personal formation, which includes three mutually determined components: motivational, cognitive, emotional and volitional. Moreover, the motivational component of readiness determines the attitude of the future specialist to the activity; the cognitive component includes a set of integrated knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for this work; the emotional-volitional component implies purposefulness, perseverance, efficiency, self-organization and self-control.

A professionally competent person is able to rationally use the entire set of civilized experience in one or another field, which means that he has sufficient knowledge of the methods and forms of professional activity. Scientists identify the following as structural components of professional competence:

All the mentioned components of professional competence are closely intertwined, forming a complex structure that forms the «ideal model» of a specialist, determining his personal and activity characteristics, since competence is revealed and can be assessed only in the course of activity and only within the limits of a specific profession.

Fig. 1. Structural components of professional competence

profession competence student innovative

Taking into account the different approaches of scientists to the interpretation of professional competence, it can be concluded that professional competence is certain individual properties of the subject of professional activity, which are necessary and sufficient for its implementation at a normatively specified level and which are significantly and positively correlated with its main effective parameters - quality, accuracy, productivity, reliability. This is a skill that consists of a set of professional knowledge and skills and the ability to apply them in one's practical activities.

The process of forming a professional orientation is generally determined as a purposeful, organized, pedagogically guided process of instilling in students a value orientation regarding the chosen activity, to the professionally important motives of this activity, the development of professional abilities and needs for personal self-realization in the chosen profession. That is why the formation of a person's professional orientation cannot happen spontaneously, but requires theoretical thinking, reasonableness and sufficient efficiency in the system of organizing the educational process. The combination of knowledge and professional skills of the teacher contributes to the successful implementation of the educational process and its mutual understanding with students. He not only introduces students to the theory and practice of the chosen profession, but also explains, directs the students' activities, organizes the pedagogical process in such a way as to achieve the desired results, namely, to educate true professionals in their field. For the successful training of future specialists, it is necessary to teach them critical thinking and thoughtful decision-making. The teacher contributes to the comprehensive development of the individual, which ensures his readiness for mental and physical work as a bearer of high moral and intellectual qualities, aesthetic and cultural values, with versatile spiritual and material needs, perfect physical development. He must be able to apply his knowledge in working with a student audience. This activity requires an analysis of the individual and psychological characteristics of students, taking into account the type of nervous system (choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine), the ability to influence the emotional sphere of the personality along with the intellectual one, manage and control the attention of the audience, etc. A teacher must master not only the science of teaching, but also the art of communicating with students. It is known that the process of assimilation of educational subjects affects emotions, thinking, mnemonic activity and volitional qualities of the personality of students. While the teacher needs to be able to model the educational process in accordance with the modern requirements of science and practice and taking into account three interrelated aspects of this process: personal, procedural-psychological and pedagogical [10, p. 25].

It should be noted that any profession is associated with various aspects of communication. Therefore, in the matter of the organization of education, it is important to emphasize the establishment of interaction between the teacher and students and between students. In the process of learning management, a flexible work style is necessary, when the thinking work of students to acquire knowledge takes place in a friendly manner in accordance with the assigned task. Therefore, management of the learning process in a democratic style presupposes the equal and active participation of all team members in solving the tasks of the learning process.

Conclusions and suggestions

Therefore, the conducted analysis allows us to interpret professional competence as a special ability of an individual, which has natural features in the form of certain socio-psychological properties and acquires further development as a result of a person's acquisition of life experience and in the process of interpersonal interaction. This type of competence includes a set of communicative, perceptive, interactive knowledge and skills. That is why, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical theories discussed above, it can be said that scientific substantiation of the essence of the professional competence of future specialists is possible under the condition of conducting a scientific study, the main tasks of which are to identify social and psychological patterns of its development, determine the level of formation, develop the structure of competence and features its formation.


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